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"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt Redux Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk From the Past check out the following: *ALL Blurbs and Special Shows are Copyrighted Alan Watt |
Dec. 18, 2022 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past) Posthumanist via Pandemics and Pathocracy Ancient Religions, Symbol of Beehive as Perfect Society - Scientific Dictatorship - Royal Chartered Societies, RIIA, CFR, NGOs - "Rogue Nations" - Democracy - Aldous Huxley, Tavistock Institute - Julian Huxley, UNESCO. Prof. Carroll Quigley, New Feudal System - United Nations Agenda 21 - "Brave New World" - Perfected Slaves - Brain Chipping of Population - Charitable Institutions - British Empire, Free Trade, John Dee - Secret Societies - "Illuminati", "Illumined Ones" - Eugenics, "Bioethics" Committees - Inbred Psychopaths - Hype of "Terror" Everywhere - China, UN Model State - West Funded Soviet Union and China - United Americas, Europe, Pacific Rim - New Age Movement, CIA, MI6 - Ignoring the "Negative" - Mandates of High Freemasonry - Scottish Rite's magazine "The New Age" - Rosicrucians, Britain, Elitist Agenda, "Hidden Masters" - Monitoring of Mail, Tracking Chips (via Cell Phone Towers) - Predictability - Propaganda, "Experts" - Scientific Mind Control. Dialogue Copyrighted CTTM - Dec. 18, 2022 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Redux links: Abracadabra - by Not Sure Redux 90 - BitChute Video Cecil Rhodes, the Roundtable Movement and Eugenics Tavistock Institute: Building Absolute Mind Control for the New World Order UNESCO: Indoctrinating Humanity With Collectivist ‘Education’ American Federation of Teachers Sells Out to Rockefellers, Trilateralists, and Big Tech (Aug. 2021) NEA World Order (Sept. 2021) America’s Largest Teachers’ Unions Push Vaccine Mandates That Will Usher in Technocratic Digital ID (Nov. 2021) How Education International is Pushing Teachers’ Unions into the 4th Industrial Revolution (Dec. 2021) Education International, ITUC and the Global Push to Inject the 4IR and Transhumanism into Schools (Mar. 2022) A flu pandemic NOT TERROR is our biggest threat, says Brown (2008) Grade 2 Student Dies Suddenly - Dr. William Makis Six kids have died in British Columbia attributed to the flu?!? Dr. William Makis questions the narrative Amazing Speech ! Australian Liberal Senator Exposes Excess Deaths & Vaccine Injury Coverup Vaccine dangers, UK Parliament debate Estimation of Technology Convergence (by 2035) – US Army War College Dec. 11, 2022 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past) Despicable, Overlords Make You Completely Predictable CFR-RIIA - Brain Mapping and Psychological Testing - Data Collection for Predictability - Front Companies - Electronic Tattoos and Monitoring Microchips - Creation of More Efficient Workers - "De-radicalizing" the Brain - Dogmas of Sciences, Neuroscience - Genocide, Eradication of Peoples - Highland Clearances - Destruction of Cultures - GIRFEC, State-Appointed Guardians - Drugs Imported into Countries - Failing NHS - Slovenia Downgraded - DNA Swabs - Movement into Texas. Dialogue Copyrighted CTTM - Dec. 11, 2022 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Redux links: But only God can make a tree. - by Not Sure Redux 89 - BitChute Video Transcript of "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt Live on RBN "Despicable, Overlords Make You Completely Predictable" June 4, 2013 Elon Musk Says First Human Neuralink Trial Could Be Six Months Away Scotland has highest drug death rate in EU Scotland drug deaths: Glasgow records 291 drug-related deaths in 2020 Google and the NSA Connection (Video) INFERTILITY: A Diabolical Agenda Documentary - Depopulation Agenda 21 (2022 documentary) New Zealand court takes custody of Baby Will (Video) Awesome moment from Australian Senate… (Video) COVID-19 Vaccines: What They Are, How They Work and Possible Causes of Injuries (Video) Gov’t Criminally Ignoring Vax-injured Living in Hell on Earth Dec. 4, 2022 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past) Better Think to See Who's "Us", Who're "We" Education System - Past Agricultural Society, Peasants - Internal Controls through Religion - Movement into Industrial Cities - Obedience to Authority - Culture Creation Industry - Neuroscience, Movies and Advertising - Radical Groups for Rebellion - Leaders saying "We" and "Us" - Ideology of Saving - The Global Society - Human Nature and Power Impulse - Utopias - Eternal Optimists - Militarization - Materialism in the West - Specialists Maintaining Order - True Freedom and Restraints - Stage of Democracy - Self-Policing - Expansionism, Empire Building and Patriotism - Marxism Taught in Universities - Religion and Basic Values of Human Experience - Shock Weaponry - Technotronic Warfare, Wi-Fi, Cellphone Towers and Antennas Broadcasting - Radio Shows and Emotional Topics - Public Taught to Compete - Cartels and Monopolization - Destruction of Communities, Amalgamation into City-States - Mechanization of Labour - Expanding Government Departments - US Constitution and Branches of Government - Charters for Corporations - Chemicals and Waste Products Added to Food - Brave New World - Drugging of Society - Authorized Pharmaceutical and Illicit Drugs - Monitoring of the Public - Pre-Crime - Freedom to Question. Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 8, 2014 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Redux links: How are We today? - by Not Sure REDUX 88 - BitChute video REDUX 88 - Odysee video Transcript - Alan Watt Cutting Through the Matrix "Better Think to See Who's "Us", Who're "We"" June 8, 2014 England No Longer Majority Christian UK Govt Prosecutors Argue Parts of Bible ‘No Longer Appropriate in Modern Society’ Woke California teacher who identifies as 'trans demi-boy non-binary' is teaching kids about gender and pronouns using 'gender-fluid' stuffed UNICORN and narwhal Learning for Justice - Skye Tooley Hooded Kanye West praises Nazis during Alex Jones interview: ‘I see good things about Hitler’ Bill 36: Bringing Gulag to British Columbia British Columbia Bill C-36, drafted in secret, lays the groundwork for forced vaccination for any illness the government chooses Trudeau Advances Transgenderism As A Core Canadian Value Nov. 27, 2022 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past) Control over Minions from Ancient Times Meant Studying Prey then Disabling Minds Please support the talks and websites with your orders and donations - We Live in a Very Old System - Solon - Knowledge is Power - Albert Pike said We Make No Apologies for Nature - Plato on The Art of Memorizing - Empires and the Understanding of Human Nature - Elite Always Intermarry - Be Still in Your Mind to Learn - Extraneous Entertainment - City-States are the Beehives - Language is Coded - Carroll Quigley was Historian for Council on Foreign Relations - Pharmaceutical Drugs - Legalizing Marijuana - Arthur C. Clarke's 2001, 2010 and 3001, and Childhood's End - Eugenics, Winners and Losers - Freemasonry, There are No Moral Absolutes - Rudyard Kipling - MK-ULTRA, Psychic Driving - Sex, Drugs, Rock and Roll - Theo Adorno, Frankfurt School - Destruction of Family Unit - Youth Culture, Teenager, Separate the Generations - In Orwell's 1984 there were Virgins Groups, Agenda of Separating Men from Women Continues Today - Situation Ethics - Royal Institute of International Affairs - Soap Opera Drama of Politics - Me Too Movement - Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals, The Weather Underground - Trump's Speech at the United Nations - Netanyahu - Gen. Wesley Clark - PNAC - Politicians and Arms Industry - Philip May - Hillary Clinton - Private Police in Britain - Canada and Marijuana Industry. Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sep. 30, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Redux links: Nothing was true but everything felt real - by Not Sure Redux 87 video Transcript of Alan Watt's Sep. 30, 2018 blurb "Control over Minions from Ancient Times Meant Studying Prey then Disabling Minds" G20 leaders declare global digital health network Singapore opens first physical 6G lab Our Alliance is creating smart city governance - World Economic Forum ‘SMART CITIES’ Worldwide Being Converted Into ‘Open Concentration Camps,’ Says Ex-Silicon Valley Engineer Turned Whistleblower Permanent Climate Lockdowns: The "15 Minute Cities" Are Coming The madness of the ‘15-minute city’ Oxford set to cut its famous traffic jams by degrees Future of Humanity Institute Elevating the Human Condition - Advancing science and technology for a better future. Answering the critics of "Died Suddenly" My response to the Documentary: Died Suddenly Dr Mike Yeadon: Why the Depopulation Agenda is Real and What We Can Do About It Dr. Ryan Cole: Sudden Adult Death Syndrome and Covid Shots Ontario College of Physicians recommends ‘medication’ and ‘psychotherapy’ to encourage COVID vaccination Babies born with disabilities being considered for assisted suicide - Canada Medical Assistance in Dying Activity Book The Vaccine Is a Virus Nov. 20, 2022 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past) Pharmaceutical Soldier, On a Cocktail of Drugs to Flatten Emotions Poverty as a "Mental Illness" - Class Systems; Drugs, Homelessness - Documentaries, Oxyana; Hidden America: Children of the Mountains; Seattle is Dying - Free Trade - Destruction of Cultures and Nations; Purpose has Been Destroyed - Destruction of Family; Indoctrination by Education; Weaponized Entertainment - Empires - People are Expendable Under Communism - Visit www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com and Please Donate - Military; The Super Soldier; Pharmaceuticals; Alcohol; Flattened Emotional Responses; PTSD, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - Doctors, The System of Medicine; Antidepressants. Dialogue Copyrighted CTTM - Nov. 20, 2022 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Redux links: Pleased to Meet You, Hope You Guess My Name - by Not Sure Redux 86 - BitChute Video Winter Soldier (1972) - US veterans testified war crimes in Vietnam. Pharma Loaded U.S. Soldier Part 1: Taking Inventory of Risks 4 Soviet Deserters Tell of Cruel Afghanistan War Association between Agent Orange and birth defects: systematic review and meta-analysis Veteran and Military Mental Health Issues Substance use disorders in military veterans: prevalence and treatment challenges Oxyana Seattle is Dying A Hidden America: Children of the Mountains (intro) Nov. 13, 2022 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past) Psychiatric Drugs for Healthy Mugs Media - Governments, Legislation, Full-Time Lobbyists, NGOs - Sustainability, Eugenics, Disposable Workers - Predictive Programming, Censor Part of Brain Down. "THX 1138" movie, Drugged and Monitored Society - Aldous Huxley - Elite View of Humanity, "Happy Animals" - Psychiatric Associations, Elimination of "Defective Genes". Intellectual Class (Easily Influenced) - Mental Illness, "Antiquated Ideals" - Drugging - Big Pharma, Tranquilizers, Valium - Cognitive "Enhancement" Drugs, Military, Students. Stimulants, Amphetamines, Ritalin (Speed), ADD, ADHD - Uppers and Downers - "Therapeutic" Doping - Side-Effects - Drug Abuse - Olympic Games, Creation of "Superman". Population Decline Projections - New Type of Man. Books, Libraries - C.G. Darwin - A.C. Clarke, "3001", Science Fiction. Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 18, 2008 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Redux links: The pink pill makes you sleepy, the orange pill makes you smart - by Not Sure Redux 85 Bitchute Video Flowing sewage, bewildering signs, lack of water: COP27 faces logistics nightmares Use of “Smart Drugs” on the Rise (2018) We need to increase research into psychedelics for veterans with PTSD (2022) Could Psychedelic Medicine Help People Living With Memory Loss? (2022) Hacking Brains: Enhancing Soldier Cognitive Performance (2020) The ethics of AI-assisted warfighter enhancement research and experimentation: Historical perspectives and ethical challenges (2022) Canadian Defence Research and Development’s “Identifying Ethical Issues of Human Enhancement Technologies in the Military” (2017) Neuroenhancements in the Military: A Mixed-Method Pilot Study on Attitudes of Staff Officers to Ethics and Rules (2022) A Successful Artificial Memory Has Been Created (2019) Elon Musk to demo Neuralink ‘brain chip’ that lets you control computers with your mind next month Nov. 6, 2022 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past) The Dream of Green will Make You Scream Lenin, Blend of Capitalist and Communist, World Run by Experts - United Nations, Think Tanks - CFR, RIIA , Vietnam War - Lord Milner, Balfour Declaration, Palestine, Sir Storrs. Bankers, Foundations and Fronts - Chatham House, OSS, CIA, MI6 - Training Future Leaders, Children - Media Propaganda - UN Convention on Rights of the Child (No Rights for Parents). Madeline Albright, Iraq Embargo Death Toll - Bernays, Manipulation, Exploitation of Public, Consumerism - Separation of Generations - Degrees of Autism. TV, Video Games, Desensitization to Violence - Sex Education - Destruction of Bonding and Families - Sterilization and Neutering. Reduction to Manageable Population Level - Transhumanism, Elite "Wild Animals" and Golem - Eugenics - Creeds, Continual Policy - World Wars. Dialogue Copyrighted CTTM - Nov. 6, 2022 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Redux links: Transhumanism, revolution, re-education: The LIE made CREED Redux 84 - BitChute Video OVERGAMES: Re-education as a Permanent Revolution | Lutz Dammbeck (2015) How Elites Will Create a New Class of Slaves | Whitney Webb | The Glenn Beck Podcast | Ep 162 US citizens were given secret Covid “decree violation” scores Oct. 30, 2022 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past) The World Resets, The Dog Paddles, Filling Pockets in Ukraine, Terror! Food Battles. Lockdown, Stopping of Commerce, Life - Don't Vote for W.H.O. - World Economic Forum (WEF), Antifa Not Protesting Them - Anti-War Rallies - Brzezinski, The Clenched Fist, Revolution, Hegelian Dialectic - Constant Change, Radicalizing Young People - Carroll Quigley - Cartoons for Children, Right into Adulthood - Bertrand Russell, Function of Parents is to Clothe and Feed Children, the State will Give Them Their Values - Free Trade - - Movie, Heartland, with Anthony Hopkins; Bureaucratic Control Over Farming - Service Economy; Elimination of Import Taxes - WEF on Board with U.N. Sustainability Programs, Elimination of Family, Austerity, Depopulation - Privatization of Infrastructure, Essential Services, Fuel, Water - U.S. Scandals in Ukraine - European Union - Bill Gates; Sterilization; H.G. Wells, A Modern Utopia - Given Entertainment, Happy, Silly Songs; Rome Burned While Nero Fiddled - Satirical Movie, Oh, What a Lovely War - We're a Herd, Charles Fort said We're Farmed - The Beehive Represents the Perfect System; The Royal Society; Eugenics - Prince Philip - Wars are Very Profitable for the Elite - People can't Think when They're Terrorized - Scientists and Academics with an Impressive String of Letters Behind Their Names - High Priests; Standing Stones - Knowledge is Power. Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 7, 2020 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Redux links: How the West Was Won or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Dirty Bomb or There are No Good Guys in This Movie - by Not Sure Redux 83 video Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks at a think tank event Russia Slammed for 'Food Terrorism' After Suspending Ukraine Grain Deal Adam Curtis on the fall of the Soviet Union's worrying parallels with modern Britain Russia 1985–1999: TraumaZone (Adam Curtis documentary, 2020) Putin seemingly uses speech to appeal to conservatives abroad Vladimir Putin says ‘dirty bomb’ claims to Nato were made on his orders Russian agents may have hacked former British PM Liz Truss's phone School Strike for Climate - Wikipedia Around the World, Students Are Ready to Occupy Campuses for Climate Action Head of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards warns that Saturday is ‘last day’ of protests WEF Bills Davos 2021 As The 'Great Reset' (2020) Prince Charles announces ‘Great Reset Programme’ in bid to save planet after coronavirus pandemic (2020) Post-virus green reset urged for divided, ailing economies (2020) Brace Yourself For 'The Great Reset' (2017) How Free Trade Is (Still) Killing America Keith Wilson Explains Dismissal of Peckford's Charter Challenge, Emergencies Act Inquiry ‘Globalist’ Is an Antisemitic Slur That Should Be Banned, Argues Legacy Media Heartland (1989) Oct. 23, 2022 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past) Nothing New Under the Sun Encouragement of Each Individual to Be Concerned Only with Immediate Environment; Cut-off from Bigger Picture - Withholding of Data - Promotion of Trivia - Nothing is Given to Public that Might Upset the System - Topics of Debate, Entertainment, Information - Monitoring of Public and All Buying and Selling - Francis Bacon's "New Atlantis" - Nuclear Energy - Atomist organizations of Ancient Greece - ATOM=ADAM (Microcosm) - Psychological Warfare - Giving Up Before Anything Starts - Elitist Utopia Run by Intellectuals - Rosicrucians - Pyramid Schemes - Hereditary nobility - Lords - Wigs (Curls-Degrees) - Feb. 1929 Magazine Article (listen to blurb for article source) - Babies Will Be Produced by Chemists in Laboratories (Year 2029) - Changing Institution of Marriage - Life-expectancy - Synthetic Food - Climate Alteration - Scientific Discoveries Altering Human Life - Physics - World Supply of Cheap Energy - Atomic Energy - Geographic Alteration - Harnessing Wind Power - Tidal Energy - Reducing Speed of Earth's Rotation - 48 hour day - Wireless Telephones - Stereoscopic Television, (in color) - Computer voting. New Chemical Substances for "Human Enjoyment" - Realization of "Secrets of Living Chemistry" of Human Body - Life-extension - Solving "Mysteries" of Human Heredity - Eugenics - Intelligent Combinations of "Suitable Genes" - Ectogenic Birth - Ectogenesis - Reactions of Public Figured Out and Overcome in Advance - Breeding a Nation of "Industrial Dullards" (Morons) - Planned Society - Ectogenic Slave of Future (happy doing his task) - Worker Bee - Robot - GOLEM - Laboratory-grown Meats - "Chemical Nourishment" - Agriculture as a "rich man's hobby." (Song: "Keep Your Eyes on Palestine" by Larry Norman). Dialogue Copyrighted CTTM - Oct. 23, 2022 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Redux links: The Teacher - by Not Sure Redux 82 - BitChute video Children’s Health Defense Announces the Premiere of ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’ Movie WELCOME TO THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI ONLINE SCREENING! Designer babies? Hi-tech preimplantation genetic testing may soon come to Israel Bill Gates: Rich nations should shift entirely to synthetic beef The Real Reason Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and Google Want You to Eat Lab-Grown ‘Meat’ St. Catharines man facing homelessness considers assisted death an option Oct. 16, 2022 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past) New World Order Coming into View: Psychopathy and Man's Fallen Nature Fascism at top, people below are run under Communism - Homeland Security spies, including postmen - Destruction of Islamic religion and culture - Versailles Treaty - World War I and II - Financing of Hitler and I.G. Farben - Armaments - "Making money when blood is flowing in the streets" - Nero and Tacitus - Safety "precautions" aimed toward female - Farce of advertising - Selling "happiness" - "KNOW THYSELF" - Question of Good and Evil - World of Matter and Spirit - Need to contact something higher - Mind is universe contained within - Conscience - "Soul-Mate" explained - Psychopathic culture is given from top, by inbred Psychopaths - John Stuart Mill - Races and peoples useful to dominant minority - Zionism (levels of) funded by British Establishment - Balfour Declaration - Setting up a new "Ulster" in Middle East - State of Israel - Lord Storrs - Palestine - Saxe-Coburg-Gotha royalty from Prussia - Perpetual childhood of Socialism. Dialogue Copyrighted CTTM - Oct. 16, 2022 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Redux links: Fall into Matter or Find Your Soul Mate - by Not Sure Redux 81 - BitChute video Beware of the QR Code, Remember Agenda ID2020? World Economic Forum: 114 manufacturers are leading the adoption of advanced technologies World Economic Forum: Global Lighthouse Network Global Lighthouse Network They Don’t Own Us and that makes Them very Unhappy… COVERT 'CYBORGISATION' is being IMPLEMENTED through the C19 'BIO-CHEMICAL' Weapon PLATFORMS ! Red Cross: More people are now eligible to give blood Whose war is the US fighting in Syria, and why? Iran’s youthful protests stoke uncertainty among political elite Oct. 9, 2022 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past) Servants of the Future: New Types of Purpose-Made Human Beings Giving an in-depth education of history - Public are given fairy-tale version. Nothing happens by chance in this world, including terrorism - Nothing can remain secret. War on Terror is War OF Terror. Carroll Quigley book: "Tragedy and Hope". Recruitment of top scientists in universities - Holding on to power by not sharing it. Project for a New American Century (1990's) - Invasion of Afghanistan-Iraq-Iran-Syria - Pearl Harbor scale event to gain public opinion (9-11). Twin Towers destruction - Jachin and Boaz - Representing destruction of old man and woman, bringing in new purpose made human - Ides of September - Self-born god from head of Zeus. I.D. Ideal Design - Perfect efficiency - Golem (artificial slave created by magic). Lobotomy of public - Elite will remain unaltered - Inoculation (vaccination) autism link. "The Noble Lie": "You can't tell the little people (the truth), they wouldn't understand, poor dears." Integration of intelligence services and security forces. Overpopulation and "Useless eaters" - Malthus - Depopulation of rural areas. New cities in Middle East - Bahrain. Mark of the Beast - The System itself. Politics is a drama for public consumption - Puts public to sleep, thinking they have rights. Police Officers are now Law Enforcement - Wearing black uniform of executioner. Dialogue Copyrighted CTTM - Oct. 9, 2022 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Redux links: Urbanization, Affluence, and Education of Women is the Death Knell of Humanity - by Weston Gilson Demographers Warn of Impending Population Collapse Excess Mortality Doubled for Americans Aged 35 to 44: Edward Dowd on New Society of Actuaries Data Fertility, mortality, migration, and population scenarios for 195 countries and territories from 2017 to 2100: a forecasting analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study BBC Horizon Season 32 Episode 14 Assault on the Male Why more men are suffering from infertility than ever before Female Education and Childbearing: A Closer Look at the Data Putin’s Annexation Speech: What Did He REALLY Say? COVID Jab mRNA Detected in Human Breastmilk New Report: 5G Rollout is Slower in Europe than in China, South Korea, and U.S. Global Planned Financial Tsunami Has Just Begun Beware of the QR Code, Remember Agenda ID2020? WEF Gives Canada Over $100 Million to Create Biometric ‘Digital Identity Project’ The Kissinger Continuum: The Unauthorized History of the WEF’s Young Global Leaders Program Redux 80 - BitChute video Oct. 2, 2022 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past) News: Anything to keep them a little bit removed from reality. Late 1960s British Television Episode, The News Benders, Donald Pleasance, "The news is the most perfected form of fiction" - Al Gore, An Inconvenient Spoof - The Persona of Jeffrey Epstein - Total Control Over Speech - 5G is Part of the Whole New Way of Living - Manipulation of Psyche and Emotions - Abortion, Euthanasia - Crowds are Easy to Create - The Money System - Farming - Energy, Technocracy - The Georgia Guidestones - Infertility in the West - Arsonists - Australia, Police Mentality Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sep. 20, 2020 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Redux links: Above the Fray - By Not Sure Redux 79 - BitChute Video News Benders (BBC, 1968) #REVELATIONOFTHEMETHOD Health Officials Admit Bill Gates Runs the World (Dr. Mercola Membership site) How Bill Gates and his partners took over the global Covid response Bill Gates says telling people to stop eating meat and buying big houses will never solve climate change Bill Gates tells San Diego audience that genomics is key technology for dodging the next global pandemic Gore Says Climate Crisis Is Like ‘Hike Through Book of Revelation’ Sep. 18, 2022 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past) Energy Poverty's Solution to Confusion Original Broadcast March 12, 2017 - Limiting Options to Heat Yourself - Adults Play-Acting - Escapism - Conditioning Through Entertainment and Education - Technocracy - Agreements with United Nations - Agenda 21 - Agenda 2030 - Earth Worship - Sustainable Development - Constant Conditioning - Marxism - Bolshevik System - Everything Starts Off as Something to "Help" - DARPA - Arrogance of Governments - NGOs - Standardization - Common Core - George Orwell's 1984 - Margaret Thatcher - Inner Party of RIIA - CFR - Trilateral Group - Technocrats - CIA - Intelligence Agencies Working Together - Canada to Help Ukraine Modernize its Military - Germany's Energy Poverty - Tax Hike for Britain's Solar Industry - Smart Cities - 5G System and Internet of Things - Total Information Awareness Network - European Union - Canada's Smart City Plans - Efficiency. Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Mar. 12, 2017 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Redux links: Audio, links and topics - "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt - "Energy Poverty's Solution to Confusion" - March 12, 2017 Supposin’ Supposin’ Your Wee Toes are Frozen - by Not Sure Trancript - "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt - "Energy Poverty's Solution to Confusion" - March 12, 2017 Redux 78 BitChute VIDEO - "Energy Poverty's Solution to Confusion" The DCDC Global Strategic Trends Programme 2007-2036 Sustainable Debt Slavery - Iain Davis and Whitney Webb Switzerland considers JAILING anyone who heats rooms above 19C Hungary imposes heating limit Life in Blackout Britain: Experts warn energy rationing this winter Saudi 'surveillance city': Would you sell your data to The Line? Turning Our Dead into Fertilizer Actress Milana Vayntrub revisits her abortion at 22 years old. She thought of it as "a polyp that needed to be removed." Sep. 11, 2022 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past) From Chaos come Columns of Young Eager Truth Seekers, Who then Sacrifice their Minds to System-Supplied Leaders Original Broadcast August 12, 2018 - Carroll Quigley, Leaders of the Parties all Belong to the Same Organizations - Trilateral Commission - 9/11 - Wealthy Middle Classes Come into Countries Driving Up Real Estate Prices - Survival Redoubts in New Zealand for the Ultra-Wealthy - Mass Migration Not Happening by Chance - The World is Managed - Layers of Intelligence Agencies - Movie, Enemy of the State - Club of Rome Came Up with the Excuse for Agenda, Man is the Enemy - Eugenics - Junk Genes the Reason the Elite Give for Your Failure to Be Successful - Sterility Across the West - Culling the Herd - Machiavelli, Scheming of Royalty throughout History - Addicting Youth to Tech - From Game-Playing Straight into Military - BBC Program on Nudging People - Behaviour Modification - Bubble Gum Entertainment - A Scientifically Managed System - Social Approval, Social Disapproval - Long-Term Planning by Social Engineers - H.G. Wells, Fabian Society, RIIA - Know Thyself - Movie, Wag the Dog - Intolerance by Controllers - IMF, World Bank, Interfering with Culture - Nations Must Push the Agenda to get the Loan - Canada and Saudi Arabia - Canada, Removing Statues of John A. Macdonald - Knife Attacker had Marijuana Induced Psychosis - Jury Rules Roundup is Cancerous. Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Aug. 12, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Redux links: Alan Watt "From Chaos come Columns of Young Eager Truth Seekers, Who then Sacrifice their Minds to System-Supplied Leaders" Aug. 12, 2018 I was having tea with a Troglodyte when Building 7 collapsed. - by Not Sure Removing John A. Macdonald: 'Historical vandalism' or step toward reconciliation? THE 9/11 READER. The September 11, 2001 Terror Attacks Bomb Informer's Tapes Give Rare Glimpse of F.B.I. Dealings No one in this town is ever going to sleep again - CBS News.htm Here’s a simple way to convince people to eat less meat The Covid Vaccine and Infertility, Sterility, Excess Deaths and SADS The super-rich ‘preppers’ planning to save themselves from the apocalypse Redux 77 - Video Sep. 4, 2022 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past) From Slime to Divine - Darwin's Repackaged Religion and The New Age Original Broadcast March 6, 2008 - (Book: "America, the Sorcerer's New Apprentice: The Rise of New Age Shamanism" by Dave Hunt and Thomas A. McMahon.) (Song: "Circle Game" by Joni Mitchell.) Cultural Changes, Perception - Philosophers, Egypt, Greece, Sumeria, Aristocracy - Selected Knowledge, Preordained Conclusions. Perennial Religion, Nature Worship, Hinduism, Reincarnation. "Universal Consciousness" - Neoplatonists, Alexandria, Plato, Hegelian Argument - Logic - Atomists - Mystery Religions. Life Extension, Genetic Enhancement - Illusion of Shared Power - Fear of Death - Psychopathic Types. Concept of "Equality" - Elites' Planned Destiny - Hermaphrodite Symbol - Ancient Gnostic Gospels, Gospel of Thomas, New Testament, Heaven. "Hidden Masters" - New Age Movement, Gurus, Leaders - Hypnosis - Perpetual "Happiness". Television, People Watching, Identification, Indoctrination - Political Ideas for Social Change, Adaptation. Rosicrucians, Masonic Groups, "Higher Consciousness" - "Supermind" - Repetition, Opinions - "Ascension to Godhood". Devils and Angels, "Holy Marriage" - Labels of Deity - Satanism - Rationalization of Insanity. "Course in Miracles", New Age, Funding. Use of the "Stars" - Public Mimic - Shirley MacLaine - Visualization - Blending of Science and Religion - Old Shamanism. Endless Cycle of Karma and Wheel of Reincarnation - Problem of Evil - Yoga - Original Buddhism - Eugenics - Dogma. Mythologies, "Battles" - Rebuilding of "Imperfect" World and Man - Obsession with Order. Channelling "Spirits" - Caution - Ancient Demonology, Legion (Many, but One) - "We're All One". Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Mar. 6, 2008 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Redux links: Audio, topics - Alan Watt Blurb - "From Slime to Divine - Darwin's Repackaged Religion and The New Age" - March 6, 2008 What exactly are you channeling? - by Not Sure Transcript - Alan Watt Blurb - "From Slime to Divine - Darwin's Repackaged Religion and The New Age" - March 6, 2008 Redux 76 - Video ‘I literally lost organs:’ Why detransitioned teens regret changing genders Tavistock transgender clinic could face mass legal action Jennifer Aniston’s new spiritual guru channels Jesus, talks to dead people In Good Spirits - Carissa Schumacher channels the dead for her A-list celebrity clients. Aug. 28, 2022 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past) Religion, Rosy-Cross, Reformation, Revolution and World Republic (Capitalizing Communism "For the Third Way") Original Broadcast March 7, 2007 - Alchemists in the Sky, Getting Outside Your Box, Generational Separation, Revolutions - Rosicrucian - Cabbalistic - Freemasonic Societies, Theocracy, Kings and the Vatican, Indoctrinated Accepted Opinions, Church and State, Lutheran Revolution, State Religion, Carl Gustave Young - "The Undiscovered Self" Book, Sigmund Freud, Freudian Doctrine - Man as a Higher Animal - Conditioned Reflexes and Responses - Products of Our Environment, Jung - Opposition of Mundane Atheistic View, Human Psyche, Soviet System Combined with Capitalist System = Third Way, Individual Psyche, Collective Rituals - Custom - Social Doctrine, Churches - Registered and Authorized by the State - Tax Exemption, Ethics, Conventional Morality, Inner Transcendent Experience, Mass-Man, Heretics, The Party Boss, Magic and Superstition, Dictators - Brass Bands, The Real Power Behind the Fiction of the State, Worship of the State, Marketing Ideas into Your Head, Communal Communities, Human Vegetables, "Utopia" Created by Experts, Bureaucratic View of People as Numbers and Statistics, Selling Experiences and Fortune-Telling, Individual Experience That Matter, Mental and Psychic Health, Ugly Face of Fanaticism, Metaphysics, Those Who Understand, Stating Things as They Are, Worry and Anxiety that Leaves With Understanding, Separation of the Genders - Destruction of the Family Unit - Communist Manifesto, Courage to Go Against the Mass. Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Mar. 7, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Redux links: Original audio, topics - Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt - "Religion, Rosy-Cross, Reformation, Revolution and World Republic (Capitalizing Communism "For the Third Way")" March 7, 2007 What is Truth? - by Not Sure Transcript - Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt - "Religion, Rosy-Cross, Reformation, Revolution and World Republic (Capitalizing Communism "For the Third Way")" March 7, 2007 Important Announcements from CTTM - Cutting Through the Matrix AlanWattCTTM - Bitchute AlanWattCTTM - YouTube Recycled Wind Turbines Could Be Made into Plexiglass, Diapers or Gummy Bears Little evidence that chemical imbalance causes depression, UCL scientists find Big Pharma May Have Made Billions Based On A Falsehood About Depression, New Research Shows Darick Chamberlin Interview with Dr. Richard Noll Aug. 21, 2022 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past) Pulling the Plug on Health Care Oblivion to Tyranny - Wars over Privacy. British National Health Service - "Tagged" Patients according to "Standing", Resuscitation Rights - Waiting Lists. Manitoba, Canada - Destruction of Old System, State gives Values - Eugenics - Worth of Human Life - Medical Infallibility - Euthanasia, Termination. New Computers, Shared Computer Data (with Intelligence Services) - "The Bait" - "Convenience". United Nations, World Government - British Columbia Carbon Tax on Fuels - Taxing You to "Save the Planet" - Environmental Groups. Troglodytes, Cave-Dwellers - "First Great Builders" - "Indiana Jones" movie - Ethiopia, Churches in Mountains - Custom of Killing 40-Year-Olds - Hurrians, Aryans, Horites. Ancient Mythology - Tribe of Manasseh and Mountain-Dwellers - Northern India, Brahmans - Mount Ararat - Tacitus, Druids - Greek Legends, Mt. Parnassus. "Aliens" and "Greys" - Tesserated Chessboard, Black and White Squares - Masonic "Grey Men". Knowing the Past and the Agenda - British Empire, Poverty, Elite in London, Price and Wage Fixing. Ancient Religions, Systems, Forms of Slavery - Priests - Roman Slavery - Charles Galton Darwin. Gnosticism - Kabbalah, Egyptian Book of the Dead - Numerology, Chaldean - Sacred Names and Numbers of God - Coding - Later Gnostic Groups, Separation of Male and Female. "Lord of the World", Demiurgos, Jehovah - Creator Deity - Paganism, "Godhood". Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Mar. 7, 2008 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Redux links: Original audio, links, topics - "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt Live on RBN - "Pulling the Plug on Health Care" Mar. 7, 2008 Help! I've fallen off my pedestal and I can't get up! - by Not Sure Transcript - Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: "Pulling the Plug on Health Care" - March 7, 2008 Brazen new world | Jerusalem Post (archive.org) Are Canadians being driven to assisted suicide by poverty or healthcare crisis? | Canada | The Guardian ‘Disturbing’: Experts troubled by Canada’s euthanasia laws (nypost.com) 10,000+ Canadian Euthanasia Killings in 2021 | National Review Canada's 2020 euthanasia report: Almost 8,000 people died by lethal injection - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com) Assisted suicide deaths in Canada jumped 32% from last year: gov't data - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com) Canada's push to expand euthanasia to mentally ill violates 'equal protection against avoidable death' - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com) Dutch gov't proposes expanding assisted suicide to children under age 12 - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com) Aug. 14, 2022 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past) Sentience in the Balance - Treasure or Trash? - Your Choice. System of commerce based on creating unhappiness - Maximizing profit, cheapening product. New religion of State-Earth worship - Happy sterilization volunteers to save Gaia. Culture Creation - Mimicry of what is seen on stage - Military music for war. Britain-Europe Merger - Karl Marx: 3 Trading Blocs, Most Favoured Nation status. San Francisco U.N. Charter. Australia, New Zealand - Royal Institute for International Affairs - Royal Charter on behalf of London Elite. Genetic Research, Engineering - Complete Predictability of Every Individual - Active ID Card - "Defective" genes. "Changing of the Age" - Pisces out, Aquarius in - "Heavenly Plan" explained. "What group is doing this?"-All competing top groups have been amalgamated. Computer to Cell-Phone to Brain-Chip - Public seeking "relief" - Tranquilizers and sedative drugs. John Stuart Mill (father and son) - Eradication of certain races, peoples, creeds - Hitler - Eugenics - Nobility Genealogies - Inbred Psychopaths. Pyramid from Capstone down to Wasteland (General Public) - MATRIX=Mother, World of MATTER. 800 B.C.: Coined Money - Phoenicians - Existence to Serve Economic System. Free Trade Negotiations - NAFTA - Preamble Terminology - Integration of US-Canada-Mexico, then Chile. New Feudal Overlords: International Corporations - British East India Co. - Royal Shareholders. Adam Weishaupt, Illuminati. Philanthropic Foundations under guise of Charity. Knowing what is happening - Transcending Worry - Sense of Peace from Knowing. (BOOK: "The Next Million Years" by Charles Galton Darwin) Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Aug. 20, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Redux links: Original audio - Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: "Sentience in the Balance - Treasure or Trash? - Your Choice." August 20, 2007 Alan Explains Reality - by Not Sure Transcript - Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: "Sentience in the Balance - Treasure or Trash? - Your Choice." - August 20, 2007 The Next Million Years by Charles Galton Darwin The Modern-Day Company Towns of Arkansas Amazon is becoming a health care company. What does that mean for you? Amazon Go Green Google is still ‘all in’ on health care Aug. 7, 2022 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past) They Grow Your Culture, So Pick "Your" Cult Original Broadcast 7 December 2007 - Mad Pace of Cultural Change - Confusion, Fear - Adaptation, New Normals - Culture Creation - Soviet Union, Soviet Man, Collective - Charles Darwin, "Survival of the Fittest", the Masses - Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World Revisited" book, Predictive Programming, Scientific Dictatorship - New ID Cards, Data Collection, Human Genome Project - Koran, Islam, Religion - Workable Society Understanding of Money System - Mohammed - Inheritances, Usury, Banking - Vaccine Information, Poisoning - Sept. 11, 2001 Speeches - Psychic Driving - Economy - Project for a New American Century, 2001, 2010 - Red Cross, Blood Donation, Tainted Blood Scandal, Prisoners - Life after Death- Know Thy Self - Hunger for Truth - Blind Followers, "The Dead" - New Age Movement, Gurus - Kingdom of Heaven - Ancient India, Soma - Drugs for Masses - Orwell's "1984" - Mind Alteration - Alcohol, Sports, Social Barriers - Artificial System. Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 7, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Redux links: Audio - Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN - "They Grow Your Culture, So Pick "Your" Cult" - Dec. 7, 2007 The Case for Censorship - by Not Sure Transcript - Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN - "They Grow Your Culture, So Pick "Your" Cult" - Dec. 7, 2007 Stephen Hicks – Plato on Censoring Artists – a summary A Conversation With David Beasley Alex Jones must pay more than $45 million in punitive damages to the family of a Sandy Hook massacre victim July 31, 2022 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past) Century upon Century in the Making, The Prize----The World for the Taking Original Broadcast 25 August 2008 -Government Declarations - Services become Authorities - Education - Communist Books, Lenin - Parallel Government, Lazy Worker Bees. Perfecting of "Imperfect" - Art, Religion - Catholic Church - Protestant Sects - Islam - Rosicrucians, Lodge Colors, Blue Lodge, Side Lodges - RIIA, CFR. United Nations Agenda 21 - Local Organizations and Implementation - Dalai Lama - Maurice Strong, Earth Summit, Rockefellers - New Age Religion. Heavenly Plan, Zodiac, Timetable - Luciferianism - Essenes, Pythagoreans, Eternal Revolution - Goddess with a Thousand Names - Psychological Warfare. CIA, Patriot Radio Business, Ex-Military. Global Elite, Freemasonry, Ranks - Knights Templars, Quartermasters, Lay People, Noble Orders. Counterintelligence - Fascination for Recruits. Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Aug. 25, 2008 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Redux links: Audio, Poem and Topics - Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN "Century upon Century in the Making, The Prize----The World for the Taking" - Aug. 25, 2008 Mumbo Jumbo! - by Not Sure Transcript - Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN "Century upon Century in the Making, The Prize----The World for the Taking" - Aug. 25, 2008 Agenda 21 - The UN Blueprint for the 21st Century Southern Poverty Law Center - Agenda 21: The UN, Sustainability and Right-Wing Conspiracy Theory The 10 Green Building Principles aiming to get real estate to net zero World Economic Forum to Lead G20 Smart Cities Alliance on Technology Governance Tackling the climate crisis with innovative green technologies Breakthrough Energy The pandemic has helped transform the e-bike into a juggernaut July 24, 2022 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past) Terrifying Propaganda Says You'll Die - Oh What to Do? United Nations, Population Reduction - Health, Pharmaceutical Drugs, Public Relations, Inoculations - Gardasil, Anaphylactic Shock - Autism - Smallpox Vaccine. Flu Shot - Omission of Facts, False Conclusion - Efficacy - Slogans, Marketing, Repetition - Chronic Diseases - Fertility Drop. New Age - Personal Experience - Microcosm - Thinking for Yourself - Crowd Hypnosis, Willing Subjects - Blavatsky, Blend of Hinduism and Christianity - Channelling Entities, Demons. Yoga, Eastern Religion, Indoctrination - Khrushchev, KGB - Moral Relativism. Language - Spoken Word, World Spoke into Existence - Adam, Naming the Animals - Computer Logic, Programmer Input. Specific Language for Each Culture - Old English, Chaucer - Chinese, German, French. Timothy Leary, LSD, CIA - Aleister Crowley, OTO. Licenced Institutions, Political Correctness, Dissent - Water Fluoridation - Dentists, Bad Teeth, Brittle Bones - Byproduct of Aluminum Industry - Bronfman's, Alcan. Women's Cosmetics, Chemicals, Fetal Attack. U.S., Cities, Mass Movements. Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sep. 1, 2008 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Redux links: Original Audio, Topics, Article - Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN - "Terrifying Propaganda Says You'll Die - Oh What to Do?" Sept. 1, 2008 The One About the Flu Shot and Timothy Leary - by Not Sure Transcript - Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN - "Terrifying Propaganda Says You'll Die - Oh What to Do?" Sept. 1, 2008 Hidden Toxicity of Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Ingredients (2019) Gardasil – 18 Dead, Thousands Suffer Complications Flu Vaccine Was Not Very Effective This Season, the C.D.C. Says Flu jab that costs £115m a year does not cut death rate in elderly (2008) Incidence, risk factors, natural history, and hypothesised mechanisms of myocarditis and pericarditis following covid-19 vaccination Timothy Leary and Susan Sarandon - Burning Man 2015 A psychedelic send-off for 'the godfather of LSD' July 17, 2022 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past) Gods of Greening, Fields of Scheming and the People Dreaming Environmental "Crisis", Madame Blavatsky - Gaea Worship - Tool of Religion - Managing Minds, Theosophy - Masonic Charter - Side Degrees, Albert Pike, Fortune Tellers and Crystal Balls, Hormonal Drives - Mating Genes - Genetics, Getting the Big Picture of the System - Left and Right Wings, Animal - Nature Programs - WWF World Wildlife Fund, Al Gore and Maurice Strong - "Global Warming" - Cashing In, "Greenhouse" Gases, Pollution Taxes, Pay-offs, Earth Summit - Rockefeller, China - Making World Superpower, Strong's Baca Grande Ranch - New Age Settlement, Ontario Hydro - Pierre Trudeau - Promise of Cheap Electricity, Masonic Burial and Monument, Mao Tse-Tung, Intergenerational Revolutionary Freemasons, "Climate Change" - Kyoto Protocol - Chemtrail Spraying, Rising Cost of Gasoline, Gore Family - Trained by Armand Hammer, Earth Council - Earth Army, Forcing People into Cities, Freon Farce, Brainwashing Children, Empire Building and Demolition, Creating Enemies - Terrorism Within, Elimination of Individual Transportation, Earth Day - Green Sermon - Wall Street - DOE Department of Energy - Insider Trading, Rockefeller Foundation, Gore - Internet Creation, Living an Agenda, Local and State Councils - Taxation of Trees and Timber, Tax Assessment - Market Value - "Undervalued" Forest Land, Property Taxes, Prohibition of Alternate Means of Energy and Transport, Miniature Psychopaths, World Propaganda, New Age Mother Earth Worship, Environmental Associations, Margaret Thatcher and Gorbachev, Green Party and Movement - Communism, CFR - RIIA, Oxford - Cambridge - Ivy League Schools - Masonic Groups - Brotherhood of Men, (Song: "Takin' Care Of Business" by Bachman-Turner Overdrive) Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Apr. 5, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Redux links: Original audio and topics - "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt - "Gods of Greening, Fields of Scheming and the People Dreaming" - April 5, 2007 I Kissed a Girl: New, Green, Diabolical - by Not Sure Transcript - "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt - "Gods of Greening, Fields of Scheming and the People Dreaming" - April 5, 2007 Intersecting Crises are Impeding the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, Threatening Peace and Security We are creating a greener, more sustainable, Canada Post. Report reveals Canada Post’s CO2 emissions doubled despite promise to reduce pollution Are Carbon Offsets the Next ESG Investing Frontier? ‘Mountain Retreat for the Liberal Elite’ Holds Invitation-Only Summit on ESG The Earth Charter and the Ark of the Gaia Covenant The Century of the Self A dead nun, Katy Perry, and a social experiment gone awry July 10, 2022 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past) New Age Dreaming Turns to Greening, a Hundred Years of Plotting and Scheming Rising Oil Prices, Crisis, China, Rumsfeld - CBC National, Greening Program - "Green" Indoctrination. Planned Society, Habitat Areas, Population Reduction - Creation of New Religion, "Following the Stars", New Age Movement - Transhumanism, "Perfection", Hinduism, Theosophy - "Logan's Run" movie. Carl Jung, Paranormal Experiences, Drugs. Politicians' "Fringe Benefits", High-Class Prostitution. Hitler, Charismatic Gestures, Oration, Swaying Audiences. Economics, Politicians, Lobbyists, Fascism - Free Trade - Empires - I.G. Farben, Natzi War Machine - CIA, CEOs, International Corporations. Chess Game Setup, Dependence on System - Organized Groups - New Way of Living, Philosophical Debate. New York, Music, Heavy Beats, Rock, Bass - Surrealistic State - Fashions - Hypocrisy - Age Segregation, Future (Managed) Rebellions. Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Mar. 12, 2008 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Redux links: Original audio, topics - Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: "New Age Dreaming Turns to Greening, a Hundred Years of Plotting and Scheming" - Mar. 12, 2008 The Burning Man and The Willing Fool - by Not Sure Transcript - Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: "New Age Dreaming Turns to Greening, a Hundred Years of Plotting and Scheming" - Mar. 12, 2008 The Net: The Unabomber, LSD and the Internet Massive cricket-processing facility comes online in London, Ont. In Japan, edible insects are sold in vending machines to help the environment Queer Rhode Island state senator twerks and campaigns for votes Godless Democrat Lawmaker 'Twerks' for Votes July 3, 2022 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past) Hey, Have You Heard, Why, It's All the Rage? Science, Sustainability Joined with the New Age Creation of New Religion - Earth Worship - Reece Commission - Mikhail Gorbachev, Media Interviews. New Age, Madame Blavatsky, Science - Maharishi - Yoga, Reincarnation - CIA - "Wellness" - Cities of India, "Karma", Gurus, Human Being God Worship. Followers, Devotees - Gloria Steinem - Indoctrination - Maurice Strong, Baca Grande, Spiral Tower (Helter Skelter) - Hedonism. C.G. Darwin's "The Next Million Years" book - Ancient Greece, Young "Lover" - Elite Behaviour - Melchisedek (God on Earth, Lord of the Seed) and Apprentice - "Storm of the Century" movie. Elite, Tried for Crimes by Own Peer Group - Albigensians and Cathars - Debauchery - "Perfection" - Masonic Lodge Brothels, "Dolly" the Carrier, Jackie Kennedy, Bouvier, Franklin. Newscaster Consensus - Radio Shows, Marketing and Selling, Hollywood Techniques. Catholic Religion, Intelligence Network - Interconnecting Link of Freemasonry - Consolidated Power - Anglican Church - Jesuits, Liberation Theology. Columbia (the Dove, Spirit), Columbine, Column - Female as Church, Isis - Members, Osiris, Body of Church (Occult) - "Golden Thighed" - Statue of Liberty, Rhodes. Title and Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 25, 2008 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Redux links: Original audio, links, topics - Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: "Hey, Have You Heard, Why, It's All the Rage? Science, Sustainability Joined with the New Age" - July 25, 2008 Can a loud guttural scream damage your throat chakra? - by Not Sure Transcript - Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: "Hey, Have You Heard, Why, It's All the Rage? Science, Sustainability Joined with the New Age" - July 25, 2008 Gods of the New Age - 1985 documentary "It's not easy picking a path to enlightenment" When US armed forces sought to master spiritual powers Controlling The Savages: COVID, Lockdowns, Shortages, and The Great Reset UN chief warns of 'catastrophe' from global food shortage June 26, 2022 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past) Bringing the New Age Movement into Patriotism - The Secret Truth Interview w/ Alan Watt Original Broadcast Nov. 1, 2008, "The Secret Truth" with George Butler and Charlotte Littlefield Brown on Genesis Communication Network - Planned World, Changes - Authors, "Conspiracy" and "Patriot" Movement Blending with the New Age, Fortune-Telling - Michael Tsarion, Annunaki - Astrology, Tarot, Royalty - Zecharia Sitchin book series - "Spacemen" and "Inferior Slaves", Psychological Operation - Holly, Evergreen, Hollywood Staff, Illusion - Nature Worship - Green, Red, Communism - Orange, The Hague - Riots, U.S. and British Department of Defence, Crisis Creation - Food as Weapon, Agri-Food Business, GMO Food - Fractional Reserve Banking, Fictional Money - Bretton Woods, New Economic Order - NGOs, "Democracy", Lobby Groups - Euro, Amero Currency - Loopholes Closed for Independent Living - Europe, Financial Depression, Oppressive Government - Alexander Hamilton - 9/11, New Laws, Loss of Freedom - Nous, US, Spirit - "Coming Down the Pike", Albert Pike. Title CTTM - June 26, 2022 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Redux links: Original audio - Alan Watt as Guest on "The Secret Truth" with George Butler and Charlotte Littlefield Brown - Nov. 1, 2008 CON-Spirituality - by Not Sure Transcript - Alan Watt as Guest on "The Secret Truth" with George Butler and Charlotte Littlefield Brown - Nov. 1, 2008 The DCDC Global Strategic Trends Programme 2007-2036 UN chief warns of 'catastrophe' from global food shortage The emergence of Conspirituality Naomi Wolf: We Don’t Have America Anymore Latest Bad News About COVID Vaccines Covid-19 Vaccination BNT162b2 Temporarily Impairs Semen Concentration and Total Motile Count among Semen Donors June 19, 2022 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past) Organized Attack on Purpose: "Superficial Relationships and Gorging of Senses, Forced Existential Apathy Destroys Human Defences." Boredom - Television, Movies - People Becoming Less Happy - Advertising - The Computer is the TV Set Now - Brain Chip - Tavistock, Aldous Huxley - Delgado Experiment - WiFi; Living in a Field of Electromagnetism; 5G, Radar, Microwave - Persinger - Folk have Given Up Privacy - Becoming Helpless - How Subversives Were Dealt With in the Communist System - Knowledge is Power - Weaponized Entertainment, Politically Correct Updates - Data Collection Centers - Stasi - Movie, The Lives of Others - The Brain; The Last Frontier - Inserting Modified Genes into Fish - Getting Rid of Library Books - Information Disappearing Down the Memory Hole - You Have One Global Intelligence Agency with Many Arms in All Countries - Internet of Things, Spyware Network in Your Home - Getting People on the Internet with Pornography - Bertrand Russell; Education; The State Gives Children Their Values - Jacques Ellul on Indoctrination - Early Sexualization; No Bonding, No Breeding - Psychological Warfare - Definition of a Conspiracy - Edward Bernays; Professional Liars; Propaganda - Leveson Inquiry - Tyranny - Youth Armies; Gramsci - Culture Industry - Soma, Boredom of Routine - Jeffrey Epstein, Honey Trap Operation - Elite Sex Club Throws Top Secret Masked Orgy - AI is Making Fake News Look Real - A Facebook Rumor - MIT, Creation of Fake Memes - Mark Zuckerberg, AI - Brain-Computer Interface - DARPA - CIA, Rock Music, Psychedelics; Boosting Scientists to Star Level - Movie, THX-1138 - The War Industry is at War with You - DARPA Electronics Resurgence Initiative (ERI) Summit; Intel Packs 8 Million Digital Neurons onto its Brain-Like Computer - Social Credit System; The Health Care System; Paying to have Your Credit Score Improved - We have 18 months to Save World, Prince Charles - Eugenics - Canada, Euthanasia - Magic Mushrooms Pass First Hurdle as Depression Treatment - Silicon Valley Billionaire Pays Company Thousands 'To Be Killed and have His Brain Digitally Preserved Forever' - Life Extension for the Wealthy Elite - The Pentagon has a Laser that Can Identify People from a Distance—by their Heartbeat - Don't Give Up. Title and Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 15, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Redux links: Original Audio and Topics - "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt - Organized Attack on Purpose: "Superficial Relationships and Gorging of Senses, Forced Existential Apathy Destroys Human Defences." Dec. 15, 2019 Delgado's Monkey and Kim's Ass - by Not Sure PSYCHOCIVILIZED (INTRO) PSYCHOCIVILIZED [PT. I] PSYCHOCIVILIZED [PT. II] Tribute to Jose Delgado, Legendary and Slightly Scary Pioneer of Mind Control The Military Origins of Facebook The Lives of Others (2006) Idiocracy: a disturbingly prophetic look at the future of America – and our era of stupidity Pornography addiction: A neuroscience perspective How 5G and the Internet of Things can create a winning business June 12, 2022 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past) Wanted -- Professional Psychopaths a Shoe-in, Sell Your Soul to the U.N. Marketing and Propaganda, Bernays, Selling Wars, Fake News - Carroll Quigley, Filling in the Gaps in History - Collective Management, Enemy is Individuality - Elite Living "High on the Hog" - Charles Galton Darwin, Creation of Perfected Form of Slavery - Pharma-Military-Industrial Complex - Deaths of Microbiologists - Cries of "Weapons of Mass Destruction" - Penalties for Not "Toeing the Line" - Targeting Groups and Leaders to Work for an Agenda - Parallel Government of Bankers' Foundations and Funded NGOs - United Nations departments, Governance (Collectivism, Rule by Experts) - ADM-Monsanto's Genetically-Modified Vegetable Diet - "Preventative Health" for Totalitarian Control, Surveillance, Intervention - British Commonwealth, Dominions of London - Big Pharma, Guaranteed Sales from Govt. - Rigged Drug Prices, Massive Vaccine Profits - Sweden, Deaths from Swine Flu Shot - Media Coordination, News Blitzes, Authority Figures - Lord Stern Pushes for World Vegetarianism to "Save the Planet" - Separate Elite Food Supply - Copenhagen Summit, 2012, Rise of UN. Title and Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 27, 2009 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Redux links: Original audio, poem and topics - Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN - "Wanted -- Professional Psychopaths a Shoe-in, Sell Your Soul to the U.N." - Oct. 27, 2009 Selling Wars - by Not Sure Transcript - Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN - "Wanted -- Professional Psychopaths a Shoe-in, Sell Your Soul to the U.N." - Oct. 27, 2009 The manipulation of the American mind—Edward Bernays and the birth of public relations The Century of the Self (2002) Selling regime change wars to the masses War in Europe and the Rise of Raw Propaganda George Monbiot says farming should be ABOLISHED to save the planet Bayer’s Troubled Monsanto Megadeal Finally Shows Promise List of United Nations organizations June 5, 2022 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past) Technique of Mass-Suggestion, Truth Deflection Jacques Ellul, Aldous Huxley, Zbigniew Brzezinski - Political Technocracy - Study of Human Behaviour - Formulas - Technical Economic Analysis - Theory-Doctrine-Procedure - Vocabulary, Terminology, Catch-Phrases; "Cost-Cutting", "Downsizing", "Upgrade". TECHNIQUE - Motivating Vast Groups of People - Collective Passion - Critical Faculty - Propaganda's Manipulation of Subconscious - Collective Social Conscience - "Continuing Education" - Archbishop of Canterbury, Bertrand Russell - Expert-Run Society - Coding of European Languages - Available Materials on CuttingThroughTheMatrix.com (Books, CDs, DVDs) - Please Donate to Keep Sites Going - Psychoanalytic Therapy - Therapist is New Priest - Modern Sociology - Propagandic Termsl "We're All In It Together" - Emblems, Symbols - Terrorism - Acceptance of New Norms - Joe Average - Subliminal Existence, Twilight Zone Mentality - Authorized Authors to Write History - "Stars" are Made - Truth; Bursting the Bubble - Exposure of Magicians at Top, Technocracy - Fake News, Diversions, Data Overload - Sham Universe - World of Hallucinations - Hypnotic State - Waking Up in the Matrix - "The Dead" Getting Up to Walk - Looking at Future, Long-Range Goals of Agenda - Thomas Jefferson - Family Lineages in Government. (BOOK: "The Technological Society" by Jacques Ellul). Title and Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 19, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Redux links: Original Audio - Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN - "Technique of Mass-Suggestion, Truth Deflection" - Sept. 19, 2007 Technique and A Troubled Young Swede - by Not Sure Transcript - Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN - "Technique of Mass-Suggestion, Truth Deflection" - Sept. 19, 2007 The Technological Society - Jacques Ellul (2019) UK Government report states all UK Airports must close within the next 10 years, beef and lamb is to be banned Absolute Zero How Greta Thunberg Transformed Existential Dread Into a Movement Alan Watt [CTTM - REDUX #63 - Jun 05, 2022] 'TECHNIQUE of MASS-SUGGESTION, TRUTH DEFLECTION...' May 29, 2022 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past) A Band-Aid Prevention Against Distorted Perception Controlled System - Power Brokers - Continuous Lies "For the Greater Good" - Blissful Ignorance - Money is the Key to All Power - Intergenerational Debt - International Moneylenders - Tax Farming - System of "Progress" - Parroted Slogans - Politicians, Born Liars - More Sophisticated Slavery - One Global Agenda - Demonization of an Enemy - PR/Propaganda - Fake News and Spins - Neurolinguistics - Economics and Conology - Perfect Indoctrination - Effect of Fear - Humans the Most Studied Species - Wars for Natural Resources - Psychology - Traits of the Psychopath - Mass Conditioning - System of "Sustainability" - Control of the Mind - Learn and Look and Listen - World Governance - Lawrence of Arabia - Light and Darkness - Thinking for Yourself. Title and Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Apr. 27, 2014 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Redux links: Original Audio and Topics - "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt - "A Band-Aid Prevention Against Distorted Perception" - Apr. 27, 2014 Especially stupid guff (ESG) - by Not Sure Transcript - "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt - "A Band-Aid Prevention Against Distorted Perception" - Apr. 27, 2014 Big oil is under pressure to cut production – what does that mean for investors? US Shale Is Holding Back While World Clamors for More Oil Get Ready For $8-A-Gallon Gas ESG - how can we measure how ‘good’ companies are? Zelensky warns of ‘hunger catastrophe,’ accusing Russia of blocking Ukraine’s grain exports The WHO To Discuss Global Pandemic Treaty At World Health Assembly May 22-28 May 22, 2022 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past) Reason Battles for Logical Conclusion in This Age of Manufactured Confusion Laboratory Rats - The Natural Order - Mainstream and Alternative Media - Relativity - Mystical Thinking - Deliberate Confusion and Expert Advice - Maximizing Profit - Reasoning Abilities - Soviet Union - Propaganda - Austerity Program - Club of Rome - Facts Don't Matter - United Nations Climate Talks, COP20 in Lima, Peru - UN Green Climate Fund - Immunity from Prosecution - UNFCCC - Scientists and Social-Political Agendas - Soviet Agriculture, Deliberate Starvation and Lysenko - Creation of the Soviet Man - Forced Evolution - Use of Statistics - Surveys of the Public - Bioengineering - Lenin's Brain - Worship of Scientists - Psychopathy and Categories - Actors and Politicians - Casting Off the Old Morality - Scandals - Globalist Advisors - Bail-outs by Taxpayers - Inflation - Bail-ins - The New System - Housing Bubble - Lifetime Monitoring - Scotland, Health and Social Information Sharing - New Verbiage - Mental Health Testing - Pre-crime and Thought-crime - Managed Society. Title and Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 14, 2014 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Redux links: Original Audio and Topics - "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt - "Reason Battles for Logical Conclusion in This Age of Manufactured Confusion" - Dec. 14, 2014 Lysenkoism, Lenin's Brain, Pavlov's Dogs and The Real Anthony Fauci - by Not Sure Biden to Transfer U.S. Sovereignty to the World Health Organization Lysenkoism Climategate Telegraph's Booker on the "climategate" scandal IPCC now in Bizarroland: Pachauri releases "smutty" romance novel Scientists Stage Worldwide Climate Change Protests After IPCC Report International Health Regulations (2005) pdf May 15, 2022 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past) Understanding's the Antidote You Seek to Propaganda's Technique The Good Society - Old Taboos - Uniformity of Opinion - Guise of Liberalism - Freedom in Society - Communism and Slaughter - Equality and Collectivism - Groups Always Used - National Socialism, Nazism, British Empire and Wars - Intolerant Liberal Parties - Shunning - Environmentalism - National Parks - Voting and Elections - Pre-Selected Politicians - NDP in Canada - Economic Development in Third World - Individuality - Perfected Propaganda - Beria, Scientific Indoctrination - Morning Radio Talk Shows with Emotive Topics, Devil's Advocate - Neurosis in Society - Shopping for Belief Systems - Neurolinguistics - Programming and Logical Conclusions - News Media - Religious Premisses - Hallucinogenic Reality - Power Structures working for Dominant Minority - Meaningless Jobs - Creation of Dissatisfaction - Escapism - Science Fiction Writers - Distraction from Thinking about the Self - "Charitable" Groups - Rockefeller Brothers Foundation - IBM and International Meetings - Social Conformity - Conology - Forbidden Questions - Thinking for Yourself. Title and Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jun. 15, 2014 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Redux links: Original Audio and Topics - "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt - "Understanding's the Antidote You Seek to Propaganda's Technique" - June 15, 2014 You could be a Manchurian Candidate and not even know it - by Not Sure Transcript - "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt - "Understanding's the Antidote You Seek to Propaganda's Technique" - June 15, 2014 Paul Craig Roberts | Session 95: Behind the Curtain United States President's Commission on CIA Activities within the United States The News Benders - 1968 May 8, 2022 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past) In Works for Long Time -- The New Paradigm Counterintelligence and Disinformation in Media - Creation of Public Perception - Aldous Huxley, "Brave New World Revisited" book, Trigger Words - Judgement of "Sanity". Aerial Spraying, Geoengineering, Detrimental Effects - Iceland Volcano, Invisible Ash Cloud in Atmosphere, Shutdown of Air Travel - NATO "Brilliant Ardent" European Military Exercise - New US Military Space Vehicle Launched. The New Freedom, No Privacy - Flying Spy Drones over Britain - Creation of Docile Passive Population - Flu Shot - Inoculations and Autism - Cancer-Causing Viruses in Shots. Changeover from Consumer Society to Austerity - Dehumanization - Barcodes for Babies instead of Names - Depopulation. Title and Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Apr. 26, 2010 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Redux links: Original Audio, Topics and Links - Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: "In Works for Long Time -- The New Paradigm" - 26 April 2010 Transcript - Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: "In Works for Long Time -- The New Paradigm" - 26 April 2010 I am a Pirate King - by Not Sure Trump's New Age Doctor Network - Hugo Talks Part 2 - Trump's New Age Doctor Network - Aquarius Luciferian Agenda - Hugo Talks Reality vs. Illusion. People have been Robbed of their Ability to “Decipher between Fact and Fiction” The Covid-19 Crisis. A Campaign Against Critical Thinking. “Mass Formation Psychosis” Global Financial Stability Report - International Monetary Fund - Shockwaves from the War in Ukraine - Apr 2022 World Economic Outlook - International Monetary Fund - War Sets Back the Global Recovery - Apr 2022 May 1, 2022 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past) The Speech Dictator's Predilection Is Warping Sanity by Policing Diction Masses Always Used in Every Generation - Real Causes of War - Fed Disinformation - Used British Empire to Set Up World System - Philanthropists - Commonwealth of Nations - Culling Populations - Intelligence Organizations and Business - Perception Management - Cambridge Spies - The Cold War - Carroll Quigley, Cultural Changes from Wars - George Orwell - CIA and the Culture Industry - Pearl Harbor - All News is Politicized - Free Speech - All Families Are Equal Act - Technocracy - Transhumanism. Title and Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 4, 2016 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Redux links: Original Audio and Topics - "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt - "The Speech Dictator's Predilection Is Warping Sanity by Policing Diction" - Dec. 4, 2016 Elon Musk vs. The Ministry of Truth = Giant Haystack vs. Mountain Man - by Not Sure This Is a Housing Crisis - Truthstream Media ALA Elects Marxist Lesbian President Vaccine-derived polio is on the rise. A new vaccine aims to stop the spread Covid Persists: What about the vaccine? Tucker: This the point where we have to draw the line Free speech concerns mount over DHS 'disinformation' board Disinformation Governance Board Chad Chaddington - Elon Musk Psyop, Etc. Apr. 24, 2022 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past) Bankers in Prominence for Total World Dominance Psychology and Marketing - Open Corruption, Capital, Taxpayers' Honey Pot - Lord Mandelson and Rothschild - Planned Economic Crash - Futurists and Novelists to Program the Public, H.G. Wells - One Agri-Business Corporation - Elitism - Bankers' Boomtime, Pay Hikes - Canada, Flu Shot Disinformation, "Expert" Advice from Bureaucrats, Tax-Funded Advertising - P.R. Campaign to Counter Vaccine Adverse-Effects and "Complications" (Paralysis, Seizures, etc.) - "Bad Genes" Blamed for Vaccination Reactions - Big Business for Vaccine Makers and Pharma, Guaranteed Sales to Govt. - Bogus Flu Statistics - Mandatory Flu Shots for NY Nurses (or Lose Job) - Human Cells from Aborted Fetuses in Vaccine Ingredients - Warfare on Public. UN Forces caused Thousands of Deaths and Rapes in Congo - NATO, Madeline Albright. Title and Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 15, 2009 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Redux links: Original audio and topics - Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN - "Bankers in Prominence for Total World Dominance" - Oct. 15, 2009 Transcript - Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN - "Bankers in Prominence for Total World Dominance" - Oct. 15, 2009 Follow the Science - by Not Sure Dr. Tom Cowan with Mike Donio on Snake Venom Starsuckers (2009 documentary) The Way of All Flesh Woman Disabled by Flu Shot Reaction (2009) Nurses to sue over H1N1 shots (2009) NIH admits US funded gain-of-function in Wuhan — despite Fauci’s denials REPORT FROM TANZANIA – MORE GOOD NEWS FROM AFRICA! These people deserve the credit for the deaths of nearly a million Americans Apr. 17, 2022 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past) Alan Watt on "Investigative Journal" with Greg Szymanski - Jul. 31, 2007 Hour 1: Control of Minds Through Religion - Leaders of All Religions are One at the Top - Alexander the Great, Aristotle - Money-lending and wars - Food Industry - Meanings of "Hermaphrodite" - Perfection of Human Being - Left and Right Brain - Male-Female Deity - Hidden Masonic Coding in English Language - Messiahs of Christianity-Judaism-Islam - Trinities of Religions - Vatican - Constantine - Gnostic Tradition - Jesus (The Fish, Age of Pisces) - Aries-Ram - Age of Aquarius - Lunar-Stellar-Solar Occult - Greek "Demiurgos" - Lord of the World - Jacob and Esau - High Masonic Rules of Old Testament - King James Bible - Zoroastrianism - Good and Bad - God and Devil - Zarathustra - Zoroaster (Seed of Ishtar, Man of the Mask) - Zodiac timetable - "Heavenly Plan". Higher Truths for Seeking Individuals - Leaving Dogma Behind - Money, Civilization and Cities - Citizens - Nimrod - American Revolution - Colors of Revolution: Red, White and Blue - Jacques Attali book: "Millennium" - U.N. Habitat Areas - Population Reduction - British Department of Defence - Projections of Rioting and "Flashmobs". Hour 2: Indoctrination of Technology as a Natural Evolution - Steps Toward Brain-Chip - Different Paths and Ways of Living - Value of Life -- Aquarius Raped by Zeus - Water-pitcher Carrying Water (Gene Pool) - Soul as Activating Principle Driving Toward Spirit - New Age "Oneness" = Elimination of Individuality - Deprogramming - People Think Like a Computer - Logic and Language - Safer Places for Future Living - Survival skills - Living Simply with Very Little - Secret Societies and Blood-Oaths - Mafia World System - Fleecing "the Profane" (the sheep) - External Ceremonies for the Masses - Private Meetings for Higher Orders - Aleister Crowley - Catholic Church - Saints - Four Evangelists (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) Symbolism - Malachi Martin - Priesthood Business Running Spiritual Life of Others - Occult = Oculus (Eye) - Third Eye of Mind - Alan's Book (3) on Meaning of Revelations and Creation of Money and Commerce - Leaving Eden (Nature) into Corrupt Scientific System of Total Surveillance and Control - B-Order (border) - Order of the Bee - Masonic Obelisks along U.S.-Canada Border. *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Redux links: Original Audio and Topics - Alan Watt on "Investigative Journal" with Greg Szymanski - July 31, 2007 Transcript - Alan Watt on "Investigative Journal" with Greg Szymanski - July 31, 2007 I Made Up a New Game - by Not Sure Societal Implications of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology The Highwire - Episode 263: Risking It All Sapienship Wearable “Solutions” and the Internet of Incarceration From Mars to metaverse: How Elon Musk is building a sci-fi world In science we trust (Humor) Twitter Green to directly upload Elon Musk’s consciousness to users’ brains Apr. 10, 2022 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past) Modern Mythological Enemies versus The Man in the Mirror - Psychological Projection in the Scientific Era © CTTM Apr. 10, 2022 Original Broadcast 4 July 2007 - Perceptions and Logic - How we arrive at (what we think are) our conclusions. Education - Indoctrination - Learned Behaviour - Experiences - Propaganda - Arrival at erroneous conclusions - Living in a world of dis-information. Rise of civilizations - Fall of Rome - Taxation - Degeneration - Corruption - Greed - "Reptilians" - Religions - Esoteric meanings - Ancient Histories - Early Judaism - Talmud - - Old Testament deity - Female gods - New Testament deity - Earning knowledge by self-examination - Serpent as allegory for Wisdom - Guarding the Mind - Symbol of Immortality - Born-again - Mastery and Control of Minds of Others - Psychopathy in Noble Families - Inbreeding for traits - Culling-off Public - Ancient Population Control. Psychopathic traits: egocentricity, rationalization of all they do, lack of guilt - Nature worship and pantheism - Science and exploration - Science-FICTION - Nephilim and Space-Being - Possibility-Thinking - Imagination - Introduction of money and goods (by U.S.) into Pacific islands - Cargo Cults - Christian religion - Message to Individuals - Authorized Historians - AUTHOR - AUTHORized - Nature of Evil - Diabolos - Cunning - Politicians; Born Actors - Knight - K Night - Allegorical figure of Cain. Cain and Nimrod - Founding of Cities - First Artificer - WHAT IS EVIL? - LIVE backwards - Sadism - Inward Search for Answers - Purpose for each Individual - Truth Within - New Age Movement - Pride of Soldiers to KILL - Readiness to kill in war abroad - War Protestors - Placement in Medical Units on front-lines - Knowing by Experience - Supernatural - Madame Blavatsky - John Wycliffe - Telepathic abilities. Alan: "Power of a thought can truly penetrate everything" - Guarding and Guiding Thought - Now is vital time to pass knowledge onto others. Devaluation of Life - Medical Exploitation - Abortion - Selling Body Organs - Science's Debauchery of Sacredness. Humanist religion - Right of Might and Power - Man's worship of Man - Creation of a "Star" - Darwin - Dehumanization of Enemy - Baby is a "Fetus" - Examination of Evil - Examination of Self - Thinking for One's Self - (Book: "Tragedy and Hope" by Carroll Quigley)--Rural farming - City-state creation - Age of Imperialism - Period of Decline and Deviancy. (Song: "Lift Me Up" by Bruce Springsteen). Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 4, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Redux links: Original Audio and Topics - "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt - "Modern Mythological Enemies versus The Man in the Mirror - Psychological Projection in the Scientific Era" - July 4, 2007 The Reality of Evil - by Not Sure Transcript - "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt - "Modern Mythological Enemies versus The Man in the Mirror - Psychological Projection in the Scientific Era" - July 4, 2007 The Rape of Nanking Rwanda genocide: 100 days of slaughter Shake Hands With the Devil BIRD FLU: the Next Pandemic? Former CDC Director: Bird Flu is the Real Pandemic - C19 was just practice Millions of bird deaths as US hit by avian flu outbreak Scientists seek ethics review of H5N1 gain-of-function research (2013) Gates Foundation gives $9.5M to UW-Madison for flu research (2009) Reconstruction of the 1918 Influenza Pandemic Virus Ethics of reconstructing Spanish Flu: Is it wise to resurrect a deadly virus? (2006) The Rhodes Scholars Guiding Biden’s Presidency Like Father, Like Son: How the Trudeaus Manufacture Crises to Justify “Emergency Measures” Freedom Convoy protest was legal, judge says, and Ottawa is now being sued The World Economic Forum (WEF) Was Created by US Policies. “The WEF together with BlackRock, has infiltrated the Government” Apr. 3, 2022 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past) By Following The Human Agenda You Could Become Both Ma and Pa © CTTM Apr. 3, 2022 Original Broadcast 27 July 2014 - Elite, Leisure Class and Slavery - Soldiers Used for Foreign Policy - Amalgamations of Psychopaths - Authorized Religions - Scientific Age - Total Information Network - Standardized Human Being - Promiscuous Society - Academia and Evolution - Mass Manipulation - Advertising, Selling Fantasies - Perfect Citizens - CIA, Drugs and Prostitute Studies - Lifelong Training - Roderick Gorney, The Human Agenda - General Practitioners - Hippocratic Oath - Depopulation - Socialism, Cogs in the Machine - Skewed Statistics - Medical Authority - Positive and Negative Eugenics - Selective Breeding - Psychological Persuasion - Compulsory Sterilization - Carriers of "Defective" Genes - Eugenical Privileges - Neo-Eugenics - Artificial Genes - Human Genetic Modification - Hermaphroditism - Stories of the Creation of Man and Woman - Long-Term Space Travel - Medical Control Factor - Interdependent World - Thinking and Survival - Organization - The King has No Clothes - Political Correctness - Hypersexualization - Individuality. Elite, Leisure Class and Slavery - Soldiers Used for Foreign Policy - Amalgamations of Psychopaths - Authorized Religions - Scientific Age - Total Information Network - Standardized Human Being - Promiscuous Society - Academia and Evolution - Mass Manipulation - Advertising, Selling Fantasies - Perfect Citizens - CIA, Drugs and Prostitute Studies - Lifelong Training - Roderick Gorney, The Human Agenda - General Practitioners - Hippocratic Oath - Depopulation - Socialism, Cogs in the Machine - Skewed Statistics - Medical Authority - Positive and Negative Eugenics - Selective Breeding - Psychological Persuasion - Compulsory Sterilization - Carriers of "Defective" Genes - Eugenical Privileges - Neo-Eugenics - Artificial Genes - Human Genetic Modification - Hermaphroditism - Stories of the Creation of Man and Woman - Long-Term Space Travel - Medical Control Factor - Interdependent World - Thinking and Survival - Organization - The King has No Clothes - Political Correctness - Hypersexualization - Individuality. Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 27, 2014 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Redux links: Original Audio and Topics - "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt - "By Following The Human Agenda You Could Become Both Ma and Pa" - Jul 27, 2014 We are Legion - by Not Sure Transcript - "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt - "By Following The Human Agenda You Could Become Both Ma and Pa" - Jul 27, 2014 Extreme Body Modification The Horrifying American Roots of Nazi Eugenics Transgenderism: A Pathogenic Meme George Bernard Shaw: There are an extraordinary number of people whom I want to kill Päivi Räsänen Acquitted of Hate Speech Crimes Mar. 27, 2022 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past) Masters of Money, Mayhem and Mass Manipulation in All Ages © CTTM Mar. 27, 2022 Storms, Food Rationing - Credits given to Public - "Utopia", Hierarchies of Dominant Minorities - Building Empires - Money and Debt Collection, Egyptian Priesthoods - Weighing Silver and Gold - Weights and Measures - Standardization by Phoenicians - circa 800 B.C. Coin Introduced - British Pound - Currency Devaluations - Economic Depressions, Overt Slavery, Military Privileges, Monetary System and Standing Armies, Deviant Psychopaths - Magician Tactics - Cursing People - Psychological Warfare - New Age, Lessers (Normals) - Eugenics - Inbreeding to Keep Power and Genetics, Forced Schooling - Universal Formats to Train Your Mind, Good Workers and Producers - Leisure Class of Thinkers - Maintenance of Power for Future Generations - "The Nature of Things", Amalgamation of Tribes into Nations, Pandemic and Disease Breakouts (from Laboratories) - Public Turn to Government for Safety, Space Weaponry from 1960's onward, End of this Era - Bringing In a New Era - New Way - New Deal, More Efficient Population to Serve Elite, Micro-burst Storms - High Winds - Downed Trees, Family Trees of Politicians - CONning the Public - Confiscation of Wealth, FDR - Banks and Deposits - Mortgages and Loans - Government-Ordered Bank Closures - National Bank Holiday - Treasury, (Franklin D. Roosevelt: "Banking Holiday Explained" NBC 1933. followed by clip: Beaver (Leave it to Beaver TV Series): "We've been tooken". Song: "When the Idle Poor Become the Idle Rich" from Finian's Rainbow). Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jun. 8, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Redux links: Original Audio and Topics "Alan Watt - Blurb - "Masters of Money, Mayhem and Mass Manipulation in All Ages" - June 8, 2007 The Problem with Ezra Pound - by Not Sure Transcript - Alan Watt - Blurb - "Masters of Money, Mayhem and Mass Manipulation, In All Ages" June 8, 2007 Antony C. Sutton - The Best Enemies Money Can Buy (1980) Andrew Chung: Was Covid-19 Man-Made? The FED'S Rollout of a Trackable Digital Dollar Ukraine on Fire: 2016 Documentary by Oliver Stone Hunter Biden - millions in funding for US contractor in Ukraine specializing in deadly pathogen research Defense Giants Quietly Making Billions on Ukraine War Mar. 20, 2022 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past) You're Not a Human Being, You're a Piece of Protoplasm and You're Going Kaputski © CTTM Mar. 20, 2022 Dancing Nurses - Padding Death Numbers for COVID-19 - Sherlock Holmes, When All Possible Explanations have Been Eliminated, You Must Accept that The Impossible is True - Matthew Hancock, Britain's Health Minister said, We Normally Lose 10,000 a Month in Nursing Homes - Canada, Euthanasia - Julian Huxley, Knock Humans Off Their Pedestal - In the 1990s, after I had a Series of Booster Shots, I Came Down with Rheumatoid Arthritis - Bill Gates, Eugenicist - Documentary, Kizu the Untold Story of Unit 731 - Scientific Experiments on Humans - Genetically Modified Food; Canada - Total Reset of the Financial System; Digital Currency - Marx, All Wealth Comes from the People - Billionaires; IT Industry - Public-Private Partnerships that You Pay to Set Up - Porton Down; Targeting Specific Genes; Ethnic-Specific Warfare; Aerial Release of Toxins; Gain-of-Function - World War II Secret Mustard Gas Testing - Terminology to Shut You Up, "Denier"; Stigmatizing People - St Louis Federal Reserve President James Bullard Predicts an Economic Collapse; Promotes Testing - Movie, Land of the Blind - George Orwell did Wartime Propaganda to Convince People to Eat Food Not Fit for Human Consumption - Wear a Badge that Shows COVID-19 Test Results - Hitler and Tattoos for Identification; Soviets did this and Medical Experimentation Before World War II. Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Apr. 26, 2020 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Redux links: Original Audio and Topics - "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt "No Need to Fear, Beastly Choice is Quite Clear" - Excerpt from Apr. 26, 2020 Scientists Who Want to Do the Mengele Stuff - by Not Sure Kizu the Untold Story of Unit 731 Mar. 13, 2022 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past) If They don't Get What They Want, They Make it Happen © CTTM Mar. 13, 2022 Original Broadcast 26 April 2020 - Oklahoma City Bombing - I Came Out with the Phrase "New Normals" - Tom Clancy, CIA - After WWI, Groups Tried to Stop Another World War from Happening; Paris Conference, Bankers - Carroll Quigley's books, CFR, RIIA; Boer War - Terror; Tell Public Lies; Everyone had to Have Gas Masks, Digging Trenches - Propaganda, Public Relations - Communists wanted a Revolution, Made the People as Miserable as Possible - Hollywood's Hatred for Rural People, Especially Southerners; Country Militias - Clinton, Anti-terrorism Bill; Canada Passed Similar Bill in the Late 1990s - Technocrats - Waco, Government Went after a Small Group; David Koresh; Janet Reno, Ring of Black-Clad Agents Bowing to the Fire, Very Occult - Hatred of Christianity - Scientists are the New Priesthood - Trilateral Commission, Rockefeller - H.G. Wells, Bypassing Politicians - Jacques Ellul, the Importance of Education for Early Indoctrination; Trained to be Uniform - Teacher Unions, U.N., UNESCO; Groupthink - Social Engineering, Marxist Theories - Tony Blair, Oil; What Wars are Really About - Mercenaries, Soldiers - Plundered at Least Twice a Century - Bank for International Settlements (BIS), International Monetary Fund (IMF); World Bank - GATT, Free Trade - Philanthropists - Work, Purpose, Routine - Maurice Strong, Biodiversity, Rio, Interdependence; Post-Industrial, Post-Consumer - Police; Milgram Experiment - Brotherhoods and the Swears They Take - Head of the W.H.O.; CDC, NIH; They All Parrot the Same Lines - Scientific Tyranny - Religion Protected Peasants for Centuries - The Law of God Gives You Rights - Scientific Socialism, Rule by Experts - H.G. Wells, George Bernard Shaw, Destruction of Family Allows State to Dictate Directly to the Individual - Private Business, Vaccines - Wartime Scenarios, Fun to Eat Less, Cook Up and Eat Crickets and Ants; Dancing Nurses. Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Apr. 26, 2020 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Redux links: Original Audio and Topics - "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt "No Need to Fear, Beastly Choice is Quite Clear" - Excerpt from Apr. 26, 2020 Forgotten Men - by Not Sure Forgotten Men - 1933 film Waco Massacre Documentary (Viewer Descretion) Mar. 6, 2022 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past) That Which is Self-Evident © CTTM Mar. 6, 2022 Original Broadcast 13 December 2020 - That Which is Self-Evident - Masonry, Symbology, Gematria - Take No Oath - Temporary War Tax, Lockdowns - If Voting Worked for the People it Would Be Made Illegal - The Red Bishop (The Red Dean of Canterbury), Indoctrination, Perpetual Adult Education, Books, Entertainment, Media, Movies - Changes in Sexual Behaviour Influenced by Movies - Altering Society, Emasculate Men Who Traditionally Stand Up Against Tyranny - You'll Turn on Yourself until You Self- Destruct - This is a Full-Scale War - Emotions Used Against You - Targeted if You Speak Out - Cyber Warfare - Movie, The Lives of Others; East German Stasi - Internet, Virtual You - Fascism, An Elitist Totalitarian System - The State Owns Your Body for the Greater Good - Euthanasia - Joy of the Individual with Small Groups of Friends - Resolute Perpetrators are Very Dangerous; Murderous Intent - The Sustainability Agenda - Biden, Voter Fraud No One Will Investigate - Bertrand Russell, Scientific Tyranny - Useless Eaters - Behavior Modification, Human Brain Mapping - Pavlov - Communism, Big Business - Post-Consumer Society - Manufacturing Off-Shored, Fee Trade, Service Economies - Disraeli's Coningsby, People Who Rule Behind the Scenes - Bolsheviks - Tremendous Evil in the World. Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 13, 2020 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Redux links: Original Audio and Topics - "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt "Psychopathic Professions of Demonic Possessions" - Excerpt from Dec. 13, 2020 The Red Dean of Canterbury and The King of Siam - by Not Sure The Man Who Sold Ukraine Ukraine And The New Al Qaeda” DNA doesn't do a whole lot of work. The real work is done by RNA. Yes, The Vaccine Can Change Your DNA Brace for rationing *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Feb. 27, 2022 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past) There's Nothing New Under the Sun © CTTM Feb. 27, 2022 Original Audio 13 December 2020 - An Intelligent Virus - The Little People; Elimination of Protein - Sustainability, The Club of Rome, Austerity - Culture Industry, Entertainment - Information/Cyber War fare; Elephant Traps - Sting Operations - Don't Fall into Emotional Traps - Pamphleteers - 9/11, We Are Change; Infiltration - Computer and Cellphone Backdoors - Remember to Donate and Order, www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com - George Bush, A Thousand Points of Light, NWO - Learn to Say "No" - Chatham House Rules; Don't Tell the Public Anything after Our Private Meetings - Council on Foreign Relations - Julian Huxley - Agenda 21, Essential Vehicles Only; Elimination of Private Property - Bill Gates, Reimagining - John Wesley, Benjamin Franklin, The Brotherhood of Man - Goebbels, The Big Lie; Machiavelli; Bread and Circuses - That Which is Self-Evident. Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 13, 2020 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Redux links: Original Audio and Topics - "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt "Psychopathic Professions of Demonic Possessions" - Excerpt from Dec. 13, 2020 An Amateur Detective and the Curious Case of Kary Mullis - by Not Sure What’s Behind the New AIDS Scare? As COVID crumbles they’re already prepping the next “pandemic” Discovery of New HIV Variant Sends Warning for COVID Pandemic How SAGE and the UK media created fear in the British public Feb. 20, 2022 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past) We're in the Mouth of Madness Now, Eh? © CTTM Feb. 20, 2022 Original Audio 13 December 2020 - We're in the Mouth of Madness Now - Official Narrative of the State; Echo Chambers - Events of 2020; Century of Transition - Stasi; Movie, The Lives of Others - By Force and Law, Ordered to Accept This as Real; Soviet System, Trials Not Needed if You're Diagnosed as Mentally Ill; Documentary about the Unabomber - George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman - National Socialism, Britain after WWII; Nationalizing Services - Edward Bernays, Overthrowing Governments, American Fruit Company - Run by Secret Governments Behind the Scenes - Prince Philip, Prince Charles, Depopulation - H.G. Wells, WWI and WWII didn't Kill Off Enough People - C.G. Darwin - China - Davos, WEF, The Great Reset - A Planned Farce - Riots - Covid, An Intelligent Virus - The Little People; Elimination of Protein - Transhumanist Klaus Schwab in His Space Jackets. Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 13, 2020 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Redux links: Original Audio and Topics - "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt "Psychopathic Professions of Demonic Possessions" - Excerpt from Dec. 13, 2020 And there is nothing new under the sun. - by Not Sure The Net: The Unabomber, LSD and The Internet (Documentary) How Eddie Bernays, the United Fruit Company, and the CIA overthrew the Guatemalan Government Common Purpose 2020 Impact Report The speech that got Pastor Artur Pawlowski arrested Fauci Explains Why You Need More Shots and Boosters Feb. 13, 2022 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past) War on the People: Covid-19 and the Destruction of Economies © CTTM Feb. 13, 2022 Original Broadcast 20 Dec. 2020 - Total War on the Public - Monitored by the Internet - Freedom of Speech - Many Forms of Warfare; Destroying Economies with Covid-19 Lockdowns - Tribes and Small Clans - Carroll Quigley, CFR, Selection of Leaders - Lord Alfred Milner Connection to Lord Rothschild - Cecil Rhodes - Democracy is a Great Drug - You are the End Product of Thousands of Years of Commerce - Monopolization - Run by Invisible Powers, Techniques of Persuasion - Psychopathic Politicians and Opinion-Making "Stars" - Asch Conformity Experiment - Brainwashed to Accept the System as Natural - Malthusian Overpopulation; Movie, Idiocracy - Eugenics - DONATE and ORDER at www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com - Wearing Diapers on Your Face - Movie, The Experiment - Milgram Experiment, Stanford Prison Experiment - H.G. Wells, WWI, War of Attrition - Tanzanian President Tested Fruit and Motor Oil for Covid - Greatest Agenda-Driven Hoax Ever Devised. Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 20, 2020 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Redux links: Original Audio and Topics - "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt "War on the People: Covid-19 and the Destruction of Economies" - Excerpt from Dec. 20, 2020 This is Their Revolution - by Not Sure The Covid Narrative and “Conspiracy Theories”: A Physician’s Perspective What is “Build Back Better” Globalism? 2016 - 8 predictions for the world in 2030 Abp. Viganò endorses Canadian truck drivers, calls for prayers to defeat ‘infernal’ Great Reset Archbishop Vigano Endorses Canadian Truck Drivers 'We're not backing down': Canadian truckers Trudeau vs Canadian Truckers Let's Go Brandeau Canada: Legal action against Feds’ vaccine mandates Germany: Thousands protest COVID restrictions Thousands protest in Berlin against Covid restrictions Luc Montagnier, Nobel-Winning Co-Discoverer of H.I.V., Dies at 89 Five Presidents Who Opposed Covid Vaccines Have Conveniently Died, Been Replaced by Pro-Vaxxers Democrat strategist James Carville wants to punch any unvaxxed ‘piece of s—‘ in the face. Will it end there? Aldous Huxley on Mike Wallace (1958) Carroll Quigley - 'Cecil Rhodes Roundtable' (RARE 1974 Interview) Gary Allen - None Dare Call It Conspiracy (Visualized by AWO ASTRALWORKZ) Feb. 6, 2022 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past) Chertoff's CREATE-ORS of Chaos, Paranoia and Control © Alan Watt Jul. 25, 2007 Original Broadcast 25 July 2007 - Public are predictable - Personality profiles - Census - Data collection - National Identity Cards - Nature of the Psychopath - Schemes to Dominate Forever - Double-think of: "We're global but we're international." Thought-Crime, Speak-Crime, Gesture-Crime. Chip Implant was Ready Years Ago - Use of Fiction to Promote Chip - Injectable Chipping of Workers with RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification tags) - Electronic Tagging - VeriChip Corporation - Portable Scanners - Unique Identification Numbers - Medical History Records -VeriMed Network - Sensor X-Rays - CREATE, Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events - U.S. Department of Homeland Security - Countermeasures for Imagined "Terrorism" Scenarios - Insanity Employed to Rule Us on Behalf of Psychopathic Group - (Article: Friday, July 20, 2007 - "A Briefing by Michael Chertoff") - Groups are Controlled from Top by a Leader - War to Destroy Individuality. Theft of Alan's For-Sale Books and Discs - Taking Away Bread from Alan's Dinner Plate - Need of Financial Support to Keep Going. ("Founding Fathers' Guitar" clip. Followed by Song: "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" by the Beatles). Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jul. 25, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Redux links: Original Audio and Topics - "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt "Chertoff's CREATE-ORS of Chaos, Paranoia and Control" - July 25, 2007 Transcript "Chertoff's CREATE-ORS of Chaos, Paranoia and Control" July 25, 2007 While My Guitar Gently Weeps - by Not Sure CREATE - Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events The Government’s Kill Switch for Your Car, Your Freedoms and Your Life America’s Largest Teachers’ Unions Push Vaccine Mandates That Will Usher in Technocratic Digital ID How Education International is Pushing Teachers’ Unions into the 4th Industrial Revolution Experts Balking Over Elon Musk’s Brain Implants Mark Zuckerberg is working on MIND-READING brain implants Prof. Mattias Desmet | Session 87: We are all David NARRATIVE #79 | Reiner Füllmich Matt Brevner: "More of Us" Jan. 30, 2022 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past) Royalty, Life-Rafts, Religions and Repertoires versus Another, Better Way © Alan Watt Aug. 27, 2007 Original Broadcast 27 Aug 2007 - Quebec Fiasco - American Amalgamation - Signing toward "Peace, Prosperity, Security". Agenda for 3 part world, 3 trading blocs - Government-financed Psychology - Television Indoctrination, Programming - Re-Written Bibles - King James' Rosicrucian Court - Freemasonry in Old Testament, Slavery and Cunning, Rules of System - New Testament - God of Forgiveness, Personal God - Greek Gnosticism, Stoics - Mystery Religion - Personal Salvation, Allegories; "Profane" visualize real people - Moral Teachings, Predating Judaism - Borrowings from India - Jacob=Heel-Catcher, Usurper; Esau - Power of Intellect, Cunning over Nature - 12 Tribes=Zodiac, Heavenly Plan, Agenda, Human Nature - Sphinx: Leo and Virgo. War between Spirit and Matter - Middle Earth, between Hell and Spirit - Hella: Nordic for Dirt, Earth. Ancient Egyptian Satrapies - Pharaohs Gave Sons to be Taught by Knights - Noble System - Norman Invasion, Europe - Behaviourism; Repertoires of Behaviour - Projection onto Others - Asking Questions and Helping Each Other - John (Eon, an Age) - Astronomical Rotations - 12 Constellations - Revelations (Revealing) - Essenes, Pythagoras. Rothschild, Training in Hamburg for Banking, Five Sons of - Authorized by Aristocracy. Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Aug. 27, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Redux links: Original Audio and Topics - "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt "Royalty, Life-Rafts, Religions and Repertoires versus Another, Better Way" - Aug. 27, 2007 Aug. 27, 2007 - Alan Watt LIVE on RBN - Full Transcript Pearls Before Swine or The Art of Listening - by Not Sure A Note On My Absence - Brandon Turbeville Jan. 23, 2022 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past) Scientists' Frankensteinian Wet Dream - Humanimals for a Grazed New World © Alan Watt Jan. 24, 2008 Original Broadcast 24 Jan 2008 - Going Back in Time - Technocrats - New Society, Communitarianism - Comintern, Beria, Pavlovian Techniques - Nationalism, Centralization of Power, Internationalism. Neoplatonism, "Natural Aristocracy" - American Founding Fathers, Jefferson, Revolution - Colors of Communism, Red, Green - Green Party - Dialectic - John Dee, Free Trade, British Empire - Rosicrucians, Freemasonry - France, Secret Meetings - Ben Franklin, Madame Blavatsky, Theosophy - Sheepdogs Herding Sheep - Churches, Commerce - Catholic Church, Indulgences, Carbon Taxes, Club of Rome, Public as Enemy - Foundations, Think Tanks, NGOs - Previous Warming and Ice Ages - Aerial Spraying - Rip-off Taxation - Sterilization to "Save Mother Earth" - Environmental Groups - Emissions Cuts for "Rich" Countries - Religion Shopping, Rituals, New Age - Individual Experiences and Searching - "Know Thyself" - Emotion and Logic - Values - Ego, Persona - Othello Syndrome - George Orwell, Retention of Humanity - Man Playing God - Ancient Greek Atomic Theory, Mythology of Gods. Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 24, 2008 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Redux links: Original Audio, Links and Topics - "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt "Scientists' Frankensteinian Wet Dream - Humanimals for a Grazed New World" - Jan. 24, 2008 Jan 24, 2008 - Alan Watt LIVE on WTPRN - Full Transcript The UN Agenda 21 Religion and Carbon Tax Indulgences - Alan Watt Books: 'The First Global Revolution' by The Club of Rome 2008 - 'EU reveals energy plan of action' 2022 - EU ministers mull carbon border tax, argue over nuclear’s green credentials 2022 - Pope Francis on the Need for Global Cooperation on Climate Change, Pandemic 2022 - Egyptian Church takes initiative on climate ahead of COP27 2022 - Convincing religious conservatives about taking care of 'the least of these' during climate warming UK: "Apocalyptic Bird Flu" Jumps to Humans as Authorities Cull Millions of Birds" Covid-19 vaccines and treatments: we must have raw data, now Reiner Füllmich & 50 lawyers: ”The vaccines are designed to kill and depopulate the planet” Will These People Be Charged With Genocide? Spanish Flu Bolshevik Revolution - History Repeating? Hugo Talks #lockdown Swiss researchers launch trial for COVID "patch" vaccine Nano Patch Part 1 and 2 by Silas Speaks The Viper Patch is Coming Soon... Jan. 16, 2022 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past) Septics, Skeptics and the Drugging of Inner Space © Alan Watt Nov. 22, 2006 Original Broadcast 22 Nov 2006 - Chinese Boots - Mandatory Voting - Kyoto and Habitat Areas - Delphi Technique - Level One Questions - New Age Heroes - Fate and Fortune Telling - Destiny - Drug Mayhem, Lucy in the Sky (LSD), Timothy Leary - Action Reaction - Drive Thru Mentality - Drugged Experiences, Guardian of the Mind - Sacred Ground, Mundane World, Base Level Reality - Honesty and Ego - Giving Mystery, Big Payoffs, Going in Willingly, Good Shepherds - Binary Code - Hope. (Song: "Shhh It's A Military Secret," "White Rabbit" by Jefferson Airplane, "Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien" ("No Regrets") by Edith Piaf) Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Nov. 22, 2006 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Redux links: Original Audio, Poem, Links and Topics - "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Septics, Skeptics and the Drugging of Inner Space" - Nov 22, 2006 You Are the Guardian of Your Own Mind - by Not Sure This Is Your Brain on Drugs ‘Microdosers’ of LSD and magic mushrooms are wiser and more creative Transcript - "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Septics, Skeptics and the Drugging of Inner Space" - Nov 22, 2006 Jan. 9, 2022 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past) Truth vs. Ego © Alan Watt Oct. 11, 2006 Original Broadcast 11 Oct 2006 -Recorded on a dreary science-made rainy day. Headphones not recommended. You Are Given Your Reality, Positive Thinking, Indoctrination, Rules and Regulations, Catholic Church and The Paranormal, ArcHives, Silent Area of the Brain, Want Truth or The Familiar?, The Occult Side, Ideology, Self-Reflection, Religion Shopping, Ego-Syntonic Behaviour, Cultural Fetishes Illusion/Distortion (Song: "Good News Week" bytles, "Another Suitcase" by Madonna) Hedgehoppers Anonymous, "Accentuate the Positive" by Bing Crosby and the Andrew Sisters, "Strawberry Fields" by the Beatles Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 11, 2006 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Redux links: Original Audio, Poem, Links and Topics - "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Truth vs. Ego" - Oct. 11, 2006 Always Look On the Bright Side of Life - by Not Sure Faith, Certainty and the Presidency of George W. Bush VACCINES: Bishop Athanasius Schneider Presents the Catholic Position Dr. Robert Malone - Cannot Recommend the Vaccine to Any Age Group A Greater Depression Is Already Here Jan. 2, 2022 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past) Mind, Matter and the Masses © Alan Watt Dec. 29, 2006 Original Broadcast 29 Dec 2006 - A Time of Reflection - The Paranormal, Carl Gustav Jung - Sigmund Freud - Human Nature - Psychology, Psychiatry, Psychic Phenomena - Philemon, The Fisher King - The Collective - The Individual - Metanoia, a Spiritual Conversion - Christianity and Rebirth - Occultism - Tyranny - Esoteric Meanings - Unconscious, Ages and Seasons. (Song: "I May Be Crazy But I Ain't No Fool" by Bob Roberts, "Forever Young" by Joan Baez) Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 29, 2006 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Redux links: Original Audio, Poem, Links and Topics - "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Mind, Matter and the Masses" - Dec. 29, 2006 Metanoia vs. Mindful Masturbation - by Not Sure VIGANÒ: Message for “Truth for Health Foundation” - video VIGANÒ: Message for “Truth for Health Foundation” - transcript Klaus Schwab, Covid 19: The Great Reset—Kirkpatrick Reacts - video and review Open letter from 20 year vet RCMP officer put on unpaid leave for not disclosing his vaxx status. Open Letter to the Attorney General - Mounties for Freedom Ghislaine Maxwell Found Guilty Of Helping Epstein Sexually Abuse Teen Girls | |