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"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurbs, i.e. Educational Talks) check out the following: *ALL Blurbs and Special Shows are Copyrighted Alan Watt |
Jan. - May 2007 | 2006 | |
May 31, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) " 'Roll Up, Roll Up! Tune in to the Body Part Game-Show Macabre' and 'Chemical Evolution to "Perfect" Women (The End of a Period in Time)' " © Alan Watt May 31, 2007 Movie Predictive Programming - Evolution of Sports into Blood-Sports - "Running Man" - "Rollerball" - Three-Tiered World run by World Corporation, Gradual Indoctrination - Plastic Culture can be Changed for the Times You Live In, New Bloodless "Revolutions" - Cultural and Information Wars - War on Poverty and Drugs, The Internet - Dominated by Those Making War on Your Mind, Process of De-Humanization, Sport as National Pastime Addiction - ARENA = AARON, Gruesome Fests of Fascination, Monty Python movie "Meaning of Life" - Replacing Old Religions with Science - Opposition=Condemnation - Old Gods and New Gods, Ordering Kidneys for Transplant - Donors are Paid Paltry Sum - Deliveries to Wealthy Recipients - Exploitation of the Poor, Neutralizing Compassion with Injustice, De-Humanization through Comedy and Game-Shows, -- Daily Mail (Britain) article - May 31, 2007 - "Fury at kidney-swop TV" by Allan Hall (dailymail.co.uk World News) -- Organ Donation - Kidney Transplant Game-Show Contest - Contestants vie for a Kidney - Reality TV - BNN TV - "Who Gets Her Organs?" - Attempts to Block Showing - Daily Mail Tabloid format - Hollywood Drama and Sex - Fantasia, Minds of Psychopaths at the Top - Lack of Identity with Normal Human Emotions - A World of Efficiency, Futuristic Books - We are the Subject - Training Not to Participate in Creation of Our Reality and Destiny, Think-tanks - Pyramid Structure, View of Sacredness of Life - Descent into Inhumanity, Destruction of Bonding in Relationships - Promiscuity - Massive Pregnancies by Single Women - Abortion Body Parts, Butchery in Name of Progress, Depopulation Program - Earth Charter - Animal Rights, Public Love of Socialism - World Run by Experts (Your Betters), Radio Talk Shows - Controversial Topics - Hegelian Dialectic - Taking Sides - Acceptance of Bizarre, "Conspiracy" vs. "Open Conspiracy" - Published Global Agenda, Hormonal Changes, -- BBC News - May 23, 2007 - "US Approves Pill to Stop (Monthly) Periods" -- Librel drug - play on Libra and Life or Freedom - Halting Monthly Menstrual Cycle - Birth-Control Hormones - Pregnancy - Planned Parenthood Federation (Started by a Eugenicist) - Creation of Hormonal Environment Not Found in Nature - Slogans - Contraception and "Choice" - Perfecting that which was left Imperfect, -- Independent Media Centre (IMC), Winnipeg - May 24, 2007 -"North American Union Plan Headed to Congress in Fall" (from World Net Daily) -- Integration of US-Mexico-Canada into Economic and Security Bloc - "Centre for Strategic and International Studies" (CSIS acronym) - North American Free Trade Agreement - European Union - Border Infrastructure - Secret Round-Table Sessions - CFR - Royal Institute for International Affairs - "North American Future 2025 Project" - Free Flow of People across National Borders - Competition to the Bottom - "Market Forces" - SPP - Security and Prosperity Partnership (Who Prospers?) - Immigration and Amnesty Protests - Planned Society - Common Market - Karl Marx - Life in the Script, Bulk of Population are Perpetual Children - They Want to Play - Acquiescence of General Public - Police Blitzes, -- Alan: "We Must Give Power to the Beast in Order to be Devoured by the Beast, in All Ages" -- Fear of Changes - Saving the People - Collective Training - Tyranny - Psychopaths Decide Direction of Public, SILENCE IS LEGAL CONSENT, Right and Wrong - Sentience - Communication of the Facts - Questions of What Comes After this Life?, Seeking Truth - Giving Up All to Find It - Taking Risks - Alienation and Isolation - Opening Pandora's Box (No Guarantees) - Stages of Waking Up - Strength in Knowing - Everyone is Making Choices - Breaking through Barriers, Sham of Democracy - Pre-Selected Politicians - Long-Term Big Business Plans, (Song: "The Sound of Silence" by Simon and Garfunkel) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 31, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD May 30, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Crisis Creation by the Club of Rome - Clubbing Us to Death" © Alan Watt May 30, 2007 Think Tanks Planning the Future - Marketing to Marketers - Groups and Sub-cultures - Gradualized Propaganda, CIA - MI6 - Mossad - Compartmentalization - "Need to Know" basis, Top Foundations - Specialization - Pyramid Structure - Worldwide Agencies and NGOs - Media, Club of Rome - World Unification Techniques - Idea insertion in Fiction and Drama, -- BOOK - "The First Global Revolution: A Report by the Council of the Club of Rome" by Alexander King and Bertrand Schneider - Pantheon Books, New York, 1991 -- Persuasion as an Art - Logic and Rhetoric - Plato's Dialogues - Addition and Omission of Information, Societal Order - Community - Religion, Archives of Previous Generations, Dominant Minority, "Mankind's Encounter with the Planet", Materialism, Survival of "The Race", Globalization and Global Governance, Extremism and Charismatic Leaders, Laws of "Nature" - People and Children of Nature - Immature Capacities and Subordination - Elimination of the "Vacuum", Fear Tactics for Public, "New Hands in Card-Game of Politics" - Ideologies - "Global Village" - American "Dream" is now Nightmare - Scarring the Collective Conscience - Hispanic Migration - AIDS (made in Warfare Laboratories) to Destroy Immune System, Marxism and Socialism - Economic Development - Capitalism - "Common Vision" - Shaping the World - Common Enemies - Common Adversary - John Dewey - "Alien Invasion", Scapegoats, Ethnic Minorities, CREATION OF NEW ENEMIES: Pollution - Water Shortage - Famine - Illiteracy - Unemployment, Totalitarian Countries - Human Rights - Process of Democratization, Changing definitions of Democracy, Masonic Compass and Square, Political Party Rivalries, Voting for Multi-millionaire Lawyers - Top Politicians All Belong to Same Club, "Political Will", Democratic Procedure, -- Winston Churchill quote: "Democracy is the Worst of All Systems, Except for the Rest" -- Margaret Thatcher "New World Order" speech, Private Organizations of Experts, International "Policing" (Armies), Public-Private Corporations, "Enlightened Public Support" - Grass-Roots level - Voter "Apathy", Communistic "Utopia" - Russian Ruling Families, Common Threat to Unite People - Solidarity of All Peoples - Changed Attitudes and Behaviour - "Real Enemy is Humanity Itself", New Environmentalism - Gaea Worship - Overpopulation - Ongoing Propaganda ("Continuing Education"), Use of Religion to Terrify - Fear of Shadows and Demons - Any Reality can be Induced, Voluntary Sterilization - Genetic Enhancement, Elimination of Survival Capabilities - State will Make Decisions for Public, Theft of Sentient Abilities - Scripted Versions of Reality - Psychopathic Egos and Myriads of Bureaucrats - Rationalization, (Song: "The Times they are a' Changin' " by Keb' Mo (Kevin Moore) ) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 30, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD May 25, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) " "The Power of Particle Propaganda" (from NASA) - "Nuking Your Brain is Safe for You" (from British Boffins) - "Laptops, Gonads, Going, Going, Gone!" " © Alan Watt May 25, 2007 Information given out by P.R. Companies, -- LiveScience.com article - May 4, 2007 - "Previous Unknown Twilight Zone of Particles in Atmosphere" by Andrea Thompson -- NASA Pilot Projects - Ozone Layer - Greenhouse Gases - BUZZ-Words - Cloud Droplets and Aerosols - Solar Radiation - Spraying of Metallic Particles - Goddard Space Center - Cloud Halos - Geophysics - Global Warming, Carl Jung books - Future Changes - Iron Curtain - "Great Builders" - Building Walls and Capitols - Great Wall of China - Wall Street - High Freemasonry - Communist System - Bureaucracies - Government Grants - Multi-Faceted World Corporation, -- Vancouver Sun article - Jan 30, 2007 - "Future Flood of Climate Refugees Ahead" by Chad Skelton -- RCMP Police Report - Global Climate Change - Bangladesh - British Columbia - Flooded Countries - Access to Information Act - Forest Fires set by Forestry Dept. - Deliberate Forest Fires=Good - Wood Stove=Bad - HAARP Technology Super-Heating Atmosphere - "Natural" Disasters - Public Disorder - Climatology - Predictions and Hypotheses - Catastrophes - Dialectics, -- parallelnormal.com article - May 22, 2007 - "The Sick and Elderly - First Targets for Chipping" by Mark Baard-- Microchip from Verichip - RFID tags for Alzheimer's Patients - Katherine Albrecht "Spy Chips" book - Biblical Revelations - -- BBC News Technology - bbc.co.uk article - May 21, 2007 - "Wi-Fi Fears are Unproven" -- Wireless Networks - ID Card with Active Chip - Constant Tracking and Monitoring - WI-FI - Infrared - MI5 - Radiation Levels in Schools - Microwave and Mobile Phone Radiation - "Laptop" Computers - Sterility - MICROWAVES are Used to COOK THINGS - Chip Implants - X-Rays - Madame Curie and Husband - Radioactive Contamination - Cell-Phone Tower Sickness (Poisoning) - Human Effects, Thalidomide - Caused Birth Defects - Re-Introduction for Breast Cancer, Computers on the Beach - Use of Laptop as Umbrella, Intelligence and Counter-Intelligence - Spinning Facts Off into Outer Space - Incredulity - "Conspiracy" Theory and Theorists - Attaching Facts to Incredible Fiction - Importance of Sticking to the Facts, (Orwellian Clip followed by Song: "The Great American Novel" by Larry Norman) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 25, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD May 24, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Phoning an Ambulance can be Dangerous to Your Health - The Chancellor Family's Present Predicament" © Alan Watt May 24, 2007 Listen to a special blurb: Alan speaks with Butch Chancellor, of Missouri (USA). Butch's bedridden wife Martha was taken to a hospital this week, after a neighbor was asked, by Butch, to call an ambulance. He wished Martha to be checked for a behavior change in the last few days. The neighbor phoned 911. This call brought an unexpected SWAT Team into their home, where Butch was detained and questioned (by armed black-clad men), before the "real" ambulance came. Calls to the hospital give continuously changing information about Martha's condition, and false allegations have been inferred upon Butch. Social Services and hospital "policies" may prevent Martha from ever returning home again. Hear how an emergency visit to the hospital, eleven years prior, left Martha paralyzed and unable to speak. Butch speaks of the events leading to and after the ordeal; it's a story that must be heard. (Song: "You and Me" by Charles Aznavour) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 24, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD May 18, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Your Thoughts are Not Your Own - They're Just a-passin' Through - It's the Elite's New Science, Electronic Voodoo" © Alan Watt May 18, 2007 Political Control based on Modern Weaponry - Military-Industrial Complex - Pulsed Energy Weapons - Logging of Public Medical Data, -- Zbigniew Brzezinski book "Between Two Ages" section-"Technotronic Era" -- Beaming Thoughts to Brain - ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) Signals - Human Biological Frequencies and Vibration, Pythagoras - Sympathetic Vibration - Tuning and Pitch, Healing or Harming with Frequencies, Health Charlatans - "Good Vibrations", Making Public Placid-Angry-Happy with Technology, Suggestion Transmission - Deleting or Inserting Memory, HAARP - Metallic Particles - Electrically Conductive Atmosphere, -- "Parameters" U.S. Army War College quarterly magazine - Spring 1998 - "The Mind has No Firewall" by Timothy L. Thomas -- Psychotronic War - VHF Generators - Confusing or Destroying Body Signals and Currents - Use of Cell-Phone Towers - Electromagnetic Energy Waves, Old Star Trek Technology - Stun-Shock-Kill Phaser Guns, --"Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars" booklet -- International Science Panels - Pyramid Structure - Future Predictions of Altered Society, Electronic Age - Virtual Reality - Brain Chip, Mouse-Traps, Strobing Flashes in Sky - "Photic Driving", -- Magic is Science that is Not Yet Explained To the Public -- -- "Attorney General's Conference on Less-Than-Lethal Weapons" document by Sheri Sweetman (1987)-- ELF to Produce Sleep and Confusion - "Electro-sleep" - Human Testing, -- "Microwave News" May/June 1988 article "US Army has its Own Product - Radio Frequency Weapon" -- RF Radiation - Phased Array Antennas, Think-Tanks - Forecasts - Population Reduction to "Manageable Level", Genetic Engineering, Destruction of Old System - Culling Population through Sterilization, Habitat Areas - Riots and Mayhem - Revolts by "Joe Six Pack" and "Jane Soap Opera", International Corps. - British East India Co. - Elimination of Competition - Bill Gates - ID Card Companies and Digital Angel Microchip, Surveillance Cameras, War Treaties - Loopholes for Use on Own Country e.g. Hollow-Point Bullets, Dual-Use Technology - Military and Domestic, -- "Dept. of Defense Directive Policy for Non-Lethal Weapons" from Office of Assistant Secretary of Defense draft (July 21, 1994) -- Military work alongside Domestic Police - Countering "Activities They Wish to Stop" - Permanent Physical or Mental Disabling, "Collateral Damage", Sales of Fear-Based Survival Products - Preparation for some "Big Disaster" - You Can't Take it All with You, Forced into a Monied System - Gold and Silver - Loaf of Bread is Worth More than Gold when Hungry, New Normals - Bronchial Problems (Chemtrails) - Cancer Rates, Rule by Tyrants - Dictatorship - Aristocracy - Theocracy, -- "The Economist" May 2002 magazine article "The Future of Mind Control-- Wars between Psychopathic Families - Ownership of Countries - Separate Languages, George Orwell's "1984" - Torture to Accept Slavery, Aldous Huxley, Terrorism and Enemies Everywhere, Drug Use - Military Tests - LSD - Special Forces, Music Industry - Popularization of Hashish - Young Mimic what They See, What is Human Life Worth? - Abortion - Sales of Body Parts - Euthanasia, Moral Codes, -- Des Moines Sunday Register article "Sept. 11 remains used to fill potholes, contractor claims" -- Mixing Death-Comedy-Sports, Anchor Newsmen - Father Authoritarian Figures, Fear Alters Perception - Media Keeps You On Edge, (Song: "Rocked By Rape" by Evolution Control Committee) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 18, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD May 17, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Behemoth's Blacklist of Bad Boys - Combined Intelligence Services Close the Net in the New Neo-Con Global Soviet" © Alan Watt May 17, 2007 Culture Creation Industry - Plato - Culture is Created from the Top Down - Licensing of Arts-Drama-Music-Fashion, Differences between Psychopaths and Ordinary People - Empathy for Others, Psychiatric Studies list Politicians and Actors in Psychopathic Category, Religion's Use of Everyday Characters in Religious Stories - Rules of the Game, Oxford Movement - British Culture Pushed Across Dominion - Making Different Peoples into a "Common Type" - Re-writing History - System of Management and Control of World Resources - Religious Missionaries to Indoctrinate Natives, Recruitment of Those with Intellect - Breeding Program, Merger of Americas with Britain, Robber Barons in Sheep-skins, CIA and MI6 - Left-wing Groups - Communist System, Crazy "Art" - Nihilism, U.S. "Great" Depression - "New Deal", Re-writing American History - Rockefeller's Gunning Down of Workers - Public Relations Make-over - Funding of Foundations, "Folk Clubs" and Folk Songs - Introduction of Electric Guitar and Disc Jockeys - Miming Stage Shows - "Teenage" group Creation, Organization of Big Music Events - Woodstock Festival - Observation Experiments on Effects of Psychedelic Drugs, Making of Heroes for Youth - Bob Dylan, Art Galleries - Sales Presentation of "Bovine Fecal Matter" - Government Funding Artists, Women's Fashions - Plastic Clothes and Boots - Dangling Metal Objects, "Stoned" Populace - Promiscuity - Little Threat to Elite, "Cold War" - Kremlin - "Famous Four" - MI6 and KGB - Intellectuals Work Together on All Sides, Conquered Countries - Bureaucrats Switching Sides, New Norms - New Morals - Women's Lib Movement - Narcissism - Self-Worship - New-Age, Agenda 21 Document, Gloria Steiner, "I Am God" Movement, Earth Armies - Greening of Planet, CIA and Authors - Unlimited Funding, Real World of Incredible Deception, McCarthy - Card-carrying Communists - 21st Century - New American Century, -- Toronto Star article May 12, 2007 "Canada to Launch No-Fly List in June" by Tonda MacCharles -- 911 - Flight Blacklist of People "Reasonably" Suspected as Threats - "Passenger Protect Program" - RCMP and CSIS - Body and Cavity Searches - "Office of Reconsideration" - Layers of Lawyers and Bureaucracy - Security Screening - Total Integration of Security Forces - Elimination of Privacy and Freedom of Movement - Surrealistic News, Western Capitalist Countries - Totalitarian Glove wrapped in Sheep-Wool, Temporary Credit Cards and Financing, Social Darwinism - Scientifically Controlled Society - Bio-Electric Control, -- People are like Fish in a Big Net - While They Feed, the Net is Drawn Tighter - Then They are Hauled Up and Dumped "On the Deck"-- Milestones of Life - Drives-Instincts-Desires, British Ministry of Defence - Weaponry - Expectations of Next 30 Years - Protests, Burning of Library of Alexandria - Archives of History and Knowledge, Operation Paperclip, Weapons of Mass Destruction, -- Refusal of Normal People to Comprehend what is Actually Happening to Them - That's Why Psychopaths can Get Away with It -- -- You Can't See What's Beyond the Mountain until You Climb Up It -- (Song: "Reader's Digest" by Larry Norman) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 17, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD May 16, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Spies, Snoops and Snitches - Open Wide if You've Nothing to Hide - Culture Creation by Intelligence Services Re-defining 21st Century "Good Citizen" " © Alan Watt May 16, 2007 Noticing Changes - "War on Terror" - Gasoline Prices and Transportation - Military Troops - Waking Up in Shock, Culture Creation, Long-Term Planned Events - War on Public - Introduction of Money as "Medium of Exchange" - Elimination of Barter or Trade - CIA - MI6- Government Agencies - Directive to Stay in Power, Media and Newspapers - BBC Recruitment from Eaton, Authorized Books and Music, Intelligence Services, Ministry of Defence, "Flash Mobs", Propaganda News Articles - Advertisements put across as News Stories, Machiavellian Deception Techniques - Psychopaths, --Toronto Star article May 12, 2007 "Canadians Lining Up to Join Spy Agency" by Tonda MacCharles-- CSIS - "Big Sis" or "Big Sissy" - Domestic Spies - Ulterior Motives - Officers and Community Sub-Agent "Snoops" or "Snitches", Spying - Local Gossip - Organization Infiltration, "Racial Profiling", Control of Ethnic Groups - Leaders are Given, Provocateurs, RCMP - Snooping on Suspected Communists, London Spies, Tribal Psychology of Young Men - Want of Acceptance in Peer Group - Anger and Rebellion - Provocateur Heroes, Dominant Minority and Descendants of, Deviant Psychopaths - Lack of Humane Feeling toward Others - Often have High Intellect - Egocentric Attitudes - Best Actors, Compartmentalized Intelligence Agencies - Congress for Cultural Freedom (Dept. of CIA), Funding of Authors - Scientists - Arts - Women's Lib. Movement, Left-Wing and Labor Union Movements, Arthur Koestler - Lobotomizing the Brain, Bertrand Russell, CIA Funded Magazines, Disassociation of Steady Mentality, Nihilism - Western Mentality - Cold War, Authoritarian Figures, Black Budgets - Drug Trade - "End Justifies the Means", Green Movement and Party - Habitat Areas, Globalization - UN is Head of Octopus - Local Branches and Implementation, Supercities for Commoners - Country Houses for Bureaucratic Classes, -- Toronto Star article May 12, 2007 "Miller Set To Push Environmental "Facebook" " by Jim Byers -- GO ZERO! Toronto - C40 Large Cities Climate Summit - Public Relations PR Men - "Zero Footprints" - Buzzwords and Slogans - Environmental "Stewardship" - Behaviour Modification - Car Pools - Solar Power - CO2 - Traffic Congestion - Renewable Energy - "Soylent Green", Little Green Men from Mars, Complaining about The System - Group Formation - Leading Sheep into a PEN = the DOCK in a Courtroom, 911 (Sept. 11, 2001) - Event in Agenda had to Happen - TWIN TOWERS = JACHIN and BOAZ of Masonry - Project for a New American Century - Pearl Harbor Scale Event, Jaques Ellul? - Talked about Total Information System since 1950's - Personality Profiles on ALL Citizens - Info kept Secret from Public, Ruthlessness and Cruelty of Elite - Domination by Terror - Mandatory Public Execution Attendance, "Perfect Society" - Brain-Chipping as the Norm - Decisions Made by State, -- Arthur Koestler book "The Ghost in the Machine" -- (Song: "The Gambler" by Kenny Rogers) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 16, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD May 10, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Don't Drive - Behave - Beehive (or) Hitchhiker's Guide to Behaviour Modification" © Alan Watt May 10, 2007 -- Wilson Quarterly Magazine (Spring 2007) "The Climate Engineers" article by James R. Fleming -- "Environmental Stewardship", Mixing Fear with Comedy, Global Warming, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, CO2, Reflecting Sunlight into Space with Reflective Particles and Mirrors, Ice Ages, NASA Research Center - San Francisco, Radical Technological Quick-Fixes, Lowell Wood - Dr. Evil Part Two - Chief Pentagon Weapon Design, Edward Teller - Dr. Evil Part One - Using Metallic Particles to Heat or Cool Atmosphere, Spraying Sulfur in Skies - War on the Stratosphere - 747 or Military Super-Blimp to Pump out Sulfur, --"Report from Iron Mountain" book-- , Orbiting Mirrors, Frothing Ocean Waters, Injection of Diatomaceous Earth into Arctic Skies, Scientists Living on Grants, Specialization, Climate Engineering, Re-freezing Ice Caps, Winter Storms, "Planetary Thermostat" - Dialed by Top Psychopath - Artificially Lowering Temperature, Hoover Institution - Stanford University, Reagan era Star Wars Missile Defense System, Climate Control Schemes, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - IPCC (UN), Military Industrial Complex, Navy Dirigible (Airship) - USS MACON - "Sons of Light" - MACON - French for MASON, Aerial Spraying, An Uncertain Future, The "New Titans", Ancient Priesthoods use of Sun in Sky - Spokespersons for the god - Waving Incense - White-Coated Priesthoods and Theories, Appeasing the Sun - Getting the Sun to Come Up in the Morning, Egypt - Pharaoh Represented RA (the Sun), Reign of Royalty over Commoners - Fertilization of Earth by Sun, New Slavery - Looming Extinction - Trust in Paid Expert Front-Men, Destroying Old Way of Living, Death of Individualism (for Commoners), --Article - parallelnormal.wordpress.com - "Prepare to be Transitioned into Your New Habitat" May 7, 2007-- Crowded into Buses and Trains - Accidents and Shootings - UN Urban Habitats - Wireless Internet Access on Buses, MIT - Internet Monitoring - Motorola - Public-Private Partnerships, Supra-National Governments, "1000 Points of Light" - "Pulling the Strings", --"E-Topia" book by William J. Mitchell (Electronic-Topians) - Global Digital Network - Urban Design - Virtual Places - Electronic Meeting Places, Digiphiles and Digiphobes, CIA and Professors, Marketing the "Wonderful" Orwellian Cities, --May 9, 2007 parallelnormal.com article "The Brother is a Brother" -- Masonic "Bling" - Freemasonry's Newest Recruits, Weeping Over a Gavel, HIS-Story not YOUR-Story, Lucifer in the Lodge - Not Satan, "Everyone Has Their Price", Clawing Their Way to the Top, --"The First Global Revolution" by Alexander King and Bertrand Schneider (Club of Rome)-- Overseas Economic Corporation for Development, Think-Tanks, Foundations, "Raising Public Consciousness" - Shaping and Crafting, "Illumined Ones" to Guide Us - Social Darwinism, HAARP Waves - Aerial Spraying - EVIDENCE IS ABOVE YOUR HEAD, Bringing Public into Sheep-Pens of City Slums - Spring Water from Plastic Bottles - Fluoride in Toothpaste - Giving Waste to Sheeple - Xenoestrogen - Altering Hormonal Levels, French Revolution - Planned Society - Eliminating Certain Aristocracy and Poor, H.G. Wells - Upset by "Breeders" - Fabian Society and "Superior Genes", Allocation of Credits by Government - No Private Property, Cell-Phone Chatter - Training for Brain-Chip - Getting Interconnected by Thought - You Will be Programmed to Serve Your Betters, (Song: "Dirty Old Town" by The Dubliners) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 10, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD May 4, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Great Britain, Embryo of World Government - 1938 Report From Royal Institute of International Affairs' Global Meeting" © Alan Watt May 4, 2007 Published Books Available to Public - Legalistic Statements - Classified and Top Secret Information - Archives and Vaults, NAFTA and Free Trade Negotiations - Edited Report for Public, Illusion of Living in a Free Society, -- Royal Institute of International Affairs - World Meeting - "British Commonwealth and the Future" published by Humphrey Milford -- Council on Foreign Relations - CFR - World Government, Rockefeller Foundation, Labor Unions - Communism and Capitalism, Interdependence - John Dee - "British" or "Brightish" Empire, "International Identity", New Culture for World System - British Aristocracy, Mouse-Traps of The System, Royal Charter for Cecil Rhodes Foundation - Non-Governmental Front-groups, Lord Alfred Milner - Round Table Societies - League of Nations - United Nations, National Sovereignty as Transitional Phase to World Government - Super-state, U.S. and U.K. Commonwealth, "Collective Security" - Democracy - Dictatorship States - Nazi Regime, Pan-American Union - "Unity in Diversity" - European Union - American Union, Winston Churchill, Media Mogul Attendance of World Meetings - Inter-Generational Training toward World Government, Knights' Looting of Countries, Institute for Pacific Relations, Pre-Planned World War II, Elite View of "Peasants" as a Pool of Labor, Culture Clashes in 21st Century, World Court, Bilderbergers, Club of Rome - Depopulation Agenda, -- Royal Institute of Intl. Affairs Conference 1938 - Lapstone (Sydney), Australia -- British Columbia Asiatic Population - Making China the World Manufacturer, Global Totalitarian Prison-Camp, Naive Promoters of World "Utopia", -- Arthur C. Clarke books - "2001" - "2010" - "3001" - a Future with One Billion People on Earth and Micro-chipped Population -- Predictive Programming, Three Levels of Technology - Professorship and Below, CIA-Mossad-MI6 Advanced Technology, Good Reason is Given to Public - Real Reason is Never Told, Francis Bacon - Machiavelli - Advisors to Kings and Queens, Economic Depressions - Regulations - Future Ban on Wood-stove Heating - Elimination of Independence - Rising Taxes and Costs of "Energy", Global Plantation is Underway, Creation of NATO, Karl Marx - Funded by Corporations - A United Europe-Americas-Pacific Rim, -- Dreamland - Rainbows - Leprechauns - Out of Body Experiences - Play with Chakras - Closing Your Eyes and Wishing it all Better - New Age Phenomena has Disarmed Minds of Millions - Circuses and Sports have Disarmed Most of the Rest -- If a Monied System Never Came Into Being - Gradual Natural Integration of Peoples - Pict and Scot Integration in Scotland, Crashing of Money System - Conflicts and Group Divisions will Occur, Antagonism - Stirring of Emotions, Remaining a Distinct Sentient Individual, Public "On-Board" and "On-Track", Reading Dry Dusty Old Books - Understanding What is Around You, (Song: "Working Class Hero" by John Lennon) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 4, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD May 3, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Authorized Voice-to-Skull Advertising Preparing You for Brain-Chipped Hive - Happy Habitats and Concentration-Slum Areas (Camps)" © Alan Watt May 3, 2007 For Mark Baard's write-up, see article section. United Nations' Sustainable Development - League of Nations, Thomas Huxley - Darwinism - Free Love - Promiscuity - Unwanted Children - Venereal Disease - Orphanages - Birth Control Pill - Bacterial Infections - Abortion Clinic, H.G. Wells - British Propagandist - RED - Masonic Symbol of Revolution, Theory of Evolution - Ruthless Push to Top, Global Governance - Soviet (Rule by Councils) System, -- May 2, 2007 parallelnormal.com article by Mark Baard - "Prepare to be Transitioned into Your New Habitat" -- Agenda 21 Initiative - New Feudal Overlords - Control of ALL Essentials - "Smart Growth" - "Urban Sprawl" - Concentrated Population Centers (Concentration Camps) - Telus Institute and Phone System, Habitat Areas where Human Consumption and Labor can be more Easily Controlled, Suburban Town Centers - Cutting Water Usage and Traffic, -- "Next Million Years" book by Charles Galton Darwin -- Creating a More Sophisticated Form of Slavery, Indoctrinative Propaganda - Wildlife and Nature Television Programs, -- May 1, 2007 Boston Globe article by Sarah Schweitzer- www.boston.com - "Metro Future Puts Focus on Suburbs" -- Kyoto Accord - Internal Armies - Multi-Jurisdictional Task Forces - Push-Tax-Frighten-Threaten Public to Adopt Changes - -- "Soylent Green" movie -- UN Building Codes - Targeting Rural Areas - Getting You off the Land - Energy "Conservation", Dog and Cat Food Poisoning Scare - Contaminated Corn (Grain) from China - Rat Poison, -- April 10, 2007 article by ?David Gutieriez? "Variety of Genetically Modified Corn approved for Human Consumption" -- Liver and Kidney Toxicity - Hormonal Changes - MON863 Monsanto Modified Corn, CIA - "Voice to Skull" Technology - Hearing Voices - Training for Brain Microchip, -- April 24, 2007 Globe article by Jen Abelson "The Marketers Have Your Ear - Beam of Sound Aims its Messages" -- Beaming Audio into Your Head - Audio Spotlight Device - Advertisers' "Capture People", Alexander Graham Bell and Father - Work with Deaf, Audio Spotlight - Supermarket Product Advertising - Television Audio Beamed into Your Head - Preparation for HIVE-MIND and BRAIN-CHIP - Thoughts and Buzzing from Elsewhere - Approved Technology, UNIFORM - One Form - High Masonry, Middle Ages - Plagues - Jesuits - Uprisings-Backlashes-Solutions - Knights and Mercenaries, Religions for Public - Divide and Conquer - Catholic-Protestant-Jewish-Moslem Divisions, FREEBOOTERS - Pirating and Plundering, Happy Media Spin on Bad News - Fart Tax - Taking Away Protein Supply - Surrealism, Clashes and Leaders - Haphazard Riots - Tension Between Latin America and America - Antagonism - Creation of Chaos, Takeover of Everything You Need to Live, (Alan) Thanks to those Who Gave Donations, (Song: "I'm Bad, I'm Nationwide" by ZZ Top) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 3, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD May 2, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Superior Supermen's Sustainable Society and the Art of Shepherding Sheeple" © Alan Watt May 2, 2007 Upcoming Controlled Society - "Sustainable Levels" - Carroll Quigley - New Feudal System - International Corporate Overlords, U.N. "Utopia" planned by Experts, Albert Pike - Scottish Rite of Freemasonry - Future Dominated by Corporations and Foundations, Mithra - Mithraism and Christianity - Warrior-Mercenary Brotherhoods - Secrecy and "Virtues", Rockefeller Foundation - Sponsors Hundreds of NGOs - Child "Care" - Environmental Causes - Citizen of the Year Awards, Children are Targets - Street Gangs, Children's Schools - Searches and Surveillance, -- April 10, 2007 New Zealand Herald article - "Big Brother Creeps into British Schools" by Nigel Morris - From nzherald.co.nz -- Child Fingerprinting and Photographs - Biometric Checks - Gathering Biometric Data - Ethics Committees - Compromise, Eugenics - Bioethics - Sterilization, Tory "Conservatives" - ID Cards, Police Data Collection and Storage, Desensitization and Humiliation, Tabloids and Media Propaganda, -- April 28, 2007 Sun article - "New Law Sounds Full of Hot Air" -- Fart Tax - New Laws to Stop Cows and Sheep Farting - Livestock Methane Emissions - Greenhouse Gases - Percentages - Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics - Alvin Toffler book "Third Wave" - Amalgamation of Capitalism and Communism - Dominant Minority Elite - Creating a Vegetarian World - Vegetarianism as Control Mechanism, Modified Vegetables, -- April 7, 2007 Sun article - "Global Warming Will Kill Billions" by Michael Lea -- Hunger - Drought - Disease - Natural Disaster - Doomsday Scenario, United Nations "Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change" IPCC - Greenpeace - Authorized NGOs - Non Governmental Organizations, Population Reduction - Psychopaths at Top of All Religions and Groups, Causing Hunger by Takeover of Food Supply, Causing Drought and Earthquake by HAARP Technology - Global Chemtrail Spraying of Skies, Jacques Cousteau and David Suzuki, Mercury in Fish Scare - Mad Cow Disease, -- April 6, 2007 Sun article "Billions of People are Doomed to Drought and Food Shortages" -- Melting Ice-caps - Rising Sea Levels, Poor and Least Industrialized Nations - "Useless Eaters" - Water Shortages and Meters on Private Water Wells, "Yes-Men", Bertrand Russell, EU Pledges - Wind-Wave-Solar Power, Masonic "G" - Group of Eight - Summit - Peak of Mountain, Ice Ages and Warming Periods, Old Primary School Geography Books, Stimulation of Public "Debate" - Guiding Public Opinion, CLUB OF ROME - "Improvement of Societies" - Born with Privilege to Serve the State, -- "First Global Revolution" book by Council of the Club of Rome (King and Schneider) -- Creation of an Enemy to Unite "Us" - Ongoing Wars - John Dewey, "Threat from Outer-Space" - Threat of Pollution - Humanity, Scientific Indoctrination of Youth - Brain-Chips, -- "The Extension of Man" book by Marshall McLuhan -- Effects of Electronic Media on Human Mind - Cybernetics - Formation of Perceptions, Predictive Programming, Psycholinguistics - Alteration of Meaning with Word Substitution, Politicians - Promises - Voting - Elections - P.R. Spins from Media Fiction - Why Bother Voting? (Song: "Little Lies" by Fleetwood Mac) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 2, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD April 27, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Kyoto's Crisis Creation = Conservation = Capital's Elation and Public Starvation" © Alan Watt April 27, 2007 "Saving the Environment" - Increased Taxation - Carbon Dioxide Levels - Cycles of Earth - Ice Ages and Warming Periods, Middle Ages Warm Period - Absence of Fireplaces in Britain, Orwell's Memory Hole, World Run by Intellectual Experts guided by Dominant Minority, League of Nations - Debates on Population Control - Mandatory Inoculations, Planned Reality - UN - 50 - 100 - 150 Year Plans, Far Ranging Business Plans, Sky Alchemy - Weather Changes - Documented - US Air Force "Owning the Weather", Same Scripts Altered for Each Culture, Preparation for World to Come, Archie Bunker - Three's Company, Push into Habitat Areas - High-tech Cities for Bureaucrats, "Soylent Green" movie. - "Make Room, Make Room" book. , "Blade Runner" movie. - Totalitarian System - Always Raining - New Type of Scientifically Created Human, Predictive Programming - Familiarity - Inevitableness, Programming for Near Future, Cecil Rhode Foundation and Scholarships - Milner Group - Debating Our Futures - Profane "Unwashed Masses" Swallowed Indoctrination, Juggling Theories - Pseudoscience, Kyoto Agreement - No Public Voice - Takeover of World's Natural Resources, Suns - Stars - Newspapers, April 27, 2007 Sudbury Star front page article on Kyoto Targets - "Turning the Corner" - Greenhouse Gas Emissions - Steven Harper, CO2 Emissions - Hit in Pocketbook - Urban Sprawl - Masonic Balancing - Authorized NGOs financed by International Corps., David Suzuki and Al Gore - Rock Stars, Smog and Pollutants, "Environmental Defence", Black - Red - Gold - Green Masonic Lodges, Arthur C. Clarke, Scientific Brainwashing - Secret Smokers, "1984" book - Women's Armies - State Authorized Breeding - Thought Criminals - Elite in Luxury - Peasantry in Perpetual War - Constant Camera Surveillance, Encryption - Gov't Agency Access to ALL Communication Devices, Feudal Overlords - Public-Private System, International Laws, Green Movement, Iraq War One - Starvation, Psychopaths - Monied System, Looking at the Negative - Waking Up, War to "Save" Environment, Up in the Boonies - the Moose - Rutting Season - Big Shindig - Best Pair of Jeans and Shirt - Wild Country Sing-along - Rabbits on Bass - Dancing Beavers - Secret Forest Fraternity, Pick-pocket Ferrets and Scheming Squirrels, (Song: "Sharp Dressed Man" by ZZ Top) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - April 27, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD April 26, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Atmospheric Alchemists and the Chemtrails they Weave (UN and the Sustainable Development Bandwagon)" © Alan Watt April 26, 2007 Big Fear Creation - Grazing Sheep - Pushed into New Pen - Movement into New "Perfected" Society - Stalin - Elite View of Piece is Absence of Opposition, Weather - Global Warming - HAARP - Shortwave Reception - Atmosphere Saturation with Metallic Particles - Electromagnetic Energy Pulsation - Mood Alteration. Revelations - Bible - Old Plan, Food Used as Weapon, CNN.com (Science and Space Section) Article April 17, 2007 "UN Security Council Holds Climate Debate", Population Reduction, Climate Change and Peace and Security - Group of 77 - League of Just Men - Developing Countries, Global Con-Game, Flooding - Disease - Famine - Crop Failures, Uganda - Hydropower, Carroll Quigley, Kofi Annan, Rwanda, Mark Baard Article (April 26, 2007) at parallelnormal.wordpress.com and theregister.co.uk - "Where Conspiracy and Convention Collide", Esoteric Researchers - Existing in a Parallel Universe, Edward Teller, Lowell Wood, Nikolas Tesla, Fuel Consumption and Public Policy, Legalese of Public Speakers - "Intelligent Elimination of Undesired Heat", Idealistic Humanism, Nobel Prize Winners, Banting - Dog Dissection, Spinning and Revolving of Chemicalized Polymer Clouds, Weather Warfare Treaties - Use on Public, HAM Radio Strange Signal - Woodpecker Signal, Riga - Soviet "Standing Wave" Technology, New Age Heroes, Higher Freemasonry and World Domination, Bertrand Russell quote - "There is no nonsense so arrant that it cannot be made the creed (belief) of the vast majority by adequate government action", Adam Weishaupt quote - "Oh foolish man, what can you not be made to believe", Nightly News - War - Silicone Babes - Destruction - Surrealism, Marketing Strategies - Insight into Human Psychology - Self-Help Books, Dan Rather - Growing Up with Father Figure - would he lie to you - Peter Mansbridge - Propaganda - Poll Taking - Polls, Easier to Warm Planet than Cool It - From Ice Age to Fried Age, Sir John Colville book - "Downing Street Diaries", Winston Churchill, Racketeering in Crisis Creation Business - Selling Goods to Save Yourself - Buying Frenzy after Terror, Emotions and Caring of Ordinary People, (Song: "The Logical Song" by Supertramp) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - April 26, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD April 25, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Marketing Data, Culture and Fads, the Mental Health Industry and its Push for Power" © Alan Watt April 25, 2007 Marketing to Condition Each Generation, Hula Hoops - The Twist - Hipster Pants - Silly Dances, Public Mimic what they See, Circus Hype and Presentation, Crowds Going Wild, Hysteria - Fads - Bell Bottoms - Name Brands - Snob Appeal, Fashion - Drama - Music Industry, Edwardian and Victorian Times - Promotion of Family Unit - Long Dresses, Huge Business Plans - Planned in Advance by Experts, Bankers and Investments, Separation of Genders - Media Promotion of Female as Sex Object and Male as Low Beast of Sex and Sport - Psycholinguistics, School Shootings - Creating Insecurity - Public Psychological Testing, Physorg.com Article, Psychiatry - Diagnosis and Symptoms - Categories of Psychotic Illnesses - Neurotic Illnesses, World Eugenics Society, Human Brain Chemistry - Violent Behaviour - Neurology, Virginia Tech Shooting - 23 Years Old - 32 Killed, Therapy - Therapist - The Rapist, Raping of Your Mind, Self-Preservation Abilities, Fight or Flight Syndrome - Survival - Preservation, Charles Whitman, Brain Frontal Cortex, Aggression and Violent Impulses, Prozac and Lithium, Sovietized System, Mosquitoes - Spring Work, Email Complaints - Africa - UN, Getting to Know Those Who Help - Extraordinary People - Give Time and Effort - Helping Others, Caring for Family - Diagnosis of Terminal Cancer, Families Used to Take Care of Their Own - Appreciation for Each Other, Living in an Age of Induced Nihilism, Understanding Life and Death - Recognizing Preciousness of Life - Mortality and Aging - Milestones, Persona Projections, Living and Dying - Value of Others - Triviality of Commercial Culture, Hitler in WWII - Deaths under Soviet System - Monuments to Remind People of All Holocausts, Bertrand Russell - Lifetime Conditioning - Chasing the Carrot - The Big Lie - Depression and Drugs, Loneliness - Hope - Stopping Self-Blame - Victims of a System - Fallout Around You, UN Good Citizen Producer-Consumer, Attack of Democratic System, Trying to Find the Right Song - Old Recordings - Songs about Fathers, Father's Projection of Dignity - Feelings of Defensiveness - Wanting to Do More for Offspring - A Dad's Song for Laura and Everyone Else's Dad, (Song: "Father Farewell (For Laura)" by Alan Watt) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - April 25, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD April 19, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Brushfires, Birds, Bees and Biochemical Warfare" © Alan Watt April 19, 2007 How Country Folk "Entertain" Themselves, A Whoosh Outside - Wall of Flame - Cars on Fire - Frying Telephone Line - Stamping Out Fire in Brush, Ministry of Natural Resources MNR - "Controlled" Fires - Burned Out in B.C., Hype about "Climate Change" - Threat from "Out There", Greenhouse Gases, "Beasts of Burden and Meat on the Table" - Unthinking Masses - Elite View of Masses - Law of Nature, Instant Experts, Polymer Clouds Overhead - Chemtrails, World of Honey-Bees - Northern Life Article (April 18, 2007) - CCD "Colony Collapse Disorder" - Beekeepers - Vanishing Bees - Pollination Cycle - Honey - Genetically Modified Plants - Leaving the Hive - Sensible Bees - Foreign Mites, Bee Flight Patterns - Ministry of Agriculture - Experimental Crop Fields - Dazed Dying Bees - New Pollens, GMO Food - Agri-Business - Tony Blair - NGO Protests - Secret Deals to Grow-Test-Monitor GMOs - Ottawa Central Computer - Nationwide Medical Data Collection, Crows - West Nile Virus - Modified Food - Scarecrows - Young Shoots, Intelligence Agencies, Cryptology - 007 James Bond (Bonded to Obey) - John Dee - Spies, Media Doing Thinking for Public, Plato - Mystery School - Controlling Human Behaviour, Sworn Freemasons Obey Superiors, Getting Sprayed with Chemicals - Mod. Vegetables and Crops - David Suzuki - Geneticist - Population Reduction, Bacterial and Viral Warfare, Propaganda Programming - Expert Advice - Human Habitats, World Envisaged by Elite, Newt Gingrich, Terrifying "Prions", India Class Caste System - New Age Religion - Nothing is Real - Vegetarianism - Protein Deficiency - Malthus - Bringing Down Intellect and Reasoning, "Deadly Allies" Book by John Bryden, Carroll Quigley Books - "Tragedy and Hope" - "Anglo-American Establishment" - Advisor to Government Departments, Motivating Public to War - Terrifying Public with Lies about "Enemy", Scientists can Create Life and Disease but can't Figure Out What is Killing Bees, Albert Pike - Choice and Consent, Thinking for Oneself, Unseen Warfare (for All Resources), Coming to Decisions, Plain Facts, Co-ordination of Translators for New Website - alanwattsentientsentinel.eu , (Song: "Food Glorious Food" from Oliver Soundtrack) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - April 19, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD April 18, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Common Cause and Coming Together" © Alan Watt April 18, 2007 Where Does the Time Go?, European Website Up and Running - Transcripts in New Languages to Come, Controllers - Professors of Ancient History - Culture Introduction - Formula, City-States - Standing Armies - Building Empires - System of World Government, Amalgamation of Security and Intelligence Forces - International Corporations - Customs and Duties - Taxation Systems, Middle Class Bureaucratic Families, Wage Slavery - Jobs for Life, War on the Public, Antagonistic Forces - Time at an Empire's End - Rome - Greece - Elevation of Sports - Pass-Times - Passing Time, Indoctrination - Religion of Self-Worship - Oblivious to Changes, Generation X, Bizarre Surrealism of Media - Creation of New Norms, 50 and 100 Year Plans, Elimination of Natural Instincts and Survival Capabilities - New Age Fascination - Captivation of Individual, Christian Saints of Old, "Illuminati" - Illumined Ones - Enlightened Ones - Weishaupt - Jesuit Order - Looking Down on Public, Segregation of Women - War on Families of Old System - Removal From Normalacy, Terrorist Acts, Occultic Numerology in Shooting Spree, Plundering Corporations, Generation Segregation, Occultic Star Wars movies - Faceless Warriors, It's not All Bad News - Talking and Discussing while We Can, (Song: "I Know You're Out There Somewhere" by the Moody Blues) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - April 18, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD April 13, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Pathocrats' Conspiracy AGENDA for Upcoming Generation" (from Ministry of Defence)" © Alan Watt April 13, 2007 Friday the 13th Unlucky for Some - Jaques DeMolay (Grand Master Knights Templar - "Put to Death") - Jake the Mole (Underworld), Reading from "The Guardian" April 9, 2007 - British Ministry of Defence ("Revolution, Flash Mobs and Brain Chips - A Grim Vision of the Future"), Think Tanks - Psychopathic World Elite - PSYCHOPATHY - Knighting Ceremonies, Aldous Huxley - Fall of Rome, Creation of Secret Societies, "Profane" - Those in the Darkness - Have Swallowed Reality as Presented, High Occult Masonry - Revelation of the Method - Jack the Ripper - JFK, Conditioning Populations, Wealthy Families - Bronfmans - Suits and Ties, Prediction of More Use of Chemical Weapons - Implanted Information Chips - Electromagnetic Pulse Weapons - "Flash Mobs", Revolution - French - American, Decline of Western Male Sperm Count - Ignored Statistics, "Concept and Doctrine Center" - Predictive Programming - Unlimited Financing and Staff, Media Disclosure, Militarization of Space, "Declining News Quality", Public are Kept Living in Past - Old Technology, Communication System Destruction, Neutron Weapons - Neutrino Bomb - Destruction of Bodies not Buildings - "Extreme Ethnic Cleansing" in an "Increasingly Populated World", Loyola World Science Meeting - Brain Chip - World-Wide Computer Network, Security Forces, Building China and Pacific Rim - New Zealand and Australia, 1970s UN Statistics - AIDS-laced Vaccinations, Popularism and Marxism, Ivy League Professors and Historians, Agenda - Off the Land - Piled into Cities - Living in Urban Areas - Shanty Towns, Middle East Population Growth - Saudi Arabia, Fudging Figures and Statistics, Unemployment, Islamic Militancy, "Terrorism" - Media Exploitation - "Theater of Violence", Nationalism and Globalism, Divination - Horoscopes - Charlatan Prediction - Priestly Knowledge, Stellar - Lunar - Solar Priests, MI5 - MI6 - Secret Services, Authorized Newspeak, Term "Conspiracy Theorist" to Discredit Real Research, Busy Weeks Ahead, (Song: "Habla Me" by Gypsy Kings) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - April 13, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD April 12, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Normalizing Changes, Apathy Creation and the EU" © Alan Watt April 12, 2007 New Normals - Bizarre is Now Normal, Weather Warfare - High-Tech Sciences - HAARP - Aerial Spraying, Highly Evolved "Superman", Truth and Untruth - Knowing and Unknowing - Unknowledge - Fake Knowledge or Nonsensical Trivia, OSS - CIA - Started by British Agent, New Culture for Americas, Logic and Language - Pre-determined Conclusions, TIN Total Information Network, NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization - Scrambled ATON - the sun god - Symbol is Modernized Swastika, "Global Warming Crisis" - Superheating the Atmosphere with HAARP - Tesla, Micro-Burst Storms, Autism - After Vaccinations, Living in Habitat Areas on Top of Each Other - Class Structure, The "East Side" - Polluted Area where Poor Folk Live, Malthus - Population Reduction - Building Homes on Swamplands, WWF - Creating Wetlands (and Mosquitoes), Altering Mosquitoes to Carry Disease, Ordo Ab Chao - Order out of Chaos, Egocentric Behaviour - Bertrand Russell - B.F. Skinner, Dumbing Down the Public More Each Generation, Abolition of Individualism, School System - Group Consensus, Knowledge is Power, Chemtrail Spraying since 1998 in US and Canada - Big Chemical Companies, Sun - Variable Star - Different Rates of Solar Flares, From Ice-Age to Global Warming, Survival Capabilities, Different Chemical Sprays - Storm Creation, View of Reality is Really Planned Fiction, Altering Perception, City Bee-Hives to Drive the Changes, Non-Political Organization - Politics, Clinton Lewinsky Smoke Rings, "The Economist" European Union Article - Arnold Toynbee - Carroll Quigley, Popular "Opinions" and Polls, Masses Parrot Popular Propaganda, Club of Rome, "Apathy" and Voter Turnout, Absence of Debate on European Union Constitution - EU, Society Run by Experts, Dog Experimentation - Shocks and Levers - Psychopathic Scientists - Funded by Tax Money, Thanks to James (Florida) for Mic, Waking Up Around the Globe - Changes Begin, REAL Facts to Back You Up, Rethinking What Life is All About, (Song: "The Trouble With Normal" by Bruce Cockburn) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - April 12, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD April 11, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "A Good Example of Predictive Programming" © Alan Watt April 11, 2007 New "Posh" Bound Books, Red-Flagged Emails - Impossible to Answer All, "Corporations Will Push Humans into Alternate Realities", World Corporations - Proctor and Gamble - Bottled Infant Formulas - Sterilized Jars with Synthetic Form of Estrogen - Charles Galton Darwin - Effeminization, Public Programming, Rand Corp., Ford Foundation - Carnegie - Rockefeller - IFTF - Futurist Think-Tanks, Entertainment - Fascinated to Death, Communist Writings - Destruction of Family Unit - Separation of Male and Female, State Care-Takers, Relation of Life and Death, "Old Folks" Homes, Increasing Indoctrination with Each Generation, Welfare State, Multi-Millionaire Lawyer-Politicians, Authorized Candidates, Genetic Engineering, Financing Genetic Research - Purpose-Made Humans - Huxley's "Brave New World", Bio-Ethics Committees, Splicing Human Genes into Animals, Brain-Chipping, UN - UNESCO - World Culture - Brainwashing - Future Bureaucrats, "Utopia", Video Games - Sports - Heroes, Use of Repetitive Slogans, Gullibility of the Young - Soldiers for War - No Thought of Death, Virtue - Virtual - Promises of Better Housing and Living - Utopia, World War I and II, H.G. Wells - War Propaganda, United Europe, Alan's NEW WEBSITE - www.alanwattsentientsentinel.eu - Downloadable Transcripts in European Languages, Volunteers to Help Out, Not for Profit Attempt to Get Through, Thanks to Linda for Transcripts and Laura for Website Design, Co-operation for a Good Cause, Empire Building and Globalism, GATT Treaty - Corporate Law-suits, ID Cards - "Don't Leave Home without It", Passing On Knowledge, Making Sure Ideas and Wisdom are Passed On, Using Time Wisely, Stopping the Chemical Spraying (Chemtrails), So Much to do as Things Speed Up, (Song: "Who Knows Where The Time Goes" by Judy Collins) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - April 11, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD April 6, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Myth-Makers, Strong Dreams and the Foundations They Rest Upon" © Alan Watt April 6, 2007 Global Elitists Working for Big Foundations, New Fascist Socialist Communist System, UN Building Codes, Green Man of Freemasonry, God of Nature, Perfecting That which was Left Imperfect, "Useful Idiots", Rosslyn (Red Way) Chapel - Scotland - Sinclair - St. Clair, Green Man Mural, Little Green Men from Mars, Big Jokes and Low Myths, Illuminatus Status - Enlightened Alumni - Head is Squared - Adam Weishaupt, Esoteric and Exoteric Sides, Bringing Public "On Board", Grand Orient Lodge of France, Masonic Charters, Albert Pike - "Pope of Freemasonry", Ancient Religions and Writings, Jachin and Boaz - Pike and Halbert, Mystification and Intrigue for New Recruits, Gaining Wealth for the "Cause", Masters Over the Masters of the World, Maurice Strong - Collapse of Industrial Civilizations - Advisor to U.N. President, Psychopathic Egos, Earth Summit - World Bank Meeting - Animal and Plant Rights - Absence of Rights of Humans, NGO Agendas, Bank of England - Rothschild, Organized Crime, Rockefeller Family and Foundation - University Funding - Carnegie Trust, "Greening" of the World, Weather Warfare, Flooding and Droughts, "Global Warming" and "Climate Change", Criss-Crossed Chemtrails above Your Head, HAARP Treaty - Earthquakes - Tsunamis, Future in Hands of Experts and Scientists, Al Gore, Debt Creation and Money - Deviant, No Say in Tax Spending, Black and Blue Helmets, Propaganda Wars, Military P.R., Bending Perceptions through Art and Spoken Word, Small Business Closures, Tories and Progressive Conservative, Margaret Thatcher - Generation X, Thatcher - Political Makeover - Climax of Her Career, War Reconstruction Contracts, Bertrand Russell, Amazing Storms and Weather - Previous Ice Ages - Previous Warming Periods - Wind in Parliament, UN Earth Charter and Bureaucratic Army, Loans and Lending Scams - Land for Debt Swaps - Real Estate, Elimination of Personal Independence in New Socialist Order, Rights to Know about Officials and Spending - Who They Really Are - What They Really Believe In, New Multi-Lingual Site (Alan's) in Europe, (Song: "Green Door" by Jim Lowe) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - April 6, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD April 5, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Gods of Greening, Fields of Scheming and the People Dreaming" © Alan Watt April 5, 2007 Environmental "Crisis", Madame Blavatsky - Gaea Worship - Tool of Religion - Managing Minds, Theosophy - Masonic Charter - Side Degrees, Albert Pike, Fortune Tellers and Crystal Balls, Hormonal Drives - Mating Genes - Genetics, Getting the Big Picture of the System - Left and Right Wings, Animal - Nature Programs - WWF World Wildlife Fund, Al Gore and Maurice Strong - "Global Warming" - Cashing In, "Greenhouse" Gases, Pollution Taxes, Pay-offs, Earth Summit - Rockefeller, China - Making World Superpower, Strong's Baca Grande Ranch - New Age Settlement, Ontario Hydro - Pierre Trudeau - Promise of Cheap Electricity, Masonic Burial and Monument, Mao Tse-Tung, Intergenerational Revolutionary Freemasons, "Climate Change" - Kyoto Protocol - Chemtrail Spraying, Rising Cost of Gasoline, Gore Family - Trained by Armand Hammer, Earth Council - Earth Army, Forcing People into Cities, Freon Farce, Brainwashing Children, Empire Building and Demolition, Creating Enemies - Terrorism Within, Elimination of Individual Transportation, Earth Day - Green Sermon - Wall Street - DOE Department of Energy - Insider Trading, Rockefeller Foundation, Gore - Internet Creation, Living an Agenda, Local and State Councils - Taxation of Trees and Timber, Tax Assessment - Market Value - "Undervalued" Forest Land, Property Taxes, Prohibition of Alternate Means of Energy and Transport, Miniature Psychopaths, World Propaganda, New Age Mother Earth Worship, Environmental Associations, Margaret Thatcher and Gorbachev, Green Party and Movement - Communism, CFR - RIIA, Oxford - Cambridge - Ivy League Schools - Masonic Groups - Brotherhood of Men, (Song: "Takin' Care Of Business" by Bachman-Turner Overdrive) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - April 5, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD April 4, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "The Best Laid Plans of Psychopaths Go Oft' Astray" © Alan Watt April 4, 2007 Time Marches On, European ID Card, Elite's Fear of Being Overwhelmed by Public, Legality - A Published Agenda, Science and the Mysteries - Higher Masonic and Rosicrucian, Charismatic Leaders for Public, Totalitarian Regimes of Past - Disposable Leaders, Police Infiltration of Criminal Gangs, Psychopathic Types Chosen through Testing, Secret Services - CIA - Mossad, Rush Into the New System, 911 - Y2K - 2001, Project for a New American Century - Event on a Pearl Harbor Scale, Years of Bureaucratic Planning for Martial Law - New Society - World Order, Massive Daily Overhead Spraying - Bronchial Problems - Memory Loss - Hair Loss, War on the Public World-Wide, "Global Warming", Tree Taxes, Total Control of ALL Energy Resources, UN - Front Organization for Global Elite, Licensing and Bans on Wood Stoves, Elimination of Self-Sufficiency, Speaking Out While You Have a Chance - It Will be Forbidden Shortly, Brainwashed North American Population, WCC - Wicca - World Council of Churches, Twinkling of an Eye - Brain-Chips, Spellbound New Agers, Perennial Religion for Big Changes, "Suspected Terrorists", Surrealistic News, Blacklisting Individuals - Denial of Loans - Flights - Commodities - Food - Jobs, Expansion of "Terrorism", Color-Coding, Habitat Areas, Freemasonic and Eastern Star Organizations - Every Country, Using Terror and Fear to Get Public to Accept New Totalitarian Way of Living, Bulk of Population are Oblivious, Pavlovian Techniques of Conditioning, Idolization of Past Heroes and Conquerors, Psychopathy - Exaggerated Needs and Wants of Psychopaths, WWII American Occupation, Fatalism of Revelations' Interpretation, New Age Denial, Oneness - One Big Borg - Programmed, Suits and Ties - White-Coats - World of Experts, Everyone Must Choose for Themselves, Worship of the Elite, Acceleration of the Agenda, Passing Problems on to the Next Generation, Bacterial Warfare Laboratories, Putting Out Necessary Information, Going Through Hell before We See Any Light, Thanks to Mirror Websites and Donations Sent, Getting Involved, (Song: "Breaking The Silence" by Loreena McKennitt) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - April 4, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD March 30, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Machiavellian Masters robbing the Wealth of Nations" © Alan Watt March 30, 2007 Worldwide Weather Warfare, Domestic Bees (Dying Off), Texas Tornados, Aerial Chemtrail Spraying, Shepherding Techniques, States of Knowledge - Acceptance - Waking Up, Human Sheep-Pens - Habitat Areas, Propaganda - Historians - Histories of Kings - Egypt, Rewriting History, Employing Spies to Monitor the Public, Machiavelli - Advisor to Royalty - Managing the Populace - Psychopaths - Pulse of the Public, Crisis Management, "The Prince and the Discourses" Book by Max Lerner, Humanism - Idealism - Theology - Metaphysics - Political Realism, Inbreeding, Leaders Are Supplied to the People, Corruption, Freedom and Tyranny, Princes and Kings, Psychopathic Alliances, Rome, Appeasing the Masses, Dissentions and Disorders, Submission to Servitude, Terrifying the Public through Wars, When Public Fear Magistrates (Law) and Leaders, Faulty Base of the World System, Psychopathic Craving for Power Over Others, Megalomania- Want of Degrees - Titles - Statues - Awards - Appeals to the EGO, Imagery - Innate in Children - Intuition - Survival Mechanism, Subconscious Messages - Symbols - Unconscious and Conscious Mind, Satan - Embodiment of Evil with Human Characteristics, Gods and Deities with Human Attributes, Cunning - Tricks - Chess Game of the Psychopath, Mental Agility, Playing the Game, Con-Men at the Bottom - Swindling the Public, Running the World through Money and Your Labor, Exploitation by World Elite, Want of Peace and Security, Move of Industry to China - Years of Governmental and Business Negotiations, Living in Fear is Not Living, ( Song: "Guantanamera" by Los Campesinos ) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Mar 30, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD March 29, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Prophets of Profit and How Psychopaths Make a Killing" © Alan Watt March 29, 2007 Treadmill of Investors and Investing - Fear of Poverty, Fallout of the System, Left-Right-Up-Down Leaders are Given, Psychopathic Fascists at Top - Psychopathic Communist Bureaucracy, Taxation - Fees - Licensing, Profit is Killing the People - Saturated Markets, Star - Mercury - Sun News, Poisoned Pet Foods - Contaminated with Rat Poison Aminopterin - Kidney Failure, Massive Recall of Menu Foods, "Tainted" Foods - Wheat Gluten from Chinese Sources, Chinese Food Pollution - Heavy Metals and Toxins in Farmer's Rivers, Cheaper and Cheaper Until it Hits Rock-Bottom, "Soylent Green" Movie - Reconstituted Human Body Meat - "Make Room, Make Room" Book, Food Scarcity - Starving Populations, Scientifically Created Food, Big Brands Purchase from Same Sources, Coloring Dog Food, Genetically Modified Crop Producers - Agriculture - GMO Guinea Pigs - Canada - David Suzuki, Population Reduction, CON-Jobs, Splicing Genes of Insects and Animals to Put In Vegetables, Plants Can Produce Drugs - Poppy - Heroin - Cocaine - Coca-Cola, Covert Operations, Take-Over of Food - Clothing - Shelter - Water, United Nations - Distributor of World Food Supply, Special Food for Bureaucrats, Gossip and Trivia, Disinformation and Hype, Good People are Attracted to What They Know is True, Persona Projection, Having a Nice Day, Pittance Wages - Caps - Badges - Uniforms, Conflict Establishment - Opposing Views, Farming - Animal Slaughter, Companionship, Barnyard Childhood Fun, Eating Creatures, Gestalt - Eureka Moments, Charles Forte "We're Being Farmed", Living Like Animals while Elite Live Like Kings, Conquering Dilemmas Individually, Logic of Darwinism, Having Time to Think, Psychopathic Killing Sprees, Predatory = Pre-Date Society, Coats of Arms - Kipling's Joke - "Jungle Book" - King of the Jungle - the Lion, Current Crisis Point in Society - Marketed Thoughts and Ideas, Unique Abilities - Trained Not to Use Them, Breaking Through, Rage and Anger, Emulating Television Programming, Scientific Schooling, Burned Dinners, Psychosis, Inner Struggles, Carl Jung, New Age Religion for a New Age, Christianity, Eternal Stories, Politicized Translations, Story of Jesus - Trinity - Parthenogenesis - Antimimon Pneuma - Dreams - Myths - Miracle Tales, Heroes and Monsters, Reason and Enlightenment, Christian Consciousness, (Song: "Song For Liberty" (Giuseppe Verdi) - Vocalist-Nana Mouskouri ) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Mar 29, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD March 28, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Predatory Pathocracy, Psychopathy and Their Prey - The Passive Public" © Alan Watt March 28, 2007 So Much to Do, When You're Doing the Right Things - Problems Occur, Answers and Questions, "Conspiracy Theory" vs Using the Facts, H. G. Wells - Propagandist - Fabian Society - "The Open Conspiracy" Book, Information is Published in their Books, Royal Institute for International Affairs, Council on Foreign Relations - "Foreign Affairs" Magazine - Topic - "The New World Order" - Africa Agenda, Pigeon Holes for Talk Show Guests, Pre-Ordination, Ancient Priests' Prayer to the Sun - Astronomy - Predicting Eclipses and Comets, Threats from "Out There" - Alien Science Fiction, Government Must Terrify its Subjects to Maintain Order and Guide the Masses, George Orwell - "1984" Book - 3 Trading Blocks with Perpetual War, PATHOCRACY - Psychology of the Psychopath - Interbred Political Dynasties, Criss-Crossing Chemtrail Clouds - Polymer Spraying - Intensifies Heat and Storms, Habitat Areas - Local Associations of Experts - Daily Evaluations, NGO - Non-Governmental Organizations - Foundations, No Chemtrails on Local News, People are Losing Their Memory, Chemical Mixes of Chemical Trails, Aerosol Mixes of Tranquilizers, Transitory Memory Loss, Plato - Upper Strata - Bureaucracy - Military, History of the World is a Horror Show, Worship of the Wealthy, Money Keeps Armies Together, Nightly News - Casting Spells - A Surrealistic World - Programming, Loss of Compassion and Ability to Reason, Psychological Warfare, Surrealism - Form of Schizophrenia, Downloading and De-Sensitization, Dehumanization Process, Multi-Jurisdictional Task Forces - Modern Version of KGB, Reference Libraries, Techniques of Persuasion, Books - Things Made of Paper You Can Read, Illiteracy, Going Digital - Hippy Saying - "Dig It, Man" - Digit Man, Big Business of New Age Religion - Art Bell "Clones" - Limitless Imagination - Fascination - Gimmicks - Spin, La-La Land, People are Afraid of Dying - Afraid of Everything, Human Psyche - Normality and Abnormality, Margaret Thatcher - War Fantasy, Toy Soldiers, 911 - Pearl Harbor Type Event - Middle East War, Psychopaths - Co-operate for a Common Cause, Deviancy - Rise to the Top, Firing Squads - Rotation of Soldiers, Bertrand Russell - Taking Children Away from Parental Influence, Persuasion and Marketing Industry - "The Hidden Persuaders" Book - Pupil Dilation Surveillance, Terminology of the "Customer" - Better Mouse-Trap - Investing-Wolves and Sheep, Psychopath Lives on Pure Ego - Must Win - Are Poor Losers, Psychopathy within Society and Psychologists, The Present Open Window of Opportunity, Hanging On to that Which is Human vs Taking a Brain-Chip, Exposing Secret Societies - Sifting Mechanism of Freemasonry-Eastern Star-Etc., Lies to the Public - Unfulfilled Promises, Dull Eyes, Regaining Our Humanity, Feelings of Being Overwhelmed - Dealing With It in Your Own Way, A Little Greek Dance (Song: "Zorba's Dance" by Mikis Theodorakis ) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Mar 28, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD March 21, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Nematodes to Decent Humans and Entertainment vs. Truth" © Alan Watt March 21, 2007 Plenty of Free Information Available at cuttingthroughthematrix.net, Finding Others who can Go Beyond Their Conditioning, Those Who are Undercutting Me (Alan), Agents and Booking, Dependence on Sales of Items from My (Alan's) Website, Influencing People - Causing a Change in the Thought-Stream, A Completely Controlled World - Born Into a System, 1950's Reese Commission - Investigation, "Foundations - Their Power and Influence" Book by Wormser, Tax Exemption, Rockefeller - Ford - Carnegie Foundations - All Interlinked, Shaping Culture, True Propagandists for International Socialism (Run by an Elite), Culture Creation - What is MADE Popular, Adam Weishaupt, Partial Truths - Distortions - Careful Manipulation and Censorship, War on the Individual, Individualism, Mass Society - Dialectic Opposites, Marketing Companies - World Propaganda, Ideas and Opinions, Compulsory Education, Combination of Capitalist and Communist Systems, Fascism with Communistic Bureaucracy, CIA - OSS - Wizard of Oz - Britain Steering the Setup of the Seeing Eye of America, MI6 - Spies, Kinsey Report, Growing Up Not Noticing Life Around You - Waking Up in a Cage, Shock of Waking Up, Specialized Areas - Medicine - Specialists, Social and Behavioural Sciences, Removal of Vast Periods of History in New Versions, High Freemasonic - Rosicrucian Revolution in France, Checking Data for Accuracy - Omission of Parts of a Truth Gives Completely Different Understanding, Questioning Social Policy - Consequences, Action - Reaction, Terms - Labels - Opinions, Truth Will Stand up to Scrutiny, Passing Laws to Silence People - Taboo Topics, Al Gore, "Information Revolution", Marketing Catch-Phrases and Buzz-Words, Coming to Conclusions for Yourself, Entertainment - Diversion - Programming, Educating Yourself and Understanding, Price of Knowledge, Duty to "Serve" the World State, Digits and Credits Put Out by Government - Forms of Reward, Pavlovian Punishment and Reward, Individuals, (Alan) Thanks to Contributors and Those Who Put Up Mirror Sites, Original Information, Encouraging Letters - Asking the Right Questions - Hope - All is Not Lost - Thinking and Caring, Deeper Understandings of Occult,etc., Higher Truths, Power and Influence - Lower Base Material, Hypnotism - Hypnotic Public, Looking at Your Ego, Questioning Theories and Propaganda, (Song: "El Condor Pasa" by Simon and Garfunkel, "I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire" by the Inkspots) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Mar 21, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD March 16, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Devious Mode of the Nematode and Slime leaving Crime in the Night" © Alan Watt March 16, 2007 Getting Information Out on a Small Budget, Slimy Little Nematodes - Big Agencies - Big and Small Crooks, Flogging Chatters, Giving Away of For-Purchase Materials, Few Spoil It for the Many, Internet Policing, Deliberate Acts of Sabotage, Chat-Rooms and Government Agents, Free Downloads and Information on the Website, Patriot Business, Getting To the Top by Any Means Necessary, Corrupt Mentality, Psychopaths - Types of, Possibly Going Into Everything in Depth, the Occult - Levels and Phase, Let Me (Alan) Know Where these Slimy Little Characters are Hiding, Social Deviancy, Swift Judgement of Deviants in the Past, Perception and Mis-Perception, Dominant and Inferior Animals - Training Pavlovian Style, New Psychology - Everyone is a Potential Criminal, Understanding of Symbols, 32nd Degree Masons - Brotherhoods - Guaranteed Protection - Oaths, History of Europe, Manipulation and Tyranny, Analyzing What is Actually Being Said, Unthinkable Things said in Pleasant Ways, "Song for the Devil" - "Time is on My Side", Voluntary Sterilization - "Logan's Run" Movie - Underground Cities - Microchipping, the "Norm", Appointed "Heads" of the People, NGO Councils, Rockefeller Foundation, Adam Weishaupt, Creation of Foundations to Accumulate Massive Wealth and Power - Albert Pike - "Masters Over the Masters of the World", Jesse James - Freemason - Stock Exchanges - Financing Operations, Taxation without Representation, SIN Number - Social Insurance Number, Past Life Experiences and Plastic Surgeons, Mental Masturbation - Narcissistic Society of Navel Gazers, Asking for Assistance, Heavy Topics, Living and Dying - Living is For Living - Once in a Lifetime Chance to Make a Difference, (Song: "Protect and Survive" by Runrig) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Mar 16, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD March 15, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Black Budgets, Black Ops., Dirty Tricks and the Battle for the Mind" © Alan Watt March 15, 2007 Data Overloading - Taboo Topics, Iran-Contra Scandal - Drug Running Into the U.S. - Black Budgets - Covert Actions - Financing Revolutions, No Countries at the Top, Making Money Out of Nothing, Think Tanks, Culture Creation and Indoctrination, Emergencies, Book Thieves, Corruption at the Bottom, Nefarious Attempts at Pulling the Rug from Under Your Feet, Free Audio Shows and Transcripts on the Website, Book and Disc Sales Keep Me (Alan) Going, Living Very Simply - Bare Essentials, Only the Main Websites are Authorized to Sell My (Alan's) Materials, Aerial Spraying Worldwide - We're Not Supposed to Know, Metallic Skies, Kyoto Agreements - Al Gore - Climate Changes, Attempts to Create Panic, Terrifying the People to Give Up All Their Rights - Bringing in the New Society, How Short Our Memories Are - Media Does Public's Thinking-Reasoning-Recollection, BBC - Propaganda of Government, Trust in Media, Monitoring Public Medical Data, Even the Dog Watches the Skies - Most People Don't Notice, Brainwashing - A Changed World Run by Experts, Blasting Asteroids, Change in Ways of Looking at Life, Scientifically Induced Indoctrination, Pharmaceutical and Technological Pain Relief, "Terrorist" Event Creation, Trends and Fashions Promoted from the Top Down, Destroying the Old Religion to Bring in the New (Age) Religion, Refusal to Look at the Negative - Standing On the Train Tracks and Ignoring the Train, Musicians Trips to India, Dogma and Corruption, Caring for Others Outside Yourself, Dog-Eat-Dog - Modern Babylon, Wildlife Programs - Push for Population Reduction, Immature Personality Will Adopt Opinions of Experts, Long Range Planning of Global Agenda, United Nations, Aggressive People - Selfishness - Navel Gazing, Transitory Material World, Daily Doses of Advertisements, CON-Forming Crowds, Shattering Their Spell with Simple Speech and Pointing Out What Is, Taught Perceptions, Tickets and Fines - Supplying Your Labor via Money, Massive Building Project Funding, Legal Corruption, Sovietized Medical System - Bribes for Service, (Song: "Carrickfergus" by Loreena McKennitt and Cedric Smith, "By The Rivers Dark" by Leonard Cohen) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Mar 15, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD March 14, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Abandonment of Self for Programmed Security and Management (Existing as Non-Comprehending Peaceful Citizens)" © Alan Watt March 14, 2007 Predictive Programming - "Change is Good", Medical Ethics, Bio-Ethical (Eugenicist) Committees, Socialism - Perpetual Childhood, Social Gathering Places, Destruction of Communication, Implantable Brain-Chips, Cyborgs, Guise of Helping the Disabled through Technology, Neuroscience, Cochlear Implants, Visual Implants, Genetic and Digital Enhancement, Neural Interfacing - Inter- to bury - Face, Sensory Amplifiers, Marketing Strategy, Cyber-think, Collective Consciousness, Redefining what is Human through Fiction, Artificial Intelligence, Occult - Golden People, Modification of the "Human Species", Totalitarian Control, Age of the Ultimate Control Freak, Compulsory Brain-Chip for Children - Military - Criminals, Behavior Modification, Free Flu-Shots, Professional Debates to Bring the Public to a Con-clusion, United Nations Agenda - No Private Property - Agenda 21, Lenin, the Real Purpose Behind the Chip, Will Mankind Go Out with a Whimper and Not with a Bang?, Public Conditioning through Mass Advertising, "Being You is Not Good Enough" Marketing, Engrams, Creating Discontent - Inability to Live up to Fictional Standards, Star Trek Series, New Age Palaver and Catch-Phrases, Hypnotists, Past Life Experiences, Valium Drug, Elite's Need for Public Complicity, Group Consensus, Fear of Using Your Brain, Lenin and Russell - Capitalist and Communist - Future Without Military or Police - Done Through Science, Published Books, Ego-Syntonic Public - Ignore the Unpleasant - Look for Pleasure, Thinking Positive - Turning Back on the Negative, Superstars, an On-Going Battle, the Business Plan - Time-Table of the Agenda, Public Do Not Know They Are Slaves, Being A Sentient Being - a Gift or a Curse, Hanging On to Sentience, (Song: "Imagine" by John Lennon) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Mar 14, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD March 7, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Religion, Rosy-Cross, Reformation, Revolution and World Republic (Capitalizing Communism "For the Third Way")" © Alan Watt March 7, 2007 Alchemists in the Sky, Getting Outside Your Box, Generational Separation, Revolutions - Rosicrucian - Cabbalistic - Freemasonic Societies, Theocracy, Kings and the Vatican, Indoctrinated Accepted Opinions, Church and State, Lutheran Revolution, State Religion, Carl Gustave Young - "The Undiscovered Self" Book, Sigmund Freud, Freudian Doctrine - Man as a Higher Animal - Conditioned Reflexes and Responses - Products of Our Environment, Jung - Opposition of Mundane Atheistic View, Human Psyche, Soviet System Combined with Capitalist System = Third Way, Individual Psyche, Collective Rituals - Custom - Social Doctrine, Churches - Registered and Authorized by the State - Tax Exemption, Ethics, Conventional Morality, Inner Transcendent Experience, Mass-Man, Heretics, The Party Boss, Magic and Superstition, Dictators - Brass Bands, The Real Power Behind the Fiction of the State, Worship of the State, Marketing Ideas into Your Head, Communal Communities, Human Vegetables, "Utopia" Created by Experts, Bureaucratic View of People as Numbers and Statistics, Selling Experiences and Fortune-Telling, Individual Experience That Matter, Mental and Psychic Health, Ugly Face of Fanaticism, Metaphysics, Those Who Understand, Stating Things as They Are, Worry and Anxiety that Leaves With Understanding, Separation of the Genders - Destruction of the Family Unit - Communist Manifesto, Courage to Go Against the Mass, (Song: "As Long As We Stand" by Melanie) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - March 7, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD March 1, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (With Henrik Palmgren of Red Ice Creations Radio) "Internet Police, Providers and Provocateurs (The Cost of Free Speech)" © Alan Watt March 1, 2007 Shutting Down Websites, Suspension of Red Ice Creations Website, Talking About Forbidden Topics and Forgotten History, Political Incorrectness, Spam Email, Taboo Topics, Cold War - Massive Taxation for Research and Development of Spy Technology, Obsolete Public Level Technology, Internet Monitoring, "Blacklisting", Internet Monitoring, Intelligence and Counter-Intelligence, Helicopter Harassment - Phosphorous Chimney Grenade, Silencing the Small-Guy, Internet Policing, Firewall Hits, Non-Governmental Organizations, Public's Short Memory, Bill Cooper - Set-Up at Home by SWAT Team, Interdependence = Complete Dependence on the System, Market Suppression of Inventions, Water-Powered British Car, Foundations Fund Universities, Professor O'Driscoll - University Suspension - Exposed NATO and Warsaw Pact, Nuclear Weaponry, Donald Rumsfeld and Saddam Hussein, Iran - Project For a New American Century -Middle East Takeover, New American Empire - Free Trade (1500's) - British System of Democracy, English - International Business Language, John Dee - 007 - James Bond, Public Dis-Belief, Population Reduction, Agenda 21 - Habitat Areas, Elimination of Private Transportation, NAFTA, Television Version of Reality, The Never-Ending Story - Futurist Societies - Eugenics - Sterilization, Creation of a New Religion Based on Earth Worship, (Song: "Bad Boys" by Inner Circle, "Suspicious Minds" by Elvis Presley) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Mar 1, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Feb 28, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Sing Your Song and Steal Some Time" © Alan Watt Feb 28, 2007 Individual's Song to "The Otherness Out There", Junk Genes = Junk People, Darwinian Theory, Eugenics Societies Now Called Bioethics Committees, Criss-Crossing Chemical Trails in the Sky, Demonizing Iran, De-Humanization of the "Enemy", Project For a New American Century, Global Community - Communes, Habitat Areas, Fixed Populations, UN to Dispense Food to Each Country, Darwin Socialists, "Criminal" Traits, Unelected Bureaucracy, Alvin Toffler "Third Way" Book, Thesis - Antithesis - Synthesis, Forced Involvement, Song of Solomon, Song of Life, Hebbel - "Boy From the Heath"(Translation), Controlling Minds in an Artificial System, Stock Market - Casino Roulette Table, CON-Games, Science - Ologies and Isms - Doctrines and Terms, Creating a Scientific Vocabulary and Degrees, Psychiatry - They Admit They Cannot Cure Anything, Mental Illness, Majority-Think and Big-Think, Barter Days before the CON-Man, Value and Price is an Idea, CON-Game of Money, In Caves - Suits and Ties, Lifelong Headache of Repairing Ticky-Tacky Houses, Boxes of Air - Taxed for the Privilege of Owning the Box, Bank Foreclosures - Death Duties - House Seizures, N.G.O. R.I.I.A. - Property Tax - Income Tax - Death Duties - CFR (American Branch), Morpheus says to Neo - "You're a Slave", Throwing Away the Under-Achiever Guilt Complex, The Real World, What Can Be Done on a Personal Level, History of Tyranny, Evangelization Leads to Alienation, Beavers Felling Trees - Natural Engineers - Patient - Independent, Chipping Away, Deception As Control, Those Who Pass on Knowledge and Wisdom through Countless Centuries, The King Has No Clothes, Reaching People with Sincerity, Coming Alive, Coming From the Heart, Heine "From My Great Sorrows, I Make Small Songs"(Translated), Predictability and Habit - Putting In Time - Unused Creativity - Passing Time - Programmed By Experts, Downloaded Programming - Paying to be Entertained, People Who are Still Awake and Can Verbalize, The Projected Persona (Authorized Version), Food as a Weapon - Altering the People, Doing Something With Your Own Song, (Song: "Look What They've Done To My Song" by Melanie, "Stealing Time" by Gerry Rafferty) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb 28, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Feb 23, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Ukrainian Genocide, Ukrainian Anti-Freemasonic Bill" © Alan Watt Feb 23, 2007 Man-Made Famine in the Ukraine - 10 Million Deaths, Soviet System, World War II, Horrors of War - State of Shock, Ukrainian Farmers - Independent and Self-Sufficient, Darwinian Theory - Hindu Philosophy - Freemasonry, Government Genocide, Joseph Stalin - Force Peasants to Give Up Private Farms and Join Collectives, New Communitarianism, CollectHIVE, USSR - Moscow, Mass Starvation - Genocide, Sovietization - Western Capital System - One and the Same - Ending Nationalism - Lives Planned by Experts, Taxation, Grain Quotas (Tax) Exceeded Production in Ukraine = Famine, War, Oaths of Secrecy - Blood Oaths - Death Oaths, Freemasonry's Charity Front, Re-Establishment of Masonic Lodges in the Soviet Union, Ritual Oaths of Higher Priority, Ukrainian Bill Proposing Jailing of "Public Servants" who are Freemasons, Police - Military - Public Service - Bureaucracy - Freemasonic World System, "Rite" Connections, A Religion Encompassing All Religions, Secret Services and Intelligence, Trade Unions, Masters Over "The Masters of the World", Manly P. Hall - Spokesperson for Freemasonry - 33rd Degree - Promote Mystery to Entice Youth, Brethren and the Lodge, Albert Pike, Taking Oaths to an Agenda they don't Understand, Freemasonry is a Religion, Social Change and Guidance, Hidden Masters, Theosophy, Lawyers Wit and Terminology, Knights Templars, Uniform - One Form One Shape, Oneness Doctrine, Capstone for the Elect, Controlling Minds - Massive Indoctrination and Conditioning, (Credits: Poem - "The Box" by John Denver, Song - "Try To Remember" by Nana Mouskouri) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb 23, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Feb 22, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "IBM = Eye-Bee-M(A Son) = Eye-Beam = I Am Bee. Bee = Cell = Cell Phone" © Alan Watt Feb 22, 2007 Virtual Realities, Projection of Complaints, Premature Conclusions, Insurance Policies, Image of One's Self, Anxieties and Insecurities, Pointing Out What IS, Invention and Control of Money, Monied System Based on Fear and Chaos, Human Nature, Movements Based on Materialistic Oppressions, Groupthink, Formation of Think-Tank Committees, Agricultural Serfs and Tenant Farmers in the Feudal System, Industrial System, Post-Industrial System, Habitat Areas, Destroying the Old Structure to Bring into the Next Phase, Trying to Save Something that Was Never Yours, Old Patriotic Indoctrination vs New Global Indoctrination, Long-Term Planning and Implementation of the Agenda, Public Ignorance of the New World Order, Nightly News Programming, Adaptation - Humans the Easiest to Manipulate Because They Adapt, Economics - Darwinian School of Thought, Fight Between Emotion and Logic, Adapting Humanity to Specific Machines, Cell Phones, the BORG, Transition to the Brain-Chip through Technology, Video Games, Loss of Normal Perception and Functioning After Virtual Reality Games, Virtual Worlds - IBM - Research and Development, Meaning of Virtue and Freemasonry, Security and Privacy - Non-Existent In Electronic Media, Meta-Verses - Meta - Middle, Timed Release of Technology to the Public, Digital Community, Virtual Islands, "Avatars", the Lotus, Socialistic Policies, Ancient Egyptian Rock Carvings - Akenaton, Clasping the Rays of the Sun = Ankh = Anchor, IBM = Eye-Beam, Numbers, Preparing Minds to Accept the Next Step, Corporate IntRA-Net, Windows Vista Release - Intra-Company Coordination, Biblical Revelations as a Business Plan, Mystery Language of Revelations, Numbering - Marking - Branding Slaves, Planned Society - Parenthood, Agrarian to Industrial Revolution to the Next Step, Trained Mass-Man, TV Programming, Voluntary vs Mandatory Implementation of the Agenda, (Song: "Nowhere Man" by the Beatles, "Zombie Jamboree" by Harry Belafonte) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb 22, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Feb 21, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Meaning, Mentors and Masters (or) Seekers, Speakers and Sophists" © Alan Watt Feb 21, 2007 Low-Speed and High-Speed, Religious Circuit, Modes of Conduct - Behaviour - Culture, Shaping the Thoughts and World View of Followers, Purposes of Religions, Plato's Cave, Reading the Esoteric and Exoteric, "Morals and Dogma", Schools of Thought, Rules and Formula, Unshackling One Chain to Put On Another, Madame Blavatsky, Persona Projections, Composite Characters, "The Cocktail Party" Book by T. S. Eliot, Happiness and Contentment, Discontent - Producer-Consumer, Perception of the World, Child Mortality, Priesthood Supply of Answers - Dogma - Systems, The Group-Collective Mind, Finding Answers for Yourself, Fear of Death, Value of Life, Disconnection with Life and Death, Creating a New View of Life - Society - Humanity - Purpose, Scientific View (Belief System) of Life, Removing Tonsils and Adenoids - Vestigial Scientific View, Sterilization, Devaluation of Human Life, Cynics in Greece - All Institutionalized Religions are Control Mechanisms, Stoics - Rationality - Cutting Out Emotion, Atomists - Groups and Schools - Revolving Particles of Matter, Atomic Theory in Ancient Greece, India - Complete Social Structure - Caste System, Chinese Philosophy of Yin and Yang, Pantheism - Everything Inhabited by a Spirit, Compulsive-Obsessional Behaviour, Appeasing the Spirits - Sacrificial Rituals, Looking Into Yourself for Undesirable Traits, Tinkers - Surviving Separate and Alongside the System - Forced into the System, Gypsies - Horse Trading - Living Outside the System - Disbanding by Government, Immigration and Immigrants - Different Customs, Local and National Laws, Culture Clash, Those Who OWN Your Culture and Nation, That Which You Hate You Become - Becoming the Enemy and the Enemy Is You, Moral Justification, Born Into an All-Encompassing System, "He Who Controls the Past....", George Orwell, Capstone at the Top, Those Who Can Learn Will Listen, Extra-Talking and Endless Repetitive Questions, Understanding is a Process, Religions Promise Shortcuts to Exoteric Masses, Fear of Reprisal or Authority, (Song: "Don't Worry Be Happy" by Bobby McFerrin, "Moonshadow" by Cat Stevens) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb 21, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Feb 16, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Open Skies Treaty / Exoteric Good Reason, Esoteric Real Reason" © Alan Watt Feb 16, 2007 Information Wars, Introduction of Computers and Internet to the Public, Mandatory Computer Usage, World Indoctrination for a World Society, Monitoring Mail - Phones - Computers, Peter Wright "Spy Catcher" Book, Surveillance, Composite Opinions, League of Nations -LON - United Nations - UN, Who Controls the Past Controls the Future (and Present), Plunderers and Pirates, Trading Blocks under World Government - Marx, Passing on Wisdom, Scientifically Designed Schooling, Paper Chases, Ancient Languages, Standardized International Education, Commoners - Marry in Common, Matchmaking by Priesthood, Norms Given to the Public, H. G. Wells - Propagandist for the Crown, The "Great" War, Grand - Great - Freemasonic Terms, Manipulation of Young People, "War to End All Wars", Uni-Form, Controlling and Guiding Populations with Deception, Supplying Leaders for Followers, Most Well-Informed Slaves That Ever Existed, Mainstream and Opposition Media, Lab Rats, Patriot Movement - Venting Steam - What Will They Do Next, Psychological Warfare - Immobilization of the Psyche, Nothing Happens by Chance at the Top, Chemtrails - (Blobs, Zig-Zags, Shapes), "Blade Runner" Movie Predictive Programming, Aerial Spraying - Warming the Air, Open Skies Treaty, Observation Fly-Overs, Foreign Pilots in Domestic Aircraft, OSCE, Helsinki Meeting, "Crisis Management" and "Protection of the Environment", Drifting Trails of Chemicals, Condensation Trails vs Chemical Trails, Health Effects of Heavy Spraying, Keeping the Public Sedated, Nothing Is As It Seems, Genetic Engineering and Modification, Legal Wording - Deception Tactics, "Freemasonry of the Air", Decisions by Intellectual "Betters", Fabian Way of Take-Over, The Cold War - Enemy Over There, Advancement of Sciences to Create a Worldwide Network to Monitor and Control, OSCC, Looking Up, A Good Reason and the Real Reason, (Song: "Windy" by Association, "Bad Moon Rising" by Credence Clearwater Revival) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb 16, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD
Feb 14, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Public-Private-Pirate Enterprises / Sun, Stars and Spray" © Alan Watt Feb 14, 2007 Public-Private Partnerships, Mind Control, Masonic Cabals, Freemasonic Judges, Legal System and Just-Us, Toll Roads - Bridges - Booths, the Cell and the Cooler, Devil's Advocate - Movie, Taking Over the World Through Lawyers, Esoteric and Middle Way, Confucius, Ancient China, Fascism, Communism, Capitalism, ISMS, Archiving Knowledge for Future Use, Legal Corruption vs Moral Corruption, Nimrod = Building Projects, Money Taxation, the Crown over Democracy, Scottish Picts, Plundering Countries at Public Expense, Ancient System of Money and Standing Armies, Empire Building, the Big Honey-Pot (Global Empire), Numbers Racket, Aerial Chemtrail Spraying, Open Sky Treaty, Victims of Our Own Intelligence (or Programming), Computer Logic, Pre-determined Conclusions, Fashion and Sun-Burning, Criss-crossing Aircraft, Health Effects of Chemtrails, NASA, View of the Stars, Nocturnal Spraying, "The Grand Chessboard", Segregation of Age Groups, Loss of Elderly Wisdom, (Song: "Pirate King" from Pirates of Penzance (Opera), "Don't Let the Sun Catch You Crying" by Gerry and the Pacemakers) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb 14, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Feb 9, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Money, Masters and Con-Science" © Alan Watt Feb 9, 2007 "The Impact of Science on Society" Book by (Lord) Bertrand Russell, Mathematics and Sciences, Futuristic Society, "Useless Eaters", Eugenics, Hereditary Policy-Makers, Roman - British - Persian - Napoleonic Empires, Logic - Rhetoric - Philosophy to Guide Thinking, Empire Building, Aristocracy and Business Bankers, World Government by Force, Wartime Emotive Involvement, RIIA, Unseen Enemies - Terrorism, Biology - Physiology - Physics - Chemistry, Lies - Damn Lies - Statistics, Food Supply Shortage, Genetically Prone Diseases, Breeding Humans for Specific Tasks - Plato, Scientific Creation of Human Beings, Pavlov - H.G. Wells - Study of Man, Mass Psychology, Brass Bands - Ticker Tape Parades to Imprint Memory, Children's "Aid", "1984" Movie, Communist Term "Contaminated Ideas" as Applied to Family Influence, Experimental Schools, Scientific Indoctrinative Methods, Politician's Paradise - USSR or China, Amassing Wealth by Dubious Methods - Being Successful, British Crown Communism, Tyranny of Officials, De-Industrialisation of Britain, Updating the System for Efficiency, Media is an Essential Arm of Government - Media - Middle - Gives Thoughts to the Masses, Doublespeak, Ivy League Universities, (Song: "She Blinded Me With Science" by Thomas Dolby, "Flying On Your Own" by Rita MacNeil) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb 9, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Feb 8, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Virus, Victims and Voracious Lobbyists" © Alan Watt Feb 8, 2007 Looking into the Past, Rosicrucian and Freemasonic Societies in the 1800's, Mary Shelley "Frankenstein", Predictive Programming, Creating Fear through Plagues and Disease, Hidden Agendas in Health Package, Antibiotics, Medical Profession, Veterinary Medicine, Dr. Salk - Eugenicist - Saviour, Thomas Malthus, Tenant Farming, LON - Lion - League of Nations, Worldwide Inoculation, Population Control Council, Tetanus Shot Sterilization, Faith Based Medicine, Prozac - Huxlian (Huxley) Drug, Kissinger, Merck - Gardasil - Supposed HPV Anti-Cervical Cancer Vaccine, Above and Below Board, WIG - Women In Government, Corporate Lobbyist Pay-offs, Pharmaceutical Lobbying, Acceptance of Corruption, Mandatory Vaccines, Fascism, Government is a Continuation of Business, Ping Pong Balls, International Corporations as New Feudal Overlords, Gangster Business, Common Tie of Freemasonry, Swearing to Secrecy, Polio Reborn as Meningitis and Encephalitis, (Song: "Goodness Gracious Me" by Peter Sellers and Sophia Loren, "Chanson DAmour" by Manhattan Transfer) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb 8, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Feb 7, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Nasty Sods, Spooks and Spyware" © Alan Watt Feb 7, 2007 Internet Problems, Downloader Attacks after Taboo Topics, Gary Webb - Special Forces - Coast Guard - Cocaine Smuggling into U.S., Smallpox Vaccinations, Inoculations, Flu Shot, Public Safety, American Eugenics Society, Servants and Masters, H.G. Wells and Blair, Franklin Institute, Jefferson - Freemason, Ben Franklin - Freemason - Grand Master of the French Grand Orient Lodge - Amalgamation of the World, Middle Ages - Rosicrucianism, Cathars and Albigensians - Crusade of the Catholic Church, the Perfecti, Royalty, Symbology of World Religions, Two Sides on Every Side - Those Who Know and Those Who Don't, Saxe - Coberg - Gotha, Making Decisions and Risk-Taking, Instantaneous Gratification, Creation of Leaders to Follow, Marx and Lenin, the Proletariat, Merging of Communism and Capitalism, Soviet Bureaucracy, Gorbachev - Speech, Akenaton, Egypt, Rulers of Countries and Empires, George Orwell - Cambridge University - Later Exposes the Agenda, Patriot, Its a Riott, Pa (Song: "Dance for America" by Runrig, "They Call it Democracy" by Bruce Cockburn (Tribute to the International Monetary Fund) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb 7, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Feb 2, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Simple Simons, Secret Services and Societal Atrophy" © Alan Watt Feb 2, 2007 Crisis Creation and Obedience, A New World Order for the Age of Aquarius, Hippie Movement - Music - Drugs, Abortion, Orphanages, Birth Control Pill, BBC "Top of the Pops," Hippie Communes - Habitat Areas, Timothy Leary - CIA, Behavioural Sciences and Altered States, EMP - Electromagnetic Pulsation, Bayer - Bauer - Rothschild, Opiate Medicines of the 1800's, the Jeff Lynch Story, Special Forces, Drug Smuggling and Seizure, Iran Contra Scandal - Oliver North, Military Mind Control, Freedom Fighters, Government Authorized Cocaine Shipments to the U.S., "No Child Left Behind," War on the Public for the Agenda, SAS - Britain, Mossad, MI6, Cold War Financing, World Science Meetings - Moscow, Eugenics - Darwin Family, Destroying the Old System to Bring in a New System, A Haze of Trivia, Effects of Ignoring the Unpleasant, Global Warming Agenda, Weather Control and Aerial Spraying, (Song: "Purple Haze" by Jimi Hendrix, "Cocaine" by Dick Justice [Circa 1920]) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb 2, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Feb 1, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Puppets, Pearls and Palaver" © Alan Watt Feb 1, 2007 Richard Perle's Speech to Students at the Oxford Union - June 2006, regarding Middle East Military Agenda, Pre-Emptive Strikes, North Korea - Iran - Syria, Project for a New American Century, Hollinger International, Israel and Palestine, Pope Benedict XVI - Tony Blair - George Bush, Terrorism, Pakistan, Ahmadinejad, Religious Fundamentalism, Playing All Sides from the Top, Leaders - Mobs - Chaos - Solutions, British Israel Movement, Reinterpreting Revelations, Lebanon, Highland Clearances of Scotland, Esoteric Religion of the Elite, Exoteric Mass Followers, Albert Pike - "Morals and Dogma," Xerxes, Education of a Pharaoh, Roman Looting, Chicken Wings of Democracy, Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Builder's Business Plan, Elite Gangsterism, Conceptual Money, God and the Name of God, Use of Tribal Psychology in Warfare, Chemical Experimentation on Military Troops, Conformity vs Risk-Taking, Empathy for Others, (Song: "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" by Tears For Fears, "If I Had a Rocket Launcher" by Bruce Cockburn) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb 1, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Jan 25, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Boffins, Blimps and B.S." © Alan Watt Jan 25, 2007 High Altitude Airships, AHA, Number 11, Song - "Eye in the Sky" by Alan Parsons Project, Aerial Surveillance, Creating Chaos through Culture Clash, Toeing the Line, A New Culture - A New World Order, Serving the World State, Compulsory Education, Keepers of the Knowledge of the Ages, Technocrats, Soviet System, Swiss Cantons, Bloodless Revolutions, Unisex Fashions, Elderly Wisdom, Gentleman's Agreements, Interbred Bankers, Herd Management, Sanity and Insanity, Financial Terrorism, 1984 - Orwell, World Socialism - Eric Blair - BBC, Offal and Awful, End Song - "Air Farce" by Covenant With Life *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt 1-25-2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Jan 24, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Moloch, Mammon and Misery" © Alan Watt Jan 24, 2007 Speeches and Speechwriters, State of the Union Address, Dynasties of Power, Mayflower - Mayday - Mayberry, Taxpayers' Honey Pot, Debt Slavery, Seeing Through it All, Control of the Mind, See - Hear - Speak No Evil, Bull - Bear Market, Conology, Profit from Nothing, George Soros, Death Duties, Confidence Tricksters, You Shall Know Them By Their Works, the World Tree, Mass-Minded Conformity, Fluoride Poisoning, Doctor Indoctrination, Asking Questions, Earth Charter - Animal Rights, Active ID Chip, Groups and Individuals, the Whirlpool, Truth is Self-Evident, Last Sentient Generation (Song: "Oh, Very Young" and "Where Will the Children Play" by Cat Stevens ) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt 1-24-2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Jan 21, 2007 "Driving Miss Effie Interview - Part 2" Hour 2 (In Her Eighties and Still Driving) © Alan Watt Jan 21, 2007 Social Approval and Disapproval, Taxation and Modern Slavery, Gradual Debasement, Pavlovian Training, Demolishing the Old to Bring in the New, Taxing Your Trees, Everything Becomes Terrorism, Destroying Private Property and the Family Unit, Communist Manifesto, Eminent Domain, Sardine Cans, Surrealism, FDR, Commodity and Produce Suppression, Control Through Money, Setting Up Chilean Farms, FEMA Trailer Parks, Totalitarian System, Humanizing the Bad Guy, Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars (Song: "The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down" by Joan Baez, "Somebody Lied" by Bob Roberts in 1908) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt 1-21-2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Jan 20, 2007 "Driving Miss Effie Interview - Part 2" Hour 1 (In Her Eighties and Still Driving) © Alan Watt Jan 20, 2007 Legal Extortion Rackets, Faceless Armies, International Corporations, Japan - US - Shanghai Connections, Opium Wars - Leading Families and Descendants, Boxer Rebellion, Reservations - Habitat Areas, General Custer, Wounded Knee, Darwinism - Masonic Doctrine, Rolling Brownouts, Martial Law, Wartime Preparation, Hardship and Hunger, Preparedness, Basic Survival, HAARP in Gulf War One, Weather Modification, Executioner's Swinging Axe (Song: "On the Bayou" by the Carpenters, "Crawdad Song" by the Abbott Family) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt 1-20-2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Jan 19, 2007 Alan Watt Mini-Blurb "Mason's Microchip" © Alan Watt Jan 19, 2007 Nationwide Freemasonic promotion and lobbying for children's ID microchip program *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt 1-19-2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Jan 18, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb "Masons, Microchips and the Battle for the Mind" © Alan Watt Jan 18, 2007 The Freemasonic Connection, EU, Ireland, European Parliament, UN, The Pinafore, Brother Gerald Ford, the Builders, Honorary 33rd Degree, Mystique - Fascination - Myth, Templar Pirates, Feudal Overlords, Brain Chip Promotion - Propaganda, Aldous Huxley, Wiring the Brain, Futurist Think Tanks, World Wide Mind, Virtual Sex Fantasy, An Ongoing War, Serving the System, China - UN Model State, Dehumanization, Cannibalism is a Business, Looking at the Negative is a Survival Mechanism, Breaking Through, Teaching Children the Past, Giving Away of the Mind, Eradicating the Characters (Song: "Gossip Calypso" by Gordon Lightfoot, "Imagine" by John Lennon, "Don't Let the Sun Go Down On Me" by Elton John ) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt 1-18-2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Jan 17, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb "Weather Warfare, Road to Happy Habitat" © Alan Watt Jan 17, 2007 (End Song Dedicated to all New-Agers) Inches to Centimeters to Crisis, National Emergency, Crisis Management and Creation, Military Police, Micromanagement, the Cold War, Always Changing Climate, Ice Ages, UN Super-Cities, Earthwatch Experts, Sooty Chemtrail Clouds and HAARP Signals, US Air Force Owning the Weather, Parental Rights, Child Rights, Freemasonic Charity, Disinformation and Counter-intelligence, Donald Rumsfeld, Maurice Strong, Privatizing the Power Grid, Useless Eaters, Respect for the Dead, Eugenics, American Eugenics Society, Social Experiments, Reptile People, Interbreeding, Wizard of Oz = Os = Us = Uz (Song: "Shhh Its A Military Secret" , "You Must Have Been a Beautiful Baby" and "I'm Always Chasing Rainbows" by Perry Como) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt 1-17-2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Jan 12, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb "Chaos, Conflict and Caritas" © Alan Watt Jan 12, 2007 Bad Odor - New York, Australia - Bird Deaths, Microwave Pulsations, Cold War, CIA vs Government, Oliver North - National Security, Webster - Secret Records, Emotion vs Logic, Masonic Court-Room Flashes, America - New Atlantis, DC, Jachin and Boaz, Whales and Dolphins Beaching, EMP Submarine Navigation, Druid and Hindu History - Previous Ages, Theosophy, Fifth Aryan - Hurrian Race, Court Jester, Adam and Eve, Cultural Christianity, Formula and Ritual, Real Estate (Song: "Tears In Heaven" by Eric Clapton, "Night and Day" by Gerry Rafferty) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt 1-12-2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Jan 5, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "People, Projection and Pathos" © Alan Watt Jan 5, 2007 Kyoto Conference, Climate Change, Agenda 21, Star Wars, Global Warming, Aerial Spraying, Magi, Altered, Altared States, Plato, Solon, Christian Caballa, Solomon, Salimon, Solyman, Atlantis, Secret Societies, Bacon's New Atlantis, Sophistry, Money - Artificial Idea, Gold and Silver, Merchant - Mercenary - Mercury, Forces of Nature, Legal System, Egypt, Oneness Movement, Commoners, New Age Condemnation, Isolation (Song: "Say Goodbye" by Chris De Burgh, "A Little Help From My Friends" by Joe Cocker) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt 1-5-2006 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD [Click Here for Year 2006] | |
Jan. - May 2007 | 2006 |