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"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurbs, i.e. Educational Talks) check out the following: *ALL Blurbs and Special Shows are Copyrighted Alan Watt |
Jan. - May 2007 | 2006 | |
June 29, 2014 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "No Utopian Passes for the Masses" © Alan Watt June 29, 2014 Weather Control - Freedoms Taken Away by Governments - Training into Authoritarian Society - Scientific Techniques used on Populations - PR Machine and Spokespersons - Reigns of Terror - Aldous Huxley, Brave New World Revisited - Ideal Form of Democracy - Liberalism and Prosperity - Special Rights for Groups - Industrial to Service Economies - Overpopulation - Painless Imprisonment - Persuasive Propaganda, Nudging - Response to Reason or Passions - Mass Communications and the Press - Never-Ending Entertainment - Tyrannies - Nazism and Adolf Hitler - Brainwashing - Big Brother is Watching - Mass Hysteria and Collectivism - Crowd Behaviour - Mass Manipulation - Imprinting Ideas - Psychopaths - Active Aggressors - Guidance to Conclusions - Advertising and Marketing - Use of Symbols - Loss of Individuality - Economic War - Tyrants Put in by the West. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 29, 2014 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb June 22, 2014 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Scientific Transition into No Opposition" © Alan Watt June 22, 2014 Mankind is Always a Prisoner of His Own Age - Peasants under Feudal System - Nationalism - Ruling Class - Scientific Control - Perpetual Wars - Globalism - Individuality - Original Christianity - Winston Churchill - Students, Protest Movements and Demands - Changes Advocated from the Top - Foundations - Authorized Opposition Groups - Laboratory of the Soviet System - Obedience for "The Greater Good" - Trotsky - Followers and Leaders of Mass Movements - New Aristocracy - The Psychopath Smells the Wind - Rise and Fall of Nations - Use of Coercion and Force - Fascism - Collectivism - Guise of Democracy - Technique of Divide and Conquer - Manipulation by Electromagnetic Waves - CCTV Cameras - Weaponized Video Screens - Effects of Frequencies on the Body - Offshoots of the Weapons Industry - Radar - Psychotronic Warfare - Maintenance of Power - "World Peace" means the Absence of All Opposition - Counterintelligence. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 22, 2014 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb June 15, 2014 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Understanding's the Antidote You Seek to Propaganda's Technique" © Alan Watt June 15, 2014 The Good Society - Old Taboos - Uniformity of Opinion - Guise of Liberalism - Freedom in Society - Communism and Slaughter - Equality and Collectivism - Groups Always Used - National Socialism, Nazism, British Empire and Wars - Intolerant Liberal Parties - Shunning - Environmentalism - National Parks - Voting and Elections - Pre-Selected Politicians - NDP in Canada - Economic Development in Third World - Individuality - Perfected Propaganda - Beria, Scientific Indoctrination - Morning Radio Talk Shows with Emotive Topics, Devil's Advocate - Neurosis in Society - Shopping for Belief Systems - Neurolinguistics - Programming and Logical Conclusions - News Media - Religious Premisses - Hallucinogenic Reality - Power Structures working for Dominant Minority - Meaningless Jobs - Creation of Dissatisfaction - Escapism - Science Fiction Writers - Distraction from Thinking about the Self - "Charitable" Groups - Rockefeller Brothers Foundation - IBM and International Meetings - Social Conformity - Conology - Forbidden Questions - Thinking for Yourself. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 15, 2014 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb June 8, 2014 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Better Think to See Who's "Us", Who're "We"" © Alan Watt June 8, 2014 Education System - Past Agricultural Society, Peasants - Internal Controls through Religion - Movement into Industrial Cities - Obedience to Authority - Culture Creation Industry - Neuroscience, Movies and Advertising - Radical Groups for Rebellion - Leaders saying "We" and "Us" - Ideology of Saving - The Global Society - Human Nature and Power Impulse - Utopias - Eternal Optimists - Militarization - Materialism in the West - Specialists Maintaining Order - True Freedom and Restraints - Stage of Democracy - Self-Policing - Expansionism, Empire Building and Patriotism - Marxism Taught in Universities - Religion and Basic Values of Human Experience - Shock Weaponry - Technotronic Warfare, Wi-Fi, Cellphone Towers and Antennas Broadcasting - Radio Shows and Emotional Topics - Public Taught to Compete - Cartels and Monopolization - Destruction of Communities, Amalgamation into City-States - Mechanization of Labour - Expanding Government Departments - US Constitution and Branches of Government - Charters for Corporations - Chemicals and Waste Products Added to Food - Brave New World - Drugging of Society - Authorized Pharmaceutical and Illicit Drugs - Monitoring of the Public - Pre-Crime - Freedom to Question. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 8, 2014 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb June 1, 2014 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "The Planning Behind Technocracy Dictates How Your Future Will Be" © Alan Watt June 1, 2014 Questions and Answers - Feudal System, Serfdom - Gangsters become Respectable - Rise of the Middle Class - Industrial Revolution - Artificial System - Deer in the Headlights - Technological Progress and Efficiency - Elite's Futurist Think Tanks - Specialized Technocrats - Teachers as Change Agents - Altering Society into a Machine - Indoctrination - Depersonalization in Big Cities - Meetings of Factory Owners - Death Rates in Factory Cities - Social Movements - Control of the Masses - Electronic Surveillance - "Peace" is the Absence of All Opposition - Use of Force, Coercion and Persuasion - Categorization by Economic Status - Test-Bed of Communism - Welfare State - Internal Armies to Stop Rebellions and Riots - Study of "Primitive" Societies - Narrowing of Choices - Hermits in Ancient Times - Elimination of Religions - Holding Companies and Standardized Products - Use of Technology by Technocracy - "Convenience" Cards - Everyone Must be Predictable - Reign of Terror - Standardized People - Mass Choices - Promotion of New Age Religion - Historical Necessity. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 1, 2014 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb May 25, 2014 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) Poem Copyright Alan Watt May 25, 2014: The Psychology of Conology: "Bernays, Manipulator of Public Opinions, Helped Guide the Culture of the Minions, Nimbly Jumping Like a Great Jack Rabbit From Field to Field and Altering Habit For Government, Industry Where 'ere He Went, Upon the People He Manufactured Consent, He's Inside Your Brain, You've Nowhere to Hide, Normalizing Your Acceptance of Fluoride, Scoffing the Masses, He'd Often Proclaim Behaviour Modification Brought His Disdain, There was Nothing He couldn't Accomplish, If Reason, Sense He could Demolish, Directing Thoughts He Did with Ease, This Lauded, Applauded Anti-Social Disease" © Alan Watt May 25, 2014 Arthur Koestler, The Ghost in the Machine - Biochemistry, Hormonal and Behavioural Alteration - Scientific Dictatorship - Aldous Huxley - Control of the Mind - Modification of Mental States - Social Approval and Disapproval - Psychedelic Drugs and Effects - Tranquilizers - Psycho-Pharmacology - Darwinian School - Addictions - Promotion of LSD - Experiment of the Soviet Union - Drugs to Pacify the Public - Subjugation of Wild Survival Instincts - Conditioned Responses - Indoctrination through Fiction - Dehumanizing Modern Art - Arrogant Elite - Edward Bernays - The Fluoride Deception - Engineering Consent - Legalistic Terms - The New Freedom - Acquiescence by Silence - "Experts" used in Marketing - Selling Fantasies - Damaged Goods - Promotion of Promiscuity - Disposal of Waste Products from Industry - The Proles Don't Count - Total War on the General Public - Elimination of Competition. *Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 25, 2014 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb May 18, 2014 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) Poem Copyright Alan Watt May 18, 2014: Tales From The Script: "Much to Tell, More's the Pity, To Contain Within this Little Ditty, Minds and Thoughts, Opinions are Loans From the Scientific Master which Owns Techniques on Reality, Space and Time, Spoon-Fed Topics I Thought were Mine, A Mushroom Grown in Darkened Crypt Sheds Light in "Tales from the Script"" © Alan Watt May 18, 2014 Weather Changes with Geoengineering - The Technotronic Era - Advanced Science on a Primitive Population - Supranational Organizations - Scientific Technique to Control Society - Very Cold and Snowy Winter followed by Rain - Rockefeller and CFR/RIIA - Corporations and Maintenance of Power - Bertrand Russell, "The Scientific Outlook" book - Dialectical Process - Non-Democratic System - World War II, US, Japan and Pacific - Tower of Babel - Experiment of the Soviet System - Private Foundations - Abolition of the Family Unit - Long-Term Plans for Societal Change - Unelected Technocrats - Uniform Education and Media - Oligarchies - Opinions Given by Experts - Chatham House Rules - Elimination of Competition - Organized World State - The Soviet Story video - Drugged Society - Death Sports - Psychic Driving - Bioengineering through Diet - Population Reduction - Universal Language - Books Dumped from Libraries - Controlled Access to Information - Zero Tolerance - Scientific Breeding - Artificial Insemination - Plastic Sentiment - Religion of Devotion to the State - Abortion in Soviet Union - Austerity - Sterilization - Environmental Police - System of Abuse. *Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 18, 2014 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb May 11, 2014 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Who Writes the Page for Planned Outrage?" © Alan Watt May 11, 2014 Media's Format and Presentation - News Anchors - Edward Bernays, Mass Marketing - PT Barnum and Self-Promotion - Hyped Emotive Topics - Simple War Propaganda - Technique of Left and Right - Plunder of Africa - Nigeria and Africom - Amalgamation of Countries into Globalized System - Creation of "Outrage" - UN, NATO and Prostitution Rackets - Definition of "Freedom" - Leveson Inquiry and Muzzling Journalists - Factory Towns - Well-Rewarded Bureaucrats - Bertrand Russell - Politically-Incorrect Questions - Free Trade - Using Memory and Logic - Symbol of the Pyramid and the Wasteland - Groups of Businessmen - Human Adaptation - Group Conformity - Use of Organizations - Fixed Populations - System of Interdependence - News "Over There" - Authoritarianism - "Democracy" and Voting - Study of Populations - Elite's Utopia - Identity Crisis and the Id - Controlled Society - Escapism into Fiction - History Down the Memory Hole - Global Dimming. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 11, 2014 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb May 4, 2014 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "At a loss of what to do? Play a game of "Finding You"" © Alan Watt May 4, 2014 Geoengineering Agenda, Global Dimming, Weather Warfare - Arthur C. Clarke, Advanced Science and Primitive People - Brave New World - Soma - Intergenerational Indoctrination - New Normals - Authorized View of History and the Present - WTO and Free Trade Deals - Service Economies - Distraction with Foreign News - Collapse of Nations, Rise of City-States - Ukraine and Russia - Thinking for Yourself - Opinion Creation - Reintroduction of Formulas on the Populations - Behaviour Modification - Bursting Bubbles - "Waking Up" - Egocentric and Narcissistic Society - Psychiatry and New Version of "Normal" - Mass Immigration and "Overpopulation" - George Orwell's 1984 (The Last Man) - The Proles Don't Count - Talk Radio, Questions and Answers - Data Collection for a "Virtual You", Predictable Behaviour - Self-Pity and Depression - Group Followers - Hermits - Realm of Knowing and Understanding - Cultural Differences - Ideas given by Fiction - Perfect Brainwashing - Conformity - NGOs and Think Tanks - Time and Motion Studies - Technotronic Warfare - Rehashed Old Books - The New Age - Political Correctness - GIRFEC in Scotland - Uniform Society. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 4, 2014 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb April 27, 2014 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "A Band-Aid Prevention Against Distorted Perception" © Alan Watt April 27, 2014 Controlled System - Power Brokers - Continuous Lies "For the Greater Good" - Blissful Ignorance - Money is the Key to All Power - Intergenerational Debt - International Moneylenders - Tax Farming - System of "Progress" - Parroted Slogans - Politicians, Born Liars - More Sophisticated Slavery - One Global Agenda - Demonization of an Enemy - PR/Propaganda - Fake News and Spins - Neurolinguistics - Economics and Conology - Perfect Indoctrination - Effect of Fear - Humans the Most Studied Species - Wars for Natural Resources - Psychology - Traits of the Psychopath - Mass Conditioning - System of "Sustainability" - Control of the Mind - Learn and Look and Listen - World Governance - Lawrence of Arabia - Light and Darkness - Thinking for Yourself. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - April 27, 2014 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb March 16, 2014 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) ""Hidden" Masters Posing Answers, Age-Old Formula Milked by Chancers" © Alan Watt March 16, 2014 Power Structure - Manufactured Reality - Money is Power - More Efficient Form of Slavery - Taxing Labour - Culture Industry and Canned Laughter - Perpetual War - Cultural Contamination - Capture of Wild Boars - Fall of Empires, Degeneracy and Dysfunction - Training to Listen to "Experts" - Creation of a New Religion - Vampire Obsession and Sadomasochism - The New Age - Heaven's Gate Cult - Cults, Gurus and Followers - Decoding "Secrets" - Numerology - Psychological Warfare - Hypnotic State - Blurring of Reality and Fantasy - Weaponized Entertainment, Horror Movies - Social Indoctrination - Land Clearances - Disney Fiction - Feudal System - Authorized "Rights" - Social Approval and Disapproval, Villification of a Group - New-Age Con-Men and Conology - Technique of Persuasion, Dialectic Process - Experiments on Society - Weather Warfare. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - March 16, 2014 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb March 9, 2014 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) Poem Copyright Alan Watt March 9, 2014: Inevitable Fate of Sanctioned Hate: "Gowned Profs Sitting at the Plate, Dishing Out to Soldiers Hate, Hypocrisy, A One-Way Street, Ensuring Disarmed Target's Defeat, It's the Age of Conflict in Relations, Of Authorized Funded Organizations, Passive Sides Give No Opposition, Attacked by Destroyers of Tradition, Vanguard Leaders Howl and Leer, On Payroll of the High Puppeteer, Screaming Followers, Avant-Garde, Radical, Funnelled by College into the Fanatical, Fools Chant Nouveau Socialist Novenas, Machiavelli-Created for Utopian Dreamers, From Fringe of Battle, Emotive, Hectic, Guided Symbiosis of the Dialectic, Genderists' Cry of Freedom is Lame, Demanding You as They Be the Same New Puritans, All Drab like Ants, Except Both Genders Wearing Pants, God Help She of Feminine Beauty, Tarred and Feathered, Hair Shorn Cruelly, Self-Righteous Perpetrators of the Deed, Ignorant of the Shadow Creed Which Funds Them in this Mystic Dichotomy Of Also Running, Promoting All Pornography, Planned Synthesis Signed in Treaties Formal, Where All Deviancy Declared New Normal, C.G. Darwin's "Wild Men" Laugh at Pathos, Toast Triumph of New Order Out of Chaos" © Alan Watt March 9, 2014 Science of Conology - Management of the Public - Only One Agenda - Revolutions - The Noble Lie - Creation of Social Disapproval - Groupthink - Approved Radical Groups - Destruction of the Family Unit - Infiltration - Maintenance of Power - Re-emergence of Soviet System - Long-Term Planning - Wealth comes from Labour - Logic and Reason - Guise of Liberalism - Fake View of History - Leaders Given to Follow - Darwins and Scientific Elite - Charles Galton Darwin - Eugenics, Controlled Breeding - GIRFEC - Domestication - System of Indoctrination and Civilization - Ant Colonies - Behavioural and Physical Alteration with Hormones - Geoengineering - Creation of a "Master Breed" - Joke of "Democracy" - Taboo Topics - Fear-Driven Sales Techniques - Vacuum Cleaners and Fallout Shelters - Actual Temperature Readings - Delivery System of Entertainment. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - March 9, 2014 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb March 2, 2014 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) Poem Copyright Alan Watt March 2, 2014: Hell is Repetition: "End-Time Prophets Profit, Hyping Fear, Ends Come and Go Year after Year, Fretful Addicts Deny Own Condition, Unaware Hell is Repetition" © Alan Watt March 2, 2014 Battling the Weather, Low Temperatures - Geoengineering - News "Over There" - Standardized Education - Foundations and NGOs - Coercion into New System - Planned Society, Rule by Intelligentsia - Social Darwinism, Eugenics - Subversive Groups - Intergenerational Contamination - Living through a Script - Wars and Plunder - No Democracy - EU - Creation of Outrage - Use of Existing Organizations - Specialized Think-Tanks - Fear as a Method of Total Control - Fight or Flight - Advanced Sciences - Crisis and Panic - Topics Never Mentioned by Politicians - Manipulation of the Public - Mentality of Young Soldiers and Training of Recruits - Terrorism Everywhere - Surveilled Society, Predictable Behaviour - Communist Groups and Organization - Brainwashing into Depopulation - Guidance to Proper Conclusions - HAARP Signal - Finding Your Own Mind - Understanding is Freedom - The Cold War - Agenda 21. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - March 2, 2014 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Feb. 23, 2014 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Reports of My Death have been Greatly Exaggerated" Very Cold and Snowy Winter - Mainstream Radio and TV News - Factions Fighting for Power - Fixed System of Britain - Time and Motion - RIIA/CFR/CIGI - Nations used by Private Business - Non-Democratic Authoritarian System - Sherpas and Free Trade Treaties - Dominant Minorities - Feudalism - Rise of the Intelligentsia - Communism - Rationalization - Obligations - Control over All Essentials - Egocentric Society - Human Capital - Weaponized Entertainment- Social Engineering - Information Overload - Thinking for Yourself - Contamination - Parallel Government - Scientific Dictatorship - Power Never Gives itself Up - Fabian Technique - Intergenerational Think-Tanks - Groups and Collective Mentality - Philosophers - Being an Individual - Use of Slogans and Repetition - Spy Networks - More Efficient Form of Slavery - Everyone is Minutely Studied - A Social Worker for Every Child - Conology - Perfect Conditioning - Drugged Society - "The Truth Shall Make You Free". *Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb. 23, 2014 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Dec. 25, 2012 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Merry Christmas, 2012" & Alan Watt Composition: "Espíritu Resuelto," Written, Published, Copyrighted Dec. 25, 2012 Alan Watt. *Dialogue and Composition Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 25, 2012 *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb (includes Composition) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Composition "Espíritu Resuelto" (higher quality sound on Composition as separate download) June 25, 2012 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Battle for Parental Guardianship" © Alan Watt June 25, 2012 Update on Katerina Jeleva -- Court Case on June 28 for Return of Her Child *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 25, 2012 *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Update on Katerina Jeleva -- Court Case on June 28 for Return of Her Child Welfare in Utah Spending at a Glance: A Supplemental Report to the Cost of Protecting Vulnerable Children - Shelley Waters 1) Utah CPS database has false allegations & foster histories 2) Utah CPS database has false allegations & foster histories The Health of Children in Utah's Child Welfare System CHILD AND FAMILY SERVICES PLAN Utah Division of Child and Family Services Federal Fiscal Years 2010-2014 June 30, 2009 First Radio Mention of Katerina's May 1st Case (audio starts at 17 minutes) (April 30, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN) & Transcript Activist Post Interview/Article with Katerina Jeleva, May 9, 2012 The latest dirty trick by Amber Ruder Contact Info. for Amber Ruder's Supervisor: Rick Smith Director of the Office of the Guardian ad Litem State of Utah loriab@email.utcourts.gov Dec. 25, 2011 Merry Christmas to All Cutting Through the Matrix Listeners, 2011. Alan Watt Composition: "Alegría en el Dolor", Written, Published, Copyrighted Dec. 25, 2011 Alan Watt. *Composition Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 25, 2011 *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Composition "Alegría en el Dolor" Dec. 25, 2010 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Merry Christmas, 2010" & Alan Watt Compositions: "Wistfully Yours" & "Still Here," Written, Published, Copyrighted Dec. 25, 2010 Alan Watt. *Dialogue and Compositions Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 25, 2010 *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb (includes Compositions) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Composition "Wistfully Yours" (higher bit rate) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Composition "Still Here" (higher bit rate) Dec. 25, 2009 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Merry Christmas, 2009" & Alan Watt Composition: "Contemplación," Written, Published, Copyrighted Dec. 25, 2009 Alan Watt. Political Correctness, War on Our Minds - Media and Entertainment to Control Thinking of Generations - Crowd Mentality, "Equality" in Socialism. Battle for Individualism - Parroting Masses in Pre-Planned "Doll House" - Power and Capability of the Individual, Biggest Threat to Tyrants. Belief of Elite to Dominate the World - Rockefeller at CFR, Compliance and Secrecy of Media - Programmed Zombies. Christmas and Christianity - All is Not Hopeless or Lost - Finding Answers Personally. Psychiatry replacing Religion - Mass Drugging - Through Suffering comes Learning and Maturity, Compassion - Doing the Best You Can Do. *Dialogue and Composition Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 25, 2009 (Exempting Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb (includes Composition) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Composition (higher bit rate) Dec. 25, 2008 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Merry Christmas" & Alan Watt Composition: "Hombre," Written, Published, Copyrighted Dec. 25, 2008 Alan Watt. Control of Planet, Media, Sports - Global Meetings, NGOs, United Nations - Brainwashing of Young - Buzzwords, Slogans - Science as New God, New Religion. Stepped-Up Agenda, Dogmatism - Rampant Evil, Suffering - Right and Wrong - Indoctrinations for New Age - Intimidation, Fighting "Head-On" - Uniformed "Bosses". What are You Fighting For? - Groups, Loss of Individuality - Patriot Movement, Stardom, Following, United Nations - Chaos, Hegelian Dialectic. Guise of Liberalism and Diversity, No Toleration - Wars of Standardization, UNESCO - British Politics, Tony Blair, New Laws - Left and Right Wing, Parties - Messiahs. Restriction of Information, Dark Age - One-Sided Versions and Facts, "Proper" Conclusions - Communications Surveillance, SWAT Teams. Individuals Coming Together, Bonding, Action, Saving Others - Fear of Government - Mass Demonstrations . Positions of Power, Psychopathic Types - A New System - Educating Children to Recognize Psychopaths - Nihilists, Atheists - Tyranny. Pentagon, Computerized "Virtual" You, Predictability. Regaining Sacredness of Humanity. Political Correctness - Removal of Unique Genes - Eugenicists - Golden Age, Hive of Efficient Masses to Serve Elite. Santa Claus: Permits for Toys, Livestock, Flying, Gifts. Myths and Fantasy - Climate Change (Weather) - War in Middle East, Obliteration of Culture - Totalitarianism. *Dialogue and Composition Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 25, 2008 (Exempting Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Composition April 13, 2008 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Global Shock and Awe, with 'Calmatives' for Dessert - The Use of Tranquillizing and Hypnotic Agents on the Public in Times of Crisis or Riot" © Alan Watt April 13, 2008 (Video Link: Mike Wallace interviews Aldous Huxley, May 18, 1958. Posted at University of Texas at Austin.) • TRANSCRIPT - THE MIKE WALLACE INTERVIEW: ALDOUS HUXLEY - May 18, 1958 (Songs: "Gimmie Gimmie Shock Treatment" and "I Wanna Be Sedated" by The Ramones.) Aldous Huxley, Think Tanks, Intelligence Services, Technologies - Scientifically Induced Propaganda, Repetition, International Education. University Grants for Military-Industrial Complex - Corporations - Patents. Crisis, Aerosolized Prozac and Valium to Spray over Cities - HAARP - "Calmatives" - "Non-Lethal Techniques" - Nerve Gas release into Russian Theatre. Nervous System Depressing Drugs, Administration, Effects. Global War against "Terrorism". Aerial Spraying, Drugging - Pharmaceutical Agents - Anti-Depressants. "Rage" movie with George C. Scott - "Sheep Incident" article (DamnInteresting.com). War Games - Strategy, Long-Term Planning - Non-Lethal Weapons - Chemicals used on Public - Weather Modification. Big Lies - Understanding of the Mind. Temporary Intensive Farming Phase - Food Industry. Chipping Away at the Base of the Tower - Stopping the Totalitarian System - Containment, Habitat Areas, Authorized Travel. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - April 13, 2008 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD *TRANSCRIPT Topics of show covered in following links: "The Advantages and Limitations of Calmatives for Use as a Non-Lethal Technique" Penn State College of Medicine Applied Research Lab Laboratory, Pennsylvania State University (at sunshine-project.org). "The Sheep Incident" by Scott Cianciosi (damninteresting.com) - March 17th, 2008. "US/UK Non-Lethal Weapons (NLW)/Urban Operations Executive Seminar, 30 November 2000, London, UK" (at sunshine-project.org). March 6, 2008 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "From Slime to Divine - Darwin's Repackaged Religion and The New Age" © Alan Watt March 6, 2008 (Book: "America, the Sorcerer's New Apprentice: The Rise of New Age Shamanism" by Dave Hunt and Thomas A. McMahon.) (Song: "Circle Game" by Joni Mitchell.) Cultural Changes, Perception - Philosophers, Egypt, Greece, Sumeria, Aristocracy - Selected Knowledge, Preordained Conclusions. Perennial Religion, Nature Worship, Hinduism, Reincarnation. "Universal Consciousness" - Neoplatonists, Alexandria, Plato, Hegelian Argument - Logic - Atomists - Mystery Religions. Life Extension, Genetic Enhancement - Illusion of Shared Power - Fear of Death - Psychopathic Types. Concept of "Equality" - Elites' Planned Destiny - Hermaphrodite Symbol - Ancient Gnostic Gospels, Gospel of Thomas, New Testament, Heaven. "Hidden Masters" - New Age Movement, Gurus, Leaders - Hypnosis - Perpetual "Happiness". Television, People Watching, Identification, Indoctrination - Political Ideas for Social Change, Adaptation. Rosicrucians, Masonic Groups, "Higher Consciousness" - "Supermind" - Repetition, Opinions - "Ascension to Godhood". Devils and Angels, "Holy Marriage" - Labels of Deity - Satanism - Rationalization of Insanity. "Course in Miracles", New Age, Funding. Use of the "Stars" - Public Mimic - Shirley MacLaine - Visualization - Blending of Science and Religion - Old Shamanism. Endless Cycle of Karma and Wheel of Reincarnation - Problem of Evil - Yoga - Original Buddhism - Eugenics - Dogma. Mythologies, "Battles" - Rebuilding of "Imperfect" World and Man - Obsession with Order. Channelling "Spirits" - Caution - Ancient Demonology, Legion (Many, but One) - "We're All One". *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - March 6, 2008 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Feb. 28, 2008 Alan Watt Mini-Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Don't Panic!" (Songs: "Code of Silence" by Bruce Springsteen. "Thanks for the Memories" by Bob Hope and Shirley Ross.) *Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb. 28, 2008 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Jan. 1, 2008 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "New Year - Deja Vu for a Few" © Alan Watt Jan. 1, 2008 (Song: "Deja Vu" by Gallagher and Lyle.) Road to New World Order--Dream of Aristocratic Families - "Individuals" fighting Each Other - Standardized Culture, Adaptation, Eradication - Group-Think. Understanding of "Nature" (Science) - Rebuilding that which was left Imperfect - Labor, Profit, Elite - Pyramidal Structure - Money, Currency (flow), Commercial System, Wars, Taxation. Media (Middlemen) Peddling a Reality - Topics Given to Debate - Knighting of Big Magnates - Traps for Those Who Wake Up - Gurus, Truth given as "Bait", Realm of Fantasy. Commerce - Nothing is "Free" (Price for Everything) - Monitoring, Privacy - Personalized Advertising Profiles - Agency Data Collection - Selling Soul for Convenience. Definition of "Peace" - Majority Obedience. The Future - Computerization - Planned Unemployment - Computer Training - US-Canada-Mexico Amalgamation. "Illusion" - Distortion of Reality, Perception - Hinduism - Working off "Bad Karma" - Wheel of Reincarnation - Yoga, Religion, Faith. Individual Soul, Atman - States of Consciousness - Universal Soul - India, Brahman Class, Mass Poverty - "Evolution" - Modern New Age Religion. New Age Psychology, Hypnosis - Paying Money to find "Previous Lives" - Cleopatra "Reincarnates". Controlled Society - Earth Worship - Scientists as New Priests - "Saving the Earth" - Fanatics, Devotees - "Logan's Run" movie. "Progress" - Atom Bomb - Scientific Discoveries for Our "Benefit" - Knowledge of Humankind - Plato's "Republic", Elite Utopia. Services, Authorities - Laws, Bureaucracies, "New Blood" - Positions of Power, Battalions - Enforcers of the System. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 1, 2008 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD [Click Here for June - Dec. 2007] | |
Jan. - May 2007 | 2006 |