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Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" Live on RBN![]() Republic Broadcasting Network |
June - Oct. 2008: Oct. 31, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt Oct. 31, 2008: Bretton Woods Part 2: "The NGOs have got the Goods For the Second Part of Bretton Woods, Itemized, Too Many to List Them, New World Servitude, New World System, Go Join a Group, There's One for You, Ready-Made Culture, Clothes, Music Too, Chickenhead Cops (in Financial Depression) Funded to the Hilt, Gadgets of Oppression, The Phoenix System in Transition, Drop Pants, Bend Over, Assume Position, Ignorant Optimists Misunderstood Pavlovian Response, Change is Good" © Alan Watt Oct. 31, 2008 Politics Game - "Change is Good" - Lobbying, Foundations, NGOs - Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World" - Bureaucrats and Politicians - Totalitarianism, Obedience - Police, Overreactions, Cartoon Cops. Keynes, Economics - Socialism, Theosophy - Taboo Individuality - Groupthink, Shunning - China, Blue Overalls, Jeans, Baggy Pants, Fashions. John Stuart Mill, Darwinism - Culling "Surplus" Population - Warfare - David Suzuki - New Bretton Woods - NGOs, G7 Meeting, IMF, World Bank Lending. Britain, Dominion, Commonwealth - Fingerprint Scanners - Surveillance Cameras, Crime - "Peelers", "Coppers" . Fabian Society, H.G. Wells, Working Class, Sidney Webb - Dialectic, Outcome. Halloween, Halo, Hollow Eye - John Dee, English Language, Coding, Freemasonry - Orwell's "1984", Linguistic Minimalism - Psycholinguistics, Marketing, Hypnosis. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 31, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: "DEVELOPMENT: Bretton Woods II: New Lifeline for Ailing Giants" by John Vandaele (ipsnews.net) - Oct 28, 2008. "FINANCE: NGOs Call for Radical Reforms as IMF Offers New Loans" by Jim Lobe (ipsnews.net) - Oct. 29, 2008. "Police to get mobile fingerprint scanners amid plans to hold random identity checks" by Matthew Drake (dailymail.co.uk) - Oct 27, 2008. Oct. 29, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt Oct. 29, 2008: 800-Year-Old Right Discarded: "Modified Humans by Modified Food, Forbidden to Heat by Fallen Dead Wood, Four-Year-Olds to be Taught by the State The Joys of Sex, Make Love Not Hate, All Kinds of Values, Rutting Incorrigible, Ensuring Mating for Life is Impossible, Clueless Adults Play, Gorge the Belly, In a Changing World, Lost in the Telly" © Alan Watt Oct. 29, 2008 Mainstream Media - Economics, Malthusian Population Control, Predictions - Brave New World - Department of Defence predictions, Rioting. John Maynard Keynes - Socialism - New Economic System - Tokens, Credits - "Illumined Ones" - Government in Your Bank Account. Ireland, Lisbon Treaty, EU - Villains, Peasants, Nobles - Magna Carta, Forest Charter, Firewood, Ministry of Forestry, Licenses, Crown Land. Habitat Areas, Movement off Rural Areas into Cities, USSR, China. Bertrand Russell, Experimental Schools - Winston Churchill, United Europe - UK, Pre-Pubertal Sex Education, Sexually-Transmitted Diseases, Syphilis, Gonorrhea. Slogans, "Carbon Footprint" - Rising Food, Water, Energy Costs. Britain, Uniting of India, British Model of Democracy, Gandhi. Media, Created Culture, Belonging to "Tribe", Bonding Substitute - Gangs, Masonic Symbolism, Drugs, Hell's Angels. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 29, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: "EU plans to force second Lisbon vote" by Richard Oakley, The Times - Oct. 18, 2008. "Health and safety axe on 800-year-old right to collect firewood" by Jaya Narain (dailymail.co.uk) - Oct. 27, 2008. VIDEO: "Wood collecting tradition to end" (news.bbc.co.uk). "Give young children sex education" ITN - Oct. 23, 2008. "Sex education 'should begin at four' " by Tulip Mazumdar (news.bbc.co.uk) - July 4, 2008. "Earth on course for eco 'crunch' " (news.bbc.co.uk) - Oct. 9, 2008. Oct. 27, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt Oct. 27, 2008: Trick the Brain from Stomach Pain: "Data, Data, Genome Screen, Do You Have Poverty Gene? For Hunger, Science has New Tool, With Little Food, You Will Feel Full, Babel's Tower Not Straight nor True, All Bandaged, Patched with Super Glue, Corrupt from Pinnacle to the Base, Must Fall and Free the Human Race" © Alan Watt Oct. 27, 2008 (Article: "Scientists try to stop hunger with retooled foods" by Maria Cheng (myway.com) - Oct. 23, 2008.) Generational Reality Indoctrination - Slavery, Reincarnation, Karma Debt - Brahma's Dream - "Greening" Religion - Grove Worship, Temples. Ancient Egypt, Collapse of Civilizations - Warfare, War in the Mind, Behaviour Modification - Revolutions. Shelley's "Frankenstein" - Freemasonry - Authors - Darwin and Marx - "God is Dead" - Secular Humanism, Debasement. H.G. Wells, Red Tie School, Futurist Society - Science Fiction - World of Experts, Scientists. Deception, Control of Masses - Overpopulation, UN, World Wars - Fabian Society - Charities - Abortion - Elimination of Poverty (the Poor). Merger of Human and Robot - Music, OTO. History Books, Arnold Toynbee, Carroll Quigley. John Maynard Keynes, New System, Bretton Woods. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 27, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Oct. 24, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt Oct. 24, 2008: Sanction of Expansion: "Expansion of Government, Expansion of Border, The Latter to be a Hundred Miles Broader, UN's Green Economics Proposed, Meaning We are In Bondage, We Get Hosed, Phthalates in Plastics, also in Rubber, Chewing on This Stuff Makes You a Poor Lubber" © Alan Watt Oct. 24, 2008 U.S. Border Patrol, CBP, Constitution-Free Zone, Searches - Protester Identification. Green New Deal, United Nations, Global Economy - Great Depression, WWII - UNEP - Crops grown for Ethanol, Biofuel - Ice Ages, Warming Periods. Sustainable Development, Eugenics - Huxley, Hitler - Plummeting Sperm Count - Sterilization. Vaccinations - Phthalates, Plastics, Toys - Bioengineering, Hormonal Alteration - Vaccine Manufacture - Waking Up to Reality. Jacques Ellul, Science of Propaganda, Law Dramas - Carroll Quigley, Arnold Toynbee - Change, Planned Agenda - Marxism - Elite - Participation in Our Future. Bertrand Russell, Use of "the Needle", Inoculations - Autism - GM Food, Pesticides - Good Reason, Real Reason - Depopulation. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 24, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: "Homeland Security Assuming Broad Powers, Turning Swaths of U.S. into "Constitution-Free Zone" " by Barry Steinhardt, Director, ACLU Technology and Liberty Program (dailykos.com) - Oct. 22, 2008. "UN announces green 'New Deal' plan to rescue world economies" by Paul Eccleston (telegraph.co.uk) - Oct. 22, 2008. "Toys Containing Banned Plastics Still on Market" by Nicholas Casey and Melanie Trottman (wsj.com) - Oct. 23, 2008. Oct. 22, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt Oct. 22, 2008: Private Foundations Making Public Policy: "A Stealth Plan Worked on Every Nation, Via Art, Entertainment to Degradation, TV Sex and Violence Flick Past Your Eyes, A War on Culture to Desensitize, Now People Don't Speak of Freedom or Rights, Chatting Hollywood Topics in Bits and Bytes, For Most it is Over, They've Ne'er been Awake, Now It's Up to the Few and the Difference We Make" © Alan Watt Oct. 22, 2008 Front-Men, Advisors - Religions - Moral Degradation, Sex and Violence - India, Aryans, Dravidians. Aldous Huxley - Democracy Camouflage - CFR - Bertrand Russell, Expert Advice - NGOs - New American Empire. Jacques Ellul, Television Programs - Video Games, Killing - Drug Addicts' High, First "Fix" - Movies, Drama, Programming. Secrecy, "Spun" Information - Military-Industrial Complex, Technology, Control - Elite Families' Wealth - Psychopathy Trait. TV Propaganda, News, Dehumanization - Herd Mentality - Ability to Choose, Consequences - Culture Creation, Warfare. CSIS, Pierre Trudeau (Comintern Leader) - U.S., CIA, FBI, DHS, Spying - Rand Corporation, Public Policy - Counter-Intelligence - Terrorism - Virtual World "Doppelgangers". "Mindset" Headset, Brain-Wave Monitoring. Vaccines, Mosquitoes - Canada, Bacterial and Viral Warfare - Population Reduction, Charities. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 22, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: "Cannibal chef given life sentence" (news.bbc.co.uk) - Oct. 20, 2008. "U.S. policymakers mull creation of domestic intelligence agency" (cnn.com) - Oct. 20, 2008. "New video game literally a mind game" by AFP (at google.com) - Oct. 9, 2008. " 'Flying syringe' mosquitos, other ideas get Gates funding" by AFP (google.com) - Oct. 22, 2008. Oct. 20, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt Oct. 20, 2008: From Virility to Sterility: "Public Figures in Eugenics, Population Control, Using All Possible Means to Reach Their Goal, Reducing Sperm Count, Procreation Heretic, These Eugenicists Seem to be Anti-Sementic, Bio-Engineering the Whole Human Species, To Bring In the New Man, a Genetic Genesis, Made in the Image as They Think We Should Be, Sterile, Subservient, Each Bending the Knee" © Alan Watt Oct. 20, 2008 Great Leap Forward - Ideal Design - Experts, Bioethicists - Humanimals - Paying for Existing - Control Freaks - Lenin, Soviet Union, Merger with West. Consumerism - Slaughter, Population Control - Infertility, Bisphenol-A (BPA), Plastics, Bottles, Cans - Coincidence Theories - Sperm Count Drop. Phthalates, DEHP, Decreased Penis Size and Anogenital Distance, Undescended Testes - C.G. Darwin's "The Next Million Years" book - Hormonal Changes. Freemasonry, Pantheism - Pan, Satan, God of World, Crown, Right and Left Hand. Deja Vu, Survival Mechanisms - Dreams - Personal Experiences, Meaning. Vitamin B-12, Extrinsic and Intrinsic Factor. Chaos, Constant Change, Nothing to Compare Normal to - Sustainable Development, Green Police - China's Cultural Revolution - Communism, Bertrand Russell, Centralization. Norman Dodd, Reece Commission - Mikhail Gorbachev. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 20, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: "Canada bans 'gender-bend baby bottles', putting Britain under pressure to follow suit" by Mail Foreign Service (dailymail.co.uk) - Oct. 20, 2008. "New Zealand men have poor quality sperm - study" by Tamara McLean (from news.com.au) - Oct. 20, 2008. "Plastics ingredient linked to smaller penises" by Martin Mittelstaedt (theglobeandmail.com) - Oct. 7, 2008. "Associations Among Hypospadias, Cryptorchidism, Anogenital Distance, And Endocrine Disruption" by Ben Breyer, MD, UroToday (at medicalnewstoday.com) - June 13, 2008. Oct. 17, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt Oct. 17, 2008: Transatlantic Economic Integration: "Confused Peoples, Swirling Fear, Sensing Changes Coming Near, Change, the Word, Change for Task, Its Definition, No-one Will Ask, World Banksters All a-Salivating, Over Global Plantation They are Creating, Nationhood Seems to have Absconded, As Europe and America Now are Bonded, Sans Independence, sans the Nation, Transatlantic Economic Integration" © Alan Watt Oct. 17, 2008 MySpace Weasel, Stolen Book Sales. Crown, Queen Elizabeth I, "Illuminati" , British Empire - Regions - Milner, Cecil Rhodes, RIIA, CFR - Mandell House, Earl Grey - Commonwealth - United Nations. Summit of Americas, Amalgamation - Institute for Pacific Relations - Canada - Economic Integration - Treaties, Ties - Financial Crash, Bailouts by Taxpayer. Strategic Plans, Public Kept in Dark - U.S. and EU - Crisis, Mental Collapse - Building Blocks. Old Testament, Jehovah - Nature Worship, Greek Islands, Rome, Breeding - Moral Relativity - Population Reduction, Voluntary Sterilization - Elite - New-Agers, Magical Thinking. Age of Pisces, Bibles, "Soft-Kill" Process - Geneva, King James Bible. Mass Demonstrations - 2010, American Union - 2012, Global Government, UN. Scientifically-Designed Culture, Egosyntonic Society, Opinion Formation - Those with Spirit - Machines, Creatures of Instinct. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 17, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: "Canada integrating their economy with European Union" by Lonewacko (24ahead.com) - Oct. 10, 2008. "Corporate global governance? "Transatlantic Economic Union"? Open borders at the State Department" (24ahead.com) - March 13, 2008. "Framework for Advancing Transatlantic Economic Integration Between the United States of America and the European Union" (at ec.europa.eu) - April 30, 2007. "Transatlantic Economic Council Report to the EU-U.S. Summit 2008" [PDF File] (at merln.ndu.edu) - June 10, 2008. "Fact Sheet: Advancing Transatlantic Economic Integration Through the Transatlantic Economic Council" Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs, Washington, DC (at ok-safe.org) - May 13, 2008. Oct. 15, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt Oct. 15, 2008: Reality versus Magical Mystery Tour: "Citizenry Psy-Ops Operation, People in Tizzy of Dis-information, Truth of Which They Ne'er Possess, Conflicting Data They Can't Process, Fact and Fantasy, All Bound Together, 'Re' the Belief, 'Ligion' the Fetter, Round in Circles, All Amazed, Under Mind Control, They Must Be Dazed, Psychological Warfare to have Success, The Victims' Minds They Must Possess, Until They Find They're All Alone, Truth is Knockin' but No-one's Home" © Alan Watt Oct. 15, 2008 Contributions to Keep Me (Alan) Going - Praise and Condemnation - Truth - Delusion, Entertainment. Media Management, Propaganda, U.K., Subversion - New Age Movement - Discernment - "Chicago" movie - Published Mandates, UN, New Economic Order. Chasing Rainbows - Downloaded Opinions - Passive Co-operation - Making Decisions Yourself - Battle for the Mind - Scrambled Brains - Unstable People. Britain, Youth Cadets, Citizen Service, Schools - Dr. Spock, "Nation of Young Psychopaths" - Expert Advice. "Troops to Teachers" Program - Military Recruitment - Violence, Hollywood, RIIA Meeting, Culture of Future. Australia Airport Body Scanners - X-Rays, Accumulative Radiation, Cancer - Sadomasochism. U.S. Spy Satellite Surveillance Program, Homeland Security - Knowledge is Power. Alternate Reality, "Hobbies". Gambling Casino called "Stock Market", Taxpayer Bailout. Willing Fools, Mystery and Fascination. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 15, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: "Brown 'backs' more school cadets" (news.bbc.co.uk) - April 6, 2008. " 'Retrain ex-troops' as teachers" (news.bbc.co.uk) - Feb. 15, 2008. "Melbourne Airport scanners 'will show private parts' " by Dan Oakes, Sydney Morning Herald (smh.com.au) - Oct. 15, 2008. "Satellite-Surveillance Program to Begin Despite Privacy Concerns" by Siobhan Gorman, Wall Street Journal (wsj.com) - Oct. 1, 2008. "An exit strategy" Financial Times (us.ft.com) - Oct. 15, 2008. Oct. 13, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt Oct. 13, 2008: "Ordo ab Chao and Crisis Creation, Leaders Pretend to Rule Our Nations, Through Terror, Famine, Plagues and Warming, They Remain Resolute, They Give Us Warning, And If We All Panic and Follow Advice, They'll Bring a New World, All Soft, All Nice, What We Must Do for Propitiation, Kill Most of Us Off, That's Salvation" © Alan Watt Oct. 13, 2008 Democracy - Soviet System - "Charitable" Foundations, Albert Pike, Adam Weishaupt - Rockefeller, Eugenics - Governance - NGOs, Green Agenda. Club of Rome "The First Global Revolution" book - Carbon Footprints - Future Scenarios - Suicides - Climate Change, Thought Criminals - IPCC Doctrine. Business Leaders, Master Class, Psychopaths - Detective Story, Clues - Rites of Perfection, "Do as Thou Wilt" - Intergenerational Agenda, Posterity - Willing Devotees. Bretton Woods meeting, Fractional Reserve - Social Security, Welfare, Pensions - Economic Bubble, Bailout, Enslavement - Britain, Iceland Banks - White-Collar Crime. Indoctrinated vs. Real Reality - Parallel Government - Media, CFR - 9-11 to Nationalism to Globalism - Trivia, Television Teat - Environment Alteration, Technology. "We're All in it Together", "Brazil" movie - Public-Private - Effects of Perfect Indoctrination - Lobotomy - Knowledge and Awareness. Obama, World Citizenship. Soy Promotion - GMO - Food Used as Weapon. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 13, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: VIDEO: "Meet the real boss: Rockefeller & Co." (youtube.com). "British NGO Forecasts Five Brave New World Scenarios Set In 2030" by Amy de Miceli (at noonehastodietomorrow.com) - Oct. 13, 2008. "World needs new Bretton Woods, says Brown" (afp.google.com) - Oct. 13, 2008. "Talking Point: What we must do to save the planet" by Crispin Tickell (newscientist.com) - Sept. 7, 1991. Oct. 10, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt Oct. 10, 2008: "October's the Month for Big Revolutions, First the Chaos, then Wily Solutions, When Government Controls Your Bank Account, Their Demanding List on You will Amount, Using Money as Punishment or Reward, The Ancient Regime Enthroned as Lord" © Alan Watt Oct. 10, 2008 (Articles: "Banking crisis live: shares tumble" [at 3:39pm: George Bush quote] (guardian.co.uk) - Oct. 10, 2008.) "No Place to Hide - National Security Agency, not the Times, greatly harms our constitutional privacy" by Nat Hentoff (villagevoice.com) - Jan. 10, 2006.) Guidance through Chaos - 1929 Stock Market Crash - New Deal, FDR, Camps - Hitting "the Enemy" - Economic War - Central World Bank - Sacrifice, New System. "Waves of Theosophy", Hinduism, Death of Old Type - Planned Society - Darwinism, Superior and Inferior Types. George W. Bush and Family - Total Control over Individual, Money - Bertrand Russell, Scientific Indoctrination - Foundations - CFR - Technological "Utopia". Eugenics - Hitler, Stalin, Socialism - Dominant Minority and Followers - Monitoring, Internet, Phones, Access to ALL Information. Fractional Reserve Banking - Fear, Greed, the "Casino" - Economic Crisis, American Union, Merger. Mystery Religion, October, Scorpio, Revolutions - Freemasonry - Zodiac as Time-clock. Masonry, Wife Selection, Higher Orders through Breeding. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 10, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Oct. 8, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt Oct. 8, 2008: "Average Joe Pays Taxes, Along to Provide, A Thousand Points of Light, Lobby and Guide, Powerful Foundations, World Federalist Movement, Claim Their Aim is for Social Improvement, Eugenicists All with the Poor as Their Shield, Would Have Us Move to a Planned, Smaller Field, Wolves in Sheep's Clothing, Drooling with Blood, Devouring the Prey, then Covering with Mud" © Alan Watt Oct. 8, 2008 Planned Global Agenda, Foundations - World Federalist Movement - NGOs - Centralization, Karl Marx - Carroll Quigley - European Union, Price Fixing, Dumping Food. Media, United Front - Economics, Banking, Governance - Interdependence - World Trade Organization - George Soros - Bureaucrats, Laws, Rules, Psychotics. Conology, Money, Technology, Behaviour Alteration - Herd Mentality - MRI Scans, Fear Situations - Groupthink. Optimum Population Trust (OPT). War Scenario, Higher Costs, Panic - World Bankers, Nations Borrowing - IMF. Sterility and Fertility Drop in Males - Destruction of Family - Culture Industry, "Contamination" - Use of Young. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 8, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: "We need another Bretton Woods to lessen risks" by Peter Mandelson (guardian.co.uk) - Oct. 3, 2008. "Herd mentality rules in financial crisis" by Maggie Fox (reuters.com) - Sept. 30, 2008. "Optimum Population Trust" (optimumpopulation.org). Oct. 6, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt Oct. 6, 2008: "If Not So Serious, t'would be Comic, Straight-Faced Politicos and Men Economic, A United Stand for Delegation, New Global System, Death of the Nation, Army's New Orders, They'll be Fighting for A Hundred Years Urban Perpetual War At the End of Which, Births New Civilization, Sterile, Reduced, Tubal Ligation" © Alan Watt Oct. 6, 2008 Attacks, Infiltration, Cyber Wars - Total War, Populations are Target - Economic Integration, Empires - Norman Dodd. Slogans, Media, Co-ordinated Front - Centralized System, 3 Trading Blocs - EU - NAFTA, President of Mexico, Bailout. Flooding, Daily Rain in U.S.-Canada, Failed Crops - NGOs, Soviet, World War - Alvin Toffler's "Third Wave" book - Club of Rome. Food and Meat Rationing - Mad Cow Disease - GMO Animal Feed - Vegetarian World - Modified Food, Canada - Insecticides - Sterility. "War is Peace" - U.S. Military - Emerging Nations, Natural Resources, Plunder and Destruction - "Soft Actors", Theatre of War - Civilian Agencies, UN - Rome, "Bringing Civilization". Tony Blair, Inter-Faith Religion, Catholic Church - New Age, Oneness - Zbigniew Brzezinski, Internet, Data Collection, "Clones" of You. Creation of City - Con of Substitute for Barter (Money) - Nimrod - Taxation, Building Projects, Standing Armies - Tribal Living, Chiefs - Elite, Archives of History. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 6, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: "IMF chief calls for united European response to crisis" (at afp.google.com) - Oct. 4, 2008. "Brown convenes economic 'war cabinet' to help UK through credit crunch" by Richard Wray (guardian.co.uk) - Oct. 03 2008. "Meat must be rationed to four portions a week, says report on climate change" by Juliette Jowit (guardian.co.uk) - Sept. 30, 2008. "The Roadmap from conflict to peace" [PDF File] Executive Summary, 6 October 2008, US Army Field Manual 3-07 (usacac.army.mil). "The Road Map from Conflict to Peace" FM 3-07: Stability Operations (usacac.army.mil). "STABILITY OPERATIONS OCTOBER 2008" [PDF file, 13.4 MB] HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY (usacac.army.mil). Oct. 3, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt Oct. 3, 2008: "DC's Partying Now, They've All Done Their Duty, Champagne, Laughter, Dividing Up Booty, Actors in Drama, Not One There by Chance, Favourite Opera Plays 'Pirates of Penzance,' This Fabulous Windfall Took Just Over a Week, Scaring Hell Out of Public, All Trembling and Meek, Soon Forgetting, as though Under Sedation, Slumbering Life, Age of Crisis Creation" © Alan Watt Oct. 3, 2008 Forums, Chat Rooms, Provocateurs, "Sleepers" - Value of Privacy or Integrity - Being In Charge of Yourself. Planned Panic - Debt Slavery, Looting, Piracy - United Nations, Internationalism - Fascism, Perpetual War, War Economy. Banking Bailout - Global Bank and Economy - Carroll Quigley - Parallel Government - Council on Foreign Relations, Royal Institute for International Affairs. Economic Standardization, Britain, Knighting - Old Testament, Born into Slavery - Debased Society. MI6 Recruitment - Orwell's "1984", Child Spies - Homeland Security, Chertoff, Sesame Street - Bypassing Parents - Children, Hypnosis - "Profane" Public, Pyramid Wasteland on Dollar Bill. U.S. Military and Africa - World's Resources - New American Empire - Weaponization of Culture - One Agenda. Life Controlled from Top Down - Need of a New Way (Not Theirs) - Serving World State, Credits replacing Money. Socialism, Natziism, Social Movements - Speaking Out Now, Saying NO - Governing Structure - Riots, Rationing, War Scenario, Refugees. Peer Group Debates - CFR, RIIA, Vetted Members, Politicians, Journalists. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 3, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: "Bush signs $700bn economic bail-out plan approved by Congress" by Andrew Clark (guardian.co.uk) - Oct. 3, 2008. "MI6 recruitment drive on Facebook" (at andhranews.net) - Sept. 29, 2008. "Homeland Security, Sesame Style" by Jeff Dufour and Patrick Gavin, DC Examiner - Sept. 18, 2008. "US Africa command battles sceptics" by Adam Mynott (news.bbc.co.uk) - Oct. 1, 2008. "Does it Matter Who Wins? US Foreign Policy After the Election" (chathamhouse.org.uk) - Sept. 15, 2008. Oct. 1, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt Oct. 1, 2008: "The World is to be Plundered and Shaped, You See, It's in 'Project for a New American Century,' With Plundering and Killing Across Each Border That Refuses to Join in the New World Order, A Degenerate Society to be Used as a Weapon, To Destabilise Others, Degrade, Learn the Lesson, Sex, Violence and Might to be Pushed as the Norm, Heralding Hell, Elites' New Dawn is Born" © Alan Watt Oct. 1, 2008 (Articles: "Constant Conflict" by Ralph Peters, 'Parameters' Summer 1997, pp. 4-14 (carlisle.army.mil).) "Suicide teenager urged to jump by baying crowd" by Nick Britten (telegraph.co.uk) - Sept. 30, 2008.) Alan's Authorized Sites (cuttingthroughthematrix.com, .net, .ca [mirror site: cuttingthrough.jenkness.com] and alanwattsentientsentinel.eu). "Piggyback" Unauthorized Sites and Forums - Information War - Bill Cooper - Deceptive Methods. Project for a New American Century - Global Masses - Targets and Victims - Information Used as Weapon - Corrupted Culture - "Illusion" of West, War on Youth, Hollywood Fantasy. Survival of Fittest - American Culture - U.S. Military - RIIA-CFR Meeting - Action Films, Video, Computers - Division of Rich and Poor - 100 Years War - Cultural Assault. Data Collection on YOU - Returning Regiments, Urban Warfare - Enemies - Looting the Planet. Debased Society - "Braveheart" movie, Public Execution - Suicide in Britain - Cheering Profane Mob. Christianity, Old and New Testament, Justice System - Wycliffe, Tyndale. Cain-Abel, Cannibal - Freemasonry, Predation - Salute to Sun, Marches, Ritual. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 1, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Sept. 29, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt Sept. 29, 2008: "Global Interdependence will Erase Each Border, The Rich Men Give a New Financial Order, A Global Monetary Authority is the Mantra Cry, And After the Panic the People will Sigh With Relief, Debt Binds with Such Heavy Chains, A New System Born, Feel the New Labour Pains" © Alan Watt Sept. 29, 2008 Financial Chaos, Economic System, Bankers' Plunder - Goldsmiths, Promises to Pay, Knights Templars - United Nations, Free Trade, Corporations. Banking IOUs, Debt - UN Department of Agriculture, Food Distribution Quotas - Interdependence, Governance, New System - Con Games of Money. Globalization, Global Monetary Authority - H.G. Wells, Ordered World - Small Businesses Put Under - United Europe, Winston Churchill. No Food, Loss of Homes, Rioting - U.S. Spending, Urban Warfare - Government-Issued Credit System. Falling Aerosol Spray, Wheezing, Death of Birds and Moles - Media Spin. Canada, Black Combat Police Uniforms, No Public Reaction - Paramilitary Force - Montreal - Militarization of Police, Movies, Predictive Programming. Marshall McLuhan, Alteration of Perceptions - Political Drama, Wrestling Match - John F. Kennedy, Sacrifice. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 29, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: "UN chief calls for 'global leadership' " (breitbart.com) - Sept. 23, 2008. "World's common birds 'declining' " by Mark Kinver (news.bbc.co.uk) - Sept. 22, 2008. "Race-relations expert worried about image of Mtl cops wearing military-style pants" by Sidhartha Banerjee (at breitbart.com) - Sept. 28, 2008. Sept. 26, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt Sept. 26, 2008: "Quietly Unveiled by the U.S. Army, 90-Page Army Modernization Strategy, Which Foresees War on Burgeoning Youth, Demanding Rights Idealistically so Uncouth, A New Target Enemy of Operations, Soldiers Deployed Amidst Whole Populations, New Kinds of War, They Have Said So, True to Ordo Ab Chao, Hang on, Here We Go" © Alan Watt Sept. 26, 2008 Banking Crisis, Senator Goldwater, Trilateral Commission - Depressions, Looting - Psychopaths, Con Men, Sharks. UK DOD Think Tank, 90 Page Document - Television, Media, Marketing - U.S. Military, Continuous War, Ideology, Terrorism - Troops alongside Police - Enemy of the State, Expanding Populations. Total War - World War II, Bombing in Germany - Killing Fields - Sterilization for Poor - "Outbreeding their Betters" - Foundations, Real Government. Eugenics - Materialism - Emotive Topics to Debate - Abortions for Medical Reasons, Surviving Babies - Hospital Dramas, Alteration of Perceptions - Killing Children - "Just Too Many of Us". Degraded Society, Easy Targets - Euthanasia. Olympians - Symbols - British Lords - Treaty of Paris, Elite and Aristocracy - U.S.-Britain "Special Relationship". Use of Religion and Science - Public Disbelief, Managed Existence - Holographs, UFOs. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 26, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: "US generals planning for resource wars" by Tom Clonan, Irish Times - Sept. 22, 2008. "The 2008 Army Modernization Strategy" (army.mil). "One baby in 30 left alive after medical termination" by Fiona Macrae (dailymail.co.uk) - April 20, 2007. "Metairie legislator proposes sterilization for poor women" Associated Press (at current.com). Sept. 24, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt Sept. 24, 2008: "Here We Go, A Sign of the Times, Where Children are Cops for Enviro-Crimes, Taxpayer Money Used as Reward, For These Young Atheists, Dollar is God, Their Value System Given by the State, To Disrupt all Bonding, Instilling Hate" © Alan Watt Sept. 24, 2008 (Articles: "Man dead 'for some time' in Winnipeg ER before staff alerted: officials" CBC News (cbc.ca) - Sept. 23, 2008.) "Schoolchildren recruited by councils to spy on neighbours who commit 'environmental crimes' " Daily Mail (dailymail.co.uk) - Sept. 6, 2008.) Brave New World, Transhumanism - Factory Movement to China, GATT - Depopulation Plans, Inoculations, Plummeting Health, Bioengineering. Children used Against Adults - Social Approval and Disapproval, China - Britain, Child Spies, Reporting "Enviro-Crimes", Shaming into Compliance, Police Powers - Carbon Monoxide Monitoring for Smokers. Published Plans in Books - Globalized Structure, Eugenics, Cutting Back the Herd. Socialized Medicine, Health Authorities, Minimal Healthcare - Medical Profession, Profit and Blackmail - Doctor Quotas, Canada, Inquiries. 9-11 Movement - Crime Bill, ID Cards - Ongoing Agenda - Sustainable Development, Environmentalism, UN - Freemasonry, Scams, Elitism. "Potential Terrorists" - "Experts" and "Our Betters" - Science Fiction - Politicians, Denying Chemtrails. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 24, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Sept. 22, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt Sept. 22, 2008: "Going to School is Such a Pain, But Wait! There's Something New for My Brain, Experts Say It's What we Need, To Help us Count, Learn and Read, A Type of Amphetamine, Some Say Speed, Makes Docile Boys from Those Who Lead, Continued Use May Shrink my Brain, But it's All A-Plus for Short-Term Gain" © Alan Watt Sept. 22, 2008 (Articles: "Schoolchildren could be given 'smart drugs' in a bid to boost brainpower" by Laura Clark (dailymail.co.uk) - Sept. 19, 2008.) "Sperm warfare - From radio-controlled valves to ultrasound, male contraception is going high-tech" (timesonline.co.uk) - Sept. 20, 2008.) Looking Up to Spray Trails, Horizon to Horizon - "Research" - GMO Food, Monsanto, Canada - Computers, Internet - News, Democracy, Fronts. "Cognition-Enhancing" Drugs for Schoolchildren, Cogs, DNA Profiles, Brain Scanning - "THX 1138" movie - Ritalin, Amphetamine. Freemasonry, Mystery Religion, "The Great Work" - Rebuilding Man - Creation of Servants to Serve Elite. Transhumanism - Predictive Programming - Futurist Societies - International Censorship Bureaus - Guidance through Fiction - No Normalcy, Anything Goes - New Type of Human - "Artificial Intelligence" movie. Thomas Malthus - Sterilization, Castration - Male Contraception - Dropping Sperm Count, Plastics, Paints - Funding, Foundations. Biospheres, Land-for-Debt Swap - Maurice Strong, Biodiversity Treaty - Mining, Drilling Rights. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 22, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Sept. 19, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt Sept. 19, 2008: "She's an Aristocratic Lady called Baroness Warnock, Who Likes Commoners Bowing, Touching Their Forelock, She Believes in Eugenics, In Her Class Not Alone, An Arrogant Lass, Hear the Words of this Crone, Not For Compassion Would She Have You Done In, A Societal Burden She Claims is a Sin, Beware All You Poor, She Has Friends in the Know, So Be True Baroness, Be the First One to Go" © Alan Watt Sept. 19, 2008 Dollar Crash, Integration of Americas, Economics - EU - Homeland Security Laws - Creation of Apathy - Socialism. Totalitarian Regimes, Standing Armies, Militarized Society - Green Party, Colors. US Army, Northcom, Domestic Mobilization of Active Units - Civil Unrest, Scenarios, Non-Lethal Weapons - Military Turned on Public. Eugenics, Natzi and Communist Regimes - Euthanasia for Elderly, "A Duty to Die" - Abortion - Egocentric Society, Effects - Reducing Population of Lower Classes. ID Cards, Driving Licences, The Law - Model State China - Mass Man, Social Approval and Disapproval. St. John - Jonathon (Aton) - Yoni - Ion, Ionia - John in Bible - Mystery Religion, "The Word", Gnosticism - Being Anew, Spirit. Jesuits, Ignatius Loyola, Alumbrados, Black Pope, "Fire-Starter" - "I Am", Je Suis - Catholic Church. Napoleon, Bees, Beehive, Perfect Society - Elite (Royals), Priesthood, Worker Bees - B, 13. Sitchin, Psy-Ops Agenda, Decipherment of Sumerian - Ages, Measuring Time, Astronomical Clock - Age of Pisces, Fish - Age of Aquarius, New "Utopia". Towers, ELF, Technotronics. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 19, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: "Brigade homeland tours start Oct. 1" by Gina Cavallaro (armytimes.com) - Sept. 8, 2008. "Old people with dementia have a duty to die and should be pushed towards death, says Baroness Warnock" by Steve Doughty (dailymail.co.uk) - Sept. 20, 2008. "Earlier Screening for Down's Syndrome May Fuel Eugenic Program Against Disabled" by Hilary White (lifesitenews.com) - Nov. 10, 2005. "Academic Says Canadian Prenatal-Screening Practice a Reflection of 'Nazi-Style Eugenics' " (lifesitenews.com) - March 18, 2004. Sept. 17, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt Sept. 17, 2008: "In the Sovietized World, I'll Always be Me, Tracked to the Grave, It's on my ID, Data Retrieval Made Easy for Authority, For People Who Care Not For Privacy, So Listen Not to the Wise, nor to the Bard, The Sheeple will Run for their New ID Card" © Alan Watt Sept. 17, 2008 (Articles: "A New License, for More Than Just Driving" by Jennifer Lee (nytimes.com) - Sept. 17, 2008.) "The Resurgent Idea of World Government" (Ethics & International Affairs, Volume 22.2, Summer 2008) by Campbell Craig (Carnegie Council) - July 7, 2008.) Fortress America, Top Economists, New Currency - Europe, EU - Money as Means to End - Plato's Republic, Elite, Trusts - Great Depression, Destruction of Food - Issuance of Credits. Travel Restriction - Anti-Terrorism Bills - Wendy Mesley, HAARP, International ID Card - U.S., New York, Enhanced Driver's License, Active Chips - SIN Cards. U.S.-Canada Border - Paying for Our Chains - Surveillance and Tracking, Designated Areas. Global Government - Foundations, Financing System into Being, Carnegie, Ford, Rockefeller - RIIA, CFR, American Amalgamation - Adam Weishaupt - Utopias. Organizations behind Wars - World Federalism - Cold War, Soviet Union - Third Way (or Wave) - H.G. Wells - Interdisciplinary Projects. RFID, Magnet-Strip Cards, Card Reading. Moses, Staff, Brazen Serpent - Double Serpent Staff - DNA, Genetics, Medicine, Caduceus, Red Cross - Luciferian Doctrine, Intellect, Logic - Jesus on Cross with Intertwined Serpent. Stars, 10 Points, Binary Code, Opposites - Washington D.C. (Dix=10) - Symbolism - Previous Ages, Histories of India. Andrew Jackson, Emperor Julian, Establishment Men. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 17, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Sept. 15, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt Sept. 15, 2008: "Sir Tim Berners-Lee is Sounding All Wet, As He Advocates Censoring the Internet, He's Now Expert on All That's Under the Sun, Will Stamp Approved Sites, Others He'll Shun, Authorized Propaganda is the Name of the Day, If U.N.-Backed Sir Tim, is to Have His Way" © Alan Watt Sept. 15, 2008 Shepherds and Sheep - Are You "Clone-Worthy" - Switzerland, Parenting Classes and Licences - Puberty, Sex, Education, Entertainment - Socialism. Tool of Internet, Addiction to Data - Website Censorship - "Trustworthy" Label - Black Propaganda - Trivia - Young Generation, No Value of Privacy. 10 Years of Chemtrails - Bronchitis - Chemtrail Alert System - Stopping the Aerial Spraying - Bird Deaths - Air Force, "Condensation Trails" - Falling "Web", Viruses, Bacterium. "Fringes of Power" book, Winston Churchill, United Europe - Lord Mountbatten - Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (Windsor) Family. Breaking of Bonding and Survival Instincts. Heroes to Follow, Brand New News - HAARP, United Nations - Global Agenda. Pulling the Rug from U.S. - International Banking, System of Debt, China - Masters of War and Chess - Money as Means to End - Economic Crash, Government-Issued Credits. Authors and Speakers, Checking What They Say. Agenda 21, Elimination of Private Ownership and Transportation - Year 2010. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 15, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: "Do Swiss parents need a childrearing licence?" by Corinne Buchser (swissinfo.ch) - Sept. 8, 2008. "Warning sounded on web's future" by Pallab Ghosh (news.bbc.co.uk) - Sept. 15, 2007. "(chemtrailalert.com) Southern California Forecast Center - OWS". "CHEMTRAIL ALERT SYSTEM" owsweather.com. LOS ANGELES SKYWATCH. "US Customs announces massive new database on trucks and travelers" by Nate Anderson (arstechnica.com) - Nov. 3, 2006. "DON'T CHEMTRAIL ME BRO!". YouTube Chemtrail Videos. Sept. 12, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt Sept. 12, 2008: "CO2! Sustainability, the Greenies are Stormin', Rebuffed by Logic of Professor Takeda's Warning, Need Public Support, Propagandists do Thunder, We'll Keep You Safe while We Profit and Plunder, Society's Not Safe, Terrorism Residual, From the Gene Pool of Some Unique Individual, From the Human Genome to the Human Zoo, Gene Splicing, Chimeras, We've Got Plans for You" © Alan Watt Sept. 12, 2008 Free Love, Social Diseases - Manifesting Prison - Disinformation - Blurring Reality and Fiction - Science Fiction - Spirituality, Belief, Thinking for Yourself. Recycling, Plastic Bags, Oil Industry - Air Quality, Factory Pollution - Energy Use - Global Warming - Food and Energy Shortage - Perception Distortion. Winston Churchill's Toy Soldiers - Men Marching in Step - World Tyranny - Elimination of Individuality - War on Terrorism, Pre-emptive War, Rogue States. Propaganda, Omission of Truth - Global Interdependence - Middle East, Oil Reserves - Plunder - 9-11, 100 Years War, New Freedom. France, EDVIGE Government Database - No Countries, One Club at Top - Free Trade (Authorized Goods and Labor) - Permission to Travel - Preambles. Cecil Rhodes, Boer War - Pretense for War - Romans, Bringing in "Civilization" - Retaliation, "Terrorists" and "Traitors", American Revolution. George Bush, September 11, 1990, 1991, 2001 - Project for a New American Century - CIA - First World Trade Center Bombing, FBI Setup - Osama Bin Laden. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 12, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: "Professor Kunihiko Takeda" by Judit Kawaguchi (japantimes.co.jp) - July 22, 2008. "9/11 and the 'American Inquisition' " by Michel Chossudovsky (globalresearch.ca) - Sept. 11, 2008. "French issue call to storm 'electronic Bastille' " by Estelle Shirbon (reuters.com) - Sept. 4, 2008. Sept. 10, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt Sept. 10, 2008: "Eugenicists Say Our Lives are So Good, As We Munch Our Herbicide-Laden Food, Each One Who Eats Must be a Chancer, Since the Odds are Now You Will Get Cancer, Some Ask the Spirits, Some the Tarot, Even They Aren't Sure if It Is a Carrot, Food Whose Genes are Swapped with Spiders, Courtesy Monsanto et al, Big Fat Connivers" © Alan Watt Sept. 10, 2008 Media, Propaganda, Perception Distortion - Plummeting Health - Biowarfare, Canada, Creation of Viruses and Bacterium, "Deadly Allies" book. GMO Crops, Canadian Guinea Pigs, Monsanto - Cloned Cattle, Meat, Milk - Altered Food, Vegetarianism, India, United Nations - IPCC, Climate Change, Ice Ages. Lack of Vitamin B-12, Brain Shrinkage - Malthus, Dietary Restriction - Processed, Deficient Food - Vitamin Supplementation. Carroll Quigley's "Anglo-American Establishment" and "Tragedy and Hope" books - CFR, RIIA, New Feudal Society and CEO Overlords. Blavatsky's "Secret Doctrine", Female Side Lodges, Blending Religions of East and West for New Age - Theosophy, Natzi Germany, Aryan Race, Inferior Types - "Godhood". Technocrats - "Hidden Masters" - Fear, Neutralization - Reptiles, Alien Agenda. Military, Weaponry - Coniston (Ontario) Particle Accelerator. Ancient China, Forms of Government, Democracy, Dictatorship. Cecil Rhodes, South African War, British Crown, Royal Institute - Foundations, NGOs - Masters over the Masters of the World. H.G. Wells, Aristocratic Jewish Bankers, Palestine, Judaism - Creation of an "Ulster". * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 10, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: "Are we already dining on clones?" by Alex Roslin (canada.com) - Sept. 6, 2008. "Shun meat, says UN climate chief" by Richard Black, Environment correspondent (news.bbc.co.uk) - Sept. 7, 2008. "Vitamin 'may prevent memory loss' " (news.bbc.co.uk) - Sept. 9, 2008. Sept. 8, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt Sept. 8, 2008: "Our New Health Authorities Don't Care Two Figs, 'Bout the Human Herd, Public Guinea Pigs, To Be Prodded and Pricked, and Blood They Must Give, Year After Year, as Long as They Live, Who've been Injected with Serums, Food Pesticide-Laden, They Want to Find Out How on Earth We're Still Livin', Voluntary Beginnings All Must Become Law, When Your Blood's Demanded, Don't Stick Out Your Paw" © Alan Watt Sept. 8, 2008 Socialization, Experts, Standardization - Communism, Soviet System, Collectivism - Authorities, Highwaymen, Theft, Extortion. Mind-Bombed Public, Genetic Modification - Media, Perception Alteration - Terrorism - Tyranny, Forms of Slavery - C.G. Darwin, "The Next Million Years" book - Socialism. Eugenics, Sterilization, Bioengineering, Inoculations - Bioethicists - Asthma, Obesity - Children's Health Monitoring - Implantable RFID. SARS Outbreak, Toronto, Herd Management - Good Reason, Real Reason - DNA Collection, Research - NCS (National Children's Study) - Domesticated Animals, Culling Off. Anthropology, Customs, Habits - Male Infertility, Sterility, UN Statistics - Cosmetic Chemicals, Effects on Fetus - "The Human Agenda" book. Overpopulation - Funding Our Extermination - Human Extinction - "Environmental" Spokesmen. Britain, WWII, Socialist Regime - Teachers Searching Pupils - No Parents' Rights - Media, Movies, Violence. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 8, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: "I was a government guinea pig, and all I got was this lousy t-shirt" by Mark Baard (theregister.co.uk) - Sept. 5, 2008. "How perfumes and scented creams could make your unborn baby infertile" (dailymail.co.uk) - Sept. 1, 2008. "The Anti-Human Agenda" by Dr. Tim Ball (canadafreepress.com) - May 19, 2008. "Call for more searches of pupils" (news.bbc.co.uk) - July 13, 2008. Sept. 5, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt Sept. 5, 2008: "Oh DOD Think Tank, Tell Me What Do You See? Good Times for All, Ongoing Prosperity? 'No, Lad, There'll be Flashmobs and Riots, with which to Contend, Plagues, Starvation and Mass Immigration, Still a Nation to Defend,' But DOD Think Tank, How Can That Be? What About Liberty, Equality, Fraternity? 'Well Lad, Generations and People are Just Like a Tool, Used to Build Our Great Work, They're Always the Fool, While Awed by Our Power and Military Drumming, They Don't See Their End While the New World's a-Coming' " © Alan Watt Sept. 5, 2008 (Articles: "The DCDC (Development, Concepts and Doctrine Centre) Global Strategic Trends Programme 2007-2036 - [Main Think Tank for UK DOD] - PDF File (6.11 mb)" .) "Blackwater Worldwide, Wal-Mart of modern war" by David Isenberg (washingtontimes.com) - Aug. 24, 2008.) Global Strategy of Control - UN - DCDC Global Strategic Trends Programme, UK Department of Defence, Projections, Cultural Changes - CFR, RIIA - International Consensus. Britain, Balance of Power Doctrine - Club of Rome - Omelets and Cannon Fodder - Islam - Private Armies, Mercenaries - Blackwater and Subsidiaries - Iraq, Afghanistan, 9-11. Pentagon - Video Games, Movies - Police and Military, Factory Closures, Recruitment - Halliburton - Romans, Builders. Speaking to Family Members - Food Targeted, Farming in South America - Television, Destruction of Communication, Safe Reality - Media, Internet, Blurring of Fact and Fiction. Tarot Cards, Language of Symbolism, Magi, Torah (Law). Constantine, Catholic Church, Roman Empire, Christianity. United States in Past Times, Healthy Population - British Troops, Stunted Growth - Psychopathic Types, No Empathy - "Good Breeding" Prerequisite. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 5, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Sept. 3, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt Sept. 3, 2008: "Tyranny Dressed in National Glory, Whether Labour, Liberal or Blue-Tied Tory, Is Socio-Fascist, All Working Together, With Laws, They Bind You All a-Tether, Fearing You, the Laws They Make, Till They Stifle Every Breath You Take, Regain Humanity, if You Can, A Man with Rights, Be Proud, You, Man" © Alan Watt Sept. 3, 2008 Chemical Trails, Clouds, Looking Up - Weather Modification, Aerial Antenna, Barium - HAARP - Space Dominance, US Air Force, Weaponry. Aerial Spraying, Government Tests on Public, Cadmium - Pesticides, "Insects" - Sterilization - Cancer Rate - Francis Bacon's "New Atlantis". Britain, Royal Institute for International Affairs, Council on Foreign Relations - New School Subjects - Totalitarian System - Saying NO - Environmental Volunteers, Snoops, Police Powers. Waking Up - Hypnotics - Changing This Course - Empathy, Self-Reflection. Bought-and-Paid-for Politicians - Dialectic, Conflict - Communist Technique - Shaming the Henchmen. New Age Movement, Possibility Thinking, Books - Personal Power, Becoming a God - Reality Disassociation - Magic - Authors - Aleister Crowley - Sleepwalking State. MI5 Agents, Creation of Mystery and Confusion - Drugs, Permanent Brain Alteration. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 3, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: "The government says they don't exist, but Kucinich wants Congress to take action" by Bob Fitrakis, Columbus Alive (at globalresearch.ca) - Jan. 24, 2002. "New Subjects In School Shake-Up" (video.news.sky.com) - Sept. 1, 2008. "'Environmental volunteers' will be encouraged to spy on their neighbours" by Lucy Cockcroft (telegraph.co.uk) - Sept. 2, 2008. Sept. 1, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt Sept. 1, 2008: "Terrifying Propaganda Says You'll Die - Oh What to Do? Roll Up Your Sleeve, Take a Jab, It May Prevent the Flu, The Inventor has No Faith In It, and Studies are Askew, The Makers Tell You'll Go to Hell if You Should Catch the Flu, The Public's in a Quandary to Which Study Must be True, Government's Mandate Says Don't be Late, We Must Prevent the Flu" © Alan Watt Sept. 1, 2008 (Article: "Flu jab that costs £115m a year does not cut death rate in elderly" by Jenny Hope (mailonsunday.co.uk) - Aug. 29, 2008.) United Nations, Population Reduction - Health, Pharmaceutical Drugs, Public Relations, Inoculations - Gardasil, Anaphylactic Shock - Autism - Smallpox Vaccine. Flu Shot - Omission of Facts, False Conclusion - Efficacy - Slogans, Marketing, Repetition - Chronic Diseases - Fertility Drop. New Age - Personal Experience - Microcosm - Thinking for Yourself - Crowd Hypnosis, Willing Subjects - Blavatsky, Blend of Hinduism and Christianity - Channelling Entities, Demons. Yoga, Eastern Religion, Indoctrination - Khrushchev, KGB - Moral Relativism. Language - Spoken Word, World Spoke into Existence - Adam, Naming the Animals - Computer Logic, Programmer Input. Specific Language for Each Culture - Old English, Chaucer - Chinese, German, French. Timothy Leary, LSD, CIA - Aleister Crowley, OTO. Licenced Institutions, Political Correctness, Dissent - Water Fluoridation - Dentists, Bad Teeth, Brittle Bones - Byproduct of Aluminum Industry - Bronfman's, Alcan. Women's Cosmetics, Chemicals, Fetal Attack. U.S., Cities, Mass Movements. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 1, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Aug. 29, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt Aug. 29, 2008: "Western World's Economy to go Down the Drain, Says Chancellor Darling, More Misery and Pain, Urban Warfare Drills Seem to be Soaring, Unemployment and Riots, We Know Where it's Going, Don't Believe for a Moment Darling Botched His Sums, The Future is Planned by Much Bigger Bums" © Alan Watt Aug. 29, 2008 New Book Available: "Waiting for the Miracle....." by Alan Watt (at www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com). Soviet Rule, NGOs, Foundations - Parallel Government - Factories Moved to China - Service Economy. Britain, Treasury, Chancellor of Exchequer - Economic Depression - United States, Emigration for Work Abroad - 100 Years War - Inoculations. 9-11, Martial Law Bills - Curfews - State and Media Give Morals - Wartime Scenario - Urban Military Training. Trick of the Elect, Electricity. War Against Islam - UNESCO in Middle East. Pantheism, Nature Worship, New Priesthood - Voluntary Sterilization, Euthanasia - New Age Religion - Hinduism, India, Caste System - "Nature" and Science, Creations of Man. Palestine, Ancient History - Temple Mount, Animal Sacrifice - Crossroads, Jerusalem - Britain, Setting Up of Israel, Sir Ronald Storrs, New Ulster - Dubai, City Pyramid (Perfected Mountain). * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Aug. 29, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: "Economy at 60-year low, says Darling. And it will get worse" by Nicholas Watt (guardian.co.uk) - Aug. 29, 2008. "Cornwall police hail voluntary curfew in Redruth" by Craig Kenny (communitycare.co.uk) - Aug. 28, 2008. "Military chopper buzz returns to Oregon skies" KGW News, Portand - Aug. 27, 2008. Aug. 27, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt Aug. 27, 2008: "Your Daily Life is Stolen and Without a Thanks, The Authorities Store it in Vast Data-banks, Thoughts can be Dangerous, You Will Find, For National Security, They'll Steal Your Mind, Drug Entire Nations and with Vast Electronics, Hit Millions of People with Waves - Technotronics, Tyrants' Dream of the Ages has been Fought - Will-less Subjects, Obedient, Each with No Thought" © Alan Watt Aug. 27, 2008 (Articles: "How Big Brother watches your every move" by Richard Gray (telegraph.co.uk) - Aug. 17, 2008.) "Defense Intelligence Agency Seeking "Mind Control" Weapons" by Tom Burghardt (globalresearch.ca) - Aug. 24, 2008.) Chemical Sprays, Global Dimming, Polymer Mush, Haze - Media Keeping "Mum" - Ancient Olympics, Eugenics - "Democracy" Farce. World Run by Paranoid Psychopaths - Britain, Surveillance, Data Collection, Information Commissioner - Cell Phone, Internet Tracking - Store Loyalty Cards. War on Obesity, Fatty Food Purchases - CCTV Cameras, Number Plate Recognition - Police Chiefs. Calmatives, HAARP Technology - The Enemy - National Security - Mind and Behaviour Alteration - Brain Interfacing - Non-Lethal Weapons and Drugs for Use on Public. Olympic Towers, Occultic System, Memory, Helter Skelter, Reincarnation - Marketing Aimed toward Females, Science as Benefactor. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Aug. 27, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Aug. 25, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt Aug. 25, 2008: "Century upon Century in the Making, The Prize----The World for the Taking, For 500 Years They Chipped Away, At Competing Religions which Ruled the Day, Above the Rubble a Crown is Lifted, To Luciferian Doctrine, Creed of the Gifted, The Lesser Man to Fade, Adieu, While Self-Made Gods Strut Anew" © Alan Watt Aug. 25, 2008 (Article: "Agenda 21 - The UN Blueprint for the 21st Century" (wiseupjournal.com) - Aug. 20, 2008.) Government Declarations - Services become Authorities - Education - Communist Books, Lenin - Parallel Government, Lazy Boys, Worker Bees. Perfecting of "Imperfect" - Art, Religion - Catholic Church - Protestant Sects - Islam - Rosicrucians, Lodge Colors, Blue Lodge, Side Lodges - RIIA, CFR. United Nations Agenda 21 - Local Organizations and Implementation - Dalai Lama - Maurice Strong, Earth Summit, Rockefellers - New Age Religion. Heavenly Plan, Zodiac, Timetable - Luciferianism - Essenes, Pythagoreans, Eternal Revolution - Goddess with a Thousand Names - Psychological Warfare. CIA, Patriot Radio Business, Ex-Military. Global Elite, Freemasonry, Ranks - Knights Templars, Quartermasters, Lay People, Noble Orders. Counterintelligence - Fascination for Recruits. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Aug. 25, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Aug. 22, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt Aug. 22, 2008: "Profiling of Suspects Adds to the List, Now Anyone is Potentially a Terrorist, Be He White Caucasian, Willing to Please, Slightly Religious, Down on His Knees, Married, Single, Gay or Straight, He's Added to His Government's List of Hate" © Alan Watt Aug. 22, 2008 Sprayed Sky Mush, No Complaints Department - Respiratory Problems, Death of Small Birds. Potential Terrorists - Britain, MI5, Behavioural Science - Everyone is Suspect - Face Profiling - Royal Society - Eugenics, Bioethics. Terry Gilliam, Satire, "Life of Brian" and "Meaning of Life" movies, Liver Donation sketch. Elite and Democracy - Behind-the-Scenes Government - Economic System - Going in a Different Direction - Retaining Sentience. Ancient Egypt, Slaves' Diet, Flat Foreheads - India, Restricted Vegetarian Diet - Malthus - Alchemy, Pharmaceuticals - Rutherford, Genetic Research - Inoculations, Dr. Salk, Viruses in Polio Vaccine. Carroll Quigley, CFR, United Nations, Global Agenda, Sovereignty - Selective Free Trade. Attack on the Family, War between Male and Female - Artificial Wombs - ID (Intelligent or Ideal Design). * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Aug. 22, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: "MI5 report challenges views on terrorism in Britain" by Alan Travis (guardian.co.uk) - Aug. 21, 2008. "Study links aggression to wide faces" by Joseph Hall (thestar.com) - Aug. 20, 2008. "There's another word for 'water neutrality': death" by Brendan O'Neill (spiked-online.com) - Aug. 21, 2008. Aug. 20, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt Aug. 20, 2008: "The Rulers and Authorities with All Aggrandization, Are Training Society for Full Militarization, Restrictions on Travel, Restrictions on Food, Bend Over to Power and Prove that You're Good, Do What You're Ordered when it Comes from "Your Betters," Follow Expert Advice from Those "Men of Letters," Grovel and Beg, and Always Say Aye, If You're Afraid to Live and Scared to Die" © Alan Watt Aug. 20, 2008 Militarized Society, Total Warfare, Propaganda aimed at Children - War and Terror - Child Spies - U.K. Ministry of Defence - Blurring between Military and Civilian Life. Autism, Brain and Facial Scanning, U.S. Department of Defense - Foundations and Charities - Eugenics - "The Ogre" movie. Government Information on YOU - Socialization, Money, Pavlovian Rewards, Perpetual Children - Scotland, Fingerprinting in Schools - Police, Freemasons. Canada, DNA Lab - Lists of Superior and Inferior Types - Britain, DNA Database. Books of Lenin - Minerva - Socialist Revolution, Bolshevik Uprising - Russian Czar - Reign of Terror. "Hell" of Understanding - Scientific Dictatorship, Rule by Experts - Breaking the Spell of Collectivism, Reclaiming Individual Sovereignty. Pyramid Structure, Interbred Lineages, Pharaohs, Royalty - Freemasonry, Grafting Scions. Soviet, Rule by Councils (NGOs) - Chatham House, CFR - Poverty, Homelessness - Creation of Obedience. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Aug. 20, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: "Kids play MoD war games" by James Randerson (guardian.co.uk) - Aug. 17, 2008. "Scanning faces for autism" by Mark Baard - Aug. 19, 2008. "Scots schoolchildren to be fingerprinted in controversial ID scheme" by Raymond Hainey - Aug. 10, 2008. "DNA of 'blameless' youths stored" (news.bbc.co.uk) - Aug. 15, 2008. Aug. 18, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt Aug. 18, 2008: "Rings of Steel Around Each City, Lose Freedom for Security, More's the Pity, Suddenly Terrorism's on the Rise, Now the Cold War is Over, Such Surprise, People Crushed by Ordered Tyranny, By Deviant Masters of Infamy" © Alan Watt Aug. 18, 2008 (Articles: "The Future of Babies: Artificial Wombs and Pregnant Grandmas" by LiveScience Staff (livescience.com) - July 16, 2008.) "NYPD's 'Operation Sentinel' To Track EVERYTHING" by Marcia Kramer, WCBS TV - Aug. 13, 2008.) RIIA, CFR, World Culture Creation, Futurist Society - Utopias - The Maze - Hinduism, India, Britain, Caste System. High Priests of Science - Test Tube Babies, Artificial Wombs, "Perfect" Genes, In Vitro Fertilisation - Bioengineering. Television, Surrealism - Radiation Surveillance Cameras, Manhattan, New York - Definitions of "Terrorism" - "Democracy" - Data Collection. Socialism, Perpetual Children - Virtual World. Bahai Faith - New World Religion - Margaret Thatcher, Parallel Government, Carroll Quigley - Scientific Dictatorship. Novels, Predictive Programming - Occult, Demonology, Ancient Texts - "Eyes Wide Shut" movie, Rituals - Sumer, India, Inferior Types, Ages - Greek Mythology. Weather Warfare, Aerial Spraying, Flooding - Satellite Cloud Photos, Storms. "The Matrix" movies. Andrzej Lobaczewski. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Aug. 18, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Aug. 15, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt Aug. 15, 2008: "In the Process of Waking, You Will Find, There's been a Battle Waging for Your Mind, Then Step by Step and Without a Fight, Bring You Hermes Trismagistus, the Hermaphrodite" © Alan Watt Aug. 15, 2008 Routine Aerial Spraying, Weather, Pestilences - Surveillance, Observing and Watching YOU - Matrix Reality - Lenin. Old Technologies - World Battlefield - Drugging, Enhancement - "Blue Thunder" movie - Elite, Aristocracy, Scientists, Peasantry - Replacement of "Junk Genes", Genetic Alteration. Mental Disorders, Diseases, Psychiatry, Pharmaceuticals - Schizophrenia - Voice-to-Skull Devices - Health Records, Monitoring - School to Standardize - Soviet Union, "Inflexibility of Opinion" - German Natzi Party. Hermaphrodites - Bioethics (Eugenics) - Creation of New Type of Human. Freemasonry, Sacrifices, Goats - Parallel Branches, Side Degrees - Black, Orange Lodge. Gods, Demiurge, Satan, Lucifer, Lord of the World, Yahweh - God of Old and New Testament - Revelations - World Council of Churches (WCC). Public Experimentation. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Aug. 15, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: "Brain will be battlefield of future, warns US intelligence report" by Ian Sample (guardian.co.uk) - Aug. 13, 2008. "Low marks linked to schizophrenia" (news.bbc.co.uk) - Aug. 9, 2008. "Men on a slippery slide in future hermaphrodite world" by Julia Medew (theage.com.au) - July 11, 2008. Aug. 13, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt Aug. 13, 2008: "We've Seen the Shape of Things to Come, Ruled by Kyoto, Greening, Agenda 21, All That Was is to Pass Away, A New Son of Reason will Rule the Day, No Room for Dissent or Personal Opinion, In This Darkest Time of New World Dominion" © Alan Watt Aug. 13, 2008 Run by Deception - Reading Books - Iran, Refineries, Food, Iraq, Starvation - Definition of "Terrorism" - Collectivism, Communism, "World Peace". Front Foundations - Culling Off of "Useless Eaters" - China, Manufacturing, World Policeman - Borders for Containment, Weaponization of U.S.-Canada Border. Riots - Food Supply - Agenda 21 (21st Century), Mass Movements into Habitat Areas - Think Tanks - Service Economy - London School of Economics - Britain, Corn Laws, Industrial Era. Being Awake, Holding Onto Your Sanity - Rapid Changes - Domed Cities - Living Through Planned Script - Weather Modification and Warfare. New American Century - Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Syria. Oil, Georgia and Russia - Russian High-Tech Supercities - Pirates, Knights Templars - Looting the Profane. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Aug. 13, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: "U.S. tightens security along Great Lakes border" (cbc.ca) - Aug. 8, 2008. "Move south, it's too grim up north, says Tory think tank" by Gerri Peev (news.scotsman.com) - Aug. 13, 2008. "Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025" PDF File (csat.au.af.mil) - Aug. 1996. Aug. 11, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt Aug. 11, 2008: "With Engineered Food Shortages, We'll Soon be Slimming, And Aerial Spraying, Constantly Raining, We'll Soon be Swimming, While People Demand Full Rights Restore, We're Hit with Silent Weapons in this Quiet War" © Alan Watt Aug. 11, 2008 (Articles: "Climate hysterics v heretics in an age of unreason" by Arthur Herman (theaustralian.news.com.au) - Aug. 4, 2008.) "Global Dimming" (bbc.co.uk) - Aug. 12, 2008.) Age of Crisis Creation - Cold War, Berlin Wall, Gorbachev - Globalized System - Use of Jet Stream to Carry Aerosol Spray - Global Warming Scam - Eugenics, Racial Hygiene. Sprayed Skies, Climate Change, Storm Buildup, US Air Force "Owning the Weather" - Reduced Sunlight, Metallic Particles in Atmosphere, Air Pollution - Warfare Treaties. Condensation Trails - HAARP, Walking Antennas - Population Reduction, Economic Units, Useless Eaters - City Reservations - Transhumanist Agenda. Hermetic Philosophy, 3 in 1, Exoteric Journey, Esoteric Reality - Deities, Nature Worship, Luciferianism - Psychopathic Types in Monied System. Cabala, Sephiroth, Tree of Life - Man and Adam - Grafted onto Tree, Holy (G)Host, Scion - Freemasons, Education. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Aug. 11, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Aug. 8, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt Aug. 8, 2008: "The Club of Rome does Play Its Part, Lesser Beings to be Ruled by the Smart, For the Working Slob They Have No Seat, Only Seats for Bums of the Scientific Elite, They Say Democracy will Have to Go, Too Inefficient, Cumbersome, Slow, You're to be Happy in Life Without Meaning, Ordered About by Dictators of Greening" © Alan Watt Aug. 8, 2008 (Links: green-agenda.com "The Green Agenda - The First Global Revolution".) Planned Society - Normality - Culture in Hands of Experts - Behavior Modification, Alteration of Environment - BBC Radio - Control Techniques. "Too Many People", Excess Population - Bertrand Russell, Education in Scientific Society - C.G. Darwin, Hormonal Chemistry of Males and Females. Club of Rome Agenda and Members - "World Citizens" - Giving Up Rights to "Save the Planet" - Guidance of Public. Democracy, Collectivism - Looking for Champions - The Timetable - Government, Parliament - the Maxwell, Knights Templars, Jordan River. Thomas Jefferson - Freemasonry, Symbology, Programming, Higher Degrees - Cave-Dwellers, Troglodytes. Waking Up, Being Awake - Damage and Casualties - Masses and Elite - Overhead Spraying, Storm Creation, Climate Change. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Aug. 8, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Aug. 6, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt Aug. 6, 2008: "Crisis Creation, Crisis Management, Crisis All Around, Remember Times Before Crisis, When Our Minds were Safe and Sound, Yet Now We're Told Not to Trust Ourselves nor Others in These Days, Anyone May Suddenly Explode, or so the Expert Says, So Don't Be Sure of Anything Originating Within Yourself, Opinions You're Not Sure Of, Just Leave Them on the Shelf, Hear, See and Speak No Evil, and You Will Surely Get By, And Live More Days in Wretched Chains and Like a Wretch You'll Die" © Alan Watt Aug. 6, 2008 (Articles: "Now there are 1,000 laws that will let the state into your home" by Simon Walters (dailymail.co.uk) - July 20, 2008.) "Italian mayor bans gatherings of three or more people as soldiers hit streets" by Nick Pisa in Rome (telegraph.co.uk) - Aug. 4, 2008.) Thunderstorms, Polymer Spray, Global Air Force - Charles Forte - Cartoons, Brainwashing, Robots, Dancing Sausages. Elimination of Private Property - Human Habitat Areas - Britain, Powers of Entry - "Anti-Social" Behaviour - Licences - "Something to Hide" - Totalitarian Government Agencies. Use of Fear, Bodily Stress, Tiredness - Torture - Italy, Anti-Gathering Laws - Multiculturalism, Immigration Quotas, Canada - Group Leaders - Foreign Troop Training. Fighting for Our Life - "Sustainable" Population Levels - David Suzuki, Jacques Cousteau - Mind-Altering Agenda, Scientific Indoctrination. "Mental Illness", Mobile Health Units, Drugging - Possible "Terrorists" - Sedative Injections - Emergency/Disaster Acts - Police, Practice on Public, New Brunswick. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Aug. 6, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Aug. 4, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt Aug. 4, 2008: "Addicted to Data, Nothing Better to Do? Then You'll Slip On In Fine to Internet 2, The Virtual World is Exciting, Enticing, No Decay, No Aging, All So Inviting, Most Will Leap Into, the Wise Ones Will Scram, From the Beneficent Dictator Running "Your" Program" © Alan Watt Aug. 4, 2008 (Links: "Perception Warfare or War, Perceptual Conflict, Perception Space, Perception Operations, Perception Battlespace, P-Space - Augmented Cognition" U.S.A.F. Air University (au.af.mil).) "Microsoft sees end of Windows era" (news.bbc.co.uk) - Aug. 4, 2008.) "Utopia" - Cold War - Eradication of the Individual - "Reality Augmentation", DARPA - Intolerance and "Liberalism". Computers, Remote Servers, Internet 2, Policing of Internet - Addiction to Data - Monitoring. Earthquakes, HAARP, Aurora Borealis - Crisis Creation - World Prison. Plato's Republic - Aristocracy, "Descendants of Gods" - Re-Creation of Everything Left Imperfect - Godhood - Solon, Egyptians, Greeks - Darwin. Ancient Aryans - Albinos, "Blue Blood" - Blue Lodge. Albert Pike's "Morals and Dogma", Controlled Masons, Indoctrination - Allegories. Malachi Martin. Total War on Public - Ancient Battle for Domination - Genetic Research - Original Ideas. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Aug. 4, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Aug. 1, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt Aug. 1, 2008: "How Far Will You Go for Compliance's Sake? You Know that a Bully Takes All He Can Take, All That You Own, He'll Simply Seize, While You Go On, Appease and Appease, Cowards Appease then Bend the Knee, Keep Standing Tall, Keep Thinking Free" © Alan Watt Aug. 1, 2008 Sameness, Oneness, Polls - Airports, Computer Confiscation - "New Freedom" - Laws, Tyranny - Matrix Reality, Fiction, Programming. "New World Order" - Cold War, Soviet Union and Merger with West - Worldwide "Utopia", Lobotomy - Britain, Youth "Green" Enviro-Cops, Uni-Forms, Armies. Dehumanization - Obedience, Humiliation, Creation of Apathy - "Interdependence" - Borders, Restriction of Travel, Creating a Cage. Targeting of Experimental Subjects, ELF Frequencies - Finland, Cell Phone Towers, Reading Brain Patterns and Alteration. Clockwork Weather. Concrete Barriers Along Roads, Refugees, Stopping Movement - Portable Gates. Freemasonry, Lifers, "Rite Stuff" - Stalin, "Death" of Hitler - Sworn Oaths, Self-Sacrifice. Middle East Agenda - Covert Action against Iran. Fortress America, Canada-US-Mexico Amalgamation. Scientific Indoctrination - Standardized Opinions. Fences and Gun-Boats around Great Lakes Ports. Saying NO, Enough is Enough. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Aug. 1, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD July 30, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt July 30, 2008: "Pretty Soon there'll be a Screen, Between You and the Partner of Your Dream, To Remove the Suspicious Individualistic Gene, Ensuring the Offspring is Sociable, Deemed Clean, Then When Everyone is the Same in the Masses' Gang, Man Dies with a Whimper, Not with a Bang" © Alan Watt July 30, 2008 (Article: "BEHAVIOR GENETICS ASSOCIATION: Voting: In Your Genes?" by Constance Holden, Science [Magazine] - July 25, 2008.) Summer Cancelled - HAARP, Aerial Spraying - Made-to-Order Weather - Canada, Water Supply. Ownership, SIN - Alchemists, Chemistry, Sciences of Control - "Deadly Allies" book - Humanist Philosophy, "Man is an Animal" - Phrenology, Eugenics (Genetics), Psychiatry, Psychology, "Criminals". Removal of Genes, Creation of "Gattaca" (movie) Society - Darwin, Wallace, Evolution - "The Slime", Hinduism - Piltdown Man - ID, Ideal Design, Slave Population. Neo-Platonic School - Rebuilding of "Imperfect" - 9-11 - "Mental Illness" - Cartoons, Indoctrination of Children. War on Terror (All Those Who are "Contaminated"), 100 Years War, "Brave New World" - Understanding of Human Nature - Eradication of Memory of "Normal". Brain Chip - Britain, Loss of Data - Terrorists, Fearmongering - ID Cards - Confidence Tricksters and Cons. Country Borders - Slavic Peoples, Individual Character. Barter, Self-Sufficiency - System of Commerce, Introduction of Money - Legalities, Debt - Path of Destruction. Timetable, 2010, Amalgamation of Americas - 2012, World Government - Cyborgs, Cloning, Artificial Wombs, Fetuses - Sperm Ordering - Floods, Pandemics, Riots. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 30, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD July 28, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt July 28, 2008: "Popular Cultural Thoughts are Always Directive, To Be Part of the Whole, Part of the Collective, The War on the Self is Meant to Cause Anguish, As You Fight the Collective, which Collectively Languish, There's a Few of Us Left, with Spirit Residual, Who Champion the Cause Called the True Individual" © Alan Watt July 28, 2008 New Aerial Spray, Weather Manipulation - World of Experts - Memory - Margarine, Cholesterol, Mad Cow - Soy, Hormones, Reduced Sperm Count, Infertility. Control of Water and Food Supply - Britain, Privatization - Earth Charter, Maurice Strong. "Storm of the Century" movie, Microcosm and Macrocosm. "Terrorists", Anti-Globalists. Metallic Particles in Aerial Spray, Walking Antennas. Norman Dodd, Reece Commission - Blend of East and West - Mikhail Gorbachev, Soviet Union - Fascism, Collectivism, Bureaucracy - Trotsky, Perpetual Revolution - Commutarianism, Bush Sr. The Dark Knight - "Dark City" movie - Hollywood. Altered Perceptions and Behaviour - Zoroastrianism, "Sacred Fire". Individualism - Collective Society - Dialectic Technique, Propaganda - Submersion into Masses, Always Used. Lead Paint, Shielding, Military Use. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 28, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: "Soya 'linked to low sperm count' " (at heraldscotland.com) - July 24, 2008. "Water bills to rise £450m to save wildlife" by Juliette Jowit (guardian.co.uk) - July 12, 2008. Video: "Cults: The Wave". "THE THIRD WAVE" by Ron Jones (1972). July 25, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt July 25, 2008: "Hey, Have You Heard, Why, It's All the Rage? Science, Sustainability Joined with the New Age, The Latter, a Religion to Tie It Together, To Bind Us as One, All Wound with a Fetter, Dazed Devotees Simply Haven't a Clue, That Their Creed has been Borrowed from the Hindu, Their Collective Intellect Boils Down to a Smidgen, As They Scoff at, yet Practice, a Belief called Religion" © Alan Watt July 25, 2008 (Article: "It's not easy picking a path to enlightenment" by Andy Newman (at iht.com) - July 4, 2008.) Creation of New Religion - Earth Worship - Reece Commission - Mikhail Gorbachev, Media Interviews. New Age, Madame Blavatsky, Science - Maharishi - Yoga, Reincarnation - CIA - "Wellness" - Cities of India, "Karma", Gurus, Human Being God Worship. Followers, Devotees - Gloria Steinem - Indoctrination - Maurice Strong, Baca Grande, Spiral Tower (Helter Skelter) - Hedonism. C.G. Darwin's "The Next Million Years" book - Ancient Greece, Young "Lover" - Elite Behaviour - Melchisedek (God on Earth, Lord of the Seed) and Apprentice - "Storm of the Century" movie. Elite, Tried for Crimes by Own Peer Group - Albigensians and Cathars - Debauchery - "Perfection" - Masonic Lodge Brothels, "Dolly" the Carrier, Jackie Kennedy, Bouvier, Franklin. Newscaster Consensus - Radio Shows, Marketing and Selling, Hollywood Techniques. Catholic Religion, Intelligence Network - Interconnecting Link of Freemasonry - Consolidated Power - Anglican Church - Jesuits, Liberation Theology. Columbia (the Dove, Spirit), Columbine, Column - Female as Church, Isis - Members, Osiris, Body of Church (Occult) - "Golden Thighed" - Statue of Liberty, Rhodes. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 25, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD July 23, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt July 23, 2008: "I'll Tell You a Story of Reality Makers, First-Class Con-Men, Magicians, Fakirs, Combining Behaviourism, Psychology, the Soul, Hollywood Producers Weave Spells, Reach Their Goal, Spun from the Top, Where Sick Minds Meet, Conveyed by Media Middlemen to the Man in the Street, For the Few Thinkers Out There, Keep Guarding Your Mind, And Hold On to Truth, We're the Last of Our Kind" © Alan Watt July 23, 2008 Laboratory Rats - Media - Created Reality, Plato's Cave - Peacetime Troops, Mercenaries, Mercury. Presidential Advisors - 100 Years War, Middle East, Iraq Invasion - Scheherazade, Tantalizing Stories - Pentagon and Hollywood, Production, Stage Management, Images. The Matrix, Adaptation - "Wag the Dog" movie, Bosnian War - George Orwell's "1984", the "Memory Hole", "Updated" Articles on Internet. Prince Charles and Royals' Public Relations, Staged Events - Con Games - Pay-for Websites, Addiction to Data, Downloading. Francis Galton, Chinese Re-Colonization of Africa - Mandela, United Africa. Up and Down Gas Prices - "Rubber Road" - Destruction of Humaneness and Cohesiveness - Confidence Tricks and Tricksters. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 23, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: "Scheherazade in the White House: How George Bush's wartime administration used a magician, Hollywood designers and Karl Rove telling 1,001 stories to sell the invasion of Iraq." Christian Salmon, Le Monde diplomatique (at mondediplo.com) - Jan. 1, 2008. "How China's taking over Africa, and why the West should be VERY worried" - July 18, 2008. "Africa For The Chinese - Francis Galton, letter to the Editor of The Times, June 5, 1873" (galton.org). July 21, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt July 21, 2008: "A Promising Future, Oh What a Joke, As Futurists Present Their Vision to Folk, Part-Machine, Part-Robot, Not Quite Virtual nor Real, No Mind of Your Own, Man What a Deal, To Escape Building Stress, You'll Enter Enticed, A Promise of Eternity, All Childlike and Nice, Forgetting Yourself, You'll be One, All Same, Because a Benevolent Dictator is Programming Your Brain" © Alan Watt July 21, 2008 (Articles: "Scientists: Humans and machines will merge in future" by Lara Farrar (cnn.com) - July 15, 2008.) "Climate documentary 'broke rules' " by Richard Black, Environment correspondent (bbc.co.uk) - July 21, 2008.) Eugenics - Masses to Serve Elite - Evolution, Darwin, "Progress" - Futurist Societies, Predictive Programming, Science Fiction. Technology - "Philosophers" - Bioethics, Transhumanism - Post-Humans, Hermaphroditic Creatures - "Singularity" - Virtual Duplicate "You". Programmable Machines - We're "Obsolete" - Economic System - Turning Off the Aging Gene. Global Warming Scam - BBC, Propaganda Tool - Al Gore. European Union - Integration of Americas, Fall of Dollar. Kipling's "Man Who Would Be King". Soldiers Turned on Public - Romans Armies, Foreign Troops - British Empire - Tiananmen Square. Continuity of Government, Politicians, Bureaucrats - Priority List - Real Medical Treatment, Perks. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 21, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD July 18, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt July 18, 2008: "Thousands of Gallons of Blood Drench the Soil, Which Under Will Come, a Century's Oil, A Cartel's Refineries All Spanking and New, Courtesy the Taxpayer, that's Me and You, Wars are Planned for Profit and Gain, For the Fat Rich, the Profit, We Get the Pain" © Alan Watt July 18, 2008 New Thunderstorms and Lightning - HAARP - Superheating Atmosphere, Tesla. One Agenda, International Co-operation - Iraq and Afghanistan, Oil Refineries and Pipelines, U.S. Pre-911 Invasion Plans - Taliban. Elite Fascism - Slavery in this System, Happy Slaves - U.K., Government Communication Databases, Privacy Commissioner, Data Losses. Orwellian Stage to Huxlian "Brave New World" - "Defective Gene" Removal - Eugenics (Bioethics Committees) - Beyond Science Fiction. Alchemists, Chemical Alteration of Human Brain - Fluoride, Water Supply - Alcan, Bronfman's, Aluminum Waste - IQ Point Drop. Destruction of Oral Histories, Scotland - Well-Paid Teachers - Money, Morality Walks - "Health" Care, Euthanasia. "Democracy," Planetary Plunder - Kipling's "White Man's Burden" - RIIA Meetings, Build-Up of China, Role of America, Policeman of the World. Technetronic Weapons - Star Wars Project, Satellites. G8 Meeting, Genoa, Italy. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 18, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: "AT LAST, SOME TRUTH ABOUT IRAQ AND AFGHANISTAN" by Eric Margolis (at lewrockwell.com) - June 24, 2008. "Big Brother database recording all our calls, texts and e-mails will 'ruin British way of life' " [Updated] by Matthew Hickley (dailymail.co.uk) - July 16, 2008. "Fluoridated water now reaches nearly 70% of U.S. population" (www.chinaview.cn) - July 11, 2008. "The bloody battle of Genoa" by Nick Davies (guardian.co.uk) - July 17, 2008. July 16, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt July 16, 2008: "What's the Big Deal when All's Said and Done, Throw Away Your Old Self, Let's All be One, And In Time We'll See the Vast Majority, Are Still Dominated by an Inbred Minority, You've Heard the World's Flat, Now Round, All that Jive, It's Really a Borg Ashlar Cube and You're in the Hive" © Alan Watt July 16, 2008 (Articles: "Mad scientists plan to make us all "One" " by Mark Baard - July 16, 2008.) "High petrol prices are good for us, says Cabinet minister" (dailymail.co.uk) - July 14, 2008.) "Peace" and "Harmony" - "Oneness" - Fiction, Predictive Programming, Bookstores - "Star Trek" series, Gene Roddenberry, NASA, the "Enterprise". Revolutions - Marketing - Club of Rome, Global Warming, Enemy of Humanity is Humanity - Green Religion. Oil and Gas Farce - "Fossil" Fuel - Agenda 21 - Power of the Purse - Green and Red (Bloodshed), Sacrifice for Mother Earth, Culling Populations. Mental Laziness - Judgement of "Sanity" - Moon Landing - Big Lies - New Priests: Scientists and Experts - Psychosis. Mentality of Young Soldiers. GMO Food, Vegetables - Drug-Producing Plants - Agri-Food Business Takeover. "His and Her" News Teams, Trained Sequences - "Fahrenheit 451" movie - Prompts to Viewer, Agreement, Collective. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 16, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD July 14, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt July 14, 2008: "Kyoto Protocol, the Effect's Just Starting, Balloons on Cattle to Catch Them Farting, To Wean You from Meat, They'll Make It So, But You Can Munch on Your Veggies, All GMO" © Alan Watt July 14, 2008 "Brave New World" - Dialectical Technique - Services become Authorities - NGOs, Democracy, Soviet System. Global Media, Greening, Propaganda Pieces - Kyoto- Statistics - "Utopia" - Population Reduction - Model State China - Earth Army. Essential Tool of Computer, Public Adaptation, Interfacing with Human Brain. Christianity - Eternal Truths, Fundamental Laws - Action and Reaction - Consequences - Esoteric of Religions - Following Leaders. Personal Experience, Reflection - "Born Again", Consciousness - Raising "the Dead". Germ Warfare, British Ministry of Defence, Testing on Public, Birth Defects - Daily World Spraying - Legal Acquiescence by Silence. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 14, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: "Earth is too crowded for Utopia" by Chris Rapley (news.bbc.co.uk) - Jan. 6, 2006. "Millions were in germ war tests" by Antony Barnett, The Observer (guardian.co.uk) - April 21, 2002. "Plastic Backpack Bags Cow's Farts" by Jaymi Heimbuch (ecogeek.org) - July 11, 2008. July 11, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt July 11, 2008: "What the G8 Ate, Oh What a Glutton, With the Best of Vino, They Washed Down Their Mutton, All Kinds of Rare Delicacies, Meat, Fish and Smelt, After Telling Joe Commoner to Tighten His Belt, 19 Dish, 8 Course Dinner, They Belched and Oozed Methane, As They Winked and Flashed Signals of Their Masonic Con-Game, So Remember Joe Blow and Always be Good, Be Very, Very Grateful for Your Morsel of Food" © Alan Watt July 11, 2008 Food Shortages - RIIA - Fake Reality, Subliminal Conditioning - G8 Summit - Psychopath-Led Fantasy World - Global "Interdependence" (Total Dependence). Microwave Weaponry, "MEDUSA", Crowd Control - Radiation, Cell-Phone Towers, Tracking. Electronic "Safety Bracelet" Stun Device for Airline Passengers - Conditioned Public, "Terrorists". "Therapist" - The Psychiatrist, Psychiatry - Letting Experts into Your Mind - Ants (Wingless Bees, Clean Up), Devi-Ant. Monied Aberrant System - Poverty - Woman's Need of Security. You Cannot Make People Wake Up - Personal Motivations - Some Do Not Want To Hear, Cannot Handle It. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 11, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: "Just two of the 19 dishes on the dinner menu at the G8 food shortages summit" by Patrick Wintour and Patrick Barkham (guardian.co.uk) - July 8, 2008. "Microwave ray gun controls crowds with noise" by David Hambling (newscientist.com) - July 3, 2008. "Want some torture with your peanuts?" by Black and Denning (washingtontimes.com) - July 1, 2008. July 9, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt July 9, 2008: "With Scary Hype, We Can Arrange, All Your Attention on Climate Change, With Phony Data and Lots of Excerpts, Repeated Daily by Well-Paid Experts, For Gaia's Will, There Must Be Sacrifice, To Complete the Occultic Enterprise. And For the New-Agers Out There, Whose Ears are Itchin', Keep Following the Fantasy Web Spun by Z. Sitchin" © Alan Watt July 9, 2008 (Articles: "Doomed to a fatal delusion over climate change" by Andrew Bolt, Herald Sun (news.com.au) - July 9, 2008.) "Global Warming Movement Turns Cool" by James Spann (alabamawx.com) - June 22, 2008.) Mad Cow Disease, Culled Stocks - Spells are Cast, Authority Figures, Huge Lies, Repetition. World War I and II - War Mode, "Inevitability" - Neurosis, Delusion, Climate Change - Terror Creation - Third-World Country Pollution Exemptions, China - Scams. Club of Rome: "Man is the Enemy" - Global Warming - Grants, Funding - Plants, Carbon Dioxide - Weather Hype - Alteration of Perception by Terminology - Antarctic Ice - IPCC. Depopulation Agenda - Abolition of Private Property and Transportation, UN Agenda 21 - Easily Managed Illiterate Population - Orwellian Phase to Huxlian "Brave New World". Building of Egyptian Pyramids - Mars Con, Sitchin, Sumerian Tablets, Fascinating Joke - "Face on Mars", Fabrication, Fantasy - Psychological Warfare, Sci-Fi. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 9, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD July 7, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt July 7, 2008: "The Culture Creators Give Mirrors and Smoke, Create Controversy, Push the Envelope, Pre-Pubertal Sexuality is Pushed to the Fore, By Mainstream Media so We Can't Ignore, To Where It Will Lead, Observe Scientists' Styles, Go Google 'Kinsey's Paedophiles' " © Alan Watt July 7, 2008 Crisis of Weather to Change Our Ways - Revolutionaries, Radical "Greenies" - Raising Public Awareness - Gorbachev, New Global Religion based on Earth Worship - New Age. Scientific Indoctrination, Early Schooling, Bertrand Russell - Standardization - Psychological Evaluations - Doubling Tax Base, Property Taxes, CFR, RIIA. Controversial Topics, "Pushing the Envelope", Degradation, Changing Normals, "Art" - Kinsey's "Studies" - Germany, "Museum of Sexual Perversion". Human Brain Implants, Computer Interaction - Reading Brain Signals, Beaming Corrections - Eradication of Individuality - Public Relations Objectives, Real Reasons. Church of England, Canada, Child Abuse - Ritual Abuse Networks. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 7, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: "Earlier start and full-day kindergarten being considered" by Glenda Luymes, Vancouver Province (canada.com) - July 03, 2008. Video: "Kinsey's Paedophiles - Dr. Judith Reisman documentary". "Dad defends magazine's nude child cover" (abc.net.au) - July 7, 2008. "Will a Computer "Symbiote" be Implanted in Future Human Brains?" by Rebecca Sato (dailygalaxy.com) - June 25, 2008. July 4, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt July 4, 2008: "Prometheus-Lucifer as Known to Some, Brings Down to Man the Light of the Sun, Fomenting a Plan so Brilliant with Light, Those Who Serve are Bedazzled in Sight, A Plan so Brutal, Oh What a Cost! A Far Cry from Milton's Paradise Lost, Yet Milton was a Brother Ma-Sonic, His Verbal Gifts Birthed Pictures Symbolic" © Alan Watt July 4, 2008 (Article: "The U.S. military's quest to weaponize culture" by Hugh Gusterson (Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists [thebulletin.org]) - June 20, 2008.) Media, Indoctrination - Schooling, Kindergarten, State Gives Values to Children. Passive Culture, Adaptation, Service Economy, Disposable Junk Goods - Creation of Apathy. Weaponizing Culture - Study of the Enemy (Prey), Alteration - Takeover of Middle East - Standardizing the World. Psychopathic Traits, Want of Power, Ruthlessness - The Beast, Antichrist. Bermuda Triangle, Underwater Radar System. Know Thyself - Living Inside Your Head - Price of Waking Up - Knowing Who You Are - Quiet Moments - Innate Qualities and Weaknesses. Demonology, Lists of Specialist Demons, Demonic Presence - Blavatsky, Theosophy, Blending of Spirit with Science. Prometheus, "Fire" (Intellect) Stolen from Gods - The Dawn - Waco Fire - Pyramid Symbol, Osiris (Members), Isis (Church), Capstone. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 4, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD July 2, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt July 2, 2008: "The People are All at Sixes and Seven, As To Whether This System began Nine-Eleven, Truth is, We've been Guided Down through the Ages, By Hidden Masters, Wise Men and Sages, Become Involved, Instead of Detaching, Be Wise and Conscious, Instead of Reacting" © Alan Watt July 2, 2008 (Articles: "New ID Card Serves Students, Rec Centers, Libraries in D.C." by Michael Birnbaum (washingtonpost.com) - June 27, 2008.) "Capcom sets out to 'brainwash' kids" by Ian Williams (vnunet.com) - June 30, 2008.) Reacting to Agenda vs. Being Awake - Long-Term Plan - Non-Political Organizations. Deluges, Daily Thunderstorms - Weedwacker Fire - Email Rejections. Awareness and Knowing - Unconscious Population - Democracy, Control of Mob - Destruction of All That Was - Identification Card - Oil Heat Inspections. Laws (Dictates) - Power over Life and Death - Obedience, Mock Prison Experiments - Science, Convincing People of Anything - Farcical Greening Agenda - Carroll Quigley, CFR, RIIA. Censorship Bureaus, "Pushing the Envelope" - Parental "Assessment" - "Children of the Dream" book, Communal Upbringing - "Contaminated Ideas" - Destruction of Family Unit. Beliefs of New-Agers - Elite Timeline, "Heavenly Plan", Zodiac - Aquarius, Water Carrier, Gene Pool, Androgyny - "Raising Public Consciousness", Expert Spin, Changing How We Think. Morgentaler of Canada (Abortionist) (Defended by Police). Titan Psychopaths at Top - Samson Complex. No One Can say They "Didn't Know". * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 2, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD June 30, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt June 30, 2008: "The Elites' War upon the Sheeple Has been Shouted from the Highest Steeple, Yet the Sheeple Persist to Play the Fool, Bleat a lot, and Grow the Wool, More the Wool becomes Synthetic, By the Children of Science, Ergo Genetic, To Warm Their Masters and Supply the Mutton-- Read the Books by Professor Anthony Sutton" © Alan Watt June 30, 2008 Media, News Handouts - Catchphrases, Programming - Commoners - 100 Years War. Modified Food - Home Gardens, Industrial Herbicides in Manure, Soil Contamination - War and Food. Access to Electronic Devices, Kill Switches, Manipulation- Extended Wi-fi. Logic and Reasoning - Group Consensus - Guidance to Preordained Conclusion - Ancient Greek Philosophers - Socrates, Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle. Exoteric - Esoteric Traditions - Pupil of Eye (of Ra) - Pupils, Schooling, Leisured Class - "Straight and Crooked Thinking" book - Following Leaders, Stars. World Revolution, Reincarnation Belief - Neoplatonism, Perfection of Humanity, Creation of Superior Types. Worldwide Crisis Creation - Factory Movement to China - Dumbed-Down Population, Belief in "Experts" - Interdependent World. "Brazil" movie - Predictable Totalitarianism - Giving Up Freedom for "Security" - Martial Law Bills - Iran, Weaponry, U.S. and Israel. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 30, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: "Home-grown veg ruined by toxic fertiliser" by Caroline Davies (guardian.co.uk) - June 29, 2008. "EU forces market trader to pulp thousands of kiwi fruit because they're ONE MILLIMETRE too small" (dailymail.co.uk) - June 27, 2008. "I've Seen the Future, and It Has a Kill Switch" by Bruce Schneier (wired.com) - June 26, 2008. "Barclays warns of a financial storm as Federal Reserve's credibility crumbles" (telegraph.co.uk) - June 28, 2008. "US escalating covert operations against Iran-report" (reuters.com) - June 29, 2008. June 27, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt June 27, 2008: "Food is a Weapon, Say the Ancient of Sages, Used Over and Over Down through the Ages, Weather Warfare and Food Cartels are Working Today, To Bring Famine and Riots to the Old USA, And as This Agenda is Gradually Unfurled, Starvation will come, Across the Whole World" © Alan Watt June 27, 2008 (Articles: "Food relief line grows long, tense" by Annysa Johnson, Linda Spice and Greg J. Borowski (jsonline.com) - June 23, 2008.) "Exclusive: Innocent dad beaten by Kung fu police" by Richard Smith (mirror.co.uk) - June 26, 2008.) Chemtrails, Aerial Spraying, Storm Creation - Floods, Droughts, Weather Warfare - Training Ignorant Victims - Tyranny of Officialdom - Global Warming Scam. Food Riot, Milwaukee - Food Banks for Working Poor - U.S. Merger into World System - Holding on to Your Sanity - "Law", Lawful Execution. Farce of Al-Qaeda - Doublethink - Sadism - Police, Brutality, Bullying Tactics, Purpose-Bred Generation, Debased Culture. Cloud Dispersion, HAARP, Jet Stream - Cyprus - Elite Movement into Areas, Pricing Locals Out. Declassified Info, Culture Creation, Poetry - Adoption of Opinions, Ideas - Middle English - Creation of English: International Business Language. Bible, Exoteric and Esoteric, Blueprint of Revelations - Mystery Religions, Control of "Nature", Power over "Masters of the World". Aleister Crowley, Scottish Rite, Mayan, Maya (I Am), 2012. DARPA, Interfacing Humans and Computers. The Big Picture - War on World - Rights for Apes - Chimeras. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 27, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD June 25, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt June 25, 2008: "They're Charging a Boy, It's Enough to Faze Ya, Twelve-Year-Old, Blue-Eyed, and He Loves Al-Qaeda, Likes Guns and Sex, Into Sadomasochism, Sir Bettison says 'It could land him in prison', Had a Diet of Video Games from Movie Industry, Could Make Bombs if He's Good at Chemistry, Sir Bettison should Rather than Chastise Him, View His Positive Qualities, Turn Round and Hire Him, With Some Gentle Coaching, He'd be Willing to Please, Good Torturers for the Military don't Grow on Trees" © Alan Watt June 25, 2008 Newspapers, Propaganda Pieces - Britain - Al-Qaeda, Terrorism, Extremists - Guns, Sex, Violence, Movies, Video Games, Police - "Hollywood Goes to War" book - Ideal Military Recruits. Sadomasochistic Society - Public Unable to Reason for Themselves - Terrorism Business - Thermobaric "Hellfire" Missiles, Unmanned Drone Aircraft. Crisis Everywhere, Changing to New System, Totalitarian Planned Society - Crippling Diseases in West - "Expert" Advice. "The First Global Revolution" book, Club of Rome - Daily Aerial Spraying - Treaty on Weather Warfare. Alvin Toffler - Herding into the Cities, Food Shortages, Starvation - Energy Prices, Fuel Costs. Waking Up into Nightmare - No Complaints Department - Signs and Symptoms of Psychopathy - Culling Us Off - Serving the Elite - Pandemics. Step-by-Step Agenda, Needs Public Compliance - Population Reduction of China. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 25, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: "Blond, white schoolboy is al-Qa'eda extremist, say police" by Richard Edwards, Crime Correspondent (telegraph.co.uk) - June 25, 2008. "Army 'vacuum' missile hits Taliban" by Michael Smith (timesonline.co.uk) - June 22, 2008. "Rethinking the Country Life as Energy Costs Rise" by Peter S. Goodman (at democraticunderground.com) - June 25, 2008. "Americans migrate back to the cities" by Tom Leonard (telegraph.co.uk) - June 20, 2008. June 23, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt June 23, 2008: LIBERTY, FRATERNITY, EQUALITY "Are You Fat, a Heavy Breather, Tall or Squat, a Tiny Geezer? Geneticists and Officials, with Half-Truths and Lies, Are Out to Have You Standardized, It'll be Done for You, No Need to Beg, By Removing Defective Genes from Egg, Yes, One Day, We'll All Look the Same, Praising Test Tube Obelisks whence We Came, And the Silicone Womb that is Our Mother, We Borg can Truly Call, Each Other, 'Brother' " © Alan Watt June 23, 2008 Floods and Drought, HAARP Frequencies, Shortwave Signal, Riga - Wizard of Oz behind the Curtain - Hazy Polymer Clouds - Satellite Internet Problems. Canada, U.S. - UN Agenda 21 - Military Scenarios - NAFTA Highways - Globalization - Skyrocketing Fuel Costs (No Shortage), Off the Road, No Private Transportation. Totalitarianism - Department of Standardization - CCTV Cameras - "The New Freedom". Elimination of Competition - Britain, Pirates, Freebooters, Plunder - Oil, Diamonds, Gold, Dictators and Mercenaries - Coups, Equatorial Guinea - MI6. History of Horror - Churches - Sacredness of Life - Replacement of Religion with Culture Industry and New Age - Individual Instincts, Rights and Wrongs. Religious Dogma - Catholic Church, Freemasonry, New Mass - "Karma", Religious Fanaticism. Books - Using Critical Reasoning and Logic. Beginning of Money, Civilization, City-States - Phoenicia - Egypt, 5000 Years Empire. Helping Me (Alan) Keep Going, Donations and Book Ordering - "Cutting Through" books - Bringing Life to Your Mind - Empathy for Others. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 23, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: "Federal government quietly releases $490B military plan" CBC News (cbc.ca) - June 20, 2008. "MacKay reveals details of $490-billion defence strategy to modernize military" by Alison Auld, Canadian Press - June 20, 2008. "Hats banned from Yorkshire pubs over CCTV fears" by Paul Stokes (telegraph.co.uk) - June 23, 2008. "Simon Mann names Sir Mark Thatcher as coup plotter" by Martin Fletcher in Malabo (timesonline.co.uk) - June 19, 2008. June 20, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt June 20, 2008: "From Ancient Times, the Elites Do Know, The Eugenic Agenda is the Way to Go, You Can See its Branches through the Prisms, Because All Their Forces End with Isms, The Isms are All Points of Light, They Believe in Power, that Might is Right, Through DNA, They'll Create a Son, The Deviant Creation, Shape of Things to Come" © Alan Watt June 20, 2008 (Article: "Socialists made eugenics fashionable" by Michael Coren (nationalpost.com) - June 17, 2008.) Law of Nature, Evolution, Constant Change - H.G. Wells' "Shape of Things to Come". HAARP, Weather Warfare - Public is The Enemy - Eugenics, "Revelation of the Method" - Nationalized Socialized Health Care - Sterilization, Euthanasia, Abortion. Hitler, Stalin - Socialism, Communism - Authors - "Civilization" - Media Silence. New Age Books - Use of Allegories and Symbolism - Versions of Beliefs - Preordained Conclusions - Hall of Mirrors - Factions - Image Within (Imagination). Indoctrination, Constant Noise - Creative Thinking, Pathways and Use of Brain - Psychopathic Traits. Germany, Teutonic Knights - Knights Templars, International Brotherhood, Usury Banking. Bits of Truth from Books - Knowledge is Power - Understanding Past. Predictive Programming, Possibility Thinking, Motivational Speakers-Writers - Plato. Hell's Angels, American Air Force, Drugs. 9-11 Attack, Agenda, War on World - Totalitarian Regime. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 20, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD June 18, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt June 18, 2008: "Mr. Blair's Over There Evoking Integration, Yorkshire-Pudding and Caviar, Quite the Combination, No Economic Protectionism, Yet Open Immigration, Closer Ties that Bind do Come to Mind, As They're Burying the Nations" © Alan Watt June 18, 2008 (Articles: "Tony Blair sidesteps democracy issue in call for ties with Russia and China" by Adrian Blomfield in Moscow (telegraph.co.uk) - June 17, 2008.) "Could humiliation be the next weapon in our war on crime?" by Julian Borger and Joe Jackson (guardian.co.uk) - June 17, 2008.) Sprayed Skies - Shock and Awe Tactics - Greening Agenda - Real Economics - "Brave New World". Europe, "Closer Ties" - Parallel Government - 3 Trading Blocs, World Trade, Global Government. Tony Blair, Russia - Cold War, Spies, Agents, Fall of Berlin Wall - Reece Commission - Gorbachev - Henry Kissinger - U.S. and Russia. Materialistic System - Scientists are New Priests - The Masses - Model State of China - Techniques of Social Approval and Disapproval - Shaming - Time of Control Freaks. Dying Birds, GMO Crops - Thriving Mosquitoes, Canada - Public Adaptation to Changes - Egosyntonic Behaviour - What Do We Fight For? - Empathy for Others, Hanging on to Humanity. Kissinger and Brzezinski, Players in Agenda - Interchangeable Politicians, Vetted Leaders - Third Party above Capitalism and Communism. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 18, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD June 16, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt June 16, 2008: "When it Comes to The Agenda, There's No Trick too Low, We'll be Praising the Veggies as We Eat GMO, With Aspartame Dressings, Acquiring the Taste, 'Cause Shortly the Government will Measure Your Waist" © Alan Watt June 16, 2008 Soaring Transport (Fuel) Costs, Agenda 21, Habitat Areas - Programmed People, No Memory - Totalitarianism, Fascism - Italy. Madison Avenue, Think Tanks - Conditioning - Social Approval, China, One-Child Policy, Anti-Smoking Campaign, War on Obesity. Slogans and Catchphrases - New Scientific Priests - Services become "Authorities". Set-up of Japan - United Nations - Annual Checkups, Japanese Waistline Measuring Law, Re-Education, Financial Penalties - Weighing the Herd. Public Votes, City Amalgamation, EU, Ireland - Green, Greening, Greenies. H.G. Wells' "History of the World" books - Wells' Son and Pavlov. Government Graffiti-Artist Grants, Cities, Communitarianism and Arts. Vegetarianism Promoted from Top - India. Behaviour Alteration, Greening. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 16, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following articles: "David Davis resigns from Commons" (news.bbc.co.uk) - June 13, 2008. "Berlusconi puts 2,500 troops on streets of Italian cities to patrol alongside police" by Nick Pisa (news.scotsman.com) - June 16, 2008. "Japan, Seeking Trim Waists, Measures Millions" by Norimitsu Onishi (iht.com) - June 13, 2008. "Mother gets £1.25m to help cut Stirling's carbon output" by Melanie Reid (timesonline.co.uk) - June 12, 2008. June 13, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt June 13, 2008: "Long-Laid Plans of Men and Mice Bring Corruption, Bureaucracy, Vice, If Left to Hegel, Nietzsche and Darwin, The Rich would Live, The Rest be Starvin' " © Alan Watt June 13, 2008 European Union, Public Vote - Capitalism, Communism, Fascism. Hegel, Dialectic - Coming "Superman" - Military Strategy - Economics, Materialism - Making a "Star" - Charles Darwin. Horrific "New World Order" - Soviet Union - "My Life" book by Trotsky. "Suburban Sprawl", City Immigration - Food is a Weapon, Cartel Farm Takeover - Control Freaks at Top. Scientific Indoctrination, Loss of Natural Humanity and Morality. Vegetarianism, Occultic Religion, Alvin Toffler's "Third Wave" book - GMO Food - Freemasonry. Jim Jones, California Mental Hospitals, CIA. Music, Culture, Fashion - Revolutionary Doctrines, Debasement of Society - Media Guidance and Reasoning. "1000 Points of Light" - Orwellian Phase - Huxlian "Brave New World" - This System (Not Yours) - Ben Franklin, T. Roosevelt. Chemtrails - British Police - Medical Profession. "Understanding" between US and Britain - RIIA, CFR, Bill Clinton. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 13, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD June 11, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt June 11, 2008: "C.G. Darwin's Vision Not So Pretty, To Cram the People into Sardine City, The Rural Folks would Stand and Fight It, But He Knew that Science would Make Them Like It" © Alan Watt June 11, 2008 (Article: "Oz TV advises CO2-emitting children to die early" by Andrew Orlowski (theregister.co.uk) - June 3, 2008.) Fear of Changes, Death of Old System - Alteration of Environment - Mind Control - Beria (NKVD). War on Public with Military Precision - Eugenics, Domestication, Culling - System of Interdependence - Industrial Era - Media, Repetition, Slogans. Planned World Order - "Green" Indoctrination for Children, Australia, Greenhouse Gas Quiz - Worldwide Man-Made Crisis, Oil, Farming. Cities, Control, Helplessness, Malleable Culture - C.G. Darwin's "The Next Million Years" book - Rural Folk, Independence, Rome. Homeland Security Laws, "Terrorists" - Entrapment - Sticking to Documented Facts - Force of Evil - Driving Spirit and Purpose. Food Shortages, Gas Prices, Rioting - "Saving" this System or "Getting it Back" - Great Depression, Movement into Cities - Public Servants. World Government Agenda. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 11, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD June 9, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt June 9, 2008: "The Only Way to Save the Nation is to Replace Education with Natzi-Soviet Indoctrination" © Alan Watt June 9, 2008 (Articles: "Marines bringing combat training to Indy" by Vic Ryckaert (at indystar.com) - May 28, 2008.) "Drop 'middle-class' academic subjects says schools adviser" by Laura Clark (dailymail.co.uk) - June 4, 2008.) "SCIENTOLOGY: Revealed for the first time. . .The odd beginning of Ron Hubbard's career" by Alexander Mitchell, Sunday Times - 5 October 1969 (at lermanet.com).) UN Agenda 21, Habitat Areas - Dependence on This System - Where to Go from Here? Plato's "Republic", Selective Breeding - Continuing Agenda - City-States, Adaptation, City Containment. Indianapolis, Marines, Urban Warfare Training - Everyone is "Potential Terrorist" - 9-11, Anti-Terrorist Laws. Media's Job - Hollywood, Pentagon - Programming through Fiction. "Arrested Civilizations" - Humanity is the Enemy - Club of Rome, Depopulation - Cowardice and Disbelief - Natzi Germany. Dumbing-Down Process, Schooling - RIIA, Perfect Society to Serve State - Indoctrination into Social Values of New System. Aleister Crowley, Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) - L. Ron Hubbard - New Age Agenda - H.G. Wells. Elite Beliefs, "The Rebels" Cast Down, Inbreeding to Regain Powers - Re-Creation of the World - The Olympians - What is Behind All of This? * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 9, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD June 6, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt June 6, 2008: "Cor Blimey! as Nations are Pulled Asunder, Who'd 'ave Seen the Land Down Under, Which Rudd et al See Nothing Finer, Than to Merge the Ozzies along with China, He says It'll be Years 'fore it's On the Go, But We All Know that's Just for Show, The R.I.I.A. has Worked without Pause, To See the Day We All Pull Rickshaws" © Alan Watt June 6, 2008 (Articles: "Rudd moots EU-style Asia-Pac bloc" (news.bbc.co.uk) - June 5, 2008.) "Mobile phones expose human habits" by Jonathan Fildes (news.bbc.co.uk) - June 4, 2008.) 2010, Military - Marx, 3 Regional Trading Blocs - Royal Institute for International Affairs, WWII, United Nations - CFR - Institute for Pacific Relations. Tracking Movements, Personality Profiles, Monitoring - Dollar Bills, Cell Phones, Data Collection - Work towards Programmed Society, Embedded Chips. Warburg Bankers - Bush Sr. and Bin Laden - Amazing "Coincidences" - Laws, Economics - Rothschilds, Bank of England, Royalty - Aristocracy and Commoners. Everyone and Every Nation is Used- 400 Years of British War. Rippling in Sky, HAARP, Satellites, Experimentation on Public - Aluminum and Metallic Particles, Walking Antennas. THX 1138, "Jethro" in the Occult. Phone Calls, Harassment - Pentagon, Computer "Back-Doors" - Legal Declaration of "Enemies" - Homeland Security Bills - Standardized Indoctrination, Slogans. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 6, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD June 4, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt June 4, 2008: "Blackwater, that Mean Slaughtering Machine, will be Coming Home to You" © Alan Watt June 4, 2008 Blackwater, Iraq, Mercenary Troops - The Big Eating Machine Comes Around - Submersion into World System. Overloading with Data, Short Memories - Bilderberg Meetings - Rear Admiral Chris Parry, Schools. BBC TV, Ministry of Defence, Creation of New Weaponry - Psychopaths - Militarized Society - DOD Projections. Orion the Hunter, Sirius - Nikola Tesla - Alchemist Terminology - Freemasonry, Lodges, Religious Leaders - Eugenics - Gods of "Golden Age". Phone Line Drops, Harassment, Teams of "Cyber-Cops". Alteration of Behaviour by Environment - Cell Phones, Tracking, Brainwave Monitoring - Virtual Reality, Reading of Brain Patterns, Computer Interaction. Ancient Civilizations, Systems - Sumer - "Zionists" (Sun and Moon), Freemasons, Mount Zion (Perfect Pyramid) - Sin and On - Conquering through Science - Seance. Novus Ordo Seclorum (Secular) - Science as New Lord and Master - Horror Show. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 4, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: "Inventors urged to devise weapons" (news.bbc.co.uk) - May 30, 2008. "Mind Control by Cell Phone" by R. Douglas Fields, Scientific American (sciam.com) - May 7, 2008. "Blackwater forces in Baghdad's Nisour Square (June 2, 2008)" - Audio and Transcript of Audio - at Internet Archive (archive.org). June 2, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt June 2, 2008: "So Much Media-Created Panic, It Would Fill the Old Titanic, Then We'll Come to Their Conclusions, When They Offer the Solutions, With a Depopulation Song, We All Will March Along----- to-----" © Alan Watt June 2, 2008 (Article: "Beware: the new goths are coming" by Peter Almond (timesonline.co.uk) - June 11, 2006.) Food Crisis, RIIA, United Nations, NGOs - Capitalist/Communist Merger. Opinions, Media, Television - Jacques Attali book "Millennium", Mass Migrations - Globalisation, End of Nations. Genetics, Creation of New Servant Class - Remaking of Society - Eugenics. Global Government (Totalitarian) - UN - National Sovereignty, World Wars - Benjamin Franklin, Federation of the World - Council of Elders, Wise Men, The Mountain. Looking at Yourself - Individual Contradictions - Ability to do Evil - Reclaiming Totality that is You - Good Within. History Repeats Itself - Psychopath M.O. (Modus Operandi). Brainwashing, Propaganda, Scientific Torture. Worldwide Agenda - Catholic Church - Philanthropic Foundations, Abortion Funding - Top Coterie. CFR, Integration of Americas, Free Trade Negotiations - Cities (Ready-Made Prisons). Popular Music, Heavy Metal (Sword, Lead Man) - Judge "Rapping" it Up - "Hip-Hopping" Along - Horn of Power - Symbols of Masonry, OTO. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 2, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Click Here for Jan. - May 2008 Sept - Oct '12 | July - Aug '12 | May - Jun '12 | Mar - Apr '12 | Jan - Feb '12 Nov - Dec '11 | Sept - Oct '11 | July - Aug '11 | May - Jun '11 | Mar - Apr '11 Jan - Feb '11 | Nov - Dec '10 | Sept - Oct '10 | July - Aug '10 | May - Jun '10 Mar - Apr '10 | Jan - Feb '10 | Nov - Dec '09 | Sept - Oct '09 | July - Aug '09 May - Jun '09 | Mar - Apr '09 | Jan - Feb '09 | Nov - Dec '08 | Jun - Oct '08 Jan - May '08 | 2007 |