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Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" Live on RBN![]() Republic Broadcasting Network |
Year 2007: Dec. 28, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt Dec. 28, 2007: "The Art of Conning the Group by Con-Sense-Us" © Alan Watt Dec. 28, 2007 Expert Opinions - Group Consensus - Being an Individual, Pertinent Information, Making Decisions - Popular Opinion, Fads, Mantras - Christianity, New Age Religion. Adam Weishaupt, Freemasonry, Elitism, "Useful Idiots" - Albert Pike - Predatory System. "Primitive" Civilizations - Monied System, Military, Bureaucracy, Exploitation of Human Nature - Advertising, Fantasy, Plastic Surgery. Reuters, API, Mainstream News, Newspapers - CIA, Reporters, Authors - Agenda of Indoctrination. Inoculations, Bertrand Russell - Auto-Immune Diseases, Allergies - Vaccination, Fever, Brain Inflammation. "Overpopulation" fears of Elite - What is Democracy? - Benazir Bhutto - Worker Bees, Dominant Minority. Dr. Salk, Polio Vaccine, Eugenics - Live Simian Viruses, Cancer - Meningitis, Encephalitis. * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 28, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Dec. 26, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt Dec. 26, 2007: "Nirvana's Bananas and the Strong Delusion - The Folly of Gods and Wanna-Bees" © Alan Watt Dec. 26, 2007 9-11 Fiasco - United World Agenda - Terrorism Nonsense - Fortress America. H.G. Wells: Obsolete Governments - World of Experts - Semi-Hypnotic State, "Routines" - Groupthink - Carroll Quigley - "Payola" - Free Trade (for Big Corporations). Kindergarten, Day Care, Plebeians - Scientific Indoctrination - Government Role as Husband - New Age, "Oneness", New Nirvana, Hinduism, Karma, Mantras. "Something wonderful is going to happen" - Fear-Based Religion - Becoming "God" - Modified Coffee, Bad Dreams - Hypnotism, Huxley's Speech - Blavatsky. Symbol of Spider - 8 Legs, Money and Power, 8 in Freemasonry - Black Widow, Widow's Sons - Cloning - the Net, the Web, Alternate Reality. The Unpopular Individual - Minority and Majority. Healing Gadgets, Shysters, Money off Misery, Royal Rife Machines. Trends in Art, Nihilism, Schizophrenia - Populous Mindset - Cartoon Figures, Animation - Commercial Exploitation. * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 26, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Dec. 21, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt Dec. 21, 2007: "It's a Big Eye Dea," quote from Bush Sr.. RF Eye Dea (Eye of God/dess) - RFID Industry Targets Christian Opposition" © Alan Watt Dec. 21, 2007 (Article: "Christian endtimers leave their "Mark" on the RFID industry" by Mark Baard - Dec. 21, 2007.) Green Bombardment - Fascism, Democracy - Elections, "Rights" - Grown Culture - Economy, Store Cards, "Air Miles", Active ID, Brain Chip. Driver License, Car Insurance - Federal and Crown Land - Slavery, Roman Emperors, Empires - Mithraism - Slave Identification, Branding Cattle. Christian End-Timers, Mark of the Beast - RFID Industry, AIM Global, VeriChip - Implantable Chips. Music - Alpha States, Tone, Rhythm - Hypnosis, Daydreaming - Monks, Meditation. Introduction of Money, Gold - Phoenician Wars, Mines - Creation of Ruling Class - Trade, Military, Merchants, Mercenaries. Tunnel Vision - Minefield of Disinformation. Troglodytes, Burial Customs, Tribe of Manasseh, Horites - Sumer, Cave-Dwelling Priesthood, Armenia - Vampire Legend - Imagination. Illuminati - False Gurus: "All You Need is Love" - TV Talk Shows, Production, Research Teams, Experts - Phil Donahue - Delphi Technique. Rebinding of Religion - Predictions - Predictive Programming - "God's Will" - Revelations - God of Nature - Cultural Christianity - WCC, Rockefeller. * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 21, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Dec. 19, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt Dec. 19, 2007: "HAARPing on about New Noctilucent Clouds Illuminating Your Night - Brought to You by NASA's Nocturnal E-Missions Public Relations Staff" © Alan Watt Dec. 19, 2007 (Article: "Spacecraft chases highest clouds" by Jonathan Amos, BBC News, bbc.co.uk - Dec. 11, 2007.) Military-Industrial Satellites - Luminescent Night Clouds (Noctilucent) - Teller - Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars - AIM Probe - HAARP, Cloud Formation, Superheating Atmosphere. Nanotechnology - Inoculations, Infections, Disease, Reduced Immunity - "Overpopulation" - Eugenics Agenda - Genetically Modified Food, Chemical Farming. Subliminal Messages - Limbo Consciousness, Repertoires, Programmed Reality. Petroleum Industry - Bush Family, Natzi War Machine - Internationalism - 50 Years War in Latin America - Chile, NAFTA. Media Trickery - "Wag the Dog" movie, War in Yugoslavia (1 Year Later) - Pentagon Funding, Hollywood - Surrealism, Psy-Ops - 911, Psychic Driving. Chemtrails, Aerial Spraying - Open Skies Treaty - Teller, Cloud Seeding - UN Weather Warfare Treaty. Carl Jung "The Undiscovered Self" book - Freud, Dogma, Occult. "2001" movie, Monolith (Black Obelisk) - Sequences, Music, Mathematics. * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 19, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Dec. 17, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt Dec. 17, 2007: "Exodus from Physical Slavery to Virtual Slavery - The Surrender of Consciousness" © Alan Watt Dec. 17, 2007 (Article: "'Exodus' to virtual worlds predicted" BBC News, bbc.co.uk - Dec. 11, 2007.) Overhead Spraying, Military Purposes - "Global Warming", Freezing Cold in North - Military-Industrial Complex. Earth Worship - Corporate Exploitation of Planet - Greening Movement, New Priesthood - Generation Segregation. "Matrix" movie - Virtual Reality World - Doppelgangers - Hollywood Ideals - Cartoons, Androgynous Characters. Internet Addiction - Role Playing Games, Virtual Environments - "Escapes", "Refugees" - Body as a Battery (Robot) - Realm of Fantasy, Dreams. Holy Books, Message, Perception - Coding of Bible - King James Bible, Scion, Occidental Star - Ancient Egypt, Zodiac - Comparative Religious Studies. Chemtrail Formation, Clouds, Weather - Cycles of Warming and Cooling - Horizon Haze, Aerial Polymer. New Elite Cities in Middle East. * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 17, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Dec. 14, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt Dec. 14, 2007: "Entertainment-Mental Masturbation Bringing You Indoctrination" and "Guard Yourself from Gardasil" © Alan Watt Dec. 14, 2007 (Article: "Hundreds get sick from Gardasil cancer vaccine" by Kate Sikora and Kelvin Bissett, The Daily Telegraph - Dec. 3, 2007.) US Military: Owning Space, Sky, Atmosphere by 2020 - Aerial Spraying, Chemtrails, Barium - HAARP, Weather Warfare - Media (Extension of Global Government). TV Propaganda, Law and Hospital series - Pharmaceutical Public Relations, Drugs, HPV Vaccination, Adverse Reactions - Autism, MMR - Bioengineering, Eugenics. Postal Codes, Grids, Satellite Identification - Homeland Security - Totalitarianism, No Complaints Department - Rural Cleansing, Habitat Areas - Total Information Network - "New Freedom". Numerology, Parallel Calendar, 911, Occultic Dates, Ides of September - Computer Terminology. World in 20 Years: Hell - UK Department of Defence projections, Rioting Mobs - Food Rationing, Population Reduction - Military-Industrial Complex. American Politics, Lone Hero, Hollywood Indoctrination - Middlemen, Elections - Political Assassinations - Parallel Government - Trilateral Commission. Entertained to Death - Laboratory Rat Experiments - Sex and Violence. John Dewey, Standardized Education System. * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 14, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Dec. 12, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt Dec. 12, 2007: "Who's Been Talking in My Head? - Voice-to-Skull on a Street Near You" © Alan Watt Dec. 12, 2007 (Article: "Hear Voices? It May Be an Ad" by Andrew Hampp, AdAge.com - Dec. 10, 2007.) Direction We are being Herded Towards - Legalism, Common Law, Silence is Consent - Police State, Controlled Predictable Society - Orwellian Phase. Voice-to-Skull, Audio Spotlight, Sound Beamed into Cranium - "Customized Audio Messaging" - Corporations, Security Services. Cecil Rhodes' Will, Lord Rothschild - Jesuit System, Front Organizations - Crown, Aristocracy - Parallel Government - Lord Alfred Milner, Round Table. Carroll Quigley, CFR - Foundations, Scientific Institutions, Technological Society, Cold War. Peace Corps, Missionaries - Standardizing Culture, Intelligence Gathering. Mystery Religion - Albert Pike, Freemasonry - Masonic Training, Coronati Lodge, Standardized Education - School Boards, Eastern Star - School "Grades" - "Pupil", Eye of Ra - "Degrees" - Hod and Tassel. Salem Witch Trials, "Crucible" movie - Terror of "Curses" - Australian Aborigines - New Age, Women, Birth, Nature - Control through Magic - Haiti, Voodoo - Cultural Indoctrination. Paul, Channelling in Churches - Pilgrims, Hexes - Casting Spells, Magic Potions. Rise of Standing Stones, Stonehenge - Esoteric "In the Know" - Con-Jobs - TV Evangelists, Gold, Money - The Altar - Worshipping Kings - Constantine, Christianity. YOU are Responsible for the Future - Unique Individuality - Taking Charge of Our Existence. * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 12, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Dec. 10, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt Dec. 10, 2007: "Every Breath You Take, I'll Be Taxing You - Population Reduction by Financial Penalties" © Alan Watt Dec. 10, 2007 (Article: "Baby tax needed to save planet, claims expert" by Jen Kelly, news.com.au - Dec. 10, 2007.) Voice Prints, Telephones, Monitoring, Automatic Responses. Carbon Tax, Carbon Credits, CO2 Emissions - UN Model State: China, One-Child Policy - Birth Control, Abortions, Sterilization, Eugenics. World Citizenship Awards, Rockefeller Foundation - United Nations, Population Control - Agri-Food Businesses - World Government, One System. Bible, Masonry, Management of Masses - Worship of Human God (King) - Con of Voting - Two-legged Heroes, Deification. Esoteric, Black Book of Law, Rule Book - Old Testament, Slavery. "Democracy" - Trilateral Commission, CFR - "Crisis in Democracy" book by Prof. Samuel P. Huntington - "Benevolent" Dictatorship, Martial Law - Saying NO. Wizard of Oz behind Curtain - Social Infantile System, Perpetual Children - World Run by Experts. Cartoons, Genetic Modification. Hooks and Crooks, Sheep, the Rod - Coercion followed by Force - Law. Round Table, Zodiac, Knights - Sun, King Arthur - Emasculation, "Wounded in the Side", Holy Grail - Lunar Calendar, Saturn, Hebrew Day, Saturday - Christians, Sunday. INTER-NET - Ten, Binary - DC (10). * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 10, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Dec. 7, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt Dec. 7, 2007: "They Grow Your Culture, So Pick "Your" Cult" © Alan Watt Dec. 7, 2007 Mad Pace of Cultural Change - Confusion, Fear - Adaptation, New Normals - Culture Creation - Soviet Union, Soviet Man, Collective. Charles Darwin, "Survival of the Fittest", the Masses - Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World Re-Visited" book, Predictive Programming, Scientific Dictatorship. New ID Cards, Data Collection, Human Genome Project. Koran, Islam, Religion - Workable Society Understanding of Money System - Mohammed - Inheritances, Usury, Banking. Vaccine Information, Poisoning. Sept. 11, 2001 Speeches - Psychic Driving - Economy - Project for a New American Century, 2001, 2010. Red Cross, Blood Donation, Tainted Blood Scandal, Prisoners. Life after Death- Know Thy Self - Hunger for Truth - Blind Followers, "The Dead" - New Age Movement, Gurus - Kingdom of Heaven. Ancient India, Soma - Drugs for Masses - Orwell's "1984" - Mind Alteration - Alcohol, Sports, Social Barriers - Artificial System. * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 7, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Dec. 5, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt Dec. 5, 2007: "Bend Over Please - Data Collection on the Passive Masses" © Alan Watt Dec. 5, 2007 (Article: "Report: Travelers love being scanned" by Mark Baard - Dec. 5, 2007.) Democracy, Masses, Unorganized Rabble - Elite and Majority - Totalitarianism - Technocrats - Socialism. Matrix World Simulations, Video Games - Cell-Phone Identification - Homeland Security, Data Gathering - "Secure" Internet - Webs and Nets. Privacy, Indignation, Intrusiveness - Non-Compliance. Persephone, Hades, Nature Worship - Temple of Diana - Rome, Juno. Britain, Northern Ireland - Canada, Montreal - Ethnic and Language Conflicts - Africa, Black Populations - John Stuart Mill, Darwinian Laws, Races Allowed to Survive. System of Commerce - Money, Wealth, Monarchy - "Stagnant" Civilizations (Independent). "America B.C." book by Barry Fell - Ancient Egyptian Contact with Americas. Psychopathic System, Culture - Followers, Going Down with the System. Programming, Symbology - Spelling, Casting a Spell - John Dee, Rosicrucian Codes - 13, McDonald's, B - Letters, Numbers - Upgrading of Language. * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 5, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Dec. 3, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt Dec. 3, 2007: "Darpa Gives Name of the Game - Ultrasound Stimulates (Controls) Your Sensory Cerebral Centres" © Alan Watt Dec. 3, 2007 (Article: "Surfing the Web with nothing but brainwaves" by Chris Taylor, Business 2.0 Magazine senior editor. (CNNMoney.com).) H.G. Wells' "Open Conspiracy" - Media, Blending Fact with Fiction. Democracy, Conflicting Parties - "Stagnant" Culture, Human Nature. New Type of Worker - Hormonal Alteration, Plastics, Birth Control Pill, Synthetic Hormones. NASA, Long-term Space Travel - Hermaphrodite, Self-Reproduction - "The Gender Problem". Rudyard Kipling's "The Man Who Would Be King" and "White Man's Burden". Arthur C. Clarke, "3001" book, Thought-Reading Ring - Mapping the Brain. DARPA, Pentagon, Internet, Video Games - High Technology, Sciences, Antidotes. Independence vs. Interdependence - "Anti-Social" Behaviour - Social Approval and Disapproval, China. Corporations hand-in-glove with Government - Computer Manufacturing, MIT. Soviet Experimental System - Bureaucrat, Scientist Monitoring - British Secret Service, MI6 Employees. * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 3, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Nov. 30, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt Nov. 30, 2007: "Mapping Your Brain by Video Game - The New Brain-Drain" © Alan Watt Nov. 30, 2007 (Article: "The games helmet that reads minds" by Alex Pell and Christopher Goodwin, The Sunday Times - Nov. 25, 2007) Fear of Independent Thinkers - Mind-Reading Helmet, Computer Interfacing, "Project Epoc" - Brain Electrical Activity, EEG, Ultrasonic Frequencies. Engrams - Virtual Copy of YOU - DARPA, Homeland Security - Borg, Centralized Mind, Hive. Aldous Huxley, Painless Concentration Camp, Propaganda, Pharmacological Methods of Mind Control. Video Game Development, Military - Acquiescence to "Brave New World" - Saying NO - Caritas, Humanity. Psychopathy - "Star Wars" movies, Faceless Robots, Soldiers - Psychopathic Culture - UK Dept. of Defence - 100 Years War - Deprogramming, Conscience. Predictive Programming - Martial Law, Searches, Scans. 3 Stars of Sirius, 3 Wise Men - Venus, Horns of Moon - Belt of Orion - Floods of Nile - Sun, Southern Cross Constellation, "Born Again". Project for a New American Century - "Problem" Countries. * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Nov. 30, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Nov. 28, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt Nov. 28, 2007: "Psycholinguistics and the Art of Mass-Induced Misperception" © Alan Watt Nov. 28, 2007 (Article: "RFID: Making the World a Better Place" by Mark Baard - Nov. 29, 2007.) (Article: "AIM Global Joins Forces with World's Top RFID Solution Providers to Launch Aggressive RFID Consumer Awareness Campaign" - Nov. 13, 2007.) (Article: "Researchers say drugs could sap an enemy's will to fight" (PDF File, 2.3 MB) by Michael Dumiak, Defense Technology International - Nov. 2007.) Crown Corporations, Private Investment - CIA, Cold War, Technology - RFID Chips, Active ID Card, Public Perception. Psycholinguistics, Public Relations - Encounter Groups, Indoctrination - Science of Wording, Terminology - Advertising, Marketing, Advisors, Advocates. "Free Willy", "Save the Whales", Greenpeace - Media Education. Monitoring, Experimentation, Psychology - HAARP Frequency - Bill Cooper, Area 51 Military Operation - Aerial Spray Planes. Bob Marley (and his Father) - Marijuana Alteration by Military - LSD, Victor Rothschild, Porton Downs - Ulterior Purposes - Drugging, Chemical Weapons. "Aggressive" Culture - Martial Arts, Video Games, Wrestling Matches, Sports - Generation of Soldiers - Tranquilization, IDs, Slavery. * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Nov. 28, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Nov. 26, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt Nov. 26, 2007: "The Dread Thread - Uniform Tracking - The Beginning" © Alan Watt Nov. 26, 2007 (Article: "School to track pupils with radio chips sewn into their uniforms" dailymail.co.uk - Nov. 23, 2007.) "Brave New World" - Grey Men, Managers of World - Military, Psychological and Psychiatric Warfare. Tracking, Tracing, Microchip Clothing Tags - Active ID Card - Fascism: Government Leaders In Bed with Corporations. Late Night Newscasts - Somnambulistic State, Indoctrination - Fiction, Non-Fiction - Historical Romances, Hollywood. Peter Wright, "A to Z of Spycatching" - Official Secrets Act - Disclosure of Past - What is Above Our Heads. Gorbachev - Creation of New Religion based on Earth Worship - Recycling Business, Mafia, Public Funding. Weakness of Psychopath - Pure Ego - Challenge of Power. Book of Job - Houses of Zodiac, Tribes - End of an Age, "Great Leap Forward" - Early Christianity, Individualism - Rome - Hinduism, Theosophy. Columbus, Dove - Five Senses, Points - Columbine. Equator Changes - Stone Structures, Ancient Priests, Astronomy, Constellations - Noble Orders, Stellar Symbols. * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Nov. 26, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Nov. 23, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt Nov. 23, 2007: "Games People Play, Training to Slay" © Alan Watt Nov. 23, 2007 Video Games and Military - Killing Target on Command, Desensitization, Gung Ho for War - Drug-Induced Aggressive Soldier - LSD, Flashbacks, Computer Game Violence, Addiction. Man and Woman in Mystery Religion - Side Degrees - Hinduism - Mother Earth, Matter - Sun and Moon - Vine, Tree of Life, Grafting (Scion) - Alpha and Omega. Big Authors, Superstars, Agenda - Counter-Intelligence: Spinning Straight Facts and Intelligence Gathering. Repetition, Group Agreement - Art Bell, "Dreamland" - Fascination, Money-Making. "Illegal Aliens", Funded Immigration - Conflict Creation - Socrates' Death - Borders, Lines on Map, Nations. Given Leaders to Follow - Chat-Room Battles, Egos - Belief Systems, Imagination. Mass-Man - Ancient Greece, Goddess Worship, Killing Firstborn - Adaptation to Changes - Mass-Media, News, Father Figures. Ongoing Warfare, Internal Revolutions - Elite Society, Plato's Guardian Class - Socialism - Compassion for Others, Survival Instinct. George Orwell, Arthur Koestler, Bertrand Russell. * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Nov. 23, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Nov. 21, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt Nov. 21, 2007: "Shoot to Thrill, Teaching to Kill - So Johnny (or Jenny) Goes Marching Off Again" © Alan Watt Nov. 21, 2007 (Article: "Shoot to thrill" by Fran Molloy, Sydney Morning Herald, Nov. 22, 2007) Generation of Soldiers - Video Games Designed for Military, Desensitization to Killing - 100 Years War. Generation Y - "War on Terror" Recruits - Young Demographic, Marketing, Military Recruitment - "First-Person Shooter" Video Game. War Movies, Hollywood Financing, Pentagon - Sanitized, Sterilized Mainstream News - Faceless, Armor-Clad Warriors. Returning Troops, Suicide Rate, Frontal Lobe Shrinkage - Supersoldiers, Cyborgs - Anti-Malarial Drugs for Troops in Somalia. Pathocracy, Psychopathy, Offspring - George Bush Jr. - Life-Extension, Goal of Physical Immortality, Mummification, 500 Year Lifespan. Idea of Evil, Devil - Hell, Earth - Demonology of Ancient Times. Nassau, Nasi, NSA, NASA - New York, (World) Empire State - Rhode Island, Colossus of Rhodes, Statue of Liberty - Symbols, Babylon. Manhattan, Aton (Egyptian Sun-God), Memphis. Military-Style Culture - Patriot Movement - Voting, Elections - Military-Industrial-Complex Economy. Kennedy, Secret Societies, CFR, Carroll Quigley - World Without Politicians, Run by Experts. War Promotion in Music, Movies, Television. * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Nov. 21, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Nov. 19, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt Nov. 19, 2007: "Greening Revolution to Planned Evolution" © Alan Watt Nov. 19, 2007 (Beeping in background from battery backup during power outage.) (Article: "EU should expand beyond Europe" BBC News.) Herd of Cattle or Sheep into Next World System - Big Foundations, Unlimited Financing - Banking, Pharmaceutical Industry. Perception, Terminology - Empire Building - Cecil Rhodes, Lord Milner, British Aristocracy. Expansion of European Union - European Free Trade - Immigration, Migration. Books of Durant - Aryans, Hurrians, India, Caste System - Dravidians, Skin Colour - Sumer, Bahrain. Where to Go, Future Jobs - Green Industries, Environmentalism - "Good Sharks". World Wildlife Foundation - Arks - Cryogenics, Stored Genes, Re-Seeding Earth. Finding New Enemies in Global Society - Club of Rome. Order of the Garter - High Noble Knights "Tied to Their Job" - Red, White and Blue Colors. * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Nov. 19, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Nov. 16, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt Nov. 16, 2007: "Police Bully-Boys and Their Lethal Torturing Toys" and "Old-fashioned Blue Sky Solarium to the Yellow Effect of Spraying with Barium" © Alan Watt Nov. 16, 2007 Commercial System, Tokens - Television, Internet, Bizarre Flashing Ads, Surrealism - "Mind-Bombing". Polish Man Tasered to Death at Vancouver Airport - Public Relations - Perception Distortion - Bully-Boys. Thanksgiving - Catholic Church, Pagan Festivals, Holy Days - Barry Fell - Knights Templars, Nova Scotia. NASA, Earth Pictures, "Hole" in Ozone Layer. Mayflower, Maypole, Mayberry - Red and White, Canada, Egypt - Plymouth Settlement. Aerial Spraying, Chemtrails, Contrails - Barium, Arsenic Levels - Respiratory, Bronchial Problems, High Blood Pressure. Specially-Bred Mosquito Release, Belleville, Canada - Plum Island, US - Loading Doses of Bacteria, Viruses. Government Poisoning Public - Central Computer Databases, Health Records. War on Smoking - Tobacco, Tar, Nicotine, Cigarettes and Effects. Safety and Security - Hitler: Propaganda Aimed at Woman. Being Active - War to Eradicate All That Was - Destruction of Family - Crises, Weather Warfare, Kyoto. * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Nov. 16, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: Article: "Police shot diabetic in coma with Taser - because they thought he was suicide bomber" Article: "Video of Vancouver Taser incident shows police zapping man within seconds" Article: "Mom should not watch video of son's death at Vancouver airport, says witness" Video: "Polish Man Tasered to Death by RCMP at Vancouver Airport" Article: "CHEMTRAILS: Is U.S. Gov't. Secretly Testing Americans 'Again'?" KSLA News 12 investigation, Reporter Jeff Ferrell" YouTube Video: "Local news station confirms barium in chemtrails" Nov. 14, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt Nov. 14, 2007: "Fortress Britain, the Prison Isles" © Alan Watt Nov. 14, 2007 (Article: "Gordon Brown reveals 'Fortress Britain' plan" by Philip Johnston, telegraph.co.uk) Enemy Creation, Cold War, Totally Controlled Global System - New Horror Show - Soviet System, Terror Within - Propaganda. GATT Treaty, Build-up of China - GUFF - Bombs, Jets, Satellites, Space Shuttle. Food Supply, Agri-Food Businesses - Privatization of Water, Fuel, Oil. "Brazil" movie (Terry Gilliam), Department of Information Retrieval. "Dune" book, Spice Wars, Opium. Ayn Rand, Soviet Union, Lord Rothschild. George Harrison, Beatles - Lennon, McLuhan, Peace Movement - Martin, Stereo vs. Mono - Theodore Adorno, Frankfurt School, Culture Creation Industry. "Living Inside of Your Head" - Robo-Speak - Slumberland, Suspended Animation, Denial - Making Choices. Psychopathic Personality, Interbreeding, Nobility, Money. UN Global Citizen: Good Producer-Consumer. Jehovah's Witnesses, Charles Taze Russell, "New Israel". * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Nov. 14, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Nov. 12, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt Nov. 12, 2007: "Predictive Programming for Predictable People" © Alan Watt Nov. 12, 2007 Villains, Commoners - Aristocracy - Genealogy, Genes, Genesis, "Good Breeding" - Your "Betters", Scientific Class. Bertrand Russell, Aldous Huxley, "Chinless Wonders" - Darwin, Wedgwood Families, Interbreeding. Teller (H-Bomb Man), HAARP, Barium, Aerial Spraying - Military-Industrial-Complex - Aluminum, Alzheimers. Socialism, Mass-Man, Individuals, Safety Nets - Psychopathy, Hunger for Power - Uncle Sam, John Bull. No Privacy in "Brave New World" - Predictability - Survival Instincts, Self-Preservation. Vikings (6 Kings), Middle East - Sumer, Ur - Egyptian Pharaohs, Blonde-haired Armies - Sacrifice of Red Heifer (previously Red-haired Man). Inoculations, British Medical Records 1800's - Dr. Salk (Polio Vaccine Hero) the Eugenicist - Meningitis, Encephalitis - Live Simian Viruses, Cancers. Hypnosis, Suggestibility - Tavistock Institute - Psychological Tests, "War of the Worlds" - Followers (Bulk of Public) - Advertising, Science of the Mind. Bill Cooper, Area 51, Man-Made Flying Objects - Real Sciences for Total Control - Tesla, Scalar Technology. * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Nov. 12, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Nov. 9, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt Nov. 9, 2007: "Boasts of the Rich and Famous and the World to Which They'll Take Us" © Alan Watt Nov. 9, 2007 (Books: Tragedy and Hope" by Prof. Carroll Quigley. "Between Two Ages" by Zbigniew Brzezinski.) Coincidence Theory and Conspiracy Theory - Assassinations, New Tyrants - Woody Allen movie "Bananas". Royal Institute for International Affairs - Council on Foreign Relations - Round Table Groups - Morgan Bank - Institutions, Bank of Canada. John Dee (007) - English as International Business Language - Free Trade. Left-Wing, Right-Wing - Conflict, Opposition - Chatham House, OSS, MI6, Secret Services, Crown - Diplomatic Corps, England. Chemtrails, Spraying, Drugging - Military, Domestic Aircraft. Depersonalization, Electronics (Trick of the Elect). Freemasonry above 33rd Degree, Rituals - Theosophy, Madame Blavatsky, Blending Science and Spirit - Tricks, Hallucinations. U.S.-Canada Economy - Selling of American Debt, Japan, China - Deindustrialization - NAFTA, FTAA. * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Nov. 9, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Nov. 7, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt Nov. 7, 2007: "Rule by Terror - Shock and Awe" Or "Reprogramming for Brave New World" © Alan Watt Nov. 7, 2007 Battle Drums, U.S., War in Iran - World Standardization - Banking, Usury. Avian Flu Hype - Spanish Flu, World War I - OCC - H5N1 Virus - Plagues. Psychopathic Types, Psychopathy, Heredity - Genetics - Adolf Hitler - Plato's "Republic", Breeding Traits In or Out. Worldwide Aerial Spraying, Chemtrails - Drugging Public - Barium, Aluminum Oxide. Police State, Laws before and after 9/11. HAARP - Maine and Alaska, USA - Scalar Weaponry - Behaviour Alteration - Short-wave Frequencies. U.S. Economic Collapse, New Currency (Amero). Thomas Malthus, Charles Galton Darwin - "Useless Eaters", "Inferior Types" - Herding into Sheep-Pen. Donald Rumsfeld, Bio-Warfare, Saddam Hussein. Religion, Christianity, Rome - Old, New Testament - Spirit and Soul, Connectiveness. * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Nov. 7, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Nov. 5, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt Nov. 5, 2007: "Psychopathy of the Dominant Minority and Political Ponerology" A study into the character traits of the ultimate predatory species. © Alan Watt Nov. 5, 2007 (Book: "Political Ponerology" by Andrzej M. Lobaczewski - ISBN: 1-897244-18-5, Red Pill Books.) Plato's "Republic" - City-States, Beehives, Coinages of Money - Mining Gold, Silver - Phoenicians, Trade Routes, England. Psychopaths, Inbreeding, Intermarriage - Kings and Wars - Gathering Statistical Data - Conflict Creation, Resolution. National Socialism (Natziism), Winston Churchill, United Europe. Rothschild Family - Transference of Disease - Thomas Malthus. Thomas Paine, Professional Revolutionary - Knights Templars - American, French Revolutions - Vietnam, El Salvador. Psychology, Conscience, Ego - Technocrats, Advisors - New Age, "Oneness" - FBI Signature Portraits, Interrogation - Eugenics. Pyramid, Capstone - Prey, Predators - Farmed Animals, Culling Herds. "Born Again" Christians - Doctrine, Protestant Sects, Rules and Laws. Family Dynasties, Monied Power Elite. UNESCO, Huxley, Common Education - Iraq, Worldwide "Democratic" System - Conversive Speech, Double-Speak. * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Nov. 5, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Nov. 2, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: "Ode To A (Super)Mouse, by Robert Burns: But Mousie, thou art no thy-lane, In proving foresight may be vain: The best laid schemes o' Mice an' Men, Gang aft agley, An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain, For promis'd joy!" Genetically Modified Mouse - Athletes, Olympics, "Survival of the Fittest", Drug Enhancement, Hormones. "Gattaca" movie - Two-tiered Class System - Predictive Programming, Science Fiction - Idea Familiarization. Agenda 21, Habitat Areas - No Private Property - New Politburo - Money, Credit Issuance. Guarding Your Mind - Downloading, Brainwashing, Media - Zbigniew Brzezinski - Computers, Internet, Common Culture. British Diplomatic Corps - Napoleon - Revolution Fomentation - "Burn" movie - Slave Colonies - Fortress America. Francis Bacon's "New Atlantis" - "Solomon's Land" - Alchemy, Science, Nature. United Nations, Destruction of Individual - Masses, Mass-Man, Mass-Think - China - Social Disapproval - Price to Pay for Truth and Knowledge. (Article: "Hiroshima Pilot Dies" Guardian Unlimited, Nov. 1, 2007.) (Book: "Millennium: Winners and Losers in the Coming World Order" by Jacques Attali.) * Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Nov. 2, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Oct. 31, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt Oct. 31, 2007: "Flu Shot - Don't Be a Prick, Avoid the Needle" © Alan Watt Oct. 31, 2007 Hype Time for Flu Shot - "Handouts" to Newspapers, Advertisements, Pharmaceutical Industry - Animals on the Farm. Vaccinations, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Immune System, Cancer - Theories (Good Guesses) - Mercury Preservative, Heavy Metals, Brain Neuron Destruction. Mercury, Mercenaries, Merchants, the "Message". Arthur Koestler, George Orwell, MI6 - US CIA. Demonic Possession, Scientific Description of Psychopath - Inhuman Traits - "So Mote It Be" - Francis Bacon's "New Atlantis", Rosicrucians. Higher Sciences, Archives - Ancient Mysteries, Godhood - Pharaohs, "Climbing the Pyramid", Orion - Human Genes, Longevity. Conformity, Groups, Leaders - Conflict and Resolution - Synthesis. Albert Pike - Lower Masons, Profane, Useful Idiots - Psychopathy - Orders, "Rite Stuff". Cuba, Fidel Castro, Communism, Oxford University - Pierre Trudeau, Comintern, Canada. (Article: "Not all is good" (next to "Take your best shot") Victoria News Print Edition, Oct. 19, 2007 ("corrected" later editions on internet to 1 in 1,000,000).) * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 31, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Oct. 29, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt Oct. 29, 2007: "H.R. 1955 Homegrown Terrorism - Has U.S. Gone to Pot?" © Alan Watt Oct. 29, 2007 Stopping the Aerial Spraying - Chemtrails, Fatigue, Muscle Cramps. H.R. 1955 "Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Act" - Patriot and Truth Radio Broadcasters - CIA, NSA, Pentagon - Politically Correct News. Warren Buffet, Lifelong Careers, Chasing Leaders, Party Politics - Carroll Quigley, CFR - Al Gore - Masonic Lodges, Noble Orders. Aldous Huxley, Scientific Indoctrination, Socialism - Individual Isolation - Egosyntonic, Egocentric Behaviour. Stephen King - Esoteric in Movies, Books - Science of Subconscious Mind - Horror Movies, Sadomasochism. Alan's Books: Occult Side, Coding of English Language, Freemasonry. Shakespeare, King James Bible - Gaelic, Germanic, Saxon Languages - Queen Elizabeth I., John Dee. Karl Marx, 3 Main Trading Blocs - United Americas, Europe, Pacific Rim. United Nations, League of Nations, Royal Institute for International Affairs - Global Agenda - Predictive Programming. Heinz, Canned Denatured Food - War Tactics: Food and Water - ADM, Monsanto - Feudal Hegemony - H.R. 2421 "Clean Water Restoration Act". (Book: "UNESCO, Its Purpose and Its Philosophy" by Julian Huxley.) * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 29, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Oct. 26, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt Oct. 26, 2007: "California Dreamin' on Such a Smoky Day - Fires and Spraying, the People Praying" © Alan Watt Oct. 26, 2007 (Article: "Governor Schwarzenegger Backs Aerial Biochemical Spraying That Harms Children" by Rami Nagel, newstarget.com - Oct. 25, 2007) Chemtrails, Worldwide Aerial Spraying - Media, Propaganda - Jacques Ellul, "Big Cheeses" - California Spraying, Biochemical Dumping, Pheromones - Herbal Industry. Blackwater, Private Mercenary Army - Wars, War on General Public, War on Drugs, Training into New System. Drug Running, Secret Services, England, MI6, CIA - Marseilles, France - "The French Connection 1 and 2" movies. Aldous Huxley - Altered States of Consciousness - Hippy Era, LSD. Freemasonry, Albert Pike, Communist Manifesto - London, The Establishment, Old Aristocracy. Bertrand Russell, Mathematics, Binary Code - Tavistock Institute, Foundations, Institutions - Perception becomes Reality. Speeches of Beria - Comintern, NKVD - Skull and Bones, "War Room", The Profane, Freemasons. California Fires, Disaster Areas - Courts of Law, Preponderance of Evidence - Forced Movement from Coastal, Rural Areas. Praetorian Guard, Rome, Foundation of U.S. - Fascist States - U.N. Agenda 21, Re-Wilding. Doctors, Indoctrination - Inoculations, Destruction of Immune System, "Bubble Boy", Allergies. Polio Vaccine, Simian Viruses, Causing Cancer, Dr. Salk, Eugenics - Flesh-Eating Disease - Antidotes. "Evolution of Democracy" - Fasci Symbol, "Closing Ranks". * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 26, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Oct. 24, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt Oct. 24, 2007: "Tricky Banker-Templars - The Cheque is in the Mail" © Alan Watt Oct. 24, 2007 World Federation - Knights Templars, International Banking, Chessboard, Cheques, Pirates - "Masters Over the Masters of the World" - Pike, Mazzini, Lenin. War on Smoking, War on Obesity - Smoking Permits, Obesity Checks, Britain - Fast Food, Malnourishment, MSG. Masonic Knights, Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, Knights Hospitallers - Class System. "Aliens" - Government Experiments, Hypnosis, Narcosis - High Technology, Scalar Weaponry - "Flying Saucers", "Attack from Outer Space" - "Martian Warships". Science Fiction, Futurist Society, Predictive Programming - CIA Technology. Humanity and Inhumanity - Nature of Evil - Forms of Hell on Earth - Society of Upper Inbred Psychopaths - Eugenics, "Bioethics Committees" - Science, Seance. * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 24, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Oct. 22, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt Oct. 22, 2007: "Fascist's Facts and Fantasies for Common Wee Folk" © Alan Watt Oct. 22, 2007 Groups, Sects, Divisive Divisions - Destruction of All That Was to make room for The New. Chemtrails, Condensation Trails - Worldwide Fascist System - Cold War, CIA, MI6, Culture Industry, Creation of Left-Wing Groups. CIIA - CIC - CIGI: Centre for International Governance Innovation (cigionline.org) - Canadian Institute for International Affairs - Foreign Policy - United Nations, Overseas Development - CSIS, Mossad. Cecil Rhodes, Rhodes Scholars - Lord Milner, Round Table - "Governance", Sustainable Development. Armored Rescue Vehicles, "BearCat" - Fraternity of Police - Armored Forces - Chemical, Biological, Radioactive, Explosive Events. Plato - Socialism, Communism, Fascism, Democracy, Dictatorship - First "King of the World". U.N. Association of Police Chiefs - Jacob's Ladder - U.K. Department of Defence, NATO - Militarization of Police. Group-Think, "Anti-Social" behaviour - Ritalin - "Radicals", Bolsheviks, Russia, Revolution. Toronto TTC: Over 12,000 New Surveillance Cameras - Monitoring, Data Collection - "Brave New World" Fishbowl. (Articles: "Jim Balsillie leads in the creation of the new Canadian International Council" at CIGI: Centre for International Governance Innovation (cigionline.org), Sept. 6, 2007. "VPD to get armoured vehicle: The $270,000 BearCat is needed for rescue operations, police say" by Chantal Eustace, Vancouver Sun, Oct. 18, 2007.) (Books: "Roads to Freedom" and "Education and the Good Life" by Bertrand Russell.) * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 22, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Oct. 19, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt Oct. 19, 2007: "The World According to GATT - For Fat Cats" © Alan Watt Oct. 19, 2007 Sir James Goldsmith - Movers and Shakers - European Union - Totalitarian Parliament in Brussels - GATT Treaty, Star Chamber. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. Council on Foreign Relations. Interdependence - Amalgamation of Americas - Waco, Texas - 2010. Sheep and Goats - Climbing the Mountain. Emergency Preparedness Drills - Use of Police, Military, Institutions, NGOs. Apocalypse, Holy Rollers, End Times (ET). Alan reads letter from Arizona State University Student. Advertising: Creating Dissatisfaction, Selling Promises - Television, Destruction of Bonding. Portland, Oregon - UN Model State - Free Flu Shots, Lottos, Marketing Techniques. Mafia Bosses and Canadian Casinos - Overworld, Underworld - Egypt - Incredible Wealth surrounded by Massive Poverty. Hitler: Time-Life "Man of the Year" (twice). Amelia Earhart, Charles Lindbergh, Kennedy - Intriguing Histories, Mythology - Atlantis - Re-hashed Speculation. Nostradamus, Lord Montgomery, Predictions - Knights Templar. Edgar Cayce - Guarantees of Future, "Insurance Policies". Inoculations, Vaccines, Cancer - Real Cures for Diseases, No Access for Public - Special Medical Treatment for Politicians in Military Hospitals. CBC Archives: Bacteriophages in Soviet Union, cures for Pneumonia, etc.. Health "Authorities". Alan is Brought to You By You, needs Your Donations to Continue. * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 19, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Oct. 17, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt Oct. 17, 2007: "Fascism Weds Socialism Begets Fascocialism - For A "Brave New World"" © Alan Watt Oct. 17, 2007 (Books: "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler" by Anthony C. Sutton. "The Trap" by Sir James Goldsmith.) (Refer to Oct. 19, 2007 Blurb for Sir James Goldsmith Speech.) Fascism, Isms - Charles Darwin, "Survival of the Fittest" - CEOs, Corporate Powers - Totalitarian System, World Run by Experts. European Union - Governing Elite, Unelected Technocrats, Technocracy - World Three-Part Trading Bloc - John Dee (007), Most-Favoured-Nation Trading Status. Emergency Preparedness Exercises, Civilian Management - War for Controlling Public - "Dirty Bomb" Simulation. Roosevelt's "New Deal", Hitler's "New Order" - Corporate Socialism, Control of Industry, Elimination of Competition. Dr. Magers - General Electric, AEG, Bolshevik Revolution, 120 Broadway - Paul Warburg, Bank of Manhattan - Standard Oil, Rockefellers. Natzi Elite and White House - Himmler - National Socialism. World War 1, 2 - War Financing, I.G. Farben. Lord Milner's Round Table, Cecil Rhodes Society, League of Nations, United Nations. Destruction of Marriage, Family Unit - Conditioning Children, Scientific Indoctrination at Kindergarten - "Contamination of Ideas". Enemies Within - Terrorism - "Reds Under the Bed" - Symbol of Fasci - Rome. (Books: "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler" by Anthony C. Sutton. "The Trap" by Sir James Goldsmith.) * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 17, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Oct. 15, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt Oct. 15, 2007: "Terror, Terror Everywhere, Not Much Time to Think" © Alan Watt Oct. 15, 2007 "Brave New World" scenario - Technology, Gizmos, Inventions, Ulterior Purposes - Substitutes for War - Creation of Soviet Union - UNESCO, Model "Citizens". Individual Isolation with Technology - Stopping Communication - Televisions in Bars, Pubs. Maitreya (Master) from Hinduism - False Flags, Diversions - Gorbachev: New Religion based on Earth Worship. United Nations Department of Population Control - Inoculations - Sperm Count Drop since 1950's - Fertility Clinics, Sterility, Xenoestrogens in Food. "Security" - Police, Stun-Guns - Integration of U.S. and Canada Border Security - FBI Database - U.S. Citizen Lockdown - Mad Cow in Britain. April 19th - Calendars, 10 day week of Sumer - March, Marching - Orion, Sirius - Occult Language. Profitable Wars - Tom Ridge - Guise of Terrorism - British Surveillance Cameras, Boom Microphones, London. George Orwell's Exposure of Agenda, "1984" book (originally "The Last Man") - Aldous Huxley's comments. Total Information Network - Data Collection, Records, Predictability - Totalitarianism. League of Nations: Common People Blamed for Wars. New York: Communist Publications - Socialism (ism=doctrine) - School-to-work. CITIZEN: Born into a system with pre-existing duties to system. Debt, Slavery - Old Testament: Anyone born to a borrower is a slave. European Union, American Union, Loss of National Sovereignty - "Redistribution of Wealth" explained. * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 15, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Oct. 12, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt Oct. 12, 2007: "Meet Your New Spouse: Rutting with Robots, Clankers for Wankers" © Alan Watt Oct. 12, 2007 Internet Magical Mystery Tour - Possibility Thinking - Predictive Programming - Tavistock Institute, London - Technocracy. Use of Imagination, Stories with Ideas - Robots, Isaac Asimov - Youth brought up by State - Divide and Conquer - Severing Ties. Big Brother, Big Father, Protection - Ten Planks of Communist Manifesto. Censorship Committees - "Pushing the Envelope" - Bestiality. Chandler, Arizona (chandleraz.gov) - U.N. Model Cities, Habitat Areas - Regulations, Rules, Containment, Free Flu Shots - Pentagon Report. Roadside Checks, MADD, Military on Highways - Aerial Tranquilizer Spraying - Crisis Scenarios - Michigan Decontamination Scenario - Preparations for Outbreak. War Between Those Who Know and Those Who Are Doing It (Agenda). Revelations (Revealing) - Symbols, Archetypal Images - Carl Jung - Conscious, Unconscious, Subconscious - Behaviour Alteration. What is "Truth"? - Pontius (bridge) Pilate (navigator) - Occult, Kabbalah - Innate Morality, Self-Evident Truth, Original Thought. The "Big Idea", Will, Ordering - Thought Transference, Telepathy - Force of Thought - Ancient Greeks, High Occult. Three Unworthy Craftsmen - Hermes Trismagistus - Thought, Action, Intent. Lion King - Rudyard Kipling's "The Man Who Would Be King" - Babylon, Lion's Gate, London, Young Lions (Royalty) - "The Great Work". * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 12, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Oct. 10, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt Oct. 10, 2007: "War in the Heavens and On Earth The Distress of Nations" © Alan Watt Oct. 10, 2007 Moment of Unabashed Shameless Self-Promotion - Buy the "Cutting Through" books and Materials - Thanks to Those Who Help Out. Integration of Americas - The Queen, signing Britain into EU - Canada, US, Borders - Old Matrix - Nationalism, Monarchy, Changeover to Global System. Evil - Atheistic Society - Journey Within, "Know Thy Self" - Self-Preservation - Psychopathic Types - Psychology, Psychiatry, Experimentation. Slogans - Beria, NKVD, Soviet Union, Lenin - "Reinforcers", "Automatic Responses". Caligula, Emperors, Rise and Fall of Roman Empire - Terrorism - Military Attacking Public. Orion the Hunter, Meteor Showers, Red October, Bolshevik Revolution - Knights Templars, Banking Industry. Judas, Scorpio, Scorpion "Kiss of Death - Sun Rising again after 3 Days - Ancient Religion. Buddha, Reincarnation, Class Society, Sects of Buddhism and New Tenants - Christianity, Slaughters of Christians under Rome. Gospels (North, South, East, West - Square, Ashlar) - 12 Disciples, Tribes, Signs of Zodiac (and Sun) - Jesus, "Je Suis", "I Am", Godhood. Essenes, Pythagoreans, Gnostics - Catholic (Universal) Church, Virgin Mary, Mary Magdalene. Sol-Om-On - "Three Times Great" - Hermes Trismagistus - David. Narrow Path vs. Broad Way - Pyramid Above, Below - Apex - Esoteric, Exoteric - Hierarchy of Angels - Seraphim, SRFM (Scottish Rite of FreeMasonry). Those Who are Awake - Deflecting Direction of the way things are going - Asking Questions. U.S. Passport, Active Chip - Containment of Americans - Pandemics - Gunboats on Great Lakes. * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 10, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Oct. 8, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt Oct. 8, 2007: "Council on Foreign Relations - The Unelected Policy Makers" © Alan Watt Oct. 8, 2007 European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) - ECFR.eu - Parallel Government - European Union, American Union. Carroll Quigley - Margaret Thatcher "New World Order" speech - Cecil Rhodes, Jesuit Techniques, Freemasonic Society, Psychopolitics, Royal Charters. American Indian Freemasonic Chiefs - Apron (from Lodge) - Hawaii. GM - G: Generate, Phallic symbol - Gnosis, Graft, Scion (Graft onto Tree of Life) - M: Pyramids, 3, McDonald's Logo (13), B - "I Be" , "I Am". Foundations, Think Tanks, Institutions, Finances - Common Foreign Policy - American Integration - Petitions, Laws, Con-Games. New Global Plantation - Intelligentsia, Peasants - Green Plans - Global Agenda, Meetings - United Nations - Unelected Bodies. "Policy Makers" , "Deliberative Democracy" - EU, Russia, China, Middle East. Lord Milner, Round Table Group, Royal Institute for International Affairs - Pacific Rim Region. CIA Set-up American Patriot Short-wave Stations - Use of Religion to Control - White Supremacist Groups, Sting Operations - Bo Gritz, Oklahoma City Bombing, Martial Law, Bill Clinton, Omnibus Crime Bill. Physical Alteration of Public, Propaganda, Indoctrination - Microchipping: Platinum, Gold, Silver. Free Will of Man, Choices that End an Age - Ants, Bees: Workers, Drones, Queen, Royal Jelly, Mystery Religion. Modified Food - Monsanto - Secret Government Agreements. Sentience - Becoming Human Again. * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 8, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Oct. 5, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt Oct. 5, 2007: "Canadians Under "New World Order", According to Judge Rideout - From Sumer to the New World" © Alan Watt Oct. 5, 2007 (Article: "Man convicted in absentia for terror hoax" by Mark Hume, Globe and Mail, Oct. 4, 2007) Media Gives Topics to Discuss - Truth is First Casualty of War - Wartime Powers - Terrorism, Law Enforcement, Safety, Predictability, Loss of Freedom. Public Safety Act, Department of Public Safety - British Democracy, Crown - Anti-Terrorism - Denmark, Royal Danish Consulate. New World Order, George Bush Sr. speeches on Sept. 11, 2000 and 2001. Great Pyramid, Capstone, Eye of Lucifer, Number 8 - Eagle, Manasseh, Olive Branches and Arrows - U.S. Great Seal - Rothschild Coat of Arms. Overloading with Sports, Trivia - Outlets for Tribal Instincts. Rome: U.N. of its day, Tax Base for Elite Luxury, Bureaucracy, Plebeians, Dole. 12 Main Symbols of Zodiac (parts of plan), Greek Mythology, 13th (Sun) - Houses, Tribes - Brand New Sun, King of World - Hindu Ages - 144,000. Arthur C. Clarke - 2010, Amalgamation of Americas - 2012, U.N. World Parliament. 12 Banking Families - Land Development, Pioneers - Real Estate. Courtroom (Masonic Temple) - Evidence, Photos, Video - "Enemy of the State" movie. Trinities - IC, ICC (I See 3) - PO, PU, Lowest forms of Life. Tobacco, Smoking, Nicotine, Tar, Aerial Spraying - Anti-Smoking Laws, Fines - U.N. War on Smoking, Obesity. Global Mind, Brain-Chipping - Aldous Huxley - Universal Consciousness - BORG (Original Bee). * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 5, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Oct. 3, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt Oct. 3, 2007: "Technique of Enemy Creation for Motivating the Masses" © Alan Watt Oct. 3, 2007 Experts: Priestly, Ministerial, Scientific, etc. - Roadside Signs - Training to Obey - Mass-Man Rule. Norman Feudal Overlords - "Warlord" movie - War, Middle East Crusades - Corporate Fascism, CEOs. Groups, Unions, Workers - Communism, Mikhail Gorbachev, Margaret Thatcher - Compliant Media. Royal Institute for International Affairs, Council on Foreign Relations - MI5, CIA, OSS, Secret Service. September 11 - Bin Laden - Long-Term Agenda, 100 Years War, Efficient Society - War on People of Planet. Societal Experimentation - Bertrand Russell - Marketing, Advertising - Arthur Koestler - Lobotomy of Brain (Individuality). Al Gore, Maurice Strong, George Soros, Club of Rome - Parallel Government, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). Mystery Religion - Death of Osiris - Virility of Phallic Symbol - Esoteric - Tree of Life, Sion, Scion, Grafting. Symbolism of Oak and Ash, Ashlar (Squared, Perfected, Building Block), Round Stone (Natural). Bill Gates (Gatekeeper) - Window of Opportunity. Saxe-Coberg-Gotha (Prussian) Royalty - Germany, Prussia, England. Stone Masons, Cathedral Builders, Comacines - Red Thread, Red Band. "Wicker Man" movie - Matriarchy - Propaganda Aimed toward Female - Garden of Eden Allegory, Psychology of Adam and Eve - Hermaphroditic Type. (BOOKS: "Tragedy and Hope" , "Anglo-American Establishment" by Carroll Quigley. "The First Global Revolution" by The Club of Rome (1991).) * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 3, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Oct. 1, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt Oct. 1, 2007: "Chemical Spraying, Memory Fading, Bio-War on Humanity" © Alan Watt Oct. 1, 2007 Global Government, Integration - Globalization - Immigration, Multiculturalism - Mobs, Groups, Mass-Mind. "Suspects" - Individuals, Loners - Predictability - Monitoring - NSA Access to All Communications Devices - Selling Out Privacy for Convenience. Population Reduction, Sterility, Fertility Clinics. Don Scott, Sudbury - Chemtrails, Aerial Spraying - National Security - Air Forces - Foreign Pilots under Open Sky Treaty - Demand It Must Be Stopped - Bronchial Problems, Adult Asthma - Aluminum Oxide, Alzheimer's. Politicians, Born Liars, Psychopathic Types - "Getting Up the Ladder" - Masonic System - Sham of Democracy - Speaking Out. HAARP Signal 24 Hours a Day - Weather Modification - "Global Warming" - Decreased Daylight. Psycholinguistics - Language, Logic - Coming to Predestined Conclusions - Marketing, Advertising - Secret Services, MI6 - Programming, Slogans, Routines, Sub-routines - Sumer 5000 B.C., Weights, Measures, Chants, Dogma. * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 1, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Sept. 28, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt Sept. 28, 2007: "Psychological Warfare, Victim Experimentation and Continental Emergency Maneuvers" © Alan Watt Sept. 28, 2007 Multi-Jurisdictional Task Forces, Homeland Security, NORAD - Avian Flu - Civilian Groups, Criminal Justice System, Prison Industry - Psychological Tests. October Training Exercise - Population Containment - NATO Charter - Infections, Contaminations - "Terror" Everywhere - Coming Plagues - October in High Occult. New Age, MI5, MI6, Aleister Crowley, OTO - Psychedelic Drugs, LSD, Deaths, Schizophrenia, Brain Damage - Drug Promotion from Top, Pharmaceutical Companies - Victor Rothschild. Birth of Psychiatry - Eugenics Movement, "Inferior Types", Genetics, Sterilization of "Unfit" - Natzi Party, "Supermen" - Psychiatric Drugs, Mind Control, Experimentation - MKUltra - Psychic Driving. Media Distraction, Dialectic, Trivia - Expected, Wanted Outcomes - NGO Groups, Ready-Made Answers - Soviet: Rule by Councils. New Ulster in Middle East - Ireland - Removal of Populations - Overseers. Eleanor White - Government Agency Experiments - Surveillance, Data Collection, Observation - Psychological Evaluations at School - Psy-Ops, Secret Services, Unlimited Budgets. William of Orange, House of Orange, Hague, World Court. Lyme Disease Creation (Canada) - Bacterial, Viral Warfare - West Nile Virus - Laboratories, Declassified Info - Infected Deer. Original Chaucer Writings - English, German Language. Hollywood Movies - "Matrix" - Plugging In to Computers via Brain Chip - Targeting Youth, Selling Ideas, Acquiescence to Change. (BOOKS: "Orientations" by Sir Ronald Storrs. "Deadly Allies" by John Bryden.) * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 28, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Sept. 26, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt Sept. 26, 2007: "Military Madness and Mass Conditioning" © Alan Watt Sept. 26, 2007 "Anti-Terrorism" Co-ordinated Exercise October 15-20 (International) - 911 - Project For A New American Century - Terror Hype - Totalitarianism. Exercise Vigilant Shield - U.S. Northcom - Department of Homeland Security - Potential Threats - NORAD - DOD. Elimination of Individual Rights - Encouragement of Herd Mentality - Loss of Privacy - Speak-Crime, Thought-Crime. Integration of Americas - Fall of U.S. Dollar, Rising Prices - Amalgamation. 12 Step Groups - Oxford Movement - British Crown - Standardization Under One System - Masonic Confession - Blackmail. Illumination - Sirius Heralding Coming of Nile, climbing toward Sun - Individual Ability to Overcome Everything. Ancient Slavery Systems - Numbering of Slaves, Name was a Number. Spoken Word - Computer Language Logic, Conclusion - Downloading, Media, Symbols, Logos - High Masonic World - Programming. Satan - Science - New Gods - Name of Efficiency - "Remaking That Which Was Left Imperfect" - Cloning, Chimeras. Arthur C. Clarke "2001" , "2010" , "3001" - Eradication of "Lesser Types" - HAL, Occultic Journey, Overcoming Computer (Sun) - IBM. (BOOK: "They Thought They Were Free - The Germans, 1933-1945" Milton Mayer - 1955 Univ. of Chicago Press) * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 26, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Sept. 24, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt Sept. 24, 2007: "Kaisers, Kazars, Caesars and the Norman Way - Sir, Sirius and All That Jazz" © Alan Watt Sept. 24, 2007 Aerial Chemical Trail Grid in Sky - Polymer Haze - 10 Years in Ontario - Testing Since 1950's - Electromagnetic Scalar Weaponry - Ham Radio Bands. Chemical Analysis of Spray - Aluminum Oxide - Aerosolized Drugs - Irritability, Aggression after Withdrawal. Prometheus - Illumination of World - Illuminati of Ancient Times. Sirius - Rising Against Light of Sun - Egyptian Celebrations - Sir, Knight - Mystery Adept. Cathars - Crusades - Perfecti - Laws for Profane. Shopping for Religion - Mythology - Guarding Entrance of Mind. Giza (Kufu) Pyramid - Wrong "Sums" - Capstone. Greek History - Herodotus - Scythians - Royal Kazars - Rosetta Stone - Caesar. Royalty - Ottoman Empire - "Black Nobility" - Bankers, Financiers - Templars - Knight of Venice - Norman Nobility. Coding of English Language - High Priests - International Business Language - John Dee. Good Reasons Given to Public, Real Reasons Never Told. Anglo-Saxons - Sweden - Vikings. Dying Birds - Modified Crop Seed, Aerial Spraying. Asking the Questions that Need To Be Asked. * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 24, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Sept. 21, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt Sept. 21, 2007: "Chemtrails Keeping You Quiet - War on the Minds of Men" © Alan Watt Sept. 21, 2007 Increased Chemtrail Spraying - Looking Up - Polymer Sunbursts - Nausea, Chronic Fatigue Symptoms - Aerosolized Prozac and Valium over Cities. Global Society - Amalgamation into 3 Trading Blocs under U.N. - One Standardized System. Drugging of Populations - LSD Experimentation - Victor Rothschild, Porton Downs Laboratory. Cold War - Advanced Weaponry, Satellites - Scalar Weapons - HAARP. Lancet Medical Journal - History of Inoculations - Smallpox Vaccine - Dr. Salk association with Eugenics, Population Reductions - Simian 40, Cancer Viruses - Meningitis, Encephalitis. Open Skies Treaty - Foreign Pilots, Domestic Aircraft - Aerial Spraying - Dr. Strangelove Policy. Focus Groups - Marketing a New Religion - Earth Worship - Sterilization to "Save Mother Earth". World Council of Churches (WCC, Wicca, Wise) - David Rockefeller - Think Tanks, Facilitators. Touchstone - Ancient Egyptian Obelisk (Symbol of Virility) - ROCK-ET (End Times, Extra-Terrestrial). Dan Rather - MI6-CIA Operatives - "In-Bedded" Reporters. Anti-Terror Laws, Terrorism, Totalitarianism - Use of Terror to Paralyze Minds of Public during Massive Changes, Creates Obedience. Giving Up Freedoms for "Safety" - Propaganda aimed at Women (Children and Men follow) - Male, Female Psychology. Teaching the Blind to See - Language Coding, Numerology - "Cutting Through" Books. (BOOKS: "The Fifth Man" by Roland Perry. "Spycatcher" by Peter Wright. "Towards A New Civilization" by Mikhail Gorbachev.) * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 21, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Sept. 19, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt Sept. 19, 2007: "Technique of Mass-Suggestion, Truth Deflection" © Alan Watt Sept. 19, 2007 Jacques Ellul, Aldous Huxley, Zbigniew Brzezinski - Political Technocracy - Study of Human Behaviour - Formulas. Technical Economic Analysis - Theory-Doctrine-Procedure - Vocabulary, Terminology, Catch-Phrases - "Cost-Cutting", "Downsizing", "Upgrade". TECHNIQUE - Motivating Vast Groups of People - Collective Passion - Critical Faculty - Propaganda's Manipulation of Subconscious - Collective Social Conscience. "Continuing Education" - Archbishop of Canterbury, Bertrand Russell - Expert-Run Society. Coding of European Languages - My (Alan) Available Materials on CuttingThroughTheMatrix.com (Books, CDs, DVDs) - Donations Keep Me (Alan) Going. Psychoanalytic Therapy - Therapist is New Priest. Modern Sociology. Propagandic Terms - "We're All In It Together" - Emblems, Symbols - Terrorism. Acceptance of New Norms - Joe Average - Subliminal Existence, Twilight Zone Mentality. Authorized Authors to Write History - "Stars" are Made. Truth - Bursting the Bubble - Exposure of Magicians at Top, Technocracy. Fake News, Diversions, Data Overload - Sham Universe - World of Hallucinations - Hypnotic State. Waking Up in the Matrix - "The Dead" Getting Up to Walk. Looking at Future, Long-Range Goals of Agenda. Thomas Jefferson - Family Lineages in Government. (BOOK: "The Technological Society" by Jacques Ellul). * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 19, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Sept. 17, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt Sept. 17, 2007: "Masters of Mass-Mind Manipulation" © Alan Watt Sept. 17, 2007 Cheaply-made Products: Purpose-built Flaws, Cannot Fix It Yourself, Designed for Interdependence on System - Anti-Pollution Laws - Honda Auto Testing. Heavy Aerial Spraying (Chemtrails) - Boomerang Trails - "Signs in the Heavens". Breaking Through into Consciousness - Evaluating Everything - The Walking "Dead". The Mysteries - Waking Up into Reality - "Rite Stuff", Rituals - Egypt - Cult Formation - "Sorcerer's Apprentice". Socrates, Aristotle, Plato - Egypt, Middle East, India (3 Main Centers, Trinity). Natural Aristocracy - Reincarnation into Same Family Trees - New Age, Old Age - Mystery Religion - Crotona School. Re-in Carnation (flower) - Genetic Memory within Genes - RE-Ligion (that which binds) - Spirits. Senegal, Africa: No Shoes, but everyone wants a Cell-Phone. Music Industry, Production - Science of Sound, Manipulation of Human Mind - Chorus, Verses, Neologisms - Discordant Music, Beatniks, Pop, "Metrosexual". Mission of United States - Elite in London, U.S. (Globalist). Pole Shifts - Volcanic Magnetite, North Pole Shift - Man-Made Disasters - Safer Places. * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 17, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Sept. 14, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt Sept. 14, 2007: "Navigating the Nightmare from Somnambulism to Sentience - Truth and Consequences" © Alan Watt Sept. 14, 2007 Coming Out of the Dream, Waking Up into the Nightmare called "Reality". Global System - World War I - League of Nations - Woodrow Wilson, Mandell House, Earl Grey. WWII - U.S. Build-up of Pre-War Japan - Embargoes - CFR, RIIA Global Meeting: Saving Soviet Union at all costs. Oklahoma City Bombing, Timothy McVeigh (Claimed he had a Chip Implant) - Military Implant Operations. U.N. Building Codes - Inspections, Fines - Forced Movement off Rural Areas into Habitat Areas. 9-11 (A Must-Be): - Official Story - British Intelligence Services warning to U.S. - New American Century - Hudson Institute - NAFTA - Anti-Terrorism Bills. Glitches in The Matrix - Sensory Perceptions, Functioning Mind. Bioengineered Vaccines - Dr. Salk - Population Reduction. Sufism (Sufi=Wool) - Sufis from India to Persia - Mohammedism, Zoroastrianism - Selective Breeding - Allegory of Sun for Life Itself - Unnameable Deity beyond Human Reasoning. Sheepskin Cloths of Sumerian Priests - Herding Sheep, Sheeple. Bio-Chip use in Special Forces - Implantable Microchips - Active ID Card - Passports - Given No Option. Satanism: "We are Legion," "We are Many but we are One" - Satan (Composite personified into a Being) - Kingdom of Heaven (and Hell) - Government Agents creating Mysticism, Confusion - Church of Satan (Anton Lavey, worked for U.S. Intelligence) - Psy-Ops. Common-Culture Creation through Hollywood - The ALTAR: Placement above audience - State Takeover of Parental Roles, Destruction of Family - Psychological Warfare. Iris Scans, DNA Coding, Voice Prints. * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 14, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Sept. 12, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt Sept. 12, 2007: "Rise of Scientific Technocracy Serving Dominant Minority" © Alan Watt Sept. 12, 2007 Education for an Obedient Population - Writings of John Dewey Scientific Indoctrination - Ritalin. Company Towns owned by Industrial Bosses - Communism and Capitalism, Dialectic, Amalgamation of World through Conflict. Oligarchy - Dogma - Homeland Security, Anti-Terrorism - Totalitarianism - Psychological Evaluations. "Primitive","Arrested","Stagnant" Civilizations (which are Self-Sustaining) - Amazon Tribes - Definition of "Progress". Deviant amongst us--PSYCHOPATH--no real Human emotion - Money is a Psychopath's Dream. Madeline Albright, Communist Father (started Green Party). MI6-CIA Culture Creation - Scientific Dictatorship - Mind Control - EGO-Syntonic Society (seeks pleasure, avoids pain). UNI-Versity (ONE Voice) Education - Emotional Impacts, Scientific Statements. Politically Correct Music - Gender-Neutral Songs. Genetic Tampering - Hormonal, Inoculations, Biochemical. (BOOK: "Impact of Science on Society" by Bertrand Russell). * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 12, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Sept. 10, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt Sept. 10, 2007: "Dominant Minority and Passive Majority versus Sentient Minority" © Alan Watt Sept. 10, 2007 Political Routines, Promises and "Something for Nothing" - Free Flu Shots - Differing Scripts for Each Age Group. John Edwards speech - MANDATORY Health Care - "Preventative" and "Mental Health" Care - Psychological Evaluations - Cradle to Grave. (Permanent) Income Tax - "Temporary" War Tax of Britain - Loopholes for Elite - Lawyers-Liars. The "New Freedom" - Good Reasons and Real Reasons - Schmucks. National DNA Databases - Criminal, Medical Blood Samples - Information Collection, Law Enforcement - Predictability for "Safety". Airport Biometric Scanning - Cashless Society, System of Punishment and Reward - "Total Quality Management". Problem of Elite AND Vast Majority of Population (Land of the Dead) - Democracy to Force Minority to Conform. Governance, Government - Good Slaves. Groups and Organizations - Conformity, Sameness, Gregariousness - Intolerance of Individualism. Animating Fore of Spirit. Creatures of Instinct (Earth Bound). Compassion is a Survival Mechanism. Global Government, Scientific Dictatorship under "Benevolence". Mindset of Passive Compliance, content to be Happy Slaves - Mind Control for the Masses. (Article: "Judge Wants Everyone in U.K. on DNA Database" by James Orr, Sept. 5, 2007 Guardian Unlimited) * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 10, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Sept. 7, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt Sept. 7, 2007: "Mandatory "Total Makeover" Coming to a Clinic Near You" © Alan Watt Sept. 7, 2007 Adaptation to System as it is Guided along - Big Agenda - Taught to Accept World as it is Presented to Us. Creation of New Type of Servile Human - Replacement of "Defective" Genes - Predictive Programming - Genetic "Enhancement" - "Star Trek" series. 3 Levels of Science - Bottom-level RE-Search, Dolly the Sheep - Made-to-order Children - Reshaping Humanity, Efficient Workers - Rebuilding Man through Science. Cancer-causing Viruses in Polio Vaccine - Dropping Sperm Count - Free Tetanus Vaccines for Women in India, causing Sterilization. Thousands of Fronts for Totalitarian System - Illusions of Freedom. GATT Treaty - Corporate Bailouts. REAL Name, Sovereign Entity - GIVEN Name, Corporate Identity. Cecil Rhodes, Oxford University - World Government - John Dee - Britain "passing torch" to U.S. Good Reasons, Real Reasons - Expanding Legal Definitions of "Terrorism". Statistics, Data Collection - Archives of History on Culture Creation, Formulas of Introduction. "Special" Music for each Generation - Adolescent Conformity, Mimicry - Neologisms - Individual Submersion into Mass. School System - Standardization - Webster's speeches. "Soylent Green" movie - Euthanasia, Time to go and "make room". Kingdom of Heaven (or Hell) Within You. (BOOK: "The Next Million Years" by Charles Galton Darwin). (ARTICLE: "CITO (Global Police Force)" from ParallelNormal.com (by Mark Baard, Sept. 7, 2007)). * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 7, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Sept. 5, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt Sept. 5, 2007: "Pirates of Profit and Consenting Passive Peasantry" © Alan Watt Sept. 5, 2007 Judgement of Sanity - Comparisons of "Normal" - Projection of Reality - Conditioning. Economic Units: Producer-Consumers, U.N. Good Citizens - "Useless Eaters" are not. Magic Word: "Inflation", a bag of wind - Devaluation of Currency and New Currencies - Amero for Americas - New Shillings and Value Added Tax in Britain. Full-Time Lobbyists - Instant Access to Politicians - Political Ping-Pong - Left and Right Wings--One Body hidden behind a Shield - Holy Word of "Democracy". Masonic International Brotherhood - Government Contracts, Jobs. Independent Living in Early U.S. and Canada. Communitarianism - Bureaucracy of United Nations (Unelected) - Eugenics Program - League of Nations. Scientist Involvement in Political and Social Movements - Experts to Rule Over Public - Census-Taking - Totalitarianism. Psychopathy: Study of Psychopath - Sadomasochistic Personality. Re-Thinking what we are here for - Living in an unnatural system, no peace - Sheep (herd) are kept moving, past is a blur. (BOOK: "Acres of Skin"). * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 5, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Sept. 3, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt Sept. 3, 2007: "Tricky Techniques for Mass-Mind and Trying Times" © Alan Watt Sept. 3, 2007 Fast Changes - Human Adaptation - Psychological and Behavioural Control. Medieval Era - "Everything in its place" - Hierarchy from King down to Peasants - Communal Living. Individualism - Questioning Everything - Studies of Primitive Tribes, intolerance of individuality. Media Panic Creation - Mass-Manipulation - Pro-Pagan-Da. Corporate Warfare - I.G. Farben, financing of Natzi Germany - War is Business - Fascism and Communism - Vietnam War - Uniting of Warring Tribal Factions. British East India Co. - Elihu Yale - Future Leaders. John Dewey - Removal of "Divisive" History from history books. New Age Religion for New Age - Wiccanism - Rituals - Unverifiable Beliefs - Paganism (Mass-Religion) - Universal Church - Osiris. Idealized and Base Man - Dialectic within Man Himself. Buddha (original) - Breaking bondage of belief in Re-Incarnation. Early Christianity - Hope of Individual Salvation. Social Religions, Sameness, Conformity - Invocation of Deity upon Enemy. Plunder, Loot and Booty of Middle East - Knights Templars. Bush and Bin Laden families - Meeting in New York. Utopia: Standardized World Hell - No one will exist without serving the state. (BOOK: "Towards A New Civilization" by Mikhail Gorbachev.) * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 3, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD August 31, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt August 31, 2007: "Cracking Conditioned Cultural Values for an Alternate, Humane, Non-Slave New World" © Alan Watt August 31, 2007 Walking Billboards - Corporate Logos, Slogans - Somnambulistic States - Running on a Program - Conditioned Responses. Scientific Formulas - Psycholinguistics - Subconscious Decisions - Engrams - Unconscious "Sea of Thoughts" - Imprinting. Bloodless Revolutions, Propagation by Media - Sexual Revolution. Psychopathy - Identification of Psychopaths - Logic of Victims. Hierarchy of Angels, Levels. Uprisings: Enemy will be given to "Rabble" - Society follows what they see as the "Winner". Gandhi (an Oxford Graduate), Made a Hero - Unification of India. Training to accept System - Life in Fake Society - Being REAL for First Time - Discussing What Life is All About. Getting Started, Talking, Creating Our OWN Destiny. Breakdown of Society - Churned-out Therapists - Ongoing Experiments. Crossing Barriers - Profound Questions - Thinking as Individuals - Guarding Ourselves and Our Minds - Microcosm directing Macrocosm. (Songs: "Code of Silence" by Bruce Springsteen, "Everybody Knows" by Leonard Cohen, "Baker Street" by Gerry Rafferty) * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - August 31, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD August 29, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt August 29, 2007: "Multi-Levelled Matrix of Mass-Mind Control" © Alan Watt August 29, 2007 Pentagon Hype: Inevitable War with Iran - PNAC. Brass Bands, Bagpipes and War Recruitment. Big Building Projects Worldwide - NAFTA Superhighway - Borders to fall when all have new ID Card. SUPRA-Governments - Your vote means nothing to them - No complaints department. Hollywood gave America its Culture, Re-Wrote its History - Propaganda - Radio, TV - Altering Perception. Jacques Attali book: "Millennium". Technotronic, Psychotronic Warfare - HAARP - Scalar Weaponry - Aerial Spraying of Metallic Particles, make atmosphere superconductor - U.N. Treaty on Weather Warfare. Beginnings of Kings - KING-CAIN-CANE (measurement)-RULER-TSAR - Predatory Coats of Arms. Egypt, Sumer - Aryans (Hurrians, Troglodytes) - Tribe of Manasseh. Saxons and Normans in Britain - Rebellions - Scotland - Ireland, I.R.A. uprisings. Updated Holy Books - Christian Cabala - 666, Name of Beast - Holy, Holy, Holy - Isis and Osiris. Madame Bouvier and Ben Franklin - Breeding for Genetic traits - Dolly: Carrier of Gene. * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - August 29, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD August 27, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt August 27, 2007: "Royalty, Life-Rafts, Religions and Repertoires versus Another, Better Way" © Alan Watt August 27, 2007 Quebec Fiasco - American Amalgamation - Signing toward "Peace, Prosperity, Security". Agenda for 3 part world, 3 trading blocs. Government-financed Psychology - Television Indoctrination, Programming. Re-Written Bibles - King James' Rosicrucian court - Freemasonry in Old Testament: Slavery and Cunning, Rules of System. New Testament - God of Forgiveness, Personal God - Greek Gnosticism, Stoics - Mystery Religion - Personal Salvation. Allegories - "Profane" visualize real people - Moral teachings, predating Judaism - Borrowings from India. Jacob=Heel-Catcher, Usurper - Esau - Power of Intellect, Cunning over Nature. 12 Tribes=Zodiac - Heavenly Plan, Agenda, Human Nature - Sphinx: Leo and Virgo. War between Spirit and Matter - Middle Earth, between Hell and Spirit - Hella: Nordic for Dirt, Earth. Ancient Egyptian Satrapies - Pharaohs gave Sons to be taught by Knights - Noble System - Norman Invasion, Europe. Behaviourism - Repertoires of Behaviour - Projection onto Others - Asking Questions and Helping Each Other. John (Eon, an Age) - Astronomical Rotations - 12 Constellations - Revelations (Revealing) - Essenes, Pythagoras. Rothschild, training in Hamburg for Banking, 5 sons of - Authorized by Aristocracy. * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - August 27, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD August 24, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt August 24, 2007: "Puppet Masters and the Race Blame Game" © Alan Watt August 24, 2007 So many questions - Most people panic, look for safety - Conditioned Responses - Living in a Script. High Masonic Builders: building New Culture, Tower of Babel, Re-Building Man. Departments of Culture (Government) - CIA-led for United States. Personality Screening in Schools - Drugging Youth who show leadership qualities. Society Planning=Population Reduction. Perception of Extortion to Taxation - Mafia Tactics - Confiscation (Stealing). Catholic (Universal) Church policy - Shunning - Symbolism of Previous Age. Winchester Cathedral - Crown Coronation of Kings, Queens. System existed before Egypt-Sumer-Hurrians-India - "Chosen People" - Catholic Usury laws: taking blame away from royalty. Front-Groups are given to take the heat or hate - Some-one "over there" is demonized, made the enemy. Rothschild: Authorized by Bank of England to take over. One Giant Club at the Top: View themselves as Separate, "Evolved" species - Interbreeding for "Superior Genes". High Occult - Foundations - New Sun born in Sky - "As Above, So Below" - Sacrifices - Saturn (Kronos) - Jupiter - "Killing of the King" to bring in New Age. Jewish Sect of Scottish Rite of FREEMASONRY: B'nai Brith - Knights Templar - Elite have ONE Religion at the top. * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - August 24, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD August 22, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt August 22, 2007: "Sumer to 21st Century Schmuckdom" © Alan Watt August 22, 2007 The Matrix - Everything comes from the Earth. Scion - Cutting of branch, spliced onto Tree of Life - Lords - SION (Moon, Phallic symbol of Sun). Mocking of the Victim - Science of Symbolism, Effect on the Mind - "In the beginning was the word" explained - Reality Creation. "K" for Kosher - GMO Food: Exception for Politicians, Elite - Tenant farmers for Elite - Food Scams - Iraq Starvation between Gulf Wars. SIN Number - Government Registration, now Owned. Sumer: Government everywhere, massive taxation - The CON GOES ON. Talk Show Hosts - Human "Deities" - Worship of success, money, power, mammon. We ALL KNOW what's going on - Widening gulf between rich and poor - Elimination of middle class - Population reduction to "efficient" levels. Amero currency - Free Trade Negotiations, NAFTA, GATT - Media does thinking, reasoning for public. RE-Search at bottom level - Dolly the Sheep, Nanotechnology, Stealth Bomber, etc.. Herodotus - Ancient Egyptian Underground Tunnels - Cheyenne Mt. - Himalayas. Bartering Laws: now called "underground economy". Prisons in shopping malls - Arresting "complainers". Socrates: killed for advocating that all beliefs should be tested empirically. NOW is time to get involved, while we have the chance. (BOOK: "The Impact of Science on Society" by Lord Bertrand Russell). * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - August 22, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD August 20, 2007 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Title Copyright Alan Watt August 20, 2007: "Sentience in the Balance - Treasure or Trash? - Your Choice." © Alan Watt August 20, 2007 System of commerce based on creating unhappiness - Maximizing profit, cheapening product. New religion of State-Earth worship - Happy sterilization volunteers to save Gaia. Culture Creation - Mimicry of what is seen on stage - Military music for war. Britain-Europe Merger - Karl Marx: 3 Trading Blocs, Most Favoured Nation status. San Francisco U.N. Charter. Australia, New Zealand - Royal Institute for International Affairs - Royal Charter on behalf of London Elite. Genetic Research, Engineering - Complete Predictability of Every Individual - Active ID Card - "Defective" genes. "Changing of the Age" - Pisces out, Aquarius in - "Heavenly Plan" explained. "What group is doing this?"-All competing top groups have been amalgamated. Computer to Cell-Phone to Brain-Chip - Public seeking "relief" - Tranquilizers and sedative drugs. John Stuart Mill (father and son) - Eradication of certain races, peoples, creeds - Hitler - Eugenics - Nobility Genealogies - Inbred Psychopaths. Pyramid from Capstone down to Wasteland (General Public) - MATRIX=Mother, World of MATTER. 800 B.C.: Coined Money - Phoenicians - Existence to Serve Economic System. Free Trade Negotiations - NAFTA - Preamble Terminology - Integration of US-Canada-Mexico, then Chile. New Feudal Overlords: International Corporations - British East India Co. - Royal Shareholders. Adam Weishaupt, Illuminati. Philanthropic Foundations under guise of Charity. Knowing what is happening - Transcending Worry - Sense of Peace from Knowing. (BOOK: "The Next Million Years" by Charles Galton Darwin) * Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - August 20, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Sept - Oct '12 | July - Aug '12 | May - Jun '12 | Mar - Apr '12 | Jan - Feb '12 Nov - Dec '11 | Sept - Oct '11 | July - Aug '11 | May - Jun '11 | Mar - Apr '11 Jan - Feb '11 | Nov - Dec '10 | Sept - Oct '10 | July - Aug '10 | May - Jun '10 Mar - Apr '10 | Jan - Feb '10 | Nov - Dec '09 | Sept - Oct '09 | July - Aug '09 May - Jun '09 | Mar - Apr '09 | Jan - Feb '09 | Nov - Dec '08 | Jun - Oct '08 Jan - May '08 | 2007 |