May 8th, 2010

Alan Watt as Guest on
"The Secret Truth"
with George Butler and Charlotte Littlefield Brown
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Intro: The Secret Truth.  Through forgiveness we awaken, transforming information and knowledge into wisdom.  And now our co-host Charlotte Littlefield and George Butler.


George Butler: Welcome to the Secret Truth.  I'm George Butler along with...


Charlotte Littlefield: Charlotte Littlefield.


George: We welcome Alan Watt to our program.  We certainly appreciate you being with us this evening.


Alan Watt: It's a pleasure to be back on, George.


George: Oh, I tell you, there's a lot going on, out here, isn't there?


Alan: Oh, yeah.  You can't rest for a second and there's a big change somewhere in the world, at breakneck speed, and we can't even keep up with it to be honest.  Apart from that, we've got to figure out ourselves what's really going on, because the media isn't of much help to us. 


Charlotte: No, it's just propaganda.


Alan: There's no in-depth explanation. 


George: You do a lot about predictive programming, and stuff.  Do you see this unfolding like they had planned?  How about the plan?  What about the plan?


Alan: Well, even this part of it, to do with this extended bank crash, and then the incredible bailout of the same banks by the taxpayer, which really was all planned in advance, because they knew two or three years before it, that it was going to happen.  That's been announced now, and admitted to by a lot of the big players.  And so, we're ripped off, and then they're going into the next step of the crash, but really, what it's to do, it's to bring up the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank, and the Bank for International Settlements.  These are all really one group that were set up, some of them before World War II, and some during World War II, but these were set up by a handful of bankers, really, banking families, to bring in a new system for the entire planet.  So what we're going through really is just the planned chaos so they can come forward and tell us, we've got to give all the power of national bookkeeping for your own government over to the IMF, because we can't manage it.  That's really what they're pushing in Europe right now, and the IMF has gone into every country there and doing the bookkeeping.  What they want is the right to do it for perpetuity.  They aren't going to just go in, clean up the mess, and walk out again.  They want to stay in your books, and do your books, and keep an eye on your books for you.  It's a World Bank, you see, that we're going under.  And this is all part of the strategy.  They've got to terrify us all into the usual state of hysteria, until we beg them to do something.  And what they do is exactly what they wanted to do in the first place.  This is the typical technique that's used.


George: Some people have thought that there would be like a big false flag operation in America or something.  Do you think it might take the form of just a financial crash, that could create enough chaos and hysteria and so forth?


Alan: I'll tell you, it really will take whatever is necessary.  Whatever is necessary.  These guys at the top have a constant stream of information.  They've got the pulse of the public.  They know what we're up to, what we're thinking, what we're worried about.  They know if we're blasé about something, and not worried enough about something, and they can step it up.  And they'll do whatever it takes to get their plan through.  We've got to remember that the group of international bankers, that run the world, was well documented by Professor Carroll Quigley in his book Tragedy and Hope, and he talked about the whole goal of this cabal of men, and he worked for them, remember.  He was a member of their group.  The CFR is the branch in America, and the Royal Institute of International Affairs is the British Branch, and he was the historian for them, but he said the whole plan was for bankers and intellectuals to come to the fore over generals and presidents and prime ministers and petty politicians, and run the world, the way they thought it should be run.  And this was all part of it, was to take over the money supply of the entire planet, step by step, and gradually.  And they've done that, really step by step.  We forget that at one time everybody was on a gold standard.  Every nation was on a gold standard. They did not have at one time fractional reserve banking, which they've had up until fairly recently.  With fractional reserve banking you only have to keep about 1/10th of the deposits in the bank at any time, and you'll lend out 90% of it.  Then for each one they lend out to, they can do the same thing again, 90%, 90%, 90%.  So each time the bank gives a loan out really, they're creating money out of nothing, and they're adding to the debt to the country.  So it's a complete fiat scam in the first place.  It's like the global warming.  If they can pull off the banking scam, which has been very successful obviously, because most folk think it's normal, then they can literally get us to pay and pay and pay for carbon credits and fees to save the planet, while they trade carbon credits with each other.  And it's the best scam ever, because Al Gore helped set it up, on behalf of his masters, you know.  The Rothschild came forward in France and the one in Britain, and they said that all the carbon taxes that's going to be brought in, will go through their bank, their private family bank in Switzerland.  What a great deal. So here you have a carbon credit economy going to take over from the old consumer society, where the peasants pay everything back in taxes and fees, for the privilege of living, and the bankers don't have to put any outlay out for anything.  They create nothing.  They don't have to store carbon or anything else, they just get these carbon credits that we all pay for the privilege of being alive.  I mean, we're living in Disneyland right now, and it's been taught to the people, that it's all quite natural.  That's the power of predictive programming. 


George: Boy, I tell you, what about the drug trade out there?  Is the big money controlling that from behind the scenes? 


Alan: It always has.  Always, if you go into the history of the banking families, what you'll find, they're very, very old.  I mean, banking, it doesn't surprise me that bankers would form a cabal in the 1800s, and decide to take over the world.  You see, we're taught through movies, and the silly history books we get, that it's always men who want to wear uniforms and be generals and conquer the world.  And that's what we get, Alexander the Great and so on.  It never dawns on most people that the bankers also want to take over the world.  And that you do have powerful rich families, just like Ancient Rome, that are intermarried, just like any other Royalty, and in fact, banking is a form of royalty.  They're intermarried to keep their wealth, and then they end up controlling the royalty in some cases.  They have histories of economics.  Now very few people wrote true histories on any particular technique or science in ancient times, but bankers certainly did.  They knew the trades, the trade routes they owned as well.  They knew how they could rise economies by bringing great wealth into it, via gold or silver, even before they made the coinage, they used to weigh it.  And they kept records of sales too, and commerce.  So they also knew that they could lose out at times if countries went to war, especially if they financed them, and perhaps one of the countries would lose, there was no international settlement.  They didn't have a bank of international settlement to make the loser pay off their debts to them.  So they rectified all that, down through time.  Basically, you're looking at a science in techniques of the histories of different countries and the rising and falling of different empires down through time through bankers' eyes.  They kept records of how everything happened.  So, we go into the 20th Century with a system of Central Banks.  Now, Central Banks are private banks, owned again by the same guys, the dozen families that own the World Bank.  There's only about twelve banking families that are international money lenders.  And they put their own people in these Central Banks of each nation.  So they've got that all sewn up already.  Now the Central Banks generally don't have to disclose their bookkeeping or their profits or where money is going to any government audit.  In fact, when the Rothschilds took over the Bank of England, that was the first condition that they made, that the government would never, ever, through the generations in perpetuity again, they would never audit the private bank of Rothschild.  And that's still the same today.  There's never been an audit done.  And it's the same with the U.S. too, the Federal Reserve and so on.  These are all Central Banks.


Charlotte: And when we come back, perhaps we could talk about Ron Paul's effort to audit the Federal Reserve.


(Commercial Break)


George: Welcome back to the Secret Truth.  I'm George Butler, along with...


Charlotte: Charlotte Littlefield.  And welcome back Alan Watt.  Alan, before we get too much further in the program, I'd like to let the listening audience know about your website,  And you have a very extensive website, Alan, and if people would go to your website, what are some of the things that you hope to show them?


Alan: I hope to show them really how we've been trained from birth, really, into accepting a system that we think is very official, and legally recognized, and all above board to do with not just the money system and the banking system, but also our very reason for being here.  Most people are taught to be employees for instance, at school.  They don't really promote independence and small business.  And most folk, you know, never even think about that, they go straight from school to work, chasing a carrot, you know, 'anybody can make it' sort of idea, and then pay their taxes.  Well, the big boys of course that run the banking system and commerce for the world, have been living off our taxes for well over a hundred years.  And yet, it's strange too that most people will vote the same parties in, left wing, right wing, whatever, time and time again, and yet we still end up with massive debt, and if you could find the taxes that you pay personally from your property taxes to your income taxes, to your purchase taxes that are hidden in everything that you buy, I mean, it's staggering the amount of cash that flows towards the government, but there's never enough.  There's never enough, and supposedly they have to go and borrow from bankers.  Well there's something awfully wrong with your governmental system, in every country by the way.  They're all the same now, they're all standardized.  There's something awfully wrong if they can't keep afloat with the money that comes into them.  And not only that, then the governments will tell us, well, we give billions away every year to Third World countries and various projects and so on, and we also borrow money from the World Bank to lend to Third World countries, and they put the citizens, you and I, down as the guarantors for the deals that always fall through.  Since when did your government become a bank in itself by lending money out to other countries, money that they've borrowed?  I mean, this is written nowhere, nowhere in any country's constitution; there's nothing to do with that.  Where are you going to find that your government can literally borrow money from foreign and private banks, and lend it out to other countries, and put you and your children's children down as the guarantors to pay off that debt for the money they borrowed to give away?  This is incredibly crazy, and yet we think it's all normal, simply because we've been trained that we've got to listen to experts.  And until a well recognized and very popular expert comes on mainstream television and tells the people what I've just told them, no one is going to believe it. 


Charlotte: Well, they're born into it, Alan, right from the birth certificate, the whole process.  People are born into it, they can't see it.


Alan: And their parents didn't know.


Charlotte: Yeah, and they're not taught.  And it's quite shocking when you finally see the system and the racket for what it is.  It's quite shocking.


Alan: And it is a racket, you're right on, that's the word for it.  It's an incredibly good racket.  And it's been going on for a long time.  And as I say, Professor Carroll Quigley, who was a member, high-ranking member, and the official historian for the American front group that runs on behalf of this banking cabal, he wrote about it in his own book Tragedy and Hope.  And he was all for the idea that bankers should, and intellectuals and academia in other words, experts and scientists should run the world.  If you notice, when Obama came in, there's a whole string of people that have been appointed behind him, and they're calling them science czars and other kinds of czars.  That's a very interesting term that the media itself has coined, because that's what they called them in the Soviet Union, the Commissars, you know. 


Charlotte: Oh yeah.


George:  Does some of this structure go back to Rome?  And some of that, you know, organization there?


Alan: Well, ancient Rome, you're talking about in Ancient Rome?


George: Yes. 


Alan: Ancient Rome had a form, you understand, there's never ever really been a true democracy, there never has been in the world.  Supposedly Greece started it, but when you look at the history of Greece, it was only people who were very wealthy in Greece that could get a vote.  Maybe 25% of the people, and it was very much based on what later became in the 20th Century, the Nazi system, that you had to prove in Greece that your family had been there for maybe 2, 3 ,or 4 generations.  So the genealogy came into it as well.  Most of the folk had no vote at all, and the rest were slaves.  The bulk of the population ended up being slaves.  And that's what you find, by the way in countries that they call democracies.  Most of the folk are slaves in one form or another. And then Rome took the same system over.  Rome was very uninventive really.  It copied everything from Greece, and they also went out to conquer.  And what's astonishing is that you find the banking families existed back then too.  International banking families.  It takes money to set up armies and get them off to war.  It takes money and the know-how in bookkeeping to supply them for their supply lines and so on.  And you find that the international bankers would send out their representatives along with the invading armies of Rome, and they would then be the paymasters, the tax collectors over the conquered countries, and that they would take a good chunk for themselves as well.  I mean, there's always been slavery in one form or another.  And that's exactly what Charles Galton Darwin said in his book, the Next Million Years, and he was all for this slavery system, another elitist, where he thought academics and scientists should rule the world.  That the experts should rule it, not just the want-to-be politicians that do it for personal gain.  So, all down through the ages they've bandied this term democracy.  Even Plato said democracy had been tried in Greece, as all the other types, and fascism and so on, and he says, Democracy always ends up with totalitarianism and eventually a sort of dictatorship, a form of Communistic dictatorship.  And we see it happening today, the same kind of system coming in.  Collectivism is what they're calling it.  World collectivism, under the United Nations.  A single banking system run by the World Bank.  The guys who run your central banks, the IMF basically, and eventually they'll take over not just the money supply, but also the entire food supply of the world, according to the UN's Mandate.  The department of agriculture have stated in their mandate, that one day they will dish out the food to each region of the world, in an attempt to force down population.  So they'll give food to say, the Americas.  There will be a joint Americas, a unified Americas, and you'll get the same quota every year.  And if your population goes up, then it's your problem.  You've got to find a way to bring it down, because you're getting no more food.  They've actually said this.  So the public are kept in la-la land, you know. 


George: Has there been a concerted effort by the people that really control things to make a collective world system, but with a fascist overlord type of flavor?  Is something like that going on?


Alan: That's right.  You see, I'm fascinated by studying what they call Socialist.  I've heard so many different versions of Socialism and even Communism.


George: Okay, let's go into a little more detail when we come back on those differences, and why they're moving that, and moving the world in that direction.  We'll be right back.  Thank you for being with us, Alan.


Alan: Sure.


(Commercial Break)


George: Welcome back to the Secret Truth.  I'm George Butler, along with...


Charlotte: Charlotte Littlefield.  And welcome back, Alan Watt.


Alan: It's a pleasure.


Charlotte: Of


George: Alan, we ended that last segment talking about Socialism and so forth and Communism.  Give us your view on how that's evolved and what's really behind that.  Who's behind all that?


Alan: Well, the bankers like Socialism.  Socialism is where the government really goes to the bankers all the time to borrow more money for their big spending and building projects.  That's really the key to Socialism.  So bankers really helped set up a Socialistic system across the world.  They like that system, and they get the government themselves to be the collection agencies through the IRS and different methods of getting money off the people.  That's really what Socialism is.  And the Communistic type as Stalin said himself, he said that the Soviet system or Communism was just Socialism in a hurry.  And he's quite right about that, because if you were to try and combine all the little countries that eventually formed the Communist old Soviet Bloc, it would have taken you maybe another hundred and fifty years, through little wars and skirmishes and treaties and agreements to bind them all together.  So the fastest way to unify them all was simply to conquer them all under the Soviet regime, and standardize one system, across the whole lot of them.  And really, when you look at how they've left their system, their school system is standardized.  Their bureaucratic system is standardized, it's almost a mirror of Great Britain's system.  So it was ready to join into this new union, you see.  Even though they call themselves independent today, and independent countries, they've still got the same system as Britain and elsewhere.  So the world has been standardized in Europe faster than most areas, through the totalitarian regime of Communism, so that's what it really is, is a fast way to standardize it.  It's the same thing if you look at Vietnam.  Vietnam used to be a country of a few hundred warring tribes, much like Afghanistan.  And they had tried the Communist party in there before, to unite the public, but the tribes kind of liked it that way.  Each warlord liked his little realm, and his cuts and so on, and living the good life.  He didn't really want it.  So they needed a foreign enemy, and it had to be somebody that was really foreign to them, so they brought in America.  And by the time America left there, the only party that ran the country was what was now the most popular party, and that was the Communist system.  So, it was a very fast way to unite all those people in time to join the United Nations and the Blocs and so on.  So, you've got to understand how it really works.  Bankers like Socialism, where government is top heavy.  Everything is run through bureaucracies and agencies of government.  Socialism can also have public/private partnerships, which they also love, because generally the private partnerships are the world bankers.  And the bankers run the whole show to be honest with you, because every Socialist country is always buried up to its neck in debt.  That's the key to it.


George: Yeah, we uncovered that one of the world economic forums that they were pushing that public/private partnership, big time.  I mean, it was unbelievable how they were indoctrinating all the people, the attendees there at that forum there in Davos, Switzerland, you know.


Alan: Yes.  And with the private partnerships you see, government really can say to the public, who can complain about certain agencies, well, it's nothing to do with us.  We can't do anything about it.  They're really a private organization.  And that's true.  They come under a different set of rules, than the government themselves.  The government must at least try to appear that they're open to the public and answerable to the public, whereas the private partnerships get them off the hook with that.  They just say, oh, we can't do anything about it, they're a private company.  You see.


George: Yeah, there's a company out of Spain, B.A.A. that owns all the British airports. 


Alan: Yes, that's what's happening.  Canada, actually, most of its troops, it was revealed in the papers recently, for the last 8 years or so, have been trained by the Blackwater corporation.  That's who's been training our troops.  These mercenaries have been training the Canadian troops.


George: What's interesting about B.A.A. is that they took over another company in Spain called Cintra, and Cintra has been instrumental in Texas in operating some of these toll roads. 


Alan: That's right.  That's another key to it too, is what's fascinating with public/private is that you see, the public pay for the building of these big projects, such as highways and so on.  We pay, and once we've paid it, the government turns around to its pre-planned sales guys, and say, we'll give it to so-and-so.  They put it up for tender, supposedly, but it's all planned in advance who's to get it.  And they get it for peanuts.  For pennies.


George: You know there's an interchange there, west of Dublin, when I was over there in 2006, and I went through there, and it was privately built like we're talking about.  And the private company that owns this big interchange is to funnel them into the other, you could say, divided highway system there, you know in Dublin.  But it's fascinating.  They offered it back to the Irish government for four times what it cost them to build it.


Alan: Yeah, exactly.  It's beautiful isn't it?  It's a beautiful con, but they've done this you see.  Britain was the prototype for private/public partnerships.  And how Britain used to do it, and Britain is a template for the world, you see.  Everything is tried there first.  They used to...


George: Well, under Thatcher, was it not true that under Margaret Thatcher they started this privatizing into their own hands?


Alan: Yes they did.


George: Is that right?


Alan: That is correct.  Under Thatcher, by the way, the IMF was running Britain.  Most folk didn't know that until recently.  The IMF admitted, they had to go in and do the books for Britain, it was so bankrupt.  And they started selling off the so-called public gas works, the coal industry, they sold off so many industries to these private corporations.  Even the water supply is owned by a private, for the whole country, is owned by one company.


George: Right.  There's a company out of Belgium called Suez company.  They used to own the Suez Canal, along with the French and British interests, and they are operating all kinds of infrastructure throughout the world, water projects, and so forth.  It's just amazing what they've been able to accumulate into their hands.


Alan: It's astonishing.  Well, again, the beauty of the public private deal is, the public not only pay for the building of it, and then it's given or sold for a token payment by the buyers, the private guys.  The public continues to pay for the upkeep and repair of it.  So the private guys are reaping nothing but profit.  That's the beauty of it.  We continue with the upkeep.


Charlotte: And frankly, it keeps the general population confused, because we think we're dealing with governments, but we're actually living in a very corporate, communist world.  Corporate as in commercial, Communist/commercial world. 


Alan: That's right.  Now, that's how Carroll Quigley explained it.  He said it's a new feudal system.


Charlotte: We think we're living in a governmental system and we're not.


George: The listening audience, if they go back to that Fabian Society that you studied in the past, Alan, is that a key, sort of to seeing what's going on?


Alan: That's right.  The Fabians themselves remember, were started by a bunch of people who belonged to the Royal Institute for International Affairs.  And the Astor family gave most of the money to start it up, and he became Lord Astor of course.  They were all international financiers who started up all these organizations.  In America, they had the Ford, the Carnegie, and the Rockefeller foundations to do the same kind of thing.  And so, they bypassed your governments by creating parallel governments, and that's what Quigley called them.  A parallel government, which wasn't responsible to the public, that could, by using philanthropy, setting up thousands of non-governmental organizations, they could start a new type of democracy, where governments would respond to those with the largest groups, which are now NGOs by the way.  That's the only ones who get access to government and demand things, and the government are only too happy, because they've already arranged that the NGOs should demand these particular laws be passed and so on.  That's how they get Socialism in.


George: Yeah, another one of the keys to seeing this too, is that these corporate institutions that were created and so forth, it looks like to me that it was a way to usher in administrative law vs. constitutional law. 


Alan: You're right, absolutely.  In fact in their own writings, the Council on Foreign Relations, which is just the American branch of the same group, they said themselves, and it was in Foreign Affairs magazine, quite a few years back, since they couldn't alter the Constitution, they had tried. You know, they'd tried.  They said they'd have to do a run around it, instead.  And how they did it was by setting up international treaties, through the United Nations, that would supersede the laws of the land.  And that's what we've done from here on in.  That's why your governments can borrow from a world bank.


Charlotte: Universal, what is that, UCC, Universal Commercial Code. 


Alan: Yes, that's right, and so they bypass the Constitution.


George: Everything, right.  I mean, they've turned everything into different corporations, institutions.


Alan: Yes.


(Commercial Break)


George: Welcome back to the Secret Truth, I'm George Butler, along with....


Charlotte: Charlotte Littlefield.


George:  Welcome back, Alan Watt.  And gosh, what can we do to turn this thing around?  And what recommendations would you make to our listening audience?


Alan: Well, for what's coming up, first of all, they themselves should try and get out of debt, personally.  And for those who can get out of cities, they should be out anyway, if possible, to be self-sufficient as possible, because I think we're in for a rough, long, long term ride here.  So if you're in a little area, where you can make a few friends who generally help each other out in times of trouble, you're far more secure then you would be in a city.  In a city you're dependent for your food, water, everything from without, outside the city.  It all gets piped in or brought in through trucks.  The more self-sufficient you are, the better.  But, to be honest with you, I think we might have to get to almost the stage of a crash or hyperinflation, before the public are ready to listen to those who could lead them into a new way, instead of going the way that the World Bank will lead them, which they will.  They'll send out the right people at the right time to con us again.  We should try to get our own people in, and the first thing they have to do, and it should be on their mandate as well, for election, is they're going to end the private banking system that runs governments.  They've got to end that, and start minting their own coin again, and their own currency, as they were intended to do in the first place.  That's the only way you'll get out of this.  As long as you're under the heel of private international bankers, and every government is off to borrow from them, we'll never get out of trouble.  We'll do what they bankers say.


George: Right, go ahead, Charlotte.


Charlotte: Well, I was going to say, I think you hit the nail on the head there.  We need to get to the point where our own local and state banks charter our own banks that are independent of the collapsing Federal Reserve System, because there's a high probability that this has actually spun beyond their own control.  It seems to me that they did not quite, what do you think, Alan?  Do you think this has actually gone too far, even?


Alan: No, no.  There's not, in fact, the Bank for International Settlements is responsible for the flow of capital from country to country.  They've been running this show for the last fifty years.  And so, they can, and remember, all the currency is fiat to begin with.  There's nothing to back it, except the faith of the people.


Charlotte:  It's a lie, period.


Alan: Yeah, it's all a big lie.  So technically, every country could start afresh, write off the debt.  Each country could do that, write off all the debt.  You cannot possibly have governments going to the private banks, borrowing money, and then selling that off as debt, to people who collect it, and who actually make profits as countries sink.  We've got to stop this awful, corrupt system, and get back to the fact that government should be responsible for their own internal affairs, and never borrow from outside.  And never borrow either, from any planted, private bank.  There's no need for it.  The government is supposed to be in charge of the creation of money, and then they sell it off to the private banks.  That's how they cover their costs for the making of the money.  And that's how, and then the banks lend it out to us.  The government would have no need then to go and borrow money from elsewhere; but then again, you wouldn't have the totalitarian bunch at the United Nations running the show either.  And that's the whole point of the fiat currency, is to give more power to private bankers, the international bankers.  That's got to be done away with or we're all done for.  And it could be.  It could be done away with.


Charlotte: Well, the fractional reserve aspect, absolutely has been enslavement for mankind.  It's like we supposedly, we've thrown off serfdom and slavery, but we've not thrown off economic slavery, and that economic slavery is the fractional reserve banking system.


Alan: Sure.


Charlotte: Are you familiar with the new documentary, the Secret of Oz, by Bill Still?  He did that, the Money Master Documentary, that was about 3 1/2 hours long, in 1995.  Yeah, he came out, and he's advocating for local/state banks basically, as part of the solution.  Where they self-charter, they create the currency, they spend it into circulation, but when the loans come back in, they destroy it, so that they don't hyper inflate their local.


Alan: That's right.


Charlotte: And I think it's a great concept.  And that documentary is called the Secret of Oz, and he basically brought to life, what was happening around the turn of the 19th Century, or you know, the 20th Century, the 1900s, and the person who actually wrote the Wizard of Oz, was actually the same tale, but Hollywood kind of changed it when they changed Dorothy’s slippers, from being silver, meaning the yellow brick road, and then the silver, the people that tried to come in with silver, but Hollywood changed her slippers to be emerald, which totally threw off the meaning, the whole meaning of the story.  And I just thought that was fascinating.  And are you familiar with this new documentary called The Secret of Oz?


Alan: I haven't heard of that one, but I know of the stuff behind the making of the movie and the symbolism in it too.  And you know the tin man, the straw man, and so on, were highly symbolic again of the con game.  And at the very end of the movie, of course, the one you're all afraid of, is really a man behind a curtain, speaking through amplifiers and bullhorns.  Just an ordinary guy, after all, meaning the whole thing was an illusion.  Your fantasy of something can keep you in absolute terror.


Charlotte: It's just like mankind.  We can take control at any time.  We don't have to give them our power. 


Alan: We don't have to at all, and Jefferson said it.  You see, what we're talking about tonight is exactly what they were talking about 200 years ago.  Jefferson said that no generation can be born into a pre-existing debt, born and brought on by a previous generation.  Because that's then slavery.  You're born into a slavery system in that case.  You should not be responsible in your generation for paying off the debt from a previous borrower.  That's incredible.  That's ridiculous.  That truly is slavery.  And we think this is all normal?  No, it's not normal at all.  This is an ancient system, and to be honest with you, they could write off it.  Since it's all fiat, who's losing out?  It's nothing.  It's backed on nothing.  I mean, we're not passing gold bricks around or anything.  It's all fiat, it's a con game.


Charlotte: It could be forgiven.


Alan: It could absolutely be forgiven.  It could be torn up.


Charlotte: And of course they want to keep the big game going, and the general ignorant population will continue, you know, to go forward, unfortunately, not fully understanding that it's all a con.


Alan: It truly is.


Charlotte: And I certainly hope that somebody, do you think Ron Paul, I mean, he was good for a lot of things, but do you think he truly understands the whole thing?


Alan: To be honest with you, I don't know.  I look at lifelong politicians as lifelong politicians.  They're lifers.  Politicians are known eventually to compromise on various things, which they shouldn't.  Even if they'll stand firm on one or two, they shouldn't be compromising on all the other stuff that's wrong as well.  So I'm very suspicious of lifelong politicians.  And he went on about auditing the Federal Reserve, and the Wall Street Journal just this week talked about the fact that the latest attempt to audit the Fed had been turned down.  And that was in the May 7th's Wall Street Journal, Plan for Congressional Audits of Fed Dies in Senate.  So, that will never happen.  We need a cleaning out of the entire system, to be honest with you.  And it might take a real crash, a brought-on crash to make the public wake up for the first time to the fact that the whole thing's a con game, an absolute con game.  It's so incredible.  You were talking about the Wizard of Oz, I think about the carbon taxes that we've all to be hit with.  It's the greatest thing, it's beyond the Wizard of Oz.  I mean, there's nothing even tangible to look at as they trade.  There's nothing there.  It's a complete fantasy, CO2.


George: Yeah.  One piece of advice that I've always heard from very wise investors and so forth is that you can take some of these fiat dollars, so to speak, and if you can convert those into tangible real property, or into something that's real, would that be good advice?


Alan: Absolutely.  That's why they call it real estate. 


Charlotte: (Giggle, laugh.)


Alan: That's true.  If you hold no land then everything is unreal. 


George: There's a little levity in you still, right Alan?


Charlotte: It's all in the language, to be sure.  You know, someday I'd like to talk to you Alan about just the meaning of the language that we use between us.


George: You've made a study of that, haven't you, words and language and how it affects us?


Alan: That's how they run us, is by the technique of language and how they can actually bring us to the conclusions they want us to come to, by giving us a specific type of language, giving us the problem in a set format, knowing our logic, just like a computer, our logic kicks in, and we will come to the very conclusion that they planned we'd come to.  You're absolutely right.  It's a science, and actually, it's called neurolinguistics, and psycholinguistics by the marketers. 


Charlotte: Alan, we need to have you on, and we need to have a show dedicated just to that. 


Alan: Yes.


George:  Well, if we do, that would be fascinating, just to dedicate a show to that.  Alan, thank you very much for being with us.  And is his site.


Alan: It's been a pleasure.


George: Thank you very much, Alan.


Alan: Bye, now.


Charlotte: Thanks, Alan.  Bye-bye.


Alan: Bye, now.




Alan's Materials Available for Purchase and Ordering Information:


"Cutting Through"
  Volumes 1, 2, 3


"Waiting for the Miracle....."
Also available in Spanish or Portuguese translation: "Esperando el Milagro....." (Español) & "Esperando um Milagre....." (Português)


Ancient Religions and History MP3 CDs:
Part 1 (1998) and Part 2 (1998-2000)


Blurbs and 'Cutting Through the Matrix' Shows on MP3 CDs (Up to 50 Hours per Disc)


"Reality Check Part 1"   &   "Reality Check Part 2 - Wisdom, Esoterica and ...TIME"