November 10th, 2011 (#960)
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Nov 10th, 2011:

Sentience Unseated When Maturity Defeated:

"Hell has Come Down, Hear the Vultures Squabble
From Every Corpse They can Squeeze a Bauble,
Obsolete Elderly, Winter Frozen, Dead,
Department of Statistics Counts Every Head,
Delighted in Savings on Pensions and Fuel,
They Paid Taxes for Years, Each Believing Fool,
"Life to Get Better, It Can and It Should"
Prostituting Politicos of "The Greater Good"
Youth are Illiterate, Government Doesn't Bother,
Perpetual Wars Need Cheap Cannon-Fodder,
Whores of Science, for Masters, Working a Plan,
Profiteer from Cattle, Once-Sentient Man,
Reducing to Self-Centred Narcissistic Beasts,
Sterile-Single-Multi-Copulaters, Until Deceased,
No Bonding nor Caring, Just Tax-Paying Function,
Never Approaching Crossroads of Wisdom's Junction,
Hoping Childish Entertainment Pours Out Eternal,
Maturity Conquered, Under Socialism Paternal"
© Alan Watt Nov 10th, 2011


Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt – Nov 10th, 2011  (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)
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Hi folks, I’m Alan Watt and this is Cutting Through the Matrix on November the 10th, 2011.  For newcomers, I always start off the broadcast by advising you to make use of the website,, and you’ll find there’s hundreds of audios for download.  And once you’ve gone through a few of them, even, and you start tying things together, you’ll get the shortcuts, hopefully, to understanding this big system that you’ve been trained into believing is awfully real.  And only the difference being, you’ll be able to see through all the holes in the fabric of this civilization as they call it, the system you’ve been trained to believe in by those who are masters in giving you cultures, updating your cultures, changing your cultures, and of course, indoctrinating you all through the same educational system.  It’s now worldwide, this educational system, same topics, same techniques, same endings basically, because we’re all on a global agenda.  And they want to always make sure that the citizenry of the world are on board with the same agenda, for their world society.  A world of slaves, you see, for the better class to rule over with much more ease.  That’s what it’s about, really, and I show you the big banks, the world bankers, the moneylenders to countries, they lend to nations, who have their front foundations and organizations.  Very official sounding, and sometimes you even think they belong to your own governments, but in fact, they’re privately owned.  And they fund hundreds and hundreds of armies of nongovernmental organizations that lobby governments, who are waiting for them, of course, and they’re only too happy to pass laws on their behalf, pretending the citizens have spoken or demanded, and that’s how it really, really works.  Everything is rigged in this system. 


So, help yourself to the audios, and there’s transcripts too, if you go into, all the sites listed there, they’re official sites, they have audios, the same audios, but you can also get transcripts in English from all those sites as well.  And if you go into, you can get transcripts in other languages for print up, if you want to read them and pass them around, rather than listen to audios.  It’s up to you.  Remember too, you bring me to you, the audience, because I don’t bring on sponsors.  I don’t have shares in companies that sell you things.  And I don’t own any of them either, and it’s up to you to keep me going.  So, you can buy the books and discs I have for sale at  From the US to Canada, you can use a personal check, or an international postal money order from the post office.  You can use PayPal, and some people just send cash.  Up to you.  Across the world, you’ve got Western Union, Money Gram, and you have PayPal again. 


And straight donations are really, really awfully welcome in these inflationary times, as we go through this so-called, I hate this, ‘recession’ business.  It’s a depression.  It’s a manufactured depression.  They pulled the plug at the right time to bring in something called austerity, where the big banks would lose nothing at all.  In fact, they could pocket all the cash, and then replace it all in the bank accounts with your tax money.  That’s what they did, across the whole world at the same time, knowing they would get what they wanted, because they have their own boys running politics, you see.  Always have had.  So, that’s how the world is run in a nutshell.  Very simple.  And you’ve got to have lots of gofers, remember, and most people are really just gofers, low-level gofers, and they have a middle management level, and then they have their political level, and there’s a level above that too, that’s outside of politics, much more important when you can get things done outside of politics. Big technocrats as they call them, at the top.  So, as I say, help yourself to those audios.  There’s hundreds and hundreds to choose from. 


And lots of folk have really benefited by going through them, and their eyes are open.  Some people, really are not ready to have their eyes open.  Some will never have their eyes open, because they’ve decided they’re too afraid to really know truth, because truth demands that once you know it, you must take personal action, at least within your own life, if nothing else.  And lots of folk are quite comfortable in a slave/master relationship.  Back with more, after this break.


Hi folks, I’m Alan Watt.  We’re back Cutting Through the Matrix.  And everyone I think who’s listened to this particular broadcast over the years, knows how I think and feel and actually know about the injections and vaccinations, programs that we have.  And I’ve gone through the histories over the years too, it’s amazing to think we’re living through a system right now, with all the changes that are happening, right now, designed maybe fifty, sixty, sometimes eighty years ago, by people long dead, like Lord Bertrand Russell, who wrote about the coming system, because they were part of designing it, you see.  And they sat in, in world meetings, big top think tanks, the Macy Group, a whole bunch of different groups that were authorized to alter, especially the American and British cultures at that time.  It was right after World War II.  And they were given authority by the president of the United States to do so.  Amazing, isn’t it.  And of course, the destruction of the family unit.  The whole Communist Manifesto in fact was to be followed, because they thought that America and Britain were too fascist and might copy Germany that had just been defeated.  Isn’t that something, eh?  And so they wanted to destroy the family unit.  Destroy the male role in society, which they’d been awfully good at, through all comedies and so on.  The guy is always an idiot and belongs to Idiocracy.  So, we’ve gone through all of these phases.


Russell also talked about the need to make sure that the men would be dumbed down and also that the population problem, as they always called it, from the British elite’s point of view, would be dealt with properly.  And, of course, he mentioned that diet, meaning the food that you would be given to eat, we’re all in genetically modified food today.  If you eat meat at all, you won’t know what you’re eating, because it all tastes the same.  And that’s no joke.  That’s how it is now.  And of course, your vegetables are all modified too, with all kinds of viruses and genes spliced into them.  Never mind the doses of the herbicides that are soaked on them, actually poured on them now, because it doesn’t kill off the plants anymore.  They’ve made them resistant to dying off.  It just kills the weeds, supposedly.  So, you’re eating a cocktail of poisons, but initially the injections are very important, because, you see, vaccinations and so on are the first things to get into a very young system, even when, especially with the babies, it’s astonishing.  Their immune system hasn’t even developed, so obviously, practically speaking, these vaccinations wouldn’t take off.  The purpose behind it wouldn’t take, in other words.  You can’t create antibodies to something if your immune system isn’t developed.  Common sense, isn’t it?


So there’s obviously another thing behind it.  And we do know that we’re becoming sterile, big time sterile.  And there’s no big anxiety about it, at the top.  There’s no “we better find out what’s happening.”  When that happens, by the masters, believe you me, it’s because they know what’s happening.  They know what’s happening because they designed it to happen.  Otherwise, there would be an inquiry right away if their breeding stock, you know that they live off of, is going down the hill too fast.  So, Bertrand Russell, who helped design this part too, talked about that.  He says, by their food, you know, by their diet and by injections and injunctions, laws and through education, they’ll create the perfect society.  They’ll be very obedient.  Not too bright, and so on and so on.  And by the use of psychology, mainly through at that time radio and movies, now you add television to it, they’ve done it all.  It’s perfect.  It’s actually perfect.  We are in Idiocracy.  Believe it or not, we truly are. 


And even when the World Health Organization and others admit every year that the IQ is dropping, well, you see, something that drops quickly means that something has happened to the people.  What’s happened?  It doesn’t take a great detective to find out, well, what’s different since 1950 to today?  Just look at the lists of vaccinations that children get.  Look at the food being totally altered.  Look at all the stuff they put into your water supply too, to dumb you down.  And it doesn’t take much.  And the indoctrination, and then you add to it this incredible, fantastic propaganda tool called television, and here we are.  Here we are.


I’ve never really believed that the vaccinations were there at all for the reasons they’ve given us.  Never.  After reading all their books from Charles Galton Darwin and others, big, big players in the eugenics movements, playing at the world societies, all members of the United Nations’ various organizations, it all ties together. 


Now, Baxter labs has been in trouble before, for putting out so-called contaminated vaccine, even the stuff that would end up killing you or giving you the very thing that it’s supposedly to prevent.  And we find out, here they are again.  It says:


A flu vaccine has been recalled from thousands of surgeries and pharmacies across Europe amid fears it is making people ill.


The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has issued a warning over Preflucel, a popular influenza vaccine.


(Alan: It’s popular, popular, eh?)


Around 300,000 doses of the drug are to be immediately withdrawn following fears from health bosses that the most recent batch, issued last month, is causing side-effects.


A high percentage of those vaccinated with Preflucel have reported fatigue, muscle pain and headaches.


Alternative products will now be made available to prevent any shortages.


(A: If folk can’t get the message, and oh, we better see what the substitute is going to be, I mean, if they’re so stupid, you understand, and this is a war going on.  There’s lots of casualties, and you have to stand back and let them just rush, and there they go.  Got to get their flu vaccination.  Got to get it.  You know.  It says:)


Newbury-based Baxter Healthcare, which manufacturers the drug, approved for use in March said that patients with concerns should contact their GP.


Well, what’s he going to say?  Hmm?  “Oh, we’re not sure.  It’s almost like you’ve got the flu.  Better get a flu shot.  Another one.”  So, I mean, this is the nonsense that they go through, but you get long-lasting effects with this.  You know, in the 1950s, onwards, people did not have all the diseases they have today.  They didn’t have juvenile arthritis for instance.  Now it’s very common.  Because of all the shots they’re getting, that’s why.  They didn’t have all the pancreatic cancers, people in their middle age and onwards, it didn’t happen.  It didn’t happen.  They had immune systems that could fight off things without going to doctors; now they don’t have that.  Their immune system is shot.  And there’s only one thing designed to effect your immune system.  I’ll let you figure out what it is.  So, here’s another article here.


Gardasil Victims Take Legal Action Against Merck Over Miscarriage, Deadly Reactions


When one Australian woman decided to lead the charge against Gardasil maker Merck after experiencing serious adverse reactions, she soon found another 7 Victorian women with similar intentions and experiences. Naomi Snell, a resident of Melbourne, Australia, suffered an auto-immune


(A: And that’s what you get.  You get auto-immune diseases from these things.)


and neurological attack after being injected with the HPV shot Gardasil. After reading about a Sydney neurologist who exposed Gardasil as a potential cause of MS-like symptoms, Snell realized that Gardasil could be behind her recent health ailments.


She made a timeline of her declining health using reports from her doctor and physiotherapist. What she found was that the events unfolded right after she had received the Gardasil vaccine. At 28 years of age, Snell lost her ability to walk, suffered from crippling back and neck pain, and experienced convulsions that put her life on hold for 2 years. The health issues started soon after receiving the HPV shot in July 2008.


(A: She says.)


I never attributed it to my vaccine so I went back for my second and third dose,


(A: Because most folk are so brainwashed, it doesn’t twig what’s causing it.  They’d never give anything to hurt us.  That’s how trusting the slaves are.)


 Ms Snell said. My doctors said I was a case for Dr House.


(A: In other words, a nutcase, you know.)


They were baffled.


(A: Anything that doesn’t fit into their indoctrination, you’re labeled a nutcase.)


After launching the class action lawsuit against Merck, 7 Victorian women considered joining the case after experiencing similar reactions to the Gardasil vaccine. One woman linked the Gardasil injection to her miscarriage, which occurred afterwards in her local supermarket.


(A: Spontaneous abortion.)


Gardasil has led to thousands of adverse reactions and even death


Naomi Snell is not the first Gardasil recipient to develop adverse reactions. In fact, many before her have actually died as a result of the Gardasil vaccine.


The Gardasil vaccine has a very questionable timeline, riddled with corruption and devastating side effects. Shockingly, the HPV shot led to 3,589 harmful reactions and 16 deaths between May 2009 and September 2010 alone. Of the 3,589 adverse reactions, many were debilitating. Permanent disability was the result of 213 cases;


(A: That’s when you’re paralyzed.  They have strokes and everything.)


25 resulted in the diagnosis of Guillain-Barre Syndrome; there were 789 other “serious” reports according to FDA documents.


Merck of course makes no mention of this in their deceptive advertisements, leading consumers to think that the vaccine is safe.


And there’s more links at the bottom you can look into on this.  All these things I mention and read out, I put up the links for, so you can look them up for yourselves.  Because it’s essential you understand that you take care of your own health now.  And you’ve got to understand the big agenda here.  The big agenda.  Do you realize, after World War II, they had a big meeting in Britain, in fact the King held it.  He was the host of it, on depopulation.  And they mentioned at the time that they could take the Third World down rather quickly by disease, famine, creation of wars.  When there’s wars going on, there’s nobody planting crops and so on.  But the ones, the educated countries, the ones who had a bit of education, would have to be brought down by debilitating diseases, because we’d catch on if too many folk started to die off very quickly, all at the same time.  And so, debilitating diseases make you ineligible for partners for having children.  That was their reasoning at the time.  And that was what Kissinger reiterated again, back in the 70s: the greatest threat to the world, not just the nation or the state, was overpopulation.  So, they’ve been at this for an awful long time.  And you’ve got to understand too, these big companies, if you read some of the books to do with bacterial and viral warfare, from declassified governmental documents, you’ll find that all these names, these companies, were involved in bacterial and viral warfare from during World War II, in fact, they were getting government funding, and some of the biggest labs on the planet, that’s how they started some of them, in fact, to actually kill people.  Interesting, eh.  Interesting.  But most folk will forget it by tomorrow, after watching their comedies.  Back with more, after this break.


Hi folks, I’m back, Cutting Through the Matrix.  And we are truly trained in this society.  Every generation is trained for it to be the kind of society that the masters want them to be.  And it works awfully well.  Everyone is pretty well much the same, on what they think and what they believe, and they’re filled with articles every day by very trustworthy, straight-faced people on television that they’ve grown up watching for years.  And they’d never lie to you, etc.  And we’ve got this thing too called pride, because really as a natural creature we have the ability, or we should have the ability to preserve ourselves.  Self-preservation.  But in this system we’re to be interdependent, you see. 


And when things don’t work out too well, we tend to keep it quiet from everybody else; you feel you’re a failure.  The system itself, in this money system, that’s run by thugs at the top, and gangsters, actually, who go to the best universities and colleges on the planet, they train you too to feel guilt if you don’t happen to make it, you know.  We’re all supposed to somehow make it, just like winning a lotto.  Just work hard and all that stuff.  I read an article yesterday that if that was true, then every woman in Africa would be a multi-millionaire.  It doesn’t work like that at all.  It’s a psychopath, and believe you me psychopathy can be hereditary too, especially when you have male and female, all from the best families, always matching each other up.  They’ve done that for centuries.  You end up with guaranteed psychopaths.  Then they go to the best schools.  So they end up with business suits on, and they do awfully well for themselves at every one else’s expense.  They belong to a club of psychopaths, because they recognize each other very, very well.  But the ones at the bottom, who are not psychopaths, you see, all the people who have been given the indoctrination to suit the psychopaths, and never to notice the psychopaths, actually, and to trust them, even, they feel guilty when they don’t make it. 


They’ve done all the right things.  It’s like all the folk who saved up and bang, the banks go down.  They’re paying their mortgages up and it was all legal and everything else.  They had no idea that the biggest bankers in the world were buying and selling their mortgages until they didn’t know who owned them anymore.  Just doubling and tripling the value.  All bubbles, you see.  And they get rewarded at the top for that.    The rest of the people at the bottom lost everything.  They lost their shirts.  They’re on the street.  And you keep voting for the same system, hmmm.  Well:


Army veteran and his wife die in tragic 'suicide pact' after becoming 'too poor to live through the winter'


(A: It says:)

- Every month the couple walked 12 miles to a soup kitchen to get free food

- Charity said they 'slipped through the net'


(A: That’s what they always say.  “Oh, they slipped through the net.  We didn’t notice them.”  And it says:)


A newly married couple forced to live on £57 a week


(A: Per week.)


killed themselves in despair after being 'abandoned' by social services, their friends claimed yesterday.


(A: Now, this was in Britain.  Now, in Britain, the far, far left, supposedly, that all works with the far right, created the welfare state.  Now, the welfare state really was not for the people in Britain so much, except for single mums.  They wanted single mums, because that was what they put out in the early 70s: We’ll start building single mum accommodations, because there will be no male shortly.  No marriages left.  And that was the agenda, of course, and it worked very, very well.  They were pretty right about it.  They made sure that no woman could get on with a man for very, very long, in fact, and vice versa.  Anyway, what they really catered for was the massive influx of immigrants they wanted to multiculturalize the society.  And they threw money at them like crazy.  But the people who lived in Britain got sweet damned all, pretty well.  Going through a ringer, trying to get a few, the real decent people that it was supposedly meant for, in the first place.  So:)


A newly married couple forced to live on £57 a week killed themselves in despair after being 'abandoned' by social services.


(A: See, they weren’t foreign, you see.)


The bodies of Mark and Helen Mullins were found lying side by side at their run-down home in an apparent suicide pact.


News of the tragedy emerged yesterday as friends told how they had been forced to live 'hand to mouth', making a weekly 12-mile trip to a soup kitchen on foot after Mrs Mullins' benefits were stopped 18 months ago.


They are believed to have killed themselves after 18 months of struggling to survive on the £57.50 Jobseeker's Allowance payment Mr Mullins, a 48-year-old former Army physical training instructor, was able to claim.


Their heart-breaking plight was revealed yesterday, five days after their bodies were discovered at their council house in Bedworth, Warwickshire.


Charity workers who befriended the couple said society had allowed them to 'slip through the net'.


(A: It’s amazing.  I’ve read the articles here about guys from Bulgaria and elsewhere, and Romania, actually building massive castle homes back home, of course, from the money they were collecting on the British welfare system.  The civil servants at the bottom just fall over themselves to help them and give them everything they can imagine, but the people who live in Britain get sweet damned all.  And, of course, it’s intentional.  It’s intentional.  Anyway:)


As a result, her child benefits were stopped but she was ineligible to claim Jobseeker's Allowance because she was not deemed fit to work.


She was also told she did not qualify for incapacity benefit because she had not been officially diagnosed with a medical condition.


Mr Mullins was his wife's full-time carer. He fought to get a carer's allowance but was told he could not claim until she was diagnosed with a disorder.


So, that’s what happens.  You know, that’s what happens.  And this is one of these stories that just flash away and it’s gone when something popular jumps up and we laugh and all the rest of it, and it’s all funny.  This is the state that’s been deliberately brought around by those at the very, very top, who have created a dysfunctional society, intentionally, mind you.  It’s intentional.  And they’ve done it awfully well.  They’ve destroyed working societies, totally destroyed them.  And they plan to bring us all down, the population down over the next, to the year 2050, all their projections says that will plummet like crazy.  It’s already plummeting in places like Britain, with the native populations, and that’s why they had to bring in mass immigration now, because no one can have children, or will even live with the same sexes to have a child in the first place.  They say it’s economically unfeasible.  Economics is awfully good for bringing down the population too.  Back with more, after this break. 


Hi folks, we’re back.  This is Cutting Through the Matrix.  Well, that last story was to do with how Britain treats its veterans there.  Because you see we’re all peons.  And they all get brought up on video games and get into all this stuff.  I’ll put one up tonight to a preview to one of the latest video games, to show you the next bunch of livestock that’s to be used as cannon fodder, and also to bash everyone’s heads in, because it’s all about urban warfare in your own cities.  And it’s just incredible what they’re putting out there for the youngsters to soak up, because youngsters can’t tell the difference between fact and fiction.  And it’s a great programming tool, that’s why they designed these particular tools for them to watch. 


It’s amazing how too, that we buy our own chains.  We also buy everything that does us in, eventually, including the stuff that’s going to fill children’s minds, the same children that will euthanize their own parents, because of the new moral relativity that’s drummed into them at school.  And then eventually kill off the rest of them too, when the rioting really, really starts down the road.  Which, of course, it’s going to.  Because, that’s why you have internal armies.  They’ve been setting them up long before 9/11.  They know exactly what they’re going to do with the world.  And they are doing it elsewhere if you haven’t noticed.  Now, in the US:


Remains of war dead dumped in landfill


(A: That’s cost efficient, you see, I guess. And that’s the reality.  They love to give you the occasional parade, and that’s perception management, and you all have tears, and say, oh, you’re so proud of your country and how much they honor their dead.  The reality is far, far different.  It says:)


The Dover Air Force Base mortuary for years disposed of portions of troops’ remains by cremating them and dumping the ashes in a Virginia landfill,


(A: It’s a garbage dump.)


a practice that officials have since abandoned in favor of burial at sea.


(A: Since they were caught.  I’ll add that bit on.  It says:)


The mortuary in Delaware, the main point of entry for the nation’s war dead and the target of federal investigations of alleged mishandling of remains, engaged in the practice from 2003 to 2008,


(A: That was when they were caught, I guess.)


according to Air Force officials. The manner of disposal was not disclosed to relatives of fallen service members.


Air Force officials acknowledged the practice Wednesday in response to inquiries from The Washington Post. They said the procedure was limited


(A: Of course they’ll always downplay it.)


Limited to fragments or portions of body parts that were unable to be identified at first or were later recovered from the battlefield, and which family members had said could be disposed of by the military.


(A: Well, they can tell the folk anything, can’t they?)


Lt. Gen. Darrell G. Jones, the Air Force’s deputy chief for personnel, said the body parts were cremated, then incinerated,


(A: Well, that’s strange.)


were cremated, then incinerated, and then taken to a landfill by a military contractor.


(A: It will be a local job guy.  And:)


He likened the procedure to the disposal of medical waste.


(A: Well, I guess we are all waste.  We’re used and then we’re wasted, chucked away.)


Jones also could not estimate how many body parts were handled in this way.


(A: No, he couldn’t.  I guess the paperwork is all gone.)


“That was the common practice at the time, and since then our practices have improved,” he said.


(A: He’s a good PR man.  That’s why he got the job.)


Gari-Lynn Smith, portions of whose husband’s remains were disposed of in the landfill after his 2006 death in Iraq, said she was “appalled and disgusted” by the way the Air Force had acted. She learned of the landfill disposal earlier this spring in a letter from a senior official at the Dover mortuary.


(A: That’s how she found out.)


“My only peace of mind in losing my husband was that he was taken to Dover and that he was handled with dignity, love, respect and honor,” Smith said. “That was completely shattered for me when I was told that he was thrown in the trash.”


There’s the reality of it folks.  There’s the reality.  That’s what we are, you see.  That’s all you are.  I mean, these guys that create the wars, do you see them going off to fight?  No, no.  They profit off them, don’t they?  Massive profits.  And of course, everyone is going on and on and on about this latest scandal, one of many scandals.  They’re all over the planet now, because of the society and the psychopaths being in charge.  It says:


In April, Pittsburgh radio host Mark Madden wrote a story revealing Penn State for much of the cover-up of Jerry Sandusky's alleged child rape that has been exposed in the past week. While it didn't raise many eyebrows back then, six months later it looks to be incredibly accurate.


(A: It won’t raise too many eyebrows now, because everyone has been degenerated by the trash they’re watching on television.  That’s what it’s for, you see.  Television will reduce all morality down to its basic, basic levels.  And that’s intentional, by the way.  That’s intentional.  You’re viewed to see everyone and yourself as just a walking animal.  And you’ve seen God knows how many postmortems, as they say.  And you’ve watched all the CSI stuff, and they chuck livers into weighing machines, and ah, another stiff is being brought in.  And that’s all you are, you see.  So, what does it matter if they’re buggering little children, you know, who cares these days?)


On Thursday morning, just hours after legendary head coach Joe Paterno and university president Graham Spanier were fired by the school's board of trustees, Madden was asked on WEEI's The Dennis and Callahan Show what he believes the next piece of news will be.


What he said was twice as shocking as anything that's been released thus far.


"I can give you a rumor and I can give you something I think might happen," Madden told John Dennis and Gerry Callahan. "I hear there's a rumor that there will be a more shocking development from the Second Mile Foundation


(A: One of these big foundations, you know, charitable things.)


-- and hold on to your stomachs, boys, this is gross, I will use the only language I can -- that Jerry Sandusky and Second Mile were pimping out young boys to rich donors. That was being investigated by two prominent columnists even as I speak."


After the news spread, Madden later explained via Twitter why he went public with the rumors.


"I normally abhor giving RUMORS credence," Madden wrote. "But whole Sandusky scandal started out as a RUMOR. It gets deeper and more disgusting all the time. One of state's top columnists investigating. That adds credence. I am NOT rumor's original source. [Why does] Sandusky deserve benefit of doubt?"


Madden also spoke more definitively on Dennis and Callahan to the cover-up efforts at the school and beyond that he expects will be made public soon.


"The other thing I think that may eventually become uncovered, and I talked about this in my original article back in April, is that I think they'll find out that Jerry Sandusky was told that he had to retire in exchange for a cover-up," Madden said. "If you look at the timeline, that makes perfect sense, doesn't it?


"My opinion is when Sandusky quit, everybody knew -- not just at Penn State," Madden added. "I think it was a very poorly kept secret about college football in general, and that is why he never coached in college football again and retired at the relatively young age of 55.”


And it goes on and on, but this is nothing new.  I’ve watched ones in Canada, years ago, too.  Same thing happens, because a predator will always go, you see, where his prey happen to be.  And you’ll find even with the big shooting they had in Scotland, a few years ago, the guy involved, he actually got a gun license, authorized by a top British lord in the British parliament.  Nobody has explained how he knew this British lord, and the reason is, of course, he was pimping out young boys to some very wealthy people at the top, who would come up to Scotland and he would give them the correct little children that he’d trained for their particular little act.  That’s why it happened, and it’s been well covered up.  Some of it snuck out though.  This goes on all the time, because the guys at the top, you see, are perverts.  You see, deviants run the world.  Deviants run the world.  Why do you think deviancy has been normalized across the planet and drummed into little children’s heads, when they know that you can actually hyper-activate, hyper-activate any natural drive if you give it enough exposure through psychological techniques and means.  And of course, that’s what they do with young children, again back to Russell and others.  He says, hyperactive sex will happen because we will ensure that children are given lots and lots of pre-pubertal training at school.  When you do that before they hit puberty, they’re obsessed with it.  And they’ll never mate in their life with a partner.  And then they won’t have any offspring.  That was part of the reasons they gave for it at the time. 


So, of course, you’re run by deviants.  Deviants are psychopaths.  And psychopaths go into all kinds of deviancy, because everything that’s naughty, you see, naughty as they call it, not just illegal but naughty turns them on.  They love drugs too.  They snort more drugs than the general population.  They’re well supplied by the underworld.  They’ve got lots of contacts in them.  And the next high is what they live for.  The next high is what they live for.  And the general population are being degenerated consistently, every day, by watching the junk called entertainment on television, because that’s part of the control mechanism.  It’s not there just to make you laugh and giggle.  It’s meant to indoctrinate you and alter your behavior, which it does awfully well.  Look how many psychologists and neurologists and neuroscientists all work on these programs that you think are called entertainment.  Look around you at society and the hell it is today.


All, again, written about, 1950s, 1940s, 1930s, by people who were working in the embryo of world government at that time.  They’ve got exactly what they wanted.  And I’m putting a link up tonight too to do with:


Oil Executive: Military-Style 'Psy Ops' Experience Applied


(A: And it’s to do with the fracking industry, now it’s called.  The fracking.  It’s a new way of getting oil out of the ground.  They pump in lots of chemicals, followed by lots of water, and they rupture basically different layers of the ground and rock, spreading the stuff through it, and they get gas and oil out of it too.)


Last week’s oil industry conference at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Houston was supposed to be an industry confab just like any other — a series of panel discussions, light refreshments and an exchange of ideas.


It was a gathering of professionals to discuss “media and stakeholder relations” in the hydraulic fracturing industry — companies using the often-controversial oil and gas extraction technique known as “fracking.”


But things took an unexpected twist.


CNBC has obtained audiotapes of the event, on which one presenter can be heard recommending that his colleagues download a copy of the Army and Marine Corps counterinsurgency manual.


(A: And you can actually hear the audio on the link I’ll put up tonight, at


 That’s because, he said, the opposition facing the industry is an “insurgency.”


(A: You understand, all these big massive corporations are literally governments, individual separate governments, with all layers of bureaucrats.  They all have their agendas.  They’re all trained.  They can afford to hire the best of the best.  And they do.  And these are the guys that advertise to you.  These are the guys who lobby governments and education departments to make sure the little cattle are trained properly to believe them.  So, anyway:)


Another told attendees that his company has several former military psychological operations, or “psy ops” specialists on staff, applying their skills in Pennsylvania.


And the audio on that, you can actually hear them saying this as well.  So, I’ll put this one up tonight too.  It’s just a by-the-bye one.


In Canada, an omnibus bill has been rammed through.  And it’s amazing too.  It ties in with what I’ve been saying.


Someone convicted of growing more than 200 pot plants


(A: Marijuana)


could face more mandatory jail time than someone who rapes a toddler


See, there’s the value structure of the system again, altered, you see, under the government’s new omnibus bill.  So, I’ll put this up tonight too, for anyone who cares to wonder if children, or you’re maybe so separate, most folk are so separate from each other today, they can’t really have any, they feel nothing for other people.  They’re all numbed.  They come to life watching television and laughing and amusing themselves, but amongst each other, they don’t relate to other humans as being human anymore.  Again, we’ve been dehumanized, you see.  Actually dehumanized.  Here’s an article here:


How scientists taught monkeys the concept of money.


(A: This is a little ha-ha piece, but there’s a real, very serious reason behind all this experimentation.)


Not long after, the first prostitute monkey appeared


(A: Oh, ha, ha, ha.  Right?  And it’s under psychology.  And how basically again, it’s back at Yale.  This is where they were doing this stuff.)


You may have thought things like currency or money are concepts known solely to man. Some might have a sense of ownership, besides of course territory, but trading and the likes haven’t been observed in any other species besides homo sapiens. An economist/psychologist duo from Yale back in 2005, however, managed to train seven capuchin monkeys how to use money, and I’m pretty sure from here on some of you might be able to guess what happened from there on.


Now, the reason they did this, and it doesn’t say this in this article, was for a big, again, it’s for all the big world organizations under the United Nations, to find out what altruism is.  Because they have to bring altruism in, in this new system they’re bring in of austerity, where they plan to take from some who have and give to some who haven’t, and will the poor help the poor and so on.  This is really what this particular experiment here at Yale and other major universities was all about.  And they use monkeys.  Hmm?  Because, you see, we act pretty much like the same.  What happens to a monkey, they can do the same with us.  Ha, ha, ha.  You see.  Big money behind all this stuff.  I’ll put this up too, and you can see how they can train any creature to behave the way that unfortunately we are now behaving.


And talking about austerity, again, this is what it falls into.  Maybe some of you can remember all these austerity experiments, and oh, there’s an austerity part in some people’s brains, but not in everyone’s. 


Call to donate winter fuel payments


(A: Right?  It says:)


A campaign has been launched to enable wealthier pensioners


(A: So they’re taking it from the pensioners, this is across the UK and other countries.)


to donate their winter fuel payments to those who are struggling to keep warm.


(A: It’s so socialized in these countries, the government takes so much off of you, that the pittance they give back to you, they give you little chitties, you see, so you can get your winter fuel.  Isn’t that nice of these bar stewards, hmm?  So now they’re going to see how many are going to be altruistic.  It ties in with the monkeys, you see.) 


A campaign has been launched to enable wealthier pensioners to donate their winter fuel payments to those who are struggling to keep warm.


The Surviving Winter appeal is backed by groups including the Community Foundation Network and Saga, as well as famous names such as Sir Terry Wogan and Sir David Jason.


The "fuel-anthropy" initiative


(A: Isn’t that nice?  Isn’t that, “fuel-anthropy”?)


 was previously piloted in Somerset and organisers are rolling it out on a UK-wide scale this year as fuel prices rise, along with the cost of living generally.


(A: The bankers and the governments that work for them, have plundered the planet, plundered and raped the planet, raped the people for generations to come, by the government borrowing money to pay off the debts, you see, and to refinance the bankers, refloat the bankers, who lost nothing at all.  Where did all the money go?  It didn’t go to money heaven.  Where is money heaven?  Somebody has got the key somewhere.  Huh?  And then, of course, they tell the public to grin and bear it and tighten your belts.  I’ve heard that my whole life.  So, the folk have to start helping each other out, out of their pension money, because the government ain’t going to do it.  The government ain’t going to touch it.  But they’ll keep bailing out the banks.  They’ve just bailed out the rest of Europe.  They’re all bailing each other out, the banks, same bankers, by the way.  Same bankers behind it all.  Same owners of these private central banks, all getting bailed out, so the pensioners have to help each other out to have some fuel they can share, to heat themselves.  I’ve read the articles every year:)


Over-50s group Saga said 25,400 older people died in the UK last year due to the cold.


(A: 25,400 older people died in Britain, last year, and this is in their homes, due to the cold.  This is acceptable?  Have you heard of any of this happening to any of the banking industry?  I’ll say that again, for the hard of thinking.  25,400 older people died in the UK last year due to the cold.  This is in their homes.)


The Government's annual tax-free winter fuel payments are made to eligible people to help towards their winter heating costs.


That’s true Socialism.  They take everything off you, and give you this little chitty back, you know, you can buy so many liters of fuel, be grateful, you old fart.  Because they hate old people.  They hate old people.  They’re called consumers.  They‘re not producers anymore.  Look at the definition under the United Nations, global citizen.  A good global citizen is a producer and consumer.  When you’re just a consumer, you’re a burden.  And they want to euthanize these people.  There’s article after article.  They’re not paying their bit towards this system.  Fabian Socialism, George Bernard Shaw, You’ll have to come to us, and justify why we should let you live.  Remember, huh?


Now, there’s a caller on the line.  And I’ll take it now, and it’s just coming up now.  It takes a second.  Is a caller still on the line there?  Hello?


Caller: Hi, that’s quite the show you have going, it’s kind of like your poem last night.  It really says it all.  We’re living through a genocide where we’re being entertained to death, for sure.  And I used to listen to you for, I remember when I heard you on the Alex Jones Show years ago, and I started listening to you, and I listened, but I wasn’t really hearing what you said, and then, all of a sudden it started to click, and I listened to more shows, but anyway, I haven’t been watching TV at all for quite some time.  The flashing lights, the way they, you know, dazzle you.  I know about how, you know, people mimic what they see.  And, you know, I can understand how culture has gone down the tubes, thanks to the tube.  But, anyway, I live in the city now, in Portland, Maine.  I moved, you know, down south, because that’s where the jobs are, and anyway, I’m back home today, getting ready for a drill weekend.  I, I’m a sucker, and you know, was in the National Guard seven years ago.  But, anyway, I turned on the TV, and just to see what was going on. And the commercial caught my attention, and it reminded me of a show you did.  I don’t know if it was a blurb or what.  It could have been four or five years ago, about Margaret Thatcher, and how she did the air bubbles in ice cream.


Alan: That’s right.


Caller: So you can have like the same amount of ice cream, but it just had air in it.


Alan: Yeah, it was diet ice cream.


Caller: Oh, diet ice cream. 


Alan: Twice the price.  Same stuff.


Caller: Yeah, I remember you talking about it.  But, anyway, it was chocolate Hershey’s kisses they had a commercial on TV for, and I was looking, you know, they showed like half the Hershey’s kiss, and it had air bubbles in it.  And they were advertising it as, oh, it’s awesome.  It’s got air in it.  And I kid you not.  That was the commercial.  It was so reminiscent of Orwell’s ’84 with the chocolate rations.


Alan: That’s right.  They put air in.  It’s half the weight.  It looks bigger.  And Maggie Thatcher got an award, actually, for coming out with that scheme.


Caller: Yeah, it’s wild.  It’s just kind of numbing.  I just get nauseated about it, and of course the same year that Orwell’s ’84 came out, ’48, was the United Nations Universal Human Rights Declaration.  And all they’ve been doing is bombing countries left and right.


Alan: I know.


Caller: I mean, Veteran’s Day coming up, you were talking about, you know, dumping soldiers’ body parts in the dump, and you know, the couple there with the suicide pact in Britain.  Well, jeez, we just bombed the heck out of Libya, to get Gaddafi, and they’re all in shambles now, and nobody cares.  You know, it’s horrendous.  It’s sickening.


Alan: Well, we are cannon fodder.  We’re cannon fodder.  We’re well trained cannon fodder.  And most cannon fodder never thinks of an elite profiting off all of this.  And it’s all geopolitics, as they plunder oil, wealth, all the water supply and the oil for Libya, for instance.  And now they want to go into Iran as well.  And it’s the same list, as I say, they made years ago, the New American Century list.  They’re using it through Obama’s administration, because you see, there’s no countries anymore.  We’re all owned by the same people, and they have this agenda to take over all the world’s resources for themselves.  Go right back to the group that started it all, Cecil Rhodes foundation in London, and the Milner Society, that became the Royal Institute of International Affairs, that’s also the Council on Foreign Relations.  Their historian wrote about the whole plan back in the 1960s.


Caller: With The Anglo-American Establishment, you know the thought of that book, it’s just ridiculous, all the little biographical sketches of all the offices that those people hold.  It’s just nuts. 


Alan: All the world’s resources, take over all the supplies, everything you need to survive.  A few organizations will hold it in a new feudal world system.  And that’s what runs the world.


Caller: Hey, I had something real quick too.  You were talking about the goats that they called goys that were boy and girl, the hermaphroditic goats. 


Alan: That’s right.  That was in New Zealand.


Caller: Yeah.  Well, anyway, I was in DC in March, and walking around and looking at the Orwellian, you know, doublethink slogans and there was a statue that was for the Civil War, and it said something like “for those who died and knew no glory but their country’s good.”  And I looked at the statue, and it was like a real masculine face with mammary glands.  And it was like, what is this?  It’s like both man and woman.  And I thought “good” is like commodity and not just good, you know, so it’s written in that two-way doublespeak phrase.


Alan: That’s right.


Caller: But when I went down to Portland, there’s another statue in Monument Square, like it’s right downtown Congress Street and it says, you know, Portland, it says on it, To her sons who died for the Union.  And Union, you know, merger of man and woman.  You could see masculine face, mammary glands.  It’s right in plain view.


Alan: Yes, and that’s also why they put up the massive statue to Albert Pike, the great Freemason.  You know, the Freemason, who helped to push his part for this particular system, and the monument up in Washington DC too.  They put that up there as well.  And he was on the South’s side, but it didn’t matter, because, you see, it was all to destroy the South and amalgamate it all into the new commercialized industrial system.  That was the takeover, of course.  What they do is use wars for business takeovers.  That’s what they do.


Caller: Like you said, Karl Marx’s letter there to Lincoln with the same thing, congratulating him.


Alan: He telegraphed him, and he says, you’re following the whole plan.  And he says, thank you very much.  He says to centralize all government.  All government must be.  That was one of the first things for Communism, was centralization of all government.


Caller: Yeah, it’s wild.  It’s wild.  Yeah, well, about that statue, just one last thing before I go, I think it’s interesting that the word androgynous and android are so similar.


Alan: That’s right.


Caller: You know, because that’s the end game.


Alan: That is the end game.  It is.  It’s pretty well here, actually.  It’s been pushed like crazy.  Almost you’ll have to be one of them to have special privileges.  Otherwise you’re just cannon fodder.  Thanks for calling.  From Hamish and myself, from Ontario, Canada, may your god or your gods go with you.  Remember too, help me out, because I don’t take money from advertisers, etc, etc.  No empire here.  See you tomorrow.



Topics of show covered in following links:

300,000 Flu Doses Withdrawn in alert of "Side-Effects"

Gardasil Victims Take Legal Action

Army vet and Wife Driven to Suicide by Poverty

Future Cannon-Fodder Get Their Indoctrination from Their Masters (video game trainer preview)

Remains of US War Dead "Thrown in the Trash"

Penn State's Jerry Sandusky Rumoured to have been Pimping Out Young Boys to Rich Donors

Oil Executive--Military-Style Psy-Ops Experience applied

Canada--New Omnibus Crime Bill--Marijuana Growers to face More Jail Time than Child Rapists

Teaching Monkeys the Concept of Money

25,000 Older People Died in their Homes Last Year Because they Could Not Afford to Heat Themselves


Alan's Materials Available for Purchase and Ordering Information:


"Cutting Through"
  Volumes 1, 2, 3


"Waiting for the Miracle....."
Also available in Spanish or Portuguese translation: "Esperando el Milagro....." (Español) & "Esperando um Milagre....." (Português)


Ancient Religions and History MP3 CDs:
Part 1 (1998) and Part 2 (1998-2000)


Blurbs and 'Cutting Through the Matrix' Shows on MP3 CDs (Up to 50 Hours per Disc)


"Reality Check Part 1"   &   "Reality Check Part 2 - Wisdom, Esoterica and ...TIME"