Sept. 8, 2009 (#403)

Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Sept. 8, 2009:

Recycling Trash-ers of Body Snatchers:

"We Enjoy Scary Movies, Like to Scream,
Yet We're in Scary Reality, People Turning Green,
We're Supposed to Let Go, Nature's Will be Done,
In Homogenization is Understanding, All is One,
Upon Awakening, Your Spouse, Like in a Dream,
Will Seem a Little Different, Skin a Tinge of Green,
She'll Fawn over Shrubbery, Still Polite to You,
You'll Notice Her Shallow Breathing, Cutting Back on CO2,
Then Friends and Neighbours, Something Different is Seen,
One by One They're Taken Over, Yes They've All Gone Green"
© Alan Watt Sept. 8, 2009


Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 8, 2009 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)
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Hi folks.  I am Alan Watt and this is Cutting Through The Matrix on September the 8th 2009.  Newcomers look in to webs site and scroll down that front page, bookmark all the other sites I have up there because once and a while - and it’s becoming more frequent - one of the main servers goes down or it doesn’t let me upload because they won’t increase the bandwidth although it’s supposed to do it automatically.  That happens almost weekly now.  So bookmark those.  You’ve got a lot to choose from [listed above]., this is the European site which has all of the same audios as the rest but it has a lot of written transcripts for download and print up, written in the various languages of Europe.  So it’s a pretty handy one to have.  Plus, if you try these other sites you’ll often find you can get right through.  If you find the downloads sticking after a show, it’s because there’s too many people going in to the .com site at the same time. 


Remember too, that you bring me to you.  You, the listener, bring me to you.  I don’t get paid by advertisers.  That’s generally how hosts get paid.  The advertising on the show pays their fees directly to the station RBN to pay for their time and their equipment and their staff and so on.  So it’s up to you the listener to keep me going.  You can do it by buying that which I have for sale on my site, my books and disks.  Or you can donate to me.  In the US and Canada, personal check is good.  In the US, you can also send international postal money order, from your post office.  Outside the Americas, you can use Western Union and Money Gram.  PayPal can be used by everyone.  Western Union is expensive but it still gets through.  Money Gram is a bit cheaper.  You can order through those ways as well.  For those who get disks burned of the shows and passed to them because they don’t have computers and they’re burned by those who do, then you can write to me at [listed above] and that will get to me. 


You wouldn’t believe how things go here.  There’s not a day passes without a crisis of some kind or another.  As I mentioned there at the beginning, even the main servers like Yahoo, 3 or 4 times now, have stopped me from uploading.  All you get is disk space problem.  It’s supposed to be automatic and unlimited that I’m paying for.  I shouldn’t have to call them to tell them that I can’t upload.   When you get these setbacks that happen almost every night in one way or another, you’re up until 2, 3 in the morning… or more.  Every darn night it’s something else.  Those of you who have been listening for a little while have probably known that I’ve mentioned Xplornet - Xplornet is the satellite service that I use because I’m in the rural regions - and how they give you problems.  When you first sign on, your first 2 months is good, not-bad speed.  Not to what they claim, but it’s not bad at all.  Then, once that’s in, you’re locked in your payment plan, then they kick in with their fair use policy.  I’m going to explain what happened last night because it was quite the thing.  I was up until about 2 in the morning with it, 3 in the morning.  I’ll tell you how I got the run around from them.  Back with more after these messages. 


This is Alan Watt and we’re Cutting Through The Matrix.  Just giving you an idea of problems that are daily here… daily.  No one in their right mind would do what I’m doing here.  It’s crazy.  Absolutely crazy.  It’s one thing after another.  I’ve mentioned before, if you’re doing the right thing, things happen to you.  Things will happen to you.  The real world works really differently from the movies.  A lot can be done by the old boys’ network where someone in some government capacity even, can give the nod and the wink to a friend, an old school chum, at the head of a big company that I happen to be using and they can give you a lot of trouble.  Like you can’t upload to your sites or suddenly, like what happened - the very night I mentioned on the air Xplornet and the problems I was having - that very night, the satellite cut off completely.  That was on August the 12th.  That very night at 9pm, right at the very end of the show, off it went.  I had bad speed right up until then but it was dead. 


So I talked to different people at Xplornet and they had me on the phone for hours explaining to me that it could be your dish needing realigning, and it could be this and it could be that.  Try this, try that.  You go through this rigmarole with them.  So eventually, I had to fork out the cash, get a guy to come here and that was a joke in itself.  The woman at Xplornet was looking for someone to come here, when I was writing down the names it suddenly dawned on me, these guys that would come to fix it were from Alberta; I’m in Ontario.  I thought boy that will cost me some money there won’t it.  So I said no, Sudbury’s not far; there’s people in Sudbury.  I phoned someone myself and got them out here.  Anyway, after lightening my wallet incredibly for the replacement of parts that I’m sure it didn’t even need - this is what they do to a lot of people I’m sure - then it starts to work, but no real improvement in the speed.  Just over the last week or so, it’s gotten worse and worse.  I’m restarting it 10 times.  When you’re uploading it in a night’s 3 hours, 10 times to restart it. 


Last night, I got a hold of a nice girl who’s called Megan… who talked like a bureaucrat.   They all talk like bureaucrats because of their official policy on how to respond to customers, which is always vaguely.  That’s definite, vague, be vague.  I was trying to find out what happened and I said, look this thing just got fixed, supposedly, and now I can’t upload.  She says it’s because you’ve tripped the fair use policy.  Now you’re paying about $100 a month to use this thing.  This only gets used to upload at night and that’s it.  I asked her to explain what’s the limit for fair use policy?  She couldn’t tell me.  I asked her if there was anyone there who could and no one could tell me.  So, it’s arbitrary, you see.  In other words, they’ll pick on certain people, obviously, since there’s new customers coming in all the time.  Because they have to purchase their bandwidth from Hughes Satellite Company, the big military-industrial boys, then obviously, once they’ve got enough people in, they want more customers at the same time, they have to cut back your bandwidth. 


In other words, it’s a rubber band policy.  It depends how many people they’re bringing in new and sharing the bandwidth with.  Then they’ll cut you back if you’re an old time customer and you haven’t said too much in the complaint department.  I says to her, this is ridiculous; this has been going on for over 2 years.  I says, who’s your boss and she told me.  I says well, I invite your boss to come on the radio show so that he can tell me and all the listeners, potential customers maybe, and customers.  I know that Xplornet goes all the way from Alaska to way down in California, and a lot of people in New York State in the rural areas have it too.  A lot of the listeners tell me this.  I’m always getting asked what to use, to advise them on getting, if they want something a bit higher than dial-up.  I invited the boss on this show to explain this rubber band policy that is so vague that no one seems to understand it at all.  The problem is I’m fixed in.  I won’t get an answer obviously, but they’ve got me fixed in on a computer.  As soon as I use a certain amount of bytes, bang, they just cut me right off.


This is like the bureaucratic system of socialism.  It’s so interesting the corporations work exactly the same way as governments and bureaucracies with the same kind of people who deal with the public.  They have those eyes, they’re kind of like lobsters.  There’s just no expression there as they reel out their formulas to you and go around in circles with you.  Literally, they go around in circles.  It’s no coincidence that Quigley said that the new world system, the new feudal system they’re bringing in will be run by corporations.  Really, corporations ARE - and this is taught in economics - big corporations now have bureaucracies, just like government, just the same as government.  They have the big stick and that’s how they train you. 


So you can PAY for Xplornet.  They like you to pay for it.  In fact, they take it out of your bank every month.  You never get a receipt.  I’ve got one in 2 years and that was just a fluke, I think; it came out of nowhere by email, and that was it.  However, they want you to pay for it and they want to take your money for it.  They just don’t want you to USE it.  That’s not a bad deal for them is it?  Just don’t use it.  Here’s what they told me too.  Megan was awful good when she says, if you do want to use it, you can use it in the middle of the night, up until 5 am.  I thought, boy, this is great.  Where’s all this stuff on their contract when you join up with the darn thing?  You’ve got to be an insomniac to use Xplornet?


It’s incredible… what people get away with and corporations get away with.  Then again, as I say, how many other people are they doing this with?  OR, is it the old boys’ network saying so-and-so is a problem?  I’ll keep mentioning this problem until they take me off their automatic cut-me-back list.  I’ll keep mentioning it because at least I’m doing my duty in telling potential customers what’s going on with me… and it will happen with them too unless they can get it in writing they will not be cut back.  Unless they can get it in writing to tell them exactly how much bandwidth they can use a month.  There’s not even a site you can go in to, to find out.  There’s nothing.  It’s all this vague mystery.  Give us your money and let’s just hope. 


Can you imagine how many people this has happened to?  I’ve looked into the Xplornet complaints.  There’s a site out there where people have had bad experiences with them.  There’s so many of them and they all say the same thing.  They get the guys out umpteen times to fix their satellite and they pay $200-300 a time for this kind of stuff, just to get it trained in again, only to find out that Xplornet is doing it.  See, Xplornet won’t tell you.  I’m surprised Megan slipped up last night and actually told me that they had me on this rollback thing.  Everybody else I’ve spoken to there wouldn’t mention that at all.  They want to keep your money.  They want to make you think it’s your problem and it’s your equipment.  Isn’t that called lying?  Isn’t that called LYING to the public? 


There’s got to be some law that it’s under, the business bureaus and so on, to deal with this.  As I say, there’s nothing there… there’s nothing there explaining their fair use policy when you sign on.  I’m not using what I would call a lot of bandwidth.  I’m not putting videos up there every day like a lot of people do.  So if Xplornet’s listening in, wait and see what happens tonight.  The last time I mentioned this, they cut me off that very night and then blamed my satellite for it, my dish.  That lightened my wallet a good bit, as you remember, only to find out, yep, thanks Megan.  At least she told me it’s on automatic.  Last night at 8:18 pm, she says, I’d breached my limit, as they call it, breached your limit.  I’d only been on 15 minutes.  15 minutes and my limit was breached.  Amazing, eh?  So there you go.  Be careful out there.  Be careful because there’s an awful lot of this going on, as we all know.  Having got that beef over, but this tells you where your time goes.  You’re up until 2, 3 in the morning, every night, with this kind of stuff… either with the servers or the satellite guys. 


Just going over the media today.  I had one article there where there was a British scientist, who was a greenie of course.  They’re all getting their paychecks from the green environment.  He’s asked for religious leaders to tackle climate change by basically telling their congregations to be all for it.  Interesting too, you know… this is the President of the British Science Association, Lord May.  Lord May.  And he May indeed say whatever he wants.  It says…


Leading scientist calls on religious leaders to tackle climate change

President of the British Science Association, Lord May, says

 faith groups could lead policing of social behaviour

(Alan:  FAITH GROUPS policing of social behavior!) Science Web   /  British Science Festival 2009


I’ve said before, if you think Nazism was bad - national socialism or communism, which is international socialism - you ain’t seen nothing yet as to what’s coming down the pike.  I know the listeners here are far better educated than the general public who haven’t a clue.  They adapt into everything.  It’s going to get a lot, lot worse.  We’re seeing it all manifest now as SERVICES then become AUTHORITIES in every single area.  You’re all supposed to just ‘go green’.  Now they want all the religious groups to go green as well, but they also want them to POLICE THE BEHAVIOR of their congregations.  Everybody spying on each other to see if they’re praying to Jesus and going green enough at the same time.  Maybe they’ll have to pay some extra polluting fee for lighting the candles at mass, you know, that carbon comes off.  Do you know much energy goes in to creating that candle as well?  This is the FARCE of this nightmare called the new world order and it’s just starting to really manifest.  Back with more after these messages.


Hi folks.  I’m Alan Watt and we’re Cutting Through The Matrix.  That article from the British Lord May that wants to have the ministers teaching the congregations how to police themselves for social behavior, are they going green enough and all the rest of it, it’s part of the British Science Festival write-up in the  Can you image that?  Everybody is going green.  It’s amazing.  I don’t know if you’ve ever seen the movie, it was Invasion of the Body Snatchers?  Where in the middle of the night, I don’t know how they got there, but these alien pods came.  They were like long green beans.  They would copy the people who were sleeping.  Each pod would create a replica of them that would look just like the original person.  Then the original person, I guess, was just sucked up or something.  They’d disappear.  They’d have the same traits, the same habits but there was just something different about them.  Eventually, there was only a few people left who had not gone green.  The greenies have a couple of people trapped in a kitchen and say, join us, JOIN US, join us… all those worries and all those fears you have will be over; you’ll understand everything once you go green.


That’s just what it’s like isn’t it?  Be one; be one with us.  Go green.  One day, you’ll wake up and your spouse will be all green right next to you in the bed with a withered pod on the other side of the bed.  That’s where they came from.  They’ve gone green.  Everybody’s gone green.  I’m telling you, at least you can laugh about this because it’s serious business.  This is to be the big stick, the sustainability stuff, to change our ENTIRE behavior so that a few, A FEW can rule the world the way their ancestors planned it to be.  That’s exactly what it is… and this is the excuse they’ve come up with.  It’s getting taught as FACT.  There’s no facts about it.  Even the global warming has faded into climate change and so on and so on, but they’ve got what they wanted.  And they won’t change, I’m telling you.  They will not change their agenda come hell or high water.  They ain’t going to change it because everything banks on us giving up every possible right, over a period of time, incremental Fabian style until we emerge into a new system.  We won’t even think of ourselves as slaves.  Only a few of us will know.  The rest, of course, will adapt.  They just adapt into it without thinking.  That’s the way it really, really is. 


I’ve talked before about the United Nations, the big FRONT organization that was set up to bring ALL of this IN… ALL OF THIS IN.  It was set up by the Royal Institute of International Affairs/ Council on Foreign Relations.  It’s a FRONT organization to bring in a form of INTERNATIONAL SOCIALISM.  Which really means a bureaucratic elite, MASSIVE bureaucratic elite running all the peasantry down below micromanaging their lives, right down to the last detail, even if you’ve been the first detail, that’s if you’re even going to be conceived… by law.  I’m not kidding you.  Every law that’s passed on housing and greening and can you sell your house, that’s coming up shortly.  Can you sell your house because it isn’t green enough; it’s not insulated enough; it doesn’t have the latest yada, yada, ya until you’ll all be walking away from your homes.  That’s coming up too.  That’s part of it.  That’s part of Agenda 21.  Agenda 21 from the United Nations… that no newscaster will ever go through with you.  Just like no newscaster will go through the NAFTA deal for the unification of the Americas.  It’s not their job to tell you the truth.  They tell you little things about sports and stuff like that, and what happens in Hollywood.  That’s their job… to keep you off the main topics. 


This article here is from The Telegraph. 


UN wants new global currency to replace dollar

The dollar should be replaced with a global currency, the United Nations has said, proposing the biggest overhaul of the world's monetary system

since the Second World War.

 By Edmund Conway, Economics Editor  /  7 Sep 2009


 A number of countries, including China and Russia, have suggested replacing the dollar as the world's reserve currency. In a radical report, the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) (A:  UNCTAD, UNC TAD.  I guess that’s uncle.  Uncle TAD.  They’re changing it a little bit, that’s the TAD bit.) has said the system of currencies and capital rules which binds the world economy is not working properly (A:  At least they’ve noticed.), and was largely responsible for the financial and economic crises.  (A:  Was it really?  That’s why it was eh?  the system of currencies and capital rules… that’s what caused the crisis.  It wasn’t greedy bankers and Ponzi schemes was it?  Hmm…  That’s what it said in the newspapers at the time… all Ponzi schemes, big bubbles.  Nothing to do with what kind of currency you’re using.  But what does reality have to do with the United Nations?)


It added that the present system, under which the dollar acts as the world's reserve currency, should be subject to a wholesale reconsideration.


Although a number of countries, including China and Russia, have suggested replacing the dollar as the world's reserve currency, the UNCTAD report is the first time a major multinational institution has posited such a suggestion.  (A:  In other words, everyone’s ganging up on the US.)


In essence, the report calls for a new Bretton Woods-style system of managed international exchange rates, meaning central banks would be forced to intervene and either support or push down their currencies depending on how the rest of the world economy is behaving.


The proposals would also imply that surplus nations such as China and Germany should stimulate their economies further in order to cut their own imbalances, rather than, as in the present system, deficit nations such as the UK and US having to take the main burden of readjustment.  (A:  It’s EQUAL POVERTY, is what they’re advocating.   Back with more after this break.)


This is Alan Watt and we’re Cutting Through The Matrix.  Reading an article from The Telegraph to do with replacing the dollar.  It says here…


"Replacing the dollar with an artificial currency (A:  What is the dollar?) would solve some of the problems related to the potential of countries running large deficits and would help stability," said Detlef Kotte, one of the report's authors. "But you will also need a system of managed exchange rates. Countries should keep real exchange rates [adjusted for inflation] stable. Central banks would have to intervene and if not they would have to be told to do so by a multilateral institution such as the International Monetary Fund."  (A:  I told you before, that the International Monetary Fund was DESIGNED to take over and push this idea of The World Bank and be, basically, the intermediary for the world bank for the whole planet. This is it getting risen up.  Every part of the UN is being risen up to its proper place now.  That’s what it was designed to be as the MASTER of the world, at least the front-man master of the planet.)


The proposals, included in UNCTAD's annual Trade and Development Report, amount to the most radical suggestions for redesigning the global monetary system.


Although many economists have pointed out that the economic crisis owed more to the malfunctioning of the post-Bretton Woods system, until now no major institution, including the G20, has come up with an alternative.


We’re all global and they’ll still want the US to pay the lion’s share across the planet FOR the United Nations regardless of the currency.  That’s how they look upon the tax payer of the US, as just one big, endless pit, money pit for their massive bureaucracies at the United Nations.  And they are MASSIVE...  with big, fat pension plans and pay checks and so on.  Everything in the world has always been run on corruption no matter what face they put on, it’s always corruption behind it.  Always UNDER the face of altruism and stuff like that.  Quite something. 


You know all this stuff about injections and inoculations and mandatory this and mandatory that and all the rest of it?  This system where the proper place of medicine is to get risen up to its powerful status where they can ORDER the public to do things.  That’s what they wrote about when they first created the United Nations and even before when they did their little baby precursor, the League of Nations.  They said, it would be risen up to an authority.  And here it comes.  They’re injecting all kinds of this stuff into children on behalf of big pharma.  It’s amazing when you follow who’s who in pharma to find out that they worked IN government in certain departments where they put bills forward.  Then they go back into big pharma again and they get all the orders coming in from government, because they set it up in the first place.  Everything is totally corrupt.  TOTALLY CORRUPT.  The higher up you go, the more corrupt it is.  People don’t want to believe that.  They want to believe the TV version or the stuff they get on the soaps or the movies.  They want to believe that.  That somehow the higher up they go, the more altruistic and sincere and virtuous is the person.  What a great con that is to make us all want to believe that… because the opposite is always true.  The opposite is ALWAYS TRUE. 


This article here is from Times Online.  You’ve all heard about Gardasil and how they were pushing it on the young girls and so on.  It says, the right after school activities are your child’s first branding moment.  Then you scroll down and it says…


Question a doctor and lose your child

Ashleigh Cave (A:  this young girl.) lost the use of her legs (A:  paralyzed) after a vaccination

From The Sunday Times September 6, 2009  /  Daniel Foggo


PARENTS are being threatened with having their children taken into care after questioning doctors’ diagnoses or objecting to their medical care.


John Hemming, a Liberal Democrat MP, who campaigns to stop injustices in the family court, said: “Very often care proceedings are used as retaliation by local authorities against ‘uppity’ people who question the system.”  (A:  For those who live outside of Britain, they can’t really imagine that, although you’re seeing the same kind of things manifest everywhere else, in the US, Canada and so on.  Britain has always been run by this elite - it’s called The Establishment - but it’s run on a socialistic type manner for all those on the bottom.  If you were standing in a line for something, and you were the only person to question, why is this line taking so long… cameras, everything would be looking upon YOU, oh, you’d broken a taboo, you asked a question.  You’re supposed to just behave and do what you’re told.  I’m not kidding.  I’m not kidding.  That’s what people notice when they go to Britain, how placid they are in line-ups and queues and all the rest of it.  It’s because they’ve been trained that they’re all the same.  You’re really nothing, you see.  So just stand there as a nothing and maybe you’ll get your turn eventually.  Uppity people, they call them; those who complain.)


Cases are emerging across the UK:   (A:  Cases of retaliation by local authorities.)


The mother of a 13-year-old girl who became partly paralysed after being given a cervical cancer vaccination (A:  That’s Gardasil.) says social workers have told her the child may be removed if she (the mother) continues to link her condition with the vaccination.  (A:  Now it’s IN the possible side-effects of the vaccination:  paralysis, etc., but don’t dare mention it.)


A couple had all six of their children removed from their care after they disputed the necessity of an invasive medical test on their eldest daughter. Doctors, who suspected she might have had a blood disease, called for social services to obtain an emergency protection order, although it was subsequently confirmed that she was not suffering from the condition. The parents were still considered unstable, and all their children were taken from them.  (A:  If you question anything, ha, that’s it.  The parents just happen to be right in this but it doesn’t make any difference.)


A single mother whose teenage son is terminally ill and confined to a wheelchair has been told he is to become the subject of a care order after she complained that her local authority’s failure to provide bathroom facilities for him has left her struggling to maintain sanitary standards.


In the first of those cases, Ashleigh Cave (A:  This is the one with Gardasil.), 13, from Liverpool, began experiencing severe headaches and dizziness half an hour after being inoculated last October with Cervarix (A:  Which is the same as Gardasil.), which (A:  MAY, I should put MAY in there because it hasn’t been proven) guards against girls contracting the human papilloma virus.  (A:  I hate how they word things.  It’s supposed to guard against 2 or 3 of ALL the varieties of them… SUPPOSED to.)


The schoolgirl was soon collapsing repeatedly; she lost the use of her legs and was admitted to Alder Hey children’s hospital. Nearly 11 months later she is still in hospital and is unable to stand or walk unaided. Her mother, Cheryl, has now been told that doctors believe her condition must be psychosomatic.  (A:  It’s all in your head.  It’s all in your head that you had seizures and fell paralyzed after that shot.  Even though it’s possible as a side effect down there, you see.  Got to protect big pharma.  Got to protect the doctors.  They don’t like lawsuits.  They don’t like that.  So what do they do?  They get local authorities to confiscate your children.  End of problem.  Simple isn’t it?)


“The hospital brought in social workers from the local authority who have told me they are considering putting Ashleigh on an at-risk register,” Cheryl Cave said. She is convinced her daughter’s paralysis was caused by the vaccination.


Cave said that a social worker from Sefton council said she suspected her of having Munchausen’s syndrome by proxy (A:  They love to read this stuff… You know, a social worker.) or factitious illness syndrome — controversial conditions in which mothers are said to attribute illnesses falsely to their children in order to gain attention.  (A:  I guess that’s a good way of getting attention, your daughter goes paralyzed eh?  You put a few amazing little words out there, Munchausen’s syndrome by proxy, and suddenly every social worker is, ‘that’s probably what they’ve ALL got; the whole population’s got it.’  That’s what happens with the people, you know.  It goes through them like a fad for a while.)


Cave said: “The social worker said I should stop believing the injection has anything to do with Ashleigh’s condition because I am putting my thoughts on to her and stopping her getting well.  (A:  It’s all her mum’s fault.  It wasn’t pharma.  I wasn’t a doctor with the inoculation.  No.  No.  No.)


“Since Ashleigh was in hospital she has become incontinent and had double kidney infections and chest infections. Have I made all these up?”  (A:  You see. That’s, again, standard what comes down with paralysis and so on, you end up with that.)


In the third of these cases, Melvilina Gavin-Langley’s 16-year-old son Omar is terminally ill with Duchenne muscular dystrophy and restricted to a wheelchair.


His mother is embroiled in a legal dispute with Birmingham city council over a partly completed extension intended to provide Omar with easy access to a bathroom.


Gavin-Langley, 49, who wants the extension rebuilt because she says it was designed in a way that was dangerous and obstructed access to sewers, said: “I have had to carry Omar upstairs to bathe him but it was risking dislocating his shoulders and also I got a hernia from all the lifting.


“I told the council I could no longer lift Omar across my back.


“They then turned that around and said I had said I could no longer care for my son. (A:  So she complained about the fact the she could no longer lift the guy on her back and so they took the son away.)  They say they have to put him into care because his hair has not been washed and he’s not getting a bath. They have just threatened me with this because they don’t like me taking legal action against them.”  (A:  That’s a fact.  They don’t.  They really don’t because these authorities are just like the Soviet system.  They’re copied on the Soviet system and they DO retaliate… BIG TIME.  This is all through our system now.  All these services are now AUTHORITIES.  Even though they’re all paid by the tax payer, we’re POST democratic.  They’re not responsible to YOU.  That’s what the Club of Rome said, democracy was too cumbersome.  They had to get rid of it so they can get their agendas through.  It’s all out in the open now, coming down fast.)


There’s Maggie from Texas on the line.  I’ll see if I can grab her.  Are you there Maggie?


Maggie:  Yes.  Good evening, Alan.  I was just wondering whether you believe that there might be any way to fight the, let’s say, the illuminates… fight them by using their refusal ever to deviate from the game plan against us?  I know that there are martial arts systems in which you use the enemy’s strengths against them.  I wondered if you can see any counter part here.  What is your take on that?


Alan:  The counter part is really easy but won’t happen.  I won’t happen.  It’s very easy because everything… We have this idea in our head that government, certainly it is big, but you understand the population is an awful, awful, awful lot bigger.  All it takes is for the people to say NO.  On any particular issue, they all say NO.  Government, no matter how ridiculous the laws and legislation they put through, need our cooperation to go along with those laws.  They really need us to consent to it.  We consent by saying nothingThat is a legal fact that SILENCE IS CONSENT.  Because of that, they go ahead.  Then they start using those laws on people as laws.  We could bring the country to a standstill on any issue… if enough people just said NO, THAT’S IT; TODAY I’M NOT GOING UP TO WORK; TODAY I’M NOT DOING THIS; TODAY I’M NOT DOING THAT.  Whatever it was.  And you’ll get attention very quickly.  They’d have to ask you what you wanted.  For the first time ever, they’d have to ask YOU what YOU wanted.  But we’ve been trained since about 1960 onwards, gradually, through being happy, having fun, credit cards and playing, NOT to be involved in politics AT ALL and actually to leave it to what we think are experts.  Very quietly, at first, this came in.  Gradually we sort of accepted it without really thinking it through consciously.  That’s how most folk are today.  They just accept that somehow governments are super powerful, special people up there, and we’re out of the picture.  We just do what we’re told now.  We have been trained just to do what we’re told.  This is the dream of totalitarians… which is manifesting right now.  If people, for instance, when they put the gas prices out of sight, if people just stopped going to work for one or two days, stop filling up on gas, across a country, what… are they going to arrest ALL of you?  They can’t do it.  It’s the same with food too.  The GMO and all the other things they’re doing and mass inoculations, if the folk just all said NO.  What are they going to do?  Arrest whole nations?  How could they do it?  Impossible.  Government, really, is pretty small.  It’s the image we have in our minds and that’s all government is, remember, an idea.  Government is like money.  It’s an IDEA.  In our minds it seems so colossal because of the constant, daily, repetition of news and government; it seems massively huge, but it isn’t.  The only huge thing is the salaries and all the taxes they take off you.  In reality, it isn’t a huge thing.  What could they do if enough people, in a state even, in one state, or a couple of states, said NO?  Just like Gandhi, NO.  NOPE.  They can’t lock you all up.  It’s impossible to lock you all up… for saying no.


Maggie:  You seem to be saying that won’t happen and yet you’re out here educating people every night so I hope you don’t mean that.


Alan:  You will find there will be groups who will do it.  The elite have divided and conquered, divided and conquered down to a micro level.  They have not only the genders split now, they have micro gender in-betweens all split.  Everybody’s split with everybody else and they’re all after their own little thing because they all belong to different groups that have been laid on for them go join… but they don’t stand together collectively as humanity and say ENOUGH.  The elite know this.  When you look back at the massive demonstrations there were during the 70s and 80s, all across the world against the atomic bomb and you’d have families in the streets there, their children would be with them, there was no banging the drums and a carnival-like atmosphere.  They just had their posters.  Ordinary folk with families, thousands and thousands of them, protesting about certain things and that had an image that stuck with you.  What happened after 9/11?  They just vanished. 


Maggie:  After 9/11 is when it vanished?  Or 9/11 was the incident that showed it no longer existed?


Alan:  That’s right.  It showed it no longer existed.  Then too, government did come down on protests of all kinds.  We’ve seen it for the previous G20 meetings when they came down really hard on anyone who protested against global governance.  In fact, that’s what Kissinger said in his speech, I think it was in France or Germany, when they asked him to define from America’s standards what a terrorist is.  He said, it’s anyone who’s against the new international, global order.  That’s what he said.  They’re going to stand no nonsense, in other words.  However, I don’t care if they turned up the military, or whoever.  If you had enough people, most of the people stand up and say, enough is enough, we’re not complying…  What are they going to do?  Arrest the whole of the population?  Who’s going to arrest the population?  How could they even try and do it?  You can’t do it.  That’s really the power that we DO have if we want to take it.  Say NO, ENOUGH! 


Maggie:  Thank you Alan.


Alan:  Thanks for calling.  I’ll be back with more after this break.


Hi folks.  I am Alan Watt and this is Cutting Through The Matrix.  Just before I go I should mention Agenda 21.  Everyone goes along without thinking as to how all these proposals and laws came into being.  You have to go back in time to the 90s really when it came out into the open, at least in certain magazines and in certain quarters.  Agenda 21, the United Nation’s plan for your sustainable community.  YOUR sustainable community.  It’s commutarianism, as Bush Sr. called it, or collectivism, as the Club of Rome called it.  This is by Berit Kjos.  I’ve mentioned this before and I read off it before, maybe about a year ago.  This is from 1998.  There’s a quote here from Maurice Strong, opening speech at the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development.  Remember, he is the Rockefeller boy and the United Nations boy. 


Agenda 21

The U.N. Plan for Your "Sustainable" Community

By Berit Kjos - 1998


"...current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class - involving high meat (A:  That’s why it’s all going vegetarian, by the way.  It was decided by these boys way above you.) intake use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work-place air-conditioning, and suburban housing - are not sustainable. (A:  You can tell you’re going to get knocked out of suburbs and placed into the cities.)  A shift is necessary, which will require a vast strengthening of the multilateral system (A:  That’s the global system.), including the United Nations..." (A:  That’s what he said.) [1]  Maurice Strong, opening speech at the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development


Note: This global contract binds all nations and spreading regions to the collective vision of "sustainable development." They must commit to pursue the three E's of "sustainability": Environment, Economy and Equity referring to the UN blueprint for environmental regulations, economic regulations, and social equity.


Agenda 21, the UN blueprint for global transformation, sounds good to many well meaning people. Drafted for the purpose of creating "sustainable societies", it has been welcomed by nations around the world. Political, cultural, and media leaders have embraced its alluring visions of social justice and a healthy planet. They hide the lies behind its doomsday scenarios and fraudulent science. Relatively few consider the contrary facts and colossal costs.


After all, what could be wrong with preserving resources for the next generation? Why not limit consumption and reduce energy use? Why not abolish poverty and establish a global welfare system to train parents, monitor intolerance, and meet all our needs? Why not save the planet by trading cars for bikes, an open market for "self-sustaining communities," and single dwellings for dense "human settlements" (located on transit lines) where everyone would dialogue, share common ground, and be equal?


The answer is simple. Marxist economics has never worked. Socialism produces poverty, not prosperity. Collectivism creates oppression, not freedom. Trusting environmental "scientists" who depend on government funding and must produce politically useful "information" will lead to economic and social disaster.


I’ll put this link up on my web site at the end of tonight’s show.  That’s if Xplornet will let me load up anything to the net.  We’ll see.


From Hamish and myself from Ontario, Canada, it’s good night and may your God or your Gods GO with you. 



Topics of show covered in following links:


"Leading scientist calls on religious leaders to tackle climate change - President of the British Science Association, Lord May, says faith groups could lead policing of social behaviour" by Ian Sample ( - Sept. 7, 2009.

"UN wants new global currency to replace dollar" by Edmund Conway ( - Sept. 7, 2009.

"Question a doctor and lose your child" by Daniel Foggo, The Times - Sept. 6, 2009.

"Agenda 21: The U.N. Plan for Your "Sustainable" Community" by Berit Kjos ( - 1998.



Transcribed by Diana