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Alan Watt as Guest on "World Review Commentary" with George Butler worldreview.tv |
Sept. 14, 2008 Alan Watt on "World Review Commentary" with George Butler worldreview.tv (Originally Aired Live: Sept. 14, 2008 on "We The People Radio Network") Conventions, Show for Public - Globalization Agenda - Club of Rome - Collectivism, Commutarianism, Habitat Areas. France, Data Collection - Lord Bertrand Russell, School Testing - Parallel Government, RIIA, CFR, Carroll Quigley - NGOs - Rockefeller Foundation, World Citizenship Awards, Socrates. Eugenics, "Inferior Types" - World Government, Standardization - New Age Religion, Gorbachev - Olympic Games, Symbolism - Occult (Hidden), Freemasonry, Education, Identification of Children. Karl Marx's Telegraph to Lincoln - Irish Famine, Food Exported for Britain - Food Distribution based on Population Quotas, United Nations - Networking. Democracy, Majority Vote in Right Direction - Political Wrestling Match - "Change is Good" - Marketing, PR, Image Creation - Barack Obama - Bill Clinton, Council on Foreign Relations. George Orwell's "Animal Farm" book, Fanatical Groups, Followers - Mass Movements - Tribalism, Leaders, Flags, Music, Emotive Responses - Julian and Aldous Huxley, Scientific Dictatorship. Conditioning, Mottos, Slogans, Phrases - Advertising - Plato's "Republic", Dominant Elite, Elitism. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD HOUR 1 Egosyntonic Society - Unorganized Public - British DOD Projections - Bringing Down of United States. Fact and Fiction - Arthur Conan Doyle's "Sherlock Holmes" - Tavistock Institute. Going Along, Giving Away Rights - Popular Political Candidates - Internationalists - A "Rogue Nation" - Acquiescence to Totalitarian Demands - Knighthood by Queen. 100 Years of Treaties - Nationalism - Internet, Data, Policing - New Age Movement, Channelling, Theosophy, Science Coupled with Spiritualism. Altered Perception, Mind Control - Parroted Catch-Phrases - Serving World State - "Soylent Green" movie - Microbiologists' Deaths. "Programmable" Viruses - Porton Down Laboratories, Britain - Pandemics - Inoculations, Diseases - UN, Population Control, Free Tetanus Shots, Sterilization. Blood of U.S. Prisoners Sold to Canada, Connaught Lab., Hemophiliac Deaths - Reduction of "Useless Eaters". Elections, Presidents and Prime Ministers - Old Laws Never Thrown Out - War in Middle East - Monroe Doctrine - Amalgamation of Americas - 3 Trading Blocs. Common Law, Acceptance by Silence. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD HOUR 2 May 11, 2008 Alan Watt on "World Review Commentary" with George Butler and Charlotte Littlefield Brown worldreview.tv (Originally Aired Live: May 11, 2008 on "We The People Radio Network") (Note: Voice echo during first 15 minutes.) Mainstream Media Reality - Culture Creation - Freemasonry, Managerial Class, Symbolism as Language. CIA, Techniques used on Society - New Age Religion, Mikhail Gorbachev, Earth Worship - Zbigniew Brzezinski, Internet, Irrelevant Data. World Resource Takeover - Royal Institute for International Affairs - Cold War, Technology. Spain, Catholicism - Britain, British East India Company - Front Democracy - Free Trade, British Empire, John Dee. Television - People Mimic Drama, Emulate Actors - BBC, Eton - Encouraged Promiscuity, Abortion, Destruction of Family Unit. Compulsory Education - League of Nations, UN, UNESCO, Standardized Indoctrination - Humanism. Human Nature, Drives, Psychology - "Philanthropic" Organizations - Eugenics Programs, Forced Sterilization - Infertility. Aldous Huxley - Catholic Church, Malachi Martin, Possession. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD HOUR 1 Routines and Habit, British Depression, Denial - Avoidance of Pain, Seeking Pleasure - Egosyntonic Society - Bread and Circuses, Rome, the "Dole". Subjugation to Authority - George Orwell's "1984" - Prince Phillip - King George, Upper Class "English" - Guelph (Wolf) - Saxe-Coburg-Gotha Family, Intermarriage. Age of Chaos - Karl Marx, Hegelian Dialectic, Communism. Nobility, Masonry, Bringing in of "Powers of Universe", "Entities", etc - Pharaohs, Mummification - "Hell" and "Heaven" to a Demon, Inhabitation of a Host. Hollywood Movies, Predictive Programming - Sterilization, UN Free Tetanus Shots - Inoculations. DNA Collection, Labeling. Funeral Homes - Acid-Tank Body Disposal - Britain, Body Parts Warehouses. Price of Knowing - Deflection of this Course (Horror Show). J.R.R. Tolkien, "Lord of the Rings", Language Coding - Symbols, Master at Top, Capstone - Hobbits, Army of "the Dead" - Ancient Roman Aristocracy, Agrarian Society. Socialized System, Training. Food Supply, Malnourishment, Synthetic Vitamins - Sick Population during Massive Changes - War Strategy. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD HOUR 2 Dec. 16, 2007 Alan Watt on "World Review Commentary" with George Butler and Charlotte Littlefield Brown worldreview.tv (Originally Aired Live: Dec. 16, 2007 on "We The People Radio Network" [2.5 hours]) Alan's Books, Waking Up the Mind - Academia, Publishing Houses, Censoring - Intelligence+Fantasy=Counterintelligence. Zbigniew Brzezinski "Between Two Ages" book - Standardized Culture, Total Information Gathering. Money was First Trick - Loss of Barter - Ancient Debt, Mediterranean Slave Cities, "Free Trade", Wage Slavery. Spartans - Incoming Bankers, Standing Armies, Empire - Ancient Rome, Britain. Founding Fathers, Federation of the World run by Council of 12 Wise Men - Front Government - Margaret Thatcher "New World Order" speech. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD HOUR 1 Alphabet and Number Encryption - Sexual Terminology - Coding of "Government" - Building Structure, Architectural Language. Letter "A" - Alpha and Omega - Compass, Circle, Capped Pyramid - Columbia (Dove in Latin) - D.C. (10), Binary. Amen-Ra (Hidden God) - Judaism, Selah, "So Mote It Be" - Catholic Church, Curia, High Priest of Jupiter. Constantine, Christianity, Cult of Mithra - Protestantism, Anglican Church - Celtic Church, Ireland, Egypt, Celtic Cross, Gnostics. American Revolution, Benjamin Franklin, Freemasonry, Taxation - The Colonies, British Crown - Boston Tea Party, British East India Company, Monopoly. Domesday Book, Census - Normans, Fee, Feudalism, Serfs (Slaves) - Industrial Revolution, Lord Rothschild, Corn Law Repeal - "Citizens" - White Slavery, Indentured Servants. Jesus, Judaism, Messiahs, Active Religion. Culture Creation, Alteration - DNA, Immune System, Inoculations - Western Male Sperm Count Drop - Eugenics, Bioethics, Bacterial Warfare. Foundations, Think Tanks - Club of Rome "First Global Revolution" book - Collectivism, Fascist Elite, Bureaucracy. Language of Symbolism, Subconscious - Machine Thinking - Ancient Greece, Reading - Brain Exercise. Thomas Malthus - Charles Galton Darwin "Next Million Years" book - Aldous Huxley - Bertrand Russell, Experimental Schools - Soviet Union, Israel. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD HOUR 2 History of Education, Scientific Indoctrination - Worship of System - Democracy, Sham Government. Prof. Carroll Quigley: Parallel Government - CFR, RIIA - "Foreign Affairs" magazine - United Nations. Psychopathy, Sadomasochism, Psychopathic Personalities - Adolf Hitler's Followers. Money, Royalty, Families of Power - Commercialized System - Freemasonry, Oaths - Fraternity of Police. Concert of Europe - World Standardization based on British System - Britain Passing Torch on to America. US Constitution - Ancient Rome - UN, Woodrow Wilson, League of Nations - Manifest Destiny. Alexander Hamilton, Monarchy, Bureaucracy - "Right of Might" - Roman Senate (Chessboard) - House of Lords - Federalism - Hereditary Dynasties. H.G. Wells - John Stewart Mill - Serving the World State, "Human Resources". "Know Thy Self", Truth, Free-Falling - Enlightenment - Real Reality, Thinking for Yourself, Perception. Trick of Pharaoh (Good Shepherd) to Lead the Sheep - Economic Wars, Karl Marx, International Banking - Pyramid Structure, Dominant Minority. Plato, Greek Aristocracy, Pythagoras, Egypt - Crotona, Italy - Training of Revolutionaries, Provocateurs - Logic, Sequences, Formulas. Military-Industrial Complex, Cold War, Taxation, Totalitarian Control - Brain-Chip, End of Individuality. Achilles Heel of Psychopath - Saying "NO". LISTEN / DOWNLOAD HOUR 3 Nov. 25, 2007 Alan Watt on "World Review Commentary" with George Butler and Charlotte Littlefield Brown worldreview.tv (Originally Aired Live: Nov. 25, 2007 on "We The People Radio Network") Charlotte Littlefield Brown and George Butler travel to the Sniper's nest on The Sixth floor of The Texas School Book Depository. Who murdered President John Fitzgerald Kennedy on November 22, 1963? Hour 1 includes April 27, 1961 John Fitzgerald Kennedy speech: "The President and the Press." Organized Conspiracy - Media, Military - "Democracy" - Council on Foreign Relations, Royal Institute for International Affairs. Kennedy Family, JFK not "Toeing the Line" - Karl Marx "Das Kapital" - United Nations, League of Nations, Controlled Society. Psychopathy in Monied System - Psychopathic Personality - Federal Reserve System - Mandell House, Sir Earl Grey. "Champion of Camelot" - JFK Assassination, Orders from Top - Mafia, Underworld, Giuseppe Mazzini, Freemasonry - Rhodes Scholars. Dealey Plaza, Courthouse, Pyramid, Trident - "Killing of the King" ritual - Saturnalia - Occult. (Book: "The Anglo-American Establishment" by Prof. Carroll Quigley.) LISTEN / DOWNLOAD HOUR 1 Feudal System, Bluebloods, Royalty - "The Great Work" - Cecil Rhodes - Knighting by the Queen - Intermarriage into "Better Stock". Parallel Government - Presidents - Hillary Clinton - Oxford, London School of Economics, Both Sides of Dialectic. Kennedy, Bronfman families - Drug, Booze Smuggling, Cuba - Jacquelyn Kennedy, Madame Bouvier. Authors, Book Publication, Penguin Books - Predictive Programming, Alien Agenda. Scientific Dictatorship - New Peasantry, Genetically Altered Workers - UK Department of Defence, Riots for 30 Years. Eugenics, Bioethics - Inoculations, Polio Vaccine, Dr. Salk, Cancer. Exposure of Agenda, History - Battle for Individual Mind - Regaining Individuality. Prof. Marshall McLuhan, "Voices in the Ether" - Behaviour Control, Modification, CIA - Standing Wave, HAARP, Weather Warfare. North American Union - Amalgamation, Free Trade, Free Flow of Goods and Labour. Aerosol Spraying, Military Jets - H.G. Wells' "Shape of Things to Come", Aerial Gassing. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD HOUR 2 3 percent Who Own Wealth of Planet - 3 percent Who Are Aware - 7 percent Military, Police, Bureaucracy. Front called Democracy - Nationalism, Treaties, World Govt. - Population Control, Wars - Immigration into Britain, US - Sterility, Fertility Clinics. "In the beginning was the word" - Ancient Greece, Rome - Licensed Orators - Linguistic Minimalism - Thought-Crime. Following the "Stars" - Hollywood, Holy Wood - Narcissism. Intelligence, Counter-Intelligence - Outer Space, Aliens, "Written in the Stars". Kennedy Assassination - Oswald's Mail-Order Rifle - Moving Target - Parade Route - Occultic Symbology - Three Unworthy Craftsmen. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD HOUR 3 Oct. 14, 2007 Alan Watt on "World Review Commentary" with George Butler worldreview.tv (Originally Aired Live: Oct. 14, 2007 on "We The People Radio Network") Pre-20th Century History Books - Alteration of History, Abridgement - "Down the Memory Hole" - Planned Society, Future. Prussia, Germany, Soldier-Aristocrats - Sabre Duels, Royal Houses - Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (Windsor) - Guelph (Wolf, Golf), Mansfield. Sorcery, Magic, Illusion - Mark Twain: Myth of America - Bank "Robbery" - Merrill-Lynch, Interest Rates. Dalai Lama, Occultic Rituals. Ologies and Isms - Mass-Mann, Destruction of Individuality, Conformity, Mass-Training, Control - Dialectic, Opposition, Compromise. Aldous Huxley, Bertrand Russell, Think Tanks - Psychiatry, Marketing, Conditioning. Freud, Darwinism - Theory of Evolution - Eugenics, Selective Breeding, "Superman", Soviet Man - Rutherford's memoirs, Genetic Research. Virtual World, Masonic "Virtues", Disneyworld - Data Collection, Census, Virtual "You" - "The Matrix" movie - Ideal Design, ID, Purpose-Made Humans. Plato's "Republic" - Neoplatonism - Alexandria, Egypt - Guardian Class - Zulus. Psychopath's System - Creation of Money - Control Freaks - Elihu Yale - Psychopathy. Divine Right of Kings - Hierarchy of Heaven and Earth. Interdependence, U.N. - World Run by Experts - Debates - Moral Relativism - Kabala - Objectivism - Pavlovian Training and Response. Allegory of Eden - Road of Science: Elimination of Conscious Thought - "Ghost in the Machine" book. Soviet Politburo - Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) - Futurist Society, Alvin Toffler, Newt Gingrich. Roman Praetorian Guard - Terrorism - Psychological Evaluations, Monitoring, Predictability, Totalitarianism - Egyptian Pharaohs. Cities (Bee-Hive), Nimrod, Artificial System, Medium of Exchange - Napoleon, Cleopatra - Ants and Bees, The "Profane". Club of Rome: "The First Global Revolution" book - "War of the Worlds" radio broadcast - Departments of Culture - CIA - Hollywood. Lenin, Repetition of Slogans - Repertoires - Name-Calling: "Natzi", "Communist", "Anti-Semitic" - "The Sting" movie. Cons, Con-Men, Understanding of Victim - Politics, Cults, Leaders. "Know Thy Self". Mormonism, Duke of Kent, Experimental Groups - Moroni, Joseph Smith, Electi, Freemasonry. Jesus Idea, Virgin Birth, Apostles - Religion - Nietzsche: "God is Dead". Alan's Music, Concerts, Studio Work. Computers, Cell-Phones, Brain-Chip - Straitjackets, War on Terror, War OF Terror. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Sept. 2, 2007 Alan Watt on "World Review Commentary" with George Butler worldreview.tv (Originally Aired Live: Sept. 2, 2007 on "We The People Radio Network") RE-Written History, a New Fiction for Your Generation - Removal of "Discordant" parts of History - Pacification of Public. Think Tanks planning Changes - Club of Rome - Global Society, System - Marketing Ideas. British Diplomatic Corps. - British Empire based on Free Trade - Most Favoured Nation Status - Private (Privy) Council. European Union - Rothschild Bankers. Olympians and Mt. Olympus - Profane not allowed up mountain. "Downloading" of Information - Gestalt writing: DE-Programming, Shocking Out of Indoctrination - Delusions: Fixed False Beliefs. LSD: Made by Pharmaceutical Companies - "The Fifth Man" book - Experiments at Porton Downs Laboratories. War OF Terror - MK-Ultra Experiments - States of Shock, Psychic Driving, Mental Imprints. Project for a New American Century: Agenda in Middle East. Linguistic Minimalization - Absence of Terms to describe Horror - Human Computer Logic, Language. Alchemic and Scientific Dictatorship - Workings of "Nature". Celtic Peoples - Clans of Scotland - Oral histories. Masonic Geneva Bible - King James Version: Emphasis on Obedience to King - Dogma - Old Testament: Key of Solomon, Hiram (Aries) - Compilation of Rules for "Wise" - Greek Version by 72 Priests in Egypt. Ancient Brotherhoods - Hurrians (pre-Sumerian) - Egyptian Book of Dead (Life). Tavistock Institute - Scientific Boffins - Aldous Huxley, Charles Galton Darwin. Nightly News: Psychological simulation of LSD trip, mixing horror with trivia. NAFTA Superhighway (69 in US, Canada) - Masonic Obelisks on Border. Jolly Roger Pirate Flag - Knights Templars - "Born Again" explained. Builders of Society (Freemasons), bringing "Order out of Chaos" - Fall of Twin Towers - Ideal Designed New Man - Eugenics. (BOOKS: "The First Global Revolution" by King and Schneider (Club of Rome). "Education And The Good Life" by Bertrand Russell.) LISTEN / DOWNLOAD |