"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Guest on The Russell Scott Show) westcoasttruth.com |
Nov. 13, 2013 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Guest on The Russell Scott Show) westcoasttruth.com Scientific Indoctrination in a Global Society - Culture Creation - Programming for Changes - Orwell and Huxley - Fake Resistance - Rule by Experts - Tax-Exempt Foundations and NGOs - GIRFEC and Mandated Psychiatric Testing - CFR/RIIA - Drugging of Children - Bertrand Russell's Experimental School - Industrial and Post-Industrial Society - Technotronics - Scientific Tyranny - Tribal Societies - Standing Armies - Countries Borrowing from Private Banks - Debt-Free Money - Conspiracies in History - Planning before Iraq War - Anti-Terrorism Bills - Middle-East War List - Embargoes - Soft and Hard Power - Syria and Iran - Britain in India - Vetted Politicians - Revolutionary Secret Societies - Wars for Resources - Kabala - The Beehive - Blavatsky and New Age Movement - Distraction and Fascination - World Order. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD |