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Alan Watt as Guest on "The Information Corner Broadcast" with Sam and Trish ![]() theinformationcorner.com |
Dec. 20, 2008 Alan Watt on "The Information Corner Broadcast" with Sam and Trish (Originally Aired Dec. 20, 2008 on Dixie Broadcasting) World Order, Takedown of U.S. and West - Melamine in Food, FDA Approval as "Protein" - Artificial Estrogens, Effeminization of Males. Tobacco, Mandated Chemical Additives - Anti-Smoking Campaign - Government Teaching "Safely" Injecting Heroin. Putting You Under Economically, Stolen Sales, Pirated Books - Death Threats. United Nations, World Tyranny, Laws - NGOs - Nick Begich, HAARP, CBC, Thought Transmission Technology - Sovietized System, Reece Commission, Ford Foundation. Club of Rome, "The First Global Revolution" book - Building Codes, Upgrades - Habitat Areas, Agenda 21 - Third-World Countries, Throwaway Products. Rote Education - Media, News, Exoteric World - Zbigniew Brzezinski - Winston Churchill, Invasion of Iraq, Oil. Reduction of "Profane" - Phthalates, Bisphenol A, Sterility. Science of Power, Study of Public - Scientific Management - Promiscuity Encouraged. Social Insurance Number, Monitoring, Medical Histories - Eugenics - Factory Towns, Voltaire, Company Store. Charles Darwin, Humans as Evolved "Animals", Materialism - C.G. Darwin, Overbreeding of "Inferior Types". UNESCO, Standardized Social Engineering - Dolly the Sheep - Bioethics, Genetics - Replacement of "Defective Genes". Raising Public Awareness - Legal Termination - Euthanasia, Holland - Mass Unemployment, Depression. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Hour 1 Societal Changes, Public Acceptance, Compliance - Apathy Creation - Lobbying, NGOs. U.S. Military Predictions, Crisis Within, Rioting - Internal Army of Police and Military - Pulling Plug on U.S. Foundations, World Bank, United Nations - World Wisdom Council, Interfaith Religion, Consensus. New Scientific Priesthood - "Positive Discrimination" Against White Males - Benjamin Franklin, "Federation of World". Fundamentalists, Fanatics - Intolerance, Dictators - John Dewey, "Invasion from Outer Space", Ronald Reagan - Uniting Planet, Club of Rome - "Day the Earth Stood Still" movie. Science Fiction Programming - Talk Radio, Art Bell Clones, Fascination - Star Trek series, Gene Roddenberry, NASA - Occult. Planned Agenda, Cooperation Necessary - Barrel Oil Price, Doubling - No Private Transportation, UN Agenda 21. "Chip off Old Block", Altar, Masonic Ceremonies - Third-Generation Masons, Trinity, Eugenics, Selective Breeding for Offspring - Scottish Rite, Odd Fellows, Shriners, 40th Degree. Albert Pike, Manly P. Hall, Freemasonry - Technocrats - Inter-Related Dynasties - George Bush Sr. - John F. Kennedy. Economic Collapse, Interdependence - Cities, Monitoring - Integration of U.S.-Canada-Mexico Forces - NATO Policy, Containment. Exposing Agenda - Significant Work - Organization - H.G. Wells' "Open Conspiracy" - Generations Robbed, Stolen Minds - Making Decisions. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Hour 2 Sept. 13, 2008 Alan Watt on "The Information Corner Broadcast" with Sam and Trish (Originally Aired Sept. 13, 2008 on Dixie Broadcasting) Britain, Poverty, Renting, Fixed Wages and Prices - Reference Libraries, History - Schooling - Governance, World of Specialists. Culture Creation Industry - Marx, Lenin, Generational Separation - CIA - Feminism, Arts, Music - Bertrand Russell, Experimental Schools. British DOD - Mass Movements of Populations, 100 Years War - Club of Rome, Global Warming - Al-Qaeda. United States - Federation of the World (Run by 12 Wise Men) - EU Flag - Masonic Obelisks along U.S.-Canada Border - Franklin and Washington - Constitutional Convention. League of Nations, WWII - N. American Future Society, Chaos - Bureaucratic Nomads. Jesus, Standing Up to Money and Priesthoods. Psychological Warfare, New Age Agenda. Empire Building - Nimrod, Money, Artificial Structure of City, Standing Armies - Wars, Takeovers, Standardization, Centralization. Breeding for Positions - Armand Hammer - Politicians, Global Agenda - World Citizenship - Leaders - Common Values, Eternal Truths. United Nations, Building Codes, Fines - Elimination of Private Property and Transportation - Travel Restrictions - Earth Charter, Animal Rights, Taxation. Indoctrination of Young - Federal Funding - Police - International Associations - Bureaucracies - Rome, Entertainment, Sports, Circus. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Hour 1 Eugenics - H.G. Wells, Adolph Hitler - Elite, Aristocracy - Psychopathic Types. Real Estate, Tenants and Owners - RIIA, CFR, Income and Property Tax - Amalgamation of Americas, Waco Signing - Parallel Government, Collectivism, Democracy - War on Terror, Legal Declarations. Voting (Stops Revolutions) - Carroll Quigley - Soviet (Rule by Councils) System, NGOs, Law Legislation - U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, Overthrow of Tyrannical Government. Searches, ID Cards, Chips, Stealth Approach, "For Your Safety" - Gender War - Africa - Separation of Parents and Children - Emasculation of Male, Elevation of Female. B.F. Skinner, Behaviourism, Alteration of Environment - Television, Media, Entertainment - Occult Control - Noble Orders, Roman Equestrian Order - Language, Symbolism - London, Real Power, Royalty. Patriot Radio Business, Sponsors, Advertising Income - Competing Companies - Salesmen. Rothschilds, Gold Industry, Setting of Monetary Value - Barter. Survival Mechanisms - Those Who Cannot Understand, Casualties. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Hour 2 |