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Alan Watt as Guest on The Richard Syrett Show richardsyrett.com |
Aug. 12, 2009 Alan Watt on The Richard Syrett Show U.S. Air Force, Weather Control, Declarations After the Fact - UN Weather Warfare Treaty - Alteration of Jet Stream - HAARP - Aerial Spraying Daily. Centuries-Old Global Cabal - Cathars-Albigensians-Bogomils, Rosicrucianism, Freemasonry, Royal Society - The Underground Stream - Perfecti - Eugenics, Superior and Inferior Types, Foundations, Fabian Society - "The Soviet Story" documentary. Blavatsky and Albert Pike's "Morals and Dogma": Lucifer is God - Luciferianism, Satanism. Organizational World, Politics, Technocrats - Jacob Schiff, Rothschilds - Maurice Strong, Rockefellers - Revolutions, Revolutionaries, Philanthropists - Rhodes and Milner, RIIA-CFR. Takeover of All World's Resources (Everything You Need to Live) - John Holdren (U.S. Science Czar) and Paul Ehrlich's "Ecoscience" book, Sterilization, Depopulation - Healthcare Cut for Elderly - Sir Crispin Tickell, Mandated Birth Control - Vaccination Industry, Biowarfare - Swine Flu Non-Event - Squalene in Vaccines, Attack on Joints. Attack, Intimidation and Harassment against Those Who Speak Out - Politically Correct Canada - Bill Cooper - Destroying Propaganda with Fact. British Commonwealth, Allegiance to Queen, Private Corporations under Crown - Families Owning U.S. and Canada - Canadian Constitution - House Tenants (Not Owners), Property Taxation (Extortion Money) - Freemasonic Washington D.C. and U.S. Presidents. Today's System like Ancient Sumer, Priesthoods, Everything Taxed - C.G. Darwin, Creating a More Sophisticated Form of Slavery, Mandatory Service. Use of Drugging, Vaccination and Scientific Indoctrination to create Apathetic Obedience - Tyrannical Law, Home Eviction. New World Order - Troops Returning for Domestic Duty - British Dept. of Defence 90-Page Document - Elimination of Small Farmers - Food is Used as Weapon. Post-9/11/2001 Laws, Police State - Demonstrations, Agent Agitators - Total Information Network, Spying on Every Citizen to Find "Potential Terrorists" - Rioting Mobs, Use of Neutron Bombs. Eugenicist-Elitist David Suzuki: People are "Maggots" - Scientific Academia, Darwinism /Theory of Evolution (is a Religion). Prof. Carroll Quigley, RIIA / Council on Foreign Relations' Pre-Selected Politicians - Bilderberg Meetings - Oxford Rhodes Scholars - Socialism, Bertrand Russell, Selection (and Elimination) of Bright Students. Being Aware and Sentient against All Odds - 1000 Points of Light - Giving Other Side of the Story - Counter-Intelligence, "Conspiracy Theorists", the Radio Circus, Facts Discredited with Fantasy. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Nov. 14, 2008 Alan Watt on The Richard Syrett Show (Aired Live on CFRB 1010 AM Toronto, Canada - Nov. 14, 2008) Bretton Woods Part 1 and 2, John Maynard Keynes - Gordon Brown, Sarkozy, New Economic System - Government-Issued Credits - Slavery, Money, Taxation. Sustainable Development - Economic Bubble, Stock Market - Total Information Network - "Third Way" - Redistribution of Wealth, Communism, Soviet Empire, Blend with West. British Department of Defence, Crisis, Riots, Neutron Bombs - Global Governance - U.S. Financial Bailout - Internationalists. Democracy, Voting - Totalitarianism - World Standardization - China, UN Model State, New Policeman of World - Australia. 2001 "Kick-off" for "New World Order" Agenda - Carroll Quigley - Institutions, Foundations - Club of Rome, Collectivism. Fluoride, Aluminum Waste - Inoculations - Domestication - Disappearing Male, Infertility. Army Mergers - EU, Rapid Response Forces - Fortress America, Amalgamation. "Illuminati", Rosicrucians, Freemasonry - Peter Wright, MI5, MI6, CIA, CSIS - Scottish Rite, London, Duke of Kent, York Rite - Corruption, Graft. Charitable Fronts - "The Great Work" - United Nations, Cold War, NATO - Agenda 21 - Self-Preservation. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD June 11, 2008 Alan Watt on The Richard Syrett Show (Aired Live on CFRB 1010 AM Toronto, Canada - June 11, 2008) Foundations, Think Tanks, NGOs - Canada-US-Mexico Integration - Karl Marx's "Das Kapital". Club of Rome "First Global Revolution" book, Idea of Global Warming and Mankind is the Problem - Carroll Quigley. Bertrand Russell, Recruitment or Elimination of Awake Thinkers. RIIA, China. Bilderberg Meetings, Attendees - World Free Trade, Standardization, Iraq, UNESCO. Aldous Huxley - Writers, MI6, Predictive Programming through Fiction - Eugenics Movement, National Census, Elimination of "Unfit". Transhumanism, Creation of New "Perfected" type of Man, Ideal Design - Humans: Most Adaptable Species on Planet. Dr. Salk, Polio Vaccine, Simian-40, Cancer-Causing Viruses. Natzi Philosophy, "Superman" - Population Reduction, Sperm Count Drop, Sterility. Watergate, Nixon - Canada, Classified Documents. Demanding Our Rights Back - 9-11, War on the Public of World - International Cartels - Cities, Dependence on This System. Egosyntonic Society, Socialization - Creation of Worldwide Crisis - Soviet System blended with West - Media, Entertainment. Destruction of Family Unit - Promiscuity Promoted - Synthetic Wombs. George Bush Sr.'s "New World Order", Sept. 11 2000 and 2001 - A.C. Clarke's "2001", "2010", "3001". LISTEN / DOWNLOAD March 6, 2007 Alan Watt on The Richard Syrett Show (Originally Aired March 6, 2007 on 1010 AM Toronto, Canada) Ancient Greek Wars, Bolshevik revolution, Traveling Drama Plays, H. G. Wells - "Free Love" in the 1800's, Big Brother, Beatles Music Creation, Beatles - Clean-Cut Beginning - World-Wide Marketing - Guaranteed Hits, Marshall McLuen and John Lennon Meeting, Destroying the Old to Bring in the New, Eco-Villages - Habitat Areas of the U.N. - Agenda 21 (21st Century), Year 2010 - Open U.N. Government Take-Over, Trading Blocks, Family to Population Planning, Elite's Move to China - Setting up the New System - China - UN Model State, Ford - Rockefeller - Carnegie Foundations - Planning the Future - Merger of U.S. and Soviet System, Alvin Toffler Book "Third Way" and "Future Shock", Newt Gingrich, Royal Institute of International Affairs, Maurice Strong - Aunt was Advisor to Mao Tse Tung, Pierre Trudeau - Communist Party, Rhodes Scholars, Summit of the Americas - Shelley Ann Clark - Merger of US-Mexico-Canada, Bloodlines - Plato - Guardian Class, Breeding for Certain Qualities, Clinton Family, Benjamin Franklin - Hellfire Club - Prostitution Houses for Breeding - Madame Bouvier, Freemasonry - 3rd Generation Can Go Beyond 33rd Degree, OTO Ordo Templi Orientalis 96 Degrees, Cutting Through - Understanding Who You Really Are - Knowing Yourself - Sanity, Aldous Huxley - "Bread and Circuses" for the People - Roman Empire - Sports for the Public, Jacques Attali - "Millennium" Book - Amalgamation and American Boat People LISTEN / DOWNLOAD May 26th, 2006 LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Read the Transcript |