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Alan Watt as Guest on "Revolution Radio" with Mike Swenson realinsidenews.com |
August 9, 2007 Alan Watt on "Revolution Radio" with Mike Swenson realinsidenews.com (Mike's Website) (Originally Aired LIVE August 9, 2007 on TruthNet Radio Network) Bank of England - Public as Collateral for Debt. Who are "THEY"? Global Elite - Nobility of Venice - Knights Templar. Royal Inbreeding - Tyrants - Breeding qualities in or out. Serfs (Slaves) bought and sold with land - Feudal system - Later Democracy. CFR - Amalgamation of Americas - 911 - Middle East. Margaret Thatcher "New World Order" speech: problem of fundamental religions. Tavistock technique of confusion - Public switch off. Parallel government (unelected) - Political wrestling match - Emotive debates. Ottoman Empire - Palestine - Israel - Balfour Declaration - Iraq - Iran. Freemasonry: Sworn to obey orders from a "superior" - Will lie for each other - Court system and judges - Being "Born Again" and "Raised from the dead" - Self-worship - Skull and Bones - Elihu Yale - War Rooms - War on Profane. Rosicrucians - Masonic Wives - Marriage Selection. Torture: Favorite pastime of nobility - Terrifying population. Natzi Germany - CIA connection. "Poppy" Bush - Opium trade and wars - G.W. Bush: Front-Man. I.G. Farben - Ford, Carnegie, Rockefeller foundations. Sauk Polio vaccine - Cancer-causing viruses in shot - Population reduction. Brain Chip - Loyola - No more individuality, All will be ONE, like BORG. Club of Rome - Global Warming - Agenda 21. Money: Substitute for real wealth, runs system, buys armies - Born into debt - Taxation is form of slavery. Pavlov's Dogs - Shocking public to be terrified and shut down. (BOOK: "The First Global Revolution" by King and Schneider (Club of Rome) LISTEN / DOWNLOAD |