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Red Ice Radio with Henrik Palmgren from Sweden
- - - Interesting Chats with Alan Watt as Guest![]() Red Ice Radio Website |
Oct. 14, 2007 Alan Watt on Red Ice Radio with Henrik Palmgren of Sweden "Episode: European Union and The World Empire" Red Ice Radio write-up: Regular guest Alan Watt from CuttingThroughTheMatrix.com joins us to Discuss Recent Events, Elite Tactics, The EU and World Empire. Topics Discussed: European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), RIA Royal Institute of Affairs, Rhodes Scholar, League of Nations, Oxford University, Fabians, Socialists, Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and The New World Order, European Union, The European Constitution, and The Holy Roman Empire, Pieter Brueghel's Tower of Babel - Resemblance to the EU Parliament Building in Strasbourg, "Europe: Many Tongues One Voice", EU modeled after the US, The Bible, Cain, Cannibal (Cain Able), King, Genes, GeneIsis, Rulers, Adam, Hu-Man, Democracy and the Elite, Common Purpose, Charitable Foundations and law, Is Freemasonry a Charitable Organization? Assassins (Hashshashin) Mind Control Cults, I.G. Farben, Bush-Nazi Connection, NGO and Leaders, The Exercises "Top of 4" and "Vigilant Shield 08" in October 15-20 in the US - Possible "Attack"? Plague, Virus, Quarantine, Dirty Bombs, NATO Pact, "Man Alive" Series, Loyola University, GMO Food, Monsanto, We are in a War, MadCow, Vegetarianism, Gore Nobel Prize, Armand Hammer (Arm and Hammer), Colors, Red, Green, Blue, Orange, Free State of Orange. (Song: "Hail Caesar" by AC/DC) LISTEN / DOWNLOAD August 26, 2007 Alan Watt on Red Ice Radio with Henrik Palmgren of Sweden "Episode: North American Union, Police Provocateurs and Staged Riots" Red Ice Radio write-up: Our Regular Guest Alan Watt from CuttingThroughTheMatrix.com Returns for his Monthly Visit and we begin Talking about the North American Union and Police Provocateurs Failed Attempt to Start a Riot at a Peaceful Protest at the SPP Summit in Canada. Topics Discussed:, CFR - Drafted the Plans for the North American Union, Fake News, Amero, Phoenix Currency, Snitch Culture, The SPP (Security and Prosperity Partnership) Summit in Canada, Canadian Police Caught Attempting To Stage a Riot during a Peaceful Protest, Quebec Police Admit They Went Undercover at Montebello, Provocateurs During the Protests/Riots at the EU Top Meeting in Goteborg, Sweden in 2001? "The Next Million Years", "The Great Work", The Collapse of the Old System, The Populous is Living in a Geopolitical Chess Game, Old Religious Structure and the New Commercial Structure, Individualism and Cooperation, Spiritual Nature of Man and much more. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD August 12, 2007 PART 2 Alan Watt on Red Ice Radio with Henrik Palmgren of Sweden "Episode: Culture of Death" Red Ice Radio write-up: We continue with Alan Watt for another Hour; we begin addressing the Danger of Television: The Flicker and the Manipulation. Topics Discussed: Population Control and Population Reduction, The Businesses of Abortion and Stem Cell Research, Confused Population, Vaccination: Mercury, Aluminum and Aspartame, Pharmaceutical Companies, Bayer, Merck and The Cervical Cancer Vaccine Gardasil, Sacrifice and the acclimatization of the "Culture of Death", Flashmobs, Uprising, Demonstrations, Population Anger, China, One Child per Family, Do we Need to Population Growth Control? Revelations, Yahweh and the Mark of the Beast LISTEN / DOWNLOAD August 12, 2007 PART 1 Alan Watt on Red Ice Radio with Henrik Palmgren of Sweden "Episode: Future Studies and Collectivism" Red Ice Radio write-up: Our Regular Guest Alan Watt join us to talk about Future Studies, Scarcity and Collectivism. We'll begin to talk about Weird Weather, Chemtrails, HAARP, Climate Change and the Implementation of a Global Government Propelled by Global Warming. Topics Discussed: Development, Concepts and Doctrine Centre" - Global Strategic Trends Programme 2007-2036, Scarcity: Ethanol Fuel vs Food and Higher Prices, Mega Cities: Habitats, Sterilization, The Doomsday Vault in Svalbard, A New Earth: Garden of Eden v2.0, Genesis, Mammon - The Beast: Money, Natural Laws, Stanford Research Institute, Changing Images of Man, "A Computer-based Exploration of Alternative Futures for Mankind 2000", The Individual vs. the Collective, the Hive, Tavistock Institute, Aldous Huxley and much more. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD June 24, 2007 PART 2 Alan Watt on Red Ice Radio with Henrik Palmgren of Sweden "Episode: Spirituality and The Earth Matrix" Red Ice Radio write-up: We continue our conversation with Alan Watt and talk about Spirituality and the Earth Matrix. Topics discussed: The Spiritual and the Science and the Technology, New Age, the Trinity, Time, Mother, Mater and Matter, Mary and the Water of Life, Life as an Experience, True Spirituality and Artificial "Gen", Wealth Superiority, 2001, Nature Laws, Rise of Violence, Monitored from Cradle to Grave, the Power of the "Idea", Individuality, The Spirit and Scary to the "Big Boys", The Happy Slave, Collectivism, Communitarianism, The Matrix Movie, Psychopaths in Every Level of Society, the System of Extortion, The Law of Nature, Virtual Reality, Animals and Humans, "Primitive Peoples" and much more. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD June 24, 2007 PART 1 Alan Watt on Red Ice Radio with Henrik Palmgren of Sweden "Episode: Surveillance, Science and The Grid of Control" Red Ice Radio write-up: Alan Watt joins us for a conversation about Surveillance, Science and The Grid of Control. Topics Discussed: Cameras, Cold war, Star Wars Project, Monitor the Population, The "ID" (Ideal Design) Card, PNAC - The Project for the New American Century, Personality Profiles, Interpol, The Eastern Star, Gossip Collectors, Agents and Spies, Media, Television and What it's Used For, The European Union, the League of Nations and the War on the Individual, The Chip: it's Construction and How it Will Be Accepted. Jose Delgado, Tavistock, DARPA, Zbigniew Brzezinski's Book "Between two Ages", States Experimentation on their own Troops and Population, Underground Bases, Rand Corporation, HAARP technology, Underground Tunnels, GMO and Food modification and much more. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD June 3, 2007 Alan Watt on Red Ice Radio with Henrik Palmgren of Sweden "Episode: Bilderberg, Elites and The Navigators" Red Ice Radio write-up: Alan Watt joins us to talk about the Bilderberg meeting, the Elites and the Navigators. Topics discussed: Bilderbergs "ranking", DemoCrazy, the Navigators, Club of Rome, Hidden Masters, the City of London, Banks and the Obelisk from Egypt, Order of the British Empire (OBE), Temple Bar, The Grey's Inn, The Grey's, the Black and White Checkerboard and the "Grey Men" of Masonry (The Men Who Walk Between Worlds), Gen-Technology from the 1500 - 1600, the Pharaohs, Reincarnation, Soul Transmutation, "Opening of the Mouth Ritual", "Gnome", Human Genome Project, Eugenics of the Big Boys, Depopulation Plans from the 50's using inoculations, George Soros and Breaking the Bank of England and The Swedish Economy and the connection to Bilderberger Carl Bildt (Swedish Foreign Minister), Sweden and Denmark as "Experimental Countries", CIA Funding Both Sides of Revolutionary Groups, The Brain Chip, Hierarchy Infighting and much more. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD April 29, 2007 PART 2 Alan Watt on Red Ice Radio with Henrik Palmgren of Sweden "Episode: Moon Landing, UFO's and Fake Alien Threat" Red Ice Creations Radio Write-Up: We continue our talk with Alan Watt and begin to talk about the possibility that the 1969 NASA Moon landings actually was done in a studio and what we have been about the moon landings is a lie. Topics Discussed: Moon gravity discrepancies, "How NASA Mooned America", The Moon Car measurements don't add up. The history of NASA - part of the military. The Words NASA, NAZI, NSA. Cape Canaveral "Cain-Veral/Virile". The Rocket, the Obelisk and The Ben Ben Stone, The Big Ben. "Rockefeller", Rock-Et = End Times for the Christians and Extra Terrestrial for the New Agers. Arthur C Clark - High Mason, 2001 and the start of the New World Order. The Van Allan Belt. Ronald Reagan and the Alien threat, the UFO filed in general, abductions, thought/mind control by Remote Control, Uri Geller, 2010, China and Russia Eyeing the moon, the reasons for the space program. Project Bluebeam, HAARP used to create a hologram. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD April 29, 2007 PART 1 Alan Watt on Red Ice Radio with Henrik Palmgren of Sweden "Episode: Virginia Tech Shooting" Red Ice Creations Radio Write-Up: Alan Watt, our Monthly regular joins us to talk about the recent Virginia Tech School Shootings. Topics discussed: Control, Surveillance, Columbine, the Montreal shooting, the gothic subculture, the SWAT Teams, Symbolic numbers in the VA shooting. April sacrifices - preparation for May, Manchurian Candidate, Psychology as a means of controlling and changing society, SSRI's, Anti-Depressants, Video Games to train soldiers, Gun-control, Security to monitor every individual, Identity-cards, getting frisked going into the schools, new weaponry, Ethnic specific atomic weapons. The global society - Mega Cities, Police and Military, HAARP type weapons used in Gulf War 1 and 2, The Big Boys Timeline: 2010 the American Union, 2012 the UN as the Global Government, Depleted Uranium and much more. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD March 25, 2007 Alan Watt on Red Ice Radio with Henrik Palmgren of Sweden "Episode: Africa, Resources, Oppression, The Elite and Population Extermination"
Red Ice Radio Write-Up: regular guest Alan Watt, who joins us for an excellent discussion about the historical background
of the oppression and exploitation of the African continent, the extermination of Cultures and Populations and the "Overpopulation Philosophy".
Topics Discussed: Royal Academy, Resources; Ivory, Diamonds. British Rail lines, The Rhodes Scholarship, Round Table group, Alfred Milner,
Boer, Rockefeller Foundation, Carnegie Foundation, Cecil Rhodes, Boer, IMF, Global Warming and Industrial Development, Eugenics, Aryans,
The Elite Ruling Race, Overpopulation, Sterilization, Kissinger, AIDS/HIV, Vaccinations, WHO, UN, Pavlovian Conditioning, Psychopaths, Starvation,
The War on the Individual, Lucifer and much more.LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Feb 25, 2007 PART 2 Alan Watt on Red Ice Radio with Henrik Palmgren of Sweden "Episode: The Templars, Vatican, South America and the Maya" Red Ice Radio Write-Up: We continue our talk with Alan Watt about the colonization of the Americas. We talk about the Knights Templars and their connection to a pre history high civilization and that different cultures visited America long before Christopher Columbus officially discoverer the continent. We talk about the conquistadors Pizzaro and Cortez and their encounters with the Maya, Aztec and Inca Civilizations. We address the consequent collapse of the South American empires, the gold that was stolen and the anticipation of a white man (Quetzalcoatl) returning. We talk about the possibility that history is "scripture", a "game plan" that is being played out. So in regards to South America, is it possible that someone planted the myths that later became their religions? What is the connection between the Vatican and the Templars? Did the conquistadors really burn all the Mayan scriptures or did they keep it? So did the Templars or a pre-Templar organization really construct the Pyramids in South America? What about the Pyramids in Egypt? Tune into this fascinating interview. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Feb 25, 2007 PART 1 Alan Watt on Red Ice Radio with Henrik Palmgren of Sweden "Episode: Colonization, Mayflower and Fertility Rites" Red Ice Radio Write-Up: Alan Watt is back on the program for his monthly visit and we begin to talk about his website being down a few weeks ago. We move on to discuss the Mayflower, Mayday, the Illuminati "birthday" May first and labor day. We address Fertility Rites, Easter, playboy and the bunny rabbit, regeneration, the Maypole and the idea about awaking spring. We also talk about the Pilgrims, Puritans, Cathars, Mennonites and the Amish. Alan shares his thoughts on the Statue of liberty, we get into talking about Cain and Alan connects the words King, Crown, Kronos, Cohen and Coin. We finish up talking about Saturn, the Law system and the usage of the black robe and the wig. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Jan 28, 2007 PART 2 Alan Watt on Red Ice Radio with Henrik Palmgren of Sweden "Episode: Priority of Sion, Templars and the Science of Life" Red Ice Radio Write-Up: We continue talking with Alan Watt and go into an entirely different avenue. We kick things off talking about the Priory of Sion, Plantard, the Knights Templar and the Grail Hunters and this leads us into some fascinating areas about DNA research, the Human Genome or is it the "Gnome" project. What is the goal of this scientific process? We talk about the elimination or exclusion of the feminine. We talk about the strife for eternal life and the aspiration for creating life. We also talk about the Merovingians, the Carolingians and the Cathars. Towards the end we talk about the recent news concerning the unearthing of the 1918 Spanish Flu by Canadian scientists. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Jan 28, 2007 PART 1 Alan Watt on Red Ice Radio with Henrik Palmgren of Sweden "Episode: Socialism, Communism and the Revolutionary Movement" Red Ice Radio Write-Up: Alan Watt is back for his monthly visit and we begin to talk about the origins of socialism and communism. We get into the occult aspects of this apparently atheistic political ideology. What is behind the hammer, the sickle and the star? We talk about the Revolutionary movement and tie this together with Promethean ideology and Lucifer the "rebel"? We talk about Guy Fawkes and also about the burning of London in 1666 and the consequent the reconstruction of the city. We get into the destruction of "the new Atlantis", which is America, and how this ties into the creation of cultural chaos and much more. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Dec 31, 2006 Alan Watt on Red Ice Radio with Henrik Palmgren of Sweden Brain-Chipping the Public, An Ongoing War, Global Climate Manipulation, Maurice Strong, Alternative Energy, Serving the State, Rosicrucians, Underground Stream, Etruscan Fire from Heaven, Ancient Electricity, Cryptology, WWW, the Net, Interface, Binary Code, Virtual Reality, Knighting by the Queen, Revelations, the Mark, What is a God, Immortality and Reincarnation, the Rebels, Pharaohs, Hamites, Ceremony LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Nov 26, 2006 Alan Watt on Red Ice Radio with Henrik Palmgren of Sweden Minting Coin, World Bank, Federal Reserve, Karl Marx, Rothschild Family, US Flag, The Great Seal, Symbols of the Kaballah, Pre-Revolutionary Masonic Money, the Eye of Horus, Telepathic Transmission, Shamanistic Training, Naming the Deity, the Good Shepherd, Spoken Word, Hillary Rodham, the Hermaphrodite God, Age of Aquarius, Shakespeare, King James Bible, Neo-Linguistic Language Creation, Hermetic Sciences, Casting Spells, Gaelic, Linguistic Minimalism LISTEN / DOWNLOAD October 22, 2006 PART 2 Alan Watt on Red Ice Radio with Henrik Palmgren of Sweden New Age Hinduism, Cataclysms, Mt. Parnassus, Mt. Ararat, Grampian Mts., Tesla Technology, Fire and Water, Virtual Reality, Mystery Babylon, Charity Fronts, Destruction of Africa, Harpocrates, Names, THX 1138, Tavistock, Group Psychology, Fads, Knowledge and Understanding, Breaking Free, Given Leaders, Drug Taking, The Question to Ask LISTEN / DOWNLOAD October 22, 2006 PART 1 Alan Watt on Red Ice Radio with Henrik Palmgren of Sweden The Sleeping Mass, London Families, Video Games, Psychotronic Warfare, Lobotomy, Aspartame, Fluoride, Bronfmans, Diana, Revolution, Brain Chipping, Hollywood, Interdependence, Thesis - Antithesis - Synthesis LISTEN / DOWNLOAD |