Alan Watt as Guest on
"Out There TV"
with Richard and Kate Mucci


March 23, 2008
Alan Watt on   "Out There TV" with Richard and Kate Mucci
LIVE on the America One TV Network & BEN TV in Britain and Europe
Ancient Religions, Symbol of Beehive as Perfect Society - Scientific Dictatorship - Royal Chartered Societies, RIIA, CFR, NGOs - "Rogue Nations" - Democracy. Aldous Huxley, Tavistock Institute - Julian Huxley, UNESCO. Prof. Carroll Quigley, New Feudal System. United Nations Agenda 21. "Brave New World" - Perfected Slaves - Brain Chipping of Population. Charitable Institutions. British Empire, Free Trade, John Dee. Secret Societies - "Illuminati", "Illumined Ones" - Eugenics, "Bioethics" Committees - Inbred Psychopaths. Hype of "Terror" Everywhere. China, UN Model State - West Funded Soviet Union and China - United Americas, Europe, Pacific Rim. New Age Movement, CIA, MI6 - Ignoring the "Negative" - Mandates of High Freemasonry - Scottish Rite's magazine "The New Age" - Rosicrucians, Britain, Elitist Agenda, "Hidden Masters". Monitoring of Mail, Tracking Chips (via Cell Phone Towers) - Predictability. Propaganda, "Experts" - Scientific Mind Control.

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June 25, 2006
Alan Watt on   "Out There TV" with Richard and Kate Mucci
LIVE on the America One TV Network & BEN TV in Britain and Europe

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