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Godbox Cafe Podcast with Tamurile![]() ![]() Godbox Cafe |
Nov. 30, 2008 Alan Watt as Guest on "Godbox Cafe" Podcast with Tamurile (Originally Broadcast: Nov. 30, 2008 on godboxcafe.blogspot.com ) Idea of Freedom, Serfs, Oliver Cromwell - American Revolution - Communist Regimes - Anarchist Movements - Monied System, Dominant Minority - Feudalism, Parties, Democracy. Carroll Quigley - Parallel Government, CFR, RIIA - Margaret Thatcher's "New World Order" tour - Club of Rome, Warfare Scenario to Unite Public, Collectivism. Agenda 21, United Nations, Building Codes - Maurice Strong - "Benevolent Dictators", Fascism - Planned Society, 100 Years War - Eradication of Poverty (the Poor), Useless Eaters. China - Habitat Areas, Sustainability - French Revolution, Freemasonic Coffee Houses, Population Reduction - Services to Authorities. War on Family - Bertrand Russell, Experimental Schools, Early-Age Scientific Indoctrination, Negation of Parental Input. Gene Roddenberry, Star Trek series, Earth Army - Cartoon Propaganda, Child Spies. Karl Marx, World Regions - Integration of Americas - Global Currency, Depressions, New Economic System - National ID Card - Loyola University Meeting, Implantable Chip. Free Trade and Travel (Authorized Only) - Baja Club, Debit Microchip, NSA - Transhumanism - Koestler, C.G. Darwin, Elite Self-Preservation - Public Compliance - Science is Cold Master. Psychopaths, World Throne, King of World, Titans Fighting. WWW, Policing Internet, Politically Incorrect Sites - Year 2010, 2012 - Data Addiction, Marketing - Public Lack of Organization, Complacency. Monuments - Middle East - Egyptian Obelisks, Constantine, Rome, Vatican - Washington Monument - Twin Towers (Jachin and Boaz). LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Jan. 19, 2008 Alan Watt as Guest on "Godbox Cafe" Podcast with Tamurile (Originally Broadcast: Jan. 19, 2008 on godboxcafe.blogspot.com ) Consciousness and Memory - Drive to Thwart Agenda. Military-Industrial Complex - War on the People. Zbigniew Brzezinski - Planned Global Society - Propaganda - Worship of "Superiors". Serving the World State, No Individuality - Ideal Design (ID) Slaves - Huxley's "Brave New World". The Hive - Utopia of Elite - Virtual Worlds, Virtual "You" - Popular Movements, Social Creatures. H.G. Wells' "Open Conspiracy" - Aldous Huxley: Brainwashing, Pharmacological Methods. Debasement of Society and Natural Morality - Destruction of Old, Building the New (Totalitarian). Communication - Indoctrination - Emotive Topics - Confronting Front-Men, Shysters. Prof. Carroll Quigley, Global and Parallel Government, War on the World, Royal Institute for International Affairs, CFR. Bertrand Russell, Recruitment from Plebian Masses - Plato, Guardian Class. Home-schooling - Being Unpopular with the Populous - Group-Think Schooling, Group Consensus, Predictable Masses. Dehumanized Culture, Appeal to Humane - Ability to Think for Ourselves - Arthur Koestler - Secret Services, Culture Creation, Radical Groups, CIA. Substitute Families for Youth - Soviet System, Young Communist Party - British Army Cadets - Hitler Youth - Gangs, Leaders. Government becomes Master - George Orwell's "1984" - Spying, Paranoia. Psychopathic-Led System - Competition, Profit, Success, The Pyramid - Psychopathy, Aristocratic Families - Selective Breeding, Inbreeding - DNA Collection, Psychological Evaluations. Abolition of Private Employment, Private Property - Issuance of Credits Weekly (Cannot Save Up) - Habitat Areas. United Europe, Deindustrialization of Britain - New Feudal System - Market Suppression. British Department of Defence Projections: Riots, Mobs - Internal Police Force (Army) - United Nations, Food Shortages. Psychological Preparation - Getting Out of Cities - Brownouts, Power Outages, 60 Hz Electronic Grid. HAARP Frequencies, Aerial Spraying - Strobe Lightning, Bizarre Storms - UN Treaty on Weather Warfare - Mood Alteration. UN Model State: China - Chinese Culture. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD June 16, 2007 Alan Watt as Guest on "Godbox Cafe" Podcast with Tamurile (Originally Broadcast: June 16, 2007 on godboxcafe.blogspot.com ) Alan's Music and Experiences - Folk-Rock-Classical Music, Culture Creation - Suggestions for Song Formats - Political Agenda - Rewritten Songs, United Nations Charter - Parallel Government (Unelected), Scholarships, Psychopathic Traits - Grooming For High Positions - Types of Intellect, Taking the Pulse of the Public - Control of Grass-Roots Movements, Secret Societies - Fraternities - Freemasonry - "Lying to Save a Brother" - "Charitable" Organizations - Honey-jar of the Public Purse - Bribes and Blackmail - Government Agencies, Attempt to Burn Alan's House Down - Brake Lines Cut - Night-Vision Surveillance - Tapped Phone Lines, Personality Profiles (since at least 1952) - Data Collection, Norman Dodd - Reece Commission - Ford Foundation - Ex-OSS and ex-CIA Members, Carroll Quigley books, Creation of "Stars" - Hollywood, Royal Institute of International Affairs - Council on Foreign Relations, London Spies working for Crown - Newspaper "Debates", American Revolution - Openly Masonic Revolution - Great Seal of Pyramid - Novus Ordo Seclorum - New Secular Order - Rule by "Natural Aristocracy" - Intelligentsia - Benjamin Franklin - Myth of Tea Taxation as basis for War - 30 Year Preparation, French Revolution, Russian Revolution, Time-Life "Man of the Year" Adolf Hitler, New Feudal System with CEO Overlords, Tavistock Institute - Experiments - Wires in Brains, Thomas and Aldous Huxley - Charles Darwin - Selective Breeding - "Origin of Species" book - Hidden Religion, Ivy League - Music Chart Hits are Chosen - Beatles, Music Contracts - Studios, Creation of Nihilism and Apathy - Cranking Up Volume of Instruments over Voice - Generation Segregation - Parents cannot understand lyrics - Printed Lyrics in Albums, Think Tanks - Demolishing the Old to bring in the New, Declassified Information from CIA - Funding of Major Authors-Poets-Artists, Stanley Kubrick - Arthur C. Clarke - Masonic Agenda in Allegorical Form - "New Sun Born in the Sky": 2001, Children Look to Adults for Warnings, H.G. Wells' biography - Predictive Programming in Fiction - Familiarization with Future "Ideas" - Programming for What Is To Come, Scientific Indoctrination - Kindergarten - Lord Bertrand Russell books - Negation of Parental Influence, Gangster Movies, New Age Movement, Histories - British Empire - CON-game of Reality Given - MI5 and MI6 - Black Budgets, Motorcycle Gangs - Marlon Brando movie, Sexual Revolution - Acceptance of Abortion - Creation of Promiscuity - Introduction of Jazz - Prohibition - Bronfman Family in Canada - Kennedy Family in U.S., "Useless Eaters" - Serving the World State - Given Right to Breed - Eugenics, De-industrialisation of Britain - Margaret Thatcher: "Get Used to It" - Welfare and Unemployment - Big Brother - Authoritarian Bureaucratic System, Pensions - Freely Available Credit Cards - Most People are One or Two Months away from Living on Streets, World Amalgamation - 2010: American Amalgamation - 2012: World Govt. - "Never-ending Story" - Future Riots expected (for 30 Years), Brain Chip for "World Peace" - Targeting Young and Elderly - Mandatory Implantation of Chips for Alzheimer's Patients - Loyola University World Science Meeting - Protoplasmic-type Chip: Integration with Nervous System - Regional Supercomputers, Flu Shots, Waking Up - Those Who Ask Questions, Popular Music Lyrics - "Necromancer" song lyrics - OTO Ordo Templi Orientis - AHA - Aleister Crowley - Necrophilia - Gothic Culture - "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", Mayan Calendar - Prophecy Creation - Revelations, Sitchin - Ashmolean Society, John Dewey - Alien Invasion, Club of Rome - Common Enemy to Unite the Planet (Weather) - War to Create Changes - "Enemy is Man Himself", Chemtrail Spraying - Levels of Sciences - CIA Technology - Portable Dialysis Units, Special Medical Treatment in Military Hospitals for Politicians, Flesh-eating Disease - Inoculations - Antidotes for Laboratory-Created Diseases - Depopulation, Getting Through to Individuals - Young People - Becoming Active - Rethinking ALL OF IT - What is Life About?, Most People want to Stop Time where it is - Compromise - Psychopathic Culture - Extinction of Consciousness - Regaining Natural Humanitarian Bonding, Training to Earn Money and BUY - Forced into a Dog-Eat-Dog Anti-Human System LISTEN / DOWNLOAD May 31, 2007 Alan Watt as Guest on "Godbox Cafe" Podcast with Tamurile (Originally Broadcast: May 31, 2007 on godboxcafe.blogspot.com ) Life as a Child in Britain - Family Arguments over Basic Necessities - "Great" Britain - Where Did the Money Go?, Reference Books in Adult Libraries - Changed Histories, Miner's Work-Strike - Living in Re-Opened formerly Condemned Buildings, British Class Structure - Snobbery - Fixed Prices and Wages, Freemasonry RUNS Britain - Old Lodges - Offers of Scholarships and Promises, "Hallowed Halls" of Oxford - "Oxford Circle" - "Cambridge Apostles", British System of "Democracy" and Bureaucracy, Public Libraries for Public - Archives for Elite, Authorized Information, Origins of Secret Societies - Rosicrucians - John Dee - Christian Cabala - Creation of a "Brytish" Empire based on "Free" Trade (in 1500's) - Codes and Encryption - Francis Drake - Pirate Freebooters acquiring Wealth, Francis Bacon book "New Atlantis" - Country would Rise in West - Star of the West - "Merica" in Talmud - Elite Rule in Republic System - Underground Laboratories - Salomon's Land - Genetic Engineering - Creation of New Animals and Plants - Weather Control Machine, Old Re-hashed DaVinci Code, Plato's "Republic" - Future World ruled by "Guardian" Elite - Helper Class of "Brighter" Ones - Interbred Military Class - Alteration of Humans for Specific Jobs - Breeding Qualities In or Out, Rhodes Scholarships - Cecil Rhodes - Lord Rothschild - Lord Milner - World Unification - Social Policies - NGO (Non-Governmental Organizations), Psychopathic Personalities - Psychiatric Studies - Politics and Acting - Want of Power and Domination - Driven by Pure Ego, Illuminati - Adam Weishaupt - Bavarian Lodge - Beenan Orden - Symbology of Bees - Queens-Drones-Workers, Worship of Power, Royal Institute of International Affairs - Royal Chartered Corporations - Commonwealth - CFR (American), Vetting-Training-Authorization of Public Officials, Bilderbergers - Builders of the Mountain, Virtual Reality - "Lawnmower Man" movie, Predictive Programming, British Ministry of Defence - NATO (scrambled- old sun-god Aton), Mystery of Mona Lisa (Amon is All), Public Dramas - Conrad Black - Brian Mulroney, term "Conspiracy Theory" - Counter-Intelligence - People Mimic what they See and Hear, Fashion-Music-Drama Industry, Changing Men and Women with Hormones, Mandatory Vaccinations - HPV vaccine, "The Ghost in the Machine" book by Arthur Koestler (who worked for Stalin) - Great Famine of Ukraine - Rationalization of Mass-Murder, United Nations, Lawrence of Arabia, Counter-Intelligence - Mazes of Mind-Control - Spinning Facts into Outer Space - "Reptilian" People - Aldous Huxley (worked for Tavistock Institute) - 60 percent of Public are Instantly Suggestible - Hypnosis - Survival Part of Brain, Overpopulation - Malthus (British Crown economist) - "Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics" - Building Public Housing on Swamp-lands, Global Warming - John Dewey - Uniting World with Common Enemy - Science Fiction - "War of the Worlds" radio broadcast - Government Psychological Warfare Tests - "Deep Impact" movie - Edward Teller - Spraying Atmosphere with Metallic Particles and Polymer - Chemtrails - HAARP - Electromagnetic Pulsations - Conductive Atmosphere - UN Treaty on Weather Warfare - Neutrino Bombs, (Song: "All the waters in the world" by Aaron English) LISTEN / DOWNLOAD |