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Alan Watt as Guest on Feet to the Fire with "The Black Knight" James Arthur Jancik ![]() F2F WEBSITE |
Feb. 24, 2008 Alan Watt on "Feet to the Fire" with James Jancik (Note: Show ends abruptly due to station cut-off.) Electronically Controlled Society, Chipping, Cyborgs - "Great Leap Forward". Politics is Not Real - Voting - Carroll Quigley, CFR, Parallel Government - Hillary Clinton - House of Lords, Theosophy, "Hidden Masters". Unelected Technocrats, NGOs, Real Power - Intergenerational Bureaucracy - Ayn Rand, Individual Rights, Elite, Genius' "Right to Dominate". "Illuminati", Alumni, "Illumined One" - Secret Societies, England, Queen Elizabeth I. Rosicrucian Court. New Age Movement, Hinduism, Visualization, Channelling, "The Light", Lucifer - Freemasonry - Hedonism. Scottish Rite, France, America - Grand Lodge of England - Albert Pike, Mazzini, Lenin, Revolutionary Party. Unification, Centralized Government, Control - Eugenics, Euthanasia, Abortion, Elimination of "Useless Eaters". Prophecy, "God's Will", Fate. Laws, Legal Terms - Habitat Areas, Country Dachas - Population Reduction - Kyoto, Taxation, UN. "Outbreak" movie, "Inevitable" Plague - West Nile Virus, SARS - Predictive Programming. Sovereign Individual Rights, Will - Spirit and Science - Conscious Beings, Thinking for Yourself. British Department of Defence projections, Riots, Neutrino Bombs - "Interdependence" - Food Shortages, Inflation - Internal Armies, Paramilitary. Military Video Games, Killing, Addiction - SWAT Teams, TV Heroes, Entertainment Propaganda. Standing Up, Demanding to Know - Exposing "Public Servants", NGOs, Lobbyists. Hypnosis and Suggestion. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD August 19, 2007 Alan Watt on "Feet to the Fire" with James Jancik (Originally Aired LIVE August 19, 2007 on Jancik Radio Network) Carroll Quigley book: "Tragedy and Hope" - Parallel Government - Competition allowed at lower levels of government. Politicians tell you what you want to hear. Project for a New American Century - War in Afghanistan-Iraq-Iran-Syria. Getting out of this system - A completely new way, not planned by elite - This is a psychopathic system. 21st Century Agenda: U.N. Agenda 21. Henderson and Gillespie psychiatric studies - Books on Pathocracy. Achilles Heel of Deviant Creation - Fighting for One World Throne. Bioethics (Eugenics). Neo-Conservatives - Progressive Conservatives of Britain. Brain-Chip is Ready - Active Chip, can run on body heat - 1960's Microcircuitry, RE-Search at bottom level - "Remote" Control. "Fortress" movie: Ingestible Chip - Arthur C. Clarke book "3001": Chip in head, ring antenna. "Star Trek" series - Genetic Enhancement, replacement with "superior" genes - Predictive Programming - "Gattaca" movie. SARS in Far-East and Toronto - Race-specific diseases - Porton Downs Laboratory, England - Avian Flu. British Empire, "The Establishment" - British Israelism - Cecil Rhodes, Alfred Milner - "Lost Tribes of Israel". Balfour Declaration - Sir Ronald Storrs: "A new Ulster" in Palestine. Double-think: Holding 2 conflicting opinions and agreeing with both - Psychosis. Emotive Debates - Fighting for "beliefs" - Conditioning - Fighting with each other. Three Unworthy Craftsmen, explained. Channel: Way of EL, water - Psycholinguistics - "Service to Others". Zeta Reticuli - Channelled Aliens farce. Amalgamation of Americas - US-Canada Dollar - Standards drop toward Mexico. "Test the Spirits" - Telepathy - Transmission of an Original Thought - IDEA that can catch like fire. Getting above daily psychological warfare - Seeing through it all. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD March 25, 2007 Alan Watt on "Feet to the Fire" with James Jancik NOTE: This is the studio playback. On my end, the host voice was frequently garbled and cut out because of voice-over- internet telephone, so if my answers don't seem to match the questions, it's because I had to guess at some of them - Alan Topics include: Planning the Future, Think-Tanks to Promote Ideas - Predictive Programming, Possibility Thinking, Ancient Religious Knowledge, Imagination and Fantasy, "Alien" Agenda, Obsolete Technology, Subconscious and Unconscious Mind, Innate Ideas, Archetypal Symbols, Science of the Mind, Illumination - Light, Masonry to the 33rd Degree - 40th Degree - "Life Begins at 40", the Unknown, Intuition, Experience on a Personal Level, Masonic Religion, Hand-Held Thought Transmission Devices, Real Experiences - Psychotic Episodes - Scientifically Induced Experiences, Mind Control, Abduction Stories, Barney and Betty Hill, Astral Travel - Aliens - Culture Creation - Science Fiction Movies, Demons and Witches in Past Ages, Logical Investigation, "The Day the Earth Stood Still" Movie - Promotion of World Unification, Star Trek TV Series, Ready-Made Markets for Fantasy and Fiction, Human Stories in Outer Space, Gene Roddenberry - High Freemason - NASA, Galactic Federation - Multiculturalism, Psychological Training Exercises, United Nations, Tribal Leaders and Heroes, Perpetual Childhood of Socialism, Sanity and Insanity, Manipulation of the Masses, Dictators in Uniform - Masonic Uniform - Suit and Tie - The Same, Speeches and Scripts, Communism LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Feb 25, 2007 Alan Watt on "Feet to the Fire" with James Jancik Secret Societies, Richard Nixon - Chinese Trade Negotiations, Noble Orders and Knighthood, Machiavelli - John Dee - Francis Bacon, Agitation and Revolution, 911 - Iraq - Weapons of Mass Distraction, Cannon-Fodder, Democracy - Front for Power and Big Business, CON Games, Charitable Organizations, Screening and Vetting Politicians, Soviet Politburo, Carroll Quigley - Rhodes Scholars - Bill Clinton, London Spies, Creating Public Opinion, Artificial System - Anti-Humane - Parasitical, Caged Rat Experimentation, City Beehives, 2001 Movie - Evolution, Civilization - Sold Into Debt Before Birth, De facto Slaves, "Lord of the Rings" Movie - Middle Kingdom - The Dead (Ghosts), Young Men Picked for Old Men's Wars, "Matrix" Movies - Predictive Programming - Brain Chip - Grand Architect (of the Universe), Underworld and Overworld (Legal System), Allegory, Enlightened Ones, New Age Magazine - Freemasonic, Culture Creation, Grass Roots, Freemasonic Rule-Book, Old and New Testament Messages, Antidote to the Poison, Man's Inhumanity to Man, Using Human Nature for an Agenda, Obsession and Neurosis, Chaos Creation, Given Solutions, Fall of Greece - Rome - Egypt, Rameses - Ram, Jesus - Fish - Symbol of Life - Age of Aquarius, Ancient Religions - Different Levels of Deity (Parts of a System), Demiurgos - Dark Side in Charge of Matter, Material World Wars - Matter - Mother - Middle World, Place Where Spirit and Matter Meet, All Know What is Right and Wrong, Ignoring the Fallout Around Us - Hanging On to The System, Money - Competition - Isolation, Exploitation of Basic Fears, Worshipping the "Stars", Psyche-Mind, Walking Dead ("Profane") - Destruction of the Soul, Retaining the Spark that is You - Being Alive, Individual Choice, Masses Go the Way of Matter, Standing Up and Walking, Waking Up Means Changing World View on Everything You Know, Television - Reality Alteration, Ages of Time, Individual "Born Again" - Died to the Old Self, Cults - Esoteric Group Traps, Groups - Degrees - Nonsense, MI5 - MI6 - Aleister Crowley, New Age - Drugs - Free Sex - Channelling Entities, Chaos - Outcome - Solution, OTO Ordo Templi Orientalis - Musicians, Starting to Think, Process to Thinking, Thinking Critically and Logically, Groupthink, Teaching Individuals, Leaders and Mass Followers, Breaking Through, Hypocrisy LISTEN / DOWNLOAD June 18th, 2006 HOUR 1 HOUR 2 |