Alan Watt in Telephone Interview (Live) to

"Axiom 2010: The Truth Tellers" Conference,
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
held by We Are Change Utah,
with host Clint Richardson
Aug. 1, 2010
Alan Watt in Telephone Interview (Live) to
"Axiom 2010: The Truth Tellers" Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
held by We Are Change Utah, with host Clint Richardson

Axiom Conference        We Are Change Utah

Implementation of Long-Planned Changes - Function of U.S. - Spreading of Free Trade and Flow of Labour - Eradication of Borders - Lifelong Bureaucrats and Appointees - New Soviet System, Communitarianism - United Nations (Unelected Body) - U.S. Constitution and Individual Rights - Authoritarianism, Obedience to Authority - Communist Planks - System of Cities, Money and Commerce - Forms of Government. UN Agenda 21 - World Socialist Society under "Sustainability" - Demolition of "Unsustainable" Cities and Suburban Areas - Watershed Acts, Corporate Water Privatization, No Individual Rights to Water Supply. Reduction of First-World to Third-World Status - Incremental Indoctrination of Generations and Grade Levels - UN Treaties down to Local Level - World Police Chiefs Assoc. Plato's Republic - Use of Democracy and the Masses - Public Trust in Media - Eminent Domain Laws - Interdependence - Schooling System, Overcoming Indoctrination - Elites' Recruitment (or Eradication) of Intelligent Children. Anti-Human Ruthless Psychopathic Rulers - Battle between Good and Evil - Duty to Stand Up against a Lawless Society, Outlaws - Foundations and their Mandates - Maurice Strong, Mikhail Gorbachev - New Religion Based on Greening, Moral Relativity - Destruction of Christian God - Ian Taylor's "In the Minds of Men" book, Theories of Evolution and "Science" - Obedience to your God or Government.

Egypt and Ancient World, Priesthoods and Initiation, Hereditary Right to Rule, All-Seeing Eye of Ra - Mystery Religion Schools, Secret Societies - Pythagoras, Vows of Silence, Essenes, Socrates - Alexandria - Rosicrucianism - "Right" Breeding to Produce "Right" Spirit - Plato and Solon, Legend of Atlantis - Seafaring Merchant Trader Group - Introduction of Monetary System for Domination. Resource Takeovers for Elites' Sustainability - League of Nations / UN and its Departments, Dictates to Nations - Communists' "World Peace" (Absence of Opposition) - Eugenics, Depopulation and Sterilization - Soaring Disease and Cancer Rates - Polio Vaccine and Dr. Salk - Weaponized Inoculations. Darwinism and the "Fittest to Survive" - Carroll Quigley, Preparations for World War and its Outcome - "Foundations: Their Power and Influence" book - Theosophy, Blending Spirit and Science - Prof. Persinger, Brain Interface with Electromagnetic Waves - Pharmaceutical Drugs, Chemical Alteration of the Brain - Bottom Level Re-Search - Technocracy Inc. et al., Technotronic Warfare - Brzezinski's "Between Two Ages" book - Valium. Con of Politics and Politicians - Only One Agenda. Walking Through a Living Ritual - Underground Bases and Tunneling, Rand Corporation - High Technology (withheld from Public) - DNA and Genetic Research. GMO Food, Deals with Govt.