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The Alex Jones Show with Alan Watt as
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April 17, 2012 Alan Watt on the Alex Jones Show (Originally Aired Live: April 17, 2012 on Genesis Communications Network) Elites' View of the Peasants Below - Creation of a More Efficient Form of Slavery - Indoctrination at School into Death, Euthanasia - Depopulation and Sterility through Chemicals, Food and Inoculations - Eradication of Individualism - Tariffs replaced by Value Added Taxes - Militarized Olympics - Countries Turned into Prison Camps - Planned Society and Communitarianism, No Democracy, Rule by Technocrats - Preparations Made in the US for Domestic Conflict - Society Perfectly Conditioned - Sovietization and Upgrades into Political Correctness. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Hour 1 Abolition of the Family Unit - New Normals - Degeneration of Society - Orwellian Terminology and Organizations - Surveillance and Spies, Monitoring Kickback, Pulse Kept on the Public - Fear Always Used by Tyrannies - Rise in Forms of Autism and Cancer - War on Farmers - Use of Overwhelming Force on America - CFR and their Members - Hollywood and Communism, Culture Creation Industry - Media, Talk Show Hosts and Celebrities brought on Board into Globalism, CFR, UN - Divide and Conquer Strategy - Promotion of Bestiality and "Intergenerational Sex" from UN Down. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Hour 2 Jan. 31, 2012 Alan Watt on the Alex Jones Show (Originally Aired Live: Jan. 31, 2012 on Genesis Communications Network) Planned War, Austerity and Inflation - Merging of Capitalism and Communism - New Feudal System and Overlords - US Healthcare Copying British NHS - CFR-RIIA and Members in Gov., Banks, Corporations and Media - Elimination of the Middle Class - World Order - Communitarianism - Plans Worked out by Think Tanks in Detail - Public in Disbelief - Children Indoctrinated for Life, Trained to Spy on Parents and Adults - Fear and Compliance - Elimination of Meat, Promotion of Eating Bugs - Preparations Made for Coming Riots - Infiltration of Organizations - Individuals Count - Constitutions Bypassed with International Treaties and Supra-National Bodies - Rapid Depopulation Agenda - Teaching the Young. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Nov. 4, 2011 Alan Watt on the Alex Jones Show (Originally Aired Live: Nov. 4, 2011 on Genesis Communications Network) World in Transformation, Public Prepared for New Economic System, Communitarianism - Destruction of Values that Held Society Together - Royalty, Rituals and Cannibalism - Prince Charles and His Ancestry, Saxe-Coburg-Gotha - Royals and Aristocracy Above the Law - The Psychopath has No Inhibition, Lives for Highs, Doesn't Recoil from Horror - British Commonwealth, Laws Passed with Permission of the Queen - Whoever Rules the Money Rules the Country - Psychopaths in Ruling Positions - Middle-East War Strategy - Israel, US and Attack on Iran - Canada, Lyme Disease, Deer Ticks, Bacterial and Viral Warfare, Mosquito-Bourne Diseases - Clearance of Rural Areas into Cities - Exploding Cancer Rate - Authoritative Mass Propaganda, Information War, "Conspiracy Theories". LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Oct. 19, 2011 Alan Watt on the Alex Jones Show (with Aaron Dykes as Host) (Originally Aired Live: Oct. 19, 2011 on Genesis Communications Network) Transformation Phase into World System under United Nations - Wars to Change Society - Bankers Favor Socialism, Big Government - RIIA/CFR, Consolidation of Power, Takeover of All Resources, Free Trade Deals, Open Immigration - Eradication of Conflicting History - Planned World Order - Academia Brought on Board for Scientific Dictatorship - Technocracy - Cooperation in Backlash, Protests for "Fairer" Globalism, Communitarianism, Soviet (Councils) Rule - African Union - Middle East Strategy, Long-Term Destabilization, Fighting Factions - Britain in India - Organized Crime, Gangs, Mercenary Forces - Century of Change, Elite Leisure Class Planning Future - Socialist Britain the Flagship for World to Follow - Fortress America, Homeland Security Perimeter - "Expert" Appointees in Gov., Heads of Wall Street Protest Groups - New American Century, Revolutionary Democracy, Continuing Agenda - Socialist International - Use of Dialectic, Opposing Sides to Bring Out the New, Marxism - Armand Hammer - Con of Left and Right - Destruction of Small Farms and Independence - World Electric Grid. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Sept. 19, 2011 Alan Watt on the Alex Jones Show (with Aaron Dykes as Host) (Originally Aired Live: Sept. 19, 2011 on Genesis Communications Network) Planned Chaos and Crisis - North American Integration into Continental Bloc - Bretton Woods Part 2, Regional Central Banks under World Central Bank - IMF and "Foreign Aid", Right of IMF to do Countries' Bookkeeping - Permanent State of Terrorism, Public Trained to Adapt into Totalitarian System - Creation of Police State, Internal Armies to Deal with Mass Riots - The Silent Majority - Pat-Downs at Sports Arenas - Rand Corporation, Game Theory, Parallel Government - Perpetual War, Constant Conflict - Soviet System (Rule by Councils/NGOs) - Banking in Soviet Union - Military Think Tanks' Projections, Population Reduction, High-Tech City-States - Food Rationing under United Nations - Economic Warfare, Monopolization of Food, Water and Energy - Royal Institute of International Affairs/CFR, Consensus on World Agenda, Member Politicians, Resource Takeover - C.G. Darwin's "The Next Million Years" - GM Food and Inoculations, Sterilization, Lowered IQs and Cancer Explosion - Standardization of the World, Public given Front of Democracy and Voting - H.G. Wells. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD July 26, 2011 Alan Watt on the Alex Jones Show (Originally Aired Live: July 26, 2011 on Genesis Communications Network) Public given Antique Reality - Dehumanization, Man Just Another Animal - Creation of Purpose-Made Humans Bred for Specific Tasks - High Technology since 1950s, Voice-to-Skull and Beyond - Delgado, Microchipping - Homeland Security/DARPA Computer Projects - Brain-Machine Interfaces - David Suzuki, Life Extension, Human Cloning - Elite Ensure their own Survival - Populations Forced into Overcrowded Cities, Austerity, UN to Dole Out Food - "Junk Genes" of Public - Inbred Psychopathic Ruling Class - Post-9/11 Searches and Surveillance for "Terrorism" - Norway Shootings - Everyone Under Observation. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD June 2, 2011 Alan Watt on the Alex Jones Show (Originally Aired Live: June 2, 2011 on Genesis Communications Network) Age of Terror Creation, Fearful Public Turns to Government - Elite Access to High Technology and Medicine - Politicians and Bureaucrats given Special Medical Treatment and Vaccines - Rapid Depopulation - Dismantling of Industry in America - Sherpas Bureaucrats for G8/G20 - Carbon Trading Must-Be (No Debate), Australia's "Carbon Sinks" - Exemptions for Up-and-Coming Countries - Club of Rome--Dreamed up "Global Warming" - Mandated Mass Immigration - Forced Movement into Crowded Cities - Sterilization - End of Nations, Buildup of Super City-States - "Zardoz" movie - Darwinism - Lists for Selection and Elimination, Cull of those "Non-Productive" - Drugged Troops - Privatization of Military - New Feudal System - Polio Outbreak after Polio Shots - Domesticated Public, Believe What They're Told by "Experts" - Think for Yourself and be an Individual - Legality and Consent. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Jan. 6, 2011 Alan Watt on the Alex Jones Show (Originally Aired Live: Jan. 6, 2011 on Genesis Communications Network) Training into Scientific Dictatorship - Sci-fi Dystopia - Thomas Malthus, Population Control, Use of Restricted Diet, Caste System of India, Starved Peasants - Scotland, Operative Freemasonry, Selection of Future Leaders - Soviet Union, Party Members Highly Monitored - Sting Operations, Creation of "Terrorist" Organizations - War Scenario since 9-11 - Degraded Dysfunctional Culture - Decontaminating Yourself - Youth Want to Join the "Winning Team" - Desensitization to Horror - Counterintelligence, Fact mixed with Farcical - Initiates and Servants Sacrificed for "the Cause" - World of Privileges - Rapid Depopulation, Movement into Cities set up to be Prison Camps - Saying NO to Totalitarian Measures, Standing Up - Bankrupting of Ireland. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Oct. 14, 2010 Alan Watt on the Alex Jones Show (Originally Aired Live: Oct. 14, 2010 on Genesis Communications Network) CFR Members at World Meetings - Announcements of Global Economic System - Public Trained into Acceptance of Authoritarianism, Redistribution of Wealth, the "Third Way" - Formation of Chaos then Government Solutions - Arnold Toynbee, World of No Private Property, U.S. Brought Down after its Role and China Takes over as World Army - Mass Demonstrations - Regaining Individuality - RAND Future Scenario Projections. Charles Galton Darwin, Methods to Physically Alter and Reduce the Population - Bisphenol-A and Hormones Affecting Male and Female - Merger of Western Countries with Soviet System - Dr. Salk (Eugenicist), Hero of Polio Vaccine - Polio Outbreak in Africa after Vaccinations - Free Tetanus Shots Sterilized Women in Third World. Creation of Apathy amongst Public - Mandated Mass Immigration into Britain - Food Supply Takeover, Attack on Small Farmers, SWAT Raids - "Farming Too Important to be Left to Farmers" - Gov. Doled-out Food, Rationing. Newt Gingrich, Brain-Chip Implants, "Hive" Mentality for Public - Elite will not Alter Themselves, Must Remain "Wild". 1930s CFR-RIIA Meetings for Buildup of China, Immigration Quotas for Canada - Real Food and "Perks" for Politicians - Total Dependence is Slavery - Property Taxation - World Socialist System - Foreign Troops Training in Canada and U.S. - United Nations Treaty, Nations Signed Away Sovereignty - Troops Drugged by Military - Microwave and High-Energy Weapons used on Public - Communitarianism, Local Soviets, Expert Rule. "War of the Worlds" Radio Broadcast, Alien "Invasion" to Unite Public, UFO-Alien Cover and Flying Saucers of the Real Jet Set. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Aug. 11, 2010 Alan Watt on the Alex Jones Show (Originally Aired Live: Aug. 11, 2010 on Genesis Communications Network) System of Trading, Commerce and Money Pre-dating Sumer - Phoenician Seafaring Traders, Countries Conquered by Loans (Debt) and Forced into Wars - Rise of Empires - Rothschild's "Takeover" of Bank of England - Prussian Royalty, Saxe-Coburg-Gotha House, Bankers and Royalty Intermarried - 9/11/2001, Bush-Bin Laden Business Enterprise, Bombproofing of World Trade Center - Genealogy of FDR and Eleanor Roosevelt - The New Deal and Century of Change - Rosicrucianism. Study of Mankind and Tribes, Modification of Behaviour - Evolution, Darwin-Wedgwood Family, Interbreeding for Specialized Types and Dynasties. Elites' Beliefs, Perfection of that which was Left Imperfect, Alteration of Man - Trained Authors, H.G. Wells, Destruction of Marriage, Family and the Tribe - Theory of Evolution, Triumph of Advanced Civilizations - Bush Sr., "New World Order Coming into View" - Psychopathic Sadomasochists at Top of the Power Structure. Biblical Old and New Testament - Initial Christianity - Protestant Sect - Money Changers (International Bankers), Temple Money Exchange - Voting for Politicians who Always Maintain Same Monetary System. The Few who Change Society - Re-evaluation of Yourself and Your Values - Egocentric/Egosyntonic/Narcissistic Culture - Bursting Bubbles - "Catchable" Disease of Unemployment and Negative News - Scottish Rite's "New Age" - Public Emulate the Cult of Celebrity, Fantasy World - End Products of Covert War, Brain Damage, IQ Drop - Drugged Population. System of Surveillance and Tracking, Inoculation Records, No Independent Choices - Enticement into "Free" Products (which Sell Your All Data) - Public in Majority-Think. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Aug. 5, 2010 Alan Watt on the Alex Jones Show (Originally Aired Live: Aug. 5, 2010 on Genesis Communications Network) Government is Now THE Authority - Public Stopped/Interrogated under "Anti-Terrorism" Laws - New Authoritarian System for the Century of Change - High-Security Private Prisons - Full-Scale Total War, Populations are the Enemy - Methods to Lobotomize Public for "World Peace" - Totalitarian Societies Run on Sadomasochism - Varying Drug and Vaccine Reactions - Alteration of Brain and Body Biochemistry - Effects of Inoculations - Delivery of Piggybacked Chemicals and Viruses - Medical-Military-Industrial Complex - Attack on Survival Capabilities - Innate Survival Instincts of Wild Animals - C.G. Darwin, "Wild" Elite Leading the Planet - Intergenerational Warfare - Darwinian Survival of the Fittest and Right to Rule - Management by "Superior" People - Testosterone taken by Police to Increase Aggressivity - Conquering of the Mind is the Final Frontier - Training to Only Accept Opinions of "Experts" - Weather Channel and "Expert" Advice - Fake Pandemics to Prepare Public for Coming Plagues - Virus Creation, Real Antidotes (for Elite) - Mass Depopulation. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD June 22, 2010 Alan Watt on the Alex Jones Show (Originally Aired Live: June 22, 2010 on Genesis Communications Network) Crisis Used to Further Sustainability/Greening/Carbon Tax Agenda - Rising Food Prices, Food Shortages and Rationing - Public to Serve in New Feudal System - Order out of Created Chaos, No Generation Allowed Peace - Institutionalized Sadomasochistic Society, Worship of Power and Authority, the "Winner". Project for the New American Century, Attack Plan for Afghanistan/Iraq/Iran Syria, Need for Event on Scale of Pearl Harbor - Oil Spill in Gulf, Excuse to Start Limiting Energy Use etc. - Schizophrenic-Surrealistic News, Apathy Creation, Psychological Warfare - EU Carbon Trading Racket, Fee-based System - Mandated Mass Immigration into West - Last Memory of Rights and Freedom in U.S. - Segregation of Society into Haves and Have-Nots - Elimination of the Middle Class - Management by Scientific Elite - Government Must be Taught They Serve the People. Divide and Conquer, Infiltration of Catholic Church and Protestantism - Programming through Television, Creation of Sex Obsession/Addiction and New Normals - Government-Paid Scriptwriters/Novelists - Electric Smart Meters, Monitoring and Cut-off when Quota Exceeded - Canadian-Funded Reactors for China. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD March 17, 2010 Alan Watt on the Alex Jones Show (Originally Aired Live: March 17, 2010 on Genesis Communications Network) Zoning Laws and Building Codes via United Nations Departments - Members of Fringe Groups - Age of "Austerity" with Cheap Entertainment/Toys - "Cloud" Computing, All-Electronic Transactions, Access as Means of Punishment or Reward. Collectivism on China Model, Infanticide and One-Child-per-Family Policy, Social Approval-Disapproval Technique - "War on Smoking" and "War on Obesity" from U.N.. Stanford Univ. Prison Experiment, Role Playing, Sadomasochistic Behaviour, Military Conditioning - Video Games for Desensitization to Killing - Testing and Selection for Psychopathic Traits - Government-Funded Corporations, Gates Family - Programming through Entertainment, Dumbed-Down Population. Standardized World, Holdouts of Muslim Countries - Takedown of Western World, Financial Crash, Food Shortages, Riots - Dept. of Defence Projections - Agenda 21, CFR Think-Tanks. Obedience to Authority, Part of the "Team", All Groups Used, Elimination when No Longer Needed - Darwinian "Survival of the Fittest", Ruthless Predators. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Hour 1 War on Culture, Destruction of Family Unit, Creation of Egosyntonic Society - Edward Bernays, Control of "the Crowd". Fabian Society / RIIA, Writings of Member Authors - Formulas for Bringing Down Society - Scientific Indoctrination, Updated Yearly - Tasers used for "Compliance" - War OF Terror, Public Terrorized - State of Flux, Blurring Reality and Fiction - Hatred of "Losers" - Sterilization for the "Unfit" - FDR's (and Bankers') "New Deal". Groups Infiltrated, Veer off Course - Non-Democratic System - Television Fiction to Indoctrinate - Psychopathic Interbred Families, Mentality of Psychopath - "The Noble Lie" - Pentagon joined with Academia, Academic Totalitarianism - Psychopathic Culture, Worship of Powerful, Despisal of Weak. Use of Internet for Control, Data Collection, Tracking, Behaviour Prediction - Rockefeller's "Window of Opportunity" - Banned Websites. 21st Century of Change - Collective Survival - Breaking of Family, Tribal, National Bonds - Starting with Yourself, Becoming Indignant - Power of an Idea - Self-Preservation - Final Stage of Psychological Battle. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Hour 2 Jan. 6, 2010 Alan Watt on the Alex Jones Show (Originally Aired Live: Jan. 6, 2010 on Genesis Communications Network) Naked-Full-Body Scans at Airports, Degradation and Dehumanization of Individual - Biometric and DNA Data Collection - Training for Servility and Submission, No Privacy - Prisoners' Treatment - "The Madness of King George" movie, Crime to Look the King in the Eye. Government is an Idea, Exists by Will of People - Mass Demonstrations to Take Back Rights - Getting Foundations Out of Politics (or Outlawed) - Political Correctness into Robotic Society - "Suspicious" Behaviour and State Intervention - Public Acceptance of Global Governance, Denial of Malicious Intents. Perpetual Crises bombard Public (who Forget Last Crisis) - Destruction of Culture and Family - Never Giving Up, Educating the Youth with Real Information - Pharmaceutical Drugging, "THX 1138" movie - Aldous and Julian Huxley. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Hour 1 Breaking the Spell - Nothing Secret on Internet, soon Body-Scanner Porn - Obsession with Sex, Promiscuity, No Bonding - Bans on Home Schooling, must have Standardized Indoctrination - Socialism for Passive Society - Predictive Programming via Entertainment. Public Believe Major Media and Big Lies - Copenhagen Agreement, Politicized Science leading to Communism - Blend of Soviet and West. Putting Elite Psychopaths on Trial for Crimes Against Humanity - Politicians' "Plausible Deniability" - Psychopaths' Boasts and In-Fighting. Tracking and Monitoring to Alter Behaviour, Self-Policing - Gun "Panic" - Television Propaganda. Eco-Fees and Eco-Taxes on All Product Purchases. Full-Body Scans (Dosed with Radiation), Sedation of Airline Passengers. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Hour 2 Dec. 16, 2009 Alan Watt on the Alex Jones Show (Originally Aired Live: Dec. 16, 2009 on Genesis Communications Network) "Fall of the Republic" documentary - Sharing Knowledge with Others, Bringing Them Up-to-Speed Quickly - Up Against Massive Organization, Need to Act Now. Socialization of Britain and U.S. - Public Trained Gradually into Socialist System, "Leave it to the Experts" - Euthanasia Legislation, Population Control - Communists in Power in U.S. Govt. - Reece Commission (1950's) Investigation into Tax-Exempt Foundations, West Blended with Soviet - Marxian Economics, U.N.. Russia, Bolshevik Revolution, Movement Out of Soviet Union - Gorbachev. Fluoride and Lithium added to Drinking Water - Darwinism, Julian Huxley, Pharmacology and Hypnosis used for Control - Arthur Koestler, Projects to Find Ways to Lobotomize Human Brain - Inoculations, Fever, Brain Inflammation, Cell Death - Average IQ Level Lowered - Brzezinski's "Between Two Ages" book, Methods to Make Public Docile - Effects of Vaccination, Auto-Immune Problems, Allergies, Asthma - Aerosol Spraying of Metallic Particles, Prozac, Valium - John Holdren (U.S. Science Czar) and Others call for Compulsory Sterilization. Planks of Communism - Takedown of Family Unit - Government Talks Directly to You - Redistribution of Wealth - World Standardization. Discredited Fake Global Warming Crisis - Agenda 21, "Environmental" Laws, Rural Folk Forced into Cities. Lord Victor Rothschild, Right to Rule by the "Right Sort" of People, Money is Control of Labour - GATT Treaty, Taxpayer Funds Corporations' Move to China. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Oct. 7, 2009 Alan Watt on the Alex Jones Show (Originally Aired Live: Oct. 7, 2009 on Genesis Communications Network) New World Order and "World Peace" - Yearly Updated Indoctrination for Children - Britain's "Pilot Projects" Spread Worldwide - Globalism, Laws from United Nations. Post-Democratic Century of Change, Rise of EU as Super-Soviet - Scientific Dictatorship, Public Obey and Serve. Vaccine Contaminants, Adjuvants, Cancer Viruses - WHO's Propaganda Blitz, Lying to the Public, Training the Victim - Julian and Aldous Huxley, Devaluation of Human Life, Depopulation Plans. Domestication of "Inferior" Types, Dependence on "Experts" - Planned Extermination - Cancer and Death Rate now Normal - Public Disbelief of Deadly Intentions. Swine Flu Shot, Mass Refusals - Mandatory Inoculations - No Negotiation with Tyranny--Saying NO - Nigerian Polio Outbreak after Vaccinations. Stanford Psychology Department Experiments, Obedience to Authority - Hiring Half the Poor to Kill the Other Half. Vaccine Exemptions - Doublethink - Hero Worship, Sadomasochists in Positions of Power - Iron Curtain of Bureaucracies - Tyranny = No Choice or Escape. Biowarfare, Immune System Destruction - Human Incubators for Shedding Virus - Flu Vaccine Nasal Mist - Genetically Modified Food - Methods of Sterilization - Use of "the Needle" - Bacteriophages. Gold Shipments to Soviet Union. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD July 1, 2009 Alan Watt on the Alex Jones Show (Originally Aired Live: July 1, 2009 on Genesis Communications Network) Private Property, Farming and Water Takeover - "Experts" as New Priesthood, Creation of New World Religion (Environmentalism) - Political Correctness, NGOs. Intergenerational Institutions, Mandates - Baron Rothschild, Enviro-Banks - New Feudal System and Overlords - Parallel Govt. - Maurice Strong, United Nations, Biodiversity Treaty, China. Optimum Population (Reduction) Trust - Democracy is Sham - Club of Rome think tank, Idea of Global Warming, Uniting Planet under Warfare Scenario, Man is Enemy. UN Food Rationing and Quotas - Royal Society (Freemasonic), Vegetarian-Only World, H.G. Wells, Alvin Toffler - Malnourished Vegetarian Diet, India. GMO, Weaponized Food, Monsanto, Military-Industrial Complex - Male Infertility / Sterility, Dropping Sperm Count, Increasing Cancers - Prince Charles, Nobility, Private Estate Farms (Not Modified) - Drug-Producing Plants, Food as Weapon - Z. Brzezinski, Public Unable to Reason for Themselves (Media will do it). LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Hour 1 Propaganda, Edward Bernays, League of Nations - Conformity, Madison Avenue Marketing. Crises Since 2001, Terrorism, Environment, Pandemics, Banking Crash and Bailouts - Public Stampeded - "We're All in it Together" - Cult of Celebrity, Stars. Medical and Big Pharma, Military-Industrial Complex, Bacterial-Viral Biowarfare Laboratories - Eugenics, Northern Europeans, Enemy of Individualism - Baxter Labs, I.G. Farben, Inoculations, Booster Shots - "Deadly Allies: Canada's Secret War" book, Creation of Killer Viruses - Sterilization, Bisphenol-A, Melamine as Baby Food "Protein". Shock and Awe Used on Public, "Soft" Bombardment - Slogans, "Change is Good" - Orwell's "Animal Farm" book - Perfected Soviet Technique in West. H.G. Wells, the "World Brain" (Supercomputer) for Information - Julian Huxley, Bertrand Russell, Use of "the Needle" for Compliance - Elites' Natural Farms and Herds, Blood Transfusions, Air Filtration, Portable Chelation. Chemtrails - UN Weather Warfare Treaty, Spraying and HAARP, Creation of Floods and Droughts - Catastrophic Effects on Health. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Hour 2 Eradication of "Useless Eaters" - Eugenics, "Comparative Effectiveness" (Reduced) Health Care, Socialized Medicine, "Cost-Effective" Policy. White Supremacist Groups, Police and Government Agents - Character Assassination, Defamation - Canadian Hate Laws, Ernst Zundel, Grant Bristow. Militarized Police Forces, Bonded Brotherhood - Martyrs - Elites' Pulse on the Public - Living in Denial, Being "Good" - Top Medical Treatment for Politicians and Bureaucrats. Chemtrails, Doublethink, Denying Own Senses - Pentagon, HAARP, Weather Modification - Aerial Spray Gel - Spraying of Espanola (Canada), Guinea Pigs for Experiments - Mental Illness, Paranoiacs Suspicious of Those Who are Different or Intelligent with Memory - Yellow Spray Residue, Cadmium. Repetition, Telling a Big Lie, IPCC Scientists - Selective "Equality", United Nations. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Hour 3 June 5, 2009 Alan Watt on the Alex Jones Show (Originally Aired Live: June 5, 2009 on Genesis Communications Network) Updating of System into Next Phase (Authoritarian), Dictates by Appointees - Central Banking, Money Capstone. Elite Intelligentsia, Darwinian Interbreeding Program, Creation of Guardian Class - Genealogies, Matched Mating, Elimination of "Inferior Types", National Census Data - Huxley Family. Funded Futurist Authors, Predictive Programming, Arthur C. Clarke's "2001" - UN, World Government - "Evolution" of Society. Department of Defence Predictions, Coming Riots and Food Shortages - Internal Armies, MJTF - Population Drop, Sterilization - Bill Gates, Philanthropists, Family Planning, Virus-Carrying Mosquitoes. CuttingThroughTheMatrix.com and .net Website Uploads Cut Off by Yahoo - ICANN, Internet Servers. United Nations, Future Cites, Domed Toronto - Domed Communal Upbringing, Schools, Work - H.G. Wells, Red Tie School, Utopian Propagandists, World War I and II. Century of Change - Bertrand Russell, Recruitment (or Eradication) of "Brighter" Ones in Public - Breeding In or Out Traits, Psychopaths in Charge, Sadistic Mentality. Telling the Big Lie, Terrorism, Manipulation of the Mind - Adolf Hitler - Fictional Entertainment, Torture. Parallel Government, Foundations Financing NGOs, Soviet System. Use of Fear and Panic, Swine Flu, Vaccines, Biowarfare, Virus Created in Lab - Looking to Abusers for Help - DNA, Viral Alteration. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD May 8, 2009 Alan Watt on the Alex Jones Show (with Jason Bermas as Host) (Originally Aired Live: May 8, 2009 on Genesis Communications Network) Cops as Authoritarian Bosses - Function of Police is to Lay Charges - Homeland Security, Laws, No Rights or Freedoms - Mandatory ID Cards, Canada. Lies, Damn Lies, Statistics - Internet for Controlled Society, Blacklisted Outcasts. Volunteered Information as Legal Evidence - Politicians' View of Public as Herd - Government Supercomputer Databases. John Maynard Keynes, Global Currency, International Monetary Fund (IMF), Population Reduction - Sterilization. Grid System for Satellite Tracking, Postal Codes - UN Agenda 21 - Water Ownership - Data Collection - Meter Readers, GPS. Fortress America, Amalgamated Military, EU, World Army - International ID Card. GMO Food Must-Be, Monsanto, Military-Industrial Complex, Agri-Business - UN Dept. of Agriculture, Food Rationing (Food as Weapon) - Interdependence. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD May 1, 2009 Alan Watt on the Alex Jones Show (Originally Aired Live: May 1, 2009 on Genesis Communications Network) World Health Organization's Agenda, Sustainability, League of Nations. H1N1 (Common Mild Flu), Flu Injections, Humans as Virus Breeders - Panic and Crisis Creation, Rise of UN Departments as Authorities. FEMA, New Orleans - Bacterial / Viral Warfare Labs - "Outbreak" movie - Public Trained to be Helpless - IMF (International Monetary Fund). Fiction, Movies, Idea Implantation, Mental Preparation - Emotive Programming - Foundations, Parallel Government - Brave New World, Genetic Engineering, Scientific Dictatorship. UN IPCC, Terror, Disaster, Global Warming Scam - Alec Baldwin - Ignorant Public, Media does Reasoning for Them, Rule by Experts. U.K. Military Think Tank Projections, Riots in West, Disorganized Mob - Police MJTF Training, SWAT Teams - Uniformed Fraternities, Uniformity. Conditioning, Dehumanization ("Man is an Animal") - C.G. Darwin, "Bad Genes" of Masses - Ted Turner, "Ideal" Population (Reduction) Number - Club of Rome. Reclaiming Rights, Humanity, Communication with Each Other. David Rockefeller, Crisis for Global Transformation. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD March 23, 2009 Alan Watt on the Alex Jones Show (Originally Aired Live: March 23, 2009 on Genesis Communications Network) Tyranny, Terrorized Public - Trained Spies, Agencies - China, Business, Communist Party - Fear Tactics, Time to be Vocal - Solzhenitsyn, Soviet System, KGB Roundups. Obama, Bush, Pre-planned Agenda - Britain, Common Purpose NGO - Free Speech on Internet, Banned Websites, Australia - U.S., Compulsory Service. United Nations, World Bank - Shock and Awe, Blur of Reality and Fiction - Perpetual Education, Continual "Upgrades", Orwell's "1984", Changing Enemies. Tried and Tested Formula - No Tolerance of Opposition - "7-7 Ripple Effect" video, John Anthony Hill, Trial and Extradition for "Perversion of Justice". LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Hour 1 Brzezinski, "Between Two Ages" book - U.S. Constitution Bypassed - 9-11, 100 Years War - Rationing, Home Kitchen and Garden Inspections. Countries "On Board" the Ship - Council on Foreign Relations, World Government, Service to World State - Speaking Out NOW. Kissinger, Technocrats, Advisors - Finding or Creating Terrorists - U.S., Disarmament, "Compliant" Takedown - Video Game Generation Created. Depopulation, Military Think Tanks - Sterilization, Bisphenol-A, Melamine. "Cobra Khan" audio clip - Children's Cartoons, Fiction, "Bad Guys", Predictive Programming - "Border" TV Show - Police and Military. Groups and Leaders - Being Your Own Champion, Doing Your Part - Those with Tunnel Vision. Psychological Warfare. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Hour 2 Fringe Groups, Personal Attacks, Internet Forums - Agency Operatives - Right to Protest - Bo Gritz - Monitoring, Internet Statistics, Cyber Attacks. Criminal Gangsters, Tyranny, "Superfluous" Public - Unelected Private Organizations (Supra-Government). Cold Springs Harbor, Census Tracking, Categorized Genealogies. Golden Parachutes, Richard Nixon, Set-up of China - Payoffs - Margaret Thatcher, Parallel (Real) Government. Psycholinguistics - George Orwell, Socialism, BBC Department of Propaganda - "Brazil" movie. Creation of Public Apathy for Manipulation - Promotion of Degraded Society, Debasement, Animalistic Gratification, Addictions - China as Model State. Court Cases, Sustainability etc is "Philosophical Belief". Canada's Role, Wealthy Families - Europe, Countries as Test Laboratories for Global Society - Documented Evidence - Mayors' Associations. Elite Rituals, Ceremonies, Show of No Inhibitions. Military Bases for "Emergency Purposes". Elites' Achilles Heel - Evil Spawns More Evil - Battle for Your Soul - "Utopian" Hell. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Hour 3 Feb. 19, 2009 Alan Watt on the Alex Jones Show (Originally Aired Live: Feb. 19, 2009 on Genesis Communications Network) Implementation of New World Order, New Society - John Maynard Keynes - Carbon Tax. Foundations, NGOs, Think Tanks, Eugenics - Identifying Those with Leadership Abilities, Drugging - Population Reduction, Vegetarian World, Servants for Elite. Arthur Koestler, Lobotomizing "The Ghost in the Machine" - Isaiah Berlin, "Negative and Positive Freedom", Tony Blair. Political Puppet Show - Barack Obama, Brzezinski, War in Afghanistan - Psychopathic Types in Politics, Front-Men. Government in Your Bank Account, Money as Weapon - United Nations, Rockefeller. "The Power of Nightmares" Videos by Adam Curtis, Myth of Terrorism, Neoconservative Policy - Creation of Fear, Panic, Stampede - Surveillance Cameras. Humiliation, Apathy, Prisoner of War Syndrome - "Revolutionary Democracy" - Martyrs - Definition of "Terrorist". Law Enactment, Unread Omnibus Bills Passed - Corruption, Fraternities. Vietnam War, Returning Troops, Crippling Diseases - Military Drug Experimentation. Energy Conservation, Agenda 21, Rolling Brownouts - Maurice Strong, Ontario Hydro (Electric) Co. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Jan. 9, 2009 Alan Watt on the Alex Jones Show (Originally Aired Live: Jan. 9, 2009 on Genesis Communications Network) World Culture, Academia - Proles - Dialectic - "Old Man" is Obsolete - "Political Ponerology" book, Psychopathy, Elite - Sadomasochists, Nuremberg Trials. History - Top Gang, Darwinism, "Survival of Fittest" - Huxley, Dominant Minority, Scientific Elite - Evolution, "Evolved" Types, Hinduism. Psycholinguistics, New Words - Communism, Lenin, Updated Reality - "Brave New World", Genetic Manipulation, Human Genome Project. "Reseeding" Planet - Star Trek, Gene Roddenberry, Genesis Project - World Wildlife Fund, Cryogenic Arks, Breeding. Think Tank Projections, Post-9-11 Hundred Years War - Wars, Plagues of European Middle Ages - Pandemics, Population Reduction - Food Shortages, Riots, UN FAO Quotas. Sterility - China, Female Infanticide - Transhumanist Agenda, Programmed Manufactured Humans. Power of Purse - Tool of Money for Control - Government-Issued Credit Accounts. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Hour 1 Mankind as Enemy to Planet - Government Home Inspection, Agenda 21 - Crumbling City Infrastructure - Club of Rome, Carbon Emissions, Taxes - Flying, Restricted Travel. Laws - Micromanaged Organization - Parallel Government - Tony Blair - "Smart" Refrigerators, RFID - Carroll Quigley, Technocrats - Consensus Building. Chemtrails, Metallic Particles, Seeding Air "to Curb Global Warming" - TV, Indoctrination - ELF, Brzezinski, Technotronic Warfare - Aerial Spraying, Lethargy, Respiratory Problems. Media, News, Disassociation, Apathetic Public - Self-Defense Mechanisms, Right to Exist - United Nations, World Authority's Use of Violence - War Upon World (YOU) - Individual Action. Power Driving Elite - War in Heavens and Earth - Zoroastrianism, Good and Evil - Personal Interpretation. Freemasonry, Crown and Servants (Outer Portico). LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Hour 2 Dec. 17, 2008 Alan Watt on the Alex Jones Show (Originally Aired Live: Dec. 17, 2008 on Genesis Communications Network) Creation of Apathy, Non-Participation, Psychological Warfare - Rioting, Rapid Deployment Troops, Eradication of "Old Way" - UN Agenda, Food Quotas. Constant State of Terror - Media Characters Catering to Masses, Oldthink - Trivia, Surrealism - Soviet Union, NKVD Arrests - Police Dramas, SWAT Teams. Primitive Man, "Evolution" into Global Society - "Evolved" Elite, Right to Rule, Selective Breeding - C.G. Darwin, Dominant Minority, Self-Preservation. Britain, Democracy Front - Parallel Government - USSR, Communism, Standardized System - Foundations, NGOs, Politburo - RIIA, CFR, Servitude to World State. Plato, Initiation, "The Republic", Public Funding Elite - Brainwashing, Television, Constant "Upgrading" - Orwell's "1984" - Authoritarianism to Huxlian Phase, New Enhanced Human. 30 Years War - U.S. Army War College Projections, Reduced Population - Proles, Bureaucratic Class, Indoctrination, Adaptation, Self-Interest - Safe Havens for Elite. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Hour 1 Male Role Model, Video Games, Violence, Military Fraternity - Tribalism - Dehumanization, Public as "Its". Greening, Depopulation - Bertrand Russell, Government-Issued Credits - Internet Censorship - Purchase Information, Registration - Barack Obama, Red-Black Colors, Fascism. Foreign Rapid Reaction Forces (Soldiers) - Beijing, China. Symbol of Nimrod, Satan, Rebel, Power Elite Megalomaniac - Hitler, Theosophy, Rockefeller, Lucis Trust, Lucifer, Supermen. Canadian Parliament, Steven Harper, Orders from Queen. Intelligence Community, Video Games, Militarizing Youth Minds - Culture Industry, Hollywood, Disaster Movies, Predictive Programming - Civil War in U.S. Law, Coercion backed with Force - Involvement Now - Recruitment or Elimination of Those with Knowledge and Ability to Communicate - Monitoring "Agitators". Banned Websites (including cuttingthroughthematrix.com) - Programmed Bureaucrats - Dangerous Leaders, Guidance. Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Implementation of Laws. Intergenerational Indoctrination. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Hour 2 Nov. 18, 2008 Alan Watt on the Alex Jones Show (Originally Aired Live: Nov. 18, 2008 on Genesis Communications Network) Disappearing Male - Attack in Womb, Sperm Count Drop, Sterility - C.G. Darwin, Arthur Koestler - Herd Management - IQ Drop - Neutering - Steroids. Bisphenol-A, Endocrine Disruptor, Baby Bottles - Bertrand Russell - Inoculations, Immune System, Tonsillectomy - Phagocytes, Bacteria and Viruses, Antibiotics, Soviet Union, Cold-Cuts Meat. Takedown of Society, Reduced Population - British Department of Defence - Discernment of Fact and Fiction - Hedonism - Brain Chip - Casualties in War. Governance - Collectivism, NGOs, New Soviet - Britain, Parliamentary System - Carroll Quigley - Politicians' Medical Treatment, Real Antidotes. Television, Guests - Personal Integrity - Psychopathic Types. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Hour 1 Club of Rome, Man is Enemy, Global Warming - Environmental Laws - Earth Army - George Orwell's "1984", Child Spies - Good Shepherds (Wolves) and Sheep. HAARP - Gulf War I, Iraq - Technotronic Warfare, Signals - United Nations, Weather Warfare - Edward Teller, Use of Frequencies - Antenna Towers. Levels of Science, Technology - Thought-to-Skull Transmission - Aerial Spraying, "Global Dimming", Death of Birds and Moles. Malachi Martin, Vatican, Freemasonry, Knighthood - Israel Lodge - 1000 Faces of Isis - Charters, Duke of Kent. Fiction, Censor Part of Brain Down, Possibility Programming. Intergenerational Agenda. Eugenics - Rockefeller - Pollution - Elite Palaces, Vehicles, Air Filtration, Chelation. Hitler, Germans - Begin - Psychopathic Response - Plans, Unlimited Financing, Elite Shelters - Sir James Goldsmith - Kelly - Oaths, "Crossing the Line". Conditioning Victims to Accept Own Demise. Legal and Illegal Drugs, War on Drugs - Drug Trafficking. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Hour 2 Nov. 12, 2008 Alan Watt on the Alex Jones Show (Originally Aired Live: Nov. 12, 2008 on Genesis Communications Network) Election Farce, Parties, Continuation of Agenda, Tyranny - Financial Bubble - Keynes - Government in Your Bank Account - United Nations. Raids, Searches Under Pretexts, No Privacy - Science Fiction - National Service, Militarization of Society, Youth Involvement - Barack Obama speeches, World Citizenship. Male Sterility - War, Killing Off Population - Debilitating Diseases - Vaccinations, Baxter Laboratories - Tetanus Shot, Africa. Evolution, Survival of Fittest, "Proving Worth" - High Freemasonic Religion, Platonic New Age - Cryogenics, Arks, World Wildlife Fund - Genesis Project, Re-Seeding Planet - Luciferian Doctrine. Funded Authors, Entertainment - Masculine Role Model, Gangs, Military - Poor Fighting Each Other. Centralized Government, Regions - Western Culture, 100 Years War - Fanaticism. Solutions - War on Individual - Unorganized Public - Grass Roots Movements - Christian Culture - Overcoming Fear, Gaining Empathy - Keepers of Records of History - New "Nuremberg Trial". Barack Obama and Mother, Kenyan Father - Voting, Continuing Agenda - Breeding for Purpose - Armand Hammer. Police Mentality, Movies - Psychopaths. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Oct. 20, 2008 Alan Watt on the Alex Jones Show (Originally Aired Live: Oct. 20, 2008 on Genesis Communications Network) League of Nations, World War II, Global System, World Bank - Parallel Government - Conditioning, Propaganda - Power of the Purse. The Great Work - The Profane - War on Terror, "Insanity" - Collectivism, Authorities. Conflict, Group Opposition, Resolutions - U.S. Great Seal. Indoctrination of Children - England, School Teacher Interviews - Bertrand Russell, Experimental Schools - Gene Roddenberry, "Star Trek" series, Predictive Programming. Elite, Plato, Kindergarten, Cancellation of Parental Input. CFR, RIIA, Institute for Pacific Relations - Democracy, Voting - Alteration of Public Perception, Acceptance of Rule by their "Betters". Mass Demonstrations - Planned Takedown - Population Control - Bisphenol in Plastics, Effects on Body - Cancer - Inoculations. Human Genome Project, "Inferior Genes" - "Gattaca" movie, Genetic Enhancement - Modified Food - Monsanto, GM Food - Elite Food Supply, Specialized Breeding. New Financial System, State Issues Credits. Intelligence Agencies, Soviet Union. Moral Relativism, Anything Goes - Dehumanizing Agenda - Saying NO - Bonding, Fraternities. Technotronic Weaponry, Microwave, ID Card Tracking - Frequencies, HAARP - Poles, Antennas, Fields, Control of Minds. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Oct. 10, 2008 Alan Watt on the Alex Jones Show (Originally Aired Live: Oct. 10, 2008 on Genesis Communications Network) Rigged Farce called Money and Stock Market - Organized United Front - Orwellian Phase - Brave New World - Training Phase, Duty to Serve World State. Club of Rome, "The First Global Revolution" book - Aerial Spraying - Cancer, GMO Food - New World Order- Pyramid in "Wasteland" - Government Demands, Bookkeeping, Punishment. "Sustainability" - Theosophy, Madame Blavatsky, Besant (Standard of Knights Templars), Krishnamurti, Adolf Hitler, Eugenics. Lenin - World System, United Nations - World Without Poverty, Reduced Population - Dubai, Living in a "Machine" - Technological "Utopia" - Fabian Society, H.G. Wells. Lucifer - Albert Pike, "Getting to the Top" - Adam Weishaupt, Creation of Foundations - RIIA - Sterility, Plastics, Bioengineering. Aldous Huxley, Dominant Minority - Psychological Warfare, Doublethink - Internal Armies, Riots, Martial Law. Radio, BBC Propaganda Tool, Daily Dramas - Behaviour Alteration by Technology - Skinner - Hi-Def TV, Scrolling, Cognitive Dissonance, Alpha State - Torture Techniques. "Free Trade", International Corporations, GATT - Military Strategy, Public Reaction and Confusion - U.S., Weaponized Culture. Published Books and Long-Term Business Plan - 100 Years War - Survival of the Fittest, Selective Breeding - Young Males, Bonding - British Dept. of Defence - First Earth Army, Gene Roddenberry, NASA. Liberals, Totalitarian System. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Aug. 25, 2008 Alan Watt on the Alex Jones Show (with Jason Bermas as Host) (Originally Aired Live: Aug. 25, 2008 on Genesis Communications Network) Occultic Ritual, Olympics, China - UN Model State - Bertrand Russell - GATT Treaty, West Funding of China - International Dynasties, Investing - RIIA, CFR. Everyone to Serve World State - Corporations, Factories, Global System, Production - Club of Rome, Collectivism, "The First Global Revolution" book - War to Change Society. Capitalist Creation of Communism - Elimination of Individuality - Surveillance, Elite Claim They Own Us - Being Indignant. Cecil Rhodes and Milner Foundation, Council on Foreign Relations, World Government - Interdependence - Carroll Quigley. Psychological Separation, Ruled by Intellectual Group Above You - Pre-Selected Globalist Candidates - "Foreign Affairs" magazine, U.S. Constitution. American Public, Psychological Warfare, Amnesia, Will. Internal Armies, Preparations, Continuity of Government. Population Reduction, Aging Diseases - Irradiation of Food - Malnourishment, Diseases. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Aug. 5, 2008 Alan Watt on the Alex Jones Show (Originally Aired Live: Aug. 5, 2008 on Genesis Communications Network) Self-Preservation, Lobotomy, "The Ghost in the Machine" by Arthur Koestler - Z. Brzezinski - Cell Phone Towers, Brain Frequencies, Targeting Individuals. Yogis of India, Trancelike States - Military-Industrial Complex, Video Games, Killing, Soldiers - Japan, Epileptic Seizures, Temporal Lobe, Fugue. Control of Populations - Bertrand Russell - Effects of Inoculations, Those with Allergies - MKUltra Tests - Troops, Pre-Frontal Lobotomies. Elimination of Common "Inferior" Types - Soy Foods, Lowered Sperm Count - Robotic Soldier - Science, Alchemists, Rule in "Logical Manner". Presenting the Facts and Proof to Others - Aerial Spraying, Weather - Media. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Hour 1 Censor Part of Brain, Hypnotic State - Virtual Reality, Addiction to "Other World" - Pentagon Profiles of YOU - Bureaucratic "Suicides" - Nuremberg Trials, Hitler - Worship of Power. Psychopaths, Sado-Masochism - David Suzuki, "Fruit Flies" - Public Acquiescence - Lenin - Paedophiles, Abuser Blames Victim - System of Abuse. Definition of a "Terrorist" - Television, British Pubs, Stopping Communication - Technology, Tracking, Interfacing Chip - Home-Schooling. C.G. Darwin, Alteration of Hormonal Levels, Estrogen - Bisphenol-A, Cans - Baby Bottles, Baby Food Jars. Putting Information Out Now - Transhumanism, "Obsolete" Old Humans, Planned Extinction, Perfect Race of Slaves - Fear, Suggestibility. Monitoring of Authorities - Secrecy, Foundations, "World Citizens" - "World Peace" - Divide and Conquer. Delgado, Control of Bulls - Advanced Technology - Programmed "You", Virtual World - Collective Mind (No Mind of Your Own). LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Hour 2 July 10, 2008 Alan Watt on the Alex Jones Show (Originally Aired Live: July 10, 2008 on Genesis Communications Network) Agenda 21, Cities, Pandemics - NATO, City Containment. Psychopathic Culture - Nuremberg Trials - Sadomasochistic Mentality - Degenerate Generation - Military Bonding, Belonging, Reward for Aggression. Drugging of Troops - Vietnam War Era, Returning Soldiers (Disposable), Disabling Diseases. Futurist Society - Guidance of Culture - Lenin, Communism to Combine with Capitalism for Third Way, Service to World State. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Hour 1 Dehumanization, Debased Society and Art - Bringing Order out of Chaos, Destruction of Old Values - Standardization of Planet - UNESCO. What is in these people? - Psychopathy, Demonic Possession - Recognizing Evil - Abortion Industry, Morgentaler - Kinsey, Promiscuity. Last Generation with Ability to Communicate Understanding - Regaining Natural Humanity and Instincts - Sacredness of Human Life. "Value" to Society, Sustainability, "Useless Eaters" - Mocking the Victim (who must accept their own execution). Loyola University Science Meetings - Brain Chip is Ready, The Hive and Borg, End of Individuality. Looking for Leaders, Lone Gunman - Individual Action - Saying "NO" to Intrusions. Propaganda - False Reality Given through Fiction, Drama, TV - Elevation of Authority Figures - Police, Paramilitary Army. 9-11-2001 - A.C. Clarke - George H. W. Bush - Gary Hart - "New World Order" - Psychopathic Boasts, Born Liars. 100 Years War, New Civilization, New "Creature". Pilgrimage to Mecca - "Stoning of Great Satan (Obelisk)". The Dialectic, Appearance of Opposition - Totalitarian System Underway - Taking Our Rights Back. Canadian Residential Schools, Indian Genocide, Anglican Church. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Hour 2 June 9, 2008 Alan Watt on the Alex Jones Show (Originally Aired Live: June 9, 2008 on Genesis Communications Network) Totally Controlled Society, Complete Predictability - Internal Terrorism, Roadblocks, Interrogation - Non-Lethal Weaponry - War Mode Conditioning. Public Compliance and Acceptance - Transhumanism, Genetically Modifying Humans, New Species. MI6, Psychiatry, Experiments - Pentagon, "Incitement" Speech - Texas Governor's Mansion Fire. System of Terror, Fear, Obedience - Long-Term Agenda - Interdependence. Jacques Ellul, Spy System, Local Gossip Collection - "Tattlers". Repetitive Propaganda, Victim Accepts Own Demise - Greening, Volunteer Sterilization - Killing Off "Old Type" of Human - Brain Chip, Eradication of Individuality - The Borg, Hive. Dehumanized Society, Degradation, Minimalistic Language - Society Turns against "Odd One Out" - Psychopathic Culture - Police, Military, Technique of Mind Control. Dr. Salk, Viruses in Polio Vaccine, Depopulation. Upgrading of Their System - Socialized Society, Experts. Countering This System, Helping Each Other. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD May 5, 2008 Alan Watt on the Alex Jones Show (Originally Aired Live: May 5, 2008 on Genesis Communications Network) Perfection of Society, Genetic Research, Newborn DNA Collection, Recessive Genes - Census Databases, Tracking Numbers, Medical Data - Chimeras, Catholic Church. Vetted Politicians, Continuing Agenda, Public Declarations. Eugenics, "Experimental Evolution", "Leap Forward", Elite - Breeding - Elimination of Males with Leadership Qualities. New Servant Class Breed, Psychopathic Masters - Intergenerational Agenda, Family Dynasties - Psychopathy, Aristocracy, Plato - Obsessional Control, Order. Militarized Mentality in Youth - Natzi Germany, "Racial Hygiene", Dehumanization Terminology - Advanced Weaponry, Tools of Coercion. Boasts of Elite - Mentality of Psychopath - Revolutions - Public Compliance. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Hour 1 Leaders' Traits - Psychopaths in a Monetary System - Monopoly, Domination, Resource Takeover - Elimination of Competition. Police and Military, Scientific Conditioning, Fraternity Bonding - Well-Paid Teachers. Drugged Troops, Supersoldiers, Hallucinations - Youth Recruitment, WWI, Older Soldiers - Video Game Killing. Sick and Diseased Population - Young MDs, 1 in 2 Cancer Rate, New Normals - Dr. Salk, Simian-40 Virus in Polio Shot, Eugenics. "The New Man", Superman, Art, Self-Replicating Hermaphrodite - Worship of the "Stars" - "Demonic" - Sado-Masochism - Nuremberg Trials - Fabian Society, Bertrand Shaw. Government PR - Club of Rome, Global Warming Scam - Marketing Ideas. Cancer-Causing Viruses - Time-Release Viruses - Rothschild Children, Books on Disease Transference - "Human Herd". Television Flicker Rate, Epilepsy, Military-Industrial Complex - TV, Adult Children - CIA-Sponsored Movements - Bureaucratic Training. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Hour 2 Elite Ancestry, "Great Leap Forward" - Eradication of "Lesser Species" - Genetic Research to Create New Perfected Slave. Charles Davenport, Carnegie, Mandatory Sterilization - Poverty "Gene" - Genetic Modification - 7th Generation "Perfect Hybrid". Darwin and Wedgwood Family Intermarriage - Mendel's Peas - Sir Thomas, Julian and Aldous Huxley, Scientific Takeover, UNESCO - Hitler - Samson Complex. Patricide - Alexander the Great - Elite Life of Leisure - A. C. Clarke's "2001", "2010", "3001" - David Rockefeller - Lust for Power, Blood - Control Freaks. "Zardoz" movie, Elite Immortals, Culling Commoners, "The Wizard of Oz", Brain Chip Crystal, Central Computer, Roving Bands. Laptop Computers, Sterilization. Paid-Off Nurses, Teachers, Doctors - Blackmail. Food "Shortage" - Irish Potato "Famine" - Forbidden Access to Food - IDEA of Money. CFR, Integration of Americas, Fall of Dollar - Europe, Euro, Currency Devaluation - Lord Rothschild, Gold Price. Psychopaths, Positions of Power, Hitler. Societal Changes, No Quick Fix - Individual Action - Conquered Countries, Communism, Popular Movements - Fighting for Everything - Public Acquiescence - Power to Say NO. Isis, 1000 Faces - The Owl, Sees in Dark - Horus, the Hawk. Terrorism: Technique of Warfare - Law, Coercion and Force. Counterintelligence - Group Takeover - Provocation. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Hour 3 April 7, 2008 Alan Watt on the Alex Jones Show (Originally Aired Live: April 7, 2008 on Genesis Communications Network) (Songs: "What Would You Do?" by Paris. "Balls to the Wall" by Accept.) Fixed British System - Queen Elizabeth I. Court, John Dee, Most Favoured Nation Trading Status - Marx, London, 3 Trading Blocs, Hegelian Technique - Internal Warfare, Terrorism Within. British Establishment - Royal Institute for International Affairs - Unelected Parallel Government - Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis. Elite Beliefs - Charles Darwin - Domination of "Nature" - Pharaohs' Psalms - Gene Selection, Race of Purpose-Made Humans - Inoculations, Targeting the Brain - Democracy, Front NGOs. New English Language, Chaucer, Saxon German - Logic of a Computer, Programmer knows Conclusion. International Censorship Committee, "Pushing the Envelope" - Culture Guidance - Political Correctness, "Anti-Government" term - Reece Commission, Norman Dodd. "The First Global Revolution" book, Club of Rome - Global Warming - Mikhail Gorbachev. Eugenics, Royalty Interbreeding, Commoners. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Hour 1 Agenda, No Compromise - Globalism - British Department of Defence, Escalating Riots. WWI, League of Nations, Global Government - H.G. Wells, WWII, United Nations - UN: Food is a Weapon - UN Food Distribution, Population Control. Elite Religion, Hinduism. Plague and Nuclear Fallout Scenarios, Containment, Underground Shelters - Rand Corporation, Tunnel Boring. Thomas Malthus, Culling Population, Malnourishment. Jesuits, Ignatius Loyola, Black Pope, Knights Templars, Catholic Church. Margaret Thatcher's "New World Order" talk. World War 2, Adolf Hitler, Rudolf Hess, Lord Lothian, Winston Churchill - Lord Milner - Empire Builders. Technocrats - Trans-Humanists - Circles of Influence, Future Leaders - Battle for Our Lives and Generations to Come. Ronald Storrs, "Ulster" in Middle East - Israel, Palestine, Russian Immigrants - Tribal Psychology - Judaism. United States, Rudyard Kipling - US Great Depression. Cyber War, Mayhem - Hate Laws - White Supremacist Raids - Groups - Pentagon, Christian Preachers. Organizations Politicians and Officials Belong To - The Foundation - Freemasonry, Communist Manifesto. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Hour 2 August 2, 2007 Alan Watt on the Alex Jones Show (Originally Aired Live: August 2, 2007 on Genesis Communications Network) Perception becomes reality for general public - Media Mind Control - War Creation - Spanish-American War. Rising Gas Prices - Kyoto Accord - Emissions Reduction - Habitat Areas - Clearing of Rural Areas. Rumsfeld: 100 Years of War. End of an Age - Destruction of all that was to make way for new. Inbred Psychopathic Global Elite - Knighthood by Queen. Inoculations to target areas of brain - Loss of critical thinking and ability to reason. H.G. Wells: Propagandist for British Elite - Red Ties for Revolution - Charters by Royal Families. Plato's "Republic" as blueprint for world agenda - Commoners are "ITS" - Selective breeding for military class. Government "Policies" versus Laws - Health-care industry is a business - Police escorts for social workers - Butch and Martha Chancellor's experiences. Sauk Polio vaccine - Simian cancer viruses - Eugenics movement. Data collection by retired "public servants" on every individual. Terrorism - Society living in fear - Ride-checks, breath-alcohol testing. Science-fiction - Predictive Programming - Tavistock. Targeting of Youth - Indoctrination - Cartoon Superheroes. Putting the pieces together - Becoming Active - Talking to others. High Occultic Masonic Gang Logos - Gangs - Demand for more policing. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD June 26, 2007 Alan Watt on the Alex Jones Show (Originally Aired Live: June 26, 2007 on Genesis Communications Network) Alan: This is not a recent takeover, but an upgrading of a system that was never ours. Ancient Greek Philosophers - Power of Might to Rule - "Illumined Ones" - Study of Nature, Plato's "Republic" - Guardian class - Inbreeding - Breeding "Lesser" types of humans - Selective Breeding, Normans of Europe - Knights - Funding of Mercenaries - Feudal System from Middle East - "Domesday Book" - "Little People" (Common People), High Masonic Societies - Eugenics - American Eugenics Society - Elimination of Disease and "Inferior Types" - Natzi Party German Psychologists - Sterilization - Study of Genetics to "Cure World's Ills", Illuminati - Weishaupt - Beenan Order - Egypt - Fleur-de-lis - Trinity - Spirit and Soul, Charles Darwin family and intermarriage with Wedgwood Family - Inbreeding to regain "Pure Intellect", Middle Class for Industrial Era - Roman Equestrian Order, 40th Degree of Freemasonry - Orders of Angels up to Elohim gods, Taking Oaths, Ordinary People (Plato's "its") - Scholarships for "Brighter Ones" - Psychological Testing in Schools, 9-11: Plan waiting to happen - Project for a New American Century - War against Afghanistan-Iraq-Iran-Syria - "2001" by Arthur C. Clarke, H.G. Wells - Thomas Huxley - Darwin - Predictive Programming, H.G. Wells book: "History of the World", Elite "Race" - Economists and Experts in Finance - Red Ties of Masonic Revolution - French Revolution - Culling-off Excess Population, Communism - Capitalism - Socialism - Bonapartism - Napoleon - Italy - Germany, Internal Military Armies (Police) - Multi-Jurisdictional Task Forces MJTF - 2010: Unification of the Americas, War on All Necessities - Interdependence - Free Trade - British Empire - Independence from System will be ILLEGAL (wood-cutting, etc.), Soviet System is HERE - NGO groups (authorized by U.N.), "Survival of the Fittest" philosophy - Psychopathy - - Psychopathic Deviants - War Video Game Killing, Multi-cultural Global Society - Race Riots - Neutrino Bombs, HAARP Technology (heard on Short-wave frequencies) - Tesla - Super-heating the Atmosphere - Espanola (Canada) Aerial Spraying - Stillbirths - Testing on Public and Studying of Long-term Health Effects, BBC Program on Nuclear Missile Submarine workers - Testing for Psychopathic workers LISTEN / DOWNLOAD August 15, 2006 Alan Watt on the Alex Jones Show SHOW BIO: Alan Watt is a long-term researcher into the causative forces behind major changes in historical development. Born in Scotland, he watched the subtleties of politics and media as they guided the population of the U.K. covertly into a European Amalgamation. He has been warning the North American people for some years now that the same process of amalgamation is being carried out. With historical documentation, he shows how cultures are created and altered by those in control, always to lead the people like sheep into the next pasture. Rather than simply stating current events and details, Alan attempts to deprogram the listener and reader of his works. He has authored three books, made available CD's and has just completed a DVD on these topics. He spent a good part of his life in the music industry and has had poetical works published by major university presses, mainly under a pseudonym. For more information on Alan and his informative materials, check out his website at CuttingThroughTheMatrix.com.. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD |