Cutting Through Book 3 by Alan Watt
Esoteric Unveiled and Revelations in
High Masonic Tradition
Sample Page From Book 3

Michael fought with his Angels, and the Dragon fought with his.
The compilers of Revelations wove the esoteric with the
exoteric, combining Egyptian, Persian and Babylonian
terminology and symbology together. On one side of the 'battle'
we see the 'good angels,' each angel's name ending with 'el,'
the semitic term for the sun. The 'good guys' were really the
summer signs of the Zodiac, the Hebrew names being Micha-el,
Abdi-el, Azra-el etc.. The' bad guys' bore the Egyptian names
for the winter months, their names ending with -on, the Egyptian
name for the sun; the sun in winter bringing signs of impending
evil. Therefore we have Abadd-on, Apolly-on etc..
Taken in context we see a Hebrew interpretation of a 'heavenly'
battle between the Egyptian and Hebrew 'gods,' for the exoteric
explanation. The 'Lord' of the Opposite,' was said to be
domiciled in the sign in opposition of where the sun happened
to be. This' contrary' god was called Beli-el. Baalzebub was
domiciled in Scorpio, which gives the 'kiss' of death to god's sun
every autumn, causing his 'fall.' The esoteric meaning is the
battle of winter against summer. The very word Autumn is
comprised of the Egyptian names Atum, old god of the world
and darkness, matter, and Aten, title of the 'beneficent' sun. Hell
was always said to be in the north, the great abyss referring to
the constellation Draco revolves in an endless serpentine loop.
Draco is one of the latin terms for 'snake.' Drag-on is an
Egyptian term for the north 'pole' where eternal winter was said
to hold his carnival or Circus(circuit}. Helping him were his
'Baals' and 'Ons' Of Chaldea and Egypt.