Cutting Through Book 1 by Alan Watt
The Androgynous (Hermaphroditic) Agenda
Sample Page From Book 1
To form is to Shape. People are shaped by IN-Forming. Information is
neutral, like law, neither true nor false. Masters of Gnosis dispence the
sequences of directives which, in scientifically designed order, form the
ideas, opinions and life, the beliefs, reality AND DESTINY of the receiver
YOU. When IN-DOCTRINATION is complete you have been MASTERED. To
"doctor" means "to fix" by a science or Discipline. YOU ARE NOW A
MASTER-COPY, not original but ABORIGINAL. Original people saw things in
entirety. Pythagorus taught a science of controlling the mind, by reducing all
thought down to mathematical formulae. The REAL priesthood call this THE
TRINITY. It s as easy as A1B2C3
The Greek philosophers taught the method in story form. An imaginary
Dialogue would occur between two or more people. By "logic" every societal
problem was reduced to the BINARY CODE. EITHER-OR. We know it better
as the Dialectic Process. By how LOGOS(the WORD) is used, those
following the conversation are brought to a conclusion . The conclusion BEE-
comes their own. They are now INFORMED. The purpose is to usurp power
from the individual and have him slave willingly towards "the betterment of
humanity." The beehive has always been the symbol of the perfect society in
ancient Egypt, the Minoan culture and Freemasonry. Behave is from
Beehive. Plato discussed the types of bees in relation to classes of people.
The majority were workers who brought home the nectar. The drone priests
sorted it into grades of honey. The best is Royal Jelly for themselves and
the "Queen" while the workers are given denaturalised refuse.
Unlike modern freemasonry where the initiate must say "I AM" pre-Jaques-
Pierrian English had no Am. The candidate said "I BEE". The number of
masonry is Four. "To bee or not to bee=2xb(2)=4. Jaques is French for
Jacob, Pierre is Peter, Rock etc.. This is typical masonic "allegory" for
Jacob's Pillow (foundation) on which he had his "dream". This is a re-hash
from the Egyptian Book of the Dead story of Ascended Masters to-day
known as M ITREAS. The nobility ruling Egypt and their empire were called
Hamites. The priesthoods taught their own race the doctrine of
REINCARNATION. Those who ruled were "spirits" which had completed
many cycles with such perfection, they only returned to "help rule" the "poor
masses" which "could not rule themselves". Elitists Murderers, Thieves and
liars, a Brotherhood which hi-jacked reality and gave illu(light)si(spirit of)on.
Every Lodge has its picture of Jacob's ladder(rungs are degrees)
symbolizing the ascention of the novice, returning as angels(angles) to
earth, perfected.