March 6th, 2007
Alan Watt on the Richard Syrett Show
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Richard Syrett: My first guest, I always receive lots of emails from you saying, I'd like this person on the show, I'd like that person on the show, but by far and away, the number one request in terms of a guest that I get is this gentleman.  He is, I mentioned before, he's sort of a guru in the conspiracy theory culture.  Alan Watt is his name.  He's a long-time researcher into the causative forces behind major changes in historical development, and his website is called  Alan Watt, once again, a pleasure to welcome you to the Richard Syrett Show, News Talk 1010, CFRB.


Alan Watt: It's a pleasure to be on, on this cold night.


Richard:  Indeed, now you're up in Sudbury way.  And I happened to be on your website, and you have lots of material there that's free to download.  You've got a video there that you recently produced, called Reality Check, and that is, there's some amazing stuff in there.  We're going to talk a little bit about that.  The process of creating and destroying a civilization, by these super ruling elite families, how wars are created by these same groups to consolidate power, and as you point out, the elite are never on the losing end of the war.  They simply discard the old, used-up empire like an old jacket, and move their base of operation to a new location, and we've seen this time and time again, throughout history.  So that's, we're going to talk specifically tonight about the end of the Anglo-American Empire.  Now, before we do that, talk to me a little bit about how these ruling elites first of all create our reality for us, whether we're talking about, you know, cities, or culture, or an economic system.


Alan: It's all connected because thousands of years ago, some of the Greek philosophers described the process of how an aristocracy comes to be, primarily through selective breeding, special breeding.  Darwinism is nothing new whatsoever; in fact, it's a religion with the elite.  And all Darwin did was express the very high Masonic religion, which they all had been taught, so the ancient philosophers like Plato go into the culture creation, and how you can take over people, give them a culture, upgrade their culture in the direction that suits you, when it suits you, and for the purposes that it does suit you, so they'll serve you.  They also talked about how they created wars.  The ancient Greeks in their heyday had many islands, and overpopulation was one of their prime concerns.  So they used to arrange little wars between the different islands at different times to cull off so much of their population.  And, of course, the aristocracy, even in those days, you might say they were the early military-industrial complex, so they would finance the wars and the armor and the horses and all the backup that's necessary.  So, there's nothing really new under the sun, as they say.  And this knowledge was never lost.  They were writing about this two and a half thousand years ago. 


Richard: Now, the idea that the elite, these elites could foment wars would tend to suggest that there are no, you know for example, the Cold War.  It was the Americans or the West versus the Soviets.  But really, the Soviets and the Americans were being ruled by the same group, so they were fighting themselves. 


Alan: Yes.  And if you look into the early history of the Soviet or the Bolshevik Revolution, and there were many books published in the West prior to the Revolution and during it and immediately afterwards, and you'll find that the West was all for the Revolution.  In fact, the British Aristocracy used to get guided tours and go over and visit Lenin.  Trotsky used to complain about it, and he wrote about it in his own books, his own memoirs. 


Richard: I read once when Khrushchev came to the United States, I think it was the first time, back in the early '60s, and he went to Disneyland and of course met with JFK, but the first place he went was to see David Rockefeller.


Alan: Yes, that's right.  And not only that.  Winston Churchill, prior to that in World War II, he used to come over, it wasn't FDR he went to see first, it was Bernard Baruch, who was the biggest banker at the time in the US.


Richard: So that's where the power lies?


Alan: Yeah.


Richard: And just before Khrushchev was sort of removed from power after the Cuban Missile Crisis, I believe around, well a few years after that, 1964, I think before Brezhnev came in, it was interesting that David Rockefeller again had made a trip to Moscow, and the very next day, Khrushchev was sort of quietly pushed out the way.


Alan: Yes.


Richard: Alan Watt, my guest.  We're talking about the end of the Anglo-American Empire, but much more really.  The ruling elites and how they create and destroy civilizations, create culture, create war in order to consolidate power.  And his website is  416-872-1010.  Star Talk.  Star 8255.  And toll free from out of town, 1-800-561-CFRB.  Alan, when we come back, let's talk a little bit about, since we're talking about the decline of the American empire, let's talk a little bit about Western culture, and how that was created for us, sort of top down, whether we're talking about the Beatles experiment, or the Elvis Presley experiment, these types of things.  And we'll sort of get into that.  That's always an interesting area for me, as well.  416-872-1010.  Star Talk.  Toll free from out of town, 1-800-561-CFRB.  The Richard Syrett Show, here on News Talk 1010 CFRB.


(Commercial Break)


Richard: We're talking about the end of the Anglo-American Empire, the creation, destroying of civilizations by the ruling elite.  How these powerful, powerful, ancient bloodlines use war to consolidate power, and how they really, once they build up an empire, and suck it dry, basically, and are ready to move on to something else, they simply discard it like an old jacket, and move their base of operation to a new location.  But let's talk about how they use culture to control us in a sense.  And it's interesting, you know the website, Alan, Cutting Through the Matrix.  We talk about a matrix as a sort of artificial reality, which is what they've I guess created for us, and culture is a lot of that.  It's created sort of from the top down.  It's not a democratic process, certainly, through I guess, things like vertical integration, when they own all the means of, you know, they own the record companies, they own the radio stations, and the newspapers, and then they can create certain phenomena, cultural phenomena, like Elvis Presley or the Beatles. How are they using those to control society? 


Alan: Well, even before, long before that, again, you can read Plato's Republic.  He goes into the culture creation industry, where at one time in Greece for instance, ancient Greece, everyone had to attend at least one showing of traveling road shows, where they'd have drama plays put on.  And even the slaves had to attend.  And from those, they actually mimic certain new words, habits, gestures, catch phrases, and also the fashions were involved, and he actually called it the fashion industry and the music industry at that time. 


Richard: Did Plato actually use those terms?


Alan: Yeah.


Richard: Wow. 


Alan: And nothing has changed, because you give people a culture.  When you're born, you think everything is quite natural, simply because it exists this way, you see.  And if your parents don't know, and they've adopted it too, and never asked questions, then the child never thinks to ask questions, like why is there money?  Who controls money?  Why are my parents always worried about money, etc, etc, etc, that kind of thing.  We think it's normal.  And school, up until now really, has been training children from a very early age to get prepared to spend eight hours a day at work or more, you know.  That's what school is for.  It's a process to earn money to pay taxes to be a good citizen and then you have the special elite bureaucracies and expert classes that run your life for you.  This is the end product that they were aiming for, discussed by Aldous Huxley, and discussed by Bertrand Russell, a world run by experts where even your opinions are marketed to you.  And children who haven't got parents to tell them this will think it's all quite natural, including the music they listen to.  A long time ago, really a hundred-odd years ago, they tried to bring in an early form of jazz, and the mini skirt, and free sex.  And H.G. Wells was picked by Huxley's grandfather, the professor in England, to be a propagandist for this newest coming establishment.  And Wells wrote about free love in the late 1800s.


Richard: What was the purpose of that?  Was it an attempt to undermine the family? 


Alan: They knew that the industrial era would only last so much longer.  And they were already planning a post-industrial society with a managed population, who would accept authority without question.  As apart from the old times, people used to rebel once in a while in different countries, and they were looking for scientific means to control the people.  And what they realized is the family unit was the last vestige of the tribe, and when Big Brother comes looking for you, the whole tribe might stand up and help defend you.  So government wanted to have no obstacles in the way from themselves to each individual, and they've been very successful in marketing this new system.


Richard: Do you think the feminist movement was created for the same purpose?


Alan: Absolutely.  It was written about long before we saw it emerge in scientific circles, including the Communist system and the Manifesto.  All of that was discussed even in the late 1800s by the followers of Marx.


Richard: Is it this overt, Alan, that for example, let's take for example the sex, drugs, and rock-and-roll culture that came out of the '60s.  I think the name that's been attached to it is Project Aquarius.  Does this come, is there like a meeting of the Tavistock Institute and someone stands up with a folder and says, “I've got four young lads we've discovered playing down in the Cavern Club in Liverpool; I think if we get the machinery behind these people, they can introduce, you know LSD to the Americans, and it will be a great distraction.”  Does it happen just like that?


Alan: No.  They always do a lot of groundwork first.  And when they brought the Beatles out, they had four clean-cut guys so that the parents wouldn't object.  And they had special suits made for them without the collar, and little things like that, and their little Beatle haircut, little fringe on the brow.  But no long hair, no beards, no drugs, and the first few songs were just dance-along type songs.  And once they had a big, big following.  Mind you, they immediately had a big following, because the marketers and all the media worldwide joined in at the same time.  That took big bucks to promote and to get that across.  And they were guaranteed hits from then on, because people like what they're told to like.  That's what you find.


Richard: I guess my point was, do you think that the Beatles were in fact a psychological warfare experiment?


Alan: Oh, there's no doubt on that.  There's no doubt.  You can go into the words of the songs, never mind the sort of musician that put it together for them.  There's a lot of classical stuff involved there too, if you look at the chord schemes, etc.  No novices play that kind of stuff, and tempo changes and key changes in the middle of songs, right off the bat, when you're that young, and none of them had any musical education, according to themselves.  And Paul McCartney said that, he still can't write music, you know, or read it.


Richard: Interesting.  I had heard that in 1969, John Lennon traveled to Toronto, prior to the Beatles announcing their breakup and that he met with Marshall McLuhan, and McLuhan sort of set Lennon straight as to how he was being used and who he was and what it was all about in terms of what you've just been describing.  And for Lennon that sort of cemented his decision, yeah, I don't want to be a part of that.


Alan: Yeah, he was told, McLuhan told him, and he really respected McLuhan.  And McLuhan told him.  He says, you're being used.  And he told him why.  Because Lennon did envisage this great new world where everyone would be treated equally and fairly, etc.  And he was told straight out he was being used.  And that's when the breakup started, really, after that.


Richard: Alan Watt, is the website.  Long-time researcher into the causative forces behind major changes in historical development.  When we come back, we'll talk about what the ruling elite have in store for North America.  The End of the Anglo-American Empire insight, perhaps.  416-872-1010.  Star Talk.  Toll Free from out of town, 1-800-561-CFRB.  The Richard Syrett Show, back with more in a moment, on News Talk 1010.


(Commercial Break)


Richard: Welcome back.  Alan Watt, my guest.  Alan, if you look at what's going on in the United States in particular, all this outsourcing, and the rot that has set in in the inner cities.  And it seems to be no political will to do much about that.  I mean, if you didn't know any better, the misadventures in the Middle East, if you didn't know any better, you would suspect that they're deliberately trying to wreck their own country.


Alan: Well, you're right.  You always destroy the old, to bring in the new.  That's part of the system.


Richard: Let's talk a little bit about what they're doing, how they're doing it, and why they're doing it. 


Alan: The general population simply have a purpose for a ruling elite, so they're very utilitarian.  And once your purpose is over, they have no problems about finding ways to dispose of you.  Only last week I think it was, there was a sudden push across Canada.  It all broke out in little places, even Sudbury, for the new sustainable development from the United Nations.  And again, all over the place, there's little blurbs about new eco-villages.  Now these are the habitat areas of the United Nations, they're authorized by the UN, these are to be the habitat areas for the future, but not for the average person, it's for the wealthy, a wealthy class of people. 


Richard: Yeah, once the world has been emptied, and it's basically returned to their, sort of a new feudalism.


Alan: Yes.  And the UN authorized it under Agenda 21.  It's the Agenda for the 21st Century, where there's to be a vast reduction in population.  The UN will take over the reigns of government openly, that is.  It has been already for a long time, but they will be open about it after 2010, because then the Americas will be officially, completely joined.  That was also part of the old plan.  And the UN eventually, said too that they would dish out the food to the three trading blocs of the world, and it will be up to each bloc to make sure that it keeps its population in check.  Because if they go over a certain limit, they will not get extra food.  So definitely the population planning, rather than family planning; family planning was the start of it.  This is the whole thing now.  It's population planning.  That's coming.  And we're looking to a completely controlled system for the near future really. 


Richard: With the idea of outsourcing for them, when a lot of all these manufacturing jobs moving to Mexico or moving to China.  Wal-mart, you know, all of their goods now practically made in China.  And ostensibly the United States is supposed to be not at war with China, but preparing for the inevitability of an inevitable war with China.  It seems to me though, that there's a little bit on an inconsistency there.  It's almost like the elites in North America are preparing to move their base of operation to China. 


Alan: They already are.  It's been happening for a few years now, in fact.  They've even had it on television, where they show you these brand new supercities that have been put up.  Ultra, ultra modern, the latest things, with all the gadgetry, for the elite of the West to move straight into.  They're already set up, and I know people, because I get calls from higher-level bureaucrats in the US and they've been training their children to speak Chinese for the last ten years or so.  And they're taking them over to these cities to work.  So there's nothing new in this at all.  Our own Maurice Strong of Canada was over there for years setting up a lot of this new system.  And China also got the backing of the United Nations as the model state for the world because of the way it plans its society, and keeps its population in check.  And it runs with an iron fist, you might say.  So, China is the model state for the whole world.  We're supposed to copy them.


Richard: Is it inevitable?  Is war being planned between the United States and China by these ruling elites?


Alan: I doubt it.  It was the same nonsense with the Soviet Union and the States.  When inquiries went on back in the '60s and '70s as to the big foundations in the U.S., like the Rockefeller Foundation, Ford and Carnegie, etc., it was the Reece Commission that was held and it was Norman Dodd who went to the Ford Foundation that's now run by the Rockefeller Foundation and the Chairman told him, he says, our job as a foundation is to plan the future so that the U.S. and the Soviet system will merge into one, without any problems.


Richard: Yeah, at the height of the Cold War, even Eisenhower, later, much later, Reagan, of course, he referred to the Soviets as an evil empire.  They were secretly, I don't know how, even secretly, but meeting, negotiating with their Soviet counterparts, on you know, cooperating in terms of education and so forth. 


Alan: And also we have Toffler, who came out with The Third Wave.  That was the merger of Communism and Capitalism, so that an aristocracy would run the world, a very rich aristocracy.  But beneath them would be a huge bureaucratic system running the people in a Communistic type fashion.  So that was called the Third Wave.  And Toffler of course wrote Future Shock and other big books.  And every Congressman in the U.S. was given a copy of that book by Newt Gingrich, so that was, that is the plan.  They have merged the Soviet system.  We see it in the bureaucracies we have.  They just grow like crazy.


Richard: Is part of the depopulation plan, does it involve limited nuclear war, say set off by an invasion of Iran or something like that?


Alan: I don't think that's even necessary, to be honest with you.  I've got books from the Royal Institute of International Affairs.  And Canada has its Institute, its Canadian Institute of International Affairs.  Every Commonwealth country has one.  And they work towards world government.  And when you have the minutes of their meetings over the years, they discussed this years ago, that eventually China would take over from the U.S. as the policeman of the world for a while.  So that will happen, as the U.S. goes down to it.  And they said that.  The U.S. would exhaust itself through the final wars, and then China would take over, because they would be the only ones who could afford an army.


Richard: But those at the top, whether you're talking about Morgans or the Rockefellers or the Rothschilds, they're not going to be on the losing end.  They're simply going to move their headquarters to the Far East, I guess. 


Alan: Absolutely.  As I say, Maurice Strong, what an amazing guy that is.  Canada is a big player in this.  We have big families in Canada, but they're very quiet.  But Maurice Strong, that worked all his life for the Rockefeller family.  I saw a program on the public broadcasting one night, on a Sunday rainy evening.  And I seldom watch TV.  And it was about Maurice Strong in China, and he had a huge complex there, donated by the United Nations, and he was working towards all integration of trade with China, and had been for quite a few years.  This is after he left Ontario Hydro that he privatized.  That's why they brought him in.  Before that he was second in command at the World Bank.  Well, in this little talk about China, he left, and this is in Beijing, he left his main complex, went to a graveyard, to lay a wreath on, I think it was his aunt's grave.  And it said on his aunt's grave that she was one of the main advisors to Mao Tse Tung. 


Richard: Unbelievable.


Alan: It's incredible.  And that was on public broadcasting.


Richard: Mao Tse Tung, one of the greatest mass murders of the 20th Century, and yet, you know, people like Pierre Trudeau just thought he was a hero.


Alan: Well, Pierre Trudeau, remember, was head of the Comintern, that's the International Communists Party, and he led the Canadian delegation to Moscow in 1952.  Now, every media in Canada knew that, but none of them mentioned that particular fact when he ran for Prime Ministership. 


Richard: Yeah.  And even some of those who parade around as you know, Republicans or Conservatives or Capitalists are really underneath that Collectivists. 


Alan: That's a fact.  They're all chosen long before the public even hear of them to vote for.  They're vetted their entire lives.  And many of them are actually trained from a very early age, just like the Rhodes Scholarships do.  They train them from a very early age, give them special benefits, and give them protection from the law.  They can do things that other young boys can't do and get away with.  So they grow up very arrogant, very confident, and they go along with this globalist, elitist agenda, believing that they are elitists themselves. 


Richard: Alan Watt, Cutting Through the Matrix, on the Richard Syrett Show.  Back with more in a moment on News Talk 1010 CFRB.


(Commercial Break)


Richard: Welcome back, Alan Watt, my guest.  I highly recommend you check out the website and download the free video there called Reality Check.  A lot of the things we're talking about tonight he talks about maybe in greater detail on that video that he produced recently.  And right now we're talking about, well, a pretty big, broad issue, but it's really about how the ruling elites, these are ancient bloodlines, and how they create our realities for us.  How they create and destroy civilizations and empires to suit their own needs, create wars to consolidate power, and to bring about major changes, or paradigm shifts.  And we were talking about, well we were talking about the emergence of China and, how does the North American Union, which is being planned under our very noses, how does that fit into this scheme to basically disassemble the North American Empire, the American Empire?


Alan: Well, they've had every year, they've had for many years the Summit of the Americas.  And these panels from all countries have been working diligently every day, writing up all the rules and laws for integration of the complete Americas.  This was discussed initially to the public or at least revealed openly in the Free Trade Negotiations.  And Shelley Anne Clark, if you remember, went across Canada, she drew up all the books for negotiations between the U.S. and Canada.  She was the highest-grade civil servant in Canada at the time, in Ottawa.  And she came out trying to tell the public that we'd just given away our country, because we were all merging together with the U.S. and Mexico, to be followed by Chile.  And she did say, back in the late '80s, early 90s, that it would be officially recognized in 2005.  Well, a little two or three liner came out in 2005 in March, and that's when they admitted that Fox and Martin and Bush had signed the North American Agreement to basically merge.


Richard: So in actual fact it's already happened.  We just don't know it yet.


Alan: Yeah, all we're running towards, all we live through in fact, our whole lives, is one long-range business plan.  And most of it in your life was planned before you were born. 


Richard: Let's talk about some of the players, not necessarily specifically by name, but just how they operate.  These are ancient bloodlines.  Many of them belonging to Secret Societies.  And you mentioned that they have this breeding program.  Now, does that mean that their wives are selected for them?  Like for example, I heard that John F. Kennedy, he didn't choose Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy.  She was chosen for him.  I mean, quite a remarkable woman, beautiful woman.  He probably certainly would have welcomed the opportunity to marry her, but is that how it works, they are chosen for them to preserve these ancient bloodlines?


Alan: They're chosen for those reasons, and for specific qualities.  Again, going back to Plato, he talked about this in The Republic.  He said that we, the Guardian class, and he meant the guardian of the world, of the whole system, the Guardian class don't breed out into the lower classes.  But he said too, that the bureaucratic elite, that they would use, could be specially bred for specific qualities.  So, if you wanted a woman, or an offspring with a certain scientific inclination, say physics, you would mate them up with a male of the same, and there's a good chance that the offspring will carry that same ability.  So, this was known thousands of years ago, and if we go down through kings and queens and aristocracies over the hundreds and hundreds of years, up to the present day, they still have their partners chosen for them.  Now they certainly do make sure that they also marry money.  They always merge money together, and often huge tracts of land, sometimes countries in fact, were handed over in the dowries.  That was common.  So, yeah, they're matched up for wealth, power, and certain abilities. 


Richard: Now, what about a guy like Clinton?  Now, again, we're not talking about as wealthy as they may be now through his speaking engagements, etc.  This is a quick aside.  It's always interesting, you know, how presidents like Richard Nixon when they are president, not actually particularly very wealthy men, and they're making about $100,000 a year.  As soon as they leave office, they become immensely wealthy.  But, now when we're talking about the Clintons, or we're talking about the Kennedys, we're not talking about, these are not the ancient bloodlines.  These are not the true ruling elites.  These are the bureaucrats.  These are the foot soldiers, I guess, really, aren't they?


Alan: They're a higher bureaucratic class, really.  The Clinton lineage, if you look at the Clintons down through U.S. history, they're quite extensive, right back to the Revolution.  In fact there was Clintons in both sides, fighting for the British and the Americans.  They were very wealthy people at the time.


Richard: Yes, the cover story for him was just, you know, a poor boy from Arkansas, the pride of a single mother, an abusive stepfather, etc.  Not true?


Alan: No.  Benjamin Franklin talked about, bringing back in the wife of Kennedy.  Franklin belonged to the Hellfire Club.  He belonged to every High Masonic, Rosicrucian group at the time.  And the Hellfire Club in England in London, High Wycombe, they had their own prostitution house, but it wasn't the average prostitute.  It was selective women who carried what they call special genes.  We would call it today special genes, certain qualities.  And the head of that House at the time was Madame Bouvier.  She was an ancestor of Jacqueline Kennedy.  And so, it was an honor to mate with her for the offspring, if you had served the Great Work.  That's how it worked in those days.  So even that was a high honor to mate with someone who carried the right kind of genes, and then that offspring would be elevated to a higher position. 


Richard: Amazing.  Alright.  We'll step away momentarily, come back on the other side, and continue our discussion, with Alan Watt, Cutting Through the Matrix, right here on the Richard Syrett Show, News Talk 1010, CFRB. 


(Commercial Break)


Richard: Welcome back.  Alan Watt, my guest,  Alan, how does one arise to the lower echelons?  I mean, you can't become part of the ruling elite.  That's a birthright, these ancient families, bloodlines.  I guess in that case, we'd be talking about the Hapsburgs and the Holy Roman Empire, the Windsors, the Rothschilds, etc.  But how does one rise through, up to at least the lower echelons of this elite group?


Alan: It's one of the things which happens in what's loosely called Freemasonry.  Many people join it at University, under different names.  And it's those ones in particular who may get introduced to their potential wife by a Grand Master, who will make a suggestion, which is really an order, if you take a word from the wise, as they say, and it's the third generation that can go beyond the 33rd degree.  That's what they're after, the third generation offspring of selective breeding of Freemasons, and women who have been reared in Freemasonic families, and probably members of the Eastern Star.  That's how it traditionally was. 


Richard: Traditionally was.  How about today?


Alan: Pretty much the same, actually.  As I say, it's the third generation they want.  So, the first generation, if you were introduced to a wife who has been brought up in a Freemasonic family, the offspring can go higher than you, maybe around the 40, but it's the third generation who can go much, much higher, up to around a ninety or so, or even beyond 90, 96. 


Richard: There are 96 degrees?


Alan: In some of them.  Even in the OTO, the Order Templi Orientis, which Aleister Crowley took over.  It already existed as a Masonic Institute.  They have 96. 


Richard: I was not aware.  I knew there were degrees above 33rd degree, but I did not know it went that high.


Alan: It goes beyond that too.  Then you go into the noble orders, you see, where you're knighted and then you go up from there. 


Richard: You know, the picture that you've painted for us, it's kind of sad, isn't it?  I mean, it's dark and it's sad.  I mean, how do us useless eaters, as Kissinger I think once referred to us, the rest of us plebes, the proletariats down here, who will never achieve, you know, even the lower echelons of the elite class through Freemasonry etc, how do we come to terms with this rather, I don't know, this gray existence?


Alan: It truly is a matter of cutting through different levels, and accepting it.  It doesn't mean that you run off in all different directions and look for space aliens or reptiles or anything.  It means that you cut through by understanding, first of all, who you really are.  Not the composite that you've been made into, with what you think are your likes and dislikes and all the rest of it.  These have all been marketed to you and you've had a good indoctrination through the social school system.  Very few people truly know themselves.  They parrot what everyone else parrots, and that's why they think they're normal.  If the next-door neighbor says the same as I do on different topics, then I must be sane.  That's how you judge your sanity.  And in reality, we're all kept in tremendous ignorance, on one level, and yet on another level the information has been published by the elite themselves in various books over a hundred-odd years or more. 


Richard: Still, you know, it is a cage and we are slaves, but it's a comfortable cage, isn't it?  We have all the amenities, and some of the things that our culture, artificial as it may be, has to offer, are quite nice.  You know, music, art.


Alan: Yeah, you always entertain people.  Aldous Huxley, when he gave the lecture at Berkley, which is on my website, you can hear him talking, Huxley said the reason that Rome fell, and he told a partial truth, but not all of it, he said was because the elite couldn't provide enough bread and circuses for the people.  He said, however, run by a scientific dictatorship, an oligarchy too, he really referred to the oligarchy that ran it, he said there was no reason that he could foresee why it shouldn't work indefinitely.  And that's what's happened.  It's actually happened. 


Richard: We don't call it the Roman Empire anymore, but it's still the same, right, the same bloodlines, etc.


Alan: That's right. I mean, they didn't have sports arenas in the early days of H.G. Wells, and it was Wells that said himself, we shall give sports stadiums across the countries, and addict the people to sports.  And they've done that.  That's all you hear now.  It's marketed right to you.  And the average guy grows up thinking, well, to be accepted, I better like sports or at least pretend I do.  And it's non-stop.  So, things like that are actually given to us to keep us occupied, not thinking.  It's harmless, because when you're giving vent that way, in your powerless life, watching a team win for you, in reality nothing is really happening in your own personal life.  You're not winning at work.  You're not winning at the office.  You're not even winning at home. 


Richard: And then you have wars which are very handy to siphon off the less desirable elements from any society at any given time.


Alan: Yes, and this is no secret.  As I say, it's been well written about by the big institutes.  Jacques Attali, who wrote Millennium, is a big player, he's working at the United Nations now, but he was the Kissinger for Europe, who spearheaded the amalgamation of the European side, all the countries together.  And he wrote Millennium.  And that was published about 1990.  And he said, that after Europe, the United States will start to merge.  And it will completely deindustrialize as the jobs and factories go to China, primarily.  He said, and the next boat people the world will see will be American citizens, and North American citizens leaving their homelands, looking for work abroad.


Richard: Well, on that happy note, Alan, we'll put a cap on it, and say Good Night.  I thank you again.  The website is  Is there a 1-800 number you want to give out, or do they order all of your CDs and videos from there?


Alan: It's all on the site, the website.


Richard:  Alan Watt, always a pleasure.  Thank you.


Alan: It's a pleasure, too.


Richard: All right.  Bye-bye.




Alan's Materials Available for Purchase and Ordering Information:


"Cutting Through"
  Volumes 1, 2, 3


"Waiting for the Miracle....."
Also available in Spanish or Portuguese translation: "Esperando el Milagro....." (Español) & "Esperando um Milagre....." (Português)


Ancient Religions and History MP3 CDs:
Part 1 (1998) and Part 2 (1998-2000)


Blurbs and 'Cutting Through the Matrix' Shows on MP3 CDs (Up to 50 Hours per Disc)


"Reality Check Part 1"   &   "Reality Check Part 2 - Wisdom, Esoterica and ...TIME"