March 18th, 2011 (#792)
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt March 18th, 2011:

The World Soviet can Confuse,
With Trickle-Down of News:

"Nuclear "Experts" are Giving Out Minimum of Diction,
You'd Swear We're in a "B" Disaster Movie Fiction,
We Grovel at Feet of Science Gods for News,
Who Contradict Themselves, Intent is to Confuse,
In the Middle of Meltdown, Libya's to Be Bombed,
"Obama's Blitzkrieg", as Though Personally Wronged,
Oooh! Has World Gone Mad, Is There Someplace to Hunker,
Or are We in an Asylum While Politicos in Bunker?"
© Alan Watt March 18th, 2011

Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt – March 18th, 2011  (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)
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Hi folks, I’m Alan Watt and this is Cutting Through the Matrix, on the 18th of March, 2011.  Newcomers, I suggest you look into the website,, and help yourself to the hundreds of audios which are there for download.  And remember too, all the sites listed there are the official sites I have up, and they all carry transcripts too, of a lot of the talks I’ve given in English.  And if you want transcripts in other languages for print up, go into and take your pick from the choices offered. 


And remember too, that you are the audience that bring me to you, so support me by buying the books and discs I have for sale.  And you can donate as well.  Straight donations are awfully helpful at times when they trickle in.  And you can, from the US to Canada, remember you can use a personal check to order the books.  You can use an international postal money order, and you can use PayPal to order, just use the donation button you’ll see on the .com site, and follow it by an email with name, address, and order.  Same across the rest of the world.  You can use Western Union, Money Gram, PayPal again, or straight cash donations.  Some people just send the cash.  So far, it’s still acceptable at the banks.  And who knows how that will change too, with the totally electronic society.  That’s if we ever get electrics in the future, because we don’t know what’s going to happen with all the nuclear power plants, because they want to close them all down.  Anyway, that’s the world we’re living in, it’s Disneyland folks.  And if you think reality is real, then you’re part of Disneyland, because we’re really at the bottom level of understanding.  We’re fed the stuff that you give to mushrooms.  And we truly are kept in the dark.  And we get glimpses of this all the time.  You know, when they open the trap door and throw the manure into us, we get glimpses of something bigger out there.  And then it’s closed again, and you’re back in the dark, trying to figure out what you’ve seen.  And that’s what we’re going through right now, with all this stuff. 


We’ve had shock and awe, shock and awe since 2001, with the towers going down.  They went down and some people say they melted.  And we had the West Nile Virus, and we had the SARS outbreak in Toronto, all hype.  It’s like all the horror movies you’ve seen, all the disaster movies, all coming together.  And then of course, we had the avian flu that went nowhere.  And then we had the so-called swine flu.  And then we had on top of that too, we’ve had a bank meltdown as well.  They love meltdowns the last few years.  So, we had a financial meltdown, and now supposedly we’re going through what we’re told is a nuclear meltdown on a grand scale.  So, it’s just fantastic really to be alive today to watch them really go into ultimate shock and awe, and tell the people almost nothing at all of any real relevance or importance or definitely not truth.  Because, even the people in Japan are getting no truth whatsoever. 


Your governments are exactly the same in these situations.  During wartime for instance – and we are under wartime scenarios, we have been since 2001, if you haven’t really noticed anything – then you have a Department of Information that everything is funneled through; at the moment it’s through the Homeland Security system.  And they all work together with the international security systems.  And so tonight I’ll put up a link, I’m sure most of you have seen it already, it’s only about 2 minutes or so, of a Frenchman in Tokyo, who actually is showing you the same scenario there.  On television there, they’ve got all the funny games on, and the usual stuff, as though everything is quite natural and normal, and that’s how you would be treated back home, if things get out of hand, with the same smiling faces and schizophrenic world scenario projected through that television as all hell breaks loose, basically.  That’s how you’d get managed.  So I’ll put that link up tonight. 


We are, as I say, in Disneyland, it’s like a bad disaster movie, and meanwhile they’re off to war to bomb Libya, and so on.  Amazing, isn’t it?  What a time to be alive.  Back with more after this break.


Hi folks, I’m back and this is Cutting Through the Matrix, where we try to get some reality.  Mind you, there’s different levels of reality too, and what we get at the bottom level, as I say, is a sort of manure that they throw on mushrooms, when they’re growing them for commercial purposes, because that’s our function, is to be used for commercial purposes.  We’re natural resources in a sense.  We’re human resources.  We self-multiply and keep big business going at the top, and pay lots of taxes, of course.  So, we’ve seen all kinds of meltdowns, as I say.  We’ve seen towers meltdown, apparently by themselves.  And we’ve seen the bank crashes, meltdowns there, financial meltdowns.  And then we get the bailouts, which cause taxpayers’ meltdowns.  We’re still melting down from that one.  And now we’re getting meltdowns from nuclear reactors.  By the way, the company that owns it apparently is called I-M-M-E-L-T, I melt.  I mean, who would buy a reactor from these guys.  But it was actually made by General Electric.  And it’s quite interesting to watch all these little names crop up, and the meanings hidden within. 


You couldn’t make this stuff up if you wanted to.  It truly is, it’s like all the disaster movies for the last twelve years or so, all thrown into one.  And, as I say, and they’re going off to war at the same time.  Another war, eh?  They’re not worried about radiation apparently.  And we don’t even know what’s really, really happening.  You know, at first they tell you in the reactors, oh, the roofs have blown off them. And then they show you pictures two days later with roofs back on them again.  And stuff like that.  You know.  And they can’t, a first world country like Japan cannot fly in with their big choppers, big heavy-duty diesel generators?  No, no, no.  They haven’t really thought of that we’re told, and all that kind of stuff.  Nothing makes sense in this whole scenario here.  Nothing at all makes sense. 


Then, of course, and everybody has been waiting for this too.  Two hours ago, the Associated Press, or Press Association it’s called, say that radioactive fallout from Japan’s nuclear plant has reached the US, with experts, here we are – Bertrand Russell said we’d be trained by experts, and really kept in the dark by them – saying there’s a small chance it could soon reach Britain.  And the:


Readings of the radiation in southern California are said to be far below levels which could pose a health hazard, however.


(Alan: Well, that’s awfully reassuring coming from an expert that doesn’t have a name.  Anyway:)


And the UK's Health Protection Agency (A: These are the ones that generally kill you off for population reduction through the National Health Service.) stressed there was no health risk to British residents from the release of radioactive material from the stricken Fukushima Dai-ichi plant.


Meanwhile, the evacuation of Britons from the disaster-hit country gathered pace as the situation at the dangerously overheated nuclear facility continued to deteriorate.


(A: I mean, how much can you deteriorate after you’ve had meltdowns, one after another?  You know.  And again, too, once these things have melted down, it’s no use pumping water in there, because this stuff is going all up in nuclear fission, into the air, basically.  All you can do is bulldoze them in, like they did at Chernobyl or anywhere else.  It doesn’t matter the type of reactor.  Once the meltdown has occurred, that’s what you do.  It says:)


A US diplomat with access (A: Now, listen to this, how it’s worded here.  It’s very interesting, because we’re being managed, you see.  It says:) A US diplomat with access to radiation tracking by the UN's Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organisation (CTBTO) (A: So, access to radiation tracking.  It’s not for the public.  We’ve not to get that.  The United Nations, you know that wonderful front organization that was set up a long time ago to be a world government.  And really, it’s a Socialist form of government too.  They don’t believe in telling the public anything.) Test Ban Treaty Organization cited initial readings from a California-based measuring station. (A: From a California-based measuring station.) These were "about a billion times beneath levels that would be health threatening", he said.


(A: So, there’s no name here, or nothing, or even the station that it’s supposed to have been reported out of, from a secretive organization at the United Nations, who deals with the Test Ban Treaty.  And by, again, a no-name US diplomat.  Right?  Now, listen to what it says here.  So, the UN is running all information regarding nuclear exposures into the air and testing, and all their systems for tracking this stuff and sensing this stuff.  They’re running the whole thing across the world, through a treaty.  Through a treaty, you see.  And then it says:) 


The Nuclear Energy Agency, (A: That’s another one.) part of the international Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, (A: The department for Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development is a United Nations organisation again.  Another one.  Everything is under the United Nations now.)  said radiation from the plant was likely to reach everywhere in the northern hemisphere but in extremely small quantities.


Well, how much do you really need?  Eh?  And what is small?  Do you understand they’re talking down to dummies here?  This is Idiocracy time, like the movie.  And there’s more sense to be got out of this particular article here, with all this anonymous this and anonymous that.  And you know, ‘a place’ has picked up the radiation and so on.  So you go into this other article here on ABC.  And it says:


Government experts (A: Again, like Bertrand Russell said, we’ll train them all to listen to nothing but experts.  In other words, you’ll never use your own common sense.  You always get an expert to tell you what to do and how to think.)  in the United States are keeping a close eye on any radioactive particles that could travel from Japan, and they may already be seeing trace amounts.


(A: So, they may already be seeing trace amounts.  And then, here we go again.)


A diplomat who has access to radiation tracking (A: In other words, he’s got clearance, because it’s supposed to be kept from the public.) by the U.N.'s Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organization told The Associated Press in Vienna that initial readings show tiny amounts of radiation have reached California. But it's not dangerous in any way -- "about a billion times beneath levels that would be health threatening," (A: Do you understand?  Normal travel gives you higher than that levels that can be dangerous to your health.  But it’s a billion times beneath that.  So, that’s nonsense to start with.) the diplomat said, speaking on condition of anonymity because the organization does not make its findings public.


U.S. government experts also insist there's no threat to public health from the plume, but they are still closely monitoring the situation with detection monitors deployed along the West Coast.


The new California reading came from a measuring station of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organization, (A: So here we go, back to the United Nations again.) and the monitor was apparently located in Sacramento.  (A: Sacramento.  Hmm? So:)


"Radiation is one of those words that get everybody scared, like 'plague,'" said Dr. Jonathan Fielding, director of public health for Los Angeles County. "But we're 5,000 miles away."


Well, the wind doesn’t stop at Japan.  It goes across the planet.  What they say here too is that they can’t tell the public, because it’s not their policy to inform the public of what the levels are.  That’s why it’s anonymous people who are telling us, supposedly, the radiation levels, that they’ve even suspected that they’re out there and they’re detecting them.  They’re not supposed to tell the public.  Well what are we?  We’re no different than that French guy in that video, who is demanding to be told the truth of it.  He’s in Tokyo.  And he says, they’re getting no truth at all.  Well, it’s no different here.  And he does say in the video, by the way, that’s how your government is treating you, exactly the same way.  The game shows will be going on, on television.  Your sitcoms come on.  And I wonder how many guys are in their bunkers, if this really is as bad as they say.  If this is as really as bad as they say.  You know, why are they having a war coming up for instance?  Canada, for instance, it says here:


Canadian fighter jets en route to support Libya no-fly zone


(A: It’s actually to a bombing run they’re going on to.  They’ve given Gaddafi an ultimatum, an offer he can’t refuse. So:)


Canada has dispatched six CF-18 fighter jets along with some 150 support personnel to help enforce a United Nations-sanctioned no-fly zone over Libya.


Where rebel forces continue to fight back against the violent, repressive regime. 


(So, there’s your spin on it.  Rebel forces.  Generally rebels are called terrorists, folks, but it depends who wants to back them.  And this is an authorized agenda to take down all these countries, one after another.  We’ve gone through the history on this show of the different organizations involved in the soft power they call it.  It took years to get it up to the present stage for domino effect to happen across one country to the next.  And Brzezinski and all these boys are involved in it too.  So, it’s not going as planned, and Gaddafi still has a lot of support in his country, so the rebel/terrorist forces continue to fight back against the violent, oppressive regime.  So, there’s a violent and oppressive regime, but they’re going to get a better one coming in afterwards, right?  Just like Egypt’s got.  Egypt is under Martial Law.  Hmm?)


In an announcement, the deployment Friday morning, Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Canada had backed the idea of a no-fly zone from the start, and would "now take the urgent action necessary to support it."


"The situation in Libya remains intolerable," he said in a statement delivered in the foyer of the House of Commons.


He’s in there to answer charges about something I’ll get into later, about one of his advisors and a call girl.  Anyway, this is the world we’re really living in.  I’m not kidding you, it’s just amazing what’s coming out at the moment.  You couldn’t write this stuff up.  You couldn’t make it up.  You couldn’t make up what’s happening at all.


And then you go into the one on Obama from the Guardian:


Obama tells Gaddafi to withdraw or face UN backed air strike. 


(A: So, there you are.  It’s an offer you can’t refuse.  Right?  Even though the UN is not supposed to get entangled in internal affairs.  It’s amazing how you can change the rules when you want to, and then again, normally when you get rebels, you call them terrorists.  They’re trying to overthrow the government, but they’re called rebels, trying to overthrow a nasty government, you see.  And that’s how we get all our opinions given to us on all sides of every thing.  That’s how it’s done.  This is an agenda, ongoing agenda, probably written years before you were born, by the way, the whole timetable from 9/11 to the present day with where they want to be and what they want to happen, and it’s just like a big business plan.  It takes years to get all these things on the drawing board and worked out and then get them all ready to go into action.  It takes years.  So, it says here:)


Muammar Gaddafi has been handed a "non-negotiable ultimatum" by Barack Obama to accept an immediate ceasefire, pull back from Libyan rebel strongholds and permit humanitarian assistance – or face the full onslaught of UN-endorsed air strikes.


So, I guess they want to go in to give them humanitarian assistance of probably better machine guns and lots of ammo and stuff like that, to make sure this comes through, this popular uprising.  Back with more after this.


Hi folks, we’re back and this is Cutting Through the Matrix, talking about all the madness, the apparent madness, it’s supposed to appear mad to us all, as craziness, as we go through the big agenda, of course.  And the Japanese situation will cause big world talks and world meetings to be held, and eventually get you into true austerity, where you’ll be paying through the nose like you wouldn’t believe for every little bit of electricity you will get in your rolling blackouts for your nice Communitarian areas in the future, because that’s what they want to bring down you see, Communitarianism for a post-industrial, post-democratic society.  Post-democratic for sure, because now we’re getting run by experts for everything now.  You see, we have no say in anything at all.  We can’t even ask our masters, you know, what the radiation levels are.  Anyway, here’s what Obama said, and it’s written by his speech writer.  I’m not sure which one they used for this one.


Let me be clear, these terms are not negotiable.  These terms are not subject to negotiation.  If Gaddafi does not comply with the resolution, the international community will impose consequences and the resolution will be enforced through military action. 


(A: Now, the international community is the gangs that run all the countries for their masters.  They’re just a kind of managerial class.  But they manage the countries for the masters, because we’re obviously not a community.  And we don’t get a vote and a say in anything at all, and it’s a pity if they start bombing there, because it’s bad enough with the prices in oil already escalating.  We don’t need to be gouged anymore so that their masters again, can really impose high, high prices at the fuel pumps and so on.  Anyway, David Cameron, I love this one, David Cameron of all people says:)


"We will judge him [Gaddafi] by his actions and not by his words. (A: The folk in Britain have been trying to judge this character since they got him into office.  And he’s managed to evade everything.  He says:) What is absolutely clear is the UN security council resolution said he must stop what he is doing – brutalising his people. If not, all necessary measures can follow to make him stop."


(A: And then of course, the French and everybody is in on the same thing.)


The next stage of the international response will be co-ordinated at an emergency conference in Paris including Cameron, Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president, Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state, and the leading Arab states that have formed an ad hoc coalition to reverse the Gaddafi advance.  (A: So, it says that it’s:)


Likely that French and British fighter jets, and Canadian ones too now, will be flying over Libya by Saturday night unless Gaddafi produces more convincing evidence that he’s pulled back.  Some as yet unidentified Arab states will join the air enforcement.


So, it’s just another, it’s business as usual, isn’t it?  It’s even better, because everyone is really allowing this to happen and saying nothing about it, because they’re all terrified and fixated on Japan.  Well, these Big Boys aren’t worried about Japan, it would seem to me, when they can’t cancel their Big Business Plan for a few days or weeks to see what happens.  What do they know that we don’t know?  Hmm?  It’s not bothering them much, is it, at all? 


And then you go into, this is quite a beauty of an article about the Prime Minister of Canada.  And I’ve mentioned the corruption.  They don’t actually call it corruption at the top, you get payoffs and that, and that’s standard business practice in government circles from lobbyists and advisors and all the rest of it, and you make sure you keep your friends happy.  Now, this came out, it says:


A former senior advisor (A: They’ve very important people, advisors.) to Prime Minister Stephen Harper was lobbying Indian Affairs (A: Canada) to land water contracts potentially worth millions of dollars for an Ottawa-based water company that employed his fiance who was an escort.


(A: She’s more than an escort, actually, because if you look up her name, you’ve got her facebook picture.  It’s not actually her face you’re seeing.  I’ll just say, she’s sitting on a goldmine.  Anyway, it’s quite amazing to see this whole deal here.  Now, number one, this guy, the advisor to Prime Minister Stephen Harper, was literally given a golden handshake, and millions of dollars of taxpayers’ money, Canadian taxpayers money to set up this Ottawa based water company.  And a golden handshake, and then the Indians, it goes right off to Indian Affairs, you see, because Indian Affairs really dishes out pension money for the land that the Indians are on and so on, so it’s taxpayers money that they’re going to use to sell the water.  They get it back to them again through selling them water, basically.  This is the whole con game.  Anyway:)


The name of Michele McPherson, 22, appears on a secret contract witnessed by Bruce Carson (A: This is the guy who was the advisor.) that guaranteed her 20 per cent of all gross revenues (A: I guess gross is the right word for this situation.) from sales related to water contracts on First Nations reserves, according to a copy of the contract obtained by an APTN investigative team.


APTN unearthed the contract as part of its investigation into Carson’s involvement with H2O Pros (A: You can’t make these names up.  H2O Pros.)  and its attempts to sell water filtration systems to First Nations with the poorest water quality.


Carson, who was one of Harper’s longest serving advisors, left the Prime Minister’s Office in 2008 to take over the newly minted Canada School of Energy and Environment that received $15 million in federal (A: Or taxpayer) funds.  (A: That’s how you give your pals the handshake, folks.)


The Prime Minister’s Office asked the RCMP...


And here’s this guy, this advisor now, got his girlfriend, who, as I say, she sits on a goldmine – you can tell if you go into her website – 20% of all the revenues from the sales of this deal that’s been set up.  I mean, this is better than Peyton Place used to be.  Amazing, eh?  Because they’re all like that at the top though.  Back with more, after this break.


Hi, folks, I’m back, and we’re Cutting Through the Matrix.  Just going through some of the little scandals that happen with big money involved, always taxpayers’ money, and how prime ministers or presidents give their advisors big golden handshakes, start up companies for them even, and give them the starting cash, you know, generally in millions or billions, and then these characters bring in, I don’t know what they’d call them, their escorts, I guess you’d call them, maybe, and then sign them down for further contracts, where they get cash off of every deal that they make.  And then they go off to the Indian Reservations, trying to sell these filtration systems to them, because, you see, they get tax funding; it’s a tax roundabout.  It’s beautiful how these things really work.  See, all the money, the big money comes from the taxpayer.  That’s where the honey pot is.  And that’s what we have at the top are just little petty gangsters, really, with very smooth talking, very quick witted, good con men, street guys, streetwise.  And of course, this guy has brought in his call girlfriend, whose real name by the way, it’s Anne McPherson, but her stage name, or whatever you want to call it, I don’t know what you’d call it, a stage name, an escort name, is Leanna VIP.  So, you can look up Leanna VIP for yourself, and you’ll see that the poor girl has really nothing to go to these meetings that she’s supposed to attend, because she has simply nothing to wear. 


Anyway, that’s what you’ve got at the high levels of your average government.  And it’s just astonishing we put up with this nonsense all the time.  Mind you, they want to make sure you keep morals to a certain level at the bottom level – a lot further advanced than they used to be, as they bring us down into utter debasement.  But they themselves have never had any morals whatsoever, and no moral qualms about anything, either, especially when it comes to sharing things amongst their friends.  So, that’s what’s happening in Canada, as we send off our jets to bomb Libya.


And another thing that snuck through as all this is going on too, it says here:


US backing for world currency stuns markets


US Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner shocked global markets by revealing that Washington is "quite open" to Chinese proposals for the gradual development of a global reserve currency run by the International Monetary Fund.


(A: I’ve been telling you that for years now.  The IMF was to be brought up to its proper position, the position that its founder talked about in the late 1940s, Part 1.  This is Part 2.  That they’d be brought up to their proper position as the dispenser of loans across the planet, for every nation, you see.  And again, they’ve snuck this through.  It’s just amazing.)


The dollar plunged instantly against the euro, yen, and sterling as the comments flashed across trading screens. David Bloom, currency chief at HSBC, said the apparent policy shift amounts to an earthquake in geo-finance.


"The mere fact that the US Treasury Secretary is even entertaining thoughts that the dollar may cease being the anchor of the global monetary system has caused consternation," he said.


(A: The other one, really, the only country really that was trying to get back off the American dollar was Japan, and that’s been bammed like everybody else gets bammed, if they don’t go along with it.  Anyway.)


Mr Geithner later qualified his remarks, insisting that the dollar would remain the "world's dominant reserve currency ... for a long period of time" but the seeds of doubt have been sown.


So the markets are up and down like a yo-yo, because of these particular statements made by the guru of cash, as he’s supposed to be.  And even though no one really knows what he’s supposed to be doing.  But that, again, is the world that we live in.  And then we get back to Canada’s military spending, now.  It’s the highest since World War II.  We’re also building massive prisons, by the way, across Canada, as well; they’ve put in big, big bids to buy these prisons for all the upcoming chaos, I suppose.  Anyway, in this article here, it says:


Increasing Canada's defence budget by 54 percent over the past decade should not come at the expense of foreign aid and diplomacy.


According to a new study by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, military spending in Canada is expected to hit at least $22.3 billion this budget year, the highest since World War II and a 54 percent increase in defence spending over the last decade.


The increase in defence spending is staggering, but perhaps not surprising considering Canada's recent role in the Afghanistan War. What is shocking, however, is that our country now ranks 60th out of 102 contributing countries to United Nations peace-support missions.  (A: How can they even, remember Peace is War, War is Peace?  Orwellian-speak, you know.  So, peace-support missions.  That’s where you go off and kill folk.)   This is a drastic change from the years before, where Canada not only was a top worldwide contributor to UN peace missions, but is also a radical departure from our previous role as the country that redefined modern peacekeeping under the leadership of Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson.


(A: Lester B. Pearson also became head of the United Nations at one point too, and helped to draft up the UN Charter, along with Alger Hiss, for those who don’t know it.)


Over the next 17 years, Canada has committed to increasing its military spending by $90-110 billion dollars. This not only comes at a shaky time in the global economic environment, but also at a time where the need for humanitarian aid and non-military global security spending is high. The report continues to say that Canada could easily meet the 0.7% Official Development Assistance (ODA) target by diverting the increase in military spending to global aid. (Canada has never met the 0.7% ODA (A: That’s the Overseas Aid) target, coming closest — 0.5% — in 1986-1987.)


(A: Why should we be putting money up at all when we’re all sinking back home?  Hmm?  They used to say that charity begins at home.  You know.  What happened to that?  Oh, we’re international, sorry, I forgot about that.  We’re an international community now.)


Does Canada really need to increase its military spending over the next few years? As far as I know, the credible threats to the country's sovereignty and security are small; justification for an increased defence budget is difficult to find in light of the other competing priorities that face our nation and the world around us. Our troops deserve new and adequate equipment and preparation, but this should be done by re-evaluating military priorities and using the current budget wisely.


Etc, etc, etc.  So this report is actually by someone who thinks we should be spending on other kinds of foreign aid, like building up India and Brazil and all the up-and-coming countries, as we all go down the tubes.  So, business as usual, isn’t it?  Business as usual, as far as governments are concerned. 


Now, getting back to the whole Middle East scenario, with these domino wars they’re having, these sudden popular uprisings, where big corporations with their foundations send in their trained agitators for a few years that they get through the universities, to get the you-know-what stirred up, and then they send in professional agitators, the ones who are a bit more tough guys.  You know, like Special Forces and stuff, to get the action going, to get rid of these guys that have been there too long.  They’ve been awfully handy for the US, Britain, and other countries for a long time.  But it’s time now to pretend to the world, to get us into the next globalistic phase, they’ve got to pretend to the world we’re all democratic now.  That we’re as democratic as we are, where we’re told nothing.  Remember, we’re back to the mushroom stuff again.  Anyway, it says:


U.S. funding tech firms that help Mideast dissidents (A: They’re now dissidents, they’re not rebels, they’re dissidents.) evade government censors


(A: So, I’ve told you before, these are professionally trained agitators, well-funded by the big foundations, and the CIA and MI6, and so on, to go into these countries and bring them down, and they’re giving these supposed civilians, you know, civilians, they’re breaking laws for them, or allowing them to break laws, so that they can’t get found when they’re using electronic communication between each other, something that you would be in the slammer for.)


An anti-government activist works on his computer (A: Oh, well.  It shows you little pictures and that.  Anyway:)


The Obama administration may not be lending arms to dissidents in the Middle East, but it is offering aid in another critical way: helping them surf the Web anonymously as they seek to overthrow their governments.


(A: What happened to this nonintervention stuff, you know, internal policies or their own affairs and all that stuff?  So, it says:)


Federal agencies - such as the State Department, the Defense Department and the Broadcasting Board of Governors - have been funding a handful of technology firms that allow people to get online without being tracked or to visit news or social media sites that governments have blocked. Many of these little-known organizations - such as the Tor (A: That’s T-O-R) Project and UltraReach- are unabashedly supportive of the activists in the Middle East.


(A: These are all NSA operations folks.)


But the United States' backing of these firms has the potential to put the government in an awkward diplomatic position, not only with the countries where uprisings are active, but also with economic partners such as Saudi Arabia and China, which are known to block Web sites they deem dangerous.


The technology comes with its own perils: Some of the tools may not always conceal the users' identities. Autocratic foreign governments are constantly updating their censorship and monitoring technology. (A: Just like we are too, back home.) And, of course, the software can be handy for terrorists seeking to communicate in clandestine ways. (A: Well, that’s what all the spies do too, eh?  So it says:)


In Egypt, Mohammad Hamama, a 24-year-old computer programmer, said he learned about the Tor Project's software in January through chatter on Twitter. He downloaded the software and checked on friends protesting in Cairo's Tahrir Square.


(A: Now, all the Big Boys too, from all these different corporations, the Gates foundations and so on, are all involved in overthrowing the world, basically, to make sure they put in their puppet regimes, that will be awfully Socialistic, so that the rest of those countries can be as debased as we now are.  And then easily managed, you see.  It says:)


Still, he worries about the technology's safety.


"I wanted to make sure my Twitter friends were okay during the protests," he said in a phone interview. "But I didn't feel safe at all. I don't know what the government was using to track us down. I was just hoping the Tor browser would be good for me to tweet some things, but I managed to get away without being tracked."


So, all the big boys, all corporations and so on, see, we’re public/private now.  You see, that’s true feudalism, when the private corporations are helping to run the world.  Actually, they are running the world.  We’re already in it.  I don’t know if anyone remembers the old movie, it was called Rollerball, and it was a futuristic movie, made years ago, it was based around a game, of course, a kind of violent game, and you have to go through the whole movie to find out what happens.  It was supposed to be after the big corporate wars, and the main player for a team, a winning team, was told to basically throw in the towel and lose, so that they could prove to the world that individualism doesn’t work.  You couldn’t work like an individual on the team.  And that was to be the whole message of it. 


Well, you’re here already, folks.  Your children have been trained through groupthink, groupthink through the schooling system, and we’re already into all of that today.  And people don’t even know they’ve come through it.  They’ve adapted and adapted and they don’t even know.  They don’t even know what’s happening.  So, all these private corporations, the ones that run Facebook, Twitter, etc, all their heads have already made comments and statements that these guys are involved in this too.  Well, that takes NSA clearance.  That takes United Nations clearance.  And every war department’s clearance as well to do that kind of stuff.  So they’re working with all your secret services and so on.  Quite something, isn’t?  And as all of this is happening, as I say, it’s so important they get their agenda through, come hell or high water, or nuclear fallout or anything else.  Here’s the military going off to make sure that we bring, you know, Freedom and Democracy to other nations, as we’ve been told in our own countries, according to the Club of Rome, the big think tank that works for the United Nations, that we’re post-democratic.  Hmm?  We’ve got to make them democratic, even though we don’t have it back home?


We’ve been under Martial Law, if you haven’t noticed.  You have no rights, since 2001, the kickoff for the new century.  This is the new century that you’re in now, the Century of Change.  What was Obama’s pledge?  Change was good.  And you thought that his PR guys just made that up?  No, that was literally what academia had been calling it for about the previous fifty years, the coming century of change, where the whole Socialist world system was to come to the fore.  Everything that Lenin did, Stalin did, and every other, all the Marxists did, would be run, used to run the public worldwide. The work that all the groups that were involved in it, the ones who ran the culture industry, the Frankfurt School, all these boys, destroying the culture, destroying marriage, destroying the family unit, making sure that the state gave any morals to the children, the new morals, not the old morals, the new ones, you know, where you’ve got to try everything, and the only stipulation they have is that you must not be an individual.  You must go along with the group.  Groupthink in everything. 


Look at the entertainment that’s gone over the years.  It’s utterly, utterly debased, to a level that I can’t even fathom myself.  Where they have adults, supposedly, in sitcoms acting, not even as adolescents, but as four or five year old children.  I’m not kidding about that.  Someone sent me some of the stuff from Britain, what they’ve been showing there, and I could not believe, amongst all the canned laughter, what I was witnessing that was supposed to be entertainment.  The most debased filth you can imagine.  And then again, you can’t imagine it, because we’re beyond probably even that, now.  I don’t watch television at all.  I’ve mentioned before too, about a fellow whose brother is up in the CIA, tells the younger one nothing, except, the only advice he gave him the last year was, don’t ever watch television.  It’s a weapon.  It’s always been a weapon. And it works on most people’s minds.  They’re unaware of it.  They think that thing is there on their behalf to entertain them.  Most of your behavior is emulated from what you see on television.  The opinions from experts and professionals and important people and celebrities, become your opinions.  That’s what it’s for.  You’re being manipulated at every single turn.


Look at the psychic driving they used of the repetition of the buildings going down in 9/11, to burn it into the minds of everyone who was alive at that time, to justify taking all of your rights away from every single one of you, and telling you right off the bat that life will never be the same again.  The total tracking of all information.  Total information awareness network.  That means total information of everything about you, daily.  Where you are, what you’re doing, who you’re speaking to, who you’re texting, who you’re etc, etc.  And they told us, they asked us the question, all the media went into action right away within the same week saying, “are you willing to give up your freedoms for security?”  Without freedom you have no security.  Haven’t you noticed, you see, tyrannical governments give you no freedoms at all, so when they ask you for freedom, you’re under tyranny.  And you’ve adapted to it, most of you, already.  Completely adapted to it.  And now that’s normal, a new normal has happened.  That’s what Skinner said, you know.  He was quoting Darwin, of course.  He says, humans are the most adaptable species on the planet.  And of course, all the neuroscientists are into that too now, as they manipulate your brains through that box, television; all information is there to make sure they control you.  It works awfully well.  Back with more, after this break.


Hi folks, I’m back, and we’re Cutting Through the Matrix.


The Guardian also put out an article on the 17th of March, about again, psychological warfare.  I’ve talked about this so many times, and it’s good to see it’s hitting the mainline media and press.  It says:


Gen David Petraeus has previously said US online psychological operations are aimed at 'countering extremist ideology and propaganda'.


The US military is developing software that will let it secretly manipulate social media sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, by using fake online personas to influence internet conversations and spread pro-American propaganda.


(A: It’s actually pro-corporate propaganda.  And I’ve talked about this before in better, greater detail.)


A Californian corporation has been awarded a contract with United States Central Command (Centcom), which oversees US armed operations in the Middle East and Central Asia, to develop what is described as an "online persona management service" that will allow one US serviceman or woman to control up to 10 separate identities based all over the world.


(A: And I read one of the initial articles about that, maybe a month or so ago.)


The project has been likened by web experts to China's attempts to control and restrict free speech on the internet. Critics are likely to complain that it will allow the US military to create a false consensus in online conversations, (A: And that’s what they do.  They’ve been doing this for a lot longer than this admission here, under other names for the same operation.  It says:) crowd out unwelcome opinions and smother commentaries or reports that do not correspond with its own objectives.


The discovery that the US military is developing false online personalities (A: They already have them, as I say.) – known to users of social media as "sock puppets" –  (A: And look back in my archives.  You’ll find more on sock puppets.) could also encourage other governments, private companies and non-government organisations to do the same.


They already are.  Whenever you get something in the mainstream it’s old stuff.  It’s like science.  What you’re taught up to university level and throughout university level is the bottom line of what they’re told in science.  There are two higher levels above that.  Two higher levels at all times above that.  So, I’ve told you, there’s nothing put out there for your use.  Immediately, it’s like all technologies are used for warfare purposes, especially in their initial phases.  Warfare purposes.  The war on your mind is the greatest war of all.  Most people out there are conquered already.  You meet them every day.  You’ve all talked about them, the people who phone in here.  They don’t want to know.  They couldn’t care less.  Everything is rosy, cozy, you know. 


And, just like that guy in Japan right now, in Tokyo, the French guy, he says, this is what they’re showing us here.  Everything is fine.  Here’s all the game shows on television.  Meanwhile, they’re only a few miles away from meltdown, supposed, so we’re told.  So we’re told.  And with all these meltdowns too, we’re told, oh, it’s miniscule radiation across the planet.  This is the first time ever, you’ve had any kind of meltdown where there’s nothing much happening across the planet.  Isn’t that strange?  All these masses of sensor operations across the planet, just aren’t picking anything really up that’s worth talking about.  Isn’t that kind of odd folks?  Hmm? Don’t you think so?


During Chernobyl they kept telling you every hour on the hour on different major, even national media, like the BBC, where the clouds were traveling, what the radiation counts were in these clouds and so on.  But this one here, no, just harmless and nothing out of the ordinary really.  We’re living in Disneyland, folks.  And hold on to your hats, it’s going to get worse and go a lot faster.  Back with more, next time; that’s Monday.  From Hamish and myself in Ontario, Canada, it’s Good Night, and may your god or your gods go with you.



Topics of show covered in following links:

We Want the Truth--Video from Japan

Radioactive Fallout Reaches US?

Radiation from Japan-US--"The UN's CTTO Does Not Make its Findings Public"

Canadian Fighter Jets Off to Libya

Blitzkrieg Obama wants Bam Libya--Gives Gaddafi an Offer he Can't Refuse

Former Prime Minister of Canada's Advisor, Call Girl and Shady Dealings

--More on Above

US Treasury Secretary tells China Washington is Open to Chinese Proposals for Global Reserve Currency Run by IMF

Canada and Military Spending

US Funding Tech Firms to Take Down Middle East Hold-Outs

Manipulation of Social Media


Alan's Materials Available for Purchase and Ordering Information:


"Cutting Through"
  Volumes 1, 2, 3


"Waiting for the Miracle....."
Also available in Spanish or Portuguese translation: "Esperando el Milagro....." (Español) & "Esperando um Milagre....." (Português)


Ancient Religions and History MP3 CDs:
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Blurbs and 'Cutting Through the Matrix' Shows on MP3 CDs (Up to 50 Hours per Disc)


"Reality Check Part 1"   &   "Reality Check Part 2 - Wisdom, Esoterica and ...TIME"