December 5, 2007 (#47)




Title Copyright Alan Watt December 5, 2007:


© Alan Watt December 5, 2007


Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - December 5, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes and Callers' Comments)






"Code of Silence" by Bruce Springsteen


There's a code of silence that we don't dare speak
There's a wall between us and a river so deep
And we keep pretending that there's nothing wrong
But there's a code of silence and it can't go on


Is the truth so elusive, so elusive as you can see
that it ain't enough baby
To bridge the distance between you and me
There's a list of grievance 100 miles long
There's a code of silence and it can't go on



I'm Alan Watt and this is Cutting Through the Matrix on December 5th, 2007. Newcomers, look into where you can go into various topics on the associations, the fraternities and the royal institutes that are all connected to create your present and your future and you can download as much as you want for free. Look into where you can get transcripts in the tongues of Europe and we're adding to those transcripts all the time. There's a few more coming in from other nations.


You know just living, just living and being aware and always being aware it's not hard to project the future because most people are wrapped in the present and what they think is the present happens to be all the topics that fill their heads: the entertainment that fills their heads, the music, the movies, what they're doing in their lives with those in their immediate vicinity and they don't really see the big picture as they're actually living through it. They don't see what's coming and a long time ago I saw with the war on drugs that big changes would come in the future because I know that they created the drugs at the top. The whole culture was created from the top down and the police forces grew and I could see the security systems coming into schools until a generation has grown up in many schools by going through security equipment, bypassing it, being searched before they can get into school. Lockdowns within schools. Security guards inside the schools and that's training a generation for a future that they'll grow up in, thinking it's all quite natural and normal and they'll have nothing to compare it to.


When you don't have a time in your life where you haven't had that then it's all normal to you and those now who are coming into their 20’s with their cell phones and all the rest of it, they take everything for granted thinking everything that exists is just normal, including being searched at airports and ordered around. You know at the airports there's no discussion there as to rights and wrongs or your rights. You don't have any. You're just ordered as to what to do and when to bend over and how far and all the rest of it and most people comply, and even the older generation that did not have this going through school comply as well. Everyone wants to get along and get to their destination at any cost and unfortunately there's no indignancy in them. Most people have no indignancy whatsoever. That's not a new phenomena.


In centuries past in high circles of power, this technique of controlling the masses, the mass person who has no indignancy in them, is well understood. They go to the wall and that's why Zbigniew Brzezinski talked about them. They don't fight back. They just turn around and eat their dead. That's what he said. I'll be back with more after the following messages.


Hi folks. I'm Alan Watt and we're Cutting Through the Matrix and talking about the majority of people that have always been the problem. That's why democracy was picked an awful long time ago by the elite. They knew that the masses, about 80-odd percent at least, would go and do whatever they were told to do no matter how pitiful it is for themselves. They will follow orders and do what they're told and it isn't until they're against the wall that they start really complaining and then it's too late, because when you’re against the wall that’s when you get shot, you see. That's what happens or you have unorganized rabbles as they say at the top because there's no coordination; there's no planning. They never really want to believe that the king or the queen or the government could ever do anything bad to them even when they're senses tell them it's actually happening and so the elite and the majority become the problem, almost working together to make this totalitarian system come into being. That's always been the problem for the those that think down through the centuries and those who don't want to go along the garden path, because there's a big, big drop at the end of it into the void and we know it's there.


Yet they've trained as I say a generation through the school system to be prodded and searched and to walk through past equipment that looks through their clothing and now the adults are doing the same thing as though it's all quite natural. There's a whole bunch of television drama shows funded by the Pentagon or the BBC in England to train you into this through drama and fiction that this is all so normal, it's normal behavior; but there's nothing normal about it. They never had this during World War II or any other world war before that. They never had this kind of intrusion into everybody's private life and it's becoming the normal now because people are not indignant and Zbigniew Brzezinski said that in an interview to one of the big magazines what he thought about the people, would they ever revolt because of all the plans they had made at the top? He says, "What do I think of the people? He says, well you can kick them. You can beat them. You can starve them but do they do anything? He says, no, they just around and eat their dead." That was his opinion of the general population and these are the psychopathic creeps that are up there advising presidents and running all over the planet having real power, by the way, because that’s what Carroll Quigley said.


He said these people, these technocrats as they're called, unelected technocrats wield the real power and they're happy to know it and it keeps them out of the limelight a lot of the time. The politicians, the front men take the heat. They get the tomatoes thrown at them. They take the heat for what happens but the technocrats are the big movers and shakers and they never, as you notice, retire. They never retire. They put in 12 hours per day into their 80’s and 90’s. It's quite incredible to live through this your whole life, watching everything happen, knowing the bulk of the populace around you, including your own parents when you're growing up, don't know. They don't know what's coming down on them and they've been trained to trust. Trust these ones that come out of special wombs up there somewhere above them that are altruistic and just love them and deal with all the big problems while they can play; and that's what advanced socialism really means. It means perpetual childhood for everyone because experts beyond you, above you are dealing with all the big problems. You see, that's what it's all about, perpetual childhood for the people underneath them and unfortunately lots of people like that. They like that and if you could possibly get the airwaves of the entire planet and give them all the data showing them how this has all happened and where it's going, most of them would vote the same system right back in, even if you told them it would only last a few years, they'd vote the same thing right back because it's all they know.


People who belong to the majority are terrified of taking a risk or terrified of a change. They'll do anything to stay put in their little world and play. They're terrified of change of any kind and the technology that's dished out, as I keep telling people, was not given for your benefit. The Pentagon had the Internet long before the public were given access to it. It was designed and set-up to create a world system of control, world system. Every single country on the planet and the data on every individual, all the data will be in that computer and they've already done a simulation. They have simulated matrix worlds where they have a double of you in that world with all the data which they've already acquired on you in that person.


Now they're bringing out the video games where they can monitor your brain and actually map you individual brain to put into that same structure and one day you'll go to sleep and you'll wake up thinking you're in the real world, but it will probably be the matrix world that you're in. Quite something, isn't it?


Now here's an article that ties in with this because Barbara De Lollis in USA Today that talked about this. It's also in Mark Baard's for December 5th and it's to do with:


             "Continental Airlines passengers in Houston in Houston will be able to board flights using just a cellphone or personal-digital assistant instead of a regular boarding pass in a three-month test program launched Tuesday at Bush Intercontinental Airport. The program could expand to airlines and airports nationwide."


Alan:  As I say, ParallelNormal, Mark Baard's blog, here he's got:


             "Report: Travelers love being scanned."


Alan:  That's the data they're giving you or the PR that you love being scanned. It's good for you. You'll like it. It says:


             "Happy to help: The U.S. Department of Homeland Security and Continental Airlines tell USA Today that customers can aid the fight against terrorism by allowing security personnel to scan their mobile phones. Continental says travelers love “the convenience.”


Alan:  Isn't that wonderful? And here you thought it was about chatting to people across the world and asking them what they're buying and what they've bought and what they're going to buy and all that.


It says:


             "The Transportation Security Administration’s scheme to scan mobile phones instead of boarding passes strikes me as high hackable."


Alan:  That's what Mark thinks.


He says:


             "More significantly, it provides Homeland Security an excuse to point scanners at travelers’ mobile devices, which often contain their personal, and sensitive, private information."


Alan:  Well I do believe to be honest that most really won't mind, because I've heard people at checkout counters being asked personal information and they just blurt it out like a repertoire to a checkout person. That's quite incredible, or people that do polls on the phone and the person sitting next to you is blurting out all their personal data. It's just amazing. Amazing isn't it?


It says:


"More significantly, it provides Homeland Security an excuse to point scanners at travelers’ mobile devices."


             "Mark my words: this three-month pilot project is just the first of many that Homeland Security will launch to gain further access to the contents of mobile phones, even to commandeer them for intelligence and data gathering."


Alan:  Because that's what their really for. It's quite amazing. If they forced you to have a computer, if the governments gave them all for free and forced you all to have them, if they forced you to have a cell phone, you'd be suspicious. If you make it appealing and they make you want it and you pay for it, it doesn't dawn on you you're doing exactly what they want. It doesn't dawn on the average person at all. Not at all. It's fantastic how people go into this. Now I've even had emails from people who will only use PayPal or something. They call it “secure,” secure transference devices. “Secure.” There's nothing secure in the internet. There's NOTHING secure. I just talked to someone who had their bank account cleaned out by someone in Zaire and the person who was cleaned out lives in New York. But they still believe this propaganda that it's secure. There's nothing secure.


Some of the high levels in Britain there at the top government that deals with the public and the public information have lost umpteen discs recently out of their whole collection with the data of millions and millions of British people. It's just gone somewhere. They know it's been stolen. It didn't get to its destination, put it that way, but people still think the internet and so on happens to be secure. That boggles the mind. The Pentagon had it for donkey's years. So did the Soviet Union. They shared it before the public were given this internet. It's called a net or a web.


Now what is a net and what is a web?


You get stuck on a web. You get stuck on it. Spiders catch you on a web you see, and a net the fish go into it and you pull the drawstring and they're all caught in the net. They even use all this terminology and sexual terminology: hard drive, a floppy, ram, and so on. They're laughing at us all the time as we parrot all this nonsense they give us, but isn't it amazing as I say that people have no sense of indignancy anymore? People used to fight battles and have wars for the right of privacy. That was one of the main reasons supposedly, supposedly had the War of Independence in the United States. You see the British troops already could walk into any home in Britain with their rifles and bayonets and go through your whole home without any warrants and so they said they wanted privacy in their own home. Today they give it up happily. I'm Alan Watt and I'll be back with more after the following messages.


Hi folks. Alan Watt back with Cutting Through the Matrix and just complaining – it's been a day for complaining, shoveling snow and then hauling wood up a hill and so on, but just looking at the general populace and how they're going along with everything, as always. It’s almost like seeing the wolves encircling you and the sheep are all huddling closer and closer but pretending nothing is really happening, and that's what gets most people. Yet everything that's happening could literally be stopped, never will be by the people themselves but it could be stopped, whether it's high gasoline prices or all this intrusiveness, just by non-compliance. If everybody would stop driving for a day you'd see the oil companies kick into gear and the prices drop right down. It's the same thing with airports. Stop going to the airports and my goodness you'd see it clear up very, very quickly and they'd be calling you yes sir and madam again very, very quickly. No problem at all but you'll never get the 80-odd percent of the public to go along with that, which the elite count on.


Now we've got Jason in Florida. Are you there, Jason?


Jason:  Yes Alan. How are you today?


Alan:  Not so bad.


Jason:  I just wanted to share with you. I went to the flea market in my local town and bought to seemingly unrelated items. It was a bicentennial fifty-cent piece and a deck of cards and it wasn't until I got home I realized that they had the same picture of the same goddess on them. It was Persephone and Persephone is evidentially the statue on top of the capital building in DC and I just wanted to know what that means. Does that mean Persephone is like our patron saint of the United States?


Alan:  Sort of, in a sense. It was to do with the old goddess. It's actually the nature worship because it's to do with plants and how they die and come back up again, so they have this nice fairy tale about going into Hades to rescue the fair damsel and bring her back to the surface. All these old mythologies are actually about nature and how things grow and die by the seasons and they gave them stories and how the nature goddess, with her daughter too, she would die or go into Hades and a story about how she was rescued and brought out again and was reborn. It's all to do with nature worship to an extent. But to do with money generally, even in Rome, the mint for Rome was in the Temple of Juno, so they always use female goddesses for anything to do with the earth and their control and even call their church by the female term as well, so it's all to do with nature and nature's god, nature's laws, et cetera. They believe at the top they run nature, in other words.


Jason:  Wow. Then one more thing. My girlfriend wanted me to ask you what your thoughts on Eustace Mullins.


Alan:  I haven't heard too much of Eustace Mullins. Someone told me and I could be wrong that he was also into this British Israel type thing.


Jason:  I'm not sure. She knows a lot more than I do. She just wanted to know if you knew anything about him.


Alan:  I know there are some good historians but they often have a twist somewhere that go off in one of the other directions so I can't really comment on him.


Jason:  Okay. Well thank you very much. Try to keep warm up there, Alan.


Alan:  Yes. Thanks for calling. Yes, it's been cold all right and moving all that wood up a hill wasn't too pleasant either, before I burned my dinner tonight again and Hamish is quite happy because he ended up getting it.


Now there's Al from New York there. Are you there, Al?


Al:  Yes Alan. How you doing?


Alan:  I'm surviving.


Al:  Oh that's good to hear. We need more people like you.


Alan:  Yes. Do you have a question or a comment?


Al:  I have both a comment and a question. Me, growing up as an African American male, I seem to think like the whole world is against Africans for some reason or these people in the top, they have a special thing for Africans or what's going on? My other comment or my question is the nation of Islam. What do they have to do with the Masons? I know there is something not too right about them. As a young African American male, those are the only groups that I thought was telling the truth for long time until I listened to you and now realize that they weren't telling the whole truth.


Alan:  Yes. That's how you get people to follow. You tell them a good part of the truth and fill in a lot of little blanks for them and then you withhold another little part because one day you'll use them when they become useful, generally in conflict scenarios. Britain is a great example by keeping – they kept Northern Ireland in a state for centuries, 500 years. Canada ,which is still run by Britain, kept Montreal in a separate state. They can rile them up every so often when they want internal conflict, so they always create a situation where they can use racial conflict, religious conflict, ethnic conflicts or even language conflicts if need be, and anything at all they can stir up and get people fighting each other. Then they come forward with laws which restrict everyone and get them further ahead with their agenda. Now Africa, it's absolutely true from the 1700’s they were writing about the future of Africa because they pictured people who were economists, big economists for the British Crown and who advised diplomats, in the diplomatic corps for London to do with trading and so on. They had all the different races marked out in order of preference for being saved for a future society and John Stewart Mill and then his son who took over both said that the blacks who could mimic the white man's ways would be allowed to survive. Those who would not would have to perish or be eliminated. Hang on and we'll talk about more after this break.


Hi folks. Alan Watt back with Cutting Through the Matrix and we're talking to Al from New York on what the plans were by the elite to do with the black populations. As I say, that really was all categorized in the lists that big economists made in the 1700’s and 1800’s for the British establishment because Britain at that time was building a massive world empire. The U.S. took over from them to complete the whole organization and it is the Anglo-American Establishment as Quigley called it, but they categorized different people. You'll find in H.G. Wells as well in a two-part history of the world that he wrote, called "History of the World," his son actually finished it off for him because he died in '48 so it was published in about 1950 in two volumes, but H.G. Wells also had this same category as John Stewart Mill with the certain whites at the top. They brought in what they thought were Jews because those who survived through persecutions through centuries and prospered had proven their Darwinian right basically to help and survive to help this other elite. They put down the Irish because the Irish kept rebelling against that particular system and the blacks and American Indians down as a write off. They would be written off and not allowed into a new age because under the Darwinian type laws that existed in the Brotherhood before Darwin came along, his grandfather actually wrote the first book on it, they said if they were allowed to come in to the new world, this new era, they would by the Darwinian type laws bring down the superior ones. It says those who could adapt, the few who could adapt to the white man's economic system and mimic him would be allowed to survive and that really hasn't changed today. These guys at the top are utterly racist and they use populations and they will annihilate populations if their usefulness is then over even.


Al:  Alan, so you’re saying they’re not only racist but they adapted Egyptians or Africans way of keeping people minds but they use it – it's like the use the same thing that they use against their descendents. I mean is it that way or is it like more the concept of race like Herodotus described people by the way they looked, tribes. Who came up with that concept of race? When did that come around?


Alan:  It's very difficult to know. I know that from the earliest times of definitely even commerce, the commercial system that brought in money even before it was coined and it was actually weighed out, commerce brought that system with them. Commerce was there almost simultaneously with kings, the society of kings and sovereigns who then married into their own family in fact. Even the commoners below them of the same species were deemed inferior, so it seemed to be something that came in with this advent of wealth. Wealth no longer being oats and stuff that you could eat or even tools, but wealth being what someone at sometime invented – this substitute for real wealth or real estate, which is called money or gold or silver that you could weight out. That brought this entire system with it and even then they noticed that certain people and certain tribes didn't need that system and would not adapt to it. They were perfectly independent and today they call them and the sociologists and ethnologists will call them today “stagnant civilizations” because they will not adapt to the white man's silly neurotic, psychotic, dysfunctional way of working, earning money and then being dependent on the system, so they're called "arrested civilizations" or "stagnant civilizations" because they're completely independent. That's one of the reasons they want to kill off anyone who really wants to be independent and whole peoples who are still independent. That's their archenemy really.


Al:  Alan, my phone is going dead but I have one last question. Like the old Mexicans in Central America and the Mayans, they tried to have the same systems as the [inaudible] systems and control the populations, so was that their downfall? They just got overthrown by the regular--


Alan:  In Latin America I think a lot of the peoples who eventually brought in the technology to design, the sciences to design, showed the pyramids and so on, showed an understanding and you'll find that there were even professors in the United States that belonged to Harvard. Barry Fell was one of them who discovered that Egyptian contact with Latin America and the Eastern seaboard of the Americas had happened thousands of years ago and they actually found Egyptian writings and ancient Iranian writings in Algonquin Park here in Canada. The CBC did I think a six-part documentary special on that where definitely the priests were here, so I think they brought the technology with them. I also think that some people who ran the seas at those times, big traders, probably the Phoenicians, transported whole peoples into Latin America. However, I think the people eventually who ran the big civilizations in Latin America left, to be honest with you, and those who had been brought in to serve them were left and they didn't have the sciences to keep it all going. That's what I suspect. They almost mimicked what they'd seen happen to do with sacrifices and so on, but they couldn't really explain it as to why they did it. Someone taught them at one time but I think they probably pulled out. They definitely had contact. "America B.C."  People should try and get that book "America B.C." by Professor Barry Fell, excellent one to read. There's another couple he made as well on that topic and the big boys don't want to even talk about it, even though they've found coins that were minted in ancient Rome on the eastern seaboard. They found different coins of different countries going back 2,000 years. It's a very interesting topic.


Now we've also got Dan from Pennsylvania. Are you there, Dan?


Dan:  How are you doing?


Alan:  Not so bad.


Dan:  Yeah, I'm not so bad. I'm a little sore myself from cutting and splitting wood.


Alan:  Oh you too, eh?


Dan:  Yeah. It's nice to not use oil when you can.


Alan:  Yes I know.


Dan:  I think you have a great show tonight and what do you think of the book "King Rat" as well as the movie? It kind of shows society with the psychopaths running the show at the top.


Alan:  Yes, you've got it right on and that's exactly it. The psychopaths in this particular type of system they thrive. This is their system. We have the key in fact that this is their system because they give you traditionally a psychopathic culture of dog-eat-dog and a few winners and lots of losers and we're taught that this is normal society. We have a society created by psychopaths that serve the psychopaths and they can only win in this particular system since they run the whole system: the money, the fraudulent banking and the con games of money. They run the whole show and they can't help but succeed.


Dan:  We certainly see the con game of money with the mortgage paper debt all over the place today.


Alan:  It doesn’t even have to be paper. I mean money itself is a con.


Dan:  Oh no, I understand. I'm a follower of you and I agree but it scares me about "King Rat" because people were in prison and they were still belonging to the old system and it just blows my mind because I don't think there's much hope for the general population. I think there's a small group that will see and be able to understand what the psychopaths are doing.


Alan:  History has always been deflected, at least deflected from the system by the few and the masses go along whichever way it happens – whoever wins in the end, that's who they follow blindly. They don't ask many questions and take everything for granted, but you're right. Most people I think are going to go down with the system. They're too selfish and here's another thing to ponder. It isn't necessarily that there's too few good people in the world today. I've often wondered if there's too many bad people in the world today because there's so may psychopathic types out there who are so selfish, so into themselves. It's me, me, me.


Dan:  I think the system breeds onto itself of course and it's strange when you get out of the system and I was fortunate enough to go sailing not long ago and I got out of the system a couple of different ways, one by destroying my cell phone and completely removing it and I felt different after I got away from that as well as the internet. When you get away from it you start to get your independence back in a strange way. So I guess we just keep throwing the pebbles in the pond as you say and get the ripples going. I have seen some results and I do keep pointing to your site, so keep up the great work and wow, what an education you provide. Thank you so much.


Alan:  Thanks for calling.


Dan:  Take care.


Alan:  Now I've got Ted in North Carolina. Hello.


Ted:  Hey Alan? I was wondering – I got your stuff in the mail and everything and tried reading it. I've got to read it again because it's a little difficult the first time around, but I've noticed I start looking at words different and I'm looking on TV right now. Yeah, I still look at it but I don't let it program me, but it's just like the word they've got, “breaking news,” up there and when I look at the word “breaking” I see “a king” in it. It's like a subliminal. A lot of these words have other words in them and if you look at them real good you'll see it. Is that part of the programming?


Alan:  It's part of the programming. You'd be surprised how many words out there that contain inner words. Your subconscious reads the inner words as well and it helps to program you and you don't even think about it. Even with the way they string – remember that every letter is a symbol and your subconscious understands symbology and you can actually program people through symbology when they're looking at pictures or shapes or symbols. That's what writing and reading really comes down to, and the average person can write basically. It's getting worse with every generation now but they can write and they call it spelling because it puts you under a spell. That's why it's right under that in the dictionary. Spelling and spell. Look at the two of them. It casts a spell over your mind because even John Dee put out a big book on that. It's full of Masonic coding or Rosicrucian – real Rosicrucian, not the jokers that are out today pretending they're Rosicrucian; but it was all to do with coding, under the guise of calling spirits down, if you understand the symbology of the letters and the way he strings them together. He's showing you codes and that's how they used to communicate with each other. However, we can also be programmed by codes and that's what newspapers are. They're programming methods especially when they couple pictures next to a big headline, which can often make you believe the opposite of the headline or vice versa. It's all to do with the way it's strung together.


Ted:  It seems like to me when I look at the symbols and I understand some of the symbols and then you can pick out the symbols was in the words sometimes. It will be in it and it's pretty plain actually.


Alan:  That's right. If you look, many symbols today have a horizontal line and above it is a capital M and so you've got two pyramids over a line, but it's also a 13 on its side. That's what it is, like McDonald's. You're seeing a 13 and you turn it up again and it's 13 but it's also a B. The letter B as well you see and you can actually break down the letters and I put that in my books how this is done and so letters are also numbers as well, if you understand how to read them.


Ted:  Yes. I was reading about the defence and I've got to go back over it all. It's a lot to take in the first time around, but I'm following it pretty good. I've got the big picture of it anyway.  I think I know how it really works, how the orders control it all, but at the same time you pick up the details later once you know what's happening you can start seeing it, even when they make speeches on TV you can start reading through it pretty easy.


Alan:  They make very good speeches if you know what they're actually saying and when you do it can be scary because you really hear what they're really saying.


Ted:  That's right. You said it. It's amazing. I always thought something was wrong because I came up very poor and I knew something wasn't right too, but no one ever told me how it really worked and I heard you on the Reality Check, you know the one that you had up on YouTube, and the first time around I said this guy is crazy, right? But then I go back and I listen to it. It was probably five times and I said no he's not crazy. He knows exactly what he's talking about and really the first time I heard it I said that's it. I said that's it and I listen to all your blurbs. I downloaded most of your stuff on the website. I think just about everything. I read the book first but I'm going back through your CDs now because I heard you explain the sound and all of that and I knew I'd read that in the book. The CDs, I've got to do something because it sounds a little – I don't know if it was the mike you were on or what. It was a little tough to hear it sometimes.


Alan:  Yes and it was also on shortwave too. It wasn't the best reception. That was taken from Shortwave Radio International.


Ted:  Have you ever thought about just going back through the book and doing some audio? Doing the audio as you go through the book?


Alan:  I'm going to put out a lot more if I can get time to, on symbology and languages et cetera, because you find the same coding is all through every other language as well. That's the interesting part.


Ted:  It's very interesting stuff and if you come out with something new I would certainly purchase it, Alan.


Alan:  You'll notice too they upgrade languages always at the same time. It's fascinating to see it.


Ted:  I remember you said that. 


Alan:  They brought Shakespeare out and the King James Bible and it basically created what we think of as the English language because before that they were speaking a form of Old Saxon German and they were doing the same thing in Germany too. Like creating High German, Luther's book brought out what we now call "High German," so every country was being upgraded in Europe at the same time in their language by the same priesthoods.


Ted:  You know it's amazing that they were that organized, isn't it?


Alan:  They'd already been around for thousands of years.


Ted:  And they've got the archives, right?


Alan:  They have the archives of information.


Ted:  Okay. Thanks Alan.


Alan:  Thanks for calling. Now I've got Klaus in Iowa. Klaus?


Klaus:  Yes. How are you tonight?


Alan:  Not so bad. Hold on Klaus and we'll be back after the break. Hi folks. Alan Watt back with Cutting Through the Matrix and we're talking with Klaus from Iowa on the phone. Are you there, Klaus?


Klaus:  Yes I am here. How are you doing?


Alan:  I'm just relaxing after humping wood up a hill.


Klaus:  I had two items I wanted to kind of bring to your attention. They're a little bit disparate but they do relate to a lot of the stuff that you're talking about. Number one, you had mentioned something about people and societies being independent and that is not what the powers that be like to have, right?  Are you aware – have you seen the book called "The Law of the Somalis?"


Alan:  The Somalis? Not that one, no.


Klaus:  Are you familiar with Somalia in Africa?


Alan:  Yes.


Klaus:  Are you familiar with the fact that they have no central government?


Alan:  Yes.


Klaus:  And that they are working basically on customary law?


Alan:  That's right. There's even people in Iran, tribes that moved through there are very similar to that in fact.


Klaus:  Right. Well I would recommend if you have an opportunity to get hold of this book. It's by Michael Van Nooten and this book was published in 2005. It's a fairly new book. It's an incredible exposition of the study of their laws and the whole system that they go by: the family, the clan and all the various levels.


Alan:  You see that's how all of even Europe used to be. You didn't have whole cities of lawyers or words that you couldn't understand. They were very simple, very basic. Everyone knew the cultural laws or rules as they called them and there was no problem. Our whole system was taken over on behalf of the elite by this fake legal system.


Klaus:  Yes. It kind of stems from the old biblical concepts of the tens, the hundreds, the thousands and Michael Van Nooten is very, very interesting. He was a Dutch lawyer, an attorney from the Netherlands. He died in 2002. Someone by the name of Spencer Heath McCowen took his work and edited and published it and the interesting thing is he had spent the last 12 years of his life living with the clan because he had married into one of the clans and a fascinating story. Just absolutely fascinating and it's a marvelous, marvelous book and how they basically he describes the fact that when you have central government, "democracy" and so forth, it is totally destructive of the civilization.


Alan:  You become a slave.


Klaus:  Absolutely.


Alan:  That's all it is. It's a cover. Charles Galton Darwin said it. He says, "we're creating a new more sophisticated form of slavery," and that is exactly what democracy is.


Klaus:  Yes. Anyway, I really recommend the book if you have a chance to read it. He's also got a really beautiful appendix here called the Freeport Plan, kind of an overall viewpoint of developing a Freeport city but in the clan system. It's just an amazing concept.


Alan:  Well that's it for me and Hamish from Ontario, Canada tonight and may your god or your gods go with you.



(Transcribed by Linda)