Feb. 16, 2020 (#1761)

"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt

(Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk)

And Now for the---News?

"What Bizarre Reality, With New Flu Hype Containment,

Human, Pig, Mouse Genes Mixed Amongst Entertainment."

© Alan Watt Feb. 16, 2020

*Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb. 16, 2020 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes)



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Hi folks, I’m Alan Watt and this is Cutting Through The Matrix on February 16, 2020.  I sometimes get these reality checks, they just hit me like a slap in the face sometimes. Because I don’t live within the general society as such. I live in the country. Not an expensive house, believe you me.  Most folk might even say it’s a dump even. But the fact is, I’m pretty quiet. I don’t have television and I don’t watch TV. I have the Internet.


But because I don’t have TV, I don’t get… And folk don’t realize this because most folk do watch television. Most of your programming, almost 100% of your programming and your updates on what to think, what to believe, how we treat people and so on, and even how to dress and how to behave and what to say and the terminology you use now, because they’re constantly changing it, all comes from television.  Both in fiction and nonfiction. Most of it comes through fiction actually. And most TV is fiction. Even all your reality shows, they’re not real. People don’t behave normally in real life as they do in reality, or you’d run away from them if they did.


But I can remember back in the 90s I think when they started doing the first kind of reality shows, which were like contests.  Back in the 90s for a little while I did have TV, rabbit ears of course. I saw the shows where they’d get people in to do all crazy kind of things and make spectacles of themselves.  They’d eat worms and all that nonsense or lie in coffins or whatever, all that ridiculous stuff.  I knew it was really a program designed to take off and to expand into a preordained direction basically.  That’s how everything’s done, you see, it’s step-by-step and incremental.  But big plans are laid down long in advance, years in advance of where they take you. I had no idea just how far the present-day reality shows have gone.


So, in this surrealistic world, and it really is a surrealistic world if you’re living in electronic reality, if you think you’re in reality.  Because most folk are, they’ve either got the phones to their skull all the time or they’re watching something from television or so on. They can chat with each other about all the things that they’re watching on television. Because these things are designed to get as many viewers as possible by using psychologists and behaviorists to get the people to watch and get addicted to it.  And of course, sex is the big pull, naturally. 


So, in the middle of all this happening and the crisis across the world, as folk get this coronavirus and how it’s played up to the hilt… Initially it was played down unless you are one of the general newspapers that are part of the big club. And of course, anyone who wasn’t part of the big club was getting hammered for just mentioning facts, and even their observations in fact. But now the big papers of course themselves are saying all the scary stuff, and it’s okay for them to say it.  I noticed too they even had a little okay through different sites and so on or articles or even YouTube’s, things like, okayed by the WHO, or a line through it, meaning it’s taboo. This is how far things have gone.


You see, with general terrorism in Britain, and all countries are part of this big system of terrorist control, and terrorism control also [Alan chuckles.] comes into crisis control for those who don’t get it. Like the COBRA system in Britain for instance, and what they’ll… They have a whole panel of so-called experts to decide what the public will be told or won’t be told, because they want you to behave in a certain way. Well, it’s the same thing when it comes to pandemics, etc.


Just like the movies of course, they’ve given you so many pandemic type movies, getting used to this idea, for the last 25 to 30 years.  A whole stack in the last 10 years in fact.  Right down to the welding of the doors on high-rises, at the bottoms of the big main doors so that they can’t get out. Which they’re actually doing in China now apparently.  So, you’re living in this amazing, again, electronic reality, as I say, that most folk are into.


So, I looked up the newspapers today just to get an update on the coronavirus and see what’s happening, and some of the papers said nothing at all. Other ones had little one-liners that were old, a few days old. I looked at the Daily Mail, and as I say, I’m so far out of it I’m like a person looking from the outside to the in, I’m looking into this goldfish bowl of the world. The first, at the very top of the Daily Mail, and a lot of other papers too I found out, was the death of a woman who hosted a TV show, reality TV show and how she’d apparently been charged, or was going to be charged, who cares about the gossip… The fact is she’d hit her boyfriend with a lamp supposedly and she lost her job or something or was laid off temporarily. But anyway, I guess the inference was that maybe she died, anyway, for some reason or another she died.


But this is someone on TV, a TV show that’s a kind of a dating thing. Which was all about sex, naturally. They had the pictures there of her and the different even contestants and so on who all look like, to me, to me, who doesn’t watch TV, like cartoon characters.   Really. Even the guys look like they had their faces, I don’t know, can you manicure faces? I wonder, I just don’t know anymore. But the hair was up in these big tufts on the top, just like you used to see in the cartoons from the 1950s and 60s. I’m not kidding, that’s how they used to look. And that’s how the people look today. Who’s designing all the stuff for them to copy? Because it is copied. Nothing comes from the grassroots in style and fashion or anything else.


Anyway, that was the top story. And I thought, wait a minute here.  There’s folk on cruise ships who are dying, and they can get off, all that kind of stuff going on.  There’s massive crisis in China going on.  There’s so many amazing things to talk about, but the main story is this woman who was the host, who died on a reality TV show? This is the reality. And it said that millions of folks tuned in every time the show was on.


Now, I’m sure most folk out there, maybe, will probably know what I’m talking about because they all have TVs. But d’you realize how fake our reality is? If you believe in all that stuff, how fake it is? It’s incredibly fake as opposed to our everyday lives. Reality today is made up of fiction for most people.  More so than at any time in history.  And not just fiction but programmable, as a programmable fiction that you’re given, predictive programming as I’ve said so many times where you’re getting ready for the next stage of whatever it happens to be. Right down to even the pandemics to come and how you behave, etc.


But the COBRA system deals supposedly with terrorism and what you’ll be told and how to manage society, including panic in society, you know, or how to prevent panic. The idea as I say with pandemics, that the big teams that manage pandemics is, keep the public ignorant, just like the movies by the way, and tell them as little as possible.  Just say, there-there, and treat them like children, and don’t even tell them any hard, truthful facts. That’s really how it is.


Government, they see themselves as being the kind of a placebo, or the tranquilizer you might even say, for the general public. That’s what they are in this kind of situation.  And folk don’t realize it, how really thin this veneer of civilization is. It does take a form of coordination of different segments of society and different aspects of society, and emotions and so on, and the various dynamics, and psychodynamics too, all going on within societies to keep it kind of functioning without it breaking down or folk going crazy and destroying each other, you know.


And it’s fine, you can get along, I said this years ago, everyone can get along, including all the different massive segments of societies within cities. They’re all broken up; I don’t care what anybody says. I’ve been to cities; I know there’s different quadrants and so on. Everyone can get along as long as money is flowing, and they can get basic foodstuffs and money left over to spend for entertainment and so on. Everyone can get along in society as long as that exists. But when it starts to break down, which eventually it might, I’m not saying it will, we don’t know how bad this whole pandemic is going to be.


We hear all the scary stories from the top now, as I say, from the top, and from all the supposed country or national experts now in Britain and elsewhere. But you’ll see society changing if what they say, if what they say comes to pass. We don’t know yet. There’s still this almost deniability amongst the public.  Mainly those who are still in-the-know who watch this kind of stuff going on, I’ve heard them cry wolf so many times from the WHO.  And we know they want big world exercises. And this is also an exercise in so many departments of governance as they call it, to take care of everything and trying to keep it all together as we go through it. So, time will tell what’s true and what’s fictional and so on and how bad things really are going to be.


But as I say, the top, supposedly the top specialists in Britain, or one of them, has come out and said that this could, this could really, they’re not going to stop it. In fact, what I’ve seen even in the last couple of days is all the signs that they’re not even going to try to stop it. That they’ve made decisions at the top obviously. Where, they’re even letting a lot of planes come back in from not so much China perhaps, or parts of China yeah, but also countries around China where many Chinese live and they go back and forth to China all the time, and I mean by the week.  [Alan chuckles.] 


So it looks to me as though they’ve come to a conclusion at the top that they can’t really even slow it down much, or they’re not going to slow it down much, it’s too big for them. We’ll have to wait and see. There’s a whole bunch of planes grounded at Heathrow airport supposedly because some people got sick. We’ve had the confusing, all these amazing confusing disclosures to the public, all conflicting stories, about even the type of disease it is, this coronavirus.  In other words, what's it really like.  


Initially of course you're being told to be calm, don't worry and all that, it's just like a cold or flu, you know, and you get over it.  Mind you, some people might only get a runny nose, they said.  Meanwhile when you look into China, what they're doing there, and they're going up and down the streets with these massive trucks spraying goodness knows into the air, and at a good height too, and through offices and all the rest of it. This isn't just a little runny nose thing.


So, don't you get fed up getting treated like a child?  Hm?  And you’re told just to wash your hands. Well, if you go out in public to do whatever you have to do even to get food or whatever, where do you see places to wash your hands? Look, everything you do, you have to open doors and all the rest of it and close them. Everybody else does the same stuff. Shopping carts, same thing hey.  Do you see any bowls of water out there or disinfectant? No. Nope.  And if you cough, cough up your sleeve they say.  This is the best they tell us to do in the 21st century?  Hm? 


Think about it.  We are being treated like children, and not very bright children either. So, it's not a good scenario when… What makes it more scary I think for most people, who have seen all these movies, they've been churning these movies out about pandemics and virus and plagues and so on for years showing you what they do, including the quarantine methods. Including the welding of the doors in the high-rises, which they're now doing in China. You've all been trained what to expect in a sense, you see.


Of course, what you've been told and trained to do to is to obey authorities in such situations. Because in the movies is not good for those who disobey the authorities in such situations. So, government really...  And plus too, I think on top of all of this you've had so many people over the years from big institutions, even in real open dialogues on television and so on with the so-called experts, there's too many people on the planet, there's just too many people. 


I remember the one from Australia a few years ago, and again they make them stars, these professors.  The star making machinery tells you, this is a special professor, he is more important than other professors, and they are going to be the voice box basically for pushing the agenda for depopulation. He even said, you know, it'd really be a decent thing if the people around retirement age would just, you know, die and leave the jobs for younger people. You see. And we hear this stuff and we say, oh come on, what on earth is this?


But these are the people who belong to big think tanks and institutions that have world meetings on… These are the characters too that end up going to different dialoguing conferences within the World Economic Forum, this big, again, massive institution that you don't vote for, where all the richest folk go to decide how you're going to live in the future, according to the way they want you to live, or exist.  So that doesn't help it either, does it, when so many have been chomping at the bit for a long time, or the Georgia Guidestones and you know, if the world was just reduced to so many million people, from the billions to the millions, then, it would be a better place they say.  It doesn't help, does it. It really doesn't help.


I'm sure many folk are so puzzled, many, many are puzzled, especially professionals who are not in the higher echelon of understanding what's going on, because you're not allowed into it. There's different tiers of knowledge and tiers of confidence you might say.  But there's many professionals as I say who just can't fathom, if something so awful has been unleashed on the public inadvertently or whatever, it doesn't make any difference how it got there, they say, at this time concentrate on the problem, not the cause or who's to blame. But the fact is, even the basic national quarantine laws are being tossed out the window. 


If you want to save the nation you don't bring people who are possibly infected, and you don't know yet, you see, you don't know yet, into countries straight from the most infected area, and give them little notes to sign, you promise to go home and quarantine yourself.  Oh sure, yeah, and away they go.  Or not even being quarantined at all. Into a population that is completely clean from it or free from it. You don't let them in. You don't do that kind of thing.  That's not quarantine. That's not even common sense.


Especially when they keep telling you, and they kept telling you at the time, we don't understand this virus, it's new, a new type. They didn't even know what the period inside you, the prodromal period would be from getting infected to showing the symptoms. Because it's very… You understand, it's not mathematics here. There are so many different human variations within human type that some folk might show symptoms in a few days, other folk might take weeks. That's standard, you see.  So, trying to put it down to mathematical, like, you're all robots, exactly the same, cloned, it doesn't work.


They came out with statements initially as you all know, oh it could take up to two weeks, you see.  They even had I think quarantine initially for eight days or something like that.  And now they found out it might take much longer, even 20 days or longer before you show signs. So, to add to it all we have this incredible, I don't know, again, it's really panaceas for the public, we're testing them with kits.  The other day of course it was announced there that after all this time, the kits are only correct half the time. Well, so is the law of averages if you toss a coin.


When you dig into the reasons for it being only accurate half of the time, it's because, what they're claiming now, because rather than take the responsibility that they're no use, these particular kits, is, well you see the staff today, today, the modern staff in medicine, can't really follow the instructions for it. Because it's not just a matter of a simple thing, you've got two or three things to add to it and stir together, just like a normal laboratory, you see.  They're trying to say that the staff today don't have the brains to work it out.  Well that inspires confidence, doesn't it?


So, as I say, I'm not telling people to panic. I'm just saying, use your common sense. Because you're going to have to use your common sense here. You really are. AS I say, it looks to me that with what's happening today with today's news and so on, they are really just allowing it to happen. It would seem to be. Really. 


There's one place in Britain where they brought possible infected people, they didn't know yet, you see, they had to wait and see.  But they brought them in and they put them up in a hotel I believe, it was a hotel, kind of quarantine type hotel that's self quarantine.  They signed forms or little, the government says, we’ll make them sign a form promising not to leave there for 14 days. Well, they went back a few days later and they're all gone. The staff in the hotel said, well, there was no one left to guard them.  Does that really look like something that's terrified the government when they don't even put guards there and so on?  Do you really think so?  Something stinks somewhere. A lot of things stink actually.


So, I'm not surprised at the rumor mill. The rumor mill must be buzzing like crazy with such apparent, apparent incompetence, or negligence. And you can take your pick as to what you want to believe. It doesn't make any sense at all. Then again, other people as I say have been passed as cleared and all that and they develop the symptoms later.  So we've got so many variables here that really are not, when you don't understand something, and if something might even take a month before it shows in some people, then you'd have to hold all the people for at least a month. You understand that?  That would be common sense.


If you keep bringing people in, every day, from flights all over around the far eastern area, and quarantining people, you'd have to have so many… For each plane lode you have to have a separate quarantine quarters for them.  Because they can't mix with the ones who came in two or three days before. Because they are in a different timeline for release than you are then, you see.  In other words, the recent people, if one person was infected, then all the rest of them who are ready to leave will get infected too, if they go to the same place.  So, I don't really think they're going to try to go the whole way with this and quarantine anything properly.


They seem pretty resigned with their statement as I say today and yesterday that this is going to go around the world, y’know, and right into maybe next year, and the year after in fact.  So, we'll wait and see what happens. We don't even know what the bulk of the populace who's infected the worst with it happens to be.  Because years ago, I gave talks on the release documentation from Porton Downs in Britain where they had literally admitted to it, and a few other countries admitted to having the same stuff. Every country's probably involved in it. They have ethnic specific viruses, which they work on.  [Alan chuckles.]  Which makes us feel much safer, doesn't it?


The whole point with quiet wars, like that old Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, is to try and confuse anybody from pointing the finger to who you might suspect who might have let it out. But then, you might get led to believe by the perpetrators to where their fingers are pointing, and it could be a set up too. That's the whole point of quiet weaponry, Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars.


This is the world we live in. As I say, the world we live in is not a happy place. It's happy through all the masses of fiction we’re dosed with in the Disneyesque stuff and so on and the fantasy. But in reality, the world really is, it can be a horror show at times like this. If you haven't seen world wars then you won't know what a horror show is.  The history of the world when it comes to dominance, run by dominant psychopaths for different nations, is truly a horror show.


There's big agendas at work right now, folks. We've all heard about and read about, it's not hearing about it's actually reading about, the sterilization processes that certain big organizations, which I won't mention right now -  because they got,  [Alan chuckles.]  they do have the ability to ban you now off social media - sterilization, put it that way, through different means, or even throughout their different phthalates, etc. that are out there in plastics and xenoestrogens and phytoestrogens, etc. etc. And people are top-heavy with the stuff now from so many different sources that it's definitely affecting the sperm count in males. We know that. Women too are being heavily affected by it as well. So, there's many things in the make right now to do with bringing down populations across the world.  The ones at the top in the big groups at the top are incredibly vocal about the necessity for doing so. So, do you really blame the people when this kind of thing breaks out and they’re questioning whether this is deliberate or not. Can you really blame them? Come on here.  Come on.


I can remember years ago giving a talk on a radio station on someone I knew in Canada who worked with educational authorities, who managed to get away many times to go over and work for the United Nations and other countries. But mainly to do with bringing down the population in places in the Far East. And I casually, she was casually telling me about it. I says, well listen, I says, who gave you the authority to get involved in bringing down the populations of other people? or anybody for that matter? And she literally looked at me as though, and this is what happens if you're not in the club, it's like they suddenly realize that you're not one of them [Alan chuckles.]  and she says, well somebody has to do it, she says.  Well, these are the same people, there's lots of them out there working for the big authorities, and that's how they talk about what they believe they have to do. We won't do it ourselves, you know, so somebody has to do it.


This is the real world, you know.  Outside the reality shows this is the real things that actually go on. And most folk are oblivious to it, to the day they no longer walk the planet.  But that's the world in which we are living. And we’re managed like children. All the time.


Now, I'm going to touch on some of the topics here.  One of the talks I gave maybe last year and many times before probably in different years, is the agenda, where they mention at the top that if you feed the people well and you give them lots of good proteins and so on, and this is all standard stuff at the top in university level that they teach them.  That’s what made people more resistant to bacteria and various diseases that were commonplace in the 1700s and 1800s, was basically bad hygiene, poor diet.  Most, well, a lot of folk, the big working-class population didn't have access to good protein, good meat and so on. And of course they didn't have good sewage systems and hygiene, etc., and hot running water and that kind of thing. Which all lead to disease just proliferating big time.


People who caught diseases, many of the diseases as I say that are almost eradicated today because of the difference now in hygiene, etc., back then the slightest disease could bring you down and kill you. In children especially, high death rate amongst children.  So, this has all been well understood. So, what makes a people healthy, and even basically healthy enough to have children and so on? Well, they have it all listed out, what you need. You need heat for your home, you know.  So, what do you do? You reduce the heat consumption. If you want to bring it down, that is, right.  Because if you have good heat in the wintertime in cold climates, then your health will be much, much better. Obviously. If you have meat and protein and a varied diet, a good varied diet and all the things that you need you'll be physically healthier and you're able to withstand even simple colds or even the common flu or whatever.


But if you start taking down the heat and start taking away all the good food and so on, this is stuff that was published by authorities, including under the ecosystem and all these different systems out there, that are from the top down, don't think they're just grassroots at all. The ones who even protest, they think they belong to the grassroots.  They're all being used for agendas. Because here's an article here, you know, and I mentioned this would happen eventually…


Health-motivated taxes on red and processed meat: A modelling study on optimal tax levels and associated health impacts

journals.plos.org / 6 Nov 2018


The consumption of red and processed meat has been associated with increased mortality from chronic diseases,


(Alan:  So, you see, it's the opposite of what actually happens, right.)


 and as a result, it has been classified by the World Health Organization as carcinogenic (processed meat) and probably…


(A:  Now, that's not scientific, there's no ‘probabilities’ in science, folks. It either is or isn't, you see, in science. So ‘probably’ is used for other reasons.  It says...)


…probably carcinogenic (red meat) to humans. One policy response is to regulate red and processed meat consumption similar to other carcinogens and foods of public health concerns. Here we describe a market-based approach of taxing red and processed meat according to its health impacts.


So, this is the agenda, folks. This is the agenda. And it's been pushed, again, everything comes from the top, for those who can't figure it out.  Forget what you see in the streets, students and so on, with their high paid leaders of course who are well in, and they're all paid through big… They even have pension plans for them, for the leaders of these NGOs, you know, who are in on the big plan.  The followers are never, you know.


As I say, if you want to bring down the population, what do you do? Well, make them prone to disease by taking away the things they need to survive. Decrease their heat, that's energy, you see.  So, you've got to constantly and mandate a frequent increase in expense, the expense of energy, just to keep yourself warm or cook or whatever it happens to be. 


And this is not conspiracy stuff. This is fact. I read the articles as I say, it's on my website, of the talks I've given in the past from the organizations at the very top that are pushing all these agendas. Well, good for you if you want to go along with it to save the world, you starve yourself, you make yourself frail and prone to disease, etc.  The big boys at the top, and gals, will get what they want, which is a vastly reduced population. Obviously. Because we know why folk today are healthier than they were in the past.  We know that.


When I was growing up in fact a lot of guys, men at the time who did the hard laboring jobs when you actually had industry and mining, died around, just before or right after pension age, you see. That was very common. We've even had as I say the professors, the one from Australia, stand up and really ask people to start committing suicide, you know, you should really do the right thing and allow the jobs to be left for younger people, you know, you're consuming resources on the planet. 


Well, if you start to go along with these people, these persuasive psychopaths that are put out there as some kind of specialists that you should follow, you'd better understand, that's what they are, they are literally very highly paid psychopaths who are very good at persuading people to do what they want. That's how they… Most psychopaths don't do any work, real work at all. Even if they’re CEOs, they get everyone else to do the work for them, even on the way up the ladder.  That's what they do. They're highly manipulative. 


And people will do it with glee and almost feel an honor to serve them.  That's how they are, that's how they affect people. Awfully well in fact in that department. And people will do everything for them, oh no problem, I'll do that for you, you know. And there you go. They're such likable characters. They really are. A lot of the horror movies used to give these kind of characters as forms of Satan, the great evil incarnate. And they're not far wrong in reality.


But anyway, as I say, I'll put this article up here about, as they're pushing the same agenda for sustainability. They don't want cattle, remember and then they don't want pigs. They don't want anything at all that gives you protein. They might give you chickens for a while until they wipe them out with some new bird flu, and then down it goes, 'eh.  Step by step by step.


If you start to wonder if something doesn't smell right here, well good, you've got a good sense of smell! Don't let anybody call you a conspiracy theorist for just saying I wonder if… When you stop wondering ifs, then you done for I'm afraid.  You're into Disneyland.


So, another one here too is...


Sustainability – Drivers And Implications For Agribusiness

fitchsolutions.com / 23 May 2019


While policy-makers have not targeted the agribusiness sector as much as other sectors due to less public pressure, we believe sustainability regulations will become tighter for agribusiness in the coming years.


It goes on and on and on with the agenda. These are articles that are mainstream articles on sustainability and so on. There's lots of them out there.  Big, big foundations are all paid by even bigger foundations to push the global agenda, for those who don't quite catch on. 


So, they're going to cut down on the greenhouse gases. Now, most greenhouse gases out there is actually comprised of water vapor, for those who don't know it. CO2 is a trace, a TRACE gas, trace gas.  Which is invisible, completely invisible. Carbon dioxide, you breathe out.  You are carbon-based life forms, if you want to cut it back, you understand you’re cutting back YOURselves ultimately. I hope you understand that. Anything that lives in this planet is carbon based.


So, we're living in an amazing, amazing science fiction movie combined with madness.  Because if you believe it all and can put it all together and still believe it, and go along with what they're pushing, you'd have to be mad. You understand that? I hope you understand that, you'd have to be mad.


HG Wells, I've mentioned him so many times because he was a big promoter for the global elite of his day. In the late 1800s HG Wells first went into, was picked actually, to be a good propagandist for the agenda and eventually for the Fabian Society which he helped cofound. He was a big proponent of free love they called it in the late 1800s. No responsibilities, free love, yeah, yeah. The same agendas as Karl Marx.  It's that astonishing, eh?  But he worked for the global elite.  And I think so did Marx, personally.  But that's the agenda, you see.


Then he became a propagandist, and he says, well you know, we give help to the poor unfortunates... And London was full of poor unfortunates, and across England too at that time and Scotland in the working-class areas.  Because in the early days there was no welfare system if you got sick or ill or anything. In fact, the wives had to go down the mines with the children to take the place of the miners. I'm talking about up into the start of the 20th century for those who don't know this.  While the man was sick, they'd have to go down and do it. Because if they didn't and no one stood in his place, he lost his job, if he was lucky enough to recover.  That's reality.


HG Wells really said, well what happens with these poor unfortunates? He says, we feed them and we give them healthy food and warmth and so on and clothe them properly and give them good hygienic conditions. What do they do? He says, they breed.  They… They...  You understand, he saw them as a separate species. Well, that's how the elite see you today, folks.  They are in-the-know in the understanding of the poor unfortunates of the general population who will never figure this out.  But the poor unfortunates of today would actually be called middle-class by last century, even the previous centuries' levels of understanding. 


But you see, if you're not in-the-know with the ones at the top, you see, then you're a nobody.  Power is an incredibly addictive thing to the psychopaths. They crave it. They crave it and if they can't get a start of it, they'll make the start by creating an organization, climbing up it until they're dominating you. And that's what's happened of course.  But you're supposed to just be the general public, watch your TV, dress the way they tell you to dress, wear drainpipe pants, you see, have hair that's just a little tuft on top of your head if you're a guy, like a round circle, and watch television and watch reality stuff and be content. There ya go.  Don't think too much. Because then you might be a problem. You might start demanding things like answers.  [Alan laughing.]  And that's taboo.


So anyway, I'll put that last article up. It's just astonishing how it's all out there for you if you want to look at it. I want to mention too that New South Wales in Australia, there's a big battle going on between right now of the ones who want to squash different facts that have emerged. Because there's big agendas behind all of this too. You've got government stepping in and taking the land back for big corporations, and big corporations are getting it for peanuts or even free in fact from the burned-out areas where the homes stood in some places. 


Bushfire Aftermath: The Australian Land Grab him- tottnews.com


There's big mining, big, big mining projects for corporations scheduled there for the elements they need for the new battery systems for the cars and so on. It's just astonishing how it all comes together, isn't it?


Tesla’s “crazy” battery targets, environmental risk and Australia’s mine of opportunity - reneweconomy.com.au / 3 Feb 2020


It's quite something to live through all this and see it. So anyway, it says here…


Eco-terrorists may have lit fires:  Senator

9news.com.au / 12 Feb 2020


(A:  This is a senator, right.)


"If not, why not?"


"Given the loss of life, the extensive loss of property and the economic impact, was ecoterrorism an agenda item at any of the recent meetings of the national security committee of cabinet?" She told parliament.  (A:  And this is a senator.)


NSW (A:  New South Wales.) Rural Fire Service chief Shane Fitzsimmons last month said the bushfire season had been dominated by natural causes, mainly lightning.


(A:   Right.)


Queensland police say only about 10 per cent of fires were deliberately or recklessly lit through human involvement between September and January 8.


(A:  However...)


But Senator Fierravanti-Wells pointed to the National Centre for Research in Bushfire and Arson satellite analysis of 113,000 fires from 1997 to 2009, saying 40 per cent were deliberately lit.


(A:  They got the facts for this, you see.)


She said there was no recorded lightning strikes on most of the days bushfires started across NSW and Queensland in September, suggesting a level of coordination.


"Those alleged arsonists already arrested need to be thoroughly investigated by law enforcement.

Who are they? What was their motive and intent?" She said.


"Are they lone actors or part of a sinister collective conducting ecoterrorism?


"Was there a level of coordination? Were any organisations with a history of law-breaking involved in order to further their respective narratives?"


The former international development minister said the media build-up of an impending hot, dry summer set the scene for people with criminal intent to act.


(A:  Well, they also have got, she's talking about the big ego organizations out there too that are, you've got them everywhere, about saving the world.  I wouldn't put it past them to destroy parts of it to try make it all real, you see. This is what's happening as well.)


It's a good article. Anyway, I'll put the whole thing up for you if you want to read it.  And you must always look at all sides of everything. And realize that there are sides to things.  That it's not just lightnings or whatever.  They have the statistics about the lightning strikes as versus the fact that there weren't lightning strikes in these places.  But they’re definitely deliberately started, so many of them. It's not hard to get people at the top too to go along with it, and all the police or whatever it happens to be because they belong to certain organizations. And believe you me again, big money changes hands. We live in an awfully corrupt system, folks. It's incredibly corrupt, really. And the ones at the top live so high on the hog it's just astonishing.


I'm living in the past.  I tell you, the older you get, you find you live in the past where maybe $100 actually meant 100 hundred dollars. Even though by today's value maybe the hundred dollars from the 1980s, you would need maybe $300, maybe more, to buy the same amount of things you'd get back then. But you still live in the past.  So when you see people like Justin Trudeau spending like 50 bucks for his special doughnuts, you know, things like that, you can't, the average person can't imagine it for 12 doughnuts, for the special doughnuts, you know. Or spending close to, what was it, almost, well, almost $400,000 on just the food and drinks for five flights that he was on, not for the flights themselves, just for the food and drink, things like that.


We can't imagine that, folks.  If you're living in the past, and I am generally, because I don't spend much at all, I don't make much to spend. Well, when you see what they do at the top, hundreds and hundreds of dollars means nothing to them. They probably spend about $1000 at a time the way that I would think about $100 in a sense, you know. At the top. I'm talking about the spoiled generation that he comes from. But that's the way it is. That's another story.


Then you get this one too. Again, it's very much like, as I said years and years ago, it's like they've copied the book of Revelation, because all the plan is in there, isn't it, for terrifying. Wars, threats of war and rumors of wars. There's always that going on, for sure. Earthquakes. We've had that, even under the sea and so on. And nevermind the social disruption with children don't obey parents, if they even have parents. And once you are parents, you've got woman against man, man against woman and so on. Everybody's fighting everybody else, you see.  And you get plagues and pestilences. Now you have…


Swarms of up to 80 Million Locusts Decimating Crops In East Africa,

(A:  Well, why don’t they deal with that?)

Threatening Food Security For 13 Million People

time.com / 14 Feb 2020


They can go over those things and spray them, way up where they are before they… If they don't, this 40-mile-wide one could end up being 80-mile-wide very quickly. So why would you let it happen? in this day and age? This is the 21st century we're in here.


Another article too…


Judicial Watch Uncovers NIH (A:  National Institute for Health.) Fetal Organ Purchases For 'Humanized Mice' Testing

zerohedge.com / 13 Feb 2020


(A:  ...where they're mixing together for mice, with human genes and so on. Why? So…)


The National Institutes of Health (NIH) paid nearly…


(A:  And this is nothing, this is a drop in the bucket to what they put out on other things which you don't want to know about.)


… $20,000 to a California-based firm to purchase organs from aborted human fetuses for a program to create "humanized mice" for HIV research, according to Judicial Watch.


Maybe they'll ask them how they feel, if they infect them, hey. How do you feel, mouse, you know?  Do you understand, the reasons we are given for things are never the truth when it comes to this kind of stuff. Really. Really. Come on. Come on.


JW v HHS Humanized Mice prod 1 00876 Part 1 Pgs 1-226 - judicialwatch.org / 31 Jan 2020


JW v HHS Humanized Mice prod 1 00876 Part 2 Pgs 227-453 - judicialwatch.org / 11 Feb 2020


JW v HHS Humanized Mice prod 1 00876 Part 3 Pgs 454-678 - judicialwatch.org / 11 feb 2020


And in China they're doing similar things with pigs, with human genes and so on.


Chinese scientists successfully mix human and pig genes to create a new lab-grown skin that could be used to give burn victims transplants - dailymail.co.uk / 29 Jan 2020


You really have to get… This is a science fiction, only it's the truth, it's a reality. This is, you're living the reality show, the real reality show.  I said many years ago when 9/11 happened, because that was the first big, that was the first chapter. You'd open the next chapter of the book, I knew that too, a whole bunch of agendas had to be fulfilled, not just the wars across the Middle East, across the world. But also, the social wars which have, they've really, it's been a roller coaster as they change it all, all what used to be norms into various other things too at the same time. Big time. And mandated it in such a way that is, no one would have believed you 50 years ago, or even 40 years ago, would not have believed it. And here we are. We’re living through it all today. Just astonishing, 'eh?


And also, again, with the fires and that, the big push for the whole agenda for the 21st century, agenda 21, with its 2030 and all the rest of it as they go along. They must get us all living inside these big big cities, within the next few years, really. Well, how do you do it? Will you burn them off, obviously, is a good way to do it. This article here…


Australia - Smart Cities Plan



(A:  Get them into the cities. Say it's safe in the cities. And then again you see, with this coronavirus, they'll come out eventually and say we just can go to all these rural areas and check people, it's just not safe. Therefore if they all lived in the cities it’d be much, much better, wouldn’t it, etc. etc.  Monotonously, hey.  [Alan chuckles.]   But yeah...)


The smart city involvement in Australia is entering a more actionable phase with increasing number of local government and private bodies now actively engaged in pilot projects.


Well, were you asked about any of this? Were you given any votes on it? No. No.  Nope.  Anything that matters, you are never asked about, folks. Never. Look at the massive entertainment to keep you from being involved and knowing what's going on, that might prompt you to be involved. Well, that's part of the reasons you get so much entertainment. And then…


5G an opportunity to turbocharge Australia’s smart cities - news.com.au


Really? I've never met a city yet that's very smart. Not really. Not for me personally, you know. A lot of folk like living in the cities, not me. I don't. I don't like it at all. It's too neurotic. Too fake. It's not a natural way for folk to live actually.


The whole system in the city is unnatural. They said that back in Plato's days, the easiest systems to collapse were the artificial systems. Well, in cities they don't make anything, they don't grow anything, they import everything to keep them alive. It's all based on money and investments and so on, and around circles as the money goes around.  Most of the money for those in the cities goes in trying to pay your rent or if they're even higher up the scale, a mortgage on something. It becomes a trap for people. Nothing smart about that. But for those who want to control, they love you to be living where they can have you all controlled very easily. Look what's happening in Wuhan and other, many, many other cities in China today where they're literally quarantinig entire cities now. There's power over them, 'eh?


A good article on euthanasia… Again, getting back to Agenda 21, and again, in the year 2001 with 9/11, with the unfolding of the agenda. I said, you have to hang on to your sanity, it would be the hardest thing to hold onto is your sanity.  I knew you'd go through this incredible roller coaster of change, and it was all mandated and published years and years beforehand, going way back to maybe the 1920s, where they were going to take the whole world. 


They use a war to make it happen.  You've got no privacy. People have now accepted the fact they have no privacy. People fought for centuries to get privacy and rights away from the government and the crown.  And they gave it all away so quickly and easily, for peace and safety. That was the agenda at the time. The second part of the agenda, with all the things that have happened already, is of course for survivability and sustainability, is the next part too. 


Well, you know, people don't have to live that long. And they cost money, you know.  So, euthanasia was introduced. In Canada they offer it in the hospitals. I won't even go into all the talks I've given before about it where they even have people who are not dying, and young too, who had illnesses, but they were not dying.  And they were certainly sentient enough and cognizant enough as to what was going on. But that's all they were offered.  It's tragic what's happening.  It all started in Holland of course, the big test bed of it. There's an article here…


Justice denied to protect euthanasia law - noeuthanasia.org.au / 5 Feb 2020


It tells you how some doctors were actually charged initially but the judge overturned the charges, even though there was negligence in it, what they actually did. In order to protect the euthanasia laws, they wouldn't let it go through.  They let the doctors go. The euthanasia agenda was more important than having laws being broken. That's the world you live in. Big agendas from the top.


Again, Australia after all the fires, suddenly gets all this massive rain, 'eh, in certain areas.  New South Wales for instance. It says…


Australia getting desperately needed rain.  A downpour knocked back a third of New South Wales fires in a day - cnn.com / 6 Feb 2020


Bomff.  Heavy, heavy rains.  But yeah, if you went into weather control, you'd be laughed at, even though you've been living under it for many, many years. [Alan chuckles.]


When all this is happening with the coronavirus, 'eh, Bill Gates, the guy who came out I think last year in October with a tabletop plan of supposedly imaginary outbreak of coronavirus and so 60 odd million might die, here he is now...


Bill Gates warns of 10 million deaths as virus spreads to Africa - telegraph.co.uk / 15 Feb 2020


He just doesn't stop, this guy, does he?  And you think he’s got something to do with computers and so on. These are front people with big agendas, who are made into superstars as though somehow they have more... They call themselves the trans-humanist by the way. That's what they are in that they are the big, big front people with millions and billions of dollars behind them, by big organizations, that are not necessarily the ones that you think they are, to promote them as some sort of leaders, they are the beneficent dictators in a sense. Or beneficent rulers, really, that's what it is. Rulers. The old, old Fisher King idea, you see.


And so, you think they're somehow geniuses and you should allow them to rule your lives. Well, you don't vote for them. You either have democracy or you don't, folks. How come everybody who suddenly hits X amount of billions of dollars, is supposedly in their bank account or their organization, suddenly is on board with the same world agenda, sustainability depopulation, eradication of farmlands and livestock, etc? How come they all suddenly just happen to, bingo, I guess it must be a natural law of nature, right, bingo and you suddenly become one of them.  Then you're on all the TV stations across the world. All the media will give you great writeups and how you’re there to guide the world into a better way of being,  I have seen the light. And no one questions it.  That's how slickly it's all done, 'eh.


And then you get...


Border agents seize bag (A:  That was last week I think.)   of dead birds from passenger traveling from China

nypost.com / 10 Feb 2020


(A:  These were dried birds they had, dried birds, little birds. Supposedly for cat food. Well, there's no shortage of cat food in the Western world, folks, you know.)


A bag of dead birds was discovered by US Customs and Border Patrol in the luggage of a passenger who traveled from China to a Washington, DC-area airport, authorities said.


You can see why conspiracy theorists will jump into it and say this is part of a… Because at the same time this is happening, and you've got the coronavirus outbreak, this particular one, this Covid 19 one, you've also got two new flu viruses, another two separate flu strains broken out in China at the same time.  And they’re related to the bird flu. So here you have a guy bringing in birds, dead birds, ‘eh, supposedly to feed the cats. You can see why conspiracy would jump into that one quite easily. It's not… I wouldn't blame anybody for jumping on that one. It makes you wonder why authorities aren't jumping on that possible side of it, or maybe they are. Hm.  Because there's a lot of angst amongst nations right now as to who caused the problems in the first place. Maybe they're all to blame, and that's probably true.


BIRD BRAIN US border agents seize bizarre bag of dead birds from passenger travelling from coronavirus hit China - thesun.co.uk / 11 Feb 2020


Now Bird Flu also Hits China - thestkittsnevisobserver.com / 10 Feb 2020


Another article…


Seventy-eight Britons face being LEFT BEHIND on coronavirus quarantine cruise ship as the US prepares to air-lift ALL its 428 citizens back to America - as global death toll soars past 1,600 - dailymail.co.uk / 15 Feb 2020


Well, either they're all clear… How can you be sure they're all clear, if they've all been living together? They'd have to put up amazing… You can't… You understand the levels of quarantine, if you've got daily flights and from the Far East, all different countries, you couldn't cope with that. So, I don't think that they intend to cope with it. I really don't. I really, really don't.


Another one…


Bushfire Aftermath: The Australian Land Grab him- tottnews.com


I thought I'd just toss that in too, because they're grabbing the land now. An international agenda for sustainability and control. There you go.


China reports bird flu outbreak near epicenter of coronavirus - nypost.com / 2 Feb 2020


Well my goodness, 'eh.  My goodness. I wonder if someone has taken the top off the lab here or something.  [Alan laughing.]   A little bit of humor here folks, you know, before I get banned for having any humor at all. Here's an article too from a British newspaper...


Coronavirus: Fears 400,000 Brits (A:  British people.) could die from bug as pregnant GP says 'I'm scared'

mirror.co.uk / 14 Feb 2020


(A:  Right, this is the headline. Right. In a big paper in Britain. If YOU said that, like I'd just said it exactly, I could be in that case, a conspiracy theorists. But THEY can say it and it's okay. It says…)


NHS workers have laid bare their fears about coronavirus as they warn the country is not prepared to handle a major outbreak, according to a shock new survey.


One pregnant GP has admitted she is "scared" as scientists warn 400,000 people could die in the UK alone.


A study carried out by Channel 4 News (A:  I think that's the BBC, but it's Channel 4 anyway.  It may be BBC or not, I don't know.) shows as a staggering 96% of NHS workers don't think the health service is ready to deal with a major outbreak.


Of course they're not ready. If you're going to keep bringing people in, without proper, the ability to quarantine them, with supposedly faulty test kits, to say the least, and this ridiculous thing of pointing a little thermal detector near your head, you've got better chances of reading tea leaves in a cup if a person's got it or not. I'm not kidding you.  Or toss a coin. Many of the people don't show any symptoms until it suddenly hits them, suddenly, bomff.  And as I say, the period is so varied too. So, I'll put this article up as well. And then we've got…


Coronavirus incubation period could be as long as 24 days

foxbusiness.com / 11 Feb 2020


The World Health Organization has not changed its 14-day quarantine recommendation while it aims to fast-track drug treatments.


This is a big paper too. It's not little conspiracy theory. It's Fox News service. It could be as long as 24 days. Well, no one's hammering them. And of course, they are now calling it Covid 19.


Coronavirus FINALLY has a name: World health chiefs label the deadly SARS-like disease COVID-19 - dailymail.co.uk / 11 Feb 2020


No one's really using it because they already call it coronavirus.  And the amounts that have got it is way, way, way low of what the specialists in Britain and elsewhere are saying, and its way, way low, way below, including the deaths unfortunately too. The original articles also said…


Coronavirus Could Infect Two-Thirds of Globe, Research Shows - bloomberg.com / 13 Feb 2020


This is from the big papers that are allowed to terrify you, you see. It's quite something, isn't it.


Eight planes put on lockdown at Heathrow over coronavirus fears

metro.co.uk / 14 Feb 2020


(A:  And this one here, they actually had people with temperatures, some of them.)


Eight planes at Heathrow Airport were grounded this morning after passengers complained of coronavirus symptoms. Passengers on a United Airlines flight from San Francisco were told to stay put after landing because someone on board may have caught the deadly flu-like disease.


Etc. etc., there's so many of them. For those that want to know. Most folk will ignore this because it is scary stuff.  You can go back to your Dancing with the Stars or whatever it is you're, or whatever it is they're doing with these dating things for reality shows. I think it's a bit further than just dancing. But anyway, that's what we get fed during this kind of thing. And most folk can't handle this of course. I mean, really who can handle this?


If this agenda is meant to bring more folk in and accept this is going to spread, they've already written off a whole stack of the population over 55.  That will have been heavily discussed with the big panels at the top.  They are discussing these things all the time, who’s valuable, who isn't, etc. etc., you know. Plus…


London Underground (A:  ...and think about it too...) could be a hotbed for coronavirus, doctors say - news.sky.com / 13 Feb 2020


Any underground in any city with the tube system today. You know how far…? They've done all the testing, remember they used to test the... [Alan chuckles.]   what was for the bacterial warfare for terrorists because they did that.  They’d drop different substances, and they find out if it travels, while in a subway, you know that woosh of air, that can travel hundreds of miles very quickly underground.  Woooosh.  Does that make you feel better?


And the police in Britain now have got hazmat suits dispensed to them, and the military obviously too.  They are able to handcuff suspected patients to force them into quarantine, and back into quarantine if they try and get out.


Channel 4 employee is escorted by medics in hazmat suits from broadcaster's London headquarters and whisked for coronavirus test after feeling unwell when he returned from a holiday to China - dailymail.co.uk / 14 Feb 2020


Also, from the US Military Times that they've got here…


US military prepping for coronavirus pandemic - North America (U.S. Northern Command) - militarytimes.com / 12 Feb 2020


U.S. Northern Command (A:  That's the big one for Canada and the States.) is executing plans to prepare for a potential pandemic of the novel coronavirus, now called COVID19, according to Navy and Marine Corps service-wide messages issued this week.


An executive order issued by the Joint Staff and approved by Defense Secretary Mark Esper this month directed Northern Command and geographic combatant commanders to initiate pandemic plans, which include ordering commanders to prepare for widespread outbreaks and confining service members with a history of travel to China.


So, that's the command that's responsible for North America. Does that make you feel better?  [Alan chuckles.]


So, as I say, I don't want to scare everybody.  Who knows, we'll have to wait and see what goes on. I did read the one article that a young guy from China, a teenager, said that this wasn't some little sniffle in the nose. He said that he's never felt so sick in his life, every joint in his body was in agony he said. And he had the typical symptoms of non-expectorant cough, and a very sore chest. Because your muscles get all strained and so on with cough, cough, coughing, etc. 


So, if you see you're getting any symptoms, be careful folks, take care of yourselves. But don't panic at the moment because as I say, it's here. It is here. And if you have at least enough foodstuffs supplied, just basic stuff to get you over a month even from general stores and so on, in case you do get it and can't get out for little while it will help tide you over as you get through this.


And you've got to keep positive and as I say, you get through it. They have had people recovering from it. As I say, it's unfortunate that older folk definitely, especially men, it says, it's targeting more.  So, take better care of the people that you can take care of and those that you know. That's what you have to do in these situations of crisis. Again, you've gotta stop thinking, well who caused it. As I say, every country’s caused it in a sense, because we all have these organizations that are busy working to create awful, awful terrible things to be used for awful nefarious reasons, which are pretty disgusting. And they are diabolical, let's put it that way, they’re diabolical. Of course they are.


But as I say, keep positive and don't let anybody say, cough up your sleeve.  Use a mask if you have to. Who cares what they have to say at the top? Look after yourself. No one else is going to look after you in these situations. You've got to look after yourself as best as you can, and for those around you too, just a few friends that will all help each other out, that's what you really, really need, folks. Really.


So really take care.  And for myself Alan Watt from Ontario Canada, sorry for the talk, it's not very pleasant, it's good night and may your God or gods go with you. And by the way, the other night there too, with all this global warming we're getting, I was down to -35 Fahrenheit. So, there you are. Good night.



Topics of show covered in following links:


Health-motivated taxes on red and processed meat: A modelling study on optimal tax levels and associated health impacts

journals.plos.org / 6 Nov 2018


Sustainability – Drivers And Implications For Agribusiness

fitchsolutions.com / 23 May 2019


Eco-terrorists may have lit fires

9news.com.au / 12 Feb 2020


Swarms of up to 80 Million Locusts Decimating Crops In East Africa, Threatening Food Security For 13 Million People

time.com / 14 Feb 2020


Bill Gates warns of 10 million deaths as virus spreads to Africa

telegraph.co.uk / 15 Feb 2020


Judicial Watch Uncovers NIH Fetal Organ Purchases For 'Humanized Mice' Testing

zerohedge.com / 13 Feb 2020


JW v HHS Humanized Mice prod 1 00876 Part 1 Pgs 1-226

judicialwatch.org / 31 Jan 2020


JW v HHS Humanized Mice prod 1 00876 Part 2 Pgs 227-453

judicialwatch.org / 11 Feb 2020


JW v HHS Humanized Mice prod 1 00876 Part 3 Pgs 454-678

judicialwatch.org / 11 feb 2020


Chinese scientists successfully mix human and pig genes to create a new lab-grown skin that could be used to give burn victims transplants

dailymail.co.uk / 29 Jan 2020


Australia - Smart Cities Plan



Smart cities: Melbourne at forefront of new technology, embracing 5G

news.com.au /


Tesla’s “crazy” battery targets, environmental risk and Australia’s mine of opportunity

reneweconomy.com.au / 3 Feb 2020


Justice denied to protect euthanasia law

noeuthanasia.org.au / 5 Feb 2020


Australia getting desperately needed rain

cnn.com / 6 Feb 2020


Bushfire Aftermath: The Australian Land Grab

tottnews.com /


BIRD BRAIN US border agents seize bizarre bag of dead birds from passenger travelling from coronavirus hit China

thesun.co.uk / 11 Feb 2020


Border agents seize bag of dead birds from passenger traveling from China

nypost.com / 10 Feb 2020


China reports bird flu outbreak near epicenter of coronavirus

nypost.com / 2 Feb 2020


Now Bird Flu also Hits China

thestkittsnevisobserver.com / 10 Feb 2020


Seventy-eight Britons face being LEFT BEHIND on coronavirus quarantine cruise ship

dailymail.co.uk / 15 Feb 2020


Scientists warn 400,000 people could die in the UK alone

mirror.co.uk / 14 Feb 2020


Coronavirus incubation period could be as long as 24 days

foxbusiness.com / 11 Feb 2020


Coronavirus FINALLY has a name: World health chiefs label the deadly SARS-like disease COVID-19

dailymail.co.uk / 11 Feb 2020


Eight planes put on lockdown at Heathrow over coronavirus fears

metro.co.uk / 14 Feb 2020


London Underground could be a hotbed for coronavirus, doctors say

news.sky.com / 13 Feb 2020


Channel 4 employee is escorted by medics in hazmat suits from broadcaster's London headquarters and whisked for coronavirus test after feeling unwell when he returned from a holiday to China

dailymail.co.uk / 14 Feb 2020


US military prepping for coronavirus pandemic - North America (U.S. Northern Command)

militarytimes.com / 12 Feb 2020


CDC director: Novel coronavirus 'is probably with us beyond this season, beyond this year'

edition.cnn.com / 14 Feb 2020


Coronavirus could kill 45 MILLION people and infect SIXTY PER CENT of the global population if it cannot be controlled

dailymail.co.uk / 11 Feb 2020


Coronavirus Could Infect Two-Thirds of Globe, Research Shows

bloomberg.com / 13 Feb 2020



Alan's Materials Available for Purchase and Ordering Information:


"Cutting Through"
  Volumes 1, 2, 3


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