Jan. 26, 2020 (#1758)

"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt

(Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk)

When Words Collide:

"Create, Control Dialectic, Direct Each Side,

Then Guide to Synthesis, When Words Collide."

© Alan Watt Jan. 26, 2020

*Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 26, 2020 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes)



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I folks, I’m Alan Watt and this is Cutting Through The Matrix on January 26, 2020.   I hope you’re all doing okay and getting throughout these incredible times of confusion and… information/disinformation.  Everything is a war battlefield as you well know. Especially the war to think for yourself. In fact, it’s best not to know sometimes the arrays, the battlefield arrays of organizations all working to try to grab your brain, ‘eh, and recondition it and saying okay and then give it a stamp of approval saying you’re reconditioned, you’re safe, and you can just go along through your life just watching lots of silly movies and not causing anybody any problems.


You know, control freaks are mortified with the idea that people might think for themselves. They have nightmares about it. That’s always been the way down through time, and no doubt it will be all through the future too.  And it’s terribly sad, terribly, terribly sad to see as I’ve said many years ago and then continue to say it, that the things that are taught are good and well and nice and approved and all that by the state or whatever, or even the world state, are often bogus.


The causes for the wars are bogus.  It’s astonishing, really astonishing that we never learn, do we? Even when it’s exposed by themselves, they don’t mind telling you 50 years later or hundred years later, that previous wars and so on really had different origins for coming into being and different goals even to achieve. But at the time, nations, remember, because we are very obedient, nations get their people and they throw their people against other people’s all for, really, fruitless exercises of the acquisition of more power to the state itself, or those within the state in reality. Because the state is nothing to do with what you’re taught it is. Nothing at all to do with what you are taught it is.


I can remember Trotsky’s book My Life it was called, and Trotsky was a big writer. He was such an egotist you see, a psychopathic egotist. And all psychopaths have this tremendous ego thing where they’ve got to tell you eventually how important and great they are. It’s quite astonishing. I could go on from there [Alan chuckles.] mentioning quite a few other ones as well. However, Trotsky was a Freemason. And you find all the revolutionaries were Freemasons. That’s admitted by freemasonry itself and from their own head quarters and main branches, etc. But Trotsky had joined freemasonry, he claims himself, while he was in prison of trying to overthrow and kill the established elite of Russia. 


That’s where it flourished. It’s just like today, a lot of people join different organizations in prison and back then it was no different of course. Because you’re all on the right cause and you can all slap each other on the back and ho-hum and aren’t we real guys together sort of stuff.  Trotsky got so enamored by the whole idea of revolution, even more so than the reasons to get in there in the first place. To get in there in the first place it was a different thing altogether. It was a cultural thing with him. But he saw freemasonry as having so much power that the general public are completely unaware of.


When he was being transported out of Russia and you had to cross different borders and so on, while being accompanied by the Russian police you might say, he said that they got through borders without having to show papers or anything because they all used Masonic signs, passwords and so on.  That was more important. You understand what I’m saying here, it sounds so simple and trivial.  But this is the way the world really runs.  All sides respect this Masonic idea as brotherhood, you see, and they all have the rules and you must go by the rules.


But everybody else that’s not part of this establishment has to show papers and ID, or be locked up until they can prove who they are, etc. But here you are with even members of the state, government officials, escorting a terrorist, really, out of their country, had the doors opened by all Masonic techniques. That so impressed him that he went deeper and deeper and into it. I think the next time in fact he went back and ended up in prison again, he wrote a book on Freemasonry. He thought it would be the best book ever written of course, naturally being an egotistical psychopath.  I don’t know what happened to it, I don’t think it was ever published, at least not to the general population.  I’m sure that it exists, and I suspect I know where. 


But it’s astonishing as I say how we live in a system where mouths will be totally sealed by vows, and once they’re in the organizations, those who literally will close their eyes, ears and everything, see no evil, speak no evil, and hear no evil, they’ll keep secrets to the grave from the general population.  And they’re very proud to do it. Because the whole system is based on faith. Faith that those above you, higher ranking in the organizations, know what they’re doing. Faith too that because you’ve been trained to believe in virtue and all this kind of stuff you see, you’ve got virtue when you become a brother, that obviously those above you have got virtue and therefore…


But what happens when you keep getting evidence when it’s a sham and they don’t have virtue at all? They train you to have virtue, but they’ve got a different policy altogether for themselves.  You understand, everybody can be used. That’s what I’m saying. And there’s no doubt about it, that people are used all the time through organizations such as the one I’ve just mentioned. An international brotherhood that takes pride in looking backwards and admitting that they were part of international revolutionary societies and overthrowing of governments.


It’s quite something. And none of them will ever question it. They’ll say, well, you know, we’re living in a better society now and so on. But really who really was behind it? Who was to benefit from this, really?  Hm?  And who is still benefiting from it really?  You’ve got to think about these things. But yeah, as I say, how can you have one set of laws and rules for themselves, the brothers, and everybody else? even in the same social strata, regardless of which strata it happens to be?  Everybody else has to go through formalities, inquisitions, papers please, etc. etc., hm, and lots of other things too. That’s not right whatsoever. You can’t pretend to have any kind of democracy when you have this kind of favoritism. It can’t exist as a democracy obviously.


But I was thinking about that today, very much like the… I don’t know if people realize it but in freemasonry too, they have free Masonic funerals, even in the military. I watched, I saw some photographs in an article a few years ago with troops, I think they were Canadian troops, having a funeral over in the Middle East I think it was with one of their members.  They all had the Masonic aprons on. And the newspaper naturally casually just mentioned, you know, this…  this…  You understand, to people who are not involved in it, it looks weird, guys standing there with aprons on, you know. And just a casual mention of it, like it was a separate religion, hm, without saying it’s a separate religion but of course it is a separate religion, when you have formula, rituals spoken, gestures, etc., you’re using a religion. I have no doubt whatsoever the people involved, the ordinary guys burying their own, are very sincere in what they’re doing, thinking and so on. But again, it’s to do with something, that even in the battlefield will actually save a brother’s life as they say, if you give the proper signs if he’s in trouble, in the opposing force.  And that has happened and recorded in Masonic manuals, that happened even in the American Civil War.


So here you have guys want to slaughter each other on either side, and literally, they face incredible punishment if they don’t slaughter each other, if they decide, oh, I’ve changed my mind.  Then your own side generally kills you.  That’s justice [Alan chuckles.] right, for changing your mind.  But in the American Civil War there was an officer I think it was, on one side or the other, I kind of think it was a Confederate was wounded and a union officer saw him using the plea, you know, the sign for help, and stopped him from being killed or finished off and took him in. And literally, had him taken to his own home and taken care of etc. etc. until he was well and recovered and the war was over.


But that’s the kind of difference there is. It’s okay to slaughter people who haven’t got their degrees and so on.  You understand this double standard is just too wonky. But when you get the same standard, international, at higher levels, who are sworn with each other to have wars, cause wars, and lists of wars, right, and to take all the… I call them peasantry…


We’re all peasants, you understand. We truly are all peasants. If you’re a citizen, right, that’s all you have is rights or obligations.  That is the citizen, that’s what it means, ‘of the city’, as a peasant of the city. You’re not in the ruling class of the city, and there is a ruling class, you’re just a peasant who has these rights and a few privileges to exist inside that organization called the city, you’re a citizen. One of the first ones of course is to pay taxes, that’s the first obligation that you have. But we’re really peasants, because we’re trained in a very, as I say, I keep telling people we’re trained to be completely and utterly naïve.  Really. We’re trained that the world is really a nice place, and there’s special folks who come out of special wombs, who rule us, all have the right to do what they do because they are special people. They are born differently from you, you see. Their genes might be better or must be better. And they wear suits and ties, generally, don’t wear so many, not so much military uniforms, these days, but they wear suits and ties, very expensive ones.


They’re trained, actually, by actors, by acting classes in fact.   I remember reading the articles on the air years ago where they are given classes, and the examples they gave in the papers at that time were in Britain, but they mentioned other nations use them too, so that they could find ways of looking genuine.  Politicians I’m talking about, when they’re on interview, a sudden spot interview and they’re given these fakes spot interviews and given questions to see if it’s working, are they acting properly or deflecting the questions, or ignoring them properly altogether which is what they do.  The first rule that they tell, and it still done today, you’ll often… When they’re asked a direct question, they’ll answer something that’s maybe, maybe even not, slightly related to the question asked.  They’ll reply, but generally it’s… they’re told, reply to the question as though it’s the question that you would have liked them to have asked you. That’s a fact, this is what they’re taught. And that’s why you get no truth at all.


Now, think about it. Here you’re voting for a whole system of people who are not just liars naturally, because politicians are, but trained to lie.  Hm.  Trained to. And by the way, they use your, the grants from your money, the taxpayers, to train them to lie to you better, it makes them more plausible.  We live in this farse, don’t we, as citizens, ‘eh.


So, you pay for everything. You pay for the incredible wars that go on with these brotherhoods, ‘eh, that at the top are all, they all have wink-wink nudge-nudge kind of signals to each other.  And make little statements to each other like, special relationships.  It always got me… I know what it means in Britain of course with the US at one time, they had a special relationship. It was almost incestual. That’s how it was. That’s really what it was. Because it was so secretive and they kept giving the public the special relationships, but it sounded awfully dirty and kind of under the cover sort of thing, ‘eh.  That’s… I guess it’s a Freudian way of thinking of things, but it is isn’t it? …our special relationship.


Maggie Thatcher used to talk about it, our special relationship. Well, but they would never come out and just tell it straightforwardly what they’re talking about, a special relationship.  Hm?  But why not just say it? Why not just say it, like during the Cold War era as an example, they’ve got ongoing special relationships to do with other places which are awfully important. But back then, the Cold War, the public would’ve said, okay, you know, we’ve got this, really this relationship, or an agreement, without having to go into special relationship, you see?


When you get a special relationship like that it literally means that your nation is going to get led to the wall if need be on behalf of another nation, even sacrificed, if it’s needed. That’s what it really means. Apart from financing the other nations and so on and its wars, that’s what it means.  The public mustn’t be told full facts, because you might object. That’s how government gets away with things. They just don’t tell you the full facts of anything at all. Because you definitely would object, I would imagine, if you’ve got any indignancy at all in you.


But today of course we’ve got a special relationship, it’s still going on.  You get whiffs of it, this little secret thing, ‘eh, wink-wink, nudge-nudge. You get it even in the recent articles about Boris Johnson in London just before, you know, Christmas and so on, along with Donald Trump, and special relationship, wink-wink, nudge-nudge.  Because you knew darn well, they’ve signed agreements too, with other countries to go to war against Iran if need be, etc. Because they really want that. They’d prefer it if Iran just got starved to death and give up because it’s less messy. But again, even factions amongst them want it. Because for every missile that they fire there’s sometimes multimillions of dollars worth of profit, you’ve got to get them replaced immediately, you see. Guaranteed. Good business, that, if you’re a good psychopath you don’t mind that kind of thing.


But, yeah, special relationships. Again, during the Thatcher era and Ronald Reagan era, it came to a head with the Cold War when they thought, well we’ll will force Russia to spend so much, invest so much of their particular infrastructure and GDP and all the rest of it into fighting us, because we’re going to put up all these incredible military complexes across the planet. Which they did and they are still there today.  And there’s more of them, in the US.  Again, when I speak I always get sidelined with things which I remember. But getting back to what I’m trying to say here.


Britain really was, and Scotland especially it was so evident there, was to be fortified all around Loch Lomond and different places, and the Holy Loch, etc, there’s different lochs, where the nuclear submarines were and so on.  They were heavily fortified in these incredible concrete, oh, monstrosities that were buildup across the Highlands and different places too. The idea was that if Russia was to make a big push, you see, westward, then they’d battle it right through.  It’d be fairly quick they thought, you know, through the countries including France even very quickly.  Then they’d be across to Britain, right, as a last stand, and if Britain couldn’t handle them, this was the idea, if they couldn’t at least withstand the onslaught, along with lots of massive reinforcements from the US from bases and so on in Britain, if they started to fail the US would try and pullout with troops it could of its own, and they’d sacrifice Britain by attracting, this is the idea, they’d attract… You see, people would think, well why would they put all these different monstrosities mainly in Scotland and different places, and even in England, in Wales. It was to detract supposedly so much of the arsenal of Russia, missiles, detract them off into these other places and leave parts of England, especially London, alone, you see. This is no kidding.  Hm.  This was… 


I remember talking about years and years ago on the air too, which is to do with Threads.  Threads was a movie that came out about a kind of aftermath, building up to this all monstrous vision of a potential Holocaust of nuclear missiles whacking Britain, it went through the aftermath too, what would happen. To terrify the general public, I love how we’re always getting terrified, ‘eh, but generally by the people who cause it all.  They get terrified if you don’t stand up against it, you see and pay up, pay up through the nose for taxes for incredible arsenals of weaponry, which you’re hoping will never get used, right, and then the horrible aftereffects of just starvation and radiation sickness and even plants dying and so on, starvation and maybe even cannibalism afterwards.


So, you get terrified from it, from everything. That’s how you’re controlled. Terror, fear, terror, fear.  I’ve said before, you never get a peaceful generation. You’re not allowed a peaceful generation. I always liken it, because it’s explained this way, by the way, in intelligence circles to intelligence employees when they start off.  In intelligence agencies you bring them in gradually into the understanding that you’re superior. They actually foster this belief that you’re superior until you believe it yourself, you see.  You all slap each other on the backs, oh we are so superior to these little peons down there, the citizens just don’t know what’s really going on. And they never will, you see.  And that’s how it happens.


But anyway, getting back to Threads, there was a documentary about it of what was happening and the incredible reinforcement of arsenals and so on and the movie version of the terrible aftermath of what would happen if all hell broke loose.  But that’s your idea of the special relationship. And in reality, years later of course, years and years later, supposedly too that’s why Russia collapsed eventually, it couldn’t keep up with the arms race for arms superiority. They had different movies out too talking about the fact that these parades of the Russian tanks and all that were of obsolete tanks and they’re all rusty and they’re all getting fresh paint and that kind of stuff and they just couldn’t afford it.


Then of course Margaret Thatcher eventually brought Gorbachev over to Britain and introduced him in the media. It was all preplanned with propaganda, which is what the purpose of the media really is, you know. And it really is, I’m not exaggerating, that’s the purpose of media. It’s all owned by the corporations that are all part of their club. They all know what to do and what to say and all the rest of it. But they said, they arranged in advance that Gorbachev was to be portrayed, with which eventually they did, as a kind of swinging, a new swinging Soviet, you see, a modern Soviet. They gave him expensive suits, tailor-made suits that were not all gray like the old politburo. His wife was a really trendy character.  Any little interviews the media were to give to them, um, they’d go, here’s the topics, you could ask about this, and that was it, nothing beyond that. That was agreed upon if you wanted any interview at all.  The ones on television did the same thing. They had all this stuff about, yeah, he was a new swinging Soviet, very trendy, modern, and we shouldn’t worry about them, here’s the change in the Soviet structure.


Now, he was the… Again, they’re all KGB guys, you know, that’s what they are.  But he’s being portrayed as a swinging Soviet. It was a propaganda blitz in all the media. And yeah, Maggie Thatcher too came around and she introduced him to other world leaders as the trendy Soviet, you see. They all, again, nudge-nudge, wink-wink to each other, and everybody’s getting the message, you see, that it’s part of the big agenda and this is a show for the peasants, the citizens. That’s how it was put across.


I remember too the articles that, oh did you know that Mr. Gorbachev’s wife, and they mention her name and all that, was talking about how relaxed and free they are there in the Soviet Union, and that most folk don’t realize that as a citizen of the Soviet you could walk into a store, on the streets, a storefront, that could advertise, you know, things like facelifts and stuff. That was freedom, you see.  And you’re saying, well wait a minute here, what have we been having this incredible Cold War about for all these years when they’re so incredibly free there?  Huh?


You see how they can turn everything upside down with just pure propaganda. A flick of a switch and the propaganda machine can portray the opposite of what they’ve been giving you for the last 40 to 50 years. That’s how they really do it.  We’ve even had that recently with different articles about other countries as well. It’s astonishing isn’t it.


Napoleon used to talk about Britain’s policy.  He’s very truthful about it because he himself was a good psychopath, so he could see through the other psychopaths of the enemy teams. He called Britain perfidious Britain, because they always make alliances with folk, use them, and then just wash their hands like they’d never met them and let them die or get sacrificed or whatever. That’s the way things really go generally.


So, we’re living in a system of incredible propaganda, that we’re trained to be naïve.  And when you get clues down through time, getting back to whenever I talk about things, little things just come out of the little neurons in your brain, the synapses, boomf, boom boom boom.  But remember, one of the left-wing opponents at that time was Reagan. And before Reagan too. But leading up to Reagan was Jeanne Kirkpatrick. She even trained basically in a school, in a college in New York which is basically a communist college this particular one. It was to turn out revolutionaries for the cause for the world and all that. She again played her part really well. They get well-paid for playing their parts too, all sides do. Because there are no sides at the very, very top. Carol Quigley said that. 


Here you have a communist supposedly who’s constantly attacking American policy, and foreign policy as well, who was taken onto the Reagan team, the supposed right-winger.  It’s great how they portray their parts, and they play their parts, you know. He was an actor, said no problem with that, I suppose. It was all B movies mind you, but he was a likable character. He took her on; he said that he was so impressed with her recommendation and the plan she’d drawn up for the future.


Now, they didn’t mention ever Empire. But of course, that’s what they were referring to. America of course took over from Britain, especially at the end of World War II. Ike made sure of that, Eisenhower, that was part of the policy and the lend-lease programs and so on. But of course, they were to take over the reins on the Empire and there were other forces inside the US to make sure of that, that really had a different plan altogether.  


But Kirkpatrick, being a good communist, I don’t know, she’d probably call herself socialist, everybody knows what that means.  Because Stalin told us the definition, communism is socialism in a hurry. If you read the Fabian papers in London about the relationships between themselves and Trotsky and other members of the Soviet Union, because they were constantly, they boasted about having a direct link to Stalin’s table in his office. But their beef with Trotsky, Trotsky wanted immediate physical revolution.  The Fabians thought they could do it better by taking over through their Gramsci technique of altering the culture, taking it over, leading it, guiding it until the country became socialist without even knowing it, not even using the word socialist, you see.


But anyway, here you have Kirkpatrick, she says, well Empire, you gotta have Empire. They all knew it. But that would be against the U.S. Constitution, which nobody really at the top really wanted to follow, it was a nuisance, you see, to power. So, she drew up a plan of hundreds of bases across the world, a stack of them across the Middle East, where they are today. She says, we have to, you know, fix things out and sort things out across the world, so rather than just send troops over and bring them back home again, it would be far better and more efficient to put permanent bases across the planet.   At the time, that’s what was striking at the time, was when you saw that where the bases were. You’d say wait a minute, this is not against the Soviet Union, what’s this about? Here we are in the Middle East, ‘eh?  This is how far ahead they’ve got things worked out. For the greater good, you understand. And you’d better understand who the greater good is on behalf of.


But it’s astonishing. You watch it happening, right down to again, here’s the trendy Soviet, Gorbachev. Who never said he was, he left the Soviet system, the social system. He still said, oh I’m a socialist and still socialist and so on, and it would be better working in the West as a good socialist. Don’t forget, Soviet Socialist Republic was the name of the Soviet Union.   When you get too many coincidences by the way, in symbology, don’t ignore them. It’s awfully important to understand symbology. I don’t talk about it so much to the general public today, but everything is awfully important.


Remember the letters used by the Soviet system, and remember it was the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. But in their lettering, they’d have CCCP to represent in letters for instance on their Sputniks and stuff like that, so the triple C. But during that time, folk don’t realize, when you have the collapse building up… And from the 1920s onwards, you have to remember that the president FDR in the US during the depression, he was brought in because of the depression, from Wall Street actually. A good part of his cabinet that he brought in with him were communists, known communists. It was kind of comical when you look back at it and you see that you had the Soviet leaders there congratulating FDR’s plans to give work to all the unemployed during the Great Depression in America. So you had the CCCP congratulating the American group, the Civilian Conservation Corps for getting people back to doing some gainful employment inside America, giving them work with work projects. And if you work for the CCC in America you were called, being a worker, they added the W at the end, so you are a CCCW.


So you just don’t dismiss these coincidences, especially when you had a world that was getting pushed towards this big experiment of the communist technique, the Soviet type system. And again, with austerity, conservation, all that kind of thing tied together, and we have to go back into it again, I wonder what they call it this time, perhaps, you know?  But don’t dismiss these little things that happened in the past, they’re very important. And they’re very symbolic. Never dismiss the symbols that are all around you.


You had all these different work programs in the West.  You had the correspondence between Britain and America to the Soviet Union, praising them.  As we financed them by the way.  Even when we were collapsing financially, supposedly, and the people were suffering in the Great Depression, which didn’t stop until World War II got things into full production to kill each other. They had all these make-work projects, big, huge, anybody’s unemployed or whatever was drafted in, in work armies in the West, and America was a proud example of it. We’re all working together for it…  This is this together thing again, we, you know, we, us.  Forget I, it’s all we, us, we’re working for a better tomorrow. They were basically given food and board and so on for the work gangs, these massive working gangs.   They even made movies about them, how this is the way of the future.


There was tremendous correspondence.  Folk don’t realize that America, the US, was going communist.  [Alan chuckles.]  Really.  So, the big bankers create a massive collapse supposedly, although at the top they never lost a penny, they acquired a lot. Because bankruptcies are awfully profitable for those who’ve got the dollars to pick them up for peanuts, all the businesses and corporations. But out of it they have this hands-across-the-sea to the Soviet system. You should read the articles from that period and the letters from the higher chutzpah’s at the top all colluding together. This is what, we’re all going the same direction here, America’s got all these work gangs across the country doing infrastructure and building everything, and the same as us, brothers, brothers, h-hm, brothers, nudge-nudge, wink-wink. This is how it was going on.


In Britain they had similar things, although Britain didn’t want to encourage it too far.  Because the working folk in Britain were so sickened with their lot and after World War I especially and all the wars before it, for this so-called strange enterprise called the British Empire.  That with the big rallies for miners and so on, all the way down to London, with huge marches down, to get petitions in.  We can’t go on like this, they kept saying. 


Britain was almost a tipping point for the revolution. And the Communists were definitely stirring it up, big time, you know, make things as bad as possible, stop relief getting through, food, aide, that kind of thing, or even money, to those suffering, to make misery worse and worse, until they’re definitely forced to revolt.  


I hope the people realized that that’s [what] actually happened. The Communists attacked the churches that were handing food out and giving charity and so on. That was part of the manuals, you know, make the misery as intense as possible until they have to have revolution. Then you pop in and guide the revolution. Then you end up being the controllers and the new monarchy they might call themselves, you know.


You have to realize that all these big parties work together at the very top. Quigley gave out a lot of that too. He was an elitist himself and he didn’t like the general public.  He kind of despised them as a true elitist should, you see, or certainly does.  He didn’t believe of course that the general population should, or could, even have the proper will to guide themselves properly and that they needed to be guided by all the ones above them. That’s a true socialist, you see.


For everything you see in life there are different meanings.  There’s at least always two meanings, opposite meanings, and then others, subdivided categories too of those particular meanings for those in-the-know. As they say, yeah, whatever they want you to do today is never for the purposes that they tell you it’s for. Never, ever. No. 


Winston Churchill was a globalist, don’t forget, who at the announcement of a war, he says, this is fantastic he said. This is archived in his letters and so on. He says, we shall get, we can get out of this the world that we want, a united, especially Europe, a united Europe.  He’s talking about the present form of it with the commissars at the top, you see, all being part of it too. Then as soon as the war starts, he’s telling the public, he’s telling the people privately, and you can find this in a book called Fringes of Power, I think it was called, by his personal secretary at the time, who gives a little bit away, you know. Not a lot but little bits.


Being sworn to the brotherhood, which they all are, they’re all sworn to it.  Peter Wright by the way mentions that too, the guy who was in charge eventually of MI-5. Who is disliked by a lot of them who worked for him because he wasn’t a brother, you see. His dad had been.  His dad had been, he’s one of these families very much like George Orwell, who really his family were like intergenerational bureaucrats and civil servants. You find the same thing there. So, Peter Wright, his dad being in the Admiralty I think it was, and he got him a job, really as an electronic specialist for spying, eavesdropping and so on. Then he worked his way up and he worked his way up into the head of MI-5.


But he said that, Peter Wright in his book, that they do have this kind of formality, this kind of Moneypenny thing, there’s always official, a highly regarded secretary from all long line of secretaries, and generally the same families, that work for the establishment at the top.  They hold onto secrets. They know everything there is to know, and whatever you need to know, you just go and ask the secretary and everything’s sorted out.  He said that she says, you’re a Freemason. And he says, no I’m not. You see. And she looked at him, well that’s unusual, she says.  She says, they’re ALL Freemasons here at MI5.


You understand, when you have different agendas that the general public are not supposed to know about, you need people who really, really will swear to keep secrets, to the point of death, you know. That’s why there’s an amazing selection process as you go up the ladder. If you have religious convictions, you’re suspicious immediately because your conscience may get involved, this is wrong, you see. You can’t have that if you’re going to help deceive the public. You can’t have that kind of thing.


You gotta believe that you’re superior and we are more superior. You see, the general public are peasants, again, getting back to the peasantry.  They’re trained in the same schooling system, with the indoctrination techniques that are really scientific techniques that Bertrand Russell talked about because he was part of the experiments they did in Britain on the children.  As far back as the 1920s he was given an experimental school to try these techniques to improve the efficacy, to improve the efficacy of scientific indoctrination that he was so, so interested in.


That’s very, very important.  If you want an obedient society, that you can say, we’re at war with so-and-so, come and fight for your country, and millions will just join up, you see. Well, you’ve got to train them that way, to be very naïve, to believe that we’re altogether, and we all love each other, and the ones above you bringing in the war really love you more than anybody. You’re trained to believe that, and that they are somehow more intelligent and therefore they’ve got to be right. It’s a faith-based system, you understand.


It’s more intense today than ever before because they’ve got batteries of psychologists and behaviorists and behavioral specialists, batteries of them, working in every country, on improving the indoctrination process of multitudes of people, right down to the instant recognition of individuality. Individuality is a very scary thing to them. In fact, the United Nations said that.  They said that the most dangerous thing to their global agenda, for, they always call it, peace, you know… Remember what the Communists called peace, right? Was the absence of all opposition. Well, the United Nations said that individuality, the individual is a dangerous character to our plan.   There ya go.


You see, for the crowd that goes along with what they’re told to go along with it’s no problem. An individual could upset it by, and Bertrand Russell mentioned it too, he said, if the individual, if there’s an individual here that’s… Because they suss you out at school, even back then in his day, through all the paperwork and so on. They were taking records of everybody, every child who came into the schooling system. They’d have you all classified as you went through all the different exams. But they also were making personality profiles. That stuff was all passed onto London, you know, whole warehouses of files on everybody, much bigger than any Soviet Union system.


But Russell said, he says, our filtering system is to catch them, the thinker, you see, from… He’s talking about the general classes that are not the aristocracy.  He said, our system of catching them is pretty good and we generally give them scholarships, grab them, and give them a quick indoctrination into the better ways of life and things of life, meaning the upper class. And you’re so overwhelmed, you see, with the granite buildings, as they call it, and ivy on the outside, oh, my goodness, and all the famous people that’s lectured here and studied here and so on, now you’re one of them.  They have to win you over so that you’ll always stand for the brotherhood, hm, the big brotherhood at the top.


But he said, if the intelligent, the really intelligent ones slip through, in the future, he’s talking about when they really come into their power, their full, when things are getting really on the edge, you see, of success or failure, he said, we can’t allow them to continue if they know everything that’s going on and can express it and can communicate it with other people, they’re a danger and a threat. That’s their biggest fear is the individual, the occasional individual that can express it and know it. He says, if we can’t win them over, we’ll have to annihilate them.  And that’s where he goes on about diet, injections and injunctions will be used.


But that’s the whole thing, you understand, the individual. That’s what Mao Tse Tung said, of China. He wasn’t scared of armies from the West or whatever. He said, his greatest fear was a big idea. You see, an idea comes from an individual. The crowd doesn’t have a big idea.  All the ones by themselves, it’s always an individual. Therefore, that’s what he was afraid of.


George Bush by the way, in fact I think the two of them did, the senior and junior, talked about the big idea in a speech. The big idea, one of the new world order speeches, which actually happened, you know, 10 years apart, and you know, the New World order coming into view.  I could prattle on and on and on because there’s so much involved in it, each phrase is so important. But anyway, a big idea.  A big idea didn’t come from, he was following again… They worship their own you understand, the ones who are put down to… their own intelligentsia to be the planners and so on, they worship each other. He was talking about someone who came out with the big idea. A very old idea. But it was published, long before Bush mentioned it. And they’re on the road to this big idea.


Believe you me, no matter how it’s sold, they can’t tell the public the truth of it.  Because the truth really is a mass reduction in the population size and so on. Because you’re no longer needed in the utopia of the future. But they’ll use you on the meantime to make it all happen. I mentioned it before, it’s like a rocket, you’re sending a payload into space in the tip of the rocket basically, in the capsule. All the stages of the rocket contain mainly the fuel and the rocketry itself to project the stuff in the space to escape the orbit and so on of the earth, the gravitational pull I should say of the earth.  The old ones would often have three stage rockets, so you just go, you know, the first stage is ejected and you see it falling away with the cameras and all that. Then the second stage is ejected as you go further on. You see, that’s what we are, we are the stages of the rockets, all of us, the peasantry, you see.  We push it up higher, that’s our job.


This was explained by some of them a long time ago by the way, with the idea of using Darwinism and everything else, and superior types and inferior types, that the earth itself, if it was sterile, would produce nothing. If there’s no bacteria and nothing to feed on, and you have no insects or anything else, it would be totally sterile. Therefore, you need literally bacteria to work in the soil. And you need, out of the bacteria you get different enzymes that will get produced and so on in the waste, etc. But the waste itself is nourishment for other things. Then plants grow and insects are working there, they’re thriving, etc.  This is explained in, really, a textbook, treatise on the New World order, a long, long time ago.  But the whole point of it at the end of it, it says, well that’s what people are, and that’s what generations of the peasantry are really for. They’re really there to get to the finished product. We are all disposable bacteria and insects to get to the finished product of fertility for the planet. And this is really what it’s about.  Quite amazing, ‘eh?


So yeah, you’re definitely living in a different reality from the one that you’ve been trained so naïvely to believe. You understand, nobody except eugenicists themselves, mainly in the West, would ever have thought about what they did in the West, what they did think and believe in and put money towards, the Rockefeller Foundation and other foundations, which again are working for the greater utopia and their big idea of eugenics and depopulation of the inferior types and so on. Out of the Cold Springs Harbor group in New York where they really were a big eugenics organization, they brought in experts from the farming, the American steer and farming, cattle ranchers associations it was, the specialists in breeding cattle, eugenics for cattle. They brought their ideas in and applied them to humans.


It was quite fascinating really because you’d think, again as an outsider you would think initially it was to make better humans for society. And of course they did come out with the better American, you know, the Better American Families Association, the Rockefellers and so on, with their magazines with the proper families and good breeding, where the males and females picked each other properly from their proper families and had the children, to raise better children and so on for leadership.


But you see the other side of it was that they didn’t want ordinary folk surviving too much, you see, and breeding. And I mean ordinary people. They did come out with the sterilization processes for people who they deemed were unfit and so on.  All they had to do was have the justice of the peace declare you unfit, for any reason at all.  Poverty was one of them by the way, it was classified as a mental illness to be poor. Then they could have you sterilized.  And they sterilized a lot of people in the States.


But don’t forget at that time, even at the time when it was happening people in America would never think of mass extermination. They didn’t think that. It’s amazing how you can see it happening, live through it, but your brain won’t twig, because it’s a horrific thing to contemplate. And your country could never do that because it’s a nice country, right. And the folk that you know personally are nice people. But that’s how it always is when you see horrific things under the guise of…


Don’t forget who owns socialism. Socialism is a creation of the ultrarich. For control. Birth to death, everybody obeys. It’s a rigorous type of system of control.  So it’s perfect for this kind of, for those of the top who crave power.  It’s a problem allowing you so much freedom, positive freedom and negative freedom and so on, that’s what they call it.  And they train their own people to work in these fields.


Tony Blair was an example of this. He’s a good psychopath, again, attracted to power and the manipulation of people.  He did bring the whole nation into a war against countries where the British people were scratching their heads saying, well what’s this for, who’s going to benefit? Certainly wasn’t Britain when the taxpayers were handed the tab. Today of course that war has devastated, devastated Europe with massive floods of refugees. That’s another story again.  That was planned. That was planned, they talked about this before it even started it.  But he wanted this to happen by the way and even had members of his team, it was in the papers, where they talked about mass migrations from diverse peoples coming into Britain as part of their agenda, and his right-hand man came out and published this. 


Why are you voting for people? Why are you voting for people who are always part of an establishment you know nothing really about? Nothing.  Nothing.  And they’re sworn onto an agenda or they wouldn’t be accepted as running in the campaigns. But we’re trained to be naïve and it’s all just potluck, isn’t it, hit and miss in politics. And, oh, sometimes you get a good one and sometimes you get… That’s what you trained to believe. That somehow, it’s a kind of a lottery or scratch and win, hm?  It might be a winner, it might be a loser, and, oh well, we’ll try next time, get another one.  That’s so far from the truth.


Anyway, I’m way off the track. In fact, I’ve said nothing I was even thinking of talking about. So far. But yeah, you’re kept in a constant state of fear and terror. If it’s not bankruptcies, hm, I think national, it was relayed to every individual.  And so, you run and run and run and do what you’re told and work hard and all the rest of it. Then you watch, you don’t save money because you can’t save money now, you’ve got zero interest in your banks. By law now, ‘eh, they can take your money and loan it out across the planet, incredible rates of interest, but you get nothing back in return. That’s now called fair, right. And your country really is a central banker itself lending money out to other countries, with conditions applied naturally, and its social conditions, social engineering and so on, social policies, cultural changes.


If it’s not that, then it’s war or threat of war, right.  Meanwhile, and like Winston Churchill again, go off, you know, you lot go off and fight for your country and preserve your way of life. And everybody loves their country. They love their people. Their fellow man and woman, they love them. If you’re ever down near the bottom and you have a real culture, you’ll love each other, naturally.  So it’s horrific, oh yeah, you’re going to fight and die. But it’s got nothing to do with what you’re being told. You don’t know that. They’ll tell your grandchildren down the road 70 years or whatever, or more, because they won’t really care so much. To them 20 years is obsolete, it’s old-fashioned stuff when you’re 18 or whatever, you know.


But they will tell you the revelation of the method, absolutely. It’s astonishing how we’re really trained to believe in things. I knew 20 years ago, I came out and said this, I says, you might get 20 years, or even less, of talking on the Internet and putting a lot of the truth out, then they’ll reign it in. Because they put out all the fake leaders, thousands of them by the way, well-financed, all modeled after people who are already out there doing it for nothing pretty well, and they’ll use all their material in fact. Right down to copying their bios. Mine was copied [Alan chuckles.] by someone awfully well known.  [Alan chuckles.] Then they lead you like Pied Pipers in a complete circle until you’re back into politics again and getting played. And that’s exactly what’s happened. 


You have no idea the amount of agencies and intelligence agencies working, involved to do it all to give you your reality. I said at that time, I only came out to get the stuff out to tell people what’s really happening in the world, and they’ve got to look at the whole world agenda, the whole world agenda and not be stuck navel-gazing at what’s been happening to your country, just you. I said at the time too, that this is, it’s so totalitarian, you have no idea, and I knew I had a lot of insight into what was all planned and where it would go. I also read over 20 years ago too, the articles that said that they would have massive teams eventually of warriors on the Internet, from the government agencies, which they have.


So now they’re reigning it all in and they’re being rather open about it in some ways. Because sites are getting pulled off just for mentioning things which you’re not allowed to say anymore.  Whether it’s medical or whatever it happens to be you’re getting boof, boof, boof, you see. And most folk will stay on the Internet, and I said that years ago, people will stay on the Internet, most of them, because they’ll be so addicted to it by then anyway, even if all their other rights are taken away. And that’s exactly what’s happening. And they’ve made it almost impossible to survive without it.


Now, I’m going to touch on a few articles, hopefully, before I get off tonight. Because the time is flying in as usual. If I try and compress over an hour of the audio, I’ll talk like a chipmunk, you know, the Chipmunks audio, the old songs and so on. But a few things just to ponder on for anybody who wants to ponder at all these days, I have few things to ponder on. I’ll put links up @cuttingthroughthematrix.com and all the other sites I have too.  Remember, make a list of all the sites I have in case I go down or something happens, a flitter, whatever, and you’ll get the shows hopefully if nothing else happens in the meantime.


Here’s an article, it’s controversial, naturally, which it doesn’t matter though, but it’s controversial, about climate change. This is a big mantra, it’s so imperative, they can’t change this.  It’s like weapons of mass destruction, that’s all you’ll hear, mantra-mantra, everything that happens is going to be caused by climate change. And it’s your fault because you’re causing the climate change, you see. Everything hinges upon this acceptance of the causes. Because it’s an agenda for total… yeah, eugenics down the road too, and even now in fact, and for a totally socialist control, which is just expert control of your lives, they’ll call themselves experts, with the big agenda.  That’s coming out of it too, you can’t just live anywhere and so on.


Look at Australia with its smart cities. Huge.  I’ll put the links up for that too. But this article here, it says…  


Fires not due to climate change:  expert

sbs.com.au / 14 Nov 2019


(Alan: …says an expert.)


"The most important (factor) is the dryness of the fuel, which comes from the hot dry weather," he said.


"It's not behind the lot of it, (A:  ...all the problems...)  it's behind all of it. The theory is as solid as the universal theory of gravitation."


SBS has attempted to contact Mr Packham on whether he holds the same views he expressed in the original 2013 article refuting links between climate change and bushfires at that time.


Now what they're talking about too, and for 20 years or more, this happened in Canada too by the way and the States as well. Rather than keeping the undergrowth down in forestry in different places and so on, keeping it down to prevent these huge fires, about 20 years ago it became policy suddenly to allow all the underbrush to grow, etc. So naturally you get these huge fires that will start every few years and burn itself out by the underbrush.


They used to have always controlled fires all over the place too. If you look into the history of Australia as an example, you'll see that Australians, the bushmen, you know, the aboriginals they call them that are bushmen, Australians, used to always for thousands of years have controlled burns themselves. They’d move, they'd work out where they were going to move to and then they'd get these fires going and it cut down the undergrowth, etc. Because it gets awfully hot in their sun, awfully hot. Just like California in their summer.


This is one article and of course all the real diehards, because propaganda works awfully well. Most folk, since they’re only maybe 20 years old, 25 at the most, who join the organizations that are against, you know, the humans living on the planet, by the propaganda, and it’s all your fault, they’re not 25 years old yet. So, their lives are pretty short, and they don’t have a long history in their own lifetime of climate changes going up and down, you see. So, it’s quite easy to impress them. So, I’ll put this article up for those who want to just look at it, it’s up to you, to make your own mind up of course.


Tony Abbott : "The West is facing a climate cult" - omny.fm / 2 Jan 2020


But when you work in the smart cities here, now, there’s a good article put out by the Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities and this is for Australia.


Smart Cities Plan - infrastructure.gov.au


This goes into the smart cities plan. Now, obviously when you read through you start to say wait a minute, I guess we’re all living in the cities very shortly. And yeah, that’s… Yeah, you will. They don’t want you outside in the countryside. That’s Agenda 21 for the whole 21st century, that must be accomplished in this 100 years for the 21st century, a whole bunch of things of course.  Naturally, you won’t need cars in the cities, you’ll have public transportation.  That’s Agenda 21 too, it said that there are no private vehicles allowed, essential vehicles only.  They’ll have private ones, but it will be under corporations and so on for civil servants and things like that naturally. Just like the Soviet Union used to have.


So anyway, I’ll put this article up there too, just for those who want to peruse it. But here’s one here too.  NASA, right, NASA admits that…


NASA: Climate Change Occurs because of Changes in Earth’s Solar Orbit

halturnerradioshow.com / 8 Aug 2019


(A:  Not because of SUVs and fossil fuels. This is 2019.)


Sep 9, 2019 - (Natural News) For more than 60 years, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has known that the changes occurring to planetary weather patterns are completely natural and normal.


(A:  And the links are here to them of course.)


But the space agency, for whatever reason, has chosen to let the man-made global warming hoax persist.


(A:  They go back to 1958...)


It was the year 1958, to be precise, when NASA first observed that changes in the solar orbit of the earth, (A:  Right, and I said that years ago, a long time ago. Many years ago.  Amazing.) along with alterations to the earth’s axial tilt, are both responsible for what climate scientists today have dubbed as “warming” (or “cooling,” depending on their agenda).


(A:  Because they've used both extremes to get us to give up all rights and freedoms, you know. The coming Ice Age was one, and now it's going to be, then it was the frying pan, we’re in the frying pan right now.)


In no way, shape, or form are humans warming or cooling the planet...


But anyway, I’ll put this article up.


NASA - Milutin Milankovitch - Part 1 - earthobservatory.nasa.gov / 24 March 2020


NASA - Milutin Milankovitch - Part 2 - earthobservatory.nasa.gov / 24 March 2020


NASA - Milutin Milankovitch - Part 3 - earthobservatory.nasa.gov / 24 March 2020


Also, interesting too, this vaping thing they go on about.  It’s amazing how… Do you realize, the media tries to keep off what’s causing the problems, ‘eh. Which have become so so obvious and in a very short span of time. 


Breakthrough in CDC vaping illness investigation: (A:  Right.  And it says…)

Vitamin E acetate and THC (A: …which is the active ingredient in marijuana, right…) may be to blame

q13fox.com / 8 Nov 2019


(A:  They’ve always known that.  You see.  So, what they know is…)


There were 2,051 cases of lung injury linked to vaping


…that’s what they recognized, these are the ones that have come in the hospitals. There are stacks more that of course haven’t come in so far. But they know what these children are doing. Of course they are, for a quick high, a quick buzz and all the rest of it, that’s what they’re doing. And combined of course with vitamin E acetate too, which breaks down into other compounds and causes other things to happen you might say.


But now they've legalized cannabis and it’s a good thing, and so many of the ones at the top have got massive investments in it.  They don't want to mention it, you see.  So, for long enough and long enough, oh they’re just having terrible vaping, oh, brought into hospitals of lung damage, and they said, oh my goodness, 'eh.  Hm.  But they've known all along what caused it.  Of course they have.


We are the species that are studied more than any ant or mouse or rat or anything at all in a cage. There's nothing that they don't know about the public. Even more so with the real-time data from the Internet and from the ethernet.


Interesting too, just to finish off here because the time again it's just running out. Do you think it's coincidence, it's certainly food for thought, right, that the coronavirus that they're hyping from China coincides with a mobile game about wiping out humanity with a deadly disease?


Mobile Game About Wiping Out Humanity With A Deadly Disease Tops Chinese App Chart As Coronavirus Spreads

newsweek.com / 23 Jan 2020


(A:  It’s the top app in China, right.  As coronavirus spreads, you get lots of little clues or messages you might think, the way things are presented to you, you know.  It’s called…)


Plague Inc., has topped the country's iOS download chart. 


It’s quite interesting.  But yeah, you think anybody wants to bring down the population? Well, that’s what all the climate stuff is about. They’ve already said it, that people are the problem. This is published in all the big newspapers, people are the problem. I read the articles not too long ago.  But that’s the world we live in, folks.


Chinese citizens fear the government is keeping information about the coronavirus secret - dailymail.co.uk / 23 Jan 2020


Anyway, don’t be terrified. Don’t be petrified. And try not to be on edge all the time. Don’t forget too, they’re trying to get you addicted to all the terror. That’s… You’re being controlled, you’re following, they actually call it the paper chase as they put stuff in the newspapers and you follow it, my God, oh my God, oh no, no, ooo, oooooooooo.  You see?  Today it’s much better for them, it’s more efficient having it delivered to your iPhone or whatever else you’re using, Internet systems and so on, every day, hey.  And you’re all following the same stories. With the likes and dislikes they know how many folk are reading it and getting terrified.  Ooooooooh nnooooooo. You’ve got to reclaim yourself and that sometimes means turning everything off and getting some peace in your lives. Remember that. You’re the target of all this information. Not just the recipient, you’re the target.  So you’ve got to take some charge of your own life too.


And you’ve got to occasionally get some happiness back in your life, or you will, you’ll crash.  Information warfare can be used and is used as a weapon most of the time. Unfortunately, you might, well maybe fortunately you’ve started to notice Who’s Who in the big game as it’s called of intelligence. The big game.  Hopefully you’re learning. Hopefully. But regardless, think for yourselves. Verify information. Verify it. Don’t choose to verify from this or that, look at all sides of everything and come to your own conclusions. And then again, turn it off every so often.  Because remember, fear is the greatest tool and weapon that’s used to control people. And there’s many kinds of fear out there right now. 


For myself Alan Watt from Ontario, Canada, it’s good night and may your God or gods go with you.


Topics of show covered in following links:


Fires not due to climate change

sbs.com.au / 14 Nov 2019


Tony Abbott : "The West is facing a climate cult"

omny.fm / 2 Jan 2020


Smart Cities Plan



NASA: Climate Change Occurs because of Changes in Earth’s Solar Orbit

halturnerradioshow.com / 8 Aug 2019


NASA - Milutin Milankovitch - Part 1

earthobservatory.nasa.gov / 24 March 2020


NASA - Milutin Milankovitch - Part 2

earthobservatory.nasa.gov / 24 March 2020


NASA - Milutin Milankovitch - Part 3

earthobservatory.nasa.gov / 24 March 2020


Chinese citizens fear the government is keeping information about the coronavirus secret

dailymail.co.uk / 23 Jan 2020


Mobile Game About Wiping Out Humanity With A Deadly Disease Tops Chinese App Chart As Coronavirus Spreads

newsweek.com / 23 Jan 2020


Breakthrough in CDC vaping illness investigation: Vitamin E acetate and THC may be to blame

q13fox.com / 8 Nov 2019



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