Aug. 4, 2019 (#1732)

"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt

(Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk)


"Culture and Morality, Proffered with Profanity,

 From Egos Sour, Craving Power, Utopic Insanity."

© Alan Watt Aug. 4, 2019

*Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Aug. 4, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes)



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Hi folks I’m Alan Watt and this is Cutting Through The Matrix on August 4, 2019.  I hope you’re all doing okay and getting by. Because that’s all we can do these days is just get by, if we can.  We’re awfully lucky if we do get by. Because things are not great in the economy anyway really. And it’s planned that way, as always.  Because after all, since no one’s on the gold standard anymore money really is a magic act for those who control it at the top. Because that’s really what money is, at the top, it runs the world.  It controls the world. It controls every government. And it’s so important for those… It’s a tiny clique at the top really who manage the whole banking system across the planet.


I’m sure there’s lots of books out there, you all know that, on the histories of banking. I’ve talked many times too about the groups based in London who eventually became, the Lord Alfred Milner group and the Cecil Rhodes society, eventually what came out of them and the roundtables was the Royal Institute of International Affairs / Council on Foreign Relations who basically are planning everything for the planet, so it would seem.  And they’re not the, maybe not the top people at it but they certainly are the people who manage the affairs of the world, the foreign offices, the foreign departments, treaties, parts of them, and manage the economies basically.  And they run the Federal Reserve systems with their Trilateral Commission branch.  Therefore, they run the whole world. They decide who’s going to be popular, who’s going to be famous, and who’s going to get toppled at the top, out of, maybe into infamy from fame and so on. That’s how the world is.


They also take delight in boasting that they drafted up and planned the world to be broken into three parts basically, three unions. The European Union, an American Union, which would eventually broaden into the Americas and the Caribbean as well into one system, the European Union, and then the Far Eastern Pacific Rim region as well.  So you’ve got this great plan they’ve had for a long, long time and people think, and I understand it perfectly well, oh, what’s wrong with that? There’s been many debates too over many years, well, wouldn’t we get there eventually anyway? And maybe we would, maybe we wouldn’t. But the whole plan here is to, really, like the Marxian concept too, if things can happen along the way through time in a natural process, why not use your abilities to make it happen faster?  So, plan the problems, plan the solutions, etc., and eventually you can go up the ladder with the Hegelian dialectic and get the world where you want it to be.  So, if that included wars, and world wars, you would use all of that, you see. And that is the system that has been used on the planet. 


But those are the top… And folk will say too, well you know, they might agree with that. It’s like, when you’re young and you read Bertrand Russell, you would think that guy’s got a lot of common sense in here, what he’s saying. But it really isn’t until you go into the cliques that they all belong to, and eugenic societies, and yeah, they need all your help to get things rammed through, just like the Bolsheviks needed the mob as they call them, the people, behind them to overthrow the Czar and take over the country, they always use the mob, and you end up getting something completely different at the end of it than what you imagined.


Because there’s not a… You’re not… You see, you always think in them and us. That’s how people think. And it never occurs to you, if you’re fighting for them, you see, then you are now part of us, [Alan chuckles.] that’s what you think.  But them at the top don’t see you as part of us.  That’s just it.   And again, I’ve given many examples over the years of the ones who helped foment revolutions, and don’t forget we’re still going through revolutions now. You don’t need massive bloodshed to go through revolution. Most of the revolutions we go through are fairly bloodless. They’re cultural. They’re sexual. They’re into gender. They’re into all kinds of things today. And these are parts of revolutions that were planned along long time ago. And you think you know the end, where it’s all going. But the fact is, it’s a long-term process. We’re reaching the end of one phase of it, that’s for sure.


Within about 30 years or so they’ll have it completely, you wouldn’t recognize the world in 30 years time. Or the cultures in it. Or the types of new cultures that have been fomented and created for everybody to follow. Because cultures are definitely planned and formulated and successfully put across on the public, who adapt into it rather easily, without thinking. And it’s not their fault. It’s not their fault because they think they’re free. If you’re free why would you be emulating behaviors of what we used to call decayed civilizations, or defunct civilizations?  …where the ancient Roman, ancient Greek basically collapsed from within. They didn’t really need the people invading from without.  They couldn’t, it was so bad at the end with their debaucheries and their partying and so on, they didn’t even have enough children of nobility to take over, to grow up and take over and run the country, it was just so corrupt and… yeah. 


So here we are again.  And so if you want to bring down a society or a system, that you’ve used, if you’re something behind the scenes, say, and you use, you’re always using others to do what you want to do and where you want to get, you use them, you see, once you’ve got them into this position where they think they’re the bosses, then you have to get rid of them gradually. Well, that’s what happened to the British Empire. Obviously.  It’s happened to the US too. And it’s always a shock to those involved. Interestingly enough, Rudyard Kipling was involved, heavily of course naturally, with what he saw as the British system and the Raj system in India, and British Empire, where they literally thought “the sun would never set on the British Empire,” as he said.


They couldn’t imagine it. They had never had so much wealth across the world, the people who were born into it, on behalf of the officialdom of the Empire. They had servants and all the rest of it. And a servant really, as far as I’m concerned, is basically a paid slave, isn’t it?  They didn’t like that term in Britain, so they call them serfs basically, but they were definitely bought and sold with the land. But, as I say, when a ruling managerial class have served their purpose, give them, oh, 60, 70 years, maybe 100 at the maximum, and they’ll die off rather quickly. Because just like every other defunct, as they call them, defunct and arrested civilization, you go backwards.  You start drinking, you take drugs, you have sexual immorality, you don’t have children, just like ancient Rome, and so on and so on and so on. 


…until you’re overrun by the next phase. And the next phase of course of those who are going to manage the world are chosen by an elite, again, the quiet elite at the back, to take over. And they have really a completely different mindset, most of them. They’re brought into this new computerized industry.  They’re okay at what they do. It’s all mathematics basically. They get cocky and arrogant, very quickly, very, very quickly, when the big money rolls in. And they get their lectures given to them too, that they are the new rulers and can rule billions of people’s minds easily with algorithms, etc. Which they CAN by the way, and I’ll touch on that a little bit, just a tiny little bit of it tonight.


Because it is boring. I’m sure you’ve all read about it in various places. But the people who they bring in today who are taking over, who are made the multimillionaires and multibillionaire’s, very quickly, are still a managerial class on behalf of something above themselves, which they don’t quite understand or believe it’s there.  The greatest way to blind people is to make them think they’re at the top. And they get terribly arrogant. And when they get too arrogant in fact and they won’t take the little hints that will trickle down to them, they’re simply removed in different ways from the system.


Getting back to Rudyard Kipling, he was part of the establishment. He was the big author of the day and a good speaker as well, for the British, as I say, in India. He and many others in his own era, his class system, like you find for instance you had the later HG Wells, this was a whole class who saw the world as a place to be ruled. A place to be shaped. And they were taught certainly by their owners at the top, the very, very top, the culture, everything would be changed. HG Wells was very, very aware of this and he was all for it, he thought at the time.  But their shocks came. Their shocks came to all of them, even Kipling too, when the torch was handed over to America to take over.


Britain was exhausted with all the wars. The taxpayers paid for it all, one way or another, everything that you bought had taxes on it like crazy. They were exhausted after, right up through World War I. So really, the torch was handed, and it was planned to be handed before even world war started, to the US, a much, much bigger population coming in, all the time, getting bigger and bigger and bigger.  It had a workforce from across the planet flooding in there. It had massive land space, great mineral rights and ores and all the rest of it. It could be exploited and up and running very, very quickly, which of course it was. There was a lot of factory towns, a lot of factory… that almost could be called factory cities some of them were so big at one time. It was a massive machine, that’s how people could see it, as a massive machine of production. And Britain couldn’t stand up to it at all.  As I say, Britain was exhausted, because the public themselves are cannon fodder naturally for those who own an empire. And those who own an empire don’t even see the people that they use as even being of the same stock, you might say, of themselves. They see them as almost a completely different race to themselves. And Britain certainly had that arrogant system installed there.


Anyway, for those as I say, that help to push onto the next step and the next step, they are in shock, they are in shock when it’s handed off to someone else. Because they think they’re going to be in on it. Some of the big players have said that, that many of those who help us, Julian Huxley for instance…  I hate saying this stuff because there’s somebody grabs it all the time [Alan chuckles.] and uses it as though it’s his own, a rather big one, all the time. But anyway, Julian Huxley said that, he said that many will serve us and work for us to eliminate the old, the old, he’s talking about the system, and he said, and they’ll expect to come, that we’ll bring them into the new system.  It was almost verbatim to George Bernard Shaw but they both said, but they’ll be shocked to find out after all their lifelong work and help, that they don’t have the right stuff, you might say, to get through themselves and to be, go into the next phase, they’ll be eliminated as well.  [Alan chuckles.]  


So that’s how the system is. I’ve said it before, that the elite see, and there IS an elite, there definitely is an elite, of course there is an elite, and they decide what the future’s going to be. They don’t sit and bury themselves in books to find out what to do. They have lots and lots, millions of academia now, those in academia doing all that kind of work for them. They have hundreds and maybe if not thousands today of think tanks across the world, which they have working on all kinds of the big agendas’ problems and how to overcome them, how to get around laws, all that kind of stuff, perpetually. So when they meet together, they want all the facts presented to them by the experts.  And that’s how things proceed.


But the people at the top are very, very calm. They’re very calm. They don’t sit and fret about things or worry about things. They leave the worrying to those who are employed by them. That’s the beauty of being incredibly, not just incredibly, incredibly wealthy but a member of the upper echelons and the elite.


I have to laugh, and cry to an extent too, at the misery that will come when once again you read that now they are, they’re going to the next phase of course, I’m talking about this new chapter we’re in, of eliminating any voices out there on Internet or whatever that they don’t like. And they have to have some kind of excuse for doing so, be it fake news, be it whatever. But now they’re also going, and there’s all kinds of, oh, they’re racist, or you name it, blah blah blah, any excuse will do, to eliminate anybody who is off the beaten path of the authorized truth. And of course, there can only be one authorized truth.  And here we are again.


I can remember after 9/11, leading up to 9/11 in fact, there was a big drum beat put out by the FBI and others, that literally are all NGO groups around them that said that the patriot groups in the US were, could be the worst enemy in America, the most, they were the biggest threat, according to the FBI. And this is before 9/11 happened. And even then, it took quite a while for it to sort of die off as well, that kind of attitude.  But now they’ve kind of resurrected different attitudes again with the same kind of thing behind it of course.  They will proceed to eliminate all those who are not authorized to be out there until you’re left with counterintelligence.   Don’t forget, counterintelligence will have incredible funding. It will give out sometimes more information on events and so on than anybody else, and it’s got to be checkable, to give credence, but then they spin you off into politics, or into more wars across the world, and that kind of thing, you see. That’s how it’s really done.


A brief look at the Internet and through the different video systems and so on will tell you who still hasn’t been pulled, and who has no problem being found if you do searches and searches on them. It’s quite amazing. Where everybody else is being simply cut off and their finances are being shackled pretty well, to get them off, out of your headspace you might say. There’s nothing unique in this. Back in the 90s I did shows on regular media on what they did, and the big cartels who owned regular media and the history of it too. I read from the Royal Institute of International Affairs own documentation on their control, say, in Britain for instance, as an example, and how before World War II started they gathered their members then, the ones who owned, they were the cartel owners of the media in Britain.


They had a meeting, in an afternoon, because it wasn’t even sure if Britain would even be involved in any war in Europe. But they wanted, the Royal Institute of International Affairs had its own agenda of course, they always have their own agenda, and they needed the public’s support to fill the uniforms that would go off and do the fighting.  They talked about ways that they could publicize, and terrified, the words were ‘terrify’ the British readers of their newspapers. So they all agreed there and then to broadcast on radio, it was the BBC and they’re using their newspapers write ups on the fact that Germany was going to gas them all, them and their children, from the air. They also said that they would be out digging trenches against it. Well, trenches aren’t much use in modern [Alan chuckles.] air bombardments, believe you me. And they knew that. But it was to get an active, it was to get something done in the big cities that would get through to the public.


You see how we are conditioned and used? If you see folk suddenly frantically digging trenches in your cities, something that hasn’t happened becomes a reality to you.  Oh, we’re all going to get slaughtered by those nasty… So it builds up an anger for, against people who haven’t done anything to you yet. It’s a precursor, it’s predictive programming.  You get, oh my God, they’re going to bomb us, they’re going to gas us. They even said they were going to come over and they would castrate all the able-bodied men. That’s what they… This is your… This is the moguls, the owners the of the newspapers in London, that’s what they said they’d do. And they did. They put it all out there to terrify the public.


Well, immediately the women were, it’s like what Hitler said, [Alan chuckles.] Hitler said in Germany, because he learned it from long before him. But Hitler said, you must aim, socialist government must aim all of their propaganda at the female psyche, the woman.  Because they demand protection.  And they demand protection for their family, for their children, you see. So, you tell them that government’s now in charge, and the women won’t question the government and they’ll say immediately to the husband, oh Jimmy, do what they tell you, they’re trying to keep us safe, you see.  So already the government’s overruling the husband, who’s maybe saying, I don’t really believe all this stuff that they’re saying. But Hitler said, aim the propaganda at the woman because she wants peace and security and safety, aim it over the head of the husband, the woman will come to us, the party, the political party, and then, he said, the child will follow the woman, and therefore the man must therefore follow the child.


So, it’s bump, bump, bump, 1, 2, 3, that’s how it works. And it never changes.  It doesn’t matter about all of the freedoms that different genders have today or anything else, women still are more prone to demand.  And this is what Socialism knows. We are your friend, we’ll give you your rights, we’ll give you this, we’ll give you that, etc., etc. But there’s a price to pay. And the price is that the government expects you to jump and jump and jump whenever they tell you to back them up. There’s always a price to pay.


Power is not given out to people for free. Never.  Anymore than the people who own the system, and then they’ll say, we’re going to use the people, we’ll give them a term called democracy…  Because if you don’t give them this idea of democracy they won’t do, they won’t work for us, they won’t do anything we want them to do, you see. We’ll make them think it’s going to be their system, a Brave New World or a utopia, and through democracy you’ll have rights. And then they supply you with all the speakers of the rights. And then you wonder, what on earth is this zoo we’ve got here, you know. And how come you’re still just as poor the bottom and getting worse?  You have to understand, you’re not living in the system you’ve been trained to see.


Bertrand Russell said that we, you know, we, meaning his we that he belonged to, and very high clique in fact, he said, we used to believe that all we had to do was to point out to the public what was right and wrong and what they should and shouldn’t do, and suggest to them the better path to follow. And he said, how wrong we were. What we really needed to do was use what really worked, a brass band, flags and parades and things, that’s what the public will follow, it’s an emotional thing. There’s never been a time in history where so much of our own money of course, through the grant, gets used to pay for studies and programs to control our behavior, on behalf of the ones who own the system basically. And it works awfully well. Incredibly well. And the amount of financing of the different teams in psychology and behaviorism get is staggering, folks.


But again, money is nothing to those who simply add numbers to the long, long numbers already exist of what the debt is supposed to be. It’s nothing at all, you just keep, at one time it was just printing paper. Now it’s just digitalized additions that’s added onto computers. It’s backed by nothing. So, you understand, it’s interesting, that the central banking system is a closed shop. You talk about high temple of the occult, it’s right there.  Because you and I know darn well that at the end of the month of your bills don’t tally up and your income is less than your output, then you’re in trouble. But governments have no problem with this. When you get a financial crash it’s because the elite at the top planned it that way, they want it. It doesn’t have to happen; they could just divert it. They can just put it off forever if they want to. So, it’s to suit what they call an adjustment, for themselves, not for us. 


On the last, of course, the crash that we had, the 2007/8 crash is still wide open. Every country, pretty well every country borrowed from the US. You see, the US Federal Reserve today is not just the US reserve. It’s pretty well reserve to the planet, when you look at the money that’s owed to them by the all the other countries, including Canada.  We also had bailout money the last time and special drawing rights in Canada from the Federal Reserve. We were included in the American’s bank as well. But we have to pay it back naturally. And out of that they managed to really reduce the currency value, the purchasing power, the currency in Canada about 35%, almost 40%. Well, it pretty well is 40% now. And everything has shot up in price. And the foodstuffs has gone up in price too. But that’s not the end of the story. 


Because when you look at everything that’s happening it’s meant to look all disconnected, all the different events are disconnected, unconnected, but disconnected from a single cause, or a single-purpose, or a single agenda. And here we go with conspiracy theories, which they say now is the new taboo. It’s the same as the old patriots being the danger to the planet or to the country or the US or whatever it was at 9/11. Now of course it’s conspiracy theorists. Conspiracy theorists. 


It’s so interesting, when you read and you recorded the petty pathetic little inquiries, these little routine nonsense things they had after the crash of the economy that started in the US in 2007/8, and they had these little hearings.  And to hear the chiefs of the Reserve and all the rest of it saying, well, the money went to money heaven, with a sarcastic attitude…  knowing, and saying that the US couldn’t even charge these people with anything. Greenspan said it too, he weighed in on it as well and said the US can’t charge them, it’s a completely different body from government, it’s untouchable, nothing you can do about it. So here we are, we live through all this thing, because of it we’re poorer off than ever before.


It was an adjustment, as I say. It was for the elites’ own reasons. But when the elite then bailout other countries, not just Canada, and countries across Europe too have got special drawing rights over that… You understand, that money is always a control factor. It’s THE control factor. And no loan is put out without, it isn’t just all the legalese to do with paybacks, there’s conditions, and social conditions, and cultural conditions attached to it that must be met.  We saw all that first when Hillary Clinton was in the US State Department and when they were giving out different grants across the world, as always, you see. She started tacking on all these things that had the people in Africa scratching their heads. Because now it was overt, we’re not going to give you your loan unless you promote this law and promote that law, etc. etc. etc.  …that interfered with their culture. Well, now all the countries are the same, you see, we’re all getting it with the same things.


That’s what you do with the system. Because money is a control factor. Every government on the planet has to go cap-in-hand to the central banking system every year to borrow more of these nothings that are then tacked onto their computers as okay to put money in.  It’s a big club at the top, really, of incredibly rich… What I mean is, a rich, rich club. Because how can you not be rich when you’re at the top creating money out of nothing? and the whole planet just accepts it?!! I mean what a heady experience that must be, ‘eh? 


We’re trained to see the world in a certain way and it really is different. The reason being, you’ve all forgotten that when Agenda 21, the agenda for the 21st century, that used to also be called The Millennium Project, was all signed, with the sustainability agreements and all the rest of it, and now you have different parts of it split up into about 15 year periods for further negotiation, to ram the next level through, the next level, the next level through. But don’t forget the original one is for the whole century, it’s telling you what they have to accomplish in stages for the whole century. And population control is in there. Eventually housing in Agenda 21, there’ll be no private ownership of property.  Did any of you read it?


You see, what you’re going to have is what’s coming up right now. And you’re being led into it. No private property. So, let’s look at this little article just to start here, right. Now, this one here, it’s for Canada but it could be for anywhere. Australia, New Zealand, London, anywhere in the world actually because you see the same articles across every country.


Priced out of the market? Three housing alternatives for hot markets / 16 Dec 2016


TORONTO -- With the sluggish economy (Alan:  So, they’re admitting it’s sluggish, right. What do you mean, sluggish?  We don’t produce material things anymore.)  and tightened lending rules, (A:  So, the big central bankers are tightening the lending rules…)   being priced out of the real estate market is a reality for many, particularly those in Toronto and Vancouver.


But whether your finances are limited or you simply don't want to overextend yourself, there are other options.


Take Toronto, for example, where recent statistics show the median family income … (A:  Now, these are always approximate things. And don’t forget, you have a tiny minority that’s earning hundreds and hundreds of times more per family than other average families so you can’t really get a good figure for average at all, really. But anyway, it says…) 


the median family income (A:  This is family income…) is $75,270 (A:  …per annum, right…) and the average home costs $762,975. Using these figures, prospective homebuyers wouldn't be able to qualify for a mortgage.


"The maximum purchase price this median family's income could support is $620,935, and they'd need to put six per cent down," says Rob McLister, founder of


But affordability starts to come into the picture about an hour west of the city (A:  So, in other words, they’re trying to tell folk to move out, right. If they move out and if they’re working in the city, well, now you’ve gotta have congestion on the roads more so and more so and etc. etc. etc., right? But they’re trying to tell you that if you move out and the cost of the average home is…) in the Hamilton-Burlington area where the average home is $507,131. A family (A:  …the same family…) earning $75,270 could qualify with a minimum down payment of $25,713.


(A:  That’s all well and good as long as you’re pretty well guaranteed to keep a job. Which very few folks are today. If the businesses they’re into don’t go by, they’ll be taken over or put out of the market. Everything is getting taken over these days, as you know.  Another one…)


As middle class gets priced out of housing market, Canada takes drastic steps to make it affordable / 9 May 2018


(A:  Now, here’s what they’re doing here.  [Alan chuckles.]  Right.  And this is how it sounds, great, because we get great announcements in Canada, and they don’t really go very far actually. It says…) 


Canada is offering free land (A:  …right…) and tax incentives to create more affordably priced options in Vancouver and Toronto


(A:  I tell you where it’s going here…)


Fuelled by a booming tech industry, (A:  Booming, you see. Now, tech industry is up and down like a yo-yo because there’s so many countries involved in the same tech industry.) Toronto’s economy has produced an all-too-familiar problem: soaring housing prices beyond the reach of the middle class.


(A:  It’s also mass migration from, and they’ve admitted it, from wealthy China, every country says China and India; it’s got a massive middle-class too, we forget that, that are wealthy, and they can come in and buy them, the houses, right off the bat, like whole, you know, don’t bother with a mortgage, don’t need to. And China is doing the same thing too. When you look at the world prices of housing, and there are actual lists of them, they admit it’s mainly China and then India, followed by India, that has the money, very rich people moving out and just buying places. So, the folk at home can’t afford it. Anyway, back to this article. They complain about Vancouver and Toronto all being, as if that’s the only places in Canada.  Of course, they’re not but that’s all they seem to talk about these days…)


That’s also plagued Vancouver where prices soared even higher than Toronto.


Now, Canada is embarking on an ambitious plan to create more (A:  …and here’s the key…) moderately priced rental units.


(A:  So, here’s everybody thinking, oh that’s great, they’re going to give people land and… moderately priced rental units. So big international landlords, they have chains of them if you don’t know that, are snapping up this kind of offer, obviously, you see.  I’ve done research into a lot of these organizations and when you start…  Is a light coming on, right? If your memory lasts just about five minutes or a bit longer, you remember, right. So, here’s governments using your tax money to hand out land for building, and tax incentives to companies that will put up rental apartments, you see, as a start.)


With land handouts and tax incentives provided by the city and provinces, one group hopes to bring 50,000 affordable apartments to Toronto and Vancouver in just 10 years.


The project, to cost at least $10 billion (US$7.8 billion), (A:  Well, you can probably put that up to about 40, 50 billion by the time they tied it all up, that’s always the way it works.) is at a scale never before seen in Canada, both in its size and speed. And it’s raising questions about whether or not the country will be able to address its affordability problem before it’s too late.


(A:  They talk about the… ) UBS Group AG’s annual list of major cities worldwide…


(A:  What they’re doing too, don’t forget, don’t forget, you know, they’re giving them big projects, that own rental units across the planet.  Anyway, it says…)


…Westbank Projects Corp., who spearheaded the project and recruited Allied Properties Real Estate Investment Trust to help. (A:  They’re in on the act as well.)


The Canadian plan, (A:  …right… ) run by a new nonprofit (A:  So here you go, this public-private partnership, the public pays for everything and the private ones own it eventually. You see, it’s a nonprofit called…) called Creative Housing Society, proposes to build units aimed at people with median annual income between $40,000 to $100,000, who would spend less than 30 per cent of their household income before tax on housing costs.


Well you see, the idea is to get you into rental only, because again, Agenda 21, by the end of the century they don’t want people owning, at least ordinary folk owning their own property. And you have public-private partnerships, this is what it’s about, there’s so many of them, it’s just staggering how many international real estate agencies there are. And these international real estate agencies are often in league or part of or a subsidiary of a bigger company of international landlord associations that have rentals throughout cities across the planet for instance.  And that’s the way of the future.  The public’s tax money will pay for the upkeep of these buildings and homes. And they will be so-called thermal friendly and eco-friendly and sustainable, etc. etc. etc., all the fancy words that add more bucks to it. And they’ll be owned in an oddball sense by these corporations and somehow, they’ll word it as not really private, although of course it is. That’s the way of the future. There’s quite a few articles on the same kind of thing… 


Priced Out of the Housing Market - / 24 Sept 2018


Again, they still blame laundering schemes…


$7.4B money laundering scheme spiked B.C. home costs 5 per cent, reports find - / 9 May 2019


(A:  The headlines now are becoming more… it’s… I don’t know if they go to school anymore because they’re all lately, headlines often just don’t make any sense these days, do they, really? And there’s so many mistakes in it too. But anyway, it says…)


VANCOUVER—Organized criminals found B.C. an increasingly attractive place to stash their money — largely without legal consequence, two scathing final reports on money laundering said Thursday.


Money laundering, you see, that’s where they sink their money, is into big, big projects, big buildings in big cities across the world, you see. I did some of the stories a few weeks ago, or last week or the week before as well, on China laundering money into buildings as a way to get money out and to make it appear to be clean. Another article too says…


Want to buy a home in UK? You need to earn £54,000 on average / 27 June 2019


(A:  Again, it’s the same thing, same tactic you find…)


Zoopla finds London buyers must be paid £84,000 (A:  …to qualify to get a mortgage…) while Liverpool requires £26,000


You see how they can encourage you all to move.  [Alan chuckles.]  They know what they’re doing, ‘eh, when you see the same articles for different countries, all the same articles, basically, then there’s something, there’s a connection here, there’s a reason. You also have affordability and sustainability being married, they call it…


Marrying Affordability and Sustainability at The Rose / 31 July 2019


(A:  Neighborhood organizations work within these organizations, developers, etc., contractors, architects, they all meet together, and they address…)


…the seven LBC principles of sustainability as part of the project.


Located just south of downtown Minneapolis, The Rose incorporates pioneering green building techniques among its 90 mixed-income (47 affordable and 43 market-rate) apartments,  (A:  …apartments, apartments.)


So you see, everything’s being changed into a Brave New World, isn’t it?  And we’re going along with it. Because what choice do we have? The people don’t know what else to do except to go along with it. You see, you don’t have what you think of as your country, whatever country you’re in.  You still thinking it’s your country, even though all the signs of what’s happening show you the opposite. It’s not your country. And the politicians you bring in, they completely ignore your problems, your real problems, and big things happen and you don’t have a clue what’s happening.


I said before, the NAFTA agreement, North American Free Trade Agreement that was drafted up was really to amalgamate the Americas, and the Caribbean and other ones too, and to bring them all into one big system. Even with a central Parliament down the road, if possible. They said they wouldn’t need that, but they’d like to have one, they could still run the countries without one. If you wonder why you haven’t been, you haven’t seen any official documentation from your governments telling you they’re dissolving the borders for instance, but you can see it and read it all the time that that’s obviously been happening for a few years, [Alan chuckles.] quite a few years, then obviously your government is not in charge of what’s happening. Something above them is because if your government was real and something was happening outside their control, they would make sure they took over control to get it back to where it’s supposed to be under law. But they’re not attending it, which means, they’re told hands-off these new normals.


Now, I’ll show you to a little example of people who think that they’re up at the top, or near the top at least. And you can see the arrogance of the, I call them the strutters, they verbally strut. Their attitude is superior, is of superiority, etc. Because they’re spoiled. They’re spoiled. But they think they’re in charge of much of what’s going on, because they’ve helped to shape the opinions across the planet through electronic programming through different systems. Now here’s an example, it’s just an example of one person that, I think he was on television discussing what happened to him in 2017. And you wonder if you really gets it, yet, and during that discussion at least. But it’s on…


Chamath Palihapitiya


Chamath Palihapitiya is a venture capitalist (A:  Right. I mean, here's big money again.)  and the founder and CEO of Social Capital.


Palihapitiya was born in Sri Lanka and, at the age of six, moved with his family to Canada.  (A:  …went to school and college and all the rest of it until he did really well in electronics. Then he went down to the States…)


…worked for a year as a derivatives trader (A:  Again, derivatives and all the rest of it, to me, I can’t tell the difference between hedge funds and derivatives. Unless maybe the derivatives are the leaves you’ve got left after you’ve got the hedge.) at the investment bank BMO Nesbitt Burns.  


He moved to California to be with his then-girlfriend, Brigette Lau, and they later married.


Palihapitiya joined AOL, becoming the youngest vice president of the company in its history, heading its instant messaging division in 2004. In 2005, he left AOL and joined Mayfield Fund; a few months later he left that job and joined Facebook, (A:  …and this is the key to it…) which was then a little more than a year old.  (A:  So he was one of the, maybe the partial, one of the many [Alan chuckles.] maybe partial kind of founders in a sense.) Palihapitiya's work at Facebook involved trying to increase its userbase.


Palihapitiya says that when he joined Facebook he had contempt for people who merely write code, (A:  …because he has that attitude around him of contempt anyway.)  but that his experience at Facebook led him to revise his beliefs.  (A:  And he was there for four or five years before he revised it, you see.)   One of the things Palihapitiya admired about Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook's principal founder and CEO, was Zuckerberg's lack of ego (A:  Well, I don’t know where you got that from.) and ability to make business decisions dispassionately.


I hope you understand, these business decisions are much bigger than giving you something to chat with across the planet. It’s a whole new culture. And there’s a YouTube I’ll put up, a link to it where this man talks about it.


Chamath Palihapitiya, Founder and CEO Social Capital, on Money as an Instrument of Change - / 13 Nov 2017


He talks about when he left Facebook because of the incredible power it had and how it could cause tremendous harm as well, etc.  But he says it out loud, the power to influence people’s behavior and so on and so on, right, and culture. So he’s left and he now is supposedly, he’s advising people to do the same as him, and all get together, all the biggies basically, and create a good proper culture for the people, creating new morals, by using all these algorithms and behavior modification techniques they can use, that you don’t even know are getting used on you.


Well, hold on a second here!  Isn’t that simply a continuation of the Facebook with a different company?  And did anybody ask the population anywhere on the planet, do you want your culture changed? And if you all said even yeah, were you asked what you would want for culture? No. The arrogance of the people involved in the tech industry, who admit, who admit the power that they have to change, and they already, they use it all the time to change and create the culture, that’s rapidly disintegrating, he admits that by the way.


Former Facebook exec says social media is ripping apart society - / 2 Aug 2019


But I think it’s disintegrating because it was intended to be that way. Let’s be honest here, who’s giving them the power to, the right to interfere with your mindset in such a way that you have no say so in it, you don’t even know that it’s being done to you because it’s so perfectly done? It’s a tremendous psy-op operation going on all the time. They admit this in lots of their writings, by the way, folks.  So, this guy now is, whether it’s his own idea or he’s being used, is being used as a form of revolutionary for political lobbying strategies and so on. But his answer is basically to use it properly, with all their power that they have to create a good culture, etc. Well, whose opinion is it, a good culture, clarify what he means by a good culture?


And let’s be honest here. How does this tie in with democracy? It doesn’t, does it.  It doesn’t. When you’re not asked, would you mind if we alter your behavior, or do you mind if we the penalize you for your opinions, or even your thoughts? Even if the thought is only a question, that borders on a taboo subject no matter what it happens to be, who gives them the right to say they’re going to punish you for that? Because that’s where it’s all going.  I hope you understand. So anyway, this fella got some media attention when he come out, at least talked about it and how they know they’ve got these dopamine driven feedback loops they call them on Facebook, that are deliberately designed into them to make it addictive… and really to get the young folk and then give them their opinions and so on.


Former Facebook VP says social media is destroying society with ‘dopamine-driven feedback loops’ - / 12 Dec 2017


Everything out there is so weaponized, you can’t watch anything on television without being brainwashed. There’s even a talk that Star Trek was loaded with all these messages all to make you think, maybe you should think about this particular problem that way or this way, until it becomes your opinion too. Everything out there, you see, the entertainment value is the hook to get you to watch and the rest of it is really just weaponized payloads to get into your brain. That’s what it’s for. So, I’ll put these articles up along with another one to do with Facebook…


Facebook could soon be snooping on your encrypted WhatsApp messages under plans to moderate content on the platform / 2 Aug 2019


(A:  So once again, this is censorship of speech, ‘moderate content’, right.)


…using on-device AI algorithms to scan and moderate content in its WhatsApp messaging service to enforce its acceptable speech policy.


(A:  There you go.)


By the way, this young fellow who wants to give you a new culture, well, basically new morality, on the talk he cusses and swears.  [Alan laughing.]    This is your new guru to give you your good culture and good values and so on, hm?  And where do you get all this cussing and swearing from? I’ve never heard somebody, folk cussing and swearing and all that. It’s all from everything on your social media and all your movies and everything else.  That’s what started it all. I think Britain was the first target of that, big time, actually. 


I’ll also put up remember…


The World's Largest Real Estate Companies 2018 - / 6 June 2018


That’s got quite a good list, that ties in with the housing I mentioned earlier there. This article…


Should the Rich Be Allowed to Buy the Best Genes? / 27 July 2019


Biology is the new tech. I’m at a conference in Quebec City on CRISPR, the molecular tool designed to edit genes…


(A:  It goes through some of it and some of the, again, your new gods up there, the white coated gods found ways to edit the genes and so on and alter the genetic coding and how wonderful it all is. We should worship them all, you know. We should. Yes.)


At one time, as I’ve said, like last week, about the people who go off to work at big agency labs to create biowarfare to slaughter millions of people, and they have families and they tend their gardens and they have wives and stuff and vice versa, wives that have husbands and they may go off and do the creation of biowarfare technologies. Well, it’s the same with this stuff here too. Because now you’re truly god when you can come in and decide what kind of creatures you want to be. But don’t forget, Brave New World, Aldous Huxley, 1932 I think it was, or 1933 he came out with it, that’s where you’re going with it all.  It’s all eugenics. Always eugenics.


And another article I wanted to put up too…


Stop aerial herbicides bring on the Sudbury forest


(A:  …near me, they've been spraying over the Sudbury forest and there were articles in 2015 about it where they were, they wanted Monsanto's product glyphosate stopped.)


The herbicide VisionMax Pest Control Product (PCP), a Monsanto product containing glyphosate, the same chemical in RoundUp, and Garlon XRT PCP, another systemic herbicide containing triclopyr, will be used.


I’ve got two articles and I’d like to just put it up because it’s important.  Why are they doing this, ‘eh?  I mean, again, I know we’re disposable when you get way outside the big important cities, remember, the super cities that the UN declared back about 10 to 12 years ago and how these would be the big places of the future.  They’d be countries in a sense. Everything outside of them would just die off, because you wouldn’t be living in them anymore, you’d be off the land, Agenda 21, living in these big, big cities. I guess that’s what they’re doing here.  [Alan chuckles.]  They’re definitely spraying a lot of stuff on us that shouldn’t be there at all. This other article too is to do with more spraying in Sudbury. They call it the rain of death…


Monsanto’s “Rain of Death” on Canada's Forests - / 16 May 2019


It isn’t just in Sudbury, but Global Research has an article too, for those who want to know about it.


Anyway, where are we here now…? Because I’m running out of time. I’m trying to keep it shorter talks because other folk put them up and one that goes up on a radio thing, actual radio broadcast eventually, and it tends to go over. So…


Former Google Engineer Says Google Will Try to Prevent Trump's Reelection - / 3 Aug 2019


Well, that tells you, if Google is surviving and it’s being allowed to do what it does, which is total control and total data collection, it’s working for the people who own the planet. How’s that. Obviously. Since no government’s stepped in to lessen its powers at all. Like, they give you these little, oh we’re talking, we’re looking at this, we’re looking at that. No, no, no. Forget that rubbish. It was set up by THE intelligence agency of the planet, of those who rule it, the planet basically. That’s what I’d say. Also, they’ve got…


First human-monkey chimera (A:  I talked about this years ago.) raises concern among scientists / 3 Aug 2019


(A:  Why not concern about the public? So, they’ve actually done it, naturally. I’m sure it’s not the first time either. So anyway, they’ve…)


…produced monkey embryos containing human cells.


A chimera (A:  …by definition, it says…) is an organism whose cells come from two or more “individuals”.


(A:  It was done at the Salk Institute, people who worked at the Salk Institute in the States…)


…from the Salk Institute in the US have produced monkey-human chimeras. The research was conducted in China “to avoid legal issues”, according to the report.


(A:  So, they took their research over to China because it would avoid legal issues back in the States.  But it was Izpisúa Belmonte from the Salk Institute in the US are the ones who did this particular thing.)


You know where it’s all going, ‘eh.  And they will make certain types of efficient workers for different functions and so on. We probably won’t even blink at all when that all happens because we’ll be so conditioned into it, the inevitability of it.


This whole thing about Mr. Epstein, Jeffrey Epstein.  I personally am pretty certain, from everything I’ve read, that definitely it’s, to me it’s an intelligence operation. Obviously. And I think even the first investigations they had on him years ago, they’ve admitted that, the guy who was put in charge of it, it was Acosta, was told to kind of back off to an extent because this guy belongs to intelligence, that came out.  And of course, they’re not saying which intelligence agency, and it would probably be more than one.  I’m sure the US will use it as well. Because you don’t do such incredible honey trap systems without exploiting it to the best you can.  To get all important people who help in affairs of the day, over the population, you gotta get them all, as many in as possible and get the blackmailable stuff on them. And everybody involved in these things, who actually succumbs to it and goes along into the honey trap, it’s understood, they’re not stupid, that they now owe a favor, a big favor to the person who set it up for them. And they also know that they are blackmailable, obviously. 


It’s set different countries scampering for excuses on what to tell the public. Well, right off the bat out come, oh well you see he’s just an oddball character.  So, take it down to, instead bring it to, instead of it being a certain country, any country’s intelligence agency, let’s take it down to him being an oddball screwy character, right, that just wanted to repopulate the world with his own seed. That’s how to get it off track. But the fact is, no, this was a big operation, heavily used, to influence people in all parties in the States and in Britain, other countries too.  And there’s royalty involved as you know as well. And that’s a big powerful organization. So, they can’t let that go to waste and the information will not be released to the public of it all.  No way at all will they do that.  But they’ll use it.


I think what’s… And I tell you, it’s so well-timed. I mentioned about it years ago when the different, all the countries in the West had their censorship departments for culture, used to have that for television programming and movies and stuff, they met years ago talking about they had won the battle.  Because these organizations were not there to safeguard the public. The public thought they were. They were there to see if they were ready to push the envelope even further. And they discussed what the steps would be for the next step. They did mention about intergenerational sex would be the next step that they would promote on television and put into movies and drama series, etc. And I’m certain that this is going to give, if it gets into any court systems, you’re going to hear the top behaviorists and psychologists brought out to explain to the public, well you know, it’s changed now, every, there’s no child is ignorant of sex reality anymore from the age of five on. I guarantee you this is going to come out. And they’ll say, yeah, and some children are precocious, and some are even sexually involved very early, at 11 and 12, they’ll get these oddball cases, but there are, they will find them. Then they’ll come up with many other ones too about the children, the information they’ve gleaned from the children social habits and social networks where they boast about this kind of thing.  Then they’ll say, well see, how can you possibly say that this man, he wasn’t jumping out of the car grabbing them and raping them.  See, it was a contract, financial, and these children knew what they were doing. That’s what’s going to come out of this. 


And out of it will come the reduction of the age of limit for sexual contact for children. And they might even introduce legislation to make it okay. I’m not kidding you. Because they talked about this many years ago, I’ve followed this stuff for years and years and years. It’s part of the cultural, the real cultural warfare on society where they mentioned that eventually there would be no restrictions between intergenerational sexual contact. You wait and see. You just wait and see. And they’ll give you sides. And people will jump in.  Well yeah, they knew what they were doing…  And, no, no, no, they couldn’t at that age, who could...   And they’ll get the public arguing amongst themselves, ‘eh.   It’s just too easy, isn’t it? Too easy.


And here’s a sad thing. You see, there’s a term they use, and it was used by the Communists, of course the West used as well, when you are enamored by an enemies country, by the system that they had, you might have liked parts of it, you were called ‘contaminated’. Because now you start liking it, this, oh well, that’s not too bad, that’s a good culture, d-d-d. And so, they might lose you.  And it’s so bad, in fact, that Stalin killed many, many, many Russians, and imprisoned them in the Gulag’s when they were released at the end of World War II, because they had been involved, now had been in contact, outside the communist Soviet bloc countries, they had met other people, as prisoners, but even that could be enough to contaminate them, and so they couldn’t be trusted.


The parents today starting with, say, the parents from even the 1960s, and then they had children. So they’re 20 years old, or in their 20s, they’d have children. Then those children would grow up and they would be in their 20s in the 1980s, all way down to the present time. Step by step by step by step you could now have your great-grandmother sitting with your granny, and your mother, and the children, all sitting, all in a row, and the dad’s there too if you can find him. They could be watching 50 Shades of Gray!, or whatever else they’re watching today, with the S&M and beastiality, or pornography. How can you get through to people what’s happening when they watch stuff like this for entertainment? And that will come out too during these trials. Do you understand what I’m saying?


I’m not standing up for this. I’m telling you how it’s supposed to go. We’ve been in a war for an awful long time, the complete destruction of Western civilization and the family unit. And it hasn’t stopped. But now you can’t get parents today, because they’re, again, we’ve all had our dose of contamination, no one’s escaped it. And the parents will, oh well, you know. And the public, after the debates go on television, get played on television, by faces that they like, you know, talk show people on television, and they’ll say, oh well, you know, maybe they’re right, you know, ‘eh, maybe… what’s wrong with lowering the age, you know. They will. I guarantee you.


When you can get folk to put holes through their faces to hang objects on them, and to tattoo themselves, through social media, through entertainment, through the massive algorithms and brainwashing they get, thinking they’re going to be individualistic, well, you can’t be individualistic when you’ve got a whole bunch of folk to compete with doing the same stuff, then there’s nothing that they can’t do with you. I hope you understand that. 


Now, back to Epstein too. There’s two articles, awfully important as well.


Jeffrey Epstein’s Sick Story Played Out for Years in Plain Sight - / 9 July 2019


Victoria’s Secret Has More than a Jeffrey Epstein Problem - / 29 July 2019


Because it ties in with what happened recently where Boris Johnson, just magically, was basically put in there as the Prime Minister to take over from May. He appointed his cabinet, and I had a laugh when he appointed them. Because people really, they’re clutching at straws hoping to regain some past something of a whole culture and society. Even the, I’m talking the working classes too. That’s all gone, all the industry is gone, there’s nothing to hold on to.  But they want it, so anybody promising them some kind of vague promise…


I feel we’re in, we’re like the American Indians after all the Indian wars as they called them against the Indians.  They came up with the ghost dance in the late 1800s, where you put a big pole in the ground and basically ropes coming from it with hooks on the ends. They would put these hooks on themselves and swirl around in the sun without eating and all that, so that the heat and starvation and so on, and the suffering, and trying to get visions, trying to get visions of hope, a religious experience, of hope. Some had put the word out that if they kept doing it, if enough of them did all this… You talk about desperation, this is suffering, this is the extreme of suffering, this is what it drives you to.  When you see your, everything you knew that was yours and your ancestors, right up to your recent ancestors, and your parents, all they knew was getting wiped out, destroyed.  They hoped that even the ghosts, even the ghosts…  Like the idea that you saw in Lord of the Rings idea with the shades or whatever they called them, but the ghosts of all the old warriors going down through the ages would come back, and drive the white man off the land, to regain the lifestyle they used to have… of hunting.


A simple lifestyle but they all had work to do, the guys would hunt and so on, and the women.  And no, they weren’t all peaceful. These Indians fought each other like all tribes do. But they all had, what they seemed to have functioned. It was taken away; then you become self-destructive.  And they certainly were not getting, before they were given booze/alcohol, they weren’t drinking themselves to death. They didn’t have glue to sniff themselves to death.  They didn’t get drugs flooded into them to kill themselves off.  That’s the techniques that have been used on what’s left of the Western world, folks. The articles on drug abuse is not lessening, it’s getting worse and worse and worse and worse.


Revealed: Britain's top private schools are 'awash with Class A drugs', according to society magazine - / 31 July 2019


But getting back to Britain here. The folk in Britain are hoping this group will pull them out of something, these appointees. But Priti Patel, that was put over as… [Alan chuckles.] She’s the head of the Home Office.  Woah.  That’s the job I think that Teresa May had before. And you’ve got MI-5 and MI-6 under there and all that kind of stuff. Pretty Patel, have we all forgotten of her secret meetings? The Guardian did the articles on them in Britain. I’ll put links up for those who care.


Priti Patel fallout erodes public trust and diminishes UK's stature, say critics - / 8 Nov 2017


But she, in her spare, she was given… Her job was to give British aid out, meaning our taxpayer money, [Alan chuckles.]  people’s taxpayer money, dish it out across the world to the poor folks so they could eat and so on and have education. But she was, in her own time, without her, under the law they’re supposed to have their cabinet around them wherever they go to meet foreign dignitaries. Well she thought, well, she’ll go over own way and she was going over to Israel, about 12 or 13, about 14 times, and didn’t announce to her department, supposedly, this is what we are told.  They were talking about possibly giving aid to Israel, right. Well now she supposedly is, in an article here, reported a visit to an Israeli field hospital…


What did Israel hope to gain from Priti Patel's secret meetings? / 8 Nov 2017


…including a reported visit to an Israeli field hospital in the occupied Golan Heights, (A: And here’s the key to it…)  which could have taken place only with both Israeli military and political clearance.


If you remember back then Israel had set up hospitals, and they say here in these articles, ‘to treat Syrian fighters’. Well, what it was, it was the ISIS groups that were, it was the mercenaries that were trying to kick Assad out.  Because I’ve got other articles here at the time when it was all happening, and the wounded were getting taken back, and Israel was treating them, to send them back to fight again, you see, to try to overthrow Syria. Which tells you, and yes, okay, Priti Patel amongst many others were, she was the head of the British conservative party, Friends of Israel Association, sure. But most of them are, in all parties. But that tells me that she’s intelligence. Now, you’ll all debate which intelligence service that is. But the fact is, when she was, wasn’t even kicked out of governmental positions, she was simply put in a different position out of the limelight. But here she is being basically given the top job in Britain, ‘eh.  That tells you that she was an operative back then.


Because Britain was, this is how you get around and get money to do an operation that you want. Because Britain and the US, we had the articles spelled out in great detail, no conspiracy involved, at the time, from the same newspapers across the world of what was happening there, and that we were funding these fighters, these ISIS, and ISS and ISIL and all the rest of the names that they gave it, the same thing, and giving them weaponry, weapons too. So we wanted…  I hate this word, we. This whole thing of saying you’re from this country or that country, you need to forget that because I don’t know anybody in Britain that voted for war. They weren’t given a vote in the first place, or even asked their opinion, on any of these wars. We’ve got to get out of this habit of blaming nations.


London, as always, wanted Syria to be under new regime as they call it, and of course, they’re funding it. I can remember reading Spy Catchers by Peter Wright, he said, to get money at one point MI5 had a lot of fake organizations down that they were going to get money from. So they had different organizations that were labeled, some of them were labeled as lesbian, NGOs, that didn’t exist, and that money that was put for these NGOs was actually coming into MI-5’s scoffers for different projects. This is the kind of way they do it.  


So Patel obviously was over there and that’s why she wasn’t really punished for it at all. She’s still working for probably MI-6, I would say. At least.  And maybe another country too, who knows.  Maybe a few. Personally, I think, that all the top organizations are all one. That’s my opinion. You couldn’t keep folk out of them, you couldn’t stop infiltrators. So, they have to be one. So anyway, I thought I’d just toss that in there too for those who want to have a look at it.  And there’s no time really for anything else. I’ve got stacks of articles, but time is running out again. As I say, I can’t really go over too much of the time limit.


Now remember, you can help me tick along and keep going by donating website. You’ll find out how to send money.  You can also see all the other sites I have listed on the .com site, which are mine, these are my official sites, anything outside of that is not mine. So remember, order your books and discs or any of the sites listed on this particular site. 


So, for myself Alan want from Ontario Canada, where I’m getting sprayed by glyphosate supposedly [Alan chuckles.] in the forest, it’s good night and may your God or gods go with you.


Topics of show covered in following links:


Priced out of the market? Three housing alternatives for hot markets / 16 Dec 2016


As middle class gets priced out of housing market, Canada takes drastic steps to make it affordable / 9 May 2018


Priced Out of the Housing Market / 24 Sept 2018


$7.4B money laundering scheme spiked B.C. home costs 5 per cent, reports find / 9 May 2019


Want to buy a home in UK? You need to earn £54,000 on average / 27 June 2019


Marrying Affordability and Sustainability at The Rose / 31 July 2019


The World's Largest Real Estate Companies 2018 / 6 June 2018


Chamath Palihapitiya


Former Facebook exec says social media is ripping apart society / 2 Aug 2019


Former Facebook VP says social media is destroying society with ‘dopamine-driven feedback loops’ / 12 Dec 2017


Chamath Palihapitiya, Founder and CEO Social Capital, on Money as an Instrument of Change / 13 Nov 2017


Facebook could soon be snooping on your encrypted WhatsApp messages under plans to moderate content on the platform / 2 Aug 2019


Former Google Engineer Says Google Will Try to Prevent Trump's Reelection / 3 Aug 2019


Should the Rich Be Allowed to Buy the Best Genes? / 27 July 2019


First human-monkey chimera raises concern among scientists / 3 Aug 2019


Revealed: Britain's top private schools are 'awash with Class A drugs', according to society magazine / 31 July 2019


Monsanto’s “Rain of Death” on Canada's Forests / 16 May 2019


Jeffrey Epstein’s Sick Story Played Out for Years in Plain Sight / 9 July 2019


Victoria’s Secret Has More than a Jeffrey Epstein Problem / 29 July 2019


Priti Patel fallout erodes public trust and diminishes UK's stature, say critics / 8 Nov 2017


What did Israel hope to gain from Priti Patel's secret meetings? / 8 Nov 2017



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