Apr. 7, 2019 (#1715)

"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt

(Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk)

A Blink in Time:

"Changes Fast and Furious Causing Alienation,

 Power, Always Prodding to Mind Your Station."

© Alan Watt Apr. 7, 2019

*Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Apr. 7, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes)



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Hi folks, I'm Alan Watt and this is Cutting Through The Matrix on April 7, 2019.  As always, I wish all the best to those out there who tune in all the time to listen to the talks, and have been tuning in actually for many years, many of them.  There's always new ones coming in too, new people, and younger audiences as well looking for different things and explanations to really what it's all about basically, like the old movie said, what it's all about, Alfie. 


While I think everybody goes through the same phases and stages of trying to figure out, underneath the massive deluge of data that's dumped on us, and education too, under the guise of education often because even history changes all the time as well, you'll notice, that we all ask the same questions of what's going on? Why does it go on? What really is the system we're living in? …which goes through different periods of transformation although it pretends it's not, and all the different techniques and tricks that are used today to create the illusions of mass demands on behalf of the public to change, really, the system according to a big, big plan.


They've always said that the rich people rule the world, and of course it's very true. Not just myself but many before me have talked about that, all the way back and before even Aldous Huxley, that the dominant minority have always existed and they always will, he presumed at the time during his interview with Mike Wallace.  Of course, you have a much, much larger academia than ever before across the planet all working together, different departments and so on, and communication in a global system of Internet, etc., so they really do have tremendous power and they work as the force that brings forth the changes. They even raise the children according to what the need actually is, isn't it?  It's according to the need of those who rule and manage the system. They raise the children to be the advocates of whatever is needed 10 or 15 years down the road when they'll bring in different things. That's actually how it is. It's pretty efficient that way.


Over the last few weeks too I've talked about articles by people like Jacques Ellul who talked about efficiency and how efficiency would be used to change and modify the whole, all cultures, all systems, all thought forms basically that we are so used to living in. They are already changing of course and have changed. So basically efficiency and the drive for efficiency, naturally for those in power, the real powers that run the system, overrides any human element, or even catastrophe that is the fallout from their agendas. And they always have lots of agendas of a course.  Other philosophers too have talked about necessity and how under the guise of necessity, which is often the excuse that they'll settle on to make the public go along with something. They use necessity… We have to do this to save you from a war, or from yourselves and climate change, and yourselves and man-made global warming and so on, anthropogenic warming.


So they've got it all figured out, and at least hopefully there'll be a few folk down the road in the future who will at least know and they've lived through some of the changes, the mandated changes, and they'll be able to maybe pass them on to some, to anyone else who wants to know down the road. Because that's all you can do.  A long time ago I said that there are so many people turning to self-destructive behaviors because they can't find purpose in a system that's fed them all the wrong reasons.  You know it's fake and the reasons are wrong for the way things are and the way they're going to go, etc. And you get frustrated if you can't get into the old books, if they're still around that is, to find out what really, really happened at different times, then you'll never understand that the problem isn't yours.  The problem is you suspect and probably know certain things are all wrong, you just don't have all the information to put it together to keep your sanity.


Because many people just don't swallow the answers they're given.  There are people out there, the more psychopathic, more closer to... And they'll say that everyone's got the psychopathic traits, they're like exaggerations of different tendencies we have in a sense. But the more psychopathic people will naturally gravitate and jump on the bandwagon and start parroting all the nuances and politically correct messages that they're given. They understand what they're for. They understand there's a system that now puts this ahead of everything else and does away with even their opposites and things like that. That's how fast things can be changed, but they'll immediately jump on them.  Just like Orwell said that, you know, who are we fighting today, in 1984. Because they kept changing the target in a sense, but you're supposed to not notice that they always change the target, even though you'll adjust your talk to the new country or the new area that you're supposedly at war with.  It's the same thing. 


It's all well understood at a very high level.  Those who belong to the Marxist groups, those who belong to the socialist revolutionary groups in the 1920s and 30s, like George Orwell, they understood that they were well trained.  Where they fell out was when they realized that the communistic system really was destroying or wanted to destroy any competition. They didn't really want a parliamentary, you might call it a parliamentary form of socialism. They wanted a more dictatorial form of it.  In fact, they didn't believe it would work if you had different dissension groups within a governmental system.


That again was further explained by HG Wells. Because he again was a founder of the Fabian Society with Bernard Shaw and others who were quite open the fact that they had an open channel, physical channel, all the way to Moscow to the Kremlin, and Trotsky was in touch with them all the time. Trotsky was always saying to them, you know, your way won't work, you've got to have an instant revolution. Whereas the Fabian socialists wanted step-by-step change until you simply morph into the new system.  And that's really the perfect technique because it's so perfected today you can morph into it within a matter of a few years quite easily from one to the next, without really knowing that you've actually changed [Alan chuckles.] and the system has changed.


It really is wonderful to see it in fact, because it's wonderful in that you understand the power, and the powers of those who've studied us and who can then implement the techniques to make us think and work and behave towards a certain goal or many goals. It is fascinating to watch it.  And we truly are, we're living through amazing times when everything that governments once stood for, supposedly stood for at least [Alan chuckles.], have been turned on their heads and are upside down. And now they're, with the same authoritarian techniques of putting it across to the public, they're mandating that the public go along with, really, contrary everything, systems, opinions, directions. 


It's quite fascinating to just sit back as almost like an alien being and watching it. And it helps to an extent to understand what they talked about by alienation. Because in sociology and in socialism too and in Marxism they talked about this term of alienation.  I mentioned it to someone, and we were talking about it the other day there, what they really meant by alienation. 


In the Marxian version it was that, basically those in the lower orders, when studied in the 1800s and much before that too, they literally, especially in the cities, they literally felt they were drifting. Because you're such a low class of unimportance, that's how it was put across then, you really had no rights at all. You might get casual labor, occasionally if you're lucky. You had no healthcare of any kind. You had no welfare of any kind. You were disposable by employers, literally, physically.  Because I mean, people died of incredible conditions in factories during the Industrial Revolution and things like that crammed into terrible places.  So that's how great the nation was when it was empire in Britain, for instance. And we forget, we're taught to forget it.  We come out with this mushy notion of old BBC plays and things where it's all carriages and wealthy middle-class from London or something.  That was not the country at all. And even in London, there's a complete other side of that too. 


But what I'm getting at is that we're so well studied. Marx did it too. Because they all knew it.  Remember, the whole idea of Marxism was eventually revolution, and supposedly the workers at that time, they always presumed they'd always be laborers and workers, that they would supposedly, theoretically, ideally, utopically [Alan chuckles.], run the nation and the world. Which never really emerged of course. It was certainly used by others for their own advantage elsewhere, of course.  But the idea, the symptoms they were describing are dead on. Because those who lived in squalor, as they say, because they worked it out in different categories, it's squalor that's the problem. Not squalor as a symptom of the poverty. Then the frequent changes of employment, even, were often because they were getting fired.  Or if they were getting a bit older, they'd get fired immediately. Because it's easier to carry someone who's cheap and new and younger, you see. That's never going to change either by the way.  And on and on it goes.


So the alienation came because people literally felt, with the conscious mind, you're adrift in the world to an extent. I understand that, you can feel definitely adrift in the world. And if you do understand, and I understood it when I was young going through a lot of some of that too, just understanding what was happening, and things did not make sense. Big, big moves were underfoot, were underway I should say, big moves to change the whole system.  


They brought in, they had to bring in actually, because of promises to get folk into World War II and to fight again, since a lot of the promises they'd promised in World War I were not fulfilled, and they gave them a bit more Council housing, primarily Council housing for working-class areas. Then they brought in eventually health care system.  Which of course they were dismantling about 30 years later, [Alan laughing.]  they were dismantling it as well, and still dismantling it and changing it.


Whatever's done for any, under any pretext or any legitimate reason, generally is altered again to suit, once again, efficiency for those at the top. Years ago, years and years ago they had the big discussions about the common market, they called this little meeting place where they'd just meet and discuss things. Just like the United Nations nonsense, same thing, it was always intended to be much, much bigger. But they fooled the people. They lied to the people. They disclose the fact a few years ago they'd lied to the people from the beginning because they couldn't handle opposition and they’d never get their United Europe through if they did. So, they lied and lied up to the bitter end.


But the public in Britain didn't know it. They were not told. They were not to be told. They actually had that in the memos when they set it up, what its real function was. But I can remember even the farmers who were told to borrow, borrow, borrow, borrow, borrow, this European free trade deal would be such a benefit because they could export even more stuff, etc. etc. And they got loans. And the government encouraged it all, they got loans and put their farms down as collateral. And when the EU came in with its big, big strong hand it had already decided how much of a quota of milk and cheese and butter and so on that you could sell and export. And it was actually cut way down.  So farmers were literally told what they could produce, what they couldn't produce.  And so many of them went under. 


You've heard this before, of course, or other things since then when they did the same thing in other countries, including North America.  It's the same con that goes on, borrow, borrow, borrow, big money, don't worry it will all get paid back with these deals. And bingo, there you go.  You have literally faceless bureaucrats deciding how much you can produce, who you can sell it to, etc. That's what happens.  So there's not, there's no real freedom to decide your future in certain areas, in all traditional areas, put it that way.


With mass unemployment in the West, and again, back to Margaret Thatcher's day and era in the late 70s and into the 80s, she said, get used to it, there would be unemployment, get used to it… To the youth, she says, and, some of them will never see work in their lifetime, a whole generation, she said. Well, that, you understand, they can actually write off all the teenagers who were alive at the time of that speech, and people even younger than that, completely written off.  From a system that wanted you to vote for them.  And the system that want you to trust them and so on. What an incredible…


But mind you, the techniques of controlling the emotion are so well understood, including anger. She did away with all the old pub licensing hours, for instance, to keep them open all day, etc. And she said, it's better to have the youngsters spending their unemployment or welfare money in the pubs getting drunk then having them protesting on the streets.  Which of course, and they'd have to be kind of sober for that one, so.  They did that kind of thing. And of course, they deluged the media in movies and that, you got lots of sex and all these different places.  Sex and drugs of some kind or another, you see.  Alcohol is a drug actually.  That was to keep folk from demanding a say in the future of... of their own future, actually.


Now, I really don't think it would have mattered which party was in, personally. I really don't.  Because you always find the same agendas go on and on and on. The same thing happened in the US.  Same thing happened even when Cameron was Prime Minister of Britain.  I mean, folks from outside and inside the country didn't know his policies were the same as the far left Labour and liberal.  They all have the same agendas.  They all have the same the same agendas because they have to have the same agendas. They are obviously going to fulfill the mandated agendas, cultural, every way, financial, you name it. They all do the same thing and that's the bottom line. The bottom line is, that's what Carol Quigley said too, eventually all the parties will say the same things and strive for the same things. Because they're all being backed by the same rich rich men of the planet basically.


It's the same with, you think of the old Marxist ideas, and communist ideas, and socialist ideas when they talked about the means of production. Well, our own governments, if you can even call them our own governments, really, you know. But the governments all agreed in the West through some strange, we know what it was too, what groups they belong to, and the big movements that back them up and decide things and plan things for them, the think tanks and so on, they know what the agenda was. So they all went for deindustrialization and giving most of the production over to China.   And they did it so slickly. I remember living through it, watching it happen. What got me, in Canada they played it very well, low-key. Folk almost didn't comment on the fact everything was coming, the same things were coming in, the same names and logos on things they were purchasing, but they would say in small print, made in China. You see.


Of course, India now has got big money flowing into it from the World Bank, etc., which we all pay into, to get them really highly developed in industry. And no one complains about other countries coming up. But the fact is, what was given for the West to replace their employment?  And it's a real puzzle to me, honestly, as to how, especially young people, are managing. Certain groups went into technology, might be doing awfully well, 'eh. But not everyone is cut out for that kind of work. And we don't have all the factories we used to have where they could lose themselves in manufacturing and creating objects and things and repairing and fixing, are pretty well all gone.  And lots of people really enjoyed that. And they had a good employment from it. 


So there’s nothing really was put out to replace it. So I really would love to have the government studies on [Alan chuckles.], real percentages of the youth into adulthood and the statistics to see who's working at what and the different percentages, etc.  How many are still living with their parents, into the age of 40 or more even in fact, some of them. Or a parent, in fact, single-parent families too to see how they can survive. Because none of them, or very few of them will be able to actually own their own home down the road. Or even today.


Because for most folk now, in this global system, the price of real estate has just gone beyond, around the, it's out to outer space and around the moon and back a few times, I think. It makes no sense to do with reality. But because there are so many people who are now billionaires and trillionaire's at the top, then they decide what the policies and prices are going to be on pretty well all the things, especially things like real estate. Some countries are basically, almost, they're churning out like machines these multimillionaires and billionaires and so on and no one can compete with it even to buy the homes.  But then that, again that ties in with the future of a world where you simply won't have private property, for the majority of the public.  An elite will have.  And it will be accepted.


Interestingly enough too, I was thinking, through all of this, about those who see certain things often in their own time and put it across in some way or another that you can actually analyze it and see how much they knew, or what they'd picked up on. And I was thinking about, there's an awfully good writer who worked for television in Britain. He's a journalist as well as a fiction writer. He's called Dennis Potter. He died about 1994. But he'd lived from the 30s right through the 1994. He was in on the writing game early, as they say, especially with the BBC and so on and he bemoaned the change in the BBC for... what he was literally…  when the BBC was promoting promiscuity in the 60s.


Now these are, everybody in the BBC at that time had come from Oxford and Eaton, right. That was pretty well, you couldn't get in and work there unless you did, for most places. So they were a government run agency that worked on behalf of the government. It promoted the Cold War naturally for MI5 and MI6 to keep us all in the state of, well, you know. Because we tend to forget. I mean, you wouldn't even know the war, a Cold War was going on except declarations that you were so poor.  Because you were paying off debt from World War I and II, and plus added money we were borrowing to pay for new defense systems for the Cold War. This is how you’re kept under, there is no extra cash, in those days, really, to me.


But they gave you, again, the BBC, it was pop, they call it pop music. And drugs suddenly became available everywhere, you know, LSD, everything, you name it.  And these were not getting made, LSD, by little science guys in the basement.  [Alan chuckles.]  That's another story. However, they gave you the pop music, drugs and sex, you see. And about the mid-60s or so, or the late 60s early 70s they came out with the pill, I think it was the 60s anyway, but the National Health Service could.  So really, that's a great way to divert your attention from your future.  All you’re thinking about is what you want at that moment, and it might not be that good for you.  [Alan chuckles.]   But the thing is, youngsters always go for the same things, same temptations and so on when it's put right in front of them. But it took them away from the old staid system of getting married, a lot of them anyway, and having children, and continuing. They want to break the continuity of the old system, that was the whole point of it.


So the BBC promoted it. They got the guys on who were interviewed, stoned out of their heads on live interviews.  And it was like a tee-hee laughing matter, as opposed to, isn't that terrible, do you want your children to emulate these characters? I mean it really was, some of them were falling off their seats, for goodness’ sake and talking gibberish. They were so out of it with heavy drugs. But that's what was promoted.  At the time too they even put a lot of movies out by the British, they still had a kind of movie system for making movies. And they were ahead of the US with nudity and so on.  So that's what they give you in terms of poverty and transition, and the transition is not going to bring you more money [Alan chuckles.], just more poverty in a sense, and debt of course.  But it's a great distraction.


Also, aiming towards the children trying to say, you're part of something. There was a revolution they were pushing. Now, here's your governments pushing this cultural revolution during this time period and Dennis Potter who was an icon with the BBC for a while for his awfully good productions, different, novel way of putting different ideas across, he got knocked a few times when he went into a form of, what they claimed was an obnoxious way of putting the sexual content across. He himself apparently was sexually abused when he was about 10 years old by someone he knew, and maybe this had a lot of impact on him. It actually did have a lot of impact in his life. I think in some interviews he actually admitted the horrible effects it has from childhood on for the rest of your life.  So, he was putting this seedy side of human nature in his movie system too.


But he also went through vast changes. His dad was a miner, he saw the vast changes in the system. He saw the unemployment right through the 60s, 70s into the 80s. He was acutely aware of what was going on too. But he put some good movies out there, television movies, and one was called Blade on the Feather, about the recruitment of the big spy rings from, they were taken from Oxford and Cambridge. Very good, because he had a lot of contacts obviously in the right places. If you listen closely to that one, if you get it, listen to the little quips in it, they're awfully, awfully telling of the system at the time.  And the pretense of who's who, are they really who you think they are, in any position of power, especially politics.  He also did interviews when he was dying, just before he died actually in 1994. He did an interview live and was quite frank about the system.  He even called his tumor, cancerous tumor, Rupert, after Rupert Murdoch, whom he hated and loathed for, he called it, for destroying and creating a new trashy journalism style for the media, that persists to this day obviously.


He definitely put a lot of things across about the system in almost a covert way, about the seedy side of human nature, and also the truthful side of those, of daydreams mixed with the seedy side of life too which come into it. Because we're, he always said that we're made of opposites basically, that life is opposites. And that Angels, remember too, have opposites tendencies, including Lucifer, for instance, was an angel of light, hm.  So, you have opposites in life and there's opposites within humans.


He definitely was rather angry at the destruction of what was called the British press at one time that was, maybe had more ability to say things than later on. And definitely they don't have it now. They don't even attempt to have it now. You have opinion pieces in a lighthearted kind of jocular vein and that's as far as they go.  And that's not really news. But it's safe, isn't it.


Now, in the last few weeks of his life, really, he hurried to complete another, his last two plays basically, or movies you might call them.  Karaoke was one, which has a lot of himself in it as a writer as the character with the cancer and what happened. In a very clever way he put into it, the death of the character has to be tied in with cryogenics. That led to the next and the last one he wrote. And he said he wanted people to understand and to get more from his work than just enjoyment and pleasure, etc.  He put so much in, ha, to the final one which was called Cold Lazarus.  It was to do with the head of the writer that had been frozen for many, many, many centuries and then they managed to tap into it eventually, stir memories and so on, from the scientists. But the future he put into it, in the 90s when he wrote that, was where we're going.


He had a world system of the top, almost like star quality CEOs and owners of massive international corporations, living in a life of luxury, which is into the sci-fi realm, you see. Literally. They have the group of scientists working on the head, getting a grant to work on the head, by a woman who owns probably trillions of pounds worth at that time of businesses across the world and investments.  So everybody who works, and even if they have degrees and scientists and so on, they still have to work for these very powerful calloused, because as time goes on you lose your old civility in the system where money/power is rather blatant. All the niceties are out the window now, they're incredibly nasty to people if you're employed by them.  It definitely is the real class system that's come, that's pretty well here actually, where they create heroes for you to follow that are really just businesspeople, who's often for the businesses are heavily funded with the public-private partnership deal. Because that went through worldwide at the same time from the big institutions. Because what they claimed at the time, again through necessity or efficiency, we've got a have the taxpayers’ money for these massive projects.


But in the future in Cold Lazarus everybody works for these incredible magnets. They also have superstar wealthy people who are superstars because they simply, because they are wealthy, incredibly wealthy in what they own, holding companies across the planet, etc. There's no nations as far as I can tell anymore, they have quaint names for regions and that's about it.  You'll find too that it's a world where everything's monitored. Remember, this is before 2001. Everything is monitored. All calls. Cameras everywhere. Very Orwellian too of course. And nothing is missed, everything is kept that's transmitted by any kind of electronic means at all, forever. And this is, again, before much of the things that have happened in the West.


The police/military group are all clad in black, naturally, and they’re armed to the teeth. They're everywhere in the streets and so on and outside apartment buildings where folk have to rent, etc. They've got heavy, heavy armor on themselves too. The cars that you see in it are driverless. They're kind of hovercraft, they don't go very high, just maybe a foot or two off the ground.  They're electric in some way or another.  Also they have, there's no driver in them, so driverless cars, automatic. You can't own them, although the ultra wealthy elites can own cars.  But the people just have to call up like, almost like a taxi thing that comes to your door. But everyone's got a number and everything you do is a purchase by that number. An order for a taxi, everything goes down as your... So they've got a complete record of where you went, why you went there, etc. etc. etc. Everything is pretty well there.


Potter I think knew a lot more [Alan chuckles.]  than you would imagine.  Because he got it pretty well spot on, even people who run a global entertainment business, and you know, huge consortiums of TV channels across the planet and so on, are superstars just by the fact that they own it all. So he got it all pretty well down pat, it really is.  And the cultural changes too, it's all done there.


We're living through a planned agenda, obviously.  Your rights get stripped away under the guise of necessity because you see, there's all these terrible things going on in the world, so everyone has to be monitored. Because you can't trust yourself anymore.  They've got to keep tabs on everything that's happening.  Understand, under a tyranny, any kind of tyranny, those at the top, no matter what they call it, they can call it utopia, or heaven even, you know, under any kind of tyranny they're always going to try and keep you safe and they do it by using necessity for having to know what everyone's doing or thinking in order to keep you safe. 


That's the excuse, you see.  Well, you wouldn't want to be unsafe, would you? ...so we've got to tap in and see what you're thinking.  Do you know, I looked at this week in fact, I think Google, it's Google or some other group out there are actually going forward. And it's funny, I was just talking last week to someone on this thing too. They're going to the next step too, they want to literally have, to tap into your mind, your brain.  Now, that's an old idea.  Once in a while they float old ideas again as they go through more experimentation.  They're always experimenting, naturally. But they want to intersect with your mind, even without a chip in your head, if possible. Although that might come, it may be more efficient. Again, under the guise of efficiency, right. There you go.


And with the incredible power around any, the computer, especially even the monitor, you'll find it will knock regular a.m. stations of the airwaves if you put a radio near it. That's the power it gives off. And it's not really safe. I personally don't like sitting within that field, I'd rather get as far back as possible. Because it's not safe. I mean, electromagnetic waves, these are very powerful waves, affect the cells in your body. We know this.  This is not disputed. What they dispute is how severe it is and, you know, that's what they dispute.


But yeah, I mean a few years back too, remember in the airports they had little documentaries put out there, articles in newspapers about throwing grants...  again... You see, whatever is used for necessity, or even terrorism, is great for big business. They had articles in the 90s, in the 1990s that, what are the companies going to do that create all the war industry if there's peace?  This is mainstream general big newspapers across the world. What are they going to do, it was a massive income and so on. Well, they said that they were going into surveillance and security systems. And that's exactly what they did.  Well, now they're getting the Cold War revived so they can have it both ways. It's so lucrative that you can't give it up, you see.  So you couldn’t not have a peaceful world and have all these institutions continue, and being so strong and powerful as they are.


And money is powerful. The big billionaires, trillionaire's, and there's trillionaires in the world, there are. They have a lot of clout, an awful lot of clout in society and when politicians are backed and given massive funding from different ones, they are naturally obliged to listen to the funders before they listen to the people who supposedly elect them. Naturally, that's the way it is. 


We've got to break out of the shell of pretense that everything is wonderful and everyone out there is honest about it and so on, right.  For those at the top to feel safe they must have the data on every single person in real time, by the minute, by the hour, by the day. That's how you stay safe. Because they'd really, I don't think… Power never trusts the general population, it never does. It never has. It never has done. You find from the days of Walsingham and the spy industry from Queen Elizabeth 1st time, they had spies all through Britain, paid full-time spies. Thousands of them checking up, and ones even going through places like Scotland taking a form of census on the population, their health, their manpower strength, even the health of their horses and stuff like that. Quite amazing stuff. Defoe was part of that too later on, you know, that's one of the jobs that he did going through Scotland.  So anyway, that's always been the way. And of course, spies too were literally, during Queen Elizabeth the 1st reign and afterwards, they'd watch for Catholics, you know, they'd watch for Catholics.  And when priests were forbidden, Catholic priests, they hung them if they found them in the streets.  And spies everywhere. I mean, you've got understand that, as I say, history is a horror show, really. It really is. I really don't expect it to be, I mean, you can get…


Today we're so calmed down with a more perfect way of governing us, that they can do it so well without overt force, all of the time.  All of the time. It's almost like stroking your mind, 'eh, with, oh, this is okay, look at the happy little bits of these stories you get everywhere, you open them up and all the cat and dog stories and stuff like that, wonderful little things. But you aren't going to get told anything that really matters. News has changed, really changed, in the last 20 years especially, I'd say. And before that too, according to Potter.  But in the last 20 years it's definitely changed big time. And people want their paychecks, Potter mentioned that too in a big, big talk that he gave at MacTaggart Center to other journalists, about the fact that they were all pretty well, they’re the propagandists, the journalists are the propagandists for the rich and wealthy.


But for those, as I say, that want to understand it, at least a bit of what happened in the past, and how the best of intentions can get used as well, to get the people to go along, there are always those who see incredible profits in times of crisis.  I always think of the Council on Foreign Relations.  I can't remember which one it was...  was it's, Hart, was it Gary Hart at the time, or... who came out in the newspapers and I think at the time of 9/11, 2001, and he said, how can we use, and it's a favorites thing they say, how can we use this crisis to our advantage.  He was talking about their global agenda, for instance, and that's what they mean, to our advantage. He wasn't talking [Alan chuckles.] to the general public. To our advantage. And you've heard it since then by top business people and so on, how can we use this crisis to our advantage, and, why let a good crisis go to waste and so on. It's even in the movies now that kind of thing. 


Because that's the way it really is, isn't it.  That's how it really is.  So the whole idea that they've settled on, united with the mantra of global warming then turning into climate change, and as the Club of Rome said, famine, plague, desertification, all that kind of stuff, droughts, meaning overpopulation, that's what they really mean by it, that would fit the bill, man was the enemy.  So, we've got a war on humanity itself.  There's too many of us.  We're all consuming. We are the enemy of the planet, we’re the enemy of those who control it all, so we've got to stop them, be ruled by those who are... who will rule us from birth to death. 


Down the road it will happen, you’ll go into the state where they'll decide, they're already talking about it again, but they always float the same ideas in top sources in universities and professors and all that, who all belong to, again, the big global CFR type system, and they say, well, you know, we should really have people licensed to have children. Then they'll say...  And lots of folk will agree with them because there's an awful lot of terrible parents out there and horrible parents and so on. But you can't take the complete rights from the people under the guise of the minority do it. You can't do that.  It's too easy to demand the wrong things or demand what controllers want you to demand. To your detriment, really, if you look at what the controllers are doing to even children and what they're indoctrinating them with at the moment, by law. [Alan chuckles.]   You can't keep falling for the same reasons that they give you. 


But they also have said that eventually, I remember reading about in the future... Because way back in the late 60s they had articles in the newspaper about the coming utopia. I'm not kidding you.  They had the big global meeting, the Council on Foreign Relations/Royal Institute of International Affairs held in Britain, when they even decided what countries would be basically tourist countries, like Scotland, they were going to turn it into a tourist country, it would be totally deindustrialized. Well, they did that, that's true enough. And other countries too. Nothing was put to the vote for the public. These are private institutions that run the world.  They are the establishment, on behalf of the ones who own it all.


But anyway, they also said that, yeah, and they had drawings of people in togas, Roman togas, where they'd have conquered the climate and they could create climate, and you'd all walk about in these Roman togas and sandals on your feet. All your needs would be given to you, and managed, because everything would be so automated, etc. And those that needed, humans that needed to give employment will rotate, they'll rotates a certain class at the top who would volunteer to work, and it would be a privilege to be accepted to volunteer to work for the system, this global system, as they walked about in Roman togas. Which must mean in Canada and some other countries they've eliminated mosquitoes, I'd suppose.   


But anyway, this is what they floated around, and they were telling folk how wonderful it was going to be.  Then when they totally deindustrialized and they cemented the European Union and did their quota system on production of even dairy products and food, and decided who is going to import what from whom, and they cut out all the mutton and so on from New Zealand and Australia, things like that, and then they dumped stacks of butter and dairy from France onto Britain, put other folk under.  This is their utopia. 


You understand, they give you such incredible lies. Remember, the communist revolution was going to bring in utopia, that was the idea.  And under the guise of bringing it all in, you would have a system of giant giant supermarkets, like we have today, where you can get everything, BuildAll center types, you get all your, what you need for hardware, everything. But people would go in and with a cashless society, they wouldn't even eventually need cash, you might get credits, you see, and tokens given to you, like Russell said. But you'd only get, take, they would have no staff there, you'd pick up what you wanted, automatically it'd be I guess check out or whatever. But the people would be so well-trained and decent that they would only take what they needed, not any extra. That was their incredible utopia. 


Well, in that case you're going to be talking about changing the choices of humans. Because even the bad choices come from a human trait, and many traits actually, even survival. People often will shoplift because they're terrified of whatever. There's a good documentary up there of a woman who was, one of many women that were sent off to the terrible Soviet gulags in Siberia.  Awful stories, incredible stories of them. And when they come out, they're alive some of them, and they were alive then anyway back in the 90s, maybe or 80s. One of them, literally, she showed you her house.  Big big trays, baker's trays of loafs of bread. She said, I can't eat them, she says, but I can't stop myself from ordering them. The fear of the starvation she went through is horrifying to her. That will never change.


There are many traits that are just natural traits that become exacerbated and amplified. But terrible Pavlovian situations and reflexes, as she's got now, she just can't stop, you see. What a horrible, horrible outcome. That was their utopia, you see.  And if you disagreed with their utopia you were put in the mental hospital. Because you had to be mentally ill to criticize the Soviet system, that was what they diagnosed you with.  Since it was a perfect system, right, so you obviously, you're psychotic.


I see unfortunately the same techniques being rolled out under a thousand different guises throughout society with what's now called politically correct mandates, and as Orwell had, thought crime and all that kind of stuff.  Tyranny really is fairly continuous.  There's different strengths of it for different periods, but it's the same techniques that are always used to silence people. Because Tyranny does not like something that's so important, and that is the ability to speak. Whether you like it or not, you have to have the ability, it doesn't matter if a person is stone crazy, the fact is, they've got the right to speak. Because after all, it's someone else, someone's deciding he is stone crazy, right. But he’s still got the right to speak. Or she, it depends, you know. 


But the thing is, tyranny always silences it, under guises that they're mentally ill or whatever it happens to be.  And don't believe the same tyrannies, that back in the 80s and 70s started dismantling all the psychiatric hospitals across the Western world, at the same time, by the way, and in the States as well, and putting them out on the street. They really care, 'eh?  [Alan chuckles.]  You'd better start thinking here, hm.


The old saying, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck. So, you see the same symptoms arise in society, it doesn't bode well. When you see well-trained massive mobs, well organized mobs being allowed loose on streets by your governments, this isn't spontaneous, this isn't just a happenstance flash mob, spontaneous. These are, this is obviously authorized to get something else through.  Even the clashes they're creating everywhere in the world. And I really think there'll be a lot more to come. I really do.


Because I can't believe in this age that governments are going to stand back and just let it happen. They're getting something out of it. It's a mandate down the road. And I mean, all kinds of them too. I mean, there's even ones now that are attacking farms in different countries. And now they've got an international, they want international groups to do it all in the same day, etc. As an example.  What you're seeing, getting back to the Soviet system, when there's no tolerance, you've got an intolerant society.  And when it's mandated, things are mandated by law, then your governments are obviously intolerant. How can you be Democratic?  How can they be? They can't be. They're one or the other, which one, which is it?


The whole idea of democracy is something balances the other. That's why they had the idea of extremes in government parties. Well they don't, they're all the same pretty well, aren't they?  And it's a dangerous situation. Eventually they hope to wither away the governments, as the state would wither way according to Marx, you know.  And we all accept this form of being governed, or really, ruled.  And even though we're ruled at the moment by forces unseen, and massive think tanks across the world that work privately and dictate to governments with the same, because governments certainly use them all the time, we don't vote them in, then we are run by a very mysterious system at the moment, aren't we.


So as I say, I hope down the road that even the newcomers will stop blaming themselves for everything they think is wrong in their life.  I do understand what they mean by alienation for a lot of folk who feel it. They feel despondent. They feel they don't fit in.  There's no purpose down the road for them. And believe you me, there's reasons why you're like that. And very possibly, just informing yourself of the past and getting into the societies that we really live in, and the systems that control everything, it's very, it's all out there actually if you want to dig for it. There's no conspiracy stuff involved. 


Because the big think tanks publish so much of this stuff themselves, and universities that work with them publish a lot of articles about how control is used for what they call peace, etc.  It's awfully interesting too that even, and I always remember the old saying that the Soviets said, that their struggle would be over when there's peace. Because they kept pushing peace and it got awfully hard for the West to, young folk in the West, they say, well, they want peace for goodness’ sake, you know. But no one thought to... You see, definitions are so important. And what they said was, peace, when they really, really pushed, peace is the absence of all opposition. That's what they meant. 


Khrushchev said something similar too in his talk, I think it was in the US in the 1960s. He said that, you're all worried about something you shouldn't be worried about. He says, your children will all grow up in a socialist, he's talking about a Soviet type socialist system, and it will all be quite natural to them. But they'll do it without struggle. They'll do it without any terrible, terrible consequences. He says, they'll grow up in it, naturally, never knowing that it was literally designed for them to do so. That ties in with the Reese Commission, and that's another story again. 


However, I've prattled on long enough tonight. I didn't even mean to go this far. I meant to just touch on Dennis Potter's Karaoke. It's entertaining. It has the system inside of it, and it has his own story inside the story, as he's got cancer, he's actually in a sense like the character in it. And then Cold Lazarus with the future. That's even for the budgets of the day they did pretty well I would say in showing you a future that's still, it's more apparent now than it was even then.  


So before I just sign off here, I'll put up some articles that will tie in with what's current. Because it's hard to find current stuff now. It's all, there's very little real news anymore, it truly isn't, you know.   Things that are important we're not really told about, that way agendas can go forward from government and we're simply oblivious of them.  But there's one here, I've mentioned it before, about the freedom of the press.  Awfully good.


George Orwell - The Freedom of the Press - Orwell's Proposed Preface to ‘Animal Farm’



Orwell explains once again, I'm going to put that up, he explains why you must have different opinions about everything. You must have it.  If you give in under one topic, you'll give up with all the rest of them too. And you won't like it down the road.


Also, got new taxes, new tax, bad news for those on the land and so on.  We're getting all the carbon taxes coming down.


Federal carbon tax starts in four provinces - winnipegsun.com / 31 March 2019


‘It’s no longer free to pollute’: Canada imposes carbon tax on four provinces - theguardian.com / 1 April 2019




Mark Zuckerberg (Alan:  They've used him, of course) asks governments to help control internet content - bbc.com / 30 March 2019


Isn’t that interesting, hey.  [Alan chuckles.]   So I mean, the guy who said, you're all stupid f'ers, he said, you know, is now saying the government has to come into it and help controlling it. There you go. It's… And I understand a lot of the stuff, folk can't even be decent on the Internet. But then again, you don't know what the bots are, and there's government agencies got stacks of bots they can turn loose on anybody, that they'll put out the real hate stuff and hate speech and all that. Of course they do.  There's nothing, you don't know where any stuff is coming from that you read.


And then…


US military to develop genetically modified plants (A:  ...like green plants, right, like vegetable type plants...) to spy in environments ‘unsuitable for traditional sensors’

independent.co.uk / 23 Nov 2017


New synthetic biology programme makes use of natural capabilities to gather intelligence


One day, like Prince Charles who talked about talking to his plants, you know, they'll start talking back to you. 


Also too, again, how they keep changing names when the public start to catch on to the news, in their conversations, like NAFTA, North American Free Trade Agreement, and all the terrible things to do with it, and so they changed it to USMCA, which is more of a mouthful.  But it's really just NAFTA rebooted. But also, the TransPacific Partnership deals too that everybody was complaining about at the time, are all incorporated apparently into this new USMCA. I’ll put that article up if anyone really cares to know about it and so on and check it out for themselves. You've got to find out for yourselves. 


I haven't gone through it all to see, but that wouldn't surprise me at all. Because they already did the free trade things for the Pacific Rim negotiations, separately as well, they had already signed these things in.  And the public were completely oblivious, or ignorant of what they are, aren't we?  And do you have time to read thousands of pages of things? Of course you don't. Neither do the politicians, they don't read them either. They don't. I mean, that's not being facetious, it's true. 


USMCA: A NAFTA Reboot? - thenewamerican.com / 3 Oct 2018


And then another one too, this one here on France cited as a source of largest number of wealthy migrants coming in, I think, or coming and going actually.  And Canada, it says…


Estimated 8,000 millionaires immigrated to Canada last year, report says

France cited as source of largest number of wealthy migrants

cbc.ca / 23 Feb 2017


Canada attracted just under 10 per cent of the estimated 82,000 millionaire migrants who changed country last year, according to a recent report.


(A:  It's a breakdown into the wealthiest, well, the countries where they're moving to, mainly for safety and so on, you know. It says…)


New World Wealth said the inflows into Canada were boosted by large-scale migration from China into Vancouver, and from Europe into Toronto and Montreal.


Canada the second most popular destination for wealthy Chinese emigrants


A South Africa-based market research group, New World Wealth said the overall number of millionaires on the move last year around the world rose to 82,000 from 64,000 in 2015.


(A:  Now, what they claim here is…)

Improved education and higher personal safety were the main drivers when those wealthy people sought out a new destination, Andrew Amoils, head of research at New World Wealth, told CNBC.


So that makes sense too, they want to get into the US, the big Ivy League universities they want to get into, that stick with them for life.  They'll meet the people they'll work with down through life as CEOs of corporations, and government.  Like Maggie Thatcher said too herself, with Britain when she started to use the taxpayer’s money to fund the private schools and universities and so on, and university system.  The class system is alive and well and believe you me, class doesn't care where you come from as long as you've got the money.  And you can learn, you delve into this new, I think Jacques Attali called them, the new nomads, they go across the world, and where the money is is where they go. And they'll move again if they need to.  That's how it's to be for the future, nomadic life existence. 


Australia has the fastest growing number of millionaires on the planet – and you'll never believe the countries we beat. - Dailymail.co.uk / 29 Sept 2017


It's interesting, this all comes out at the same time.  It may put a different spin on different things, they may come in with lots of money, but will they benefit you?  And I very much kind of doubt it.  Most of these big wealthy people have international investments in the same stock markets and stuff like that, you know. So it's just the way it is.


Also, I'll put these articles up regardless anyway. But let me see now, oh yeah, the carbon taxes. A whole bunch on carbon taxes.  Again, the private organizations, the think tanks, even some of them labeled as charities are driving and pushing it all.  A lot of Washington DC based conservative think tanks that are charities, or labeled as charities, are promoting the carbon trading schemes and so on. Years ago I gave talks, because I listed all the companies, international companies that were all for bringing in carbon taxes. And you're thinking, oh my goodness, it's going to cut back on… No, they're not. They're going to make a fortune off of it because they trade the carbon, it's like a stock market. They were all for it.   Because again, how can they let this crisis go to waste, you see. So you create the appearance of a crisis, then you get the public to fund the beginnings of the kind of carbon credits to trade with – we did, I read the articles at the time – and then they get them for nothing and start trading with them. And they can get billions off of it.


Well, what a… We just... We don't… We're not…  You either have that gift of following that kind of technique or you don't. I, when it comes to money, I just don't understand it at all. Honestly, I have no interest in this or that or investments or how things are done. To me, it goes over my head, I kind of shut down for it. Since school I've done that pretty well when it comes to numbers.  But the ones who have the abilities to catch this stuff, they can make fortunes. And they do, naturally.




AEI Holds Carbon Tax Love-In - globalwarming.org / 24 April 2015


This is one of them. The American Enterprise Institute. It's amazing, that's labeled as a kind of a charity and all that, and a think tank. They're really pushing it. It's big money for corporations. Obviously.


A carbon tax AEI? Really?!? - cfact.org / 6 Sept 2018


…is another one.  And…


The Philanthropists Who Think a Carbon Tax Offers the Best Way Forward on Climate Policy - insidephilanthropy.com


…you know.  And they can certainly pay all these big, big characters to put things in the, and the media is quite happy, they'll put anything in if they're getting paid to do it, especially these days, you know, newspapers.  And then…


Mike Cannon-Brookes, Atlassian billionaire, calls on Government to reinstate carbon price - abc.net.au / 7 Nov 2018


Naturally, you know.  So we’re all going to pay through the nose for something that was dreamed up a long time ago. At the same time as they dreamed up the whole idea of blaming us as being the problem, too many of you.  And they're going to get awfully even more rich from it, from their carbon exchanges. Remember that Al Gore was involved with literally “Blood and Gore Carbon Exchange” to begin with, 'eh.  [Alan laughing.]   So he got all lot to win from pushing it all.


Anyway, I'll put these articles up for those who care about it or are vaguely interested. We’re all going to pay regardless. Nothing's going to change it.  And then getting back to...


Lock your gates, install CCTV and vet new staff carefully: The advice to farmers ahead of ‘major animal activist event’ by militant vegan groups - dailymail.co.uk / 4 April 2019


Now, where do you think they all came from? And why do you think governments are allowing it all to happen?  Hm?  Huh? Come on!  


It was also floated that, in an article in the British papers...


Ecuador’s UK ambassador REJECTS Wikileaks’ claims that Julian Assange is about to be expelled from its London embassy and arrested following deal with Britain – despite armed police surrounding the building - dailymail.co.uk / 4 April 2019


So we'll have to wait and see what's going on there. I don't know if it's just to keep his name in the paper. Because it's true enough, when the limelight is off is when the wolves... And the wolves have plenty of time, they can wait.  Just like they always say, tribute to the devil, time is on their side. They wait and wait and then they pick you off when they think no one's looking.  And it's true, every regime has done that.  And they will always do that, I suppose.


And also


Floating city dubbed Oceanix (A:  This is where your research and development money goes from the taxpayer.) will save coastal cities from flooding caused by climate change, UN project claims

dailymail.co.uk / 4 April 2019


•A UN department for sustainable development teamed up with Oceanix, MIT and the explorers club


•The partnership plans to build a prototype that will be open to visits by members of the public within months 


And that will be the multi billionaires [Alan chuckles.]  that we’re reading about here because they'll end up getting investments in it.  They'll get backed at least dollar for dollar by the governments using tax money and so on. Interesting, hey, how things go.


But believe you me, you're never going to have a static system, that's what people think, often wish they had, a static system.  They even had articles out many, many, many years ago about, stop it, stop it, you're changing too quickly. You don't have time to catch your breath, things just, even buildings that your parents could refer to are no longer standing, they just knock them down in no time. So you can't even relate to people that are just a few years older than you. Everybody, again, this idea of alienation, hm, it's all part of a technique too. Sad.


Middle-aged treated like 'second class citizens' - telegraph.co.uk / 4 April 2019


We're given no choice in the things and no say in anything either. As I say, at least you have the supposed, supposed system of a democracy where opposing viewpoints are supposed to be discussed. Believe you me, if you don't, if you don't have that you're, the elite themselves will bring you into the Cold Lazarus system in no time at all, with no opposition.  Then you can never go back to having a say in anything, or even a pretended say in anything, or even some other people that you vote into speak for you, it won't happen.


The public are a nuisance, an awful nuisance to those who want to rule and promote and guide the world. That's why it's far easier to go this way, ween you off of even the involvement in what they're up to and getting you used to being simply governed, until you stop asking questions or even asking who's governing you, you see.  Then they can get things really done quickly. And that's the agenda folks. That's what it's about.


Anyway, sorry for prattling on. As I say, I was only going to spend 10 minutes on just what I've said here. But I think it's important because I think time is running out.  And I feel it in the air. I feel it.  I feel there's big big changes happening. There's definitely something.  It's almost like a switch being pulled or switched on or off or whatever, but as you go into this new system of more intolerance.  And it's rather sad that.  I don't think it bodes well at all. 


But that's the way it is, folks. So, I hope you get something out of it. I hope a lot of the young people get something out of it too and realize that life is not just fun and games and the occult.  The occult just simply means ‘hidden’, remember. We truly are in a sense in an occultic system, most of what the public thinks that they should know is, they don't know at all, they're not given.  Secrecy rules and governments of course say that they must run things in secrecy or they’d get nothing done at all. There's a partial truth there too, you'd always have so many objections, nothing would get done or fixed, the roads or whatever, that kind of thing. But it goes too far when folk get off of what the rules are, you know, or they throw the rulebook out the window, which is a terrifying thing to contemplate.


So for myself from a still really end of winter, there's a thaw going on but a lot of snow to move yet and get down before the grass shows here, for myself, Alan Watt from Ontario, Canada, it's good night and may your God or your gods go with you.


Topics of show covered in following links:


Mark Zuckerberg asks governments to help control internet content

bbc.com / 30 March 2019


US military to develop genetically modified plants to spy in environments ‘unsuitable for traditional sensors’

independent.co.uk / 23 Nov 2017



thenewamerican.com / 3 Oct 2018


Estimated 8,000 millionaires immigrated to Canada last year, report says

cbc.ca / 23 Feb 2017


AEI Holds Carbon Tax Love-In

globalwarming.org / 24 April 2015


A carbon tax AEI? Really?!?

cfact.org / 6 Sept 2018


The Philanthropists Who Think a Carbon Tax Offers the Best Way Forward on Climate Policy



Mike Cannon-Brookes, Atlassian billionaire, calls on Government to reinstate carbon price

abc.net.au / 7 Nov 2018


Federal carbon tax starts in four provinces

winnipegsun.com / 31 March 2019


‘It’s no longer free to pollute’: Canada imposes carbon tax on four provinces

theguardian.com / 1 April 2019


Lock your gates, install CCTV and vet new staff carefully: The advice to farmers ahead of ‘major animal activist event’ by militant vegan groups

dailymail.co.uk / 4 April 2019


Ecuador’s UK ambassador REJECTS Wikileaks’ claims that Julian Assange is about to be expelled from its London embassy and arrested

dailymail.co.uk / 4 April 2019


Floating city dubbed Oceanix will save coastal cities from flooding caused by climate change, UN project claims

dailymail.co.uk / 4 April 2019


Middle-aged treated like 'second class citizens'

telegraph.co.uk / 4 April 2019



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