Mar. 3, 2019 (#1710)

"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt

(Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk)

"Witness Signs of Huxley's-Blair's Ultimate Revolution,

 Using Geneticists, Bio-Chemists, Scientific Collusion - Part 2"

© Alan Watt Mar. 3, 2019

*Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Mar. 3, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes)



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Hi folks, I’m Alan Watt and this is Cutting Through The Matrix on March 3, 2019.  For those of you who are still getting whacked by winter as I am here in fact, my sympathies go out to you. Because it’s been a long, long winter this year. It has really been, physically, a long winter. Because here it started in September with snow, which didn’t disappear right up to the present time. And I’ll still get a lot more snow yet, I’m sure, going into March, April, and maybe even beyond, who knows. Because this happens once every 20 years or so they say, it’s not that unusual.


Although of course with geo-engineering going on and all the testing they say that they’re doing across the planet, from official statements from universities that are involved in the geo-engineering projects that, who knows what normal is anymore when it comes to weather control.  Because that’s the purpose of geo-engineering of course.  It’s like that statement the U.S. Air Force put out years ago saying, Owning the Weather.  Look it up for yourself.  It’s been happening.  So this is the whole thing today, you’re living in a system managed by experts from top to bottom, of every aspect of your life, literally. Literally.  [Alan chuckles.]  Even physically.  You’re managed by experts from birth to death.


That is the system that was dreamed about for centuries, actually, before HG Wells came along. He was one of the recipients of the knowledge to do with this world… that people wouldn’t, they’d be hard-pressed to even define. You see, the whole idea of left, right and all this kind of thing, and capitalism, communism, is all strategy of systems, all owned by the same people.  Experiments, if you will, too.  And from the communist experiments, which is just collectivism on steroids in a sense, which is what we have to go into again, a more advanced form of it.  You won’t even probably have a name for it… they’ll keep the same names, oh, you’re living in a paradise, a democratic paradise. But in actual fact it’s a managed system run by scientists, those in academia. Again, planned and discussed and written about copiously for well over 100 years. 


You can get the books on it by many of the participants at the top. Or at least near the top. And even the ones [Alan chuckles.] near the top like the Huxley’s and so on, admitted that they were not at the top, there was still a dominant minority who controlled everything and owned everything basically, who ran the financial systems. Because everything, no matter what plan you have in mind has to take into account this strange thing called money, or means of transactions and exchange and things like that.  Whether it’s the state that appears to be in charge of it, which it never is, or its private groups that are in charge of it, which is more true I think, then we find that they did all these experiments to find out how to control the whole planet better. 


They kept talking about, like I mentioned last week, about necessity and efficiency. Aldous Huxley said it’d probably come about because they have this drive for efficiency. He’s not talking about tying your shoelaces or doing away with shoelaces and putting Velcro on. He’s talking about efficiency from those who saw themselves in charge already of the world, and if they can get more control over every aspect of every individual’s life, like a standardization process, they would achieve their goals much more readily and easily. So that’s where we are today.


The creation of what appears to be a thousand different fragments of the system, all pretending they’re different, are really the parts of the thousand points of light.  This is what they call it in the occult, they’ve always called it that. George Bush Junior called it that too. So did George Bush Senior, a thousand points of light. Very occultic. Working to bring about this utopia on earth for themselves. For their own progeny to control. As the rest of the unfit gradually die off. And they admit in their writings that they have all the time in the world to do it. 


Because our lives are pretty short.  They are pretty short, really.  By the time you hit 40 you might think everything’s just crawling. You wonder, you might be bored stiff waiting for it to pass quicker.  [Alan laughing.]  A strange thing to say but it’s true. And then suddenly it’ll all just go on a roller coaster until you wonder what happened to all the years since. But the thing is, our lives are short and because they’re short, we’re very short-term planners in a sense.  Most folk think to the immediate future, especially men. And it used to be basic, very simple. It didn’t always work out, but the fact is, it was simple. You are young. You would get some kind of work. You would get married for one reason or another, and that was the way for a long, long time, for centuries.  And once you are married you got on with it and you’d have children because there was no contraception at one point.  And once the children came along, both the man and the woman would get stuck in.  They were young. They were healthy. They were able to cope with it. And that’s true enough. When you’re young and healthy there’s less problems for the woman having childbirth in the first place.  And coping with it because it takes a lot of energy, as you know, to bring up children. So that was it, there were no great expectations beyond that. 


And because you weren’t working 12 to 14 hours a day, generally, by then you’d already had big, big mass demonstrations and strikes to bring in shorter work weeks, into a stage where you actually had time to go home and say hello to either your relatives or your wife or your husband or whatever happens to be. You had a chance to converse with them for a couple of hours before you hit the sack and slept, to get up early in the morning for the next work. So that was the whole idea of it.


Before that you didn’t have much time because under laissez-faire capitalism as it was called, the capitalists who owned all the factories, and they owned the country in fact…  And they own the armies.  The armies didn’t see it that way, but that’s how it was.  They were used for private corporations’ businesses, on behalf of the crown as they call it.  And that’s the way it was. You can criticize all you want but that’s the way it was. Lots of folk would join the Army when there was no work. That was standard as well. They were often given simple reasons for the wars, the Empire and all that kind of thing.  They would believe in the propaganda, very basic, you bring civilization to whatever it happened to be.


But in reality, it was for the benefit, in hindsight we see it all, it’s always in hindsight you see things.  You see, it was for really very wealthy, incredibly wealthy [Alan chuckles.] managers of finance based in London who ruled the whole system and the Empire. They used the Empire, really, and the whole idea of what Britain was, or the UK and so on. But what it was, was actually a private enterprise for big, big, big business. Because once it started collapsing people saw the devastation in the country.  There was nothing set up for the people, who literally were in poverty.  They were demolished by high taxes. They were demolished by malnutrition from countless wars, one after the other.  They didn’t even have safety nets, social safety nets to finance the people when they were sick or dying. There was no National Health Service, that’s something that the people got a hard time to… You got to bite on it at times and chew it, don’t you, it’s nasty. But that’s the way it is.


Indoctrination is a tremendously powerful thing.  And it doesn’t take long to indoctrinate people if the experts are involved in indoctrination. That’s the saddest, scariest thing is that it can be done to any generation for any purpose that the masters require at the time. Today it’s just too perfect with psychologists and behaviorists and all the rest of it working full time in big, big panels, with government, like big marketing companies, how do you put ideas across to the public? Like the Behavioral Insights Teams, all psychologists. psychology, remember, was dreamed up to control the public, folks. That’s what it’s for.   That’s what it’s for. Psychiatry was going to go a step further by bringing in drugs with it. And don’t forget, the first drugs that Freud kept prescribing, to even to his friends, and himself [Alan chuckles.] was cocaine. And they had no problem with heroin and so on too.


So this idea of using drugs on the public, this Soma idea, was nothing new. You find Huxley’s Brave New World as well, it hasn’t gone away.  You see it today bigger than ever actually with the legitimization, or legalization I should say, of all drugs.  It isn’t just marijuana that’s to be legalized. They want to go the whole gambit.  Because society is now literally to go over the abyss into the big depopulation program by those who control. And this is not conspiracy theory. It’s not theory at all. I generally just quote by their books that they put out themselves, by authors who are in the big foundations that bring all this about. They’re in the big think tanks that work with all governments advising them on policy generation after generation.


That’s the beauty of it, getting back to your short span of your life. Every foundation has a list of its own agendas to accomplish and work out, including to create more and more nongovernmental organizations, to even recruit and train children to be the future leaders of these organizations in 20, 30 years, 40 years’ time.  And that’s not conspiracy theory either.  You can see it on their own websites. And they do this constantly. All the leaders you see getting churned out in front of you were picked a long time ago and trained for their positions. It doesn’t even mean that they even believe in them themselves. Because you don’t have to tell them all the facts involved, where you want to go with agenda. 


You don’t even have to tell political parties what their whole agenda is. Political parties generally don’t want to know. They just want to get in and to fill their pockets.  And they get rewarded mightily, they all know this, mightily from so many sources if they nod and go along with the policies that are put in front of them. By people who are unelected. That’s the reality of life.  The school systems are such an amazing [Alan chuckles.] system, really. Because it’s got nothing to do with education. It’s indoctrination of policy by those who own you basically. That’s what it’s for.


The reason that Aldous Huxley had no problem, as I talked about last week, about his agenda, the agenda that he saw for Brave New World coming into being where the folk would float through it step-by-step, float into it, with no real reaction against it. And eventually it would be there. It might take 100 years or 200 years, but it would come. I see it already, really. But it would come. Until everybody would fulfill their function in their strata of society, all the different types, all the way from the alpha plus all the way down, for the division of labor for their hive community to work efficiently. That’s what it was all about.   And that really is what it really is all about. And that’s what he meant by efficiency, it would come about by efficiency. 


You can go all the way back into Plato and all the other philosophers of his era who talked about life in general. These people had no real problems in the world, like Plato and Aristotle. They were all of the leisure class who could sit around and drink their wine and indulge in different things that maybe, well, at one time people were horrified about. But the thing is, they could speculate, their whole life was about speculation and humanity, and humanity’s role and place in this universe of theirs that they saw. And they studied everybody.  If you want to control nations, including just even your own nation, you must understand how people work. So you add, they add in every generation all their observations on humanity, and all segments of humanity and genders and everything else.  That’s what they did.


So you find that Plato talked about efficiency and necessity.  He also had his book put out called The Republic where he, that became almost like a Bible in esoteric circles.  And for those who don’t understand esoteric circles, or esoteric lore, it isn’t anything to do with vampire slayers on television. The ‘occult’ is simply ‘hidden’, it means ‘hidden’.  Those who wanted revolution to destroy the old, the old power structures in society, like the Catholic Church, were often people from a different belief system who would maybe want to dominate as well. You’ll find all plays down through history, don’t believe that everyone’s just either a winner or a loser. There’s competition, there’s always power plays between every group out there, even today, in all strata, even in the left-wing, power plays galore and this need to satisfy what you think is your right to dominate others. 


So you find that the occult has always been used to overthrow or try to overthrow existing power structures. Even those who are the recipients of history and power, within ruling organizations, like the long-established churches, because they had incredible knowledge going way back, right up to the present time, of real history as it happens, by parchments and scrolls that were sent back and forth all the time. Just like ancient Egypt as well.  You had, a lot of them haven’t even been opened yet apparently, even in the Vatican. There were so many coming all the time from all over the world. But they have them. And it was the same with Egypt. In fact, some cities in Egypt were built as centers for the origins of much of the Empire’s scroll making, going back and forth, back and forth from all the different parts of their empire.  We have their own histories of this too.  There are still remnants of the histories of... And it was surprisingly efficient. It wasn’t like haphazard, oh, it will come back in a few months with information on this outpost out in so-and-so. No, the Egyptians had it within days sometimes or a week. Very efficient. 


So you understand, humanity and this ruling over other people so that a minority can live like kings and queens is not new.  You had the minority at the top that was often called royalty.  Then you had a priest class in ancient Egypt that were, they were a specialized class in different areas of ruling different segments of society.  They lived better than the peasants who had to till the ground and do all the hard heavy work and supply all the things and make all the things that kept everybody else in luxury, the small minority.  Nothing changed for, really, thousands of years when you think about it really, right?  Nothing really changed until maybe the 20th century.


When into the 19th century, you definitely had the Empire idea of, say, Britain.  It wasn’t the only country of course, France had it too. And other countries, Holland had it for a while too. Even Belgium had colonies across different parts of the world, including Africa, the Belgian Congo.  But you’ve got to understand that these colonies really were to do, as I say, for big business and resources for big businesses. The ordinary people even in their home countries didn’t benefit from it much at all. Life would go on as usual for ordinary peasant classes. We forget that in Britain, for instance, nothing would’ve changed if it hadn’t been for the plagues, the great plagues.  It killed so many of the serfs off.  And serfs were bought and sold with the land, they were the property of the owners, the landlords. It’s a nice term, rather than say they’re slaves, isn’t it? But mind you, too, they could get branded if they moved off the land, if they were buying and selling it, if they actually moved or ran away, they got branded.


So we’ve got to, again, come back to reality and say wait a minute here, what about this free ancient society? As I say, before the Normans came in with this massive organization really that came with it, of social management and Lords and feudal lords and all the rest of it, it was a bit different. And a bit more, I would think more easy to comprehend as a more humane tribal system. But anyway, things go the way they go. And out of this drive, this drive for quotas and guaranteed incomes for Lords, that would pass up their income to the one above them, to the one above them, up to the royalty, up to the King eventually, that’s how it worked, then they wanted more efficiency. 


That’s really why even with agriculture more efficiency came in over time. Not because they wanted to feed more people and keep them happy. Because most of the peasants, 60% I think it was, of the produce was taken from them for taxes. And out of the 40% that was left they had to pay any higher labor that tacked themselves on to them, and they had to pay for their foodstuffs for their animals, and keep themselves alive and so on and for clothing, etc.  So, I cannot look at the past and think it was a sort of wonderful time. Although in amongst it all I’m sure everybody, in little moments of their, or even on a holiday… One thing about the churches, they gave them holidays, a lot of holidays at one time and festivals. And during those times, we all being human can appreciate a nice beautiful day and the things of nature that stick with you. Like an instant of timelessness, as I always think of it. And that’s what we… These are the things that really make life more precious, I think. If it’s all hell, then that can lead you to a different road altogether. 


But getting back to the occultic system. The occultic system is multi-layered, always.  One by the ruling classes for themselves. Another one for the helpers, the professional classes as you call them, who manipulate it all for efficiency’s sake on behalf of the owners, the dominant minority.  And then there’s even lesser ones further down who believe in certain things to do with the occult. But they all believe in one thing for sure, is that you never tell the complete truth to the general population, the peasantry.  That’s never changed. Never will change.  Never.


It’s like, I think there’s been different people in time made the same statement, and I think Roosevelt was one of them, FDR said it too. He said, for everything that happens there’s a good reason, that’s the one given to the public, but then there’s a real reason that’s never given to the public. It’s therefore the same with those who are put in front of the public view who have some kind of power as a helper.  The Al Gore’s, that strata, who give little statements here and there, which you can pick up on and understand, really, if you understand much at all… That they’re giving you two different messages, one for their own group and one for the general public.


And for the true believers who are brainwashed at even much lower levels, lower strata, to do with the environment.  Because the ‘environment and sustainability’ is the mantra they picked on because ‘eugenics’ got a dirty, dirty name causing World War II. Those at the top still believe in eugenics in a big way. And they have never ever changed their opinion on it, that they must change society.  Hence your Brave New World scenario of genetic alteration and eventually the creation of the proper types to run the world, and work in the world, and live in the world. And not this haphazard idea of the old-fashioned way of simply passing on groups of genes, some of which might be, they claim, defective. So that’s the whole idea of it.


Like all movements, way down, really all movements of revolution are a continuation of the same group, by predecessors, and often related in fact, of the same people and families, not always, but some of them certainly have been. You go way back into the Middle Ages and find out the different retaliations of certain segments, for the ruling oligarchies of their days, especially the churches.  Because they themselves, they had a separate religion, and the religion was couched in occultic language for their own safety.  That way if they were ever caught, they could always say that they meant something else and if no one had a dictionary of translations then they couldn’t be prosecuted. It’s always the benefit of the doubt there, you see.


Albert Pike said the same thing. He says, we never speak so plainly as when we do in public. And what he meant, but to other brother masons. Because the general public wouldn’t catch on to what they were saying. You find all talks by Manly P Hall which are kind of fascinating.  He was a very old man talking at one of the philosophical clubs he belonged too and organizations. And that was a popular thing too, the philosophical clubs as they couched it too.  He does go on about what had to be done, and he almost breaks beyond the boundaries of acceptable speech. Because he’s adamant on the fact there’s too many of the wrong kinds of people in the world. Eugenics. And they always tied it in to, long before Al Gore came along or any of the rest of them, but they always tied it into the same things, eugenics. If people out breed the ones who should be allowed to breed, if the general masses out breed them, they’ll use up all the resources. That was an old thing going way back into the 1700s and up to the present day. It hasn’t changed.


So, how do you get the people to stop breeding? Well, you create the problems, you see, that promiscuity, promoted promiscuity will create, which is unwanted pregnancies.   And then you say, oh my goodness, look at this, oh dear, dear, what do we do? And then you introduce the National Health Service systems and then you perform abortions. So you must create the problem first of all, and then say, well, it’s no longer a problem now.  And they make it normal until people think, well, there’s nothing, you know, this is the normal thing to do when you get pregnant. So you can fulfill your goals with the general population by introducing that. It’s been awfully successful.


Because from the 50s and running into the 1960s, and out came the pill, and the miniskirt at same time, and promiscuity.   Once you do that, then you are on the way to destroying the need for a family, the man and the woman and children, and you can go on from there, you see. They say it’s been awfully, awfully successful in the West.  And where you always find this dichotomy, there’s a paradox in a sense, of excuses, is where they conflict with each other.  The ability to hold two opposing opinions in your head and believe in them both at the same time, as George Orwell said in 1984, is doublethink. Your own governments across the world have spokespeople who come out and tell you there’s too many of you, way too many of you, we can’t go on like this and sustain the country, as though they’re supporting you, hm?  I mean, you’re supporting them, on a lot less money than they’re taking off you, but facts don’t matter. So they’re telling you this and at the same time they’re telling you, because they say there’s too many of you, then they’re telling you there’s not enough to pay taxes that we owe, or the money that we owe the banks, so they’ve got to open the floodgates for mass migration. And that’s the excuse for mass migration and the elimination of borders.


You understand what I’m saying here?  Which one is it? You think they’d be quite happy with folk dying off and getting fewer and fewer and fewer people.  Hm.  Do you really think they would risk their own elimination and disappearance at the top, do you really think they’d do that if it was purely because there’s not enough folk to pay taxes? Do you really think that? So which… If they’re not afraid of millions coming across Europe to add to the population, if they’re not afraid of having to support all of them and what they’re consuming, getting taken out of sustainability programs, why would you at the same time say there’s too many of you?  Which one do you want, less or more? less or more?  Simple, isn’t it.  But you’ll never get a straight answer because they have no straight answer to give. Again, there’s always a good reason and then there’s the real reason. You’ll never get told the real reason, you’ll have to dig for it yourselves. 


The elimination of borders is an old, old idea for those who gave you eugenics. They are alive and strong and well through over a thousand think tanks and foundations all working together.  They’re on their way to getting what they want. The elimination of national boundaries. A standardized society. They don’t care about different colors or peoples or ethnic groups.  If they can standardize them all with the same speech, the same understanding, the same new culture, that’s what they hope to bring in eventually, then they can dominate and control all of you and then bring you down population wise. Or sterilize you like the West, already going down the tubes with sterility as we know. It’s one of the main problems that they have.


It didn’t happen by itself. And they’ll never tell you, either, why it is happening.  [Alan laughing.]  You’re in a eugenics program, that’s what I’m saying, and you were in it before you were actually born. In the future a lot will be more so in it because they won’t be allowed to be born. That’s part of it too. You have politicians coming out saying now they are reviving the old idea that came out way back in HG Wells’ day, oh yeah, and his cofounders too like George Bernard Shaw, about the need to even have permission to have children. They’re back to that again, you see.  But again, don’t forget, under eugenics you serve the world state, as they say, then you see your reward, you’ll have lots of rewards but one of them will be to have the right to pass your genes on into a new child, for a new child to be born. This has always been the same goal. 


That really is what’s amazing to me is with under this mass confusion, that appears as mass confusion to the general public who don’t have the time to go into all this stuff, then they can really rush ahead with their agenda.  Which they are doing of course.  But also, their indoctrination techniques are so politicized and spread through all communication, all movies and books and novels, and probably ads on television too, I don’t know, I don’t have TV. So there you go, I mean, it’s through everything. By design, and not because it’s just chance or coincidence. If you go into, as I say, the old occultic stuff you’ll find the discussions really of eugenics, and even reincarnation, that was a big thing that was often couched in reincarnation, for those who don’t know, the idea that, oh, you’re being reincarnated so many times.


Plato talked about it, didn’t he, when he and his friend supposedly in a little talk that they had, Plato says, why do you think we understand basic mathematics and geometry and things like that, you know, and others don’t?  And they give us an example of children and he says, well, come here boy, and he gives him a little puzzle.  And the little boy figures it out and says there you go. And he says about this little boy, why does he know that, where other little boys won’t know this, how to do this or how to do that?  Because we’ve done it before, he said, we’ve lived before.  So that was their way of justifying why they were superior.  Superior is the word, you see.  That was it. That hasn’t changed.  It really hasn’t changed.


And under that doctrine, I don’t care what you want to call it, is a doctrine or a religion.  Hmph.  Secular humanism is a religion too, you know. And for those who say they believe in nothing, except existentialism and humanism, they’re in a religion. Because strangely enough, their mind will go off, they might not, if they can’t, as long as they don’t have a name to brand it with they’re quite happy, but they’ll give you the same signs and symptoms of any other religion. 

Marxists were the same. You need an awful lot of faith to believe in that. Awful lot of faith. Because supposedly it was so complex only the great leaders who designed it understood it.  Ha!  Isn’t that beautiful?


You’ll find the same thing with occultism. It’s often used, and always was in polite circles, as a technique of communication of superiority of class amongst themselves. For those who don’t quite get it. And also remember too, that even with the Hellfire Club you’ll find that Benjamin Franklin belonged to, some of the clubs in those days, and these, they weren’t, these Masonic clubs were not for the average person. They were for masons, sure, but at that time masons were generally people of dignity, they were called gentlemen. Sometimes called Gentile men, but gentlemen.  And they often had a prostitution brothel attached to it as part of it. And you think, well, I guess they’re just indulging themselves, hey. But it was more than just that. It was to do with selective women who had what they called quality and character, and intellect and health, that they could mate.  Again, that was your privilege, you could get mated with one to have an offspring with, out of wedlock, who would be trained then as a form of, many names have been used for, even Alastair Crowley called it the magical child, the magical child, etc.


Today we can read about it in the foundation’s writings, as I mentioned before, they select children. They don’t tell you who bred them.  [Alan chuckles.]  They select children and they train them to be rulers. And in a whole bunch of different areas which govern us all. We don’t elect any of them. Because most of our governance today are unelected organizations.  In this farcical thing called democracy. Anyway, I could get really into depth with all this stuff again.  [Alan chuckles.]  But really, you have to, and you’ve got a chuckle too at the nonsense of it all, you know, how we believe, and I get people all riled up about, democracy. And by God, do they really get riled up, don’t they? Democracy. Democracy.


Here’s the thing too, for those who belong to these organizations, they hate it, and still do hate the general average low educated working-class, they really hate them. Despise them with a passion. HG Wells said it too.  He says, you know, look at the people, he says, the poor, what do you do? He says, you can help them, you can help them get over their sicknesses and illnesses. And he wasn’t just talking about Britain, he was talking about the rest of the world, through charities, etc. at that time. And he says, you can vaccinate them against diseases, and even throw money at them. He says, what do they do? He says, they breed. Folk thought, well, I guess he’s talking about Africa.


Because Africa, they’re always throwing money at Africa and they couldn’t see the results from it, that they couldn’t see it. Because most of the money wasn’t getting there obviously either. The corruption’s rife in a lot of different nations too. Every nation has got corrupt… The groups that rule you are legitimate because they conquered and slaughter folk thousands or hundreds of years ago, and through time they become respectable. Every country is the same.  That’s how it is, folks. Those who take the chances, they’re bold, knights are bold, they slaughter other people, they do things that you wouldn’t do, they take the chances, they’re the ones that win. You see? That’s how it works.  And we’re taught that that’s, somehow now they’re nice and clean and superior hundreds of years later, their offspring. Really. That’s how it happens. Every country is the same.  Every country.


So HG Wells and many of his own ilk were really disgusted with the working-class. But he wasn’t talking about the other countries, he was talking about folk in Britain.  [Alan chuckles.]  Yeah, he was.  The great HG Wells, ‘eh.  And he talked about how rulership of the air, you know, a Masonic brotherhood of the air, a secret society, who would rule through science the general population, in Things To Come. So that’s really how it’s done.  He belonged to all the societies too. And cofounder of the Fabian Society that would achieve its goals for this planned system.  It might take them 100 to 200 years, it depended, to achieve it. Well, they’ve done pretty well to the present time, haven’t they?


And don’t think there’s a separate organization from what was called the far right of its day, those who’d ruled Empire.  It’s just different branches to serve different functions, and to con and use different societies within, and populations within its Empire, that’s all. It hasn’t changed. Eugenics.  Eugenics.  Eugenics. And here we all are, well, really, the end product of it.  They’re even harvesting, and we know this, they’re harvesting, it’s been in lots of top magazines and newspapers with the harvesting of children’s organs for sale and different things like that too. We know all this stuff.  For stem cell research and longevity projects, etc. etc. etc.


That is true too by the way, that they’ve always been, I’ve said it for the last, oh, 25 years or more, that there’s always been three levels of reality existing at the same time in any profession or field of science including medicine. Basic medicine that’s taught in University for GPs is the lowest form of it. There’s another level above it that’s given to people who work for the system tirelessly and got really well rewarded for pushing it all, and they’ll have longevity. Then there’s another level above that too, where they can do amazing things to rejuvenate the body to fight all kinds of disease, including cancer and infections. So when the working peoples at the bottom are told about a new system to fight this or fight that or even cancer, it’s actually obsolete in the second level and third level, or the ones above them. So that’s really how it works in this system. The same with knowledge and everything else too.  


Today finding the truth in this day of mass, mass communication is almost impossible because there’s so much sensationalism going on everywhere, to get hits as they call it, and click, click, click, click bait, etc.  That’s how they think they’re successful, by getting lots of clicks and so on and stirring emotions. And of course, those who rule the world have stacks of massive foundations working tirelessly every day on the Internet with all kinds of pretended reasons for existing for what they do, so it’s pretty well impossible now, I hate to say it, but it’s true. And I knew this would come a long time ago.


Now, let’s look at this big organization that was based in London, still is, of course, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, a private organization… that anyone who’s anybody in history for the last few hundred years belonged to basically. Even before it was called the same… it was called different names before that. Winston Churchill was bamboozled about it. He knew it existed, it was a covert thing, he’d get whispers of it running the British Empire behind the scenes. He made a speech in Parliament about it, how it’s disgraceful how, because he wasn’t in the loop at the time, of how it was really running the whole affairs of the Empire and creating wars for its own gain, etc., for its own purpose. Although it would seem probably during his speeches, he was certainly well aware of what it was and he was part of it with the Roundtable societies and so on.


But it has different levels. It has an inner party and an outer party. And had foreign branches that tried initially to hide themselves by giving different names to themselves.  But it’s the same organization for world Empire that I’m talking about tonight. As I say, all these different aspects of it is part of the same system. The US took over a big, big part of the active participation of funding it across the planet since just before and after World War II up to the present time, under the guise of the CFR and another specialized branch called the Trilateral Commission where the technocrats that do the real signing and drafting up of plans and so on with think tanks and getting them signed without any votes going through, they’re the real movers and shakers.  Including the guys who really manage the central banking system that’s part of it too across the world.


So we’re run by agencies which most folk are completely oblivious of. But it’s the same organization, very old, with the same agenda, working tirelessly through foundations as they hire, work and retire, and recruit and train and retire for generations. They can always achieve their objectives.  Getting back to what I said earlier, we’re short-term thinkers, foundations are not. They don’t have to be.  Hmph.  And this is where we are today with it all too.  But it’s really so sad, the people for the last hundred years worked and died, worked and died, worked and died and went through often wars and everything, never knowing that this was behind everything that was happening in their lives. And all the topics, even for gossip for the papers, was dished out by them too. And entertainment as well, what kind of entertainment, what’s embedded in the entertainment. That’s how all-encompassing this happens to be.


So in the US they had, they made the Rockefeller family the movers and shakers.  It was a big, huge branch for America. And they would go under the guise of philanthropy, naturally. But they would take over, as they always do across the planet, resources, number one, for different guises and under different reasons, but always take over resources. Always to help the people, of course. But also, education as well across the world, standardize education, promote all agendas for sustainability, etc. etc., to the present day.  And finance all the top players and train them, again, from children who were under prominent, in sciences and social sciences and academia, etc. And in politics too. And this is no conspiracy theory, it’s a fact.


In the US there’s a really good book put out in fact about the Rockefellers. It’s about social control and the Rockefellers. The book is called…


The Rockefeller Foundation's Molecular Vision of Life — How the Aims of Eugenics, Social Control, and Human Engineering Shaped Molecular Biology and 20th Century Science / 16 Jan 2009


A Review of Lily E. Kay's The Molecular Vision of Life: Caltech, The Rockefeller Foundation, and the Rise of the New Biology (Oxford University Press, 1993)


Is the molecular biology we have inherited from the twentieth century merely a product of the scientific method, an inevitable set of conclusions spawned by the cumulative impartial deduction of theoretical principles from objective observations? Or was it molded, shaped, and directed by an elite establishment that had aims much broader than the pursuit of science?


In her 1993 book The Molecular Vision of Life, Dr. Lily E. Kay, whom a 2001 MIT News Office obituary referred to as "one of the outstanding historians of biology of her generation," argued that the "new biology" was largely created by the Rockefeller Foundation and its subsidiary program at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) through a consensus between a scientific elite and a business elite whose broader aims centered on eugenics and the need to create a mechanism of social control and human engineering:


The new science did not just evolve by natural selection of randomly distributed disciplinary variants, nor did it ascend solely through the compelling power of its ideas and its leaders. Rather, the rise of the new biology was an expression of the systematic cooperative efforts of America's scientific establishment -- scientists and their patrons  (Alan:  That’s interesting, you see, every scientist is backed heavily by patrons, hey.) -- to direct the study of animate phenomena (A:  Now, animate is everything that moves [Alan chuckles.] including people, right…)  along selected paths toward a shared vision of science and society.


(A:  By the way, this name they give it, molecular vision of life, it was a third version. They already had eugenics before, it didn’t go down too well, and another name too, so this is the third one they used on it.)


The term "molecular biology," in fact, was coined in 1938 by Warren Weaver, director of the Rockefeller’s natural sciences division, to rename for the third time the program originally known as "pscyhobiology," the aim of which was "the rationalization of human behavior."


The model Kay uses to describe this historical process is one of "consensus" that does not necessarily require the active complicity of all scientists. (A:  Now this is beautiful too, how they can use everybody, who are willing, they’re not really quite dupes, they’re well paid for it.  They know what, they probably suspect they’re dupes in a sense but they’re well, they don’t care, most scientists don’t care as long as they get well-padded wallets.) Many of them did not share the goals of eugenics, social control, or human engineering. Many of them, even at the elite level, were interested in the pursuit of "pure science," even though they were certainly aware of the goals of the business and administrative elites within the Rockefeller Foundation. Scientists and Foundation elites needed each other, however, and the end result was that the "new biology" would not be an open-ended investigation of "the riddle of life" but would rather be a directed investigation to answer specific questions in ways amenable to the goals of eugenics and social control.


The Rockefeller Foundation, Caltech, and the New Molecular Biology


The Rockefeller Foundation, founded in 1913, poured $25 million dollars of support into (A:  …this investigative study, you see…) the molecular biology program of the United States between the years 1932 and 1959.


(A:  And they ended up with Nobel prizes, etc. I think they said there was 18 Nobel prizes to do with eugenics and the manipulation of humans and so on and 17 of them were from the Rockefeller Foundation themselves and funded by them. So they also would direct, you understand you can direct where science is going to go, including how to create infertility in people if need be. I mean, there’s a whole bunch of different areas if you are directing the sciences, to do social policies, ‘eh.  Anyway, it says…)


World War I ushered in a new political and economic ideology of "cooperation" that departed from nineteenth century individualism and stressed interdisciplinary projects, "team players," and coordinating managers. The Rockfeller Foundation stepped in during this reorganization of science and played a critical role in shaping it.


(A:  They went into agriculture, a whole bunch of biological studies and so on.  Food, food, food. How do you manipulate people, folks?  It’s all in here [Alan chuckles.] It’s in here too. It also mentions…)


Caltech produced many of the "founding fathers" of molecular biology. These include Thomas Hunt Morgan, Max Delbruck, George Beadle, and Linus Pauling. James D. Watson, who with Francis Crick discovered the structure of DNA at Oxford, was a disciple of Delbruck; his investigations with Crick were largely based on Pauling's paradigm of molecular structures, and he later joined Caltech.


(A:  So they talk about the 17 scientists out of the 18…)


In the dozen years following the elucidation of the structure of DNA in 1953, 17 of 18 scientists awarded Nobel prizes for research into molecular biology were fully or partially funded by the Rockefeller Foundation under Warren Weaver's guidance.


(A:  And it goes on and on. But it’s really fascinating to talk about at one point it was to do with social control.)


The Rockefeller Foundation and "Social Control"


(A:  Social control, folks, most of which would be completely a mystery to those that were being controlled. They’d never figure out their whole reality pretty well was shaped for them, everything they thought about, even their topics of conversation. They have no idea. To the present day it hasn’t changed. It’s everything, isn’t it.  And says here, they could train the whole world basically, and that was the point of it too, to train the whole world into this new system.)


John B. Watson wrote his "Behaviorist Manifesto" in 1913 as well, in which he promoted a new psychology whose "theoretical goal is the prediction and control of behavior."


And this goes on and on and on and how they could train out and maybe even breed out different traits which were undesirable in human nature and put other ones in. It went really into the fields of genetics. It isn’t just purely psychological indoctrination, although that’s a big part of it too. But it’s everything else as well, how you can, you can create whole fads. And you can get, it’s true enough what other members of this organization, they knew about, like Bertrand Russell. They knew there’s nothing you cannot do if you have total control of what becomes the reality of the general public. The complete reality, you understand.  If everything you look at has been designed for you to look at, if every question you’re going to, is going to lead you to questions, so everything, every question that will appear in your mind to do with, is from what they’ve given you already, to make you run in circles and circles and circles in preplanned answers and preplanned questions… endlessly. You understand what I’m saying here?


This is way beyond just the realms of sci-fi.  Because to hold on to your sanity, as I mentioned before, is a very difficult thing. I said that when 9/11 happened, because I knew this whole agenda was going to unravel very quickly and be implemented, and the whole war system and the total observation of every individual on the planet was all part of it too. War was the excuse, the necessity, that word again, necessity. But I’ll put this up anyway. It’s a good article to read. This is a review of the book. You don’t have to read all this stuff yourselves if you don’t want to, but you can certainly read the reviews of it. Because most of this stuff is real nice, the condensed versions because there’s so much to read in this day and age. As I say, circles within circles within circles, within questions within questions within questions, all planned for you to spend your life trying to do. The people involved can’t read all the stuff themselves, it’s too much. They know this.


Also I’m going to put up…


PETER HITCHENS: ID cards are great... if you want to spit on liberty and be a serf - / 6 May 2018


He goes into this push in Britain, it was a great testbed for all this stuff is Britain as they come out again last year and try to push for the ID cards for everybody. Under the guise of mass migration coming in, we’ve got all kinds of criminals blah, blah, blah, so let’s get everybody IDed with cards and so on and so on. But you can’t, as he knows, because he knows history and he knows you can’t go this route.  And he also knows that there’s other reasons for governments wanting to do it on everybody.  Come on.  Come on, folks, you know it all. The same governments that wanted the wars, the same governments that knew mass migration would follow from the countries, because it was planned that way.  It all comes together, no national borders, at the same time.  You can’t get a world system of a new world culture created unless you eliminate nations. Simple.


Oh, they’d never. They’re doing it, what d’you mean they never do it? Of course, they’re doing it.   William Pitt the Younger, he also, he mentioned, he was a British politician in the late 18th century and early 19th centuries, who said, and he was Prime Minister for a while too. He talked about it as well, about basically safety for security and all that kind of stuff too, and necessity. He mentions how necessity, like Peter Hitchens and others too, and I’ve said this too, they always use the term necessity for taking your rights away.  They say, well we have to do it to keep you safe. Oh, we have to ID you to keep you safe. Oh, we have to have cameras everywhere to keep you safe. Well, how come worse and worse things happen all the time, and we’re, oh, it’s getting worse not better when it comes to safety?  Because safety has got nothing to do with it, is it.


Whereas Pitt talks about it too. He says, it’s the cry of every tyrant, every tyrant, is safety.  Hm.  Plato said it. Everybody said it. And I think Milton even said it too. But no, you can’t have any safety.


William Pitt the Younger


"Necessity was the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It was the argument of tyrants; it was the creed of slaves."


Said too, and with necessity, the TYRANT’S plea, excused his devilish deeds. That was Milton of course, Paradise Lost. But that was pretty well, said the same thing, and by Pitt himself, he said…


“It was the argument of tyrants; it was the creed of slaves.”


The same thing too. Oh, you can’t go on like this, folks, you know, give up all your rights, you can’t burn fuel and fossil fuel and stuff, oh, you can’t drive cars, oh no, Agenda 21 for the 21st century, we’ve got to save the world. This necessity. Necessity. Total control.  Remember, total control of every individual, it’s always been the agenda of this secretive but very huge society in the world. 


Another part of it too is bring down the populations. Sterilization. We’ve had all the talks out by different professors in different parts of the world saying, oh yeah, older folk should just take the pill and kill themselves, you know, and let younger folks have jobs. By these cushy nothings that have never worked a day in their lives telling us this!  Do you think they’re all just spontaneous, coming out by themselves? Of course they’re not. They’re getting paid to do it.


And, oh, stop eating meat and stuff. Remember I mentioned last week too, the energy, and food as an energy. And without food you have no energy, you’re dead, people die. All been discussed, it’s not speculation either. 


Vegetarianism led to my mother's premature death:

Prominent NHS cardiologist claims the meat-free diet played a 'crucial role in her suffering' - / 3 Mar 2019


Good article to read actually.  It’s part of eugenics, folks. It was said they would make food very expensive, especially meats and proteins. Over and over. And here you go. Oh yeah, these animals give out too much methane, my goodness, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.  M-hm.  Endless, isn’t it. And also too…


War on superbugs . . .


I’ve read this article. This is a repeat of the same thing. Because there’s more to it than meets the eye. There’s a good reason and there’s a real reason, hey? 


War on superbugs is putting elderly people at risk of dying with SEPSIS / 27 Feb 2019


General practitioners are under too much pressure to stop doling out antibiotics.


(A:  Now, what they don’t mention in this article is the nudge units, the Behavioral Insights Teams that every country employs now to brainwash us all, it’s all through the Internet, they’re rushed into use in every country.  I read the articles months ago where Britain and the British government pays them to try to convince doctors, and prompts them, NOT to give out antibiotics to the elderly now, or even children.  Huh?  M-hm.  Elderly and children, reduce population, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, m-hm.  Anyway, here’s the thing too, it says here that…)


It revealed that elderly people are readily being denied antibiotics for infections.


(A:  This is Britain. This is the agenda, folks. I hope you wake up to this and demand you get what you need. You’d better, or you’re dead. This is deliberate. It’s not a mistake. It’s not some vague opinion that they’re trying to push upon you. No, this is their agenda. So it says…)


National Health Service offers health boards payments if they slash their prescription rates.


(A:  …you know, if they stop prescribing so much, they give them bonuses.)


A study published in the British Medical Journal suggests this pressure may be putting vulnerable people at risk.


(A:  Of course, it is.  That’s the agenda, isn’t it.)


The NHS offers local health boards additional payments if they bring down their prescription rates, and doctors are in turn pressured to give drugs to fewer patients.


(A:  Well, you’d better demand your rights, folks, because you’re getting killed off here. I hope you understand. This is not just in Britain. I’ve seen the articles in Canada too, and they’ll be pushing it on the same people. So when you see your smiling doctor, folks, of who you’ve been trained to worship unfortunately, you’d better maybe start to put on a grim face and a grimace and maybe a bit of anger and say, I really demand my rights here, and demand that you get your proper antibiotics.)


(A:  And the proper length of time. Another con of it too is everybody in the medical profession knows this, everybody knows it, and they used to tell every patient too when they prescribed it.  They would give you about seven days sometimes to ten days of antibiotics and they would tell you, you finish that whole course, don’t ever, even if you feel better, keep it to the very end to make sure that that particular bacterium that’s destroying you is killed off. That was the purpose of it. If you had a few and you felt better halfway through the course, you see, you’ll find that that bacterium is not quite, there’s a few left there and they’ll rebound and they might be resistant to it the time it hits you again, and you notice it, and it’s resistant again to the antibiotic and you need a different antibiotic to kill it off.) 


(A:  They know all this. This is standard, old, old stuff. So if they’re giving you a few days course, by prescription, it’s not the same thing as, you know, taking a whole course. You understand what I’m saying? Legally it may cover their asses, and they know this, they know this, folks, that’s the reason for it, but it’s not going to kill off the infection.  So they’re saying in Britain here in this article, all patients sometimes have to go back to try to get more pills because it isn’t killed off. Well by that time it would be too late, it says it here in the article. It says…)


GPs have been repeatedly told they risk creating a 'public health catastrophe' by doling out too many drugs - and at one point in 2015 they were even warned they could be struck off for overprescribing.


(A:  I guess they can prescribe you marijuana now, though, hey. At least you can die, I guess, in some happy haze. I hope you’re understanding what I’m saying here. I really do. It’s not my opinion, folks. This is just fact. It says…)


The findings suggest that older adults (especially men aged over 85) should start taking antibiotics as soon as possible after diagnosis to prevent serious complications.


It reveals elderly people are regularly being denied antibiotics for infections, raising their chance of sepsis eight-fold and doubling their risk of death.


Well, start the lawsuits, folks. You’d better start lawsuits because if you don’t, they’ll go through the motions of giving you too few pills to do any good to you. That’s the purpose of it. It will depend on who you are of course in this so-called classless society. Believe you me, those who are important [Alan chuckles.] won’t go through any arguing to get what they need.


Also part of it too, again, the war, you see, it’s all to do with necessity, if they can’t get a war on this and the war on that, oh, it’s a war on humanity, man’s causing death to the planet, oh my goodness, hey. The climate change…


Paris Climate Agreement: Everything You Need to Know - / 12 Dec 2018


I’ll put that back up again for those who don’t quite get it yet, what it’s about. 


And those who’ve been trained for their positions, and promoted to the top, who as you know too, they don’t have to be a genius.  They’re far, far from that in fact. I’m surprised they scrape through some of them.  But it says…


Ocasio-Cortez Poses ‘Legitimate’ Question: ‘Is It Okay to Still Have Children?’ - / 25 Feb 2019


Do you think this is all out of her own mind, folks, of what I’ve been talking about here? They train them for years and present them to these characters.  They get well paid for it all too. Well-paid. Doors just open. There’s lots of them out there in every country. As I’ve said before, this is not conspiracy theory. It’s fact, folks. 


Liberal Party study claims household energy bills could soar by HUNDREDS of dollars (A:  Again, energy bills, energy, energy…) under Labor's plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions - / 2 Mar 2019


This is Australia. The same as every other country, though.  Because isn’t it strange that they all pass the same rules at the same time. And you’ve got less money to buy necessities like food, or good food, which is important food, hm, the really important stuff like protein. 


And again, eugenics, eugenics, eugenics…


Chinese government may have funded disgraced scientist He Jiankui to create the world's first gene-edited babies, report claims / 26 Feb 2019


(A:  Old stuff, old stuff. This is how it is.)


•Documents show grants were issued by three government institutions in China

(A:  The same as every other country of course.)


•It is not clear whether the institutions knew how their grants would be used

(A:  Ha-ha.  Ha.  [Alan laughing.] That’s the same as saying that the doctors didn’t know if half the prescribed dose of antibiotics would do any good. Ha-ha. Ha-ha.  Hm.)


•Scientist modified the DNA of twins to make them resistant to infection with HIV

(A:  That’s the excuse that they gave for it. I’m sure every country’s done the same experimentations, or experiments elsewhere in laboratories you don’t even know exist.)


But of course, they’ve had lots of articles over many years about gene editing and the creation of new human beings. Of course they have. You know, in the 70s they actually put human genes into pigs and the American Department of Agriculture and livestock or whatever you call it was involved in it too, by the way. And after the experiments, where they put them into these particular pigs that they bred, they released the pigs into the rest of the pigs.  So human genes were, after the experiment was over, they put it in, and they ended up going through the population of pigs in America, human genes, ‘eh.  It was like turning us all into cannibals.


The things we don’t know would terrify us. It’s bad enough we get terrified by the few things we are told.  Well actually, there’s not, there’s hundreds of things we know that terrify us, really. That’s why most folk don’t want to hear about them. Really, that’s the reason.  You would collapse if you looked at it all. You would. Yeah, it’s quite amazing.


And Facebook…


Facebook is 'actively suppressing posts from conservative media, whistleblower claims - / Feb 28, 2019


Then you have, maybe I’ll do another part next week on this. Because really, there’s just too much to put out there. Most folk don’t want to hear it.  Most folk think I don’t sound distressed enough when I mention these things. But if you get distressed you’re either faking it for different reasons or you’re not fit for it. Because you have to be fit enough to understand the truth. You have to fortify yourself to understand it. And when you’ve known it pretty well most of your life, what’s going on, because only from the books that you read, not the ultra secret, secret stuff that’s not published obviously. But what is published is phenomenally copious, as I say,  and that’s bad enough. 


But I’ve always found that whatever they publish about what they’re going to do, it’s called different names, like the socialist policy of, or the futurist societies programs, or the staggering amounts of articles put out by universities on socialism and socialist policies, etc. etc. Well, you’ll find that they will always, no matter how long it takes, achieve their goals. You find all the top capitalists are on board with this, without exception, as far as I can see. Which leads you to a different whole thing together. Are the top capitalists all part of the same club? And is that how they became the top capitalists, because they promote their own into being that?


Well, actually, that is true. I really don’t believe that the big figures they put forward to you, like child geniuses that end up owning big parts of the Internet, are what they say they are. I don’t think it’s that at all. I think they’re all fronts, well-paid fronts, incredibly well-paid fronts but fronts nonetheless.  You know the CIA has stacks and stacks of legitimate big corporations that produce real things. So does Britain, MI6 and so on, and various Crown corporations as they call them.


But don’t believe, because now is the time these people who turn out to be philanthropist from being geniuses supposedly, it’s strange how they’re all on board with the same agendas as philanthropist, depopulation and a whole bunch of other things. It’s always the same things, isn’t it? Isn’t that rather odd?  Why would you get the same darn thing from all these supposedly different individual people?  There’s only one system here, folks. It doesn’t stand any competition. It really doesn’t. It won’t tolerate it. It never did.


That’s why I can do what I’m doing without breaking apart. Because you’ve seen the cons that are out there. You’ve seen the fakes that come out that just grab information and destroy credibility for other people by acting farcically. Or even getting laws changed to stop people even putting out good information.  I’ve said before, they give you your leaders. They do.


And why are you, how come you’ve been trained into believing you can’t think and speak for yourselves?  I wish everybody could get that and they’d start to work on it. Why do you need people to say, I feel your pain and speak for you. Why? Who trained you into this behavior of conformity? Conformity, standardization, the trained society. You’d better start thinking about it.


Anyway, for those who wanted to buy the books and discs I have look up the website, take note of all the official sites I have there. You can get the books and discs there and you can also donate. It tells you were to donate to as well, how to do it. I hope you get a lot of what I’m saying.


Because this is, this war was on the go long before I was born. But we really have reached a crucial time. Since 2001 you’ve seen this massive rampage of the unfolding of the whole agenda at breakneck speed where everything is to be made anew. All society. All definitions. All reality is, in fact.  And you’re living through it. Even with the force of law where you’re being told what to say, what to call things that you see, and how evil you are if you won’t follow and go along with it, and you can’t see how many fingers that O’Brien is holding up. Think about it.


For myself Alan Watt from a very cold, still very cold northern Ontario, Canada, it’s good night and may your God or your gods go with you.


Topics of show covered in following links:


The Rockefeller Foundation's Molecular Vision of Life / 16 Jan 2009


PETER HITCHENS: ID cards are great... if you want to spit on liberty and be a serf / 6 May 2018


Vegetarianism led to my mother's premature death: Prominent NHS cardiologist claims the meat-free diet played a 'crucial role in her suffering' / 3 Mar 2019


War on superbugs is putting elderly people at risk of dying with SEPSIS / 27 Feb 2019


Paris Climate Agreement: Everything You Need to Know / 12 Dec 2018


Ocasio-Cortez Poses ‘Legitimate’ Question: ‘Is It Okay to Still Have Children?’ / 25 Feb 2019


Liberal Party study claims household energy bills could soar by HUNDREDS of dollars under Labor's plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions / 2 Mar 2019


Chinese government may have funded the world's first gene-edited babies, report claims / 26 Feb 2019


Facebook is 'actively suppressing posts from conservative media / Feb 28, 2019



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