June 20, 2007

Alan Watt    Blurb:

"Conversation with Butch Chancellor –

Martha’s home, thanks to listeners' action.

(Update from May 24, 2007)"

*Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 20, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes)




Alan Watt: Hi folks. I'm Alan Watt.  This is cuttingthroughthematrix.com and you will also find me at alanwattsentientsentinel.eu .  It is June 20, 2007. I'm playing tonight a recording I made of a conversation I had this evening with Butch Chancellor, and it's an update on his wife. His wife, as you know, had to go to hospital and she had a kidney stone removed, and then they decided because she was elderly they’d like to put her to a hospice. Here’s the update:

[Tape begins]

Alan: What we’ll do is just let you talk, and we’ll start off by asking what’s happened since the last time you were on the show?

Butch: Okay. We can do that.

Alan:  You just start off and tell me how it proceeded from when she was in the hospital. Go through the part where they tried to certify her incompetent and all that kind of stuff.

Butch: I haven’t told you, I don't think, that the hospital could have her recorded incompetent and force her into a nursing home. They hinted about it.  They said they could do that. Then a doctor called me, Dr. Evans and he told me that, see they have a neuropsychiatrist examine Martha and he and the entire staff agreed that Martha is, what’s the term?—Demented.  Now let me give you a little bit more here.

Alan: Which hospital was that?

Butch: Saint John’s in Springfield, Missouri. He maintained that they all agreed – these staff people. He alleged that they’d reached the conclusion because Martha had short-term memory loss. The story from Martha was quite different.  They had really pressured her to convince her – a whole bunch of people came into her room she said: doctors, nurses, a psychiatrist, and some office people. Those would be our political Commissars. The FSCPS people. They were trying to pressure her to agree to go into the nursing home, their nursing home, of course.  You don't know Martha, but Martha gets it from her mother I think, and if you want to do something counterproductive you just try pressuring Martha.

Alan:  I guess they were pressuring her because they're trying to classify her as being incompetent, because she wouldn't go along with what they wanted.  Obviously, anybody who won't go along with what they want must be incompetent.

Butch: They must be crazy. You don't want to do what we order you to do. Get this, Alan, now I'm not sure where all this fits in, but when she came home, she came with a couple of buckets of nostrums of various sorts.  When I was going through that I found two tubes of toothpaste, one which was partially used and one which was not open—Made in China.  I've got a little item on my blog about it. On June 1 the FDA, as you may know, told us to dump all toothpaste made in China because it's contaminated with antifreeze.

Alan: That's right.

Butch:  I looked up the first stage of antifreeze poisoning. It sure sounds like dementia to me.

Alan: Boy, I'm sure that's what it's meant to do.  You know nothing happens by accident. They have panel upon panel, and bureau upon bureau to investigate this stuff before the public can get it on the market. They know exactly what’s in everything; they do.

Butch: That's the thing, the FDA made the announcement June 1 and here it was June the 19th or something like that she came home; and they were merely brushing everybody’s teeth over at the hospital – all of the patients – with antifreeze.

Alan: What you might find also are the doctors and the nurses are demented themselves, because maybe they use it too.

Butch: Yeah! Hey, it's free, right?

Alan: That's right.

Butch: You just pocket one of those and give it to your kids.

Alan: That's right; it's sort of passed on like an infectious psychosis. They're all becoming psychotic. What happened to lead up to them releasing Martha?

Butch: What happened was that people like you scared the crap out of them. Let me read you a card. I asked friends and the general public to call Martha and talk to the staff and ask about the condition, just to let people – let the staff know that Martha was not alone. Here’s this card, it says:

Hello Martha, I'm sure sorry to learn you are experiencing the unjust agenda of “these Orwellian times.” Hopefully this will help to wake people up to the reality of what we are all facing. For this I thank you and pray for you to get well, in spite of the treatment you may be receiving, so you can return home. If I can help with any nutritional info, just holler. Nutritional healing is my passion. Signed, Patricia.

Of course they read these cards to Martha, right? Don't you know that one went all over the hospital? [Laughs]

Alan:  I'm sure it would. The people who are the most brainwashed are the ones who have gone through studies in universities. It never dawns on them that their minds are being molded to be an arm of this new world order of totalitarianism, where everything is scheduled and decided by experts. We have no say in anything; of course, they've classified everyone. Look at the young ones. They've got them all on Ritalin – all the young guys.  That's a new phenomenon, a sudden new normal. Any young fellow with leadership abilities is suddenly a problem and has his brain shrunk with Ritalin. Then they've started on the elderly.  It's a standard procedure to decide you’re not really a productive citizen anymore. You have no rights. You're old.  They even start teaching them this in school, not to listen to anyone who’s over 25 or even 30.

Butch: Alan, I've seen this and you may well have seen it too.  When my beard began to grow a little bit grey, going out in public I got all kinds of disdain from people, you know, from clerks. If I went to a restaurant, they would seat me way back in the corner somehow. Give me the worst spot in the house and they would do it automatically.  When I would go up to the clerk at the checkout counter and I hadn’t offended anybody as far as I could tell. I hadn’t said anything and the clerk made it quite clear that she despised me on sight.

Alan: Really?

Butch: Yes. This has been going on for several years that I've been seeing this.  I know it wasn’t me alone because I had this friend and she was in her 30s, mid-30s but she was getting a touch of grey at the temples.  She had decided to go back to nursing school and get her nursing degree. Guess what? They seated her in the back of the class and gave her the lowest grades in the class. She figured out what was going on and went and bought a bottle of dye and she began working on the grey spots, and pretty soon, she was the star of the class.

Alan: It's been drummed into them since the 1960’s, “don’t trust anyone over 30.”  It's actually lower now; in fact, the reality comes from television fiction. There's so many programs on with doctors or young doctors and all this kind of stuff, same with the cops. That's how they have whiskers on their face. They're just too young to be anything of course, but it's to get the young to identify with them and to disregard anyone who is a bit older with some wisdom. That's why they decided in the early 1900’s the agenda would have to disrupt the family unit, especially the elderly, because it was the elderly that taught the grandchildren when the parents were working and very busy. Their history came from the elderly, and that was wisdom.

Butch: That's right. That was one of my problems, I suppose. It was during WWII and my father was working at a munitions plant out in Kansas.  When the snow got high – I had to walk a mile to the school and I was in the first or second grade.  When the snow got higher than my head, my folks sent me back to Missouri to go stay with my grandmother and I could walk just across the corner, the snow was not nearly the problem.  I learned at my grandmother’s knee, just a lot of things. You’re absolutely right.  That was one of the excellent points that you made on the Stadtmiller show, and probably a lot of them were in shock.

Alan: A lot of them were in shock that I was even on that show. It's just a different type, because I don't cater towards the usual patriot movement because I think it's the blind leading the blind.

Butch: Oh absolutely.

Alan: You have to go much higher and look at the overall world situation, the world picture and the ones that have been guiding this for a long time, to realize that this whole “stand up and rebel” is only mandated when it's the right time, because the big boys have planned for it for forty years. One of the big boys will definitely say “it's time,” and then the media can all point to “the crazies,” as they’ll call them. They tried that after the Oklahoma City deal. Every station in the planet suddenly showed these guys running through the forest dressed in odd parts of camouflage gear.  That was flashed all over the world immediately after Oklahoma City because they wanted something to start then. Then they could point and say, “It's the crazy people living amongst you. We’ve got to defend you and protect you,” and that's what they’ll do at the right time. They've been preparing for forty or fifty years for what’s coming down the road, at the top.  Not only that, you know, young guys in the military have been brought up in a generation that generally never had a family – or if they did, it's one parent, generally. Their families are usually the local gang or whoever takes them under their wing and indoctrinates them; and the military takes over from there. They're trained. They've been brought up playing nothing but video games, where your object is to win at all costs. It doesn’t matter how many you kill. That's your military.  Ninety-odd percent of them come back from Iraq and go right into the police force. It's now called the multi-jurisdictional task force, where they combine them all with interchangeable roles.  This is how far it's gone.

Butch: Like the firemen, you know that one guy was wearing jack-boots.

Alan:  I'm sure he's just straight back from Iraq kicking doors down and ordering people about.

Butch: Killing women and children, and here he was looking for some others to kill.

Alan: Yes. I had a guy contact me who is just back from Iraq, who is having some health problems himself—as they all end up doing.  What they're doing is the old terrorist tactic over there towards the Iraqis, where they pick a different area or village every month or so and bombard it and go in, just like a killing zone. They kill everybody who moves. They're trying to terrorize them into submission.  This is the real world. There's nothing nice about war. It doesn’t matter how many movies they churn out, there's no good guys in the war, especially when the good guys should be back home in their own country. That's reality.

Butch: Or down on the border there, Mexico.

Alan: They’ll go anywhere they're told and shoot whoever they're told.

Butch: We’ve got to get onto those illegals in the area, and the more psychopaths the better, so we can start riots here.

Alan: The US funded all the psychopaths in Latin America. The Rockefeller foundation and all the other big foundations have been funding money into Latin American foundations to encourage this.  While the little people at the bottom fight each other and argue in the streets. It's the big guys in the suits and ties in Washington, DC and New York that sit back and laugh, because they planned it all a long time ago.  We've got to understand that everything that used to be the normal is under attack; and that's from the family, it's from what you thought was a culture; it didn’t just develop. The culture has been purposefully altered along a certain direction.

Butch: You really bamboozled that first hour guy with that, you know that don't you.

Alan: I know.  You see, the patriot radio stations for years – and here’s the thing people must understand, I am not my best pusher. I don't push myself good because I come out and speak the truth [laughs] and so I don't compromise. There's a huge business in the patriot movement and it's been on the go since the 60’s anyway.  It's been admitted here and declassified that the CIA started up the whole movement during the cold war.

Butch: Way back when, remember the John Birch Society?

You know old Robert Welch* he was, I don't know, he may have been a mason, I don't know which he was, but he was certainly a government operative in my opinion; and that was the kick off way back there.  I got in there and got every damn book they had. They did bookstores and I bought every book they had, Alan.

Alan: I would say: when you’re trying to get out of the tunnel and see what’s out in the big world, they've already prepared a whole bunch of misleading organizations to get you around in circles.

Butch: In one case I was living over there in Chicago when I first encountered the Birch Society; and I had gone over to the store on one occasion. I don't recall how I did it, but the store manager told me that if I wanted to go up there on weekends, he’d come down and open the store for me and I could get in. So, I did that. I went up there, which was some miles from my home, and when I got there, he was there and he opened the door for me. He sat down at the desk and was reading something, and he said help yourself.  I was going in there and taking armloads of books and putting them there.  I looked around and here were two guys with a camera taking pictures of us. I didn’t know what to say. They moved on out of sight. I said, "Did you see that?" He said, “did I see what?” “See those guys taking photos of us.” They had a movie camera and he rushed to the door and looked out but he didn’t see anything.

Alan: The Toronto Star did an article a few years ago on how the CIA had started off a propaganda campaign against what was supposed to be the communists at that time. They were using Christian front groups at that time to put over the anti-communist propaganda. Now it's declassified in books that the whole culture industry – that meant the left-wing movements, the right-wing movements were all run by the CIA since the 1950s. That's the real world we're living in. Meanwhile as they keep trying to get America back, America has changed from the day before to the day before. It changes so fast.

Butch: Yes. I was glad to see you make that point on RBN, you know – what are you going back to?

Alan: You can’t go back to something that wasn’t yours.

Butch: I wasn’t there to start with.

Alan: That's right; and of course, it's infantile too. We always say “the good old days,” that's when you’re a child and you haven’t realized what’s going on and you’re not paying bills. Your parents are doing the worrying. That's the only good old days you have; and even that, for a lot of young people today, isn’t so good. You know it's ongoing, but people, as Plato said, are the most adaptable species on the planet and so they adapt to every new thing automatically, without even questioning it, as long as everyone else is adapting to the same thing. You can move them such a long way from one normal to the next new normal to the next new normal. Here they are concentrating on the Mexicans coming in, when for the past ten years or fifteen years they've been throwing up cameras all over the place to watch people, all over the US, Canada, Britain, France and so on. This is a big agenda and they divert us with transient phases of the same agenda, but they don't want you to concentrate on the main part. Why have we adapted to being watched everywhere? Why?

Butch: Years ago, let's say it was six years ago, I noticed when we’d drive into Springfield out where the big clover leaves are and the big stop sign was, there was a camera on the pole. A light pole, and there was a camera there. When we’d pull up there, I’d stick my hand out and give them the finger. The fools in the cars behind me thought I was fingering God, I suppose. They never even looked up at the camera; and this was just up there unannounced to anybody. Later, what they called red light cameras and down at the red light where you’ve got cameras, and these are supposed to give you a speeding ticket if you run the red light, right?

Alan: Yeah. [Laughs] It's just amazing, they just happened to build in microphones to the ones in the big cities that they can pick you up having a conversation in a doorway 200-300 yards away.

Butch:  They told folks that was to locate sharp shooting.

Alan: Yes, I know.  That's the reality we're in, a complete movement, massive movement going on long before we're born in fact, and just building up to where we're to go for the next part of the phase, which is total information network. They want to know everything that you’re doing, all the time.

Butch: I think that's what we detected here when I called the hospital and asked for the admission forms and the medical history forms – like 13 years of medical history I was going to have to write down, and I wanted to do it at home where I had some reference and they replied. “We know all we need to know.” That settled that. How could they know anything at all? She’d never been at this particular hospital. It's got to be the TIA.

Alan: They asked you to come in after you refused to go along with their whole agenda.

Butch: Yes. I think if I’d gone in there without an armed bodyguard, maybe a platoon or two, then I’d have been gone.

Alan: You’d have been assessed immediately, too, and then you’d be inside.  This is happening all over. This is standard procedure. Yes, they assess everyone. Then they just come in and take your property. See, this is based on the soviet structure, the Soviet Union. In the Soviet Union, even when the cops came in they would confiscate belongings and split the loot and pass it around upstairs too. Now the hospitals, since the 90’s, they've been doing the same thing, same in Canada.  If the elderly get put in, they try to go up to the next one, see who’s left, get them out of there, put things up for sale because now you’re under their care and they need that money to take care of you. That's their excuse.

Butch: In this country, in the nursing homes, we call this spend-all, and before you can get any Medicare, Medicaid or any of that stuff you must exhaust your modest fortune, whatever it is.

Alan:  Here in Canada, and that came in the 90’s with Bob Ray, they got at you regardless. In fact, they wanted you to sign over all your property to them if possible, so they came out with the living wills and everybody had to get a living will.  The thing is the same, government encourages that, because they have other lawyers working on it every year, changing it, so they have more loopholes so they can get in and still take your property. That's the law now. In other words, it's not meant that you win here. Everything, including us, we're one big business and that's how we're seen from the top. It's one huge human business. You’ve got it, they want it, they get it. It's done through laws.  Now they're not even bothering with laws, they’ll say, “it's our policy.”

Butch:  Alan, I hope you’re taping all this.  This is a better interview than you would have gotten directly.

Alan:  This is what’s happening.  The United Nations now isn’t just a bunch of people who sit there and say, “We’d like to have world peace.” It was set up to bring in, at least for one phase, a form of world government.  For every bureaucracy you have in any country, every level of bureaucracy whether it’s to do with plumbing, electrical, housing standards, whatever, they have a comparative one at the United Nations. Not only an equal one, but it’s the boss and they are the ones that hand out these new upgrades to all the different countries on everything from health to building codes; and it’s signed automatically into law, and it has been since WWII. Now they're only showing their teeth. There's no debates anywhere in any governments about this. The bureaucrats don't even have to go through any politicians. They're just there to keep us busy with our “Punch and Judy” shows. They automatically sign them into law. The United Nations declared their definition of a good citizen as someone who is a producer and consumer. Once you’re retired, you’re no longer a good producer. You're just a consumer.  This is another way of phrasing it from Bertrand Russell’s comment on getting rid of the useless eaters. You see it's all the same thing and that's what the public fail to recognize. We're all categorized according to our usefulness to serve the world state, and that is what the Council on Foreign Relation and the Royal Institute of International Affairs, its parent body, that's what they said in the 1900’s. That everyone in the future would eventually, bit-by-bit come to serve the world state. They would tolerate no excess or idleness.  Their whole idea was to bring about a system of collectivism. That's what they called it. They studied all the systems and of course, they promoted the communist system. They funded it, in fact, from the west. They said that collectivism was the easiest way to control and plan a future society, a society run by experts.  You talk about massive bureaucracies to deal with on the soviet system, and it's the easiest way for a small fascist to take the lead, to take control at the top, and run it all successfully. That happened. That's here.

Butch: Along that line, years ago I got word that this kind of philosophy had been the espoused by the National Educators Association. I think that's their name, the teacher’s union.  I got the quote, the page number and so on in their journal, and I went down to the library to have a look at what I’d be alarmed at, and I found it was on the restricted list. The National Educators Journal was not available to the general public. It's only available to teachers and administrators and so on in the schools.   At that time I was working at a factory and the guy across from me on the machine, his wife was a school teacher and I asked him if he could borrow a copy. I wanted to look it up, and she did and there it was. It said that the purpose was not to educate the child with facts and figures and that kind of thing, it was to make him socially a well-adjusted adult.

Alan: That came, in fact, that phrase, from Eleanor Roosevelt.  Eleanor Roosevelt, when she did her tour of the Soviet Union, big hero the Soviet Union. Amazing too, here’s a US President’s wife at the time going over there.  She said she had to visit the first person on her list, who was her favorite person, Pavlov.  Pavlov, not only was her torturing dogs, he was using all his techniques on children.  What she said when she compared the soviet children to the American school children, she said I don't see any playfulness on their way to school. They're not jostling each other, joking, or shouting or laughing, she says, but, my, they're so well behaved and orderly.  That's what she liked about it. That is the Pavlovian system that's now in the US, because the National Education Association is only a part of the International Education Association, which again goes back to UNESCO, which is the United Nations.  They’ll take orders from the same base to create the same global society; and when the US goes in to conquer some country to free it from whatever it's supposed to be under, they always make sure the first thing they do is set up the schools. In comes UNESCO, like they did in Iraq. They train the first generation in so-called democracy and the way of living in democracy. That's what they've done. It's a standard procedure in every country they've gone into.

Butch: It was a few weeks later that the headline in the Chicago Sun Times read: “Teacher Knifed in Social Adjustment class.” So, I take it that the application needed a little sharpening up there. I’ll long remember that after finding that this was what they were trying to do to those kids and some kids didn’t like it.

Alan: John Dewey, you remember, was brought in and I think he took over from Manning.  Dewey said we shall start to eradicate history because it's dissention amongst peoples.  They had already planned this whole phase of integration of the world. They brought the cultural system they’d have. It was already planned in the late 1800’s, early 1900’s. John Dewey said that we’ll eradicate the history that would cause any dissention and will actually create a basically ignorant class of young people who don't know any history and then can be molded along a new way.  That's happened.  The youngsters now have no education as such.

Butch: Oh yeah, and no vocabulary, no ability to read, so there's no way for them to get an education.

Alan: Yeah, “Like, cool man.” [Laughs]

Butch: Oh yeah, “like, you know man, like wow. Gnarly man.”

Alan: “Totally.”  That's it, it's called linguistic minimalism.  George Orwell as you know talked about how the dictionary would get thinner every year, and it's happened. It's all here. George Orwell wasn’t predicting with a crystal ball. He’d been chosen from Cambridge University to work for the elite.  He understood the agenda and he wasn’t guessing this stuff. He knew it and came out and exposed it.  It's all happened. The whole patriot business can go on forever selling all their fear-based products, because that's all they are, fear-based. It's the stuff that they couldn’t sell that they set for fear.  It's going to do the public no good because they don't even know what’s happened in the recent past, never mind further back or what’s even happening now.

Butch: Get your gold and silver here, Alan, your paper money is no good.

Alan: It's amazing how Christians can take the same stuff. They're very selective to do with their holy book, you know, when it comes down to “they shall throw their gold and silver in the streets” because it will be of no use to them; they don't seem to believe that bit.  They prefer to take their charities on the material side rather than on the spiritual.

Butch:  I maintain that if I dare take a silver dollar down to Wal-mart and try to purchase some gum with it, they would hit the big red button and the floor team would hit me.

Alan:  I think so.

Butch:  The poor little clerk there has never seen a silver dollar and she’s never heard one mentioned, I imagine.

Alan: Somebody gave me one once, and I went to the bank with it when I was dead broke, and they gave me a dollar for it because it said on it “one dollar.” I got one dollar for it.

Butch: [Laughs]

Alan: That's what I got.  In a barter situation, that's all it is, it's a barter. I don't care what you bought it for; in a depression, if you want a loaf of bread that guy with the loaf of bread will decide how much he's going to want from you. He may want the whole bag.  That's the reality and it's been confiscated before because Roosevelt confiscated the gold.

Butch: I heard my grandparents talk about that. People were turning in their gold nib pens because the government said you’ve got to give us all your gold.

Alan: To bail us out. You know something, I seldom ever watch television because I know it's purely indoctrination. Even the fiction is propaganda. There was a program on about the guys who had found the Titanic with sonar in the deep-sea diving stuff. It was fascinating because they were following the routes that US shipping took during WWII and a lot of them were sunk of Greenland on the way to the Soviet Union, because the Soviet Union was a priority. They had to make sure Russia survived as the Soviet Union. It's an odd thing when it's your archenemy supposedly that you’re going to save.  However, they started to find what they knew they were looking for, and they spent a lot of money looking for these ships that had been sunk.  They went down with this very good equipment and you could see very clearly these ships were laden with crates and crates of bars of gold from the United States.--

Butch: I’ll be darned.

Alan: --On the way to the Soviet Union.  I thought, my god, this is just one ship and I don't know how many – hundred and hundreds of gold bars, and I remember the Soviet Union was not on the gold standard then. What did they need all this gold for?  They were shipping it from the US from Fort Knox. That's why there's nothing in there. [Laughs]  They were moving it out somewhere else, the guy said that, and they did recover a lot of it.  They said there's many more ships that were sunk on the way to the Soviet Union that were carrying these gold bars. Fascinating stuff when you just think about things, why would the people on the ruble, who are not on any gold standard, need gold during WWII?  They didn’t have to pay any country back in gold because everyone else was getting taken off of it, too, since Roosevelt took over. It's a fascinating thing if people just think that everything is a giant scheme and a giant con-game.  Then of course the Rothschilds get up every morning and he sticks his finger out the window and he decides what the value of gold will be that day on the exchange as a commodity.

Butch: Right. They fix the price.

Alan: It's a good guess.

Butch: It's the gold six they call it and isn’t that an obvious term.

Alan: Exactly, so is the market. See, the “market” is for animals. That's where you took animals; and so you have the exchange market and you have the business market and all the rest of it. That's where the animals go; and that's why, in this fake economic system, you have a bull market and you have a bear market. These are all astronomical terms they're using because they used to just study the old stars, etc.  You have the bear, which is Arcturus. That’s the great bear. Then you have all the other ones, the bull, the Taurus market. It's a big con-game. Just like the zodiac swirls around every year, you’re watching the market do the same. It swirls around. It's all fixed; but in a giant casino where they put your pensions and everything and tell you it's quite safe. [Laughs] Let's all gamble!

Butch: The wheel is fixed and it's not fixed as favorably as those in Las Vegas. You know they have to let the customer win in Las Vegas once in awhile. It keeps them coming back, but I’m not sure they have to do that in the stock market.

Alan: It's funny too, I can remember in Britain that the casinos started to sprout up too, but they were authorized by the government. Then they just sprouted across Canada, again authorized by the government who said we could pay off the national debt with them.  It's funny, taxes go up, we're still broke supposedly and these things are bringing in millions and millions every month, but we're not told where it goes.

Butch: Here we were told that this is going to pay for the schools. Your kids are going to have plush schools. They funneled it into the schools at the top, but down at the bottom they were funneling it out, so the net results for the schools was zero.

Alan: Everything is a racket and the big mafia run the system, the real mafia – not the guys in Chicago, but the real boys. I get people in government in bureaucracy phoning me and telling me stories all the time, and it's just amazing where the money goes. It's in pockets all the time.  The psychopaths get into power. They lust for power. They want to get into the biggest jackpot there is, and that's the taxpayers honey pot. They want to get those claws into that honey pot because there's no questions asked.

Butch: You cough up whatever they demand and who knows what they do with it.

Alan: We’ll never know. I do know the rackets that go on.

Butch: Locally, we’ve had a bit of a scandal with city government. It turns out that the municipal court was missing 1.6 million dollars and the mayor was recently on a local radio show and somebody asked him about that and he said, we're on a 7.6 million dollar budget, 1.6 really doesn’t amount to much.

Alan: It probably fell out of their pockets into their seats or something. 

Butch: They haven’t found where that money went and they're not looking for the losses anymore.

Alan: Oh no. What they’ll tell you is that the cost of an investigation would outweigh the loss. Meanwhile, of course, each individual under this world order must be more responsible than they've ever been before and accountable for every penny you get in. Orwell said it perfectly, he said, “Some are more equal than others in such utopias.”

Butch: That's for sure.

Alan: Isn’t that true? And how is Martha settling in?

Butch: She’s doing really good and there's really something I should tell you. There's something strange going on. I have these reports for her from the hospital that they had given her a swallow test, that she had flunked the swallow test.  I got all these reams of their instructions on what to do about her diet, like she could not swallow thin liquids such as water, and so they were thickening her water. No straws were to be used. We had a sippy-cup that had a couple of tiny holes in the lid where she was supposed to sip a little bit. She didn’t like the thing at all and she demanded a straw, so I gave her a straw and hey, it worked. No problem, and it went on, Alan, and instead of doing and blending her foods, I started off immediately doing that because that's what they told me was required; and Martha kept demanding real food. Okay, let's take it slow and see what we can do. Guess what? She was eating boiled eggs on diced fresh tomatoes and demanding some toast to go with it. So the whole thing was – what were they doing?

Alan: Maybe she wasn’t able to swallow her aluminum oxide in the hospital they were feeding her.

Butch: [Laughs] Maybe that was it. She wouldn't swallow the toothpaste.

Alan: Did they give her any sedatives in the hospital?

Butch: I don't know. I have requested her medical records and I haven’t received them yet. I've also requested a friend on mine to send them to her.

Alan: Yes, because that can also affect her swallow reflex.

Butch: Right, but you know the thing of it is that when she comes home she’s eating like a horse.

Alan: Whatever she was on is wearing off; and of course, they’d have her on one of these liquid diets, preparing her for the hospice. In the hospice, you get caught in Haladol stuck in a chair that you can’t get out of and you just sit there and you drool, because the Haladol causes the side effect that you drool and can’t swallow your own sputum. Yeah, they're getting her ready for the “exit farm,” I call them, the hospice. I've had doctors in the states tell me that.

Butch: They were all set to do that. That was their plan from the beginning, apparently, and it didn’t work out and principally the reason it didn’t work out was that the furthest one out was New Zealand.

Alan: I know some of the people there.

Butch:  I think that it finally dawned on them that there was easier meat somewhere else; and why risk further exposure?

Alan:  Why stick with this one when they've got dozens everyday to pick from?  This is happening every day all over the place. This is what people have got to understand.  When each one of us – we’ll all be there one day. We're all going to be there one day.

Butch: …They're moving the thing back. They've been going for the weak, women and children, to the disabled and the elderly, but they've grown fat and strong on that diet and now they're going after the strong and healthy.

Alan: The problem is that now the people since Dr. Kildare* and all the rest of it, Ben Casey* and all these different television doctors – and in Britain years ago they had an emergency ward ten, a drama, and then of course they've had dozens and dozens of drama series since to indoctrinate the public into this is the way it is, so you don’t question authority. You just go along with them. You're not an expert, so once they decide you need something, you better obey because you have no qualifications.  That's what they brainwash the public with, through fiction, through absolute fiction.  There’s authors in the 1950’s who worked in the United Nations, who said they would do this via television. They would use it to disseminate propaganda via fiction, to train the public and it's happened.

Butch: Yes, and they've done a bang up job of it, where if you get in a conversation with someone who watches TV, you’re going to find out that they totally reject any reality. I was talking with a friend and he brought the topic up about these supposed Arab terrorists from Venezuela or somewhere, Santo Domingo, I don't know, but they were about to launch an attack at Fort Dixon, New Jersey.

Alan: [Laughs]

Butch: Yes, that's just the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever heard.  I told him that and he said, “All those soldiers out at Fort Dixon don't have any guns or ammunition.”

Alan: Budget cuts, eh?

Butch: If what you say is true about all of those soldiers, the ones who are going to class, or whatever they are issued, guns and ammunition, they keep that stuff down at the armory.  When they want all those of people to have guns, they just go down to the armory and get the guns and ammunition. It has nothing to do with the guards. The guards on the gate patrolling the streets of the fort are military police, and you better believe that they are armed and that they have ammunition in those weapons.  The ordinary military policeman carries a pistol and it's loaded and he has extra clips for it; and in the back of his post, or the back of his jeep that he's patrolling in, he has a sawed off shot gun, and it's loaded.  I said, “You’re telling me that those idiots think that they're going to go up to the guard post and start shooting?” He says, ”They were going to buy some guns.” I said, “What are these guys going to do with guns?”  As if they don't have guns of their own. You can buy guns from a government agent, right?

Alan: [laughing].

Butch: Why didn’t they have guns of their own? They most likely didn’t have guns of their own because they probably didn’t know how to use one.

Alan: The fact is, and we know this from past experience, all the big groups that we're hearing all day, Al Qaeda, etc., etc., which is a CIA term. They started up these groups during the cold war, again, supposedly to fight the soviet system.  Back in the 70’s, it's actually counting the newspaper from the top think tanks in Britain that when the cold war was over there’d be a problem with all these groups that the CIA and MI6 had set up, because there’d be armed groups etc who are very militant. They're very nationalistic because they're encouraged to be nationalistic to fight for their countries against the Soviets, so the CIA, once again, never left them. They had the contacts at the top with a lot of these groups and they're all working hand in glove to bring about the chaos you see. It's the people down at the bottom who do the dirty work, who get caught, who have no idea that they're being fooled. That's why I tell all young people of all ethnic persuasions, don't join a group because you’ll find the guy at the top who is getting you all stirred up is probably working for the CIA. They admit it. They ran the left-wing groups, the communist groups. That's declassified now. They ran the communist groups in the United States, and Arthur Schlesinger*, all the big famous faces that you see on the television, these were all members of first the OSS then the CIA. That's declassified now. It's amazing. I call it a matrix because there's many levels to it.  Massive funding went into the creation of culture. They had a department in the United States run by the CIA. It was them that funded all the rock, the drug, sex, etc. movements – it's now officially declared. They ran all the ultra-feminist ones. We know that Gloria Steinem* she was employed and paid and funded. They even started up her news magazine for her to bring out the woman as goddess type deal to further separate the family. This is all from their own CIA.

Butch: You really made some excellent points about the destruction of the family, about how it started in the 20’s and kind of got derailed there by the facts of life; and later they brought it back again and were much more successful.

Alan: At that time they worked full-tilt towards a pill, the pill – the contraception pill.  They worked full-tilt towards developing better drugs to dish out.  They tested those drugs too on military personnel before even the teenagers were given them.  This was a strategy. They were looking a hundred, two hundred years down the road as to the kind of world they were going to create from the top.  They had to destroy all that was to make room for the new. That's the term that they used. If they could destroy the family unit, they would destroy the continuity of oral histories and personal histories; and then when there's no one there to stand up for anyone, the government can dictate right to you. Just like George Orwell’s “1984,” the big screen was in your home, and that woman was up there telling you to keep fit and all this stuff. She was speaking directly to you. There was no one there to help you.

Butch: That's right. Do those physical jerks.

Alan: That's right.  What you had was literally one-to-one government, right to you. No family to stand up and say, “no you can’t do that.” That's what they wanted.

Butch: It's really evident to me when they speak of this.  I remember the family get-togethers when I was a kid, and my uncles would come in and my aunts and so on, and there was no TV. There was a radio but you didn’t turn that on until about 6 o’clock, there wasn’t anything on worthwhile, and you might turn it on and listen to some Amos and Andy or something.  What people did was sit around and talk and exchange stories about what they had seen and done, and it was a totally different thing. Today, if you could get a family together, what would they do? They don't know anything. They don't see anything. They don't make any observations.

Alan: They don't communicate.

Butch: No, and they wouldn't tell you if they knew; or, they couldn’t tell you.

Alan: They can’t communicate. They don't know how to speak to people because they've grown up with that television hypnotizing them; and when that's on, no one talks, everyone stares, its hypnotic. It was intentionally developed to literally destroy communication between peoples. Even in Britain, the place where local people went was a bar. There was always a local pub somewhere. Everybody came in there and they’d discuss everything: all politics, all personal things that were happening to them by governments, etc. That's all you heard was men talking. You learned a lot. You heard a lot of things being discussed – things you didn’t know about.  Then, all over the country at the same time here came a TV and sports in the bar.  If it wasn’t that, it was the music blaring until you couldn’t talk anymore, but that was also directed from the top—mandated, because most of the bars were chains in Britain. They were big long chains so they could implement that at the top, and it just stopped all conversation.

Butch: One of the interesting events that I recall was in Boston there was a place there in the central city called Bughouse Square.  This was where anybody could take a soapbox and go down there and stand up on it and express their opinions about anything, and try to draw a crowd and try to persuade the crowd to their particular argument. You could go down there on Friday or Saturday afternoons and early in the evenings, and there might be 30 or 40 guys out there spouting whatever they wanted to spout.  I haven’t heard that mentioned since those days. I would bet they put a quietus on that.

Alan: They would. That's similar to Hyde Park in London where they have the soapboxes. You’ll get people, like tramps going up and saying the most amazing stuff. However, there was a book called “Straight and Crooked Thinking” that came out about the 1930’s or 1940’s.  It discussed the fact that the public had been conditioned even then not to listen to a person dressed in rags, even though they would tell you the most profound and true things. However, if you take the same person and you dress him up with coat-and-tails and put him in the London Palladium and advertise him as being some master professor, and they’ll come up by thousands and pay money to hear him.  Then they’ll go home and quote him forever; and all he's doing is saying the same things.  That's perception and judgment.  Our judgment interferes with that which we can learn, so this is the standard technique of creating a world where the public are trained only to listen to experts. By that method, you can make them believe anything.

Butch: All you got to do is pay the expert.

Alan: That's happened. If you’re not an expert, you’ll be dismissed.

Butch: I encountered that back when I was doing political organizing myself and was invited around to the universities to do a little talk, and when I met a hostile professor – and you know I met a bunch of hostile professors – their students invited me to their class on political science or whatever it was.  The hostile professor’s first question is: what do you do for a living?  I said, “I repair machinery.”  That just sunk me, right?

Alan: That's right.

Butch: I should have lied to them.

Alan: Persona non grata. You were a nobody.

Butch: They can just dismiss anything that you have to say.

Alan: Why are you talking? What, you’re plumber? I thought Jesus was a carpenter, you know? [Laughs]

Butch: They say that. I wonder if that was some kind of Pharisee slur.

Alan: It could have been a Pharisee slur or an old Masonic reference to a builder.

Butch: [Laughs]

Alan: The Hebrew term actually could mean builder too.  It's fascinating how they can create altered perceptions and here we have it. This happened now too with war. That's why still they’ll keep showing you Hitler with a uniform on, and Mussolini with a uniform on, and Stalin with a uniform on, and of course, the whole idea is: that's what a tyrant is, see. Here you have guys in business suits because business is good, and business suits are good, who are doing exactly the same thing, saying the same things, but again perception is distorted because we’re being trained to only believe that guys in uniforms are tyrants. [Laughs] It's all psychology.

Butch: I don't know, Alan.

Alan: When did Martha actually come back? When did you bring her back?

Butch: She came back last Friday.

Alan: Was it sudden or did they give you much warning?

Butch: They called me up and were trying to pressure me to send her to a nursing home, and they persisted right up to the end with that stuff. I said, “did you ask Martha about this?” And the guy said yes. I had a couple of phone calls about it and eventually I got a call from this Dr. Evans and he was saying,  “Yeah, we asked her about it.”  I said, “What did she tell you?”  He said, “She doesn’t want to go.” I said, “Did she also tell you that she worked for 11 years in a nursing home?” “Yeah, she did tell us that.” He said, “We have to ask you what you want to do.” I said, “I'm with Martha.” It had reached the point that I think they wanted to get her out of there, simply getting too much attention. I had friends calling up wanting to interview Dr. Evans and him refusing the call. I had friends calling up and wanting to interview this one and that one, people who had been advocating sending Martha to the nursing home against her will. I think they were feeling the heat, so this guy says we're about ready to release her. That was on Wednesday. I didn’t know they were going to do that. It took me by surprise. So, I said, can you send her home on Friday so it’ll give me the following day, Thursday, to get health nurses in here to help her; and he said, yeah we can do that. So, she came Thursday about 3:00 in the afternoon.  We have had people coming in to see about her. The first one arrived here this afternoon.

Alan: These are health workers?

Butch: Yes. We’ve had a nurse here. Ruth was here yesterday, and we had a nurse’s assistant here today and she was top notch. I learned a lot about how to put a sheet under a patient here in just a matter of minutes, and I'm really pleased with the people that we have that are coming in to help.

Alan: That's good.  I'm sure Martha’s happy too.

Butch: Oh yeah. She’s so glad to be home. She was really running a lot of anxiety because they kept pressuring her to go to this nursing home. They were treating her – one of the things she didn’t like – they were treating her like a child.  Martha was enraged when she told me.  These people were gathered around her and trying to make her say something she didn’t want to say.  She said, “and do you know they asked me what day we got married?”  All the time they had it there on a piece of paper.  She was infuriated with them. They were playing all kinds of little games along that line, trying to break down her resistance to going off to the nursing home. Of course that wasn’t going to work with Martha.

Alan: No, she was strong enough to understand the whole thing.

Butch: She was in survival mode.

Alan: You can imagine how many actually succumb normally.

Butch: Yeah, because these are experts and they're telling you this thing. They have no experience with nursing homes, perhaps, and they don't know and they've been told it's a wonderful place.

Alan: Sunset Boulevard.

Butch: [Laughs]

Alan: I know.  I'm glad it's worked out. It's the small victories because you’d always remember it's happening to other people everyday.

Butch: That's right, and it is happening everyday to everyone out there; and the people need to know that, Alan. This was not some set-up for Martha alone.

Alan: I know. It's standard practice for them now.  As an old man would say, “As I am now, so you will be.”  It will come around to everyone, this, and suddenly you’ll find it's not like television dramas at all.

Butch: Right.  Since the Terry Schindler Schiavo case, it can happen to anyone of any age. I think she was in her 30’s, but that decision, her order of execution established that the lowest judge on the totem pole – the probate judge can determine that anyone is incompetent and toss them into a nursing home, never to get out.  Once in a nursing home, age isn’t a matter either.

Alan:  As this anti-terrorism bill marches and unfolds, because it’s meant to unfold, and it's spread can encompass just about anything. Your opinions, your “inflexibility of opinions,” which they've taken from the Soviet Union, that was enough to get you locked up in a psychiatric hospital in the Soviet Union.  My goodness, you’re going to see it all coming down now because they want everyone to have psychological evaluations on a routine basis.

Butch: That was Bush’s new freedom that he announced.

Alan: Here’s the key. See, these guys tell the truth in a lawyer type fashion. It was like the new deal. You see what Roosevelt was talking about was a new constitution. People don't understand that. If there's a new freedom—that means there must be a new definition of freedom; and there is. There is a completely new definition.

Butch: The definition was in that particular announcement that every citizen in the United States would be examined for psychological problems and treated.  It was to start off in the schools. 

Alan: I saw some of the training manuals that a girl teacher brought home from the university, on what to look for in children, mainly boys.  Just glancing through it and all of the symptoms for either hyperactivity, attention deficit, whatever they claimed it was going to be, I thought none of us (in my classes in years gone by), none of us would have passed them. We’d all have been on Ritalin. I realized that and I told her that too, and she knows. I told her, you’re a prostitute, you know, you prostitute any convictions for money and she knew it too.  That's the sad business that we're living in. 

Butch: That they have people that will do these things to children.

Alan: Mainly, again, it's single parent mothers and their families. The mothers, because I've talked to people who worked in pharmacies who feel like shaking them coming – these mothers coming in to get the drugs to put little Tommy on, that's going to destroy his brain, because they listen to the experts.  Thanks for coming on, Butch.

Butch: Thank you for having me, Alan; and if I may, I would ask any of your listeners to contact me if they have seen these fake firemen in operation. These jackbooted thugs dressed in black who pretend to be firemen and are not.

Alan: Who have pistols on their hips.

Butch: That's right, firemen with pistols on their hips.

Alan: Maybe they're water pistols! I never thought of that. [Laughs]

Butch: [Laughs] Hey, haven’t they been forbidden?

Alan: Probably.

Butch: For kids, I think, anyway.

Alan: If they look too much like the real thing, I guess.

Butch: They're made out of little orange plastic and this must have frightened somebody.

Alan: I'm sure.

Butch: My website is vetzine.blogspot.com and my email is theseorwelliantimes@fastmail.fm and if you’ve seen these guys in action, or you know somebody who has, feel free to contact me. I’d like to know just how extensive this is.

Alan: Okay. Thanks for coming on, and I’ll talk to you again, Butch. 

Butch:  Thank you, Alan, and have a good evening. 

Alan: Will do. 


There you have it, folks.  Thanks to all the listeners who called from Europe, Australia, New Zealand, the U.S. and Canada to the hospital where Martha was being held.  Thanks to all those who wrote letters and sent postcards, which were read by the staff to Martha.  It turned out some of them were even passed around right through the hospital; because the information on it, the indignation of what was happening started to penetrate the conditioning of the hospital staff, especially the nursing staff.  This is how you change people; a slow process, but bit-by-bit, you can get through; you can break the spell of their educated indoctrinations.  From Hamish and Myself, it’s goodnight, and may your god or your gods go with you.


Song:  "Soledad" by Gypsy Kings