"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt
(Guest on The Russell Scott Show)


Nov. 13, 2013
"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt
(Guest on The Russell Scott Show)

Scientific Indoctrination in a Global Society - Culture Creation - Programming for Changes - Orwell and Huxley - Fake Resistance - Rule by Experts - Tax-Exempt Foundations and NGOs - GIRFEC and Mandated Psychiatric Testing - CFR/RIIA - Drugging of Children - Bertrand Russell's Experimental School - Industrial and Post-Industrial Society - Technotronics - Scientific Tyranny - Tribal Societies - Standing Armies - Countries Borrowing from Private Banks - Debt-Free Money - Conspiracies in History - Planning before Iraq War - Anti-Terrorism Bills - Middle-East War List - Embargoes - Soft and Hard Power - Syria and Iran - Britain in India - Vetted Politicians - Revolutionary Secret Societies - Wars for Resources - Kabala - The Beehive - Blavatsky and New Age Movement - Distraction and Fascination - World Order.